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Electromobility and hydrogenization of the motor transport in Poland now and in the future
Gis, W.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
road transport
combustion engines
environmental protection
The article analyses activities within the world, EU and Poland in aspect electromobility and hydrogenization now and in the future. Will be presented estimates cars park of global hybrid (HEV), hybrid plug-in (PHEV) and fully electric (BEV). Changes in production volumes and number of registered types of vehicles as abovementioned are presented in a breakdown into world. The overall number of HEVs produced thus far is estimated at approx. 12.5 million and over 1.3 million in Europe. There are roughly 38 thousand HEVs registered in Poland. There were about 800.000 hybrid plug-in vehicles registered in the world in 2016. Of 3.2 million electric plug-in vehicles and BEVs used in the world in 2017 more than 1.2 million were used in China, approx. 750 thousand in the USA, 850 thousand in Europe, including c.a. 650 thousand in the EU countries. Yet, electric plug-in vehicles (BEVs and PHEVs) globally accounted for just 0.3% of the worldwide fleet of passenger cars in 2017. The article also addresses the development of the electric vehicles market and the annual new vehicle registrations. The existing situation in the field of hydrogenization motor transport in the world, in the EU and in Poland will also be analysed. This will be analysed in terms of the number of hydrogen vehicles and hydrogen refuelling stations.
Journal of KONES; 2018, 25, 4; 95-101
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Hydrogenization of road transport on the example of Sweden, Poland and Japan
Gis, W.
Gis, M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
road transport
combustion engines
environmental protection
The article analyses the activities within the EU and national (Sweden, Poland) concerning the introduction of hydrogen fuel in road transport. The advantages and disadvantages of this drive were addressed. A directional program of hydrogen propulsion technology motion was presented on the example of Sweden and Poland. The most recent activities in Sweden regard the so-called Nordic Hydrogen Corridor European Project. The location of basic hydrogen refuelling stations in Poland until 2030 was proposed (HIT-2-Corridors European Project). These stations should be located in both TEN-T corridors running through Poland, i.e. in 1 – Poznan, 2 – Warsaw, 3 – Bialystok, 4 – Szczecin, 5 – the Lodz region, 6 – the Tri-City region, 7 – Wroclaw, 8 – the Katowice region, 9 – Krakow, to ensure the possibility of passing vehicles equipped with fuel cells (FCEV – Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle) among others between Western Europe and Scandinavia. For comparison, the article discusses FCEV development and initial hydrogen market creation in Japan. In the article is presented reasons for hydrogen society in Japan. The reasons are as follows: hydrogen is CO2 free; hydrogen can be produced from various sources, energy security – local production and consumption of energy, energy security – compensating for fluctuations in renewable energy production. In the article is presented Hydrogen/FCEV strategy Roadmap in Japan in context Hydrogen/FCEV Roadmap in China.
Journal of KONES; 2018, 25, 2; 137-140
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Alternatywne sposoby napędu i zasilania pojazdów
Alternative ways of propulsion and power vehicles
Gis, M.
Gis, W.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Transportu Samochodowego
pojazd ekologiczny
ecological vehicle
Silniki współczesnych pojazdów zasilane są przeważnie paliwami ropopochodnymi. Wykorzystywanie tych paliw wpływa bezpośrednio na wyczerpywanie się ich zasobów. Dlatego istotną sprawą są prace nad wdrażaniem nowych sposobów zasilania silników pojazdów. Ważnym jest też zmniejszenie emisji zanieczyszczeń spalin powodowane przez pojazdy z silnikami zasilanymi benzyną czy olejem napędowym. Obecnie popularnymi stają się pojazdy elektryczne, hybrydowe, gazowe, w nieco dalszej perspektywie ważnymi będą pojazdy wodorowe. W transporcie miejskim zwraca się uwagę na pojazdy elektryczne i hybrydowe, eksploatowane są pojazdy gazowe (z silnikami zasilanymi CNG, LNG, biomentanem) zaś w transporcie długodystansowym podejmuje się coraz częstsze próby stosowania pojazdów ciężkich wykorzystujących gaz płynny (LNG). W artykule przedstawiono w zarysie, alternatywne wobec konwencjonalnych, sposoby napędu i zasilania pojazdów.
Engines of modern vehicles are powered by fuels mostly oil-derived. The use of these fuels has a direct impact on depletion of their resources. Therefore, an important issue are works on the implementation of new ways to power engines of vehicles. It is also important to reduce emissions of exhaust pollutants caused by vehicles with engines supplied by gasoline or diesel. Currently become electric vehicles, hybrid, gas, in a slightly longer term, hydrogen vehicles will be important. In urban transport calls attention to electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles, are operated gas vehicles (with engines power by CNG, LNG, biomenthane) and in long-haul transport take more frequent attempts to use vehicles using liquefied petroleum gas (LNG). The article outlines, an alternative to conventional, ways of propulsion and power vehicles.
Transport Samochodowy; 2015, 4; 79-95
Pojawia się w:
Transport Samochodowy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Próba estymacji światowego parku samochodów elektrycznych (HEV, PHEV i BEV)
An attempt to estimate the global park of electric vehicle (HEV, PHEV and BEV)
Gis, W.
Menes, M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Transportu Samochodowego
samochód hybrydowy
samochód elektryczny
park samochodowy
hybrid car
electric car
car park
Szacunki światowego parku osobowych samochodów hybrydowych (HEV), hybrydowych typu plug - in (PHEV), w pełni elektrycznych (BEV). Łącznie liczbę wyprodukowanych na świecie do chwili obecnej hybrydowych samochodów elektrycznych (HEV) szacuje się na około 12,5 mln sztuk (Japonia ok. 4,3 mln sztuk, USA ok. 4 mln sztuk, Europa 1,1 mln sztuk, Polska ok 21 tys. zarejestrowanych sztuk). Liczba zarejestrowanych samochodów hybrydowych typu plug-in (PHEV) na świecie to ok. 500 tys. sztuk (2015 r.). Spośród 2,1 mln zarejestrowanych na świecie samochodów w pełni elektrycznych BEV (wraz z PHEV) w Europie było ok. 650 tys. sztuk (ok. 450 tys. sztuk w krajach UE).
Estimates of global hybrid car park (HEV), hybrid plug-in (PHEV), fully electric (BEV). Overall, the number of hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) produced in the world is estimated to be around 12.5 million (Japan about 4.3 million, USA about 4 million, Europe with 1.1 million, Poland about 21 thousand registered cars). The number of registered plug-in hybrids (PHEVs) in the world is around 500,000 (2015). Of the 2.1 million registered worldwide BEV electric vehicles (including PHEV) in Europe was, around 650,000 (about 450 thousand in EU countries).
Transport Samochodowy; 2017, 2; 45-56
Pojawia się w:
Transport Samochodowy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wyniki badań średniorocznych przebiegów samochodów osobowych w Polsce w roku 2014
The test results of average annual mileages of passenger cars in Poland in year 2014
Gis, W.
Menes, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe Silników Spalinowych
Referat poświęcony jest badaniom realnych średniorocznych przebiegów samochodów osobowych ogółem i w podziale: według pojemności skokowej ich silników, rodzaju paliwa, miejsca rejestracji oraz wieku w Polsce na przełomie lat 2013/2014. Badania, którymi objęto ponad 3,2 tysiąca pojazdów poprzedzono omówieniem metod badania średniorocznych przebiegów samochodów stosowanych w różnych krajach, a także analizą przedmiotowych przebiegów w okresie ostatnich kilkunastu lat w najwyżej zmotoryzowanych krajach świata. Uzyskane wyniki badań obok potwierdzenia wzrostu średniorocznego przebiegu samochodów wraz ze wzrostem pojemności skokowej ich silników, rodzajem użytkowanego paliwa oraz jego spadku w funkcji wieku samochodów, wykazały, że największe średnioroczne przebiegi realizują w Polsce samochody zarejestrowane w miastach liczących od 100 do 500 tys. mieszkańców, a najniższe (poza samochodami w wieku do 3 lat), samochody zarejestrowane w miastach liczących ponad 500 tys. mieszkańców.
The paper is devoted to research the real average annual mileages of cars in total and broken down into: according to the cylinder capacity of their engines, fuel type, place of registration and the age in Poland at the turn of the year 2013/2014. The study, which involved more than 3.2 thousand vehicles were preceded by a discussion of research methods average annual mileages of cars used in different countries, as well as an analysis of these mileages over the last several years in most motorized countries. The obtained results confirm the increase in the average mileages of cars with increase of cylinder capacity of their engines, the type of fuel operated and its decline as a function of age of self-revenue, showed that the greatest average annual mileage cars perform in Poland registered in the cities cars of between 100 to 500 thousand residents, and the lowest (except cars aged up to 3 years), cars registered in cities with a population of over 500 thousand residents.
Combustion Engines; 2015, 54, 3; 770-774
Pojawia się w:
Combustion Engines
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Development of the international freight transport sector in Poland against the background of the EU market
Gis, W.
Waśkiewicz, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe Silników Spalinowych
road transport
international transport
transport drogowy
transport międzynarodowy
Development of Polish international road transport of goods after Poland's accession to the EU. Haulage work carried out between 2005 and 2015. International transport in the context of haulage carried out by the remaining EU transport. Transport arranged by types of haulage in 2005 and in 2015. Development of the number of Polish enterprises and their transport potential measured by the numerousness of the car fleet. Changing structure of the trucks fleet according to the pollutants emission standards in the years 2010–2015. Shaping of the average efficiency of the haulage work by the statistical vehicle. Factors influencing the future demand for international transport performed by Polish carriers. Trends for introducing high-volume lorries to run on the EU roads. Prospects for the development of Polish international freight transport until 2030.
Combustion Engines; 2017, 56, 4; 181-184
Pojawia się w:
Combustion Engines
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Badania średnich kosztów jednostkowych w polskich przedsiębiorstwach ciężarowych przewozów międzynarodowych
Studies of the average unit costs at the Polish international freight transport companies
Waśkiewicz, J.
Gis, W.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Transportu Samochodowego
transport ciężarowy
przewozy międzynarodowe
freight transport
international transport
Wyniki prowadzonych przez ITS za lata 2009 - 2014 badań średnich kosztów jednostkowych w przedsiębiorstwach międzynarodowego transportu ciężarowego mających swe siedziby w Polsce. Charakterystyka próby badawczej. Średnie koszty 1 wozokilometra przebiegu przedsiębiorstw operujących głównie na rynkach innych krajów UE oraz średnie koszty w przedsiębiorstwach przewożących przeważnie w relacjach z rynkami wschodnimi. Koszty według grup rodzajowych kosztów. Analiza zmian. Średnie stawki przewozowe w badanych przedsiębiorstwach.
The results of the ITS studies conducted for the years 2009 - 2014 of the average unit costs at the international freight transport companies, established in Poland. Characteristics of the research sample. The average cost of 1 vehicle-kilometre mileage of the enterprises operating mainly on the markets of the other EU countries and the average costs at the enterprises operating mostly on the Eastern markets. Costs arranged according to the categories of costs. Analysis of changes. Average freight rates in the surveyed companies.
Transport Samochodowy; 2015, 4; 31-46
Pojawia się w:
Transport Samochodowy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Simulation of misfire in vehicles with SI engine
Rychter, M.
Gis, W.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
The engine failure consisting in a lack of combustion in particular cylinders, commonly called as an engine misfire, is defined in the Directive 98/69 of the European Parliament which states that ,,engine misfire means lack of combustion in the cylinder of a spark-ignition engine caused by a lack of an ignition spark, poor mixture, too low compression ratio value, or any other reason". The engine misfire always leads to an increase in the engine exhaust system emission and it can result in an irreversible damage of the catalytic converter resulting from exceeding its admissible operating temperature. The vehicle with the damaged catalytic converter becomes an origin of an intensive emission from the engine exhaust system. Therefore the primary requirement of all OBD standards is an obligation to provide constant monitoring of the engine misfire events for the spark-ignition engines (SI) and to identify the cylinder number of the engine in which a lack of combustion occurs. OBD system is assembly diagnostic test, analytical and decision procedures realization in actual time for the purpose improvement emission efficiency and efficiency of components responsible for passive and active safety of vehicles. OBD system is integral components of vehicles with connecting with control module of engine (sensor, controller, actuator devices) One of the basic problem connected with OBD technology is test of on board diagnostic efficiency in different application. Self-diagnostic is to minimize the volume of substances generated by the combustion engines polluting the natural environment. Self-diagnostic is the basis for creating the best conditions for the most effective operation of the engine. Those paper include same results of testing and possibilities monitoring of catalytically converter in SI engine and simulating of signal from oxygen sensor. There are results of simulation of misfire in these engine.
Journal of KONES; 2008, 15, 2; 415-426
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Exhaust emission from vehicles under real road traffic conditions - a new chance for PTI
Merkisz, J.
Gis, W.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
exhaust emission
road transport
combustion engines
air pollution
environment protection
The paper presents regulations and methods of testing emissions of exhaust toxic components from vehicles, particularly with respect to research methods under real road traffic conditions. In Europe, legal regulations determine emission values of the exhaust toxic components: carbon monoxide CO, unburned hydrocarbons HC and hydrocarbons released by evaporation (VOC - Volatile Organic Compound), nitrogen oxides NOx, and also PM emitted with the exhaust gasses. Emission of the harmful substances from the vehicles is tested on the chassis dynamometer, and the combustion engines them, on engine test bench. Due to a high cost of the test equipment and complexity of the tests, it is possible to use one measuring system, for both types of stands. Basic EU Directives and UN-ECE Regulations contain rules on conducting the aforementioned tests together with the regulations for the measuring equipment. In the beginning of 2005 in Europe the introduction of a new set of regulations began be introduced, concerning emissions from the M1 and N1 category vehicles. They are called Euro IV (currently obligatory) and Euro V (introduced in 2008). New regulations introduced not only more stringent requirements for the vehicles they refer to, but also for the research laboratories as far as the equipment level and research methods are concerned. Compliance with these requirements is being verified during type approval of vehicles, conformity of production (COP), and in-service conformity.
Journal of KONES; 2008, 15, 4; 321-330
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Future of electric cars in the EU
Gis, W
Waśkiewicz, J
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
carbon dioxide emissions
alternative drives
The article presents scenarios for the EU and national development of passenger electric and hybrid cars. The forecast for 2030 of the shares of such vehicles in the total number of new passenger cars sold in various categories in the EU, has been presented. The expected carbon dioxide emissions for this time horizon, in so-called, life cycle of cars in the EU and in Poland, in relation to conventionally powered passenger cars and electric and hybrid cars, have also been presented The results of surveys conducted by the Motor Transport Institute on the interest of residents of the Polish agglomerations in the acquisition and operation of the electric cars in the coming years have been d. Questions and answers referred to the socio - demographic structure of the respondents and their households, the number of classes of the cars owned, monthly household income and self-evaluation of the quality of the income management. Also, the questions were asked about the ownership and extent of use (frequency of use of a car owned and the average annual mileage) and the criteria for the current and future choices of passenger cars (e.g. price class, purpose). The questions also concerned the technical and economic knowledge of electric cars (such as the impact on the natural environment, operating costs), as well as willingness to incur possible costs associated with the purchase of an electric car. The focus was also placed on getting to know the vulnerability of the consumers to the influence of the actions of the propaganda, administrative and economic nature, which may affect the consumers’ decisions concerning the purchase of electric cars and learning about the reasons for any reluctance to use such vehicles.
Journal of KONES; 2014, 21, 2; 83-88
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Reduction of carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides emissions from combustion engines of vehicles by using biomethane
Merkisz, J.
Gis, W.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
combustion engines
This paper discusses generally the possibility of reduction carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides emissions from internal combustion engines of vehicles by using biomethane. The road transport in Europe almost fully depends on fossil fuels. Diversification of the road transport fuels will be a key attribute for road transport in the coming years. Purified biogas is one of alternative renewable fuels. Actually, in Poland biogas is used for generating electricity and heat. In some countries (for example in Sweden), upgraded biogas to natural gas quality (biomethane) is used as a vehicle fuel too. In this paper estimated biogas production potential in Baltic See Region countries: Poland and Sweden. It was one of the purposes of European Project Baltic Biogas Bus, and it is taken into account in European Project More Baltic Biogas Bus realized presently. Comparative studies of exhaust emissions of carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides from city buses powered by diesel and CNG engine were carried out. The study was conducted under real traffic conditions in southern Polish city Rzeszow. Due to the lack in-service city buses with emission level Euro V in Rzeszow, comparative studies of this type of city buses powered by diesel and CNG engine was conducted in SORT I test. Determined mean values of road emissions of carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides in g/km for the city buses operated in Rzeszow. Estimated value of the total road emissions in the case that would be replaced half the fleet of city buses (40 CNG buses and about 35% of the diesel engine powered buses, meet Euro III emission standard) by the CNG-powered (biomethane) city buses, complying with Euro V (EEV) emission standard.
Journal of KONES; 2014, 21, 1; 153-162
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Projections of future use of electric cars
Gis, W.
Waśkiewicz, J.
Gis, M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
road transport
combustion engines
air pollution
environmental protection
In the article, reference was made to the mandatory now research hybrid and electric cars, and to the current state of the fleet of cars in the country and among others in the European Union. Reference was made also to the existing charging infrastructure for electric cars. Presents forecast of development of these last cars in Poland and Germany in the perspective of 2020-2030 year, presenting the achievements of the European project eMAP (electromobility-based scenario Market potential, Assessment and Policy options) in this area. An evaluation of the capability of the future of automotive industrial development of e-mobility. Attention was drawn to the traction battery and fuel cell system in electric vehicles. An analysis of the necessary policy options required for the development of electric cars. Among the recent policy options include an issues: research & development technology (strategic alliances, cooperations and consortia), financial incentives (vehicle tax, fuel tax, CO2 tax, insurance incentives), infrastructure, policy regulation (norms and standards, CO2 regulation) and information & marketing. In the project eMAP, a number of achievements were the participation of the authors of the present article.
Journal of KONES; 2015, 22, 2; 55-62
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Estimating environmental benefits resulting from the justification for the implementation of hydrogen technology in the road transport in Poland
Gis, W.
Menes, E.
Waśkiewicz, J.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
road transport
hydrogen technology
future development
environmental benefits
Taking into account the depletion of crude oil resources, as well as progressive climate changes, requires both in the short and the long term a radical restructuring of the EU’s transport system. Among the measures designed to ensure attaining objectives of transport policy there are, among the others, proposals such as: gradual phasing-out of the conventionally-powered cars from the cities by the 2050 and transferring in the same time horizon, 50% of passenger transport over medium distances and the freight one over long distances, from the roads over to other modes of transport. New technologies for vehicles and traffic management will be the key to decreasing pollutants emissions form transport. The method of estimating environmental benefits resulting from the expected development of hydrogen technology in the road transport in Poland. The results of the adopted scenario of the expert forecast by the 2050 of the development of the fleet of cars equipped with hydrogen supplied fuel cells diving along the Polish roads, forecasts of the mileages of these vehicles. Predicted consumption of petroleum originated fuels by the vehicles being replaced by electric vehicles equipped with fuel cells. Estimating the emissions of pollutants by the said car fleet. The costs not incurred, related to the air pollution by gases and dust emitted from combustion engines of cars and buses as a result of the development of hydrogen technology in Poland in the selected forecast years, calculated based on the rates in force in Poland. These costs estimated based on the indicators published by the European Commission.
Journal of KONES; 2016, 23, 4; 597-603
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Forecasts for the development of hydrogen technology in the road transport in Poland against the background of global and European trends
Gis, W.
Menes, E.
Waśkiewicz, J.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
road transport
fuel cell
hydrogen technology
future development
The cars that use fuel cells are equipped with electric motors, batteries and brake energy recovery system. Traditional engines and liquid fuel tanks in conventional vehicles are replaced with fuel cells and hydrogen tanks. Duel cells produce energy in the oxidation reaction of hydrogen, and the vehicles powered by them emit only water vapour. The article concerns the current developments and prospects of the development of technology of fuel cell vehicles powered by hydrogen. Achievements of the leading car companies in this respect, the expected future sales volume of cars equipped with fuel cells, expectations of lowering production costs of such vehicles (affecting their price), forecasts of the quantitative development of FCV fleet in the world, in Europe, including selected countries as well as the expected development of a network of hydrogen car refuelling stations. Rationale for the development of the road transport hydrogenization in Poland, indicating the importance of initiating the construction in our country of hydrogen refuelling stations. Expert estimates of the quantitative development of the fuel cells cars fleet by the 2030 and 2050 against the forecasts electric cars fleet development in Poland. Future demand for hydrogen fuel by the road transport, including vehicles using the road infrastructure in Poland acc. to the type of road traffic participants (passenger cars operated in Poland, cars travelling in transit or to Poland, buses) by the 2050. Future importance of the hydrogen technology development in the road transport to the economy and the protection of the natural environment from the destructive influence of the automotive industry.
Journal of KONES; 2016, 23, 4; 109-115
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Methodology of forecasting and forecast of demand for energy carries by lorries in POland up to the year 2020 (Part II)
Gis, W.
Menes, E.
Waśkiewicz, J.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
energy consumption
Discussed methodology of forecasting and forecast of demand for energy carriers have been presented in two parts. In first part has been given forecast of freight road transport volumes up to the year 2020. Estimated structure of the fleet in the initial period of the forecast. Variant forecast of the fleet size and its structure according to categories and age. In this part has been given forecast of demand for energy carriers by lorries. When forecasting the scale of demand for individual energy carriers by lorries in a given year, the following issues were taken into account: estimated numbers of vehicles registered according to categories and production periods, an estimated average consumption offuels per 100 km of mileage according to specified categories of vehicles and their production periods, estimated average annual mileages of vehicles according to categories and production periods. A drop in the use of petrol by lorries in Poland is expected to have taken place by the year 2020. The estimated forecast level amounts to 315-325 Gg. The use of petrol in 2020 would decrease to the level of 55-57% of the consumption in the initial period of the forecast. An estimated increase in the demand for diesel fuels by lorries is expected to take place in Poland in 2020 and it is envisaged to reach the level of 5848-7680 Gg, which compared to the consumption in the initial period of the forecast, would be tantamount to an increase dynamics of 170-223%. The demand for LPG fuels by lorries in 2020 should amount to 264-287 Gg, (an increase of 147-160% compared to the initial period of the forecast). The demand for CNG fuel by lorries in 2020 would reach 61-68 Gg.
Journal of KONES; 2008, 15, 4; 157-162
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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