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Ochrona i wykorzystanie roślinnych zasobów genowych. Wybrane aspekty prawne
Selected legal aspects of protection and use of plant genetic resources
Gała, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Temida 2
plant genetic resources
international agreement
Polish legal order
The issue of protection and use of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture is governed by the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (the Treaty) prepared in Rome on 3 November, 2001. The Republic of Poland ratified the Treaty on 15 October, 2004, which came into force towards our country on 8 May, 2005. This paper is purposed to search the answer the question: is the Treaty composed of a set of norms covering measures sufficiently adequate, unambiguous and accurate to make a source of legal instruments to discharge the obligations specified above, or does the Treaty constitute merely certain legal frameworks, within which its signatories should move using institutions of the internal law (or creating them). If the Treaty subject to analysis constitute merely legal frameworks to discharge the obligations under the Treaty, then do the Polish legislation and the European Union legislation applied directly allow to implement the Treaty provisions in practice (as a whole or in a part). Finally, if operating rules of the law (regulations, the European Union law) do not allow to implement the Treaty provisions in a whole or in a part, then is it necessary to enact a new comprehensive regulation creating a legal instrument purposed to implement the aim, or will modification of the existing legal regulation be sufficient (if any, then in what scope). Answering the above questions it is necessary to concern the position of the international agreements in the Polish legal order, and next to determine what type of norms of the international law we deal with regard to the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. Only examination of the key issues mentioned above allows to indicate what specific regulations of the Polish national law provide implementation of the Treaty provisions, and in what aspect the changes required within a scope of this legislation should proceed, or in what aspect creation of new legal instruments in the Polish legal order is necessary.
Studia Iuridica Agraria; 2012, 10; 489-502
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica Agraria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Legal Protection of Traditional Agricultural Knowledge Relating to Genetic Resources
Gała, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
traditional knowledge
plant genetic resources
intellectual property rights
legal protection of plant varieties
tradycyjna wiedza
zasoby genetyczne roślin
prawa własności intelektualnej
ochrona prawna odmian roślin
Traditional knowledge, including genetic resources of living organisms, especially plants, plays an extremely important role also in the development of modern science and present-day industry. This prompts us to consider the need, scope, and model of legal protection for such knowledge, both for the needs of the communities that create and cultivate it and for the wider public good. The present article includes an analysis of international legal regulations concerning the protection of traditional knowledge, with particular emphasis on the knowledge related to genetic resources, as well as legal works in this field. The considerations cover issues related to the development of the conceptual framework of such legal norms and the foundations of the legal protection of traditional knowledge, in particular the arguments concerning the need for such protection. The article also presents the basic types of intellectual property rights that can be the basis for legal protection of traditional knowledge.
Tradycyjna wiedza, w tym dotycząca zasobów genetycznych żywych organizmów, w szczególności roślin, odgrywa niezwykle istotną rolę także w rozwoju współczesnej nauki i współczesnego przemysłu. Skłania to do podjęcia rozważań dotyczących potrzeby, zakresu oraz modelu ochrony prawnej takiej wiedzy, zarówno dla potrzeb społeczności, które wiedzę taką tworzą i kultywują, jak i dla szeroko pojmowanego dobra ogółu. Artykuł obejmuje analizę międzynarodowych regulacji prawnych poświęconych problematyce ochrony tradycyjnej wiedzy, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem wiedzy związanej z zasobami genetycznymi, a także prac prawotwórczych w tej dziedzinie. Rozważania dotyczą kwestii kształtowania się siatki pojęciowej takich norm prawa oraz fundamentów ochrony prawnej tradycyjnej wiedzy, zwłaszcza argumentacji dotyczącej potrzeby takiej ochrony. Przedstawiono też podstawowe rodzaje praw własności intelektualnej, które mogą stanowić podstawę ochrony prawnej tradycyjnej wiedzy.
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia; 2020, 29, 2
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Biodiversity Conservation as the Determinant of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)
Gała, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
biodiversity conservation
rural development
the Common Agricultural Policy
ochrona bioróżnorodności
rozwój obszarów wiejskich
Wspólna Polityka Rolna
One of the effects of human expansion on the Earth is enormous growth of the species extinction rate. And this process leads to significant reduction of biodiversity. Meanwhile, its protection is necessary for the most elemental reasons, it means: maintenance of the action mechanisms of the living nature; maintenance of the ability of the nature to survive changes to the environment; prevention of the loss of natural values, hitherto undiscovered and unused, which constitute the basis for development and the guarantee to survive future generations. The concept of biological diversity was defined by the Convention on Biological Diversity adopted at the United Nations Conference on the Environment and Development (so called “Earth Summit”) in Rio de Janeiro on 5 June 1992. The European Union is the Signatory of that Convention. Therefore, the obligations imposed on the signatories of the Convention shall be also reflected in the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union. However, up till the year 2014 the necessity of biological biodiversity conservation did not constitute the determinant of the Common Agricultural Policy. After, at least the last development stage of CAP introduces the set of measures which benefits the protection of diversity. However, it is important that the CAP legal regulations shall be reflected in the national legal regulations of the Members of the European Union, as well as that their implementation shall be accompanied by recognition of the natural capital value by the European Union community.
 Jednym z efektów ekspansji człowieka na Ziemi jest ogromny wzrost tempa wymierania gatunków. Proces ten prowadzi do znaczącego ograniczenia bioróżnorodności. Jej ochrona jest konieczna z najbardziej elementarnych przyczyn: dla zachowania mechanizmów działania żywej przyrody oraz zdolności przyrody do przetrwania zmian środowiska, a także dla zapobieżenia utracie wartości przyrodniczych, jeszcze nieodkrytych i niewykorzystanych, które mogą być podstawą rozwoju i gwarancją przeżycia przyszłych pokoleń. Pojęcie różnorodności biologicznej zostało zdefiniowane w Konwencji o różnorodności biologicznej przyjętej podczas Konferencji Narodów Zjednoczonych na temat środowiska i rozwoju (tzw. Szczytu Ziemi) w Rio de Janeiro 5 czerwca 1992 r. Sygnatariuszem tej Konwencji jest Unia Europejska. Zobowiązania nałożone na sygnatariuszy Konwencji winny znaleźć odzwierciedlenie we Wspólnej Polityce Rolnej (WPR) UE. Konieczność ochrony różnorodności biologicznej nie stanowiła jednak determinantu WPR aż do 2014 r. Dopiero jej ostatnia faza rozwojowa wprowadziła zestaw środków służących ochronie bioróżnorodności. Ważne jest, by regulacje prawne WPR znalazły odzwierciedlenie w przepisach prawa krajowego członków UE oraz by ich wdrażaniu towarzyszyło uznanie wartości kapitału naturalnego przez społeczność UE.
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia; 2017, 26, 1
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Roślinne zasoby genetyczne jako przedmiot praw własności intelektualnej
Plant genetic resources as an object of intellectual property rights
Gała, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Temida 2
intellectual property rights
genetic resources
legal protection of plant varieties
Extension of the scope of the application of contemporary intellectual property rights for the newer objects under protection is a noticeable trend. Plant genetic resources are gaining more and more protection among the new intellectual property which is the object of rights to intangible assets. The concept of plant genetic resources has been defined in a number of international instruments such as the Convention on Biological Diversity, or the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. In the general context the term ‘plant genetic resources’ relates to any genetic material of plant, in particular applied for its propagation. The characteristic feature of plant genetic resources thus defined is that they are subject not only to one form of protection of intangible property, but they could find protection based on the rules pertaining to the exclusive right of plant varieties, patents, or the rights protecting from unfair competition. Such wide protection of plant genetic resources can pose controversies towards developing biotechnological monopolies concerning maintenance of food security. However, the role of legal regulations is searching for a balance between the need to support implementation of modern technologies relating to development of genetic resources and the respect to interests of society.
Studia Iuridica Agraria; 2018, 16; 53-66
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica Agraria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problematyka bioróżnorodności w nowym PROW na lata 2014-2020
The issue of biodiversity in the new Rural Development Programme (RDP) for the years 2014-2020
Gała, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Temida 2
protection of biodiversity
the Convention on biodiversity protection
the rural development
One of the human expansions on Earth there is substantial increase of species extinction rate. And this process leads to significant reduction in biodiversity. However, its protection is necessary for the most elementary reasons: – to maintain mechanisms of living nature action, – to maintain nature’s capacity to survive the environment changes; – to prevent the loss of natural values, not yet identified and used, which may constitute the basis for development and guarantee for survival of future generations. The notion of biodiversity was defined by the Convention on biodiversity adopted at the United Nations Conference on the Environment and Development (so called “Earth Summit”) in Rio de Janeiro, 5th June 1992. Both the Republic of Poland and the European Union is the Signatory of this Convention. Therefore, the obligations imposed on the Convention signatories shall be reflected both in the national and the European Union legislation. Undoubtedly, the legal regulations, both of the Community and the national ones concerning support for rural development include solutions purposed to protect biodiversity. It also appears that these solutions intend to approach the coherent system to support biodiversity.
Studia Iuridica Agraria; 2015, 13; 165-177
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica Agraria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kilka uwag w przedmiocie projektu nowelizacji ustawy o ochronie prawnej odmian roślin
Several concerns regarding the proposed amendment of the plant variety protection act
Gała, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Temida 2
legal protection of plant varieties
industrial property rights
Intellectual property
agricultural exemption
The institution of agricultural exemption is the most significant economic importance from all limitations to the exclusive right to the plant varieties. The agricultural exemption shall mean the derogation from the assumed protection model of plant variety rights, the objective of which is to defend the interests of farmers. Protecting the interests of farmers within the institution concerned is provided through their entitlement to benefit from the material harvested from plant varieties protected by the exclusive right as the seed without the breeder’s consent. So far-restricting protection of the exclusive right to the variety may lead to disintegration of the referred right, unless the legislator ensures the breeders legal instruments to offset their legitimate interests. Both at the Community and the national level such instruments shall be the entitlement to collect a fee for the agricultural exemption, the entitlement of the breeder to demand the information on a scope of the use of the institution of agricultural exemption, as well as the entitlement to check the compliance of the obtained information with the actual data. The latest draft amendment to the plant variety protection act fails to satisfy the principle to balance interests of the parties for obligatory relations of the agricultural exemption. In Poland its potential adoption and coming into force may be the essential factor which shall make the protection of the exclusive right regarding plant varieties at national level illusory.
Studia Iuridica Agraria; 2017, 15
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica Agraria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ochrona bioróżnorodności a prawa własności intelektualnej w rolnictwie
Protection of biodiversity vis intellectual property rights in agriculture
Gała, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Temida 2
breeding process
exclusive plant variety right
Convention on biological diversity of 5th June, 1992 including the regulations of the “International Treaty” on Plant “Genetic Resources” for Food and Agriculture prepared in Rome on 3rd November 2001 and the regulation of the Nagoya Protocol (of 29th October 2010) on access to genetic resources and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from their utilization to the Convention on biological diversity will significantly affect the practice relating to the creative breeding of new plant varieties. Among the objectives of the above cited international legal acts “the fair and equitable sharing of benefits derived from the utilisation of genetic resources” is to be noted. Since utilisation of genetic resources is an essential component of the creative breeding of new plant varieties, the new, detailed legal regulations covering this area have to cause impacts on the breeding process and obtaining the exclusive plant variety right. The new legal regulations concerning protection of biodiversity will impact, in particular, on far–reaching formalisation of the breeding process through enforcing compilation and collection of the documentation connected with the genetic resources of origin used in the breeding process. Moreover, the way of participation of particular seed industry participants in profits connected with commercialisation of the exclusive plant variety right will also be subject to remodelling. Beside hitherto beneficiaries of such profits, i.e. breeders (holders of the exclusive plant variety right) and seed companies (licensees of the exclusive plant variety right) the group of entities salary–earning for the exclusive plant variety right will be also extended with entities providing genetic resources for the creative needs of plant breeding.
Studia Iuridica Agraria; 2014, 12; 137-148
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica Agraria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wybrane tezy orzeczeń w sprawach rolnych z 2019 r.
Gała, Paweł
Czerwińska-Koral, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Wybrane tezy orzeczeń w sprawach rolnych z 2019 r.
Przegląd Prawa Rolnego; 2020, 1(26); 211-235
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Prawa Rolnego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Konstrukcja gospodarstwa rodzinnego na tle konstrukcji gospodarstwa rolnego w Kodeksie cywilnym i ustawie o kształtowaniu ustroju rolnego
The construction of a family farm in the context of the construction of an agricultural holding as provided for in the civil code and in the Act on shaping the agricultural system
La costruzione di azienda a conduzione familiare sullo sfondo di quella di azienda agricola nel codice civile e nella legge sul regime agricolo
Gała, Paweł
Łobos-Kotowska, Dorota
Stańko, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
azienda agricola
azienda a conduzione familiare
legge sul regime agricolo
agricultural holding
family farm
agricultural regime
gospodarstwo rolne
gospodarstwo rodzinne
ustrój rolny
Celem rozważań jest określenie założeń prawno-konstytucyjnych i ekonomicznych konstrukcji prawnej gospodarstwa rodzinnego na tle konstrukcji gospodarstwa rolnego w Kodeksie cywilnym i ustawie z 11 kwietnia 2003 r. o kształtowaniu ustroju rolnego. W artykule wykazano, że przepis art. 23 Konstytucji RP stanowi jedynie deklarację ustrojową, rodzaj manifestu ideologicznego. Aby został uznany za normę kierunkową, ustawodawca zwykły powinien wypełnić go stosowną treścią. Niewystarczające jest w tym zakresie zdefiniowanie gospodarstwa rodzinnego na podstawie ograniczeń w obrocie nieruchomościami rolnymi w ustawie o kształtowaniu ustroju rolnego. Konieczne jest stworzenia nowoczesnej i odpowiadającym współczesnym wymogom konstrukcji takiego gospodarstwa. Kierunek tych zmian powinien być jednak przemyślany i uwzględniający politykę rolną państwa.
L’articolo si propone di definire i presupposti giuridico-costituzionali ed economici della costruzione giuridica di un’azienda a conduzione familiare sullo sfondo di quella di un’azienda agricola nel codice civile e nella legge dell’11 aprile 2003 sul regime agricolo. Nell’articolo è stato dimostrato che la disposizione dell’art. 23 della Costituzione è solo una dichiarazione politica, una sorta di manifesto ideologico. Affinché sia riconosciuta come norma direzionale, il legislatore ordinario dovrebbe completarla con contenuti adeguati. A questo proposito, non è sufficiente basare la definizione di un’azienda a conduzione familiare sulla necessità di limitare la compravendita degli immobili agricoli prevista nella legge sul regime agricolo. È necessario creare una costruzione moderna e al passo con i requisiti attuali. I cambiamenti dovrebbero andare in una direzione attentamente studiata, tenuto conto della politica agricola dello Stato.
The aim of the article is to determine the legal, constitutional and economic assumptions of the legal construction of a family farm in the context of the construction of an agricultural holding in the Civil Code and in the Act of 11 April 2003 on shaping the agricultural system. It has been shown that the provision of Article 23 of the Constitution constitutes only a system declaration, a kind of ideological manifesto. In order for it to be recognised as a directional norm, it should be filled with the relevant content. A definition of a family farm as formulated in the Act on shaping the agricultural system is not sufficient in this respect. It is necessary to formulate a modern construction of such a holding which will meet the requirements of today. However, the direction of these changes should be carefully planned taking into account the agricultural policy of the state.
Przegląd Prawa Rolnego; 2021, 2(29); 201-214
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Prawa Rolnego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-9 z 9

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