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Antropologia na wojnie. Historia i teraźniejszość udziału antropologów w konfliktach wojennych
Anthropology at war. History and present time of involvement of anthropologists in military conflicts
Kowalski, M.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Wojsk Lądowych imienia generała Tadeusza Kościuszki
antropologia kulturowa
konflikty zbrojne
HTS (Human Terrain System)
cultural anthropology
armed conflicts
HTS (human Terrain System)
Armia amerykańska i CIA oficjalnie prowadzą rekrutację antropologów w ramach projektu Human Terrain System, którego celem jest walka z lokalną partyzantką. Od 2007 roku, Departament Obrony Stanów Zjednoczonych zatrudnia badaczy społecznych w oddziałach bojowych na terenie Iraku i Afganistanu. Projekt ten, wywołał falę krytyki w środowisku antropologów. Ożywiona dyskusja dotycząca przemiany antropologii w narzędzie prowadzenia wojny stała się pretekstem do publicznej debaty o etyce i współczesnej roli antropologii. Co więcej, przy okazji tej dyskusji ujawniona została nieznana historia antropologii i zaangażowania antropologów podczas minionych wojen. Wywołane tą debatą zainteresowanie historią antropologii pozwoliło stwierdzić, że podczas Drugiej Wojny Światowej ponad połowa amerykańskich antropologów wykorzystywała swoje umiejętności zawodowe na rzecz wysiłku wojennego. W artykule tym omawiam dyskusję dotyczącą zaangażowania antropologów w wojny toczone obecnie i w przeszłości. Przedstawiam przykłady takiego zaangażowania zaczerpnięte z Pierwszej i Drugiej Wojny Światowej oraz z okresu Zimnej Wojny. Pokazuję w jaki sposób antropolodzy byli wykorzystywani podczas operacji wojskowych i wywiadowczych. Nawiązuję do słynnego stanowiska Franza Boasa z 1919 roku jako do początku wszelkich dalszych dyskusji nad kwestiami etycznymi związanymi z zaangażowaniem antropologów w wojnę. Rozważam, jak zaangażowanie podczas wojen zmieniło samą antropologię jak i jej zasady etyczne, oraz wskazuję na konsekwencje etyczne i praktyczne takiego zaangażowania dla relacji w terenie. Mając na uwadze wszystkie historyczne przykłady zaangażowania badaczy społecznych podczas wojen jednoznacznie wskazuję, że wszelkie zastosowania antropologii w działaniach wojennych mogą prowadzić do poważnego zagrożenia dla antropologów jak i dla całej dyscypliny.
The US Army officially decided to mobilize anthropologists for the project of the Human Terrain System for counterinsurgency war. Since 2007 the US Department of Defense have been employing social scientists in combat brigades in Iraq and Afghanistan. This decision provoked widespread criticism of the project in the anthropological community. The intense discussion about turning anthropology into a military tool also provokes wider public debate concerning the ethics and current role of anthropology. Various examples taken from the history of anthropology show that more than half of American anthropologists were using their professional skills to advance the war effort during World War II. In this paper the author refers to the discussion connected with the engagement of anthropologists in recent and past wars. He provides examples of such involvement relevant to World War I and II as well as to the time of the Cold War. He shows the ways in which anthropologists were used in military and intelligence operations. The author of the article refers to the famous Franz Boas's statement from 1919 as the starting point for all the further discussions related to the ethical questions of the engagement of anthropologists in wars. The author considers how the engagement in those wars changed anthropology itself and its Code of Ethics. He points out the ethical implications of such engagement, especially for field relations. Keeping those historical examples of social scientists' war involvement in mind, the author claims that any application of anthropology in war activities can pose danger to anthropologists and the whole discipline as well.
Zeszyty Naukowe / Wyższa Szkoła Oficerska Wojsk Lądowych im. gen. T. Kościuszki; 2012, 1; 119-132
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe / Wyższa Szkoła Oficerska Wojsk Lądowych im. gen. T. Kościuszki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Noise emission level versus the structure of the aircraft turbine engine
Kowalski, M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
noise of aircraft engines
environmental impact of a jet engine turbine
This article presents the problem of noise generated by turbine jet engines. It points out possible directions of noise decrease with particular emphasis upon structural changes within the engines, the task of which is to reduce the noise mission. The example of the modernization is based upon the "bypass" type of one-flow turbine jet engine. The essay contains theoretical basis of calculation of the noise emission level and the results, which graphically indicate a relative level of noise of this type of engine depending upon the amount of discharged air and the diameter of the discharge nozzle and the radius, upon the basis of which the noise level is determined. This work also includes a comparison of the relative noise level of this type of engine with regard to one-flow turbine engine equipped with the function of air discharge to the environment and with regard to two-flow turbine jet engine equipped with air stream flow mixing device. The essay ends with short conclusions. In order to struggle with the air noise special "Environmental Protection Programmes" are prepared. Civil airports and military airports prepare new procedures for taking off and approaching planes as well as optimize the approach and take off airport flight zone corridors. Unfortunately, in the case of so big surfaces, acoustic screens would not bring desired effects, also due to costs.
Journal of KONES; 2012, 19, 4; 325-332
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analysis of an aircraft engine start-up process on the example of the PZL-130 TC-II „Orlik” training aircraft
Kowalski, M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
diagnostics of aircraft engines
qualification tests of aircraft driving units
The paper discloses the analysis of processes that take place during the start-up operation of the driving unit for the training aircraft of the TZL-130 TC-II Turbo-Orlik type. The aircraft is designed for selective and initial trainings at the Air Force School of “Little Eagles” in Dęblin. The driving unit comprises the PT6A-25C turbo-propeller engine from Pratt & Whitney combined with the four-bladed airscrew from Hatzell. It is specifically mentioned that data for the analysis were sourced from the S2-3a on-board recorder of flight parameters manufactured by the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT). The analysis was carried out both during ground and flight tests. The paper briefly outlines general structures and operation principles of typical start-up systems with the focus to their key components. Attention is paid to how important it is to select an appropriate start-up system to match the specific aircraft type and the guideline parameters for selection that should be adhered to are specified. Also there are disclosed the key mathematical relationships that are indispensable to design start-up systems and to find out their basic characteristics. It is emphasized that the start-up operation must be considered as a non-stationary process that lasts from the standstill state of the engine until the moment when the minimum required rpm is reached, sufficient to generate necessary power of the engine. In addition, the attention is paid to the fact that the value of the engine acceleration is crucial to the achievable start-up time that is deemed as one of key parameters for all start-up systems. It is demonstrated that to achieve the required level of acceleration, it is necessary to secure the so called overhead of the engine power which needs constant flow offuel and air into the combustion chamber of the engine. The last part of the paper comprises selected characteristic curves that were obtained from the analysis of the engine start-up processes both on ground and in flight. The final conclusions emphasize that the start-up system for the presented driving unit is really efficient and guarantees correct operation of the engine under any conditions.
Journal of KONES; 2014, 21, 3; 177-189
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Environmental protection and technical tests of military off-road trucks
Kowalski, M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
military vehicles
systems responsible
polluting the environment
This paper presents the most vital parts of technical tests of military vehicles in relation to environmental protection. The presented method is based on the most popular military off-road truck of the Star 1466 type. It includes a diagram showing the parts of the test of this vehicle from the perspective of environmental protection whose sequence is not imposed. What is solely required is that all these parts are executed - in accordance with the applicable provisions. For this purpose, the paper presents the methodology (whose major parts are described) of testing the vehicle complying with the requirements of environmental protection. Furthermore, it outlines the process of checking leakages of exploitation fluids, smoke opacity, measurement of external noise of this vehicle and the measurement of the level of an acoustic signal. The description of particular checks is based on the applicable provisions and regulations, as well as on typical and commonly available measuring instruments. It is stressed how important it is to maintain and follow the technical parameters - concerning the systems (units) responsible for polluting the environment - which are required by particular provisions and regulations. In the conclusions, the most crucial documents governing the organization of stations used for testing military vehicles, as well as methods and necessary equipment, have been presented.
Journal of KONES; 2014, 21, 4; 263-272
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Safe speed of a passenger car in circular motion
Kowalski, M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
driving safety
vehicle motion
curvilinear track
In this paper, selected elements of the theory of the car's motion were presented. It was emphasised that it is extremely important to know the rules of behaviour of a car in curvilinear motion, an example of which is a curve, especially when driving in adverse weather conditions resulting in the significant reduction of the car's traction to the surface. The active electronic stability programme (ESP) of the car's trajectory, its principle of operation and benefits of use were briefly discussed. The next part was to present the basics of the mechanics of a vehicle's motion, especially the forces acting on a car during its stop phase, the forces acting on the curve of the road. On this basis, the basic equilibrium equations were presented, which in turn led to defining the correlation for determining the so-called safe speed of driving in circular motion, which also guarantees the impossibility of the cars skidding. In the further part, the calculations, in accordance with the BMW 320d car's data were made. Hypothetically, it was assumed that this car might have only a front-wheel drive, only a rear-wheel drive or a four-wheel drive. The idea was to check to what extent the type of drive has an impact on the achieved value of the safe speed of driving in the circular motion with a minimum turning radius for this vehicle. The article was completed with short conclusions, in which the importance of the electronic stability programme (ESP) of the car's trajectory was emphasised.
Journal of KONES; 2014, 21, 4; 273-280
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czy wielkopolska była prawicowa? Przestrzenne zróżnicowanie zachowań wyborczych w Polsce w latach dwudziestych XX wieku
Was Greater Poland oriented to the right-of-center? Spatial differentiation of voting behavior in Poland in the 1920s.
Kowalski, M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Geografii i Studiów Regionalnych
wiek XX
zroznicowanie przestrzenne
Prace i Studia Geograficzne; 2014, 54; 89-105
Pojawia się w:
Prace i Studia Geograficzne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Podstawy teoretyczne projektowania sztucznego oświetlenia w ujęciu architektonicznym
The basics of theoretical design of artificial illumination in an architectural point of view
Kowalski, M.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Krakowska im. Tadeusza Kościuszki. Wydział Architektury. Katedra Kształtowania Środowiska Mieszkaniowego
światło w architekturze
teoria projektowania światła
sztuczne oświetlenie
light in architecture
arificial illumination
theory of light design
Artykuł omawia problematykę podstaw projektowania sztucznego oświetlenia w ujęciu architektonicznym, w nawiązaniu do wymagań z zakresu techniki oświetleniowej i elektrycznej. Przedstawiono zbiór teoretycznych aspektów tego zagadnienia, mogących wpływać na kształtowanie projektów oświetleniowych dzieł architektonicznych, z uwzględnieniem zasad kompozycji i funkcjonalności architektury. Dyskusji poddano także oddziaływanie sztucznego oświetlenia na postrzeganie przestrzeni architektonicznej przez użytkownika.
The article discusses the problems of designing an artificial illumination from an architectural point of view, in connection with the requirements of lighting and electrical engineering. A set of theoretical aspects of this issue, which may influence the design of architectural lighting projects, is presented, taking into account the principles of composition and functionality of architecture. The interaction of artificial lighting has also been discussed for the perception of the architectural space by the user.
Środowisko Mieszkaniowe; 2017, 20; 35-39
Pojawia się w:
Środowisko Mieszkaniowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kultura zdrowotna - wymiary edukacyjne (w kierunku odpowiedzialności za zdrowie)
Sanitary culture - educational dimensions (towards responsibility for health)
Kowalski, M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
Zdrowie (rozumiane jako brak choroby) jest bezdyskusyjnie uznawane przez znaczną część każdego społeczeństwa za jedną z najważniejszych wartości. Wydaje się, że wartość ta – utożsamiana z dobrem, aktywnością, pomyślnością – ma charakter uniwersalny i odnosi się do większości systemów kulturowych tworzonych przez człowieka. Zdrowiu – jako wartości będącej głównym czynnikiem determinującym postawy i zachowania zdrowotne – człowiek powinien przypisywać odpowiednio wysokie miejsce w hierarchii pragnień i dążeń. Niemniej jednak należy zauważyć, że z jednej strony zdrowie jest wartością, która w świadomości społecznej jest powszechnie rozpoznawana, rozumiana i akceptowana, a z drugiej strony (czego niejednokrotnie doświadczamy), nie jest powszechnie szanowana. Czym można tłumaczyć tego typu zachowania i postawy? Jak zatem analizować kulturę zdrowotną z perspektywy odpowiedzialności?
Health (understood as a lack of illness) is undeniably taken as one of the most important values by a major part of every society. It seems that this value – it can be identified with good, activity and well-being – has an universal character and appeals to most of the cultural systems created by the humans. Health – as a value being the main factor determining attitudes and health behaviours – should be given a suitably high position in the hierarchy of demands and aspirations of every human being. Nevertheless, it should be pointed out, that on one hand health is a value that in social awareness is commonly recognised, understood and accepted, but on the other hand (what we often experience ourselves) is not commonly respected. What can explain that kind of attitudes?
Prace Naukowe Akademii im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie. Kultura Fizyczna; 2009, 08
Pojawia się w:
Prace Naukowe Akademii im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie. Kultura Fizyczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Phase mapping in the diagnosing of a turbojet engine
Odwzorowanie fazowe w diagnozowaniu silnika turboodrzutowego
Kowalski, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Mechaniki Teoretycznej i Stosowanej
aircraft engine diagnostics
phase mapping of engine parameters
This paper describes possibilities of using the phase portrait for the diagnosis of the turbojet engine AŁ-21F3 type. Attention is paid to description of the theoretical basis of application of this method to identify the engine fuel system. The identification of the engine fuel system was conducted for each operating adjusting point according to the mono-selection 3r plan with variable data sampling period with a frequency equal to a constant submultiple of the engine rotation frequency. It is explained how the settings of the operational control of the AŁ-23F3 engine fuel system influence the shape of the phase characteristics of engine rotation speed. Additionally, the location of the phase portrait distinctive points is determined. Moreover, there are shown examples of phase portraits for selected ranges of engine operation. It is shown, as an example of using the phase mapping, the ability to monitor parameters of the automatic engine start up using the adjusting machine screw of the altitude corrector of the start-up automaton and changes of the diameter of the start-up automaton nozzle. It is also shown that the qualitative analysis of the adjustment of specific ranges of engine operation is sufficient to determine the influence of the individual adjusting points for those operating ranges.
W referacie przedstawiono możliwości wykorzystania portretu fazowego do diagnozowania turbinowych silników odrzutowych typu AŁ-21F3. Opisano podstawy teoretyczne zastosowania tej metody do identyfikacji układu paliwowego silnika. Identyfikację układu realizowano dla każdego punktu regulacji eksploatacyjnej, zgodnie z planem monoselekcyjnym 3r, ze zmiennym okresem próbkowania danych, z częstotliwością równą stałej podwielokrotności częstotliwości obrotowej silnika. Wykazano wpływ nastawy regulacji eksploatacyjnej układu paliwowego silnika AŁ-21F3 na kształt charakterystyk fazowych prędkości obrotowej. Określono położenie charakterystycznych punktów portretu fazowego. Przedstawiono przykłady portretów fazowych dla wybranych zakresów pracy silnika. Jako przykład zastosowania odwzorowania fazowego pokazano możliwość kontroli parametrów automatycznego uruchamiania silnika przy pomocy wkręta korektora wysokości automatu uruchamiania oraz zmiany średnicy dyszy automatu ruchamiania. Wykazano także, że do analizy jakościowej regulacji poszczególnych zakresów pracy silnika wystarczającym jest określenie wpływu poszczególnych punktów regulacyjnych na te zakresy pracy.
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics; 2012, 50, 4; 913-921
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Adaptive jet engines, advantages and application opportunities
Kowalski, M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
combustion engine
adaptation engine
parameters of the engine air
The paper has been intended to shortly describe the design of an adaptive jet engine, commonly termed 'the bypass engine'. Examples have been presented of how the bleeding of air affects the most essential engine performance characteristics, i.e. thrust, specific fuel consumption, and efficiency. Pointed out are economic advantages (only slight) of the application of this design as compared to the one-pass turbojet engine with no bleed. Furthermore, considered are capabilities to adapt an engine design of the bypass type for a one-pass turbojet engine K-15 as one of several upgrade opportunities. Simulation-based computations have proved, however, that there are some limitations on the bleed air amount and initial engine operational range for the accomplishment of the idea from the standpoint of capabilities to maintain conditions for the compressor-turbine matching. Also, the effect of this type of air bleeding upon the engine running-up process and the change in the running-up time for this type of the upgraded engine has been shown. In the Recapitulation and Conclusions section a mention has been made on the amount of bleed air to be passed through external channels from behind the compressor to behind the turbine: the bleed air amount increases as the total rate of the air flow along the engine flow path increases. It means that better effects of applying this type of air bleeding processes are gained in large engines. Presented are also capabilities of further developments and applications.
Journal of KONES; 2011, 18, 3; 161-168
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analysis of vibroacoustic properties of the 250-C20R/2 RRC (Allison) engine in the support surface of the compressor
Kowalski, M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
vibroacoustic properties
engine vibration analysis
The paper presents an analysis of the levels of vibration on the compressor in the support surface of the American RRC Allison 250-C20R engine built into the SW-4 Puszczyk helicopter. Then, it presents the association of occurring vibrations with their source of origin, and also the comparison of their values with the limit values specified in the operating manual of the helicopter. The methodology of the conducted research and analyses are explained. The essential elements preceding the research, such as determining time courses, on the basis of which the most important parts to conduct the detailed analyses of changes of the basic parameters and compliance with technical conditions, are defined. Moreover, the theoretical issues in terms of determination and description of the characteristic parameters of mechanical vibrations are briefly presented. The typical terms used in the procedures of vibration, description and measurements are explained. The importance of the interpretation of measurements is quite significantly emphasised and the components of the main engine, which were subject to measurement, are indicated. The difficulties in the identification of the vibration due to the high probability of overlapping of vibrations coming from several elements are emphasised. Next, the methodology of measurement is described, in which, among others, mounting points of vibration sensors are presented. The final part of the paper is mainly a graphical presentation of the results, on the basis of which the conclusions are developed. The conclusions show a lack of decisive symptoms indicating the danger at the level of vibrations, and present the future directions of work, which will allow for a more detailed analysis.
Journal of KONES; 2014, 21, 4; 281-288
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rozporządzenie dla jednostek ochrony przeciwpożarowej
Kowalski, M.
Data publikacji:
Centrum Naukowo-Badawcze Ochrony Przeciwpożarowej im. Józefa Tuliszkowskiego
bezpieczeństwo publiczne
ochrona zdrowia
straż pożarna
public safety
fire brigade
Artykuł przedstawia zadania i cele pracy Zespołów ds. nowelizacji rozporządzeń Ministra Spraw Wewnętrznych i Administracji z dnia 20 czerwca 2007 r. dotyczących wykazu służących zapewnieniu bezpieczeństwa publicznego, ochronie zdrowia i życia oraz mienia a także zasad dopuszczania tych wyrobów do użytkowania (Dz. U. nr 143 poz. 1002) a także szczegółowych czynności wykonywanych podczas procesu dopuszczania, zmiany i kontroli dopuszczania wyrobów opłat za powyższe czynności i sposobu ich ustalania.
The article presents tasks and objectives of the work of teams for amendment to The Minister of Interior and Administration orders from 20th of June 2007, concerning the register of products designed for providing public safety, health care and life and property protection, and the rules of authorizing the use of these products (Law Gazette No. 143, p. 1001 & 1002) as well as detailed action carried out during the process of authorization, change and control of products authorization, charges for the action and the way of establishing it.
Bezpieczeństwo i Technika Pożarnicza; 2008, 3; 7-10
Pojawia się w:
Bezpieczeństwo i Technika Pożarnicza
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Adaptive jet engines work analysis and control
Kowalski, M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
adaptation engine
parameters of the engine air
sensitivity of work cycle
The paper describes major designs of adaptive jet engines as well as their structural and operational advantages. Attention is paid to actual thermodynamic cycles of such engines and energy balance of flows. Particular attention paid to a double-rotor engine designed by Pratt & Whitney, where a portion of air is bled from downstream of the compressor and then supplied to the area downstream the turbine when the engine is operated at its maximum performance (turbine bypass engine). Then attention is paid to actual thermodynamic cycles of such engines and energy balance of flows. It was shown that real working cycles of these engines represent figures with variable surface areas, which is the reason for the second name of these units - engines with variable thermodynamic cycle. It is explained how basic parameters of such engines affect sensitiveness of operating cycles and controllability. The analysis has been conducted separately for internal and external channel. The sensitivity analysis for the working cycle makes it possible to select parameters that are potentially controllable and adjustable. To sum up the foregoing deliberations one has to state that operation of turbojet adaptive engines is the topic that needs much more investigation. Even the design solution of the engine itself, although being really exciting and promising, is troublesome in the aspects of the design and process engineering, and will lead to a series of operation and maintenance problems.
Journal of KONES; 2011, 18, 2; 225-234
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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