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Wielkie posiadłości ziemskie w Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów i ich wpływ na dzisiejsze środowisko antropogeniczne
Large landed estates in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and its impact on today’s anthropogenic environmental
Kowalski, Mariusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
large landed property
territorialisation of power
the current anthropogenic landscape
the stability of spatial forms
Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów
wielka własność ziemska
terytorializacja władzy
krajobraz antropogeniczny
trwałość form przestrzennych
Artykuł podkreśla znaczenie wielkich posiadłości ziemskich w ramach systemu polityczno-ustrojowego i społeczno-gospodarczego Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów. Zwrócono również uwagę na utrzymujące się przez stulecia antropogeniczne formy przestrzenne, będące efektem szczególnie silnego oddziaływania wielkich posiadłości na kształt życia społeczno-gospodarczego. Wpływ ten można dziś dostrzec w sposobie zagospodarowania przestrzeni oraz w formach i przebiegu licznych zjawiskach o charakterze politycznym, kulturowym i gospodarczym w Polsce oraz u jej wschodnich sąsiadów.
The heritage of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth of Both Nations exerts until today an influence on the shape of the geographical environment of Poland and her eastern neighbours, this fact often not being noticed. A particularly strong imprint on the development of spatial structures results from the existence and functioning of the large feudal property. In the period of the Commonwealth, given the far-reaching decentralisation of authority in the country, such large landed properties enjoyed broad judicial and administrative, as well as economic autonomy. Their position and separate character were in many cases strengthened through the status of principality, entail or county. Under several aspects they reminded of the duchies existing at more or less the same time in the German Reich. Liquidation of the Commonwealth in 1795 brought limitations to the autonomy of the landed estates within the framework of the occupying powers, Russia, Prussia and Austria. They continued, though, to fulfil important administrative, cultural and economic functions. Until peasants were affranchised the landed estates had been the primary organiser of economic life and local administration on rural areas. After the affranchising acts the estates shrunk to the manor farms, employing farmhands, but they still played an essential socio-economic role. Their importance was particularly high under the Prussian occupation, where affranchising had limited dimensions, leaving in the hands of the manor farm owners a significant part of the estate from before (the Prussian way toward the capitalism in farming). In the course of introduction of the socialist system after the World War II, the majority of the landed estates and manor farms were transformed into the state farms, which dominated the landscape of the Polish countryside in many areas of the country. In view of the earlier situation in Prussia, this concerned in a particular manner the western part of the country. At the same time, the peasant family farms functioned, belonging to the successors of the affranchised peasants. Within the framework of the socialist system this sector was subject, as well, to supervision of the state administration and was included in the mechanisms of the socialist economy (e.g. obligatory supplies). Lack of civic tradition, which was especially perceptible on the areas of the former Russian occupation, and was, generally, a far-reaching consequence of the feudal serfdom, was definitely conducive to the introduction of this socialist variety of paternalism. It cannot be excluded that the heritage of feudalism was one of the more important factors facilitating the strengthening of the communist rule in Poland and in the neighbouring countries. The continuity of tradition of the separate socio-economic development of the individual landed estates exerted also influence on the development of characteristic cultural features, leading, in particular, to appearance of the distinct ethnographic groups, and to the development of a separate local and regional awareness. The autonomy of the owners of large estates in terms of religion in the times of the Commonwealth, brought about the differentiated denominational landscape on certain areas. The most striking reflection of these processes is constituted by the community of the Reformed Evangelicals, persisting until today, which developed in the northern part of Lithuania, in the Birże estate of the Protestant line of Radziwiłł family. The administrative separation of the large estates, functioning in many cases in an unchanged territorial form for several centuries, shaped also other elements of the contemporary socio-economic landscape. In the 19th century the landed estates and their internal divisions became the basis for development of the modern territorial administrative division of the country. The traces of these organisational solutions can still be perceived today, first of all in the form of the courses of boundaries of villages, municipalities and counties. Sometimes the existence of the large scale estates (like, e.g., the Zamoyski Entail) influenced the territorial shape of the present-day administrative provinces. The thus described role and significance of the large landed estates allows for considering them as an essential and characteristic element of the political and systemic, as well as socio-economic, order of the Commonwealth, exerting an influence through the consequences of its existence also on the contemporary forms of geographical environment.
Studia z Geografii Politycznej i Historycznej; 2012, 1; 113-138
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Geografii Politycznej i Historycznej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dwuetniczność międzywojennej Warszawy w świetle wyników wyborów
Two ethnic groups in interwar Warsaw in the light of the results of the elections
Kowalski, Mariusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
okres międzywojenny
zachowania wyborcze
interwar period
electoral behaviour
The results of the elections, including their spatial diversity, are very often influenced by the cultural diversity of voters. This is clearly visible in Poland during the interwar period (1918-1939). This shows, among other, the study of J. Kopstein and J. Wittenberg (2000). Poles voted for nationwide parties with different ideological features. Members of ethnic minorities choosing parties emphasizing their ethnicity. The only grouping that fully broke the ethnic divide were the Communists, who were voted on by both Polish and Jewish voters. This is also confirmed in the case of election results in Warsaw, a city inhabited by Poles (70%) and Jews (30%). It was a rule that about 75-80% of Warsaw voters voted for the nationwide parties and the remaining 20-25% for the Jewish parties. However, the analysis of the Warsaw elections does not confirm the thesis of J. Kopstein and J. Wittenberg (2000) that the Poles voted ideologically, while the Jews voted for the parties representing the Jews as a minority. Jewish parties also had a differentiated ideological image with the Left, the Right and the Center. Taking into account this diversity, it makes possible to see that Jewish voters expressed greater sympathy for the left-wing parties (Bund, the Communists and Poale Zion) than Poles (Polish Socialist Party, the Communists). At the end of the 1930s, the leftist sympathies were particularly prominent among the Jews. In the elections to the city council of Warsaw in 1938, the left among the Jewish parties won 2/3 votes (the Bund and Poale Zion), while among the national groups only 1/3 (Polish Socialist Party). On the other hand, Kopstein and Wittenberg argue that Jews were not the main source of communist influence in Poland. Support for candidates of this political option in Warsaw, both among Poles as Jews, reached a maximum of 17% (in 1927). Earlier and later support in both communities was lower. At most it may be noted that in the case of Jews before 1927 it was lower than among Poles, while after 1927 higher. Kopstein and Wittenberg are right that the Jews were not the main base of communist influence in Poland. Support for candidates of this political option in Warsaw, both among Poles and Jews, reached a maximum of 17% in 1927. Earlier and later support was lower. In the case of Jews before 1927 it was lower than among Poles, while after 1927 higher.Spatial segregation, both ethnically and socially, has resulted in a strong spatial variation in the results of the elections. The Polish right was dominant in the central districts of the city, the Polish left in the suburbs. The exceptions from this regularity were North Districts (Muranów, Powązki, Grzybów) and part of Praga, where the Jewish parties dominated. The largest concentration of Jewish voters was the Northern District. In its eastern part the Jewish right won, in its western part the Jewish Left and the Communists. Jews were not the main base of influence of Communists in Poland, however, certain circumstances allow to understand why such a stereotype appeared. At least in the case of Warsaw, though perhaps also on a nationwide scale, the Jews showed more sympathy for the left than the Polish voters. In addition, the proportion of Jews among the members of the Communist Party (about 25%), and especially in the authorities of this party (30-50%), was higher than their share in the whole population (10%). Jews also often cooperated with the Polish left to oppose the influence of the nationalist Polish right. For the latter, the identification of the left with the Jews and Jews with the left was a very comfortable argument in the political struggle.
Na wyniki wyborów, w tym ich zróżnicowanie przestrzenne, bardzo często wpływa różnorodność kulturowa wyborców. Widać to wyraźnie w Polsce w okresie międzywojennym. Potwierdzają to również wyniki wyborów w Warszawie – mieście zamieszkiwanym przez Polaków (70%) i Żydów (30%). Polacy głosowali na ogólnopolskie partie o różnych cechach ideologicznych, członkowie mniejszości etnicznych wybierali natomiast partie podkreślające ich pochodzenie. Partie żydowskie miały także zróżnicowany wizerunek ideologiczny, choć można dostrzec, że żydowscy wyborcy wyrażali większą sympatię dla partii lewicowych niż Polacy, aby przeciwstawić się wpływowi nacjonalistycznej prawicy. Jedynym ugrupowaniem, które w pełni przełamało podziały etniczne, byli komuniści. Segregacja przestrzenna, zarówno etniczna, jak i społeczna, spowodowała silne zróżnicowanie wyników wyborów. Polska prawica dominowała w centralnych dzielnicach miasta, polska lewica – na suburbiach. Wyjątkami od tej regularności były dzielnice północne (Muranów, Powązki, Grzybów) i część Pragi, gdzie dominowały partie żydowskie. Największą koncentracją wyborców żydowskich był okręg północny. W jego wschodniej części wygrywała prawica żydowska, w zachodniej części – żydowska lewica i komuniści.
Studia z Geografii Politycznej i Historycznej; 2018, 7; 71-91
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Geografii Politycznej i Historycznej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Morawianie (Morawcy) w Polsce
Moravians (Moravs) in Poland
Kowalski, Mariusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
dialekt laski
odrębność etniczna
Lach dialect
ethnic independence
The paper aims to characterise the Moravian population (Moravs) who lives within the boundaries of Poland as a result of 20th-century territorial changes. Representatives of this group differ in their language (Lach dialect) and customs yet, unlike the inhabitants of the Czech Republic, do not identify as Moravians or Czechs. They instead consider themselves as Poles, Germans or Silesians, which stems from the national affiliation of the area between 1742 and 2016. The processes of acculturation may soon lead to the disappearance of the last signs of independence of this ethnic group. Moravian origins will only be seen in last names of some of the population.
W artykule podjęto charakterystykę ludności morawskiej (Morawców), która na skutek dwudziestowiecznych zmian terytorialnych zamieszkuje w granicach państwa polskiego. Przedstawiciele tej grupy wyróżniają się swym językiem (dialekt laski) i zwyczajami, jednak w odróżnieniu od mieszkańców Republiki Czeskiej, nie utożsamiają się z narodem morawskim lub czeskim. Uważają się za Polaków, Niemców lub Ślązaków, co wynika z przynależności państwowej tych ziem w latach 1742–2016. Procesy akulturacji sprawiają, że już niedługo mogą zniknąć ostatnie znamiona odrębności tej grupy etnicznej. O morawskim pochodzeniu będą świadczyły jedynie nazwiska, noszone przez część jej przedstawicieli.
Studia z Geografii Politycznej i Historycznej; 2016, 5; 115-131
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Geografii Politycznej i Historycznej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przestrzenne zróżnicowanie wyników wyborów do Sejmu z 1957 roku
Spatial differentiation of results of the Polish parliamentary elections 1957
Kowalski, Mariusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
election 1957
the spatial diversity
sustainability of electoral behavior
Polish United Workers Party
wybory z 1957 roku
przestrzenne zróżnicowanie
trwałość zachowań wyborczych
okręgi wyborcze
Z wyborów organizowanych w czasach PRL na uwagę zasługują przede wszystkim te z 1957 roku. Przeprowadzono je w okresie popaździernikowej odwilży, a władze nie miały specjalnych powodów, by je fałszować. Liberalna atmosfera sprzyjała wyborczej konkurencji, a oficjalne wyniki wyborów uwidoczniły znaczące zróżnicowanie polskiego społeczeństwa w ujęciu przestrzennym.
When comparing the spatial differentiation of results of elections from the inter-war period (1918–1939) and the post-communist period (1989–2015), one sees a very clear similarity between the two (Kowalski, 2014). In the north-western part of the country the electoral preferences are with the left or the liberals, while in the south-eastern part – with the right. Given the persistence of this spatial setting, a supposition arises that the spatial differentiation of the political attitudes existed also during the times of the socialist People’s Poland. Lack of political freedom and electoral falsifications, performed by the communists, make the verification of this proposition quite difficult. Of the elections, organised in the socialist period, it is the ones, carried out in 1957, that deserve consideration, first of all. These elections were carried out in the short period of liberalisation after 1956, in conditions of an enthusiastic support for the new governing administration. The organisers of the elections could be fairly certain as to the outcome. That is why, side by side with the candidates, who were closely connected with the ruling establishment, also more independent persons, frequently enjoying high popularity in the society, were allowed to stand as candidates in these elections. In order to guarantee the victorious outcome, the authorities allowed for the formation of just a single list of candidates. The authorities lanced the appeal to vote for the candidates from the first places on the list, since it was on these places that the persons most convenient from the point of view of the establishment were listed. The few independent candidates were located at far-off positions. There was also an appeal for the possibly highest turnout at the elections, since this would constitute a signal of support for the new administration. These appeals were also shared by the Catholic Church in Poland. Despite the limitations and constraints mentioned, the relatively liberal atmosphere was conducive to the electoral competition within the framework of the candidate lists approved. This was yet enhanced by the fact that candidates represented, formally at least, various political organisms (communists, peasant activists, democratic party, non-aligned candidates) and communities, and, as indicated, the lists also included, even though on far-off places, persons of independent orientations. In addition, the liberal atmosphere and the conviction of the ruling group that they must win, limited, it appears, the electoral falsifications to the minimum. Owing to the advantageous social atmosphere and the appropriate construction of the lists of candidates, the communists could not lose these elections. Yet, in spite of this, the official results of the elections made visible the significant differentiation of the Polish society, both in global terms, and in space. The latter aspect represented a clear similarity to the spatial differentiation of the results of elections, taking place in other time periods, both the earlier ones (the interwar period) and those carried out later (after 1989).
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Socio-Oeconomica; 2015, 21
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Socio-Oeconomica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ludność polska w wieloetnicznych regionach Litwy, Łotwy i Białorusi
The Polish population in multi-ethnic regions of Lithuania, Latvia and Belarus
Kowalski, Mariusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Vilnius region
Latgale region
Hrodna region
Polish minority
multiethnic regions
ethnic relations
mniejszość polska
regiony wieloetniczne
stosunki narodowościowe
The aim of the paper was to compare the situation of the Polish minority in the three bordering countries: Lithuania, Latvia and Belarus. Despite similar historical circumstances contemporary groups of Polish minority in the lands of former Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Polish Livonia living in the different socio-economic and political conditioning. This situation affecting their relations with other ethnic groups and state authorities. All of the researched areas – Vilnius region in Lithuania, Latgale region in Latvia, Hrodna region in Belarus – are multicultural. In all, owing to special circumstances of Eastern Slavic-Baltic ethnic borderland, a compact Polish ethnic area was formed. Despite the deportation and postwar emigration of Poles and despite that areas inhabited by them belong to three different states, the Polish population still represents a significant proportion of the population, affecting the local socio-cultural and political life. The analysis of census data and maps indicates the progressive decrease of the Polish population and retreat of Polish ethnic area. However, recent censuses show the vary – depending on the region – processes. In Lithuania the stabilization of the ethnical structure of the population is observed. Despite the hostile attitude of Lithuanian nationalists and state authorities that often remain under their influence, Polish population takes advantage of the civil rule of law to consolidate its assets. In Belarus further melting of Polish ethnic area is observed, associated with a decrease in the number of Poles, both in absolute and relative terms. This can be combined with both the difficult situation of the Polish population in the Soviet period (no schools and other Polish institutions), and the current socio-political situation in Belarus. Under Lukashenka’s dictatorial rule the Polish minority action is merely tolerated. Government support the policy of the tsarist and Soviet authorities, under which local Poles were considered as regional (Catholic) branch of the Belarusian people. Paradoxically, the relatively best situation concern the Polish population in Latvia, where Polish community is the least numerous, both in absolute and relative terms. The clear revival of Polish socio-cultural, and even increasing participation of Poles in some areas, can be observed. The Latvian authorities are positively oriented to the Polish socio-cultural initiatives, seeing the Polish movement as a counterweight to the demographic dominance of East Slavic population (Russians, Belarusians, and Ukrainians) in the south-eastern part of the country.
Pomimo podobnych uwarunkowań historycznych mniejszość polska, zamieszkująca tereny dawnego Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego i Inflant Polskich, w zależności od miejsca zamieszkania (Litwa, Łotwa, Białoruś) znajduje się w odmiennej sytuacji społeczno-gospodarczej i polityczno- -ustrojowej. Odciska się to na relacjach mniejszości polskiej z innymi grupami etnicznymi oraz władzami państwowymi. Analiza sytuacji sugeruje, iż pod wieloma względami najlepsze warunki dla pielęgnowania swojej odrębności (pomimo niewielkiej liczebności) ma mniejszość polska na Łotwie. Na przeciwległym krańcu, choć najliczniejsza, znajduje się mniejszość polska na Białorusi.
Studia z Geografii Politycznej i Historycznej; 2013, 2; 205-237
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Geografii Politycznej i Historycznej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wawrzyniec Feige – śląski protoplasta warszawskiej rodziny Kowalskich
Wawrzyniec Feige – the Silesian Progenitor of the Warsaw Line of the Kowalski Family
Kowalski, Mariusz
Data publikacji:
Muzeum "Górnośląski Park Etnograficzny w Chorzowie"
historia rodziny
the Kowalski family
the Feiges
family history
Według rodzinnej opowieści, Jan Kowalski osiedlił się w Warszawie pod koniec XIX wieku, po ucieczce z Prus, gdzie nie chciał odbywać służby wojskowej. Badania genealogiczne ukazują nieco inny przebieg wypadków. Z pruskiego Śląska uciekł ojciec Jana, Wawrzyniec Feige. Powodem była zaoczna kara więzienia (6 miesięcy) za drobne kradzieże (drewno z lasu). By z całą rodziną przekroczyć granicę posłużył się dokumentami nieżyjącego Michała Kowalskiego. Późniejsze pokolenia Kowalskich nie znały ani historii Wawrzyńca, ani jego prawdziwego nazwiska. Niemniej, Kowalscy należą do tej samej haplogrupy Y-DNA jak mężczyźni o nazwisku Feige oraz mężczyźni o nazwisku Schultz, których przodkowie w XVIII wieku mieszkali na Śląsku. Jest bardzo prawdopodobne, że charakterystyczna dla tej haplogrup mutacja powstała w XVI wieku na Śląsku i dotyczyła mężczyzny o nazwisku Feige. Nazwisko to używane było w okolicach Śląska już w XV wieku i najprawdopodobniej pochodzi od imienia Feit (łac. Vitus).
According to a family story, Jan Kowalski settled in Warsaw at the end of the 19th century, after escaping from Prussia, where he did not want to do the military service. Genealogical research reveals a slightly different course of events. Jan's father, Wawrzyniec Feige, fled from Prussian Silesia. However, the reason was an in absentia prison sentence (6 months) for petty theft (wood from the forest). In order to cross the border with his entire family, he used the documents of the late Michał Kowalski. Later generations of the Kowalski family knew neither Wawrzyniec's story nor his real name. Nevertheless, the Kowalski family carry the same Y-DNA haplogroup as men named Feige and men named Schultz, whose ancestors lived in Silesia in the 18th century. It is very likely that the characteristic mutation arose in the 16th century in Silesia and involved a man with the surname Feige. This surname was used in the Silesian area as early as in the 15th century and most likely came from the name Feit (Latin: Vitus).
Rocznik Muzeum "Górnośląski Park Etnograficzny w Chorzowie"; 2023, 11, 11; 101-117
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Muzeum "Górnośląski Park Etnograficzny w Chorzowie"
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Księstwa i książęta w systemie ustrojowym Rzeczpospolitej Obojga Narodów
Kowalski, Mariusz
Data publikacji:
Kujawsko-Pomorska Szkoła Wyższa w Bydgoszczy
decentralizacja władzy
decentralization of power
Złożoność struktury polityczno-ustrojowej Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów podkreślały, mocą swego szczególnego statusu, funkcjonujące w jej ramach księstwa. Większość z nich weszła w skład Rzeczpospolitej na skutek postanowień Unii Lubelskiej (1569 r.). Wraz z innymi podmiotami (posiadłości szlacheckie, terytoria dużych miastach królewskich, posiadłości kościelne, etc.), wzmacniały terytorialno-administracyjną decentralizację wspólnoty. Dla porządku politycznego nowożytnej Europy, takie skomplikowane struktury polityczno-terytorialny był częstym zjawiskiem, charakterystyczne w szczególności dla ówczesnych Niemiec. Księstwa magnatów Rzeczypospolitej miał więc status podobny funkcjonujących w tym samym czasie księstw niemieckich. W przeciwieństwie jednak do tych ostatnich, z chwila upadku dawnego porządku politycznego, nawet najbardziej potężne i wyróżniające się swym statusem (księstwa, ordynacje) państwa magnackie, nie zostały nigdy na forum międzynarodowym uznane za odrębne państwa. Okoliczności te nie negują jednak polityczno-prawnego statusu księstw Rzeczpospolitej jako terytoriów o charakterze państwowym (publiczno-prawnym) w ramach przednowoczesnego porządku politycznego. Stan ten potwierdzały związki rodzinne polsko-litewskich książąt z rodami zagranicznych książąt panujących, utrzymywane do końca istnienia Rzeczypospolitej.
The complexity of the political structure of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was amplified by the territories of the duchies. Along with the other subjects (smaller magnates’ lordships, territories of the large royal cities, church possessions, etc.), they strengthened the administrative-territorial decentralisation of the Commonwealth. In the political order for early modern Europe such a complex political-territorial structure was a frequent phenomenon, characteristic, in particular, for the early modern Germany. The duchies of the magnates of the Commonwealth had, therefore, the political and legal status similar to that of the German duchies, existing at the same time. Contrary, though, to the German duchies, the magnate states in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, even the most powerful ones and the most pronounced as to their rank (like duchies and entails) did never acquire the formalisation (recognition) of their separate status on the modern international forum. With this respect, similarly as the entire territory of the Commonwealth, they belonged to the pre-modern order. This, however, does not negate the political and legal status of the magnate duchies in the framework of the pre-modern political system. This status was confirmed by the family ties of the Polish-Lithuanian dukes with the foreign ducal ruling families, maintained until the collapse of Commonwealth (1795).
Roczniki Ekonomiczne Kujawsko-Pomorskiej Szkoły Wyższej w Bydgoszczy; 2014, 7; 293-318
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Ekonomiczne Kujawsko-Pomorskiej Szkoły Wyższej w Bydgoszczy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Udział Polaków w formowaniu południowoafrykańskiej Kolonii Przylądkowej
Participation of Poles in the formation of the South African Cape Colony
Kowalski, Mariusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
South Africa
Cape Colony
Dutch colonization
British colonization
kolonizacja holenderska
kolonizacja brytyjska
Afryka Południowa
Kolonia Przylądkowa
The contribution of Poles to colonization and development of the Cape Colony is not commonly known. Yet, Poles have been appearing in this colony since its very inception (1652). During the entire period here considered this presence of Poles was the outcome of the strong economic ties linking Poland with the Netherlands. At the end of this period an increase took place of their share, in connection with the presence of numerous alien military units on the territory of the Colony, Poles having served in such units. Numerous newcomers from Poland settled in South Africa for good, established families, and their progeny made up the local society. In 1814 Cape Colony became in formal terms a part of the British Empire (while being under British occupation since 1806). This, however, did not hamper the inflow of immigrants from Poland. In the majority of cases they also melted into the Afrikaner society. An especially important group, together with emigrants from Germany, came during the decades of 1850s, 1860s and 1870s. Poles were very often involved in the pioneering undertakings within the far-off fringes of the Colony. Jan Liske took part in the expedition to Namaqualand, Michiel Kowalski and four other emigrants from Poland – in the expedition to Cobuquas people, Stephanos gained fame as a humbug and false missionary among the Nama and Griqua peoples, Jan Michiel Sowiecki settled the eastern borderland of the Colony and remained in close relations with the Boer pioneer and rebel Conraad de Buys, Jan Latsky became the pioneer of the European colonization of the High Karoo. This concerned also the later Polish settlers – even those from the second half of the 19th century – like, for instance, Ankiewicz, Mendelski, Szukała, Waberski – many of whom settled within the eastern borderland of the Colony in the British Caffraria. In an indirect manner the participation of Poles in the extension of the boundaries of the Colony is perceived by R. Shell in the article The Forgotten Factor in Cape Colonial Frontier Expansion, 1658 to 1817. In his opinion, “all we may conclude is that it was the Cowalskys [Kowalskis] of this world rather than the Van der Merwes who opened up the frontier in this early period”. The evidence for this phenomenon is provided by the present-day Afrikaner families of, for instance, Ankiewicz, Aproskie, Beirowski, Drotsky, Hohowsky, Jankowitz, Jewaskiewitz, Kitshoff, Kolesky, Latsky, Masuriek, Troskie, Waberski, Zowitsky, and others. Quite superficial estimation implies that the settlers coming from Poland could make up a bit over 1% of the ancestors of the present-day Afrikaners.
Udział Polaków w kolonizowaniu i zagospodarowywaniu Kolonii Przylądkowej nie jest powszechnie znany. Tymczasem Polacy pojawiali się w niej od samego początku jej istnienia (1652 r.). Przez prawie cały badany okres obecność ta była wynikiem silnych więzów gospodarczych wiążących Polskę z Niderlandami. Pod koniec tego okresu nastą-pił wzrost ich udziału w związku z obecnością w Kolonii licznych obcych jednostek wojskowych, w których służyli Polacy. Wielu przybyszów z Polski osiedliło się w Po-łudniowej Afryce na stałe, założyło rodziny, a ich potomstwo weszło w skład miejsco-wego społeczeństwa. Pod panowaniem brytyjskim, w wyniku dwóch fal kolonizacji, osiedlili się kolejni przybysze z Polski, niejednokrotnie przybywając całymi rodzinami. Świadectwem tego zjawiska są dzisiejsze rodziny afrykanerskie: Ankiewicz, Aproskie, Beirowski, Drotsky, Hohowsky, Jankowitz, Jewaskiewitz, Kitshoff, Kolesky, Latsky, Masuriek, Troskie, Waberski, Zowitsky itd. Pobieżne obliczenia wskazują, że osadnicy z Polski stanowili nieco ponad 1% przodków dzisiejszych Afrykanerów. Polacy brali również udział w pionierskich przedsięwzięciach na odległych pograniczach Kolonii, w tym w wyprawie łupieżczo-handlowej z 1702 r.
Studia z Geografii Politycznej i Historycznej; 2014, 3; 225-241
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Geografii Politycznej i Historycznej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Muzeum Żydów Mazowieckich w Płocku – nowa placówka na kulturalno–oświatowej mapie Polski
Wojtalewicz, Mariusz
Kowalski, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Studia z Geografii Politycznej i Historycznej; 2014, 3
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Geografii Politycznej i Historycznej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A generalized method for assessing emissions from road and air transport on the example of Warsaw Chopin Airport
Wasiak, Mariusz, Jacek
Niculescu, Adrian Ioan
Kowalski, Mirosław
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
transport drogowy
transport lotniczy
emisja hałasu
zanieczyszczenie powietrza
koszt zewnętrzny
Lotnisko Chopina
road transport
air transport
noise emission
air pollution
external cost
Warsaw Chopin Airport
The article presents a method for assessing emissions of harmful substances and noise from road and air transport, as well as a combined assessment of the emissions of these transport pollutants. The original analytical dependencies reflecting the emissions of harmful substances from road transport, developed as part of the EMITRANSYS project implemented at the Faculty of Transport of the Warsaw University of Technology, were taken into consideration, in which the unit values of the actual road emissions of harmful substances are a function of, among other things, route length or speed of the vehicles. However, the dependencies associated with noise emissions were taken from the applicable international guidelines for assessing environmental pollution by traffic noise. The article also describes a case study in which the impact of Warsaw Chopin Airport on noise along the Warsaw road network and the entire Warsaw agglomeration was assessed. Analyses and discussions were carried out in the scope of the change in transport noise due to air operations carried out in the analysed area. As agreed, the combined impact of road and aircraft noise in the area under study is far more unfavourable than street noise alone. Thus, it can be seen that the assessment of noise levels carried out separately for individual modes of transport (in accordance with applicable regulations) should be supplemented with the assessment of traffic noise from all modes of transport – especially in the case of simulation tests of ecologically friendly changes in the area of transport.
Archives of Civil Engineering; 2020, 66, 2; 399-419
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Civil Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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