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Factors determining the psychometric assessment of patients after hip replacement surgery
Czynniki warunkujące ocenę psychometryczną pacjentów po protezoplastyce stawu biodrowego
Michalczuk, T.
Ślifirczyk, A.
Krajewska-Kułak, E.
Piszcz, P.
Gałecka, A.
Kowalenko, M.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej
psychometric assessment
human disease
hip replacement
life quality
Background. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of selected factors such as place of residence, education, age, duration of hospitalization and pain intensity before and after hip replacement surgery on the level of acceptance of the illness, on the subjective assessment of the patient’s state of health during surgery and on the level of pain and the ability to manage and reduce pain. Material and methods. The study included 181 patients diagnosed with hip joint degeneration and qualified for total hip replacement hospitalized in the Regional Specialist Hospital in Biała Podlaska, Poland. The study was conducted by means of a diagnostic survey with the use of a set of questionnaires: Acceptance of Illness Scale – AIS, WOMAC Scale, SF-36 Questionnaire, BPCQ Questionnaire. Results. More than half of the respondents (55.2%) were highly accepting of their condition. The level of acceptance was influenced by the place of residence, education, age, the intensity of pain after surgery and functional limitation. The overall assessment of the quality of life in the physical domain was – 62.9 points, with the worst scores for physical functioning and general health. Analysis with the WOMAC questionnaire showed that the majority of the subjects scored below 50 points on the functional limitation scale. All factors, except the level of pain before surgery, influenced the degree of functional limitation. Conclusions. Age, place of residence and education provided opportunities for pain control and the ability to reduce pain was perceived by those with longer hospital stays. Participants from cities had the highest quality of life. Education influenced the quality of life, which decreased with age and higher pain intensity. The better the quality of life, the higher the level of acceptance of illness, and vice versa.
Wprowadzenie. Celem niniejszej pracy było zbadanie wpływu wybranych czynników ta- kich jak: miejsce zamieszkania, wykształcenie, wiek, czas hospitalizacji oraz nasilenie bólu przed i po zabiegu operacyjnym protezoplastyki biodra na poziom akceptacji choroby, na su- biektywną ocenę stanu zdrowia operowanego pacjenta oraz na poziom bólowy i umiejętność panowania nad bólem i jego obniżeniem. Materiał i metody. Badaniem objętych zostało 181 pacjentów z rozpoznaniem zwyrodnienia stawu biodrowego i zakwalifikowanych do zabie- gu operacyjnego całkowitej alloplastyki biodra hospitalizowanych w Wojewódzkim Szpitalu Specjalistycznym w Białej Podlaskiej. Badanie przeprowadzono metodą sondażu diagno- stycznego z wykorzystaniem zestawu kwestionariuszy: Skali Akceptacji Choroby – AIS, Skali WOMAC, Kwestionariusza SF-36, Kwestionariusza BPCQ. Wyniki. Stwierdzono, że ponad połowa badanych (55,2%) w wysokim stopniu akceptowała swoje schorzenie. Na poziom akceptacji miały wpływ: miejsce zamieszkania, wykształcenie, wiek, natężenie bólu po zabiegu oraz ograniczenie sprawności funkcjonalnej. Ogólna ocena jakości życia w dziedzinie fizycznej wynosiła – 62,9 pkt., przy czym najgorzej wypadła ocena funkcjonowania fizycznego oraz zdrowia ogólnego. Analiza za pomocą kwestionariusza WOMAC wykazała, że większość badanych, w pomiarze stopnia ograniczenia sprawności funkcjonalnej, uzyskała poniżej 50 pkt. Wszystkie czynniki, poza poziomem bólu przed zabiegiem, wpływały na stopień ograniczenia sprawności. Wnioski. Wiek, miejsce zamieszkania oraz wykształcenie dały możliwości panowania nad bólem, a o możliwości jego zmniejszenia wiedziały osoby dłużej hospitalizowane. Najwyższą jakością życia charakteryzowały się osoby z dużych miast. Wykształcenie wpłynęło na jakość życia, która wraz z wiekiem i wyższym natężeniem bólu spadała. Im lepsza jakość życia, tym wyższy poziom akceptacji choroby i odwrotnie.
Health Problems of Civilization; 2021, 15, 2; 87-100
Pojawia się w:
Health Problems of Civilization
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Knowledge of parents of children with autism from Poland, Belarus and France concerning their child’s condition
Wiedza rodziców dzieci z autyzmem z Polski, Białorusi i Francji na temat choroby dziecka
Ślifirczyk, A.
Krajewska-Kułak, E.
Krukowska, M.
Maciorkowska, E.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej
Background. Autism is not only a problem for p eople with autism, but also for their entire families. Material and methods. 83 families were analysed, including 30 families from Poland, 25 families from Belarus and 28 families from France, an author’s questionnaire was used. Results. The majority of respondents were aware of the fact that autism can also be diagnosed in an adult person. Likewise, the notion of the autistic spectrum was known. While parents from Poland and France realised that a one-time diagnosis of the condition is insufficient, parents from Belarus more often chose the incorrect answer, and therefore they express the tendency to immediately start a therapy without additional consultations. All respondents from France chose the statement that treatment of autism should be started before the age of 3, which was confirmed by the majority of respondents from the other two countries. Polish parents barely considered the importance of preparation required to understand their child’s behaviour, whereas this aspect of the therapy was indicated by almost 90% of the respondents from the other two countries. Parents from Poland (69%) and Belarus (76%) were mostly convinced that autism cannot be cured completely. A different opinion was expressed by 42.9% of parents from France, who were convinced about it. The Poles most willingly used the Internet as a source of knowledge, while the French and Belarusians - a psychologist. A paediatrician was a preferred educator in Poland, in Belarus and France - a psychologist. Conclusions. The parents of autistic children, regardless of the country, showed a low level of knowledge about autism. The vast majority of respondents declared a desire to deepen their knowledge on autism, expressing their preference to have an individual conversation with an educator.
Wprowadzenie. Autyzm nie jest problemem jedynie osób z autyzmem, ale również całych ich rodzin. Materiał i metody. Analizie poddano 83 rodziny, w tym 30 rodzin z Polski, 25 rodzin z Białorusi oraz 28 rodzin z Francji i wykorzystano kwestionariusz autorski. Wyniki. Większość ankietowanych wiedziała, że autyzm można zdiagnozować także u osoby dorosłej, znane było także pojęcie spektrum autystycznego. O ile rodzice z Polski i Francji zdawali sobie sprawę, że jednorazowa diagnoza choroby jest niewystarczająca, to rodzice z Białorusi częściej wybierali błędną odpowiedź, a więc natychmiastowe rozpoczęcie terapii bez dodatkowych konsultacji. Wszyscy ankietowani z Francji wybierali stwierdzenie, iż leczenie autyzmu należy zacząć przed 3 rokiem życia, co potwierdziło większość ankietowanych z pozostałych dwóch krajów. Rodzice z Polski ledwie w połowie za ważne uznali przygotowanie rodziców do zrozumienia zachowań dziecka, podczas gdy ten aspekt terapii wskazało niemal 90% ankietowanych z dwóch pozostałych krajów. Rodzice z Polski (69%) i Białorusi (76%) byli w większości przekonani, iż autyzmu nie można wyleczyć całkowicie. Odmienną opinię wyraziło 42,9% przekonanych o tym rodziców z Francji. Polacy najchętniej jako źródło wiedzy wykorzystywali Internet, Francuzi i Białorusini - psychologa. Za edukatora w Polsce preferowano pediatrę, na Białorusi i we Francji - psychologa. Wnioski. Rodzice dzieci autystycznych, niezależnie od kraju, wykazywali niski poziom wiedzy na temat autyzmu. Zdecydowana większość respondentów deklarowała chęć pogłębienia wiedzy na temat autyzmu preferując w tym celu rozmowę indywidualną z edukatorem.
Health Problems of Civilization; 2019, 13, 2; 114-122
Pojawia się w:
Health Problems of Civilization
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Effect of health behaviors on presentation and condition of the skin – a preliminary report
Polkowska, K.
Kowalewska, B.
Krajewska-Kułak, E.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku
health behaviors
Introduction: Skin condition is determined by multiple factors, among them some which are beyond human control. However, it can be also indirectly modulated by positive health behaviors and cosmetic procedures. Objective: To analyze health behaviors and knowledge of factors determining skin condition among Polish university students. Materials and methods: The diagnostic survey, based on a questionnaire developed by the authors, included a total of 75 respondents. Results: The largest proportion of the study participants evaluated condition of their skin as moderate (41.3%). According to most respondents, skin condition is positively affected by balanced diet (78.7%), physical activity (68%), collagen (68%), calcium (41.3%) and diet rich in vegetables, fruits, fish, rice and grits. Up to 60% of the study subjects declared present or past intake of dietary supplements, 44% used dedicated cosmetics for facial skincare, and 58.7% consumed 1-2 liters of fluids per day. Sweetened beverages, alcohol, excess of coffee, tea and herbal infusions were considered unfavorable for skin health, similar to stimulants, such as cigarettes, alcohol, drugs and coffee. Up to 38.7% of the respondents declared a sedentary lifestyle. In the participants’ opinion, stimulants (85.3%), lack of hygiene (76%), inappropriate fluid repletion (68%) and too low physical activity (62.7%) are the most harmful factors for skin health. Conclusions: The study participants had basic knowledge of health behaviors and their beneficial or detrimental effects on the condition of human skin. The majority of the respondents used skincare cosmetics dedicated to a given body area. Keywords: Skin, health behaviors, knowledge
Progress in Health Sciences; 2018, 8(1); 14-21
Pojawia się w:
Progress in Health Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Knowledge of risk factors of myocardial infarction in patients treated in the Interventional Cardiology Unit of the Regional Specialist Hospital in Biała Podlaska
Ślifirczyk, A.
Michalczuk, T.
Piszcz, P.
Kowalenko, M.
Kierczuk, E.
Zalewski, R.
Krajewska – Kułak, E.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku
Myocardial infarction
risk factors
level of knowledge
Purpose: To analyse knowledge of patients in the Interventional Cardiology Department in the field of theory of the disease entity, i.e. myocardial infarction and factors predisposing to its occurrence. Materials and methods: The study was carried out at the Interventional Cardiology Department of the Regional Specialist Hospital in BiałaPodlaska between 3.11.2017 and 20.12.2017. Sixty respondents were included, 62% women and 38% men. The largest group were patients between 46 and 60 years of age. The work involved an anonymous questionnaire, which contained 28 questions, including two open ones. Patients participated in the study were informed that the study was voluntary and the questionnaire was anonymous. Results: According to the respondents, the main cause of myocardial infarction is atherosclerosis (43.4%). The respondents indicate that cardiovascular diseases (including myocardial infarction) which are on the third place in Poland, right after cancer and injuries, cause death (63.3%). As the main factor that influences the occurrence of myocardial infarction is overweight and obesity (79.8%). More than half of the respondents assess their knowledge of myocardial infarction on average, while 18.3 % said that they have very good knowledge. Conclusions: Patients with myocardial infarction have quite a good knowledge about the risk factors for this disease. A large group of respondents tries to counteract the risk factors for myocardial infarction. A small part of the respondents undergoes regular blood tests (blood glucose level, total cholesterol and its fractions, measurement of blood pressure).
Progress in Health Sciences; 2018, 8(1); 93-101
Pojawia się w:
Progress in Health Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Quality of life of patients with atrial fibrillation
Ślifirczyk, A.
Michalczuk, T.
Piszcz, P.
Kierczuk, E.
Kowalenko, M.
Zalewski, R.
Krajewska-Kułak, E.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku
quality of life
atrial fibrillation
Introduction: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is one of the most frequent arrhythmias. In Poland, there is a risk of developing AF in about 400,000 people. Atrial fibrillation occurs most frequently as a result of disorders of physiological automatism and afterdepolarization and triggered activity. The treatment strategy of AF is based on pharmacological treatment and procedures such as ablation or cardioversion. The quality of life as defined by the WHO is an individual perception of one's well-being. On the other hand, the assessment of the quality of life in illness is modified regarding health problems. Purpose: The main goal of the study was to get to know the quality of life of people with atrial fibrillation. Materials and methods: The research was carried out using a diagnostic survey, based on a survey among 100 patients diagnosed with AF. The place of the research was the Regional Specialist Hospital in Biała Podlaska, in the Emergency Department. Results: Increased morbidity was observed among women and people over the age of 60. The majority of patients with AF declared the quality of life at the medium level. The respondents most often followed medical recommendations. The majority of respondents did not follow healthy lifestyle rules, because as many as 68% of respondents did not do any physical activity and a significant part of the respondents smoked cigarettes and had an inflated BMI. Conclusion: AF affects the quality life by causing sadness, irritation and insomnia.
Progress in Health Sciences; 2018, 8(1); 88-92
Pojawia się w:
Progress in Health Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Validation of the Polish version of the Anderson and Dedrick Trust in Physician scale
Krajewska-Kułak, E.
Kułak, W.
Łukaszuk, C.
Lewko, J.
Sengupta, P.
Cybulski, M.
Guzowski, A.
Kowalczuk, K.
Jankowiak, B.
Kowalewska, B.
Kondzior, D.
Rolka, H.
Baranowska, A.
Lankau, A.
Klimaszewska, K.
Sierakowska, M.
Krajewska-Ferishah, K.
Szyszko-Perłowska, A.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku
Trust in Physician Scale
Polish version
Purpose: The aim of this study was to validate the Trust in Physician Scale (TPS) for Polish patients. Materials and Methods: The validation of a Polish-language version of Anderson and Dedrick’s TPS was performed with a group of 849 patients. Validation consisted of the translation and evaluation of the psychometric properties of the Polish TPS and its application among Polish-speaking patients. We also explored the TPS with the patient’s sex, age, education, income, marital status, and number of physician visits. Results: The internal consistency of the Polish TPS was high (Cronbach’s alpha = .891). In our study, the TPS is positively associated with age, education, income, marital status, and number of physician visits. Also, we have found that the TPS is negatively associated with sex and place of residence. Conclusions: The Polish-language scale fulfills all the criteria of psychometric and functional validation with the original version of the Trust in Physician Scale.
Progress in Health Sciences; 2018, 8(1); 27-35
Pojawia się w:
Progress in Health Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Drug susceptibility and enzymatic activity of Candida isolated from mobile phone and hand surfaces
Kordecka, A.
Krajewska-Kułak, E.
Łukaszuk, C.
Kraszyński, M.
Kraszyńska, B.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku
Keywords: Candida
mobile telephones
Introduction: Evaluation of susceptibility of isolated fungi as well as the type and activity of enzymes they release allows to determine their pathogenicity. Purpose; To assess potential correlations between drug susceptibility and enzymatic activity of strains isolated from mobile phone and hand surfaces Materials and methods: The mycological evaluation included 175 mobile phones and 175 hands of the phone owners. Drug susceptibility was assessed using the FUNGITEST; enzymatic activity was evaluated using the API ZYM test. Results: We found significant correlations between an increased resistance to 5-fluorocytosine, ketoconazole, fluconazole and higher activity of six selected enzymes for Candida glabrata strains isolated from hand surfaces. We found also significant correlations between an increased resistance to 5-fluorocytosine, ketoconazole, miconazole, itraconazole and higher activity of six selected enzymes for Candida albicans strains isolated from hand surfaces. We found significant correlations between an increased resistance to 5fluorocytosine, ketoconazole, itraconazole, fluconazole and higher activity of six selected enzymes for Candida krusei strains isolated from hand surfaces as well as an increased resistance to 5-fluorocytosine, ketoconazole, itraconazole, fluconazole and higher activity of five selected enzymes for strains isolated from phone surfaces. Conclusions: We found varying correlations between enzymatic activity and drug resistance depending on the site of isolation and the species/genus of fungi. The drugs to which the evaluated strains showed resistance were the same for hand and mobile phone isolates.
Progress in Health Sciences; 2017, 7(2); 7-18
Pojawia się w:
Progress in Health Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Drug susceptibility of Candida isolated from the surfaces of mobile phones and hands
Kordecka, A.
Krajewska-Kułak, E.
Łukaszuk, C.
Kraszyński, M.
Kraszyńska, B.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku
mobile phones
Introduction: The mycological literature currently devotes much attention to the issue of reduced fungal susceptibility to commonly used antifungal drugs. Purpose: To assess drug susceptibility of Candida strains isolated from samples collected from the surfaces of mobile phones and the hands of their owners. A total of 175 mobile telephones belonging to students and lecturers of the Medical University of Bialystok and University Hospital personnel as well as 175 hands of these phone owners were included in the mycological evaluation. Results: The rate of Candida contamination of personal mobile phones was more than 70.0%. C. glabrata strains were primarily isolated from the collected material (89.1% - hands; 74.9% - mobile phones). C. albicans strains showed susceptibility to most antimycotics, with the highest susceptibility to 5-fluorocytosine, and the lowest to fluconazole. C. glabrata showed the lowest susceptibility to fluconazole and miconazole, and the highest to ketoconazole. C. krusei were relatively very sensitive to antibiotics, except for fluconazole. None of the isolated strains showed resistance to more than three types of drugs. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that mobile phones are potentially vehicles for pathogenic Candida strains in a university and hospital settings.
Progress in Health Sciences; 2017, 7(1); 114-121
Pojawia się w:
Progress in Health Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Effect of nurses’ religious beliefs on their empathy and life satisfaction
Lankau, A.
Krajewska-Kułak, E.
Jankowiak, B.
Baranowska, A.
Bejda, G.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku
The satisfaction with life scale
Introduction: Nursing is one of those medical professions that are inseparably associated with being in continuous contact with other people, and it is worth noting that there are things that cannot be acquired in the course of an education. These include conscience and empathy as subjective and ultimate standards of morality, which help nurses make morally good decisions and that represent criteria for assessing their behavior. Purpose: To assess the effect of nurses' religious beliefs on their empathy and life satisfaction. Materials and methods: The study included 150 nurses and 150 nursing students, using our own questionnaire, the Empathy Understanding Questionnaire (KRE) by Węgliński and The Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS). Results: The mean level of KRE-based empathic understanding was 65.7 9.4 points, which indicates that it was relatively high. The lowest level was 39, and the highest was 92 points. Mean SWLS score was about 20 points, which indicates that the studied nurses were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with their life. Respondents with the highest level of empathy would discontinue treatment due to their beliefs or they would choose another unspecified solution. No significant correlations were found between the levels of empathy and life satisfaction and the opinion on the role of religious beliefs in the choice of nursing profession, and regarding religion as an obstacle in performing work-related tasks. Conclusions: Nurses showed relatively high levels of empathy and average levels of life satisfaction. The importance of nurses’ religiousness in making therapeutic decisions did not correspond with life satisfaction nor their level of empathy.
Progress in Health Sciences; 2017, 7(2); 18-25
Pojawia się w:
Progress in Health Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Effects of religious beliefs on the assessment of nurses’ work in the perception of patients, nursing students and nurses
Lankau, A.
Krajewska-Kułak, E.
Bejda, G.
Guzowski, A.
Baranowska, A.
Cybulski, M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku
Introduction: Religious orientation is associated with psychological well-being resulting from treating negative life events as opportunities for personal and spiritual development. Purpose: To assess the impact of religious beliefs on the evaluation of nurses' work in the perception of patients, nursing students, and nurses. Materials and methods: the study included 150 patients, 150 nurses, and 150 nursing students, using our questionnaire. Results: 56.7% of patients, 46.7% of students, and 47.7% of nurses assessed the religious sphere of life as very important. Respondents identified good family life as the most important value in life (82.7% of patients, 76% of students, and 92% of nurses). Emotional needs were the greatest motivation for students (70.7%) and nurses (72.7%) to increase religious activities; for patients, it was an illness in the family (42.7%). Patients (62.4%), students (48.7%), and nurses (61.1%) were of the opinion that religion could affect performing work-related tasks. Blood transfusion was the most likely procedure to be affected by patients’ religious beliefs (50% of patients, 44.7% of students, 58% of nurses) or nurses’ religious beliefs (29.3% of patients and 18.7% of nurses). Conclusions: Patients more often reported that religion may have some effects on choice of profession, and most respondents did not consider religious beliefs an obstacle in making new acquaintances or performing work-related tasks. In the case of a conflict between a nurse’s therapeutic activities and a patient’s or nurse’s religious beliefs, the nurse should assign the patient to another nurse.
Progress in Health Sciences; 2017, 7(1); 122-130
Pojawia się w:
Progress in Health Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Enzymatic activity and biotypes of Candida fungi isolated from the surfaces of mobile phones and hands
Kordecka, A.
Krajewska-Kułak, E.
Łukaszuk, C.
Kraszyński, M.
Kraszyńska, B.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku
Introduction: The secretion of hydrolytic enzymes is a factor facilitating pathogenic fungi invasion into the tissues. Purpose: To assess hydrolytic activity and biotypes of Candida strains isolated from samples collected from the surfaces of mobile phones and the hands of their owners. Materials and methods: The study included 175 mobile telephones and hands. The API ZYM test was used to assess enzymatic activity; biotyping was performed according to Williamson’s classification. Results: Among the strains isolated from hand surfaces, the highest activity was shown for C. albicans (acid phosphatase, esterase), C. glabrata (leucine arylamidase, acid phosphatase, esterase), and C. krusei (acid phosphatase). Of the strains isolated from phone surfaces, the highest activity was shown for C. albicans (leucine arylamidase, acid phosphatase), C. glabrata (esterase, leucine arylamidase, esterase lipase), and C. krusei (acid phosphatase). Biotypes G, B and F were dominant for all types of fungi, both for strains isolated from phones and hand surfaces. Additionally, biotype A was dominant for C. krusei. Conclusions: C. albicans, C. glabrata, and C. krusei showed activity for all hydrolytic enzymes. The strongest correlation between the hydrolytic activity of fungi isolated from hand and phone surfaces was shown for C. albicans.
Progress in Health Sciences; 2017, 7(1); 18-30
Pojawia się w:
Progress in Health Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Self-esteem of parents with intellectually disabled children in relation to the support of selected social groups
Guzowski, A.
Krajewska–Kułak, E.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku
Disabled child
social support
Introduction: In the literature on the problem of social support, besides family sources of support, (husband, wife, children, parents, siblings, relatives), a role of friends, acquaintances and neighbors is emphasized. Purpose: To assess types and level of support that parents receive from specific social groups. Materials and methods: The study included 108 mothers and 108 fathers of intellectually disabled children. We used the original questionnaire and the standardized scale of Social Support by KmiecikBaran. Results: There were differences between the parents in emotional support (standard deviation 3.519), the lowest in informative support (deviation 2.744). General support was poor in the opinion of 34.6% of the parents. Average institutional support related to 42.9% of the parents, strong evaluative support – 37.1% and strong emotional support – 41%. The parents received the strongest informative, institutional, evaluative and emotional support from nurses and physicians. Spouses of the examined gave them poor informative, emotional and institutional support and average evaluative support. Statistically, the fathers received significantly stronger evaluative and emotional support – by more than one point, and by more than 3 points in case of general support than mothers. Conclusions: The parents received average social support, however, it was below the average for the Polish adult population. The spouses gave them poor informative, emotional and institutional support and average evaluative support; teachers, physicians and nurses – average support in all categories, however, in case of the two latter – institutional and evaluative support was close to the above-average values. The fathers enjoyed moderately stronger evaluative, emotional and general support from teachers, physicians and nurses than mothers.
Progress in Health Sciences; 2017, 7(2); 26-35
Pojawia się w:
Progress in Health Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Assessment of education requirements for patients with rheumatoid arthritis, based on the Polish version of the Educational Needs Assessment Tool (Pol-ENAT), in the light of some health problems - A cross-sectional study
Sierakowska, M.
Klepacka, M.
Sierakowski, S.
Pawlak-Bus, K.
Leszczynski, P.
Majdan, M.
Olesinska, M.
Romanowski, W.
Bykowska-Sochacka, M.
Jeka, S.
Sierakowska, J.
Ndosi, M.
Krajewska-Kulak, E.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine; 2016, 23, 2
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Assessment of parents’ ways of coping with critical situations
Ślifirczyk, A.
Krajewska-Kułak, E.
Brayer, A.
Sobolewski, M.
Maciorkowska, E.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku
Coping Inventory for Stress Situations
The General Self- Efficacy Scale
Introduction: Stress experienced by parents of a disabled child can have a negative impact on family relationships. Purpose: Assessment of parents coping with critical situations. Materials and methods: We analyzed 83 families, including 30 families from Poland, 25 families from Belarus and 28 families from France and we used Coping Inventory for Stress Situations (CISS) and The General Self- Efficacy Scale (GSES). Results: After hearing the diagnosis most often parents felt shock (63.3% from Poland, 68% from Belarus and France 85.7%). Main parents' emotions induced by the disability was fatigue (76.7% from Poland, 44% from Belarus and 71.4% from France - p=0.028) and sadness (73.3% from Poland, 40% from Belarus and 28.6% from France - p=0.002). Most often in response to the annoying and stressful child’s behaviour parents tried to admonish (76.7% from Poland, 56% from Belarus and 75% from France) or shout at the child (66.7% from Poland, 24% from Belarus and 17.9% from France p <0.001). The least likely preferred style of coping with stress in all countries was the search for socializing. The highest rate of self-efficiency characterize parents from France, the lowest from Poland. Conclusions: The existence of factors which could significantly affect the level of burn-out syndrome in parents, such as the deterioration of the financial situation (mainly in Belarusian families), sadness, fatigue, insomnia (mainly in Polish families). Parents chose effective strategies of coping, and the predominant style was focused on the task. It has been shown that parents lack the ability to control negative emotions, which in particular affected Polish families (for example, domination of trials to admonish and explain, shouting at the child).
Progress in Health Sciences; 2016, 6(1); 116-122
Pojawia się w:
Progress in Health Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Differing attitudes for various population groups towards homeless people
Krajewska-Kułak, E.
Wejda, U.
Kułak-Bejda, A.
Łukaszuk, C.
Repka, B.
Guzowski, A.
Cybulski, M.
Stelcer, B.
Jasiński, M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku
Homeless people
Introduction: People who are homeless are most often unable to acquire and maintain regular, safe, secure, and adequate housing, or they lack a “fixed, regular, and adequate night-time residence”. Purpose: To assess the attitude of secondaryschool students, high-school students, university students, and working adults towards homeless people. Materials and methods: A survey of 420 randomly selected middle school students (n=120), high school students (n=100), university students (n=100), and working adults (n=100) was conducted. Nearly half of the participants reported a fear of homeless people. Results: According to the majority of respondents, a homeless person collects scrap metal and waste paper, and also begs. The first words that come to mind when a majority of people think of the homeless were: poor, unhappy, dirty, lonely, and smelly. The participants reported the main reasons for homelessness to be: joblessness, family problems, alcohol, helplessness, and avoiding work. The majority of respondents argued that social and legal problems are the main reasons that it is difficult for homeless people to extricate themselves from their situation. The groups surveyed had a variety of opinions about homelessness. According to most respondents, a homeless person is a poor, miserable, lonely, childless man with a vocational education who begs, collects scrap metal and waste paper, and is also usually dirty and smelly. Conclusions: In the survey groups, respondents’ opinions about homelessness varied.
Progress in Health Sciences; 2016, 6(1); 57-62
Pojawia się w:
Progress in Health Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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