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Kolor spostrzeżony i kolor nazwany
Color Perceived and Color Named
Janowski, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
teorie barw
mieszanie subtraktywne
relatywizm barwny
color theories
subtractive mixing
color relativity
W historii myśli od starożytności tworzono różne teorie widzenia barwy. Czynili to na początku filozofowie, później artyści, następnie fizycy i psycholodzy. Wpływ na ich koncepcje miały powszechnie przyjęte konceptualizacje barwy. Np. dla starożytnych Greków biel była bardzo jasnym żółtym, a czerń ciemnym niebieskim. Kolorów nie można zdefiniować językowo, a jedynie ostensywnie. Ktoś nauczył ludzi nazywać kolory poprzez podobieństwo do konkretnych obiektów. Stąd biorą się spory o kolory rzeczy np. czy coś jest pomarańczowe albo łososiowe. Ten przykłady może rodzić pytanie brzmiące w trywialnej wersji: Natura czy kultura warunkuje nasze spostrzeganie barw? Nie ma na nie oczywiście jednoznacznej odpowiedzi. Różne teorie widzenia barw wynikają również z kulturowych i środowiskowych czynników. Dopiero wraz z rozwojem metody naukowej przyjęto „obiektywne" fizyczne podstawy teorii barwy. Nie tłumaczą one do końca wszystkich uwarunkowań związanych z widzeniem i działaniem barwy na człowieka. Sztuka jako dziedzina przełamująca kulturowe ograniczenia dotyka o wiele pełniej istoty barwy niż filozoficzne i naukowe teorie.
In the history of thought, various theories of color vision have been developed since antiquity. They were influenced by commonly accepted conceptualizations of color. Someone taught people to name colors based on their similarity to specific objects. This is where arguments about the colors of things come from, e.g., whether something is orange or salmon. This example may raise a trivial question: Is it nature or culture that determines our perception of colors? There is, of course, no clear answer to this question. It was only with the development of the scientific method that an “objective” physical basis for color theory was accepted. They do not fully explain all the conditions related to seeing and the effect of color on humans. As a discipline that breaks through cultural limitations, art touches the essence of color much more fully than philosophical and scientific theories.
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne; 2021, Wydanie specjalne, 28; 5-17
Pojawia się w:
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
W poszukiwaniu tożsamości współczesnej filozofii przyrody
Contemporary Philosophy of Nature: A Search for Identity
Janowski, Jarosław Maciej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
filozofia przyrody
philosophy of nature
W artykule podjęto kwestię dotyczącą tożsamości filozofii przyrody w kontekście trzech współcześnie wymienianych charakterystycznych cech tej dyscypliny, a mianowicie jej różnorodności metodologicznej, interdyscyplinarności oraz swoistej dynamiki rozwojowej. Analizowane są zagrożenia dla tożsamości filozofii przyrody, wynikające z takiego zestawu cech, w szczególności z różnorodności metodologicznej filozofii przyrody. Jednocześnie podjęto próbę obrony wymienionych cech jako powodujących nie tylko zagrożenia, ale również (paradoksalnie) wzmacniających tożsamość filozofii przyrody. Całość analiz odnosi się do metafilozoficznej charakterystyki dziedziny filozofii. --------------- Zgłoszono: 13/08/2021. Zrecenzowano: 06/09/2021. Zaakceptowano do publikacji: 14/10/2021.
This article addresses the issue of the identity of the philosophy of nature in the context of three features characteristic of this philosophical discipline, namely its methodological diversity, interdisciplinarity and specific developmental dynamics. This paper examines the threats to the identity of the philosophy of nature resulting from this set of features, particularly from its methodological diversity. It will also attempt to consider these features as (paradoxically) strengthening the identity of the philosophy of nature. Lastly, the entire discussion will be considered in relation to the metaphilosophical dimension of philosophy as an area of knowledge. --------------- Received: 13/08/2021. Reviewed: 06/09/2021. Accepted: 14/10/2021.
Studia Philosophiae Christianae; 2021, 57, 2; 73-99
Pojawia się w:
Studia Philosophiae Christianae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zagadnienie istnienia i natury czasu w wybranych modelach kosmologicznych
Janowski, Jarosław Maciej
Pabjan, Tadeusz
Leciejewski, Sławomir
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Liberi Libri
The question of the existence and the nature of time in selected cosmological models This book is concerned with the question of the existence and the nature of time in selected cosmological models. By such formulation of the subject the author wishes to consider the problem of time, being the object of interest to various sub-fields of philosophy, from the perspective of the philosophy of nature. To achieve that, an application of certain data, that can be provided by science, to the analyzes of the problem of the existence and nature of time, is a necessity. The author will focus on three cosmological models for what can be considered the suggestions of solutions aiming to describe the structure of the Universe below the Planck scale, proposed by theoretical physics. These are the Hartle–Hawking State, also known as the concept of the universe with no boundaries (No-boundary Proposal), created by Stephen Hawking and James Hartle, a Noncommutative Universe model, also known as the concept of the noncommutative regime, postulated by Michał Heller and Wiesław Sasin and the Platonia concept proposed by Julian Barbour. All the proposals mentioned contribute to the Quantum Gravity Research Programme, which aim is to describe the structure of the Universe from the Big Bang until the present in an unitary mode. The Quantum Gravity is expected to connect the incompatible, according to modern physics, formulas of General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. The Quantum Gravity should also enable description of the indescribable by both the General Relativity and the Quantum Mechanics, the Initial Singularity which had triggered the Big Bang. The first of four chapters of the book, focuses on the problem of the time in philosophy as a whole. Due to that, it consists of the two issues unavoidable when discussing the subject. Firstly, the author distinguishes a list of questions concerning the phenomenon of time, by which the phenomenon will be presented in terms of philosophical discourse, with reference to the classic distinction of the three aspects: the ontological, epistemological and psychological one. Simultaneously, the classic analysis of the problem will be completed with certain issues being the subject of analysis of time in contemporary philosophy of time (e.g. the controversy between Eternalism and Presentism or the dispute between the Endurantism and Perdurantism). Secondly, a proposal of a typology of comprehension of the time due to its ontological status will be presented. The typology proposed, unlike the renowned distinction between the realism and antirealism, distinguishes also a third one, being the position between realism and antirealism. By emphasizing the fact of existence of this borderland the author wishes to show the subtleties of distinctions related to the ontological status of time and also to remind of how difficult and fascinating the struggle with the issue of time was for various philosophers over the centuries. Furthermore, the autor believes that paying close attention to the fact of the existence of the position mentioned is a characteristic feature of the philosophy of nature. The second chapter focuses on the issue of time as in the perspective of the science. The chapter is giving insight in the nature of the troubles with time experienced not only by philosophers, but also by the scientists. Due to the subject undertaken, the author will limit the science referred to the theoretical physics and the disciplines related. In the first section of this chapter a method will be presented, in which time is recognized in the three great physical theories of the 20th century, especially in the Special Relativity, General Relativity and the Quantum Mechanics. In the theories mentioned, time can be perceived as either as an external parameter, an internal time, or as a Quantum Observable. In the next section the standard cosmological model will be presented, within which the structure and the evolution of the Universe is reconstructed, using the General Relativity and the achievements of Astronomy and Astrophysics as a theoretical background. The standard model however faces difficulties and even collapses, when attempting to describe the initial stage of the evolution of the Universe, known as the Planck Era. To be able to describe the structure of the Universe at this stage of its evolution correctly, it is necessary to provide a theory, which would be capable of describing properly the Spacetime Singularities. Unfortunately, the General Relativity, which constitutes the theoretical basis of the standard cosmological model, proves to be incapable of completing the task. Since the Penrose–Hawking singularity theorems have been proved, a belief has strengthen that General Relativity is insufficient, and the standard cosmological model – incomplete of describing the origins of the Universe. Considering the situation, many physicists are searching for a theory, which would allow a correct description of Spacetime Singularities. Simultaneously, a new cosmological model being the proper description of the structure and the evolution of the Universe from the very beginning of its existence – the Big Bang to the present moment, is being searched. The new theory referred to as the Quantum Gravity will, according to the scholars, connect the two mutually incompatible formalisms of General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. Moreover, the new model of the universe based on Quantum Gravity, would become a part of the broader concept of the Quantum Cosmology. The presentation of the Quantum Gravity Research Programme within which the various concepts related to the Quantum Gravity, such as the notion of Quantum Gravity, the Theory of Everything or Quantum Cosmology will be arranged, would complete the second chapter. One of the possible typologies associated with the way, that Quantum Gravity can relate to the concept of space-time will also be included in this chapter. The reason for that is the fact, that in a process of constructing the Quantum Gravity, a way of recognizing the concepts constituting the Quantum Gravity such as time and space-time is an important factor. The majority of scholars researching the Quantum Gravity, agrees to the fact that the space-time structure, being the basis for the description of the Universe in the standard cosmological model, should be replaced by another structure that would enable a description of the Initial Singularity. The differences between the proposals in this regard, include the question of whether the space-time and the time are to appear in the description of the structure of the Universe, e.g. at the higher levels of its organization, or in the later stages of its evolution, or whether they should disappear completely from the description of the Universe. The subject of the third chapter, entitled The Atemporality of the Universe in some cosmological models, will be the models mentioned, specifically the Hartle–Hawking State, Heller–Sasin’s Noncommutative Universe and Julian Barbour’s Platonia. In this chapter, a reconstruction of the models will be conducted, so that they would become useful for the purposes of the philosophical analysis in the latter chapter. The reconstruction itself will be preceded by the presentation and the analysis of the assumptions made by the authors of each model. Then, the specific features of the construction of each model will be presented. In the final section of the chapter the picture of the structure of the Universe as it is revealed in every model will be depicted with the indication to the components, of which the notion of time can be constructed. The last chapter will be focused on the issue of the ontological implications in the atemporal models of the Universe. Firstly, a reconstruction of a time constitutives will be conducted. The author introduces the term in order to describe such elements of the models postulating atemporality of the Universe at below the Planck scale indicated in the third chapter, that would allow for reconstitution of time at higher levels of the Universe’s structure. The analysis of these elements will be conducted further, being an attempt to determine their ontological status, as well as their relation to the notion of time itself. Besides, an attempt of reconstruction of the attendant ontologies (also known as the ontologies of the physical theories), which function besides the considered models of the Universe. Subsequently, an analysis of the relation between the time constitutives and attendant ontologies will be conducted. Simultaneously, the author will attempt to answer the question of whether, despite their overt atemporality, the presuposition of the real existence of time in the analyzed models of the Universe can be justified. Finally, the conclusion from the analyses mentioned will be presented in a broader context of the debate over the question of the metaphysics of time. A possible impact of the attendant ontologies of the analyzed models, and the ontologies widely associated with certain physical theories, on the image of time, will also be discussed. Additionally, an attempt will be made to locate the analyzed models of the Universe in the context of the ontological status of the time typologies suggested in the first chapter. All of the analyses, reconstruction and considerations intend to prove the research hypothesis saying that the temporal constitutives can be identified in the cosmological models explicitly postulating atemporality of the Universe. The recognition of the validity of the claim strengthens the position which treats time as really existing. On the other hand, the recognition of the atemporality of the Universe below the Planck scale, being identical with its fundamental structure level, can contribute to the weakening of the concept of realism both in relation to the time as to the entire Universe. The author of this book believes that with the consolidation of a new theory describing the initial stage of the Universe, the necessity of a profound change in the field of philosophy of time, the philosophy of natural science, and perhaps also in the entire philosophical discourse on the nature of the Universe will arise.
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Filozoficzne pytania o czas
Philosophical questions about time
Janowski, Maciej, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Wydawnictwo APS
filozoficzne koncepcje czasu
ontologia czasu
relacje między filozofią a psychologią
philosophical concept of time
eternalism and presentism
realism and antirealism
time ontology
relations between philosophy and psychology
W artykule następuje próba ukazania istotnej roli zagadnienia czasu w rozważaniach prowadzonych na terenie filozofii. Jednocześnie wskazuje się na trudności, jakie pojawiają się w dyskursie filozoficznym, gdy próbuje się opisać i zrozumieć „fenomen czasu”. W filozoficznych badaniach nad czasem można wyróżnić specyficzne pytania, jakie stawia się w odniesieniu do czasu. Prowadzi to do wyróżnienia trzech płaszczyzn (ontologicznej, psychologicznej i epistemologicznej) w badaniach nad czasem. Owe płaszczyzny są najbardziej podstawowymi aspektami, w jakich można rozpatrywać „fenomen czasu”. Uszczegółowienie badań w ramach ontologicznego aspektu czasu daje możliwość utworzenia typologii sposobów jego ujmowania. Pomocne w tym okazują się kategorie ontologiczne rzeczy (substancji), zdarzeń, procesów, jak i nowa „kategoria ontologiczna” – w której podstawą ontyczną świata staje się człowiek. Ostatecznie typologia sposobów ujmowania czasu ze względu na jego status ontyczny przyjmuje postać kontinuum z trzema charakterystycznymi punktami: 1) realizmem, 2) arealizmem oraz 3) szerokim pograniczem pomiędzy realizmem i arealizmem.
The article aims to show an important role of time on philosophical grounds. At the same time, difficulties present in philosophical discourse are shown, when one tries to describe and understand a phenomenon of time. In philosophical studies on time, specific questions can be distinguished. This leads to three facets (ontological, psychological, and pistemological) when studying time. These facets are the most basic aspects in which the „time phenomenon” can be seen. Detailing of the studies in the ontological framework allows a creation of its typology. Helpful in doing that are ontological categories of things (substances), events, processes, as well as a new ontological category – in which human becomes an ontical basis of the world. Finally, typology of the ways of describing time because of its ontological status forms a continuum with three characteristic points: 1) realism, 2) arealism, 3) a broad borderline between realism and arealism.
Psychologia Wychowawcza; 2017, 54(12); 134-152
Pojawia się w:
Psychologia Wychowawcza
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wychowała go gromada : 100. rocznica urodzin Aleksandra Kamińskiego
Janowski, Andrzej.
Gazeta Wyborcza 2003, nr 27. Dod. "Gazeta Świąteczna", s. 20
Kurski, Jarosław. Opracowanie
Data publikacji:
Kamiński Aleksander (1903-1978) biografia
Związek Harcerstwa Polskiego biografie
Wawer (org.) dowódca biografia
Armia Krajowa. Okręg Warszawa. Biuro Informacji i Propagandy dowódcy
Szare Szeregi
Biuletyn Informacyjny (czasop.) 1939-1944 r.
Powstanie warszawskie (1944)
Współtwórca Szarych Szeregów. Komendant organizacji "Wawer". W l. 1939-1944 redaktor naczelny "Biuletynu Informacyjnego". W l. 1941-1944 szef Biura i Propagandy Okręgu Warszawskiego AK.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
Nowe funkcjonalizowane polimeryzowane w roztworze kauczuki butadienowo–styrenowe do bieżników opon
Novel functionalized solution styrene butadiene rubbers (SSBR) for tire treads
Janowski, Bartłomiej
Jankowska, Barbara
Radwańska, Joanna
Rogoża, Jarosław
Weda, Paweł
Kozak, Radosław
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Inżynierii Materiałów Polimerowych i Barwników
functionalized rubber
rubber compound
rolling resistance
wet grip
Payne effect
kauczuk funkcjonalizowany
funkcjonalizacja, krzemionka
mieszanka kauczukowa
opór toczenia
efekt Payne’a
Two commercially available continuous-polymerized rubbers made by Synthos – Syntion 2150X1 and 2150X4, with the same microstructure and different degree of functionalization has been compared with non-functionalized reference. Vulcanizate based on the lower functionalized rubber has a higher tensile strength, a higher modulus 300 and a lower elongation at break, compared to a vulcanizate based on a non-functionalized reference rubber. In contrast, for vulcanizates based on higher functionalized rubber, low elongation at break and much lower tensile strength are characteristic, which is probably connected with functional groups present in the polymer chain. In case of vulcanizates based on both functionalized rubbers, there is a significant decrease in the values of tan δ at 60°C (rolling resistance predictor). Decreasing in rolling resistance predictor value is visibly dependent on the amount of the functionalizing agent in raw rubber. Wet grip predictor values increase with increasing functionalizing agent content.
Dwa produkowane przez Synthos, komercyjnie dostępne kauczuki Syntion 2150X1 i 2150X4, o tej samej mikrostrukturze i różnym stopniu funkcjonalizacji zostały porównane z niefunkcjonalizowanym kauczukiem referencyjnym. Zaobserwowano, że wulkanizat na bazie niżej sfunkcjonalizowanego kauczuku ma wyższą wytrzymałość na rozciąganie, wyższy moduł 300 i niższe wydłużenie przy zerwaniu, w porównaniu do wulkanizatu opartego na niefunkcjonalizowanym kauczuku referencyjnym. Natomiast dla wulkanizatu kauczuku o wyższym stopniu funkcjonalizacji charakterystyczne jest niskie wydłużenie przy zerwaniu i znacznie niższa wytrzymałość na rozciąganie, co prawdopodobnie wiąże się z grupami funkcyjnymi obecnymi w łańcuchu polimeru. W przypadku wulkanizatów opartych na obu funkcjonalizowanych kauczukach następuje znaczny spadek wartości tan δ w 60°C (predyktor oporów toczenia). Zmniejszenie wartości predyktora oporów toczenia jest wyraźnie zależne od ilości czynnika funkcjonalizującego w kauczukach. Wartości predyktora przyczepności na mokrej nawierzchni dla wulkanizatów kauczuków sfunkcjonalizowanych wzrastają wraz ze wzrostem zawartości środka funkcjonalizującego.
Elastomery; 2019, 23, 4; 252-262
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-9 z 9

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