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Efficient in vitro plant regeneration from cultured leaf and petiole explants of Isatis constricta Davis
Özel, Ç.A.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Lublinie
Isatis constricta
plant regeneration
shoot regeneration
in vitro method
plant propagation
Isatis concstricta Davis (an endemic plant of Turkey) suffers from low propagation rates under natural conditions and is threatened due to fast unplanned urbanisation. The study compared the effects of variants of BA + NAA on shoot regeneration on leaf and petiole explants excised from one week old in vitro regenerated seedlings. MS medium containing 1 mg L–1 BA + 1 mg L–1 NAA induced maximum proliferation on petiole and leaf explants with 13.33 and 12.75 shoots per explant repectively. However, leaf explant induced shoots were sturdy and healthier compared to petiole explant induced shoots. These shoots were rooted on MS medium containing 0.5 mg L–1 IBA and the plants were acclimatized in peat moss and sand (v/v). They grew to flowering under ex vitro conditions. This system of regeneration is advantageous for conventional propagation and the results will help in establishment of a powerful and meaningful micropropagation system for I. constricta.
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Hortorum Cultus; 2018, 17, 3; 49-55
Pojawia się w:
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Hortorum Cultus
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Developing marketing and management skills using simulated enterprises and facilitating the transition from theory to practice
Rozwijanie umiejętności marketingu i zarzadzania z wykorzystaniem symulowanych przedsiebiorstw i ułatwianie przejścia od teorii do praktyki
Pastiu, C. A.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Częstochowska
educational project
simulated enterprise
projekt edukacyjny
symulowane przedsiębiorstwo
The need for practical training of future graduates in conditions that are identical to those of their future jobs, with minimal costs, imposed the establishment of simulated enterprises in which they conduct similar activities to those of real companies, using the same procedures and the same equipment. A training simulated enterprise is an interactive learning method for developing entrepreneurship, a modern concept of interdisciplinary integration and application of knowledge, an approach to the process of teaching and learning that provides circumstances for the proof and further practice of the skills acquired by students in professional training. The power of SE resides in the relationship determined by carrying out transactions on training firms and economic realities in the sense that it seeks out the development, operation and earning of a place in the market.
Potrzeba praktycznego szkolenia przyszłych absolwentów w warunkach, które są identyczne do warunków panujących w ich przyszłych miejscach pracy, przy minimalnych kosztach, nałożyła utworzenie symulowanych przedsiębiorstw, w których wykonują oni działania podobne do tych w prawdziwych firmach, przy użyciu tych samych procedur i tego samego sprzętu. Szkoleniowe symulowane przedsiębiorstwo jest interaktywną metodą nauki dla rozwoju przedsiębiorczości, nowoczesną koncepcją interdyscyplinarnej integracji i stosowania wiedzy, podejściem do procesu nauczania i uczenia się, który stanowi okoliczności na dowód i dalszą praktykę umiejętności nabytych przez studentów podczas szkoleń zawodowych. Siła SP znajduje się w relacji określonej przez przeprowadzanie transakcji na firmach szkoleniowych i realiach gospodarczych w tym sensie, że dąży się do rozwoju, działań i zapracowania na miejsce na rynku.
Polish Journal of Management Studies; 2014, 10, 1; 108-112
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Management Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Діяльність європейських воєнно-інструкторських місій в країнах Південно-Східної Европи на початку ХХ ст.
Activity of European Military-Instruction Missions in the Countries of South-Eastern Europe at the beginning of the XX century
Фалько, C.A.
Data publikacji:
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Institute of World History
воєнна модернізація
реформування збройних сил
Південно-Східна Європа
воєнні місії
military modernization
reorganization of military forces
South-Eastern Europe
military missions
Стаття досліджує одну зі складових історії модернізаційних процесів у країнах Південно-Східної Європи на початку ХХ ст. – військову модернізацію. Мета дослідження – аналіз ролі іноземної військової допомоги у створенні збройних сил Румунії, Сербії, Болгарії, Чорногорії, Албанії та Греції. Розкриваються окремі напрямки військової допомоги, наданої країнам Південно-Східної Європи у вигляді військових місій, навчання офіцерів у Європі, поставок зброї та інших аспектів. Один із маркерів військового розвитку в досліджуваний період – це військово-інструкторська діяльність розвинених держав Європи в межах військової модернізації можливих військових союзників цих країн. Робота присвячена одній зі складових процесу військової модернізації – діяльності військово-інструкторських місій провідних європейських держав у визначений період. Часовий проміжок дослідження – 1908-1918 рр. Нижньою межею дослідження є боснійська криза 1908 р., викликана анексією Австро-Угорщиною Боснії і Герцеговини. Конфлікт послужив причиною швидкої мілітаризації регіону. Воєнні місії з країн Європи починають активну діяльність в Греції, Чорногорії, Туреччині. Тисячі офіцерів з балканських армій проходять навчання у військових закладах Європи. Верхня межа дослідження – Перша світова війна 1914-1918 рр. В той час був досягнутий очевидний успіх в модернізації збройних сил союзників воєнними місіями з Німеччини в Туреччині та Франції в Румунії. Це був час модернізації нових національних армій у Східній Європі. Не останню роль у цьому складному процесі відігравали воєнні місії. Швидко й ефективно досягти якісної модернізації відсталих у розвитку армій, без інструкторської допомоги, було неможливо. Зіставлення результатів перетворень дозволяє точніше зрозуміти регіональну специфіку та конкретні результати цієї форми військової модернізації збройних сил у міжвоєнне двадцятиліття. Використовується метод порівняння варіантів військової модернізації армій країн Сходу, які відбуваються на початку ХХ ст., і реформування збройних сил держав Південно-Східної Європи. Цей метод конкретизує результати, наслідки, невдачі й успіхи військової модернізації. Дослідження є актуальним для вивчення сучасних процесів воєнної модернізації.
This article studies one of the components of the history of modernization processes in the countries of South-Eastern Europe in the latter half of the 19th century – the early 20th century – military modernization. The purpose of research is to analyze the role of foreign military assistance in formation of military forces of Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Albania and Greece. Separate directions of military assistance provided to the countries of South-Eastern Europe in the form of military missions, training of officers in Europe, arms export and other aspects are disclosed. One of the markers of military development during the period in question was the military instructor activity of the developed European countries in the framework of military modernization of possible military allies in these countries. The lower limit of research is the Bosnian crisis in 1908 caused by annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina by Austria-Hungary. The conflict was the reason of rapid militarization of the region. Military missions from the countries of Europe began their activity in Greece, Montenegro, Turkey. Thousands of officers from Balkan army studied in military establishments of Europe. The top limit of the research is the First world war І 1914-1918. The obvious success was attained with modernization of the armed forces of allies by military missions from Germany in Turkey and from France in Romania in that time. The work deals with the process of military modernization, i.e. the activities of military instructor missions of the leading European countries during the interwar period. The time interval of the study ranges within 1908-1918. This was the period marked by modernization of new national armies in Eastern Europe. Military missions played an important role in this complex process. The comparison of the results of transformations provides for better understanding of the regional specifics and concrete results of this form of military modernization of armed forces during the twenty-year interwar period. The method for comparing variations of military modernization of armies of Oriental countries occurring at the turn of the 20th centuries and reorganization of military forces of the countries of South-Eastern Europe is used. This method instantiates results, consequences, failures and success of military modernization. The research is relevant for studying modern processes of military modernization.
Проблеми всесвітньої історії; 2021, 13; 24-52
Pojawia się w:
Проблеми всесвітньої історії
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The effect of growth stimulators and forecrop on raw material quality and yield of garden thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.)
Wpływ stymulatorów wzrostu oraz przedplonu na jakość surowca i plonowanie tymianku właściwego (Thymus vulgaris L.)
Kwiatkowski, C.A.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Włókien Naturalnych i Roślin Zielarskich
A field experiment in growing garden thyme was carried out in Jaroszewice (the central Lublin region) in 2008–2010. Three growth biostimulators (Asahi SL, Bio-algeen S 90, and Tytanit) were used in the study. Plots with no foliar application of these growth stimulators established the control group. Carrot, faba bean, and spring wheat forecrops were the other experimental factors. The present study showed that the best quantitative parameters of thyme raw material were observed after the application of the growth simulators. The root forecrop (carrot) also had a beneficial effect on thyme yield. Thyme crop protection without the application of the growth simulators resulted in the deterioration of the biometric traits and yields of this crop. The treatment with no application of the growth simulators was the most beneficial for the chemical composition of thyme raw material.
Eksperyment polowy z uprawą tymianku właściwego prowadzono w latach 2008-2010 w Jaroszewicach (środkowa Lubelszczyzna). W badaniach zastosowano trzy biostymulatory wzrostu (Asahi SL, Bio-algeen S 90 i Tytanit). Obiektem kontrolnym były poletka bez dolistnego stosowania stymulatorów wzrostu. Drugi czynnik badany w doświadczeniu stanowiły przedplony: marchew, bobik i pszenica jara. Badania dowiodły, że najkorzystniejsze parametry ilościowe surowca tymianku obserwowano po aplikacji stymulatorów wzrostu. Korzystne oddziaływanie na plonowanie tymianku posiadał także przedplon z rośliny okopowej (marchew). Metoda pielęgnacji zasiewów tymianku bez aplikacji stymulatorów wzrostu, wpływała na pogorszenie cech biometrycznych i plonu rośliny. Brak aplikacji stymulatorów wzrostu był korzystniejszy dla składu chemicznego surowca tymianku.
Herba Polonica; 2011, 57, 1
Pojawia się w:
Herba Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Shrink-swell potential of flood-plain soils in Nigeria in relation to moisture content and mineralogy
Igwe, C.A.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Agrofizyki PAN
flood-plain soil
linear extensibility
moisture content
International Agrophysics; 2003, 17, 2
Pojawia się w:
International Agrophysics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Response of winter rape (Brassica napus L. ssp. oleifera Metzg., Sinsk) to foliar fertilization and different seeding rates
Reakcja rzepaku ozimego (Brassica napus L. ssp. oleifera Metzg., Sinsk) na nawożenie dolistne i zróżnicowaną gęstość siewu
Kwiatkowski, C.A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
A field experiment in growing winter rape was carried out during the period 2009-2011 in a family farm (owned by Mr. M. Bednarczyk) located in Jaroszewice (Lublin region), on podzolic soil. Plant biometric features as well as yield and seed qualitative parameters (oil, protein and glucosinolate content) were evaluated depending on the following rates of soil NPK fertilizers and on foliar fertilization (autumn spraying with the fertilizer solution): 100% and 75% of NPK as well as urea + nickel chelate + MgSO4H2O; 100% and 75% of NPK as well as urea + Plonvit R + MgSO4H2O). Plots without foliar fertilization (only 100% of NPK) were the control treatment. The other experimental factor was the seeding rate (2.5 kg×ha-1 – 30 cm row spacing; 4 kg×ha-1 – 18 cm row spacing). Foliar spraying was done once in the autumn in the second decade of October. Tillage as well as mechanical and chemical control of agricultural pests in the plantation were typical for this plant species and consistent with the recommendations for winter rape protection. A hypothesis was made that the application of foliar fertilizers would have a beneficial effect on winter rape productivity, at the same time maintaining the high quality of raw material. It was also assumed that a reduction in the seeding rate of winter oilseed rape would result in reduced plant lodging and an increased number of siliques per plant; as a consequence, seed and oil productivity would be at a level not lower than that obtained at the higher seeding rate. The present study has proved that foliar fertilization of winter oilseed rape in the autumn period contributes to improved plant winter hardiness and increased productivity. The application of foliar fertilizers also enables the rates of basic mineral NPK fertilizers to be reduced by 25% without detriment to seed yield. Foliar fertilizers have been found to have a weaker effect on changing the chemical composition of rapeseed. The study has shown that, from the productive point of view, it is justified to use the lower seeding rate (2.5 kg×ha-1), since winter rape yield (seed and oil yield) did not significantly differ from that found in the case of the higher seeding rate (4.0 kg×ha-1).
Eksperyment polowy z uprawą rzepaku ozimego przeprowadzono w latach 2009-2011 w gospodarstwie rodzinnym (M. Bednarczyk) w Jaroszewicach (woj. lubelskie), na glebie bielicowej. Oceniano cechy biometryczne rośliny, plonowanie i parametry jakościowe nasion (zawartość tłuszczu, białka, glukozynolanów) w zależności od dawki nawożenia doglebowego NPK i dolistnego (oprysk jesienny roztworem): 100% i 75% NPK oraz mocznik + chelat niklu + MgSO4H2O; 100% i 75% NPK oraz mocznik + Plonvit R + MgSO4H2O). Obiekt kontrolny stanowiły poletka bez nawożenia dolistnego (wyłącznie 100% NPK). Drugim czynnikiem była gęstość siewu nasion (2,5 kg×ha-1 – rozstawa rzędów 30 cm; 4 kg×ha-1 – rozstawa rzędów 18 cm). Opryski dolistne przeprowadzano jednorazowo jesienią w drugiej dekadzie października. Uprawa roli oraz mechaniczno-chemiczna ochrona plantacji przed agrofagami były typowe dla gatunku rośliny i zgodne z zaleceniami dotyczącymi ochrony rzepaku ozimego. Przyjęto hipotezę, że zastosowanie nawozów dolistnych wpłynie korzystnie na produkcyjność rzepaku ozimego, z jednoczesnym zachowaniem wysokiej jakości surowca. Założono również, że zmniejszenie gęstości wysiewu nasion rzepaku ozimego wpłynie na ograniczenie wylegania roślin, zwiększenie liczby łuszczyn na roślinie, a w konsekwencji osiąganie produkcyjności nasion i tłuszczu na poziomie nie mniejszym, aniżeli uzyskanym w warunkach większej ilości wysiewu nasion. Udowodniono, że dolistne dokarmianie rzepaku ozimego w okresie jesiennym przyczynia się do poprawy zimotrwałości roślin i zwiększenia produkcyjności. Zastosowanie nawozów dolistnych umożliwia także ograniczenie dawek podstawowych nawozów mineralnych NPK o 25%, bez szkody dla wielkości plonu nasion. Stwierdzono słabsze oddziaływanie nawozów dolistnych na zmianę składu chemicznego nasion rzepaku. Wykazano, iż z punktu widzenia produkcyjnego uzasadnione jest stosowanie mniejszej gęstości siewu nasion (2,5 kg×ha-1), ponieważ plonowanie rzepaku ozimego (plon nasion i tłuszczu) nie odbiegały istotnie od stwierdzonego w warunkach większej gęstości siewu (4,0 kg×ha-1).
Acta Agrobotanica; 2012, 65, 2
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrobotanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wireless networks for medical applications
Pahalson, C.A.
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
With recent developments in the wireless networks field, new and innovative medical applications based on this technology are being developed in the research as well as commercial sectors. This trend has just started and the paper predict wireless networks are going to become an integral part of medical solutions due to its benefits in cutting down healthcare costs and increasing accessibility for patients as well as increasing the efficiency of the healthcare professionals. Same papers give some background on applications of wireless networks in the medical field and discuss the issue and challenges. It also tried to identify some of the standards in use. Another contribution due to this paper is the identification of innovative medical applications of wireless networks developed or currently being developed in the research and business sectors and also talk about the future trends in this field.
International Letters of Natural Sciences; 2014, 13, 1
Pojawia się w:
International Letters of Natural Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Effects of land use on some structural properties of an Ultisol in South-Eastern Nigeria
Igwe, C.A.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Agrofizyki PAN
organic matter content
bulk density
moisture content
structural property
total porosity
soil conservation
aggregate stability
International Agrophysics; 2001, 15, 4
Pojawia się w:
International Agrophysics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Experience of the Red Sludge Disaster in Hungary, 2010
Lekcja z katastrofy związanej wyciekiem czerwonego szlamu na Węgrzech w 2010 roku
Papp, C. A.
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Służby Pożarniczej
red sludge
breach the dyke
emergency services
State control
czerwony szlam
pęknięta tama
służby ratownicze
kontrola państwa
The paper provides an informative fact-based description of how a tragic incident may serve as a lesson to our experts as well as it describes the guidelines and revelations for future improvement. The wall of the sixteen meter hight , red sludge reservoir of the alumina plant in Ajka which belonged to the MAL Company was breached early in the afternoon on 4 October 2010. According to aggrieved parties’ opinion it was a doomsday for them. People lost their beloved ones, homes, tokens of memory. Although there was no scenario to manage the disaster, the emergency services were able to solve the problem step by step. The government made an unusual decision – which was unprecedented in the world before – introducing a State control above the privately owned MAL. It was done and the other countries were interested in learning about the method. The paper describes the summary of the heroic efforts made by thousands of Hungarians and it reminded us not to forget this disasters ever and help us to avoid similar ones.
W artykule przedstawiono, oparty na faktach, opis katastrofy, który miał miejsce na Węgrzech w 2010 roku. Pokazano jak ten tragiczny w skutkach wypadek może być lekcją dla ekspertów – podano również szereg wytycznych w celu usprawnienia bezpieczeństwa w przyszłości. 4 października 2010 roku, wczesnym popołudniem pękła jedna ze ścian 16 m zbiornika zawierającego tzw. czerwony szlam. Katastrofa miała miejsce w Ajka , w zakładach aluminium należących do firmy MAL. Dla poszkodowanych był to sądny dzień – utracili najbliższych, swoje domy i dobytek. W chwili wystąpienia katastrofy, nie było żadnego scenariusza dotyczącego zarządzania tego rodzaju zdarzeniem, a służby ratownicze sukcesywnie rozwiązywały bieżące problemy. Rząd węgierski podjął niespotykaną decyzję, która była bezprecedensowa nawet w skali całego świata. Przejął kontrolę nad prywatną firmą MAL. Po tym fakcie wiele krajów z zaciekawieniem śledziło rozwój wydarzeń i użyte w czasie akcji metody. W artykule opisano heroiczne zmagania tysięcy Węgrów, jak również przypomniano o tym, aby nigdy nie zapomnieć tej katastrofy i pokazano jak nie dopuścić do wystąpienia podobnych w przyszłości.
Zeszyty Naukowe SGSP / Szkoła Główna Służby Pożarniczej; 2015, 4, 56; 81-93
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe SGSP / Szkoła Główna Służby Pożarniczej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Yield and quality of chamomile (Chamomilla recutita (L.) Rausch.) raw material depending on selected foliar sprays and plant spacing
Plon i jakość surowca rumianku pospolitego (Chamomilla recutita (L.) Rausch.) w zależności od wybranych preparatów dolistnych oraz rozstawy roślin
Kwiatkowski, C.A.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Lublinie
Chamomilla recutita
raw material
foliar application
Asahi SL preparation
Ekolist fertilizer
EM Farming preparation
plant spacing
essential oil
Chamomile is a valued medicinal plant of high economic importance and therefore agronomic practices in growing this plant are continually improved. One of methods to improve the quantitative and qualitative parameters of herbal raw material can be the application of foliar sprays (growth stimulators, foliar fertilizers, Effective Microorganisms). Row spacing, which has an effect on the use of fertilizers by the plant and natural habitat conditions, is of great importance in chamomile growing practices. During the period 2011–2013, a field experiment was conducted, the aim of which was to determine the effects of selected foliar-applied sprays and different row spacings on the yield and quality of chamomile cv. ‘Złoty Łan’ raw material. The study included three formulations: Asahi SL, Ekolist P, and EM Farming. Plots without the application of these foliar sprays were the control treatment. The other factor included in the experiment was row spacing, which was as follows: 25, 35, and 45 cm. Plant height and number of inflorescences per stem, total yield of raw material and the content of essential oil and flavonoids in raw material were determined. The growth stimulator Asahi SL was proven to positively affect the yield and quality of chamomile raw material. Ekolist P had a lower effect on the improvement in the parameters analyzed. The reports of some authors that Effective Microorganisms (EM Farming) had no effect whatsoever on plant productivity were confirmed in this study. It was shown that growing chamomile in rows 45 cm apart, or at a row spacing of 35 cm, was most beneficial for the yield and quality of chamomile raw material. A narrow row spacing (25 cm) contributed to a decrease in yield and deterioration in its quality.
Rumianek pospolity jest cenioną rośliną leczniczą o dużym znaczeniu gospodarczym. Ciągle aktualne jest wiąc doskonalenie agrotechniki tej rośliny. Jednym ze sposobów poprawy parametrów ilościowych i jakościowych surowca zielarskiego może być aplikacja preparatów dolistnych (stymulatorów wzrostu, nawozów dolistnych, Efektywnych Mikroorganizmów). Dużą rolą w agrotechnice rumianku może odgrywać rozstawa rządów, która wpływa na wykorzystanie przez rośliną nawożenia oraz naturalnych warunków siedliska. W latach 2011–2013 przeprowadzono doświadczenie polowe, którego celem było określenie wpływu wybranych preparatów aplikowanych dolistnie oraz zróżnicowanej rozstawy rządów na plonowanie rumianku pospolitego i jakość pozyskanego surowca. W badaniach uwzglądniono trzy preparaty: Asahi SL, Ekolist P oraz EM Farming. Obiektem kontrolnym były poletka bez stosowania preparatów dolistnych. Drugim czynnikiem uwzglądnionym w doświadczeniu była rozstawa pojedynczych rządów wynosząca: 25, 35 i 45 cm. Określano wysokość roślin i liczbą kwiatostanów na łodydze rumianku, ogólny plon surowca oraz zawartość w surowcu olejku eterycznego i flawonoidów. Dowiedziono, że na plonowanie i jakość surowca rumianku pospolitego dodatnie wpływał stymulator wzrostu Asahi SL. Ekolist P wpływał w mniejszym stopniu na poprawą analizowanych parametrów. Potwierdzono doniesienia niektórych autorów o całkowitym braku wpływu Efektywnych Mikroorganizmów (EM Farming) na produkcyjność roślin. Wykazano, iż najkorzystniejszą dla plonu i jakości surowca rumianku pospolitego jest uprawa w rządach odległych o 45 cm, ewentualnie w rozstawie 35 cm. Wąska rozstawa rządów (25 cm) przyczyniała sią do regresu plonów i pogorszenia ich jakości.
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Hortorum Cultus; 2015, 14, 1; 143-156
Pojawia się w:
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Hortorum Cultus
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Army Information Operations Protect Command and Control
Robinson, C. A.
Signal 1996, nr 7, s. 47-50
Data publikacji:
Informatyka wojskowa Stany Zjednoczone 1996 r.
Wojna informacyjna teoria Stany Zjednoczone 1996 r.
Wojska lądowe informacja ochrona Stany Zjednoczone 1996 r.
Koncepcja interdyscyplinarnego rozwiązywania problemów walki informatycznej. Tworzenie systemu ochrony informacji w sieciach i bazach danych komputerowych amerykańskich sił lądowych.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
Development of a Committee of Artificial Neural Networks for the Performance Testing of Compressors for Thermal Machines in Very Reduced Times
Coral, R.
Flesch, C. A.
Penz, C. A.
Borges, M. R.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
refrigeration compressor
artificial neural networks
performance test
This paper presents a new test method able to infer - in periods of less than 7 seconds - the refrigeration capacity of a compressor used in thermal machines, which represents a time reduction of approximately 99.95% related to the standardized traditional methods. The method was developed aiming at its application on compressor manufacture lines and on 100% of the units produced. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) were used to establish a model able to infer the refrigeration capacity based on the data collected directly on the production line. The proposed method does not make use of refrigeration systems and also does not require using the compressor oil.
Metrology and Measurement Systems; 2015, 22, 1; 79-88
Pojawia się w:
Metrology and Measurement Systems
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Selective removal of Cu(II), Co(II), Zn(II), and Ni(II) with ionizable dibenzo-16-crown-5 and dibenzo-19-crown-6 lariat ethers as ion carriers in polymer inclusion membrane transport
Kozłowski, C. A.
Walkowiak, W.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Bydgoska im. Jana i Jędrzeja Śniadeckich. Wydział Technologii i Inżynierii Chemicznej
polymer inclusion membrane
competitive transport
enthalpy of formation
Derivatives of dibenzo-16-crown-5 and dibenzo-19-crown-6
A selective removal of transition metal cations, i.e. Cu(II), Co(II), Zn(II), and Ni(II), with ionizable dibenzo-16-crown-5 and dibenzo-19-crown-6 lariat ethers as ionic carriers in transport across polymer inclusion membrane has been presented. The competitive transport from aqueous nitrate solutions containing metal ions at concentrations of 0.0010 M at pH 4.0 and 7.0 through the cellulose triacetate membrane with 0.5 M lariat ether 1 and 2 (based on a plasticizer) as the ion carrier and o-nitrophenyl pentyl ether (ONPPE) as the plasticizer into 0.5 M hydrochloric solution was performed. For pH = 4.0 and 7.0 of source aqueous phases the selectivity orders were as follows: Cu(II) > Co(II) > Zn(II) > Ni(II), and Cu(II) > Zn(II), Ni(II), Co(II), respectively. The semi-empirical equation was used for calculations of enthalpy formation for complexes of lariat ethers studied with transition metal cations. The two possibilities of metal cation-lariat ether coordination were assumed, i.e. via the crown ether cavity or ionizable carboxylic group. We found that for the both lariat ethers studied at pH 4.0 of source phase the transport rate linearly decreases with the enthalpy of formation increase. This correlation confirms that the observed behavior is connected with the stability of complexes formed by interaction of the lariat ether ring and the transition metal cations studied.
Ars Separatoria Acta; 2007, 5; 19-26
Pojawia się w:
Ars Separatoria Acta
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The effect of adjuvants and reduced rates of crop protection agents on weed infestation, health and lodging of spring barley (Hordeum sativum L.)
Wpływ adiuwantów oraz zredukowanych dawek środków ochrony roślin na zachwaszczenie, zdrowotność i wyleganie jęczmienia jarego
Kwiatkowski, C.A.
Wesolowski, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
A field experiment in the cultivation of spring barley was carried out in the period 2007-2009 at the Experimental Farm in Czesławice (central Lublin region) on grey-brown podzolic soil derived from loess (soil quality class II). The study involved 3 rates of herbicides, growth retardant and fungicides (100%, 75%, 50%) as well as different adjuvant types (oil, surface- active, mineral adjuvant). Plots without any adjuvant were the control treatment. Conventional tillage was used, while mineral fertilization was adjusted to high initial soil nutrient availability. A hypothesis was made that the reduction of pesticide rates by 25-50%, with the simultaneous addition of adjuvants, would allow health, weed infestation and lodging of spring barley to be maintained at a level similar to that obtained under the conditions when maximum rates are applied without any adjuvant. It was also assumed that particular adjuvants could show different interactions with the tested groups of crop protection agents. It was proved that the application of full recommended rates of pesticides gave the best values of the indicators relating to weed infestation, health and lodging of spring barley. However, thanks to the addition of adjuvants to the spray solution, the application of pesticide doses reduced by 25% produced similar results. A higher reduction of pesticide rates (by 50%) had an adverse effect on the traits in question. In such case, there was noted higher weed infestation of the spring barley crop, compensation of some weed species, and increased stem-base infection by the fungal disease complex. On the other hand, less radical changes were observed in the case of spring barley lodging. The above-mentioned situation occurred in spite of the fact that the action of pesticides was aided by adjuvants. From the group of adjuvants under comparison, the oil adjuvant Atpolan 80 EC showed the best interaction with the crop protection agents under consideration.
Doświadczenie polowe z uprawą jęczmienia jarego przeprowadzono w latach 2007-2009 w Gospodarstwie Doświadczalnym Czesławice (środkowa Lubelszczyzna) na glebie płowej wytworzonej z lessu (II klasa bonitacyjna). W badaniach uwzględniono 3 dawki herbicydów, antywylegacza i fungicydów (100%, 75%, 50%) oraz rodzaj adiuwanta (olejowy, powierzchniowo-czynny, mineralny). Obiekt kontrolny stanowiły poletka bez adiuwanta. Uprawę roli prowadzono w sposób typowy, zaś nawożenie mineralne dostosowano do wysokiej wyjściowej zasobności gleby w składniki mineralne. Przyjęto hipotezę, że obniżenie dawek pestycydów o 25-50% z jednoczesnym dodatkiem adiuwantów pozwoli na zapewnienie poziomu zdrowotności, zachwaszczenia oraz wylegania roślin jęczmienia jarego w podobnej skali, jaką uzyskuje się w warunkach stosowania dawek maksymalnych, bez adiuwanta. Założono również, że poszczególne adiuwanty mogą wykazywać zróżnicowane współdziałanie z badanymi grupami środków ochrony roślin. Dowiedziono, iż najkorzystniejsze wskaźniki zachwaszczenia, zdrowotności i wylegania jęczmienia jarego gwarantowała aplikacja pełnych zalecanych dawek pestycydów. Jednakże, dzięki dodatkowi adiuwantów do cieczy użytkowej, podobne rezultaty przynosiło stosowanie dawek pestycydów zredukowanych o 25%. Większa redukcja dawek pestycydów (o 50%) wpływała na niekorzystne zmiany badanych cech wynikowych. Notowano wówczas większe zachwaszczenie łanu jęczmienia jarego, kompensację niektórych gatunków chwastów oraz zwiększone porażenie podstawy źdźbła przez kompleks chorób grzybowych. Mniej radykalne zmiany zaobserwowano natomiast w przypadku wylegania roślin jęczmienia jarego. Wspomniana sytuacja występowała pomimo wspomagania działania pestycydów przez adiuwanty. Z grona porównywanych adiuwantów, najlepsze współdziałanie ze środkami ochrony roślin wykazywał preparat olejowy Atpolan 80 EC.
Acta Agrobotanica; 2011, 64, 4
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrobotanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The response of sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) to the application of growth stimulators and forecrops
Reakcja bazylii pospolitej (Ocimum basilicum L.) na stosowanie stymulatorów wzrostu i przedplony
Kwiatkowski, C.A.
Juszczak, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
sweet basil
Ocimum basilicum
biometric trait
essential oil
foliar fertilizer
growth stimulator
field experiment
raw material
qualitative parameter
A field experiment in growing sweet basil was carried out in the period 2008-2010 in Fajsławice (Lublin region), on podzolic soil. The study evaluated the biometric traits of the plants, yield, the qualitative parameters of herbal raw material and weed infestation of the crop in dependence on growth simulators (Asahi SL, Bio-algeen, Titanit) and the forecrop (winter wheat or spring barley + white mustard cover crop). Plots without foliar application of the growth stimulators were the control treatment. Tillage, mineral NPK fertilization as well as mechanical and chemical weed control were typical for this plant species and consistent with the recommendations for herbal plant protection. A hypothesis was made that the application of growth stimulators would have a positive effect on basil productivity, raw material quality and weed infestation of the basil crop. It was also assumed that the phytosanitary and fertilizing effects of the cover crop would result in higher and qualitatively better yield compared to the cereal forecrop alone (winter wheat). The best quantitative parameters of sweet basil raw material and the highest reduction in air-dry weight of weeds in the crop were observed after the application of the growth stimulators. The forecrop – spring barley + a white mustard cover crop that is ploughed in – also had a beneficial effect on yield and weed infestation of the plant in question. The traditional crop protection method used in the basil crop, without the application of the growth stimulators, resulted in a lower plant height and a smaller number of shoots per plant. This caused higher weed infestation of the crop and a decrease in yield. The positive side of the non-application of growth stimulators was a better chemical composition of basil raw material. Asahi SL and Tytanit yielded the best growth and productivity of the basil plants.
Doświadczenie polowe z uprawą bazylii pospolitej przeprowadzono w latach 2008-2010 w Fajsławicach (woj. lubelskie), na glebie bielicowej. Oceniano cechy biometryczne rośliny, plonowanie, parametry jakościowe surowca zielarskiego oraz zachwaszczenie łanu w zależności od stymulatorów wzrostu (Asahi SL, Bio-algeen, Titanit) i przedplonu (pszenica ozima oraz jęczmień jary + międzyplon z gorczycy białej). Obiektem kontrolnym były poletka bez dolistnego stosowania stymulatorów wzrostu. Uprawa roli, nawożenie mineralne NPK oraz mechaniczno-chemiczna pielęgnacja były typowe dla gatunku rośliny i zgodne z zaleceniami dotyczącymi ochrony roślin zielarskich. Przyjęto hipotezę, że zastosowanie stymulatorów wzrostu wpłynie pozytywnie na produkcyjność bazylii, jakość surowca i zachwaszczenie tej rośliny. Założono również, że fitosanitarne i nawozowe oddziaływanie międzyplonu pozwoli na uzyskanie większych i korzystniejszych jakościowo plonów w porównaniu z samym przedplonem zbożowym (pszenica ozima). Najkorzystniejsze parametry ilościowe surowca bazylii pospolitej, jak również największą redukcję powietrznie suchej masy chwastów w łanie obserwowano po aplikacji stymulatorów wzrostu. Korzystne oddziaływanie na plonowanie i zachwaszczenie analizowanej rośliny posiadał także przedplon – jęczmień jary + gorczyca biała jako międzyplon na przyoranie. Tradycyjna metoda pielęgnacji zasiewów bazylii, bez aplikacji stymulatorów wzrostu, wpływała na mniejszą wysokość roślin i mniejszą liczbę pędów z rośliny. Skutkowało to większym zachwaszczeniem łanu oraz spadkiem poziomu plonowania. Pozytywną stroną braku aplikacji stymulatorów wzrostu był korzystniejszy skład chemiczny surowca bazylii. Preparaty Asahi SL oraz Tytanit przyczyniały się do najlepszego wzrostu i produkcyjności roślin bazylii.
Acta Agrobotanica; 2011, 64, 2
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrobotanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Influence of soil properties on the aggregate stability of a highly degraded tropical soil in Eastern Nigeria
Igwe, C.A.
Nwokocha, D.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Agrofizyki PAN
organic matter
soil structure
tropical soil
soil property
highly degraded soil
aggregate stability
International Agrophysics; 2005, 19, 2
Pojawia się w:
International Agrophysics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Weed infestation of spring common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grown in monoculture depending on the cover crop and weed control method
Zachwaszczenie formy jarej pszenicy zwyczajnej (Triticum aestivum L.) uprawianej w monokulturze w zależności od międzyplonu i sposobu odchwaszczania
Gaweda, D.
Kwiatkowski, C.A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
The aim of this 3-year field study was to evaluate the effect of some stubble crops and in-crop weed control methods on the species composition, number and air-dry weight of weeds in a wheat crop grown in short-term monoculture. The study was conducted in the period 2009-2011 in the Uhrusk Experimental Farm on mixed rendzina soil classified as very good rye soil complex. It included various types of stubble crops ploughed in each year (control treatment without cover crop, white mustard, lacy phacelia, a mixture of legumes – narrow-leaf lupin + field pea) and methods of weed control in spring wheat (mechanical, mechanical and chemical, chemical weed control). On average during the study period, all stubble crops used reduced the air- -dry weight of weds in the treatments with mechanical weed management relative to the control treatment. Irrespective of the weed control method, the number of weeds in the wheat crop was significantly lower only after the ploughing in of white mustard. Mechanical weed management proved to be less effective in reducing the number and dry weight of weeds compared to other weed control methods. The white mustard and legume mixture cover crops had a reducing effect on the number of weed species in relation to the treatment without cover crops. The highest floristic diversity of weed communities was found in the spring wheat crop in which only mechanical weeding alone was used.
Celem trzyletnich badań polowych była ocena wpływu wybranych międzyplonów ścierniskowych i sposobu odchwaszczania zasiewów na skład gatunkowy, liczbę oraz powietrznie suchą masę chwastów w łanie pszenicy jarej uprawianej w krótkotrwałej monokulturze. Badania realizowano w latach 2009-2011 w Gospodarstwie Doświadczalnym Uhrusk, na rędzinie mieszanej zaliczanej do kompleksu żytniego bardzo dobrego. Uwzględniono w nich rodzaje przyorywanych corocznie międzyplonów ścierniskowych (bez międzyplonów – obiekt kontrolny, gorczyca biała, facelia błękitna, mieszanka strączkowych – łubin wąskolistny + groch siewny pastewny) oraz sposób odchwaszczania pszenicy jarej (pielęgnacja mechaniczna, mechaniczno- -chemiczna i chemiczna). Średnio za okres badań na obiektach z mechaniczną pielęgnacją zasiewów wszystkie zastosowane międzyplony ścierniskowe ograniczyły powietrznie suchą masę chwastów względem obiektu kontrolnego. Niezależnie od sposobu odchwaszczania liczba chwastów w łanie pszenicy była istotnie mniejsza jedynie po przyoraniu gorczycy białej. Mechaniczna walka z chwastami okazała się mniej skuteczna w redukcji liczby i powietrznie suchej masy chwastów w porównaniu do pozostałych sposobów pielęgnacji. Międzyplony z gorczycy białej oraz mieszanki roślin strączkowych wpłynęły ograniczająco na liczbę gatunków chwastów w odniesieniu do obiektu bez międzyplonów. Największą różnorodność florystyczną zbiorowisk chwastów stwierdzono w łanie pszenicy jarej odchwaszczanej wyłącznie mechanicznie.
Acta Agrobotanica; 2012, 65, 3
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrobotanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The earliest known Kinnella, an orthide brachiopod from the Upper Ordovician of Manitoulin Island, Ontario, Canada
Stott, C A
Jin, J.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Paleobiologii PAN
Kinnella laurentiana
Manitoulin Island
Upper Ordovician
A new species of the orthide brachiopod genus Kinnella is described from the Upper Member of the Georgian Bay Formation (Upper Ordovician) of Manitoulin Island, Ontario, Canada. This species, herein designated as Kinnella laurentiana sp. nov., occurs in strata of Richmondian (mid−Ashgill; Katian) age, most likely correlative with the eastern North American Dicellograptus complanatus Zone. This occurrence extends the known stratigraphic range of Kinnella downward considerably from its previously inferred basal Hirnantian inception. The new species is characterized by a moderately convex dorsal valve and an apsacline ventral interarea rarely approaching catacline. This is the third reported occurrence of Kinnella in North America, and is the only species known to have inhabited the epicontinental seas of Laurentia. The associated benthic shelly fauna indicates a depositional environment within fair weather wave base (BA 2). The ancestry of Kinnella and this species appears most likely to lie among older, morphologically similar members of the Draboviidae which were seemingly confined to higher latitude faunal provinces prior to the Hirnantian glacial event. Thus, the mid−Ashgill occurrence of Kinnella laurentiana in the palaeotropically located Manitoulin Island region suggests the mixing of a probable cooler water taxon with the warmer water epicontinental shelly fauna of Laurentia, as well as a possible earlier episode of low−latitude oceanic cooling. Cluster analysis of Kinnella−bearing brachiopod faunas reveals a sharp differentiation between the K. laurentiana−associated brachiopod fauna and all other known (Hirnantian–lower Rhuddanian) occurrences mainly represented by the type species K. kielanae.
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica; 2007, 52, 3
Pojawia się w:
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Plonowanie pszenicy jarej uprawianej w krótkotrwałej monokulturze w zależności od międzyplonu i sposobu odchwaszczania
Yield of spring wheat grown in short-term monoculture depending on catch crop and weed control method
Gawęda, D.
Kwiatkowski, C.A.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Lublinie
pszenica jara
uprawa roslin
zwalczanie chwastow
warunki meteorologiczne
masa 1000 ziaren
liczba ziaren w klosie
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Sectio E. Agricultura; 2012, 67, 2; 50-58
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Sectio E. Agricultura
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Relaxation of Excited Eu(III) Complexes in Cetyltrimethylammonium Bromide Micellar Solutions
Sennoga, C. A.
Flint, C. D.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Fizyki PAN
The equilibria between pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylate and Eu(III) in H$\text{}_{2}$O or D$\text{}_{2}$O cetyltrimethylammonium bromide micellar solutions at room temperature have been made as a function of the ligand concentration and pH by excitation spectroscopy and emission decay measurements. Formation of the tris-complex is complete at [Eu$\text{}^{3+}$]:[pdc$\text{}^{2-}$] ≥ 1:4 at neutral to slightly alkaline conditions but is incomplete under acidic conditions. The $\text{}^{5}$D$\text{}_{0}$ lifetimes corresponding to the Eu(pdc)$\text{}_{3}^{3-}$ anion is observed to increase on association of the complex with the micellar surface due to exclusion of the solvating molecules from the second co-ordination sphere. Energy transfer in the bulk solution requires the presence of binuclear mixed Eu$\text{}^{3+}$ and Nd(pdc)$\text{}_{3}^{3-}$ complexes or confinement of the Ln(pdc)$\text{}_{3}^{3-}$/Eu$\text{}^{3+}$ on the micelle surface. Energy transfer from the Eu(pdc)$\text{}_{3}^{3-}$ anion is inefficient in the bulk solution.
Acta Physica Polonica A; 1996, 90, 2; 327-332
Pojawia się w:
Acta Physica Polonica A
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Soil strength of some Central Eastern Nigeria soils and effect of potassium and sodium on their dispersion
Igwe, C.A.
Okebalama, C.B.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Agrofizyki PAN
physical property
linear extensibility
soil strength
Central-Eastern Nigeria
clay content
clay dispersion
International Agrophysics; 2006, 20, 2
Pojawia się w:
International Agrophysics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A simple model describes development of early peaks in oomycete zoospore inoculum detected in southern UK outdoors horticultural reservoirs
Model opisujący wczesne piki zoospor Oomycetes w zbiornikach wodnych szkółek ogrodniczych na południu Wielkiej Brytanii
Pettitt, T.R.
Skjoth, C.A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
The numbers of water-borne oomycete propagules in outdoor reservoirs used in horticultural nurseries within the UK are investigated in this study. Water samples were recovered from 11 different horticultural nurseries in the southern UK during Jan-May in 2 "cool" years (2010 and 2013; winter temperatures 2.0 and 0.4°C below UK Met Office 30 year winter average, respectively) and 2 "warm" years (2008 and 2012; winter temperatures 1.2 and 0.9°C above UK Met Office 30 year winter average, respectively). Samples were analyzed for total number of oomycete colony forming units (CFU), predominantly members of the families Saprolegnia-ceae and Pythiaceae, and these were combined to give monthly mean counts. The numbers of CFU were investigated with respect to prevailing climate in the region: mean monthly air temperatures calculated by using daily observations from the nearest climatological station. The investigations show that the number of CFU during spring can be explained by a linear first-order equation and a statistically significant r2 value of 0.66 with the simple relationship: [CFU] = a(T - Tb) - b, where a is the rate of inoculum development with temperature T, and b is the baseload population at temperatures below Tb. Despite the majority of oomycete CFU detected being non-phytopathogenic members of the Saprolegniaceae, total oomycete CFU counts are still of considerable value as indicators of irrigation water treatment efficacy and cleanliness of storage tanks. The presence/absence of Pythium spp. was also determined for all samples tested, and Pythium CFU were found to be present in the majority, the exceptions all being particularly cold months (January and February 2010, and January 2008). A simple scenario study (+2 deg C) suggests that abundance of water-borne oomycetes during spring could be affected by increased temperatures due to climate change.
Celem badań było określenie liczby występujących w wodzie propagul lęgniowców w zbiornikach szkółek ogrodniczych w Wielkiej Brytanii. Próbki wody pozyskano w okresie od stycznia do maja, w 11 szkółkach ogrodniczych zlokalizowanych w południowej Anglii. Analizy wykonano w lat "zimnych" (2010, 2013; z temperaturą w zimie odpowiednio 2.0 i 0.4°C poniżej 30-letnich średnich wieloletnich dla miesięcy zimowych) oraz dwóch "ciepłych" (2008 i 2012; z temperaturą w zimie odpowiednio 1.2 i 0.9°C powyżej 30-letnich średnich wieloletnich dla miesięcy zimowych; wg UK Met Office). Próbki analizowano pod względem całkowitej liczby propagul tworzących kolonię (CFU), z dominacją rodziny Saprolegniaceae i Pythiaceae, które w wynikach przedstawiono jako wspólną średnią miesięczną. Liczby CFU badano w odniesieniu do panujących warunków klimatycznych w regionie średniej miesięcznej temperatury. Mimo że większość badanych rodzin lęgniowców nie jest fitopatogenna, rodziny Saprolegniaceae i Oomycete wykorzystywane są jako wskaźniki skuteczności uzdatniania wody oraz określania stopnia czystości zbiorników wykorzystywanych do nawadniania gleby w szkółkach ogrodniczych. Scenariusz wzrostu temperatury o 2°C sugeruje, że wzrost Oomycetes w wodach wiosną może wynikać ze wzrostu temperatur spowodowanych zmianami klimatycznymi.
Acta Agrobotanica; 2016, 69, 2
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrobotanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Palaeoecological significance of coral-encrusting foraminiferan associations: a case-study from the Upper Eocene of Northern Italy
Bosellini, F R
Papazzoni, C.A.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Paleobiologii PAN
encrusting foraminiferan
Upper Eocene
foraminiferal fossil
Encrusting foraminiferans, although representing an important component of the so−called cryptic assemblages in both modern and ancient reef environments, are in general poorly described and little is known as regards their association with corals.In this paper, we describe coral−encrusting foraminiferan associations in the different facies that characterize the shallowing upward parasequences of the Nago Limestone (Upper Eocene, Trentino, northern Italy).From a relatively deep reef slope up to the shallow shelf−edge, corals have been recognized to be encrusted by different types of foraminiferan assemblages that differ on the basis of relative abundance of species, growth form and type of encrusted coral surface.The succession of encrusting foraminiferan assemblages is interpreted as controlled mainly by light, competition with coralline algae, hydrodynamic energy, and coral growth fabric.
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica; 2003, 48, 2
Pojawia się w:
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Relationship between different physical properties of tomato fruits and water loss during postharvest
Relacje między różnymi fizycznymi właściwościami owoców pomidora a utratą wody po zbiorze
Bouzo, C.A.
Gariglio, N.F.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Lublinie
Water loss contributes to acceleration of postharvest senescence of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). Ten cultivars representing two fruit types were studied. Fruit were stored at 25ºC and 75% relative humidity. Physical characteristics were examined to determine relationships between physical properties and water loss rate in tomato fruit. Water loss rate increased almost linearly with storage time and was different for each cultivar. When the vapour pressure deficit was increased the fruit water loss rate was affected among cultivars. Water loss rate was positively correlated with initial fruit water content. An increase in the surface are a to volume of fruit may explain the differences in water loss that was observed between cultivars. The cuticle thickness did not influence the differences in the fruit water loss during storage. However, it was observed the existence of a positive correlation between Surface Area of the Peduncle Scar to Fruit Surface Area ratio and water loss of the tomato fruit.
Utrata wody przyczynia się do przyspieszenia starzenia się pomidorów (Solanum lycopersicum L.). Badano 10 odmian reprezentujących dwa typy owoców. Owoce przechowywano w temperaturze 25ºC przy 75% wilgotności względnej. Badano cechy fizyczne w celu określenia związków między fizycznymi cechami a wskaźnikiem utraty wody w owocach pomidora. Wskaźnik utraty wody wzrastał prawie w sposób liniowy wraz z czasem przechowywania i był inny dla każdej odmiany. Zwiększony deficyt ciśnienia pary wpływał na wskaźnik utraty wody w owocach poszczególnych odmianach.Wskaźnik utraty wody był pozytywnie skorelowany z początkową zawartością wody w owocach. Zwiększenie powierzchni do objętości owocu może wyjaśniać różnice w utracie wody zaobserwowane pomiędzy odmianami. Grubość skórki nie wpływała na różnice w utracie wody podczas przechowywania. Zaobserwowano jednak dodatnią korelację między stosunkiem powierzchni blizny po szypułce a powierzchnią owocu w stosunku do utraty wody w owocach pomidora.
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Hortorum Cultus; 2016, 15, 1; 13-25
Pojawia się w:
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Hortorum Cultus
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A Monte Carlo-Based Method for Assessing the Measurement Uncertainty in the Training and Use of Artificial Neural Networks
Coral, R.
Flesch, C. A.
Penz, C. A.
Roisenberg, M.
Pacheco, A. L. S.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
artificial neural networks
measurement system
measurement uncertainty
Monte Carlo method
When an artificial neural network is used to determine the value of a physical quantity its result is usually presented without an uncertainty. This is due to the difficulty in determining the uncertainties related to the neural model. However, the result of a measurement can be considered valid only with its respective measurement uncertainty. Therefore, this article proposes a method of obtaining reliable results by measuring systems that use artificial neural networks. For this, it considers the Monte Carlo Method (MCM) for propagation of uncertainty distributions during the training and use of the artificial neural networks.
Metrology and Measurement Systems; 2016, 23, 2; 281-294
Pojawia się w:
Metrology and Measurement Systems
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Estimation of tissue proportions in X-ray CT images using a new mixed pixel distribution
Glasbey, C. A.
Robinson, C. D.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Gdańska
bivariate normal distribution
point spread function
sheep breeding
threshold estimation
A new probability distribution is obtained, termed the mixed pixel distribution, appropriate for the mixing proportion in digital images when the point spread function has a bivariate normal density. It is used to derive the distribution of pixel values in X-ray CT images where pixels may be a mixture of two tissue types. In a simulation study it is shown that, by fitting this distribution to histograms of pixel values, tissue proportions are estimated more accurately than using threshold-based methods.
TASK Quarterly. Scientific Bulletin of Academic Computer Centre in Gdansk; 1999, 3, 4; 409-418
Pojawia się w:
TASK Quarterly. Scientific Bulletin of Academic Computer Centre in Gdansk
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Effects of Nicotiana Tobaccum Extract Additive on the Quality of Electroplating of Zinc on Mild Steel
Loto, C.A.
Loto, R.T.
Data publikacji:
Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane ZUT w Szczecinie
steel surface
acid chloride solution
Experimental investigations have been performed to determine the effects of nicotiana tobaccum (tobacco) extract additive on the electrodeposition of zinc on mild steel in acid chloride solution. The experiments were performed under different plating time, different additive concentrations and fixed pH conditions. Zinc electrodeposition on mild steel was performed using a DC - supply at defined operating parameters. The surface of the plated steel was examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM); and Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) for the surface elemental composition analysis. Different surface characteristics were obtained depending upon the concentration of the additive and the plating time. The corrosion resistance of the plated surface was also determined by a gravimetric method. The quality of the electro-deposition of zinc was good as indicated by the microstructural morphology of the plated surface except for the few porosities observed. The electrodeposition process was sensitive to the changes in the additive concentration and plating time. Any variation in the plating parameter produced an entirely new and different surface morphology.
Polish Journal of Chemical Technology; 2013, 15, 1; 37-45
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Chemical Technology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ międzyplonów ścierniskowych oraz sposobu uprawy roli na jakość ziarna pszenicy jarej w krótkotrwałej monokulturze
Effect of stubble crops and tillage system on spring wheat grain quality in short-lived monoculture
Kwiatkowski, C.A.
Misztal-Majewska, B.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Lublinie
uprawa roslin
pszenica jara
uprawa roli
miedzyplony scierniskowe
uprawa pluzna
uprawa bezpluzna
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Sectio E. Agricultura; 2014, 69, 2; 1-10
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Sectio E. Agricultura
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Local government performance and spatial dependencies: drivers of structural support allocation?
Zarnekow, N.
Henning, C.H.C.A.
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Wydawnictwo Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
local government
spatial dependency
structural support
regional policy
structural fund
estimation result
A central aim of the Regional Policy of the European Union is a regional cohesion. Major instruments are regional policy programs financed via various European funds. The allocation of regional policy funds varies dramatically across regions even when one controls for regional development indicators. Thus, what political economy factors determine the access to financial support of regional policy funds? With this regard, the paper highlights the role of local government performance. Beyond, it is tested for spatial dependencies, e.g. if knowledge spillovers determine the ability to capture regional funds. Pars pro toto empirical analyses focus on the allocation of SAPARD funds in Slovakia using cross-section as well as panel data. The government performance is measured as a technical efficiency of local public good provision and derived within a non-parametric DEA approach. Results show that the government efficiency has a positive significant impact on the structural funding allocation. Furthermore, spatial dependencies occur. With respect to the program duration, it is concluded that knowledge spillovers take place, supporting a successfully program participation.
Zeszyty Naukowe Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego; 2010, 10(25), 3
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Plonowanie i parametry jakościowe korzeni marchwi (Daucus carota L.) W zależności od stymulatorów wzrostu oraz międzyplonów ścierniskowych
Yield and quality parameters of carrot (Daucus carota L.) roots depending on growth stimulators and stubble crops
Kwiatkowski, C.A.
Kołodziej, B.
Woźniak, A.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Lublinie
Polepszenie wzrostu, kondycji, jakości surowca oraz odporności roślin warzywnych na niekorzystne warunki stresowe czy agrofagi można uzyskać, stosując biostymulatory w formie oprysku dolistnego. Duże znaczenie odgrywa także uprawa międzyplonów, które wpływają na lepsze wykorzystanie przez rośliny warunków środowiska i nawożenia. W latach 2009–2011 przeprowadzono doświadczenie polowe, którego celem było określenie wpływu stymulatorów wzrostu oraz międzyplonów na strukturę plonu korzeni marchwi (odmiana ‘Laguna F1’) i gromadzenie się składników chemicznych w korzeniu spichrzowym. W badaniach uwzględniono trzy stymulatory wzrostu: Asahi SL, Bio-algeen S 90 i Tytanit. Obiektem kontrolnym były poletka bez dolistnego stosowania stymulatorów wzrostu. Drugi czynnik badany w doświadczeniu stanowiły międzyplony ścierniskowe na przyoranie: facelia błękitna i mieszanka wyki jarej z peluszką. Międzyplony uprawiano na stanowisku po jęczmieniu jarym. Określano plon ogólny korzeni marchwi i jego frakcje (plon handlowy, plon korzeni drobnych, plon niehandlowy) oraz wybrane składniki decydujące o jakości korzeni (zawartość suchej masy, karotenoidów, kwasu L-askorbinowego, cukrów ogółem). Badania dowiodły, że wszystkie stymulatory wzrostu oddziaływały dodatnio na parametry ilościowe i jakościowe korzeni marchwi. Brak aplikacji stymulatorów wzrostu był minimalnie korzystny tylko w przypadku zawartości karotenoidów ogółem w korzeniach marchwi. Pozytywne oddziaływanie na produkcyjność i jakość korzeni marchwi miały także międzyplony, w szczególności mieszanka roślin strączkowych.
An improvement in growth, condition, raw material quality, and resistance of vegetable plants to adverse stress conditions or agricultural pests can be achieved by using foliar-applied biostimulators. Cover cropping is also of great importance since it contributes, among others, to a better use of environmental conditions and fertilization by plants. In the period 2009–2011, a field experiment was conducted on the effect of growth stimulators and cover crops on the structure of carrot root yield (in the cultivar ‘Laguna F1’) and accumulation of chemical components in the storage root. The study included three growth stimulators: Asahi SL, Bio-algeen S 90, and Tytanit. Plots without foliar application of these biological agents were the control treatment. The other factor investigated in the experiment was the stubble crops to be ploughed under: tansy phacelia as well as a mixture of spring vetch and field pea. Stubble crops were grown after spring barley. Total carrot root yield and its fractions (marketable yield, yield of small roots, unmarketable yield) as well as some components determining root quality (the content of dry matter, carotenoids, L-ascorbic acid, and total sugars) were all determined. The present study has proved that all growth stimulators had a positive effect on the quantitative and qualitative parameters of carrot roots. The absence of application of growth stimulators was minimally more beneficial only in the case of total carotenoid content in carrot roots. Stubble crops, in particular the mixture of legumes, also positively affected productivity and quality of carrot roots.
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Hortorum Cultus; 2013, 12, 5; 55-68
Pojawia się w:
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Hortorum Cultus
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Effect of nitrogen fertilization and plant density on seed yield and fat content and quality of pot marigold (Calendula officinalis L.) under climatic conditions of Belarus
Kwiatkowski, C.A.
Harasim, E.
Yakimovich, A.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Lublinie
This paper presents the results of a study on the effect of different N fertilization and seeding rates on yield and some quality parameters (of seeds) of pot marigold. A field experiment was carried out during 2014–2016 under soil and climatic conditions of Belarus (Priluki Research Station near Minsk). The experiment included the following factors: N fertilization rate 40, 60, 80, 100 kg hm⁻¹; plant density per 1 m² (30, 50, 70, 90). The experiment was set up as a randomized block design in five replicates, with a single plot area of 8.0 m² . The soil in Priluki was characterized by medium nutrient availability (at the level: P = 120–127, K = 164–174, Mg = 59–66 mg kg⁻¹ soil). Regardless of the experimental factors, weather conditions had a significant impact on pot marigold productivity. The year 2016, characterized by an even distribution of rainfall during the growing season and moderate air temperatures, proved to be most beneficial for pot marigold productivity and quality. Hydrological conditions in the other years (2014 and 2015) there was a slight drought. The year 2014 should be considered to be cold, whereas the second year of the study (2015) was moderately warm. Best production effects (seed yield, fat yield) were obtained at rates of 60–80 kg N hm⁻¹. This rate of nitrogen fertilization also modified the fatty acid composition, contributing to a higher content of linoleic acid and calendic acid (∑ α-calendic and β-calendic acids). A nitrogen rate of 100 kg N hm⁻¹ proved to be irrational in terms of the quantity and quality of pot marigold yield. A density of 50–70 plants per 1 m² resulted in the highest seed and fat yield per unit area. A plant density of 50 plants per 1 m² resulted in the highest content of C18 unsaturated acids (stearic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid) in the oil.
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Hortorum Cultus; 2020, 19, 5; 3-12
Pojawia się w:
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Hortorum Cultus
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Application of macrocycle compounds for metal ions separation and removal - a review
Walkowiak, W.
Ulewicz, M.
Kozłowski, C. A.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Bydgoska im. Jana i Jędrzeja Śniadeckich. Wydział Technologii i Inżynierii Chemicznej
crown ethers
lariat ethers
metal ions
A review is presented on macrocyclic compounds novel reagents for metal ions separation and removal in solvent extraction, transport through liquid membranes, and flotation processes. As macrocyclic compounds were used such chemicals as non-ionizable crown ethers, ionizable crown ethers (lariat ethers), calixarenes, and acyclic polyethers. Many literature data as well our own recent research data will be reported on metal ions removal and separation.
Ars Separatoria Acta; 2002, 1; 87-98
Pojawia się w:
Ars Separatoria Acta
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Malicious JavaScript Detection by Features Extraction
Canfora, G
Mercaldo, F
Visaggio, C A
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
detecting malicious
external referenced domains
calls to JavaScript functions
In recent years, JavaScript-based attacks have become one of the most common and successful types of attack. Existing techniques for detecting malicious JavaScripts could fail for different reasons. Some techniques are tailored on specific kinds of attacks, and are ineffective for others. Some other techniques require costly computational resources to be implemented. Other techniques could be circumvented with evasion methods. This paper proposes a method for detecting malicious JavaScript code based on five features that capture different characteristics of a script: execution time, external referenced domains and calls to JavaScript functions. Mixing different types of features could result in a more effective detection technique, and overcome the limitations of existing tools created for identifying malicious JavaScript. The experimentation carried out suggests that a combination of these features is able to successfully detect malicious JavaScript code (in the best cases we obtained a precision of 0.979 and a recall of 0.978).
e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal; 2014, 8, 1; 65-78
Pojawia się w:
e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Produkcja zdrowej i leczniczej żywności oraz pozyskiwanie odnawialnych źródeł energii jako kierunek zrównoważonego rozwoju północno-wschodniej Polski
Healthy and medicinal food production and use of renewable energy resources as a direction of sustainable development of north-eastern Poland
Pieńkowski, K.
Skibicki, J.
Pieńkowski, C. A.
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Ekonomistów Środowiska i Zasobów Naturalnych
zdrowa żywność
lecznicza żywność
źródła energii odnawialnej
rozwój zrównoważony
healthy food
medical food
renewable energy resources
sustainable development
Celem artykułu jest zaproponowanie kierunków działalności gospodarczej zgodnych z ideą zrównoważonego rozwoju. Zrównoważony rozwój polega na wprowadzaniu ładu środowiskowego, gospodarczego i społecznego1. Dla pół- nocno-wschodniej Polski najbardziej istotne są dwa kierunki: • produkcja zdrowej i leczniczej żywności, • pozyskiwanie odnawialnych źródeł energii. Te działania zmierzają między innymi do zmiany wzorców konsumpcji i produkcji oraz racjonalnego i oszczędnego wykorzystania ograniczonych zasobów naturalnych przy jednoczesnym zapobieganiu degradacji środowiska. Obszary województwa podlaskiego spełniają warunki do prowadzenia takiej działalności. Propozycja produkcji zdrowej i leczniczej żywności oraz pozyskiwania odnawialnych źródeł energii mocno koresponduje z ideą działania władz Unii Europejskiej i Polski oraz znajduje odzwierciedlenie w dokumentach przyjętych przez władze województwa, takich jak: Strategia rozwoju województwa podlaskiego do roku 20202 i Regionalny program operacyjny województwa podlaskiego 2014-20203.
In the paper two directions of economic development of north-eastern Poland have been presented: • the production of healthy and medicinal food, • use of renewable energy resources. There are the least degraded areas in the north-eastern Poland and that’s why Podlasie province is the best for the production of healthy and medicinal food. The following renewable energy resources should be used: photovoltaic systems, small vertical-axis wind turbines and agricultural biogas power plants. The suggested activities have many advantages: • sustainable economic development without degradation of Podlasie province, • creating new jobs (several thousand in the whole province), • new health and leisure centres (using healthy and medicinal food) will be attractive for tourists and sick people from Poland and the abroad.
Ekonomia i Środowisko; 2014, 2; 130-144
Pojawia się w:
Ekonomia i Środowisko
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Weed infestation of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) depending on the cover crop and weed control method
Zachwaszczenie jęczmienia jarego (Hordeum vulgare L.) w zależności od międzyplonu i sposobu odchwaszczania
Gaweda, D.
Wesolowski, M.
Kwiatkowski, C.A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
The aim of this 3-year field study was to evaluate the effect of some stubble crops and weed control methods on the species composition, number and air-dry weight of weeds in a spring barley crop grown in short-term monoculture. The study was conducted in the period 2009–2011 at the Uhrusk Experimental Farm, on mixed rendzina soil classified as very good rye soil complex. It included stubble crops which were ploughed under in each year (control treatment without cover crop, white mustard, lacy phacelia, a mixture of legumes – narrow-leaf lupin + field pea) and 3 weed control methods used in spring barley crops (mechanical, mechanical and chemical, chemical weed control). Veronica persica was the weed species that occurred in greatest numbers in the spring barley crop sown after stubble crops. All cover crops reduced the numbers of Avena fatua which was the dominant species in the control treatment. Chemical as well as chemical and mechanical weed control significantly reduced the numbers of Avena fatua compared to the treatment where only double harrowing was used for weed control. The stubble crops did not reduce weed infestation of spring barley. Compared to the control treatment, the ploughing-in of white mustard and the mixture of legumes reduced the dry weight of weeds by 49.1 and 22.7%, respectively. Mechanical weed management proved to be less effective in reducing the number and dry weight of weeds compared to the other weed control methods. A significant negative correlation was found between the dry weight of weeds in the spring barley crop and the dry weight of the ploughed-in white mustard cover crop under the conditions of chemical weed control as well as in the case of the mixture of legumes when complete mechanical and chemical weed control was used.
W trzyletnich badaniach polowych oceniano wpływ wybranych międzyplonów ścierniskowych i sposobu odchwaszczania na skład gatunkowy, liczbę oraz powietrznie suchą masę chwastów w łanie jęczmienia jarego uprawianego w krótkotrwałej monokulturze. Badania prowadzono w latach 2009–2011 w Gospodarstwie Doświadczalnym Uhrusk, na rędzinie mieszanej zaliczanej do kompleksu żytniego bardzo dobrego. Uwzględniono w nich przyorywane corocznie międzyplony ścierniskowe (bez międzyplonów – obiekt kontrolny, gorczyca biała, facelia błękitna, mieszanka strączkowych – łubin wąskolistny + groch siewny pastewny) oraz 3 sposoby odchwaszczania jęczmienia jarego (mechaniczny, mechaniczno-chemiczny i chemiczny). W łanie jęczmienia jarego wysianego po międzyplonach ścierniskowych najliczniej występującym gatunkiem chwastów był Veronica persica. Wszystkie międzyplony ograniczyły liczbę dominującego na obiekcie kontrolnym Avena fatua. Chemiczny i mechaniczno-chemiczny sposób pielęgnacji łanu w znacznym stopniu ograniczyły liczbę Avena fatua względem obiektu odchwaszczanego wyłącznie przy pomocy 2-krotnego bronowania. Międzyplony ścierniskowe nie ograniczyły zachwaszczenia jęczmienia jarego. W porównaniu do obiektu kontrolnego powietrznie suchą masę chwastów ograniczyło przyoranie gorczycy białej i mieszanki roślin strączkowych, odpowiednio o 49,1 i 22,7%. Mechaniczna walka z chwastami okazała się mniej skuteczna w redukcji liczby i powietrznie suchej masy chwastów w porównaniu do pozostałych sposobów pielęgnacji. Stwierdzono istotną ujemną korelację między powietrznie suchą masą chwastów w łanie jęczmienia jarego a powietrznie suchą masą przyorywanego międzyplonu z gorczycy białej, w warunkach chemicznego sposobu odchwaszczania oraz mieszanki roślin strączkowych gdy zastosowano kompleksową mechaniczno-chemiczną pielęgnację łanu.
Acta Agrobotanica; 2014, 67, 1
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrobotanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pneumaticity and soft-tissue reconstructions in the neck of diplodocid and dicraeosaurid sauropods
Schwarz, D
Frey, E.
Meyer, C.A.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Paleobiologii PAN
cervical ligament
dicraeosaurid sauropod
diplodocid sauropod
body length
soft tissue reconstruction
cervical musculature
vertebral pneumaticity
functional morphology
The axial soft−tissue system in the neck of Dicraeosauridae and Diplodocidae, including pneumatic diverticula, ligaments, and muscles, is reconstructed on the basis of phylogenetic and functional morphological comparisons with extant crocodylians and birds and compared with other soft−tissue reconstructions for sauropods. Bifurcation of the neural spines separated the paired supraspinal ligament into two sheets. A paired interspinal septum was attached to the cranial and caudal margins of the neural spines. The dorsal and the lateral portions of the cervical musculature must have been strongly segmented, whereas the laterocostal portion was divided with one myoseptum per vertebral segment. The hypaxial cervical muscle was most probably small and only poorly segmented. In Diplodocidae and Dicraeosauridae, the distribution of external pneumatic structures is similar, whereas only Diplodocidae possess intraosseous pneumatic structures. Supravertebral pneumatic diverticula are reconstructed for both groups, which, together with dorsal ligaments filled the gap between the metapophyses of bifurcate neural spines. Comparisons between the vertebrae of juvenile and adult diplodocids strongly indicate that pneumatisation proceeded from the supramedullary diverticula into the neural arch and the neural spine. The regular branching pattern of the pneumatic cavities as well as the vertical I−beam construction of the vertebral corpora is interpreted as a consequence of the biomechanical constraints of the vertebral corpora in diplodocids. These reconstructions form the ground for functional morphological considerations in Diplodocidae and Dicraeosauridae while addressing the possible mechanical consequences of pneumatic structures for the integrity of the support system of the neck.
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica; 2007, 52, 1
Pojawia się w:
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Investigations on mixture preparation for two phase adiabatic pressure drop of R134a flowing in 5 mm diameter channel
Muszyński, T.
Andrzejczyk, R.
Dorao, C. A.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
adiabatic flow
frictional pressure drop
two-phase flow
flow pattern map
przepływ adiabatyczny
tarciowy spadek ciśnienia
przepływ dwufazowy
mapy przepływu
The article presents detailed two-phase adiabatic pressure drops data for refrigerant R134a. Study cases have been set for a mass flux varying from 200 to 400 kg/m2s, at the saturation temperature of 19.4°C. Obtained experimental data was compared with the available correlations from the literature for the frictional pressure drop during adiabatic flow. Influence of mixture preparation on pressure drop was investigated, for varying inlet subcooling temperature in the heated section. The flow patterns have also been obtained by means of a high-speed camera placed in the visualization section and compared with literature observations.
Archives of Thermodynamics; 2017, 38, 3; 101-118
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Thermodynamics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Air Separation Units (ASUs) Simulation Using Aspen Hysys® at Oxinor I of Air Liquid Chile S.A Plant
Leiva, C.A
Poblete, D.A.
Aguilera, T.L.
Acuña, C.A.
Quintero, F.J.
Data publikacji:
Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane ZUT w Szczecinie
Oxygen plant
Aspen Hysys
Air separation units (ASUs)
Air Liquide S.A.
The method used to extract copper from its ores depends on the nature of the ore. The main process currently to separate copper from sulphide ores is the smelting process. The concentrated ore is heated strongly with silicon dioxide (silica), calcium carbonate and oxygen enriched air in a furnace or series of furnaces which is carried out using the injection of the air for oxidation the Fe and Si present in the raw material. Oxygen can be produced using several different methods. One of these methods is Air separation process, which separates atmospheric air into its primary components, typically nitrogen and oxygen, and sometimes also argon and other rare inert gases by cryogenic distillation. In this paper, simulation of air separation units (ASUs) was studied using Aspen Hysys®. The obtained simulation and model was validated with the operational data from the Oxinor I of Air Liquide S.A Plant. The ASU was divided into subsystems to perform the simulations. Each subsystem was validated separately and later on integrated into a single simulation. An absolute error of 1% and 1.5% was achieved between the simulated and observed the process variables(s). This indicated that Aspen Hysys®  has the thermodynamic packages and required tools to perform simulations in cryogenic processes at industrial scale.
Polish Journal of Chemical Technology; 2020, 22, 1; 10-17
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Chemical Technology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Speech Intelligibility of the Callsign Acquisition Test in a Quiet Environment
Blue, M.
Ntuen, C. A.
Letowski, T.
Data publikacji:
Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy
callsign test
speech intelligibility
performance intensity coefficient
komunikowanie się
zrozumiałość mowy
komunikacja słowna
This paper reports on preliminary experiments aimed at standardizing speech intelligibility of military Callsign Acquisition Test (CAT) using average power levels of callsign items measured by the Root Mean Square (RMS) and maximum power levels of callsign items (Peak). The results obtained indicate that at a minimum sound pressure level (SPL) of 10.57 dBHL, the CAT tests were more difficult than NU-6 (Northwestern University, Auditory Test No. 6) and CID-W22 (Central Institute for the Deaf, Test W-22). At the maximum SPL values, the CAT tests reveal more intelligibility than NU-6 and CID-W22. The CAT-Peak test attained 95% intelligibility as NU-6 at 27.5 dBHL, and with CID-W22, 92.4% intelligibility at 27 dBHL. The CAT-RMS achieved 90% intelligibility when compared with NU-6, and 87% intelligibility score when compared with CID-W22; all at 24 dBHL.
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics; 2004, 10, 2; 179-189
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Effects of rooting hormones on the juvenile stem cuttings of Annona muricata Linn. (Annonaceae)
Dada, C. A.
Kayode, J.
Arowosegbe, S.
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
Annona muricata
Juvenile Stem Cuttings
Medicinal plant
Rooting Hormones
Annona muricata is a recognized medicinal plant species. Despite its usefulness, adequate attention has not been given to its propagation and cultivation. Therefore, this study investigates the effect of some rooting hormones on juvenile stem cuttings of Annona muricata. Uniform, healthy, single node leafy stem cuttings were obtained from eighty (80) uniformly growing seedlings. The cuttings were treated with 1mg/ml of Indole Acetic Acid (IAA), 1 mg/ml of Indole Butyric Acid (IBA), coconut water and distilled water as control, using the quick dip method. The percentage survival of the cuttings, percentage of die back, number of new roots formed per cutting, length of new roots formed, and number of new shoot were assessed after 60 days. Results obtained revealed that the species responded differently to the four treatments. Coconut water had the highest survivor percentage (100%) and IBA had the lowest (25%). Coconut water had the highest mean number of roots (5.25) and IBA had the least (1.75), but there was no significant difference between the values obtained from IBA and distilled water. IAA had the highest mean value (1.80) for new shoots, while IBA had the least value and there was no significant difference between the values obtained from coconut water and distilled water. Significant differences, however, did abound in the root length. Coconut water had the highest mean root length value (4.70 cm), followed by distilled water (1.95 cm), while IBA had 1.55 cm and IAA had the least value (0.80 cm). Thus the use of coconut water might enhance the development of stem cuttings of Annona muricata.
World News of Natural Sciences; 2019, 23; 336-342
Pojawia się w:
World News of Natural Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Titanosaur trackways from the Late Cretaceous El Molino Formation of Bolivia (Cal Orck’o, Sucre)
Meyer, C. A.
Marty, D.
Belvedere, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
track morphotypes
new ichnogenus
trackway gauge variation
The Cal Orck’o tracksite is exposed in a quarry wall, approximately 4.4 km NW of Sucre (Department Chuquisaca, Bolivia) in the Altiplano/Cordillera Oriental, in the El Molino Formation (Middle Maastrichtian). Fossiliferous oolitic limestones, associated with large, freshwater stromatolites and nine levels of dinosaur tracks in the El Molino Formation document an open lacustrine environment. The main track-bearing level is almost vertical with a surface area of ~ 65,000 m2. The high-resolution mapping of the site from 1998 to 2015 revealed a total of 12,092 individual dinosaur tracks in 465 trackways. Nine different morphotypes of dinosaur tracks have been documented. Amongst them are several trackways of theropods, ornithopods, ankylosaurs and sauropods, with the latter group accounting for 26% of the trackways. Two different types of sauropod trackways are present. One exhibits speech-bubble-shaped manus impressions that are rotated outwardly and located more outwards than pes prints, and oval to rounded pes imprints with few details, but with a characteristic oval track shape. The second morphotype has more rounded and axially compressed pes imprints and horseshoe-like manus impressions. The manus shows clear impressions of digits I and V The first morphotype with the more rounded manus can be attributed to a derived titanosaur. The second is assigned to the new ichnogenus Calorckosauripus and was probably made by a basal titanosaur. Both sauropod morphotypes exhibit a narrow-gauge and a wide-gauge stance along the same trackway, and therefore the authors suggest that trackway width may not be correlated, or may not be correlated completely with the osteological characters of the trackmaker’s skeleton.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2018, 88, 2; 223-241
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Aggregation of electric current consumption features to extract maintenance KPIs
Agregacja cech konsumpcji prądu elektrycznego do wyodrębnienia kluczowych wskaźników efektywności (KPI) utrzymania ruchu
Simon, V.
Johansson, C. A.
Galar, D.
Data publikacji:
operational data
condition based maintenance (CBM)
condition monitoring (CM)
energy optimization
machine tool
odcisk palca
dane operacyjne
utrzymanie na podstawie stanu technicznego (CBM)
monitoring stanu (CM)
optymalizacja energii
All electric powered machines offer the possibility of extracting information and calculating Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) from the electric current signal. Depending on the time window, sampling frequency and type of analysis, different indicators from the micro to macro level can be calculated for such aspects as maintenance, production, energy consumption etc. On the micro-level, the indicators are generally used for condition monitoring and diagnostics and are normally based on a short time window and a high sampling frequency. The macro indicators are normally based on a longer time window with a slower sampling frequency and are used as indicators for overall performance, cost or consumption. The indicators can be calculated directly from the current signal but can also be based on a combination of information from the current signal and operational data like rpm, position etc. One or several of those indicators can be used for prediction and prognostics of a machine’s future behavior. This paper uses this technique to calculate indicators for maintenance and energy optimization in electric powered machines and fleets of machines, especially machine tools.
Wszystkie urządzenia elektryczne oferują możliwość wydobywania informacji i obliczania Kluczowych Wskaźników Efektywności (ang. Key Performance Indicators, KPI) z sygnału prądu elektrycznego. W zależności od okna czasowego, częstotliwości próbkowania i rodzaju analizy, różne wskaźniki od mikro do makro poziomu, można obliczyć dla takich aspektów jak utrzymanie ruchu, produkcja, zużycie energii itp. Na poziomie mikro wskaźniki są powszechnie stosowane do monitorowania stanu i diagnostyki oraz zazwyczaj są oparte na krótkim oknie czasowym i mają dużą częstotliwość próbkowania. Wskaźniki makro są zwykle oparte na dłuższym oknie czasowym z wolniejszą częstotliwością próbkowania i są używane jako wskaźniki dla ogólnej wydajności, kosztu lub zużycia. Wskaźniki można obliczyć bezpośrednio z sygnału prądu elektrycznego, ale mogą być one również oparte na połączeniu informacji z sygnału prądu elektrycznego i danych operacyjnych, takich jak obroty na minutę (ang. Revolutions Per Minute, RPM), pozycja itp. Jeden lub kilka z tych wskaźników można wykorzystać do przewidywania i prognozowania przyszłego zachowania maszyny. W niniejszym artykule wykorzystano tę technikę do obliczania wskaźników utrzymania ruchu i optymalizacji energii w maszynach elektrycznych i flotach maszyn, zwłaszcza obrabiarek.
Management Systems in Production Engineering; 2017, 3 (25); 183-190
Pojawia się w:
Management Systems in Production Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Effect of catch crops and tillage systems on some chemical properties of loess soil in a short-term monoculture of spring wheat
Kwiatkowski, C.A.
Harasim, E.
Staniak, M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie / Polskie Towarzystwo Magnezologiczne im. Prof. Juliana Aleksandrowicza
Journal of Elementology; 2020, 25, 1
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Elementology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mandibles of mastodonsaurid temnospondyls from the Upper Permian–Lower Triassic of Uruguay
Pineiro, G.
Marsicano, C.A.
Damiani, R.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Paleobiologii PAN
Buena Vista Formation
Lower Triassic
South America
mastodonsaurid temnospondyl
Upper Permian
lower jaw
Partially preserved temnospondyl mandibles from the Late Permian–Early Triassic Buena Vista Formation of Uruguay are referred to the basal stereospondyl taxon Mastodonsauridae. These represent the earliest known members of this group for South America. In most cases, this assignment was based on the characteristic morphology of the postglenoid (= postarticular) area of the lower jaw together with the presence of a hamate process. Comparisons with basal mastodonsaurids indicate that the Uruguayan specimens are phenetically similar to Gondwanan and Laurasian Early Triassic taxa, such as Watsonisuchus, Wetlugasarus, and Parotosuchus. Nevertherless, they display some characters which have not previously been described in Mesozoic temnospondyls. The Permo−Triassic Uruguayan mastodonsaurids support a Gondwanan origin for the group, an event which probably occurred sometime during the latest Permian.
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica; 2007, 52, 4
Pojawia się w:
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Random preventive maintenance policy based on inspection for a multicomponent system using simulation
Oparta na przeglądach polityka losowej konserwacji zapobiegawczej systemu wieloelementowego z wykorzystaniem symulacji
Marsaro, M. F.
Cavalcante, C. A. V.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Polskie Naukowo-Techniczne Towarzystwo Eksploatacyjne PAN
losowa konserwacja zapobiegawcza
zakład przetwórstwa trzciny cukrowej
random preventive maintenance
sugarcane plant
In today's global situation where highly competitive companies demand production efficiently to reduce costs, increase product quality, and customer loyalty, maintenance becomes crucial to achieve this goal by reducing unplanned downtime, reworking of products, and costs. In this sense, the use of models that can represent this type of system, and help managers make decisions more easily, are of vital importance for companies. Thus, a preventive maintenance model for a multicomponent system with different failure mechanisms is proposed in this work. Considering that the objective is to optimize the number and the time of maintenance interventions, that will be done in the system, periodic inspections are carried out in order to minimize the expected costs of maintenance. The optimization was performed with simulation, which proved to be satisfactory, since the decision variables of the model behaved adequately when utilized within the context of an applied case study. In addition, these variables had different performances when analyzed in four different scenarios: the original model of the proposed policy, and three variations attributing costs of penalties.
W dzisiejszej sytuacji globalnej, w której przedsiębiorstwa o wysokim stopniu konkurencyjności wymagają efektywnego obniżania kosztów produkcji, poprawy jakości produktów oraz zwiększania lojalności klientów, konserwacja ma zasadnicze znaczenie dla osiągnięcia tych celów poprzez redukcję nieplanowanych przestojów, oraz zmniejszenie konieczności usuwania usterek produktów a także obniżanie kosztów. W tym sensie, wykorzystanie modeli reprezentujących tego typu systemy i ułatwiające menedżerom podejmowanie decyzji , ma kluczowe znaczenie dla firm. W tej pracy zaproponowano model konserwacji zapobiegawczej dla wieloelementowego systemu o różnych mechanizmach uszkodzeń. Biorąc pod uwagę, że celem jest optymalizacja liczby i czasu trwania zabiegów konserwacyjnych dokonywanych w systemie, przeprowadzane są okresowe przeglądy mające na celu zminimalizowanie oczekiwanych kosztów utrzymania. Optymalizację przeprowadzono za pomocą symulacji, która okazała się zadowalająca, ponieważ zmienne decyzyjne modelu zachowywały się odpowiednio przy wykorzystaniu ich w kontekście omawianego studium przypadku. Dodatkowo, zmienne te przybierały różne wartości dla czterech różnych scenariuszy: pierwotnego modelu proponowanej polityki konserwacyjnej i trzech wariantów, w których uwzględniono koszty pracy systemu w stanie awaryjnym.
Eksploatacja i Niezawodność; 2017, 19, 4; 552-559
Pojawia się w:
Eksploatacja i Niezawodność
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Effects of grey water irrigation on the cultivation of African spinach (Amaranthus hybridus)
Nwaokobia, K.
Ogboru, R. O.
Idibie, C. A.
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
African spinach
Agronomic and Growth parameters
Amaranthus hybridus
Grey water
Water is a limited resource, hence there is a need for its judicious use. This study was designed to investigate the utilization and the effects of grey water irrigation on the growth parameters of African spinach (Amaranthus hybridus) and its soil properties when planted in a green house. The irrigation treatment consisted of Tap water (TW) and grey water (GW) collected from Akindeko Hostel in Federal University of Technology, Akure. The vegetables were planted in five bucket samples for each irrigation treatment. The water samples were assessed to determine chemical properties, while soil samples were collected and analysed before irrigation application and after harvest. Crop morphology that includes the plant height, number of leaves and stem girth parameters were recorded weekly after emergence. Our results indicate that the grey water type has the highest chemical parameters. These included TSS, SAR, pH, HCO3ˉ, Ca2+, Mg2+, and Na+. What is more, soil pH decreased in all the soil samples after the different water applications, the lowest pH being from grey water. The sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) also decreased in all the irrigation treatments. In addition, the plant height, number of leaves and stem girth of the crop were affected by the water type used. Herein, the crop irrigated with grey water had the highest morphology parameters. Furthermore, soil chemical properties were significantly affected by the use of grey water, hence, appropriate wastewater treatment and water management practices have to be followed to remove the toxic elements that could be hazardous to human health when crops produced on them are consumed.
World News of Natural Sciences; 2018, 18, 2; 133-145
Pojawia się w:
World News of Natural Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Verifying of the finite element model of the bridge based on the vibration monitoring at differente stages of construction
Hernandez, W.
Viviescas, A.
Riveros-Jerez, C. A.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
most segmentowy
identyfikacja modalna
aktualizacja modelu
model elementów skończonych
drgania otoczenia
segmental bridge
modal identification
model updating
finite element model
ambient vibration
This paper presents the results of a dynamic response evaluation of a segmental bridge during two construction stages: before connecting the final segment of the bridge and after connecting the final segment of the bridge but prior to opening the bridge to traffic. The vibration signals obtained from Ambient Vibration Testing (AVT) campaigns were processed in order to obtain the modal parameters of the bridge during the two construction stages. Modal parameters experimentally obtained for the first stage were compared with those obtained from Finite Element (FE) models considering different construction loads scenarios. Finally, modal parameters experimentally obtained for the second stage were used to update its corresponding FE model considering two scenarios, before and after the installation of the asphalt pavement. The results presented in this paper demonstrated that a rigorous construction control is needed in order to effectively calibrate FE models during the construction process of segmental bridges.
Archives of Civil Engineering; 2020, 66, 1; 25-40
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Civil Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Investigating the Proximate, Ultimate and Chemical Composition of Four Cultivars of Date Seed, Phoenix dactylifera L.
Nwaokobia, K.
Ogboru, R. O.
Idibie, C. A.
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
Analysis and Fixed carbon
Mineral Composition
Phoenix dactylifera
Proximate, ultimate and chemical composition of four varieties of dates, namely Digila, Krikri, Sukur and Trigal were determined in the pulp. In addition, the seed kernel of dika nut (Irvingia gabonensis) was assessed on a dry weight basis. The proximate analysis included moisture, volatile matter, Fixed Carbon and ash, respectively, with the pulp of Digila having the highest fixed carbon of 72.73%, while the krikri date pulp contained the highest moisture of 79.22%, Sukur pulp has the highest volatile matter of 59.20%, and Trigal seed contained 88.05% moisture - establishing that its kernel holds the highest moisture content among the four cultivars. Ultimate Analysis showed that Digila and Trigal pulp contained the same amount of total carbon (94.10%), the pulp of Krikri contained the highest amount of hydrogen (3.55%), while the pulp of Sukur has 1.44% Nitrogen, and the dika nut seed contained 9.82% Oxygen - making it the highest. Moreover, Sulpur, Digila, Sukur, Trigal and Krikri have available hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, sulphur, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and phosphorus for the body to absorb for physiological activities, but lacked chlorine, aluminum, and silicon at detectable levels. All these quality food properties make dates a good source of sweetening agent in the food processing industry.
World News of Natural Sciences; 2018, 18, 2; 52-61
Pojawia się w:
World News of Natural Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Extraction of edible oil from the pulp of Persea americana (Mill) using cold process method
Nwaokobia, K.
Ogboru, R. O.
Idibie, C. A.
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
Persea americana
edibile oil and cold press
This paper investigated the extraction of edible oil from the pulp of avocado fruit by means of the cold process. Avocado pear fruit was collected washed, peeled, de-stoned, blended, and heated at 60 °C for 90 mins and then malaxed. No chemical solvent was introduced, as the blending of the pulp required only the addition of water. The process involves centrifuging the Avocado pulp via a laboratory centrifuge at 7000 rpm for 15 mins. While the solid pulp remained in the bottom, the liquid (oil-water mixture) floated on top. The mixture was dried for an hour using a heating mantle and then filtered using filter paper to remove the suspended pulp particles. A dark greenish brown oil was thus obtained with a yield of 6.3 %. The physicochemical properties of the oil in terms of acid value, saponification value, ester value, % FFA, % glycerine, specific density and moisture content were found to be 23 mg KOH/g oil, 199.7 mg KOH/g oil, 176.7 mg KOH/g oil, 11.5%, 9.66%, 1.19 g/L and 75%, respectively. This process is devoid of the use of any reagent and hence, is suitable for consumption. The process requires limited labour and low temperatures, thus its nutrients, flavour, and richness are safeguarded and the product retains its healthy properties.
World News of Natural Sciences; 2018, 17; 130-140
Pojawia się w:
World News of Natural Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ herbicydów na biomasę chwastów, plon ziarna i wybrane elementy plonowania prosa zwyczajnego (Panicum miliaceum L.)
The effect of herbicides on biomass weeds, grain yield and some yielding elements of proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.)
Kwiatkowski, C.A.
Yakimovich, A.
Harasim, E.
Haliniarz, M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Lublinie
biomasa roslinna
plon ziarna
proso zwyczajne
Panicum miliaceum
uprawa roslin
odmiany roslin
nawozenie mineralne
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Sectio E. Agricultura; 2017, 72, 1; 49-62
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Sectio E. Agricultura
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Inhibitive tendency of zinc gluconate for aluminium alloy in sulphuric acid solution
Sanni, O.
Loto, C. A.
Popoola, A. P. I.
Data publikacji:
Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane ZUT w Szczecinie
zinc gluconate
weight loss
potentiodynamic polarization
The corrosion inhibition of aluminium alloy in 0.5M H2SO4 solution in the presence of zinc gluconate at 301 K was investigated using weight loss and an electrochemical method. Surface analysis of the aluminium alloy sample was reviewed by a high resolution scanning electron microscope equipped with energy dispersive spectroscopy (HRSEM/ EDS). The readings were taken after 48 h for 28 days while the concentration of the inhibitor was varied from 0.5 to 2.0% g/v with an interval of 0.5. The result of the investigation shows that zinc gluconate has a good corrosion inhibition effect for aluminium alloy in 0.5 molar sulphuric acid solution and its efficiency attains more than 67% at 1.5% g/v concentration of zinc gluconate at 301 K. The potentiodynamic polarization data showed that zinc gluconate acts as a mixed type corrosion inhibitor. The adsorption of zinc gluconate on aluminium alloy has been found to obey Freundlich adsorption isotherm at all the concentration of zinc gluconate studied. The results obtained from different methods are in good agreement.
Polish Journal of Chemical Technology; 2013, 15, 4; 60-64
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Chemical Technology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Characterization of Defect Centres in Semiconductors by Advanced ENDOR Techniques
Gregorkiewicz, T.
Altink, H. E.
Ammerlaan, C. A. J.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Fizyki PAN
The advanced magnetic resonance techniques and their application to the studies of defects in semiconductors will be reviewed. Transient and stationary ENDOR, optically detected ENDOR and double ENDOR variations will be briefly discussed while special attention will be given to the Field-Stepped-ENDOR technique. The successful application of the advanced ENDOR techniques for the structure determination of complex defects will be illustrated by the examples concerning the boron-vacancy complex and thermal donors in silicon and the gallium vacancy in gallium phosphide.
Acta Physica Polonica A; 1991, 80, 2; 161-170
Pojawia się w:
Acta Physica Polonica A
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Systematic analysis and review of video object retrieval techniques
Ghuge, C. A.
Prakash, V. Chandra
Ruikar, Sachin D.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Badań Systemowych PAN
video object retrieval
computer vision
deep learning
fuzzy-based techniques
machine learning
query-based techniques
graph-based techniques
Video object retrieval is a promising research direction, developing in the recent years, and the current video object retrieval strategies are used for visualizing, digitizing, modeling, and retrieving the objects especially in graphics and in architectural design. The research performed led to the design of proficient video object retrieval techniques. Yet, although, a number of algorithms had been devised for tracking objects, the problems persist in enhancing the performance, for instance – with regard to non-rigid objects. In this review article we provide a detailed survey of 50 research papers presenting the suggested video object retrieval methodologies, based on approaches such as deep learning techniques, graph-based techniques, query-based techniques, feature-based techniques, fuzzybased techniques, machine learning-based techniques, distance metric learning-based technique, and also other ones. Moreover, analysis and discussion are presented concerning the year of publication, employed methodology, evaluation metrics, accuracy range, adopted framework, datasets utilized, and the implementation tool. Finally, the research gaps and issues related to various proposed video object retrieval schemes are presented for guiding the researchers towards improved contributions to the video object retrieval methods.
Control and Cybernetics; 2020, 49, 4; 471-498
Pojawia się w:
Control and Cybernetics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Modifying stomatal conductance delays dehydration but not postharvest needle abscission in Abies balsamea
McCavour, C.A.
MacDonald, M.T.
Lada, R.R.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Dendrologii PAN
water uptake
Abscisic acid
balsam fir
needle abscission
Postharvest needle abscission poses a significant challenge to the balsam fir (Abies balsamea L.) Christmas tree industry. Root detachment, and other postharvest handling and transporting factors, lead to a progressive dehydration leading to postharvest needle loss. If this were so, reducing the transpiratory wa- ter loss through regulating stomata would be expected to reduce dehydration extending needle retention. This study explored this hypothesis through manipulation of balsam fir stomata using chemical treatments to determine the effect on water uptake, relative water content, and needle abscission. Branches were col- lected from 70 trees and immediately applied a postharvest treatment of water (control), ABA, fluoridone, BAP, theophylline, potassium nitrate, or dopamine. Stomatal conductance decreased by 27% after applica- tion of ABA and increased by 24%, 17%, and 18% by fluoridone, BA, and potassium nitrate, respectively. Consequently, the ABA treatment resulted in a significantly lower water uptake while fluoridone, BAP, and potassium nitrate all increased water uptake. Despite changes in stomatal conductance and water uptake, there were no significant changes in needle retention. Needle abscission commenced after an average of 12.5 days from postharvest treatment application and reached 100% completion after an average of 71.9 days. It is possible to manipulate stomatal conductance and water uptake through chemical methods, but such a manipulation does not guarantee superior needle retention. It is proposed that deficiency of certain hormonal signals originating from roots may play a critical role in postharvest needle abscission.
Dendrobiology; 2019, 81; 65-72
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Русские парцеллированные конструкции в тексте романа Бориса Акунина «Турецкий гамбит» и их польские эквиваленты
Russian parceled constructions in Boris Akunin’s novel «The Turkish Gambit» and their Polish counterparts
Cтасенко, Aнна
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
parceled construction
basic sentence
Russian language
Polish language
The article deals with the issues of Russian and Polish parceled constructions. Parceling occurs on the level of simple sentence as well as on the level of compound sentence. Different types of Russian parceled constructions taken from the Boris Akunin’s novel The Turkish Gambit and their Polish counterparts have been discussed. The contrastive anlysis shows that there are many similarities between Russian and Polish parceled constructions.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica Rossica; 2014, 10; 115-124
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica Rossica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Efektywność biopreparatów w konwencjonalnym i ekologicznym systemie uprawy rumianku pospolitego (Chamomilla recutita L. Rausch)
Effectiveness of biopreparations in conventional and organic cultivation system of chamomile (Chamomilla recutita L. Rausch)
Kwiatkowski, C.A.
Yakimovich, A.
Kolodziej, B.
Harasim, E.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Lublinie
uprawa roslin
rumianek pospolity
Chamomilla recutita
odmiany roslin
uprawa ekologiczna
uprawa konwencjonalna
olejki eteryczne
nawozenie dolistne
warunki klimatyczne
warunki glebowe
Herbagreen Basic
preparat Bio-Algeen
preparat EM-Farming
cechy biometryczne
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Sectio E. Agricultura; 2017, 72, 1; 89-102
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Sectio E. Agricultura
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Doppler Broadening and Positron Lifetime Measurements of Well-Characterized Sandstone and Limestone Rocks
Urban, J. M.
Quarles, C. A.
Salaita, G. N.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Fizyki PAN
We measured the S parameter for samples of well-characterized rocks. Some samples were cleaned while others contained natural hydrocarbons. We also saturated some samples with oil. Preliminary results show a difference in the S parameter for sandstone and limestone samples. There is also a significant difference between samples when clean and when containing natural hydrocarbons or when saturated with light oil. We also measured the lifetime spectrum for the same samples in dry, fresh water-saturated, and brine-saturated condition. The observed lifetime spectra could be described with two or three components. While a detailed understanding of the physical processes responsible for the lifetime spectra is still under study, several interesting results have been obtained. The average lifetime is correlated with the S parameter. The porosity of the samples is correlated with the intensity of the third lifetime component. The average lifetime, as well as the second lifetime component, is systematically longer in the sandstone than limestone samples, and in water or brine-saturated samples. The intensity of the third lifetime component is generally larger in the water or brine-saturated samples.
Acta Physica Polonica A; 1995, 88, 1; 241-248
Pojawia się w:
Acta Physica Polonica A
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Evolution from the BCS to the Bose-Einstein Limit in a d-Wave Superconductor at T=0
Borkowski, L. S.
Sá de Melo, C. A. R.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Fizyki PAN
We study the evolution from BCS to Bose limit in a two-dimensional d-wave superconductor at zero temperature and low density of charge carriers within the mean-field theory. We examine single quasiparticle properties when particle density and attraction strength are varied. For sufficiently high interaction strength there is a critical density below which the system has a gap. The spectral and thermodynamic properties of the system do not evolve smoothly from the BCS-like to the Bose-like regime.
Acta Physica Polonica A; 2001, 99, 6; 691-698
Pojawia się w:
Acta Physica Polonica A
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The middle to Late Eocene evolution of nummulitid foraminifer Heterostegina in the Western Tethys
Less, G
Ozcan, E.
Papazzoni, C.A.
Stockar, R.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Paleobiologii PAN
nummulitid foraminifer
Late Eocene
Western Tethys
Megalospheric forms of Western Tethyan late Bartonian to late Priabonian involute Heterostegina from numerous localities, marking different ecological conditions, were morphometrically investigated. They belong to three species, H. armenica, H. reticulata, and H. gracilis based on the presence/absence of granulation, on the chamberlet characteristics and on the relative size of proloculus. Within these species a very rapid evolution could be observed in the reduction of the number of operculinid chambers, in the increase of the number of chamberlets and partially in the increase of the proloculus size. This evolution is demonstrated by stratigraphic superpositions in several localities (especially in the Mossano section), and is supported also by the change of co−occurring fossils, starting with the disappearance of large−sized Nummulites, then followed by the appearance of the genus Spiroclypeus and then by the disappearance of orthophragmines of middle Eocene acme. Based on the reduction of operculinid chambers, two chronosubspecies of Heterostegina armenica and seven of H. reticulata are defined biometrically (four of them: H. armenica tigrisensis, H. reticulata tronensis, H. r. hungarica, and H. r. mossanensis are introduced here). This allows to subdivide the Shallow Benthic Zone (SBZ) 18 into three and SBZ 19 into two subzones. The extremely rapid evolution of H. reticulata allows to calibrate larger foraminiferal events around the middle/late Eocene boundary. The extinction of large−sizedNummulitesseems to be heterochronous in the late Bartonian in having migrated eastward, while the first appearance of Spiroclypeus is shown to be synchronous at the base of the Priabonian. The middle/upper Eocene (= Bartonian/Priabonian) boundary is to be placed at the base of the Priabona marls in the Mossano section corresponding to the SBZ 18/19 limit, to the first appearance of genus Spiroclypeus, to that of Nummulites fabianii and of Heterostegina reticulata mossanensis. It falls into the upper part of both the P 15 and NP 18 planktic zones. The Western Tethyan Eocene involute Heterostegina became extinct, apparently with no Oligocene successors.
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica; 2008, 53, 2
Pojawia się w:
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Effect of diverse fertilization, row spacing and sowing rate on weed infestation and yield of winter oilseed rape
Wpływ zróżnicowanego nawożenia oraz rozstawy rzędów i ilości wysiewu na zachwaszczenie i plonowanie rzepaku ozimego
Kwiatkowski, C.A.
Gaweda, D.
Drabowicz, M.
Haliniarz, M.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Bydgoska im. Jana i Jędrzeja Śniadeckich. Wydawnictwo PB
Field experiment with winter oilseed rape cultivation was carried out in 2007- -2009. The subject of this study was analysis of weed infestation of winter oilseed rape canopy and seed yield depending on the rate of soil NPK fertilization and foliar application (autumn spraying with solution): 100% and 75% NPK and urea + nickel chelate + MgSO4H2O; 100% and 75% NPK, as well as urea + Plonvit R + MgSO4H2O). The control was plots without foliar fertilization (only 100% NPK). Foliar sprayings were carried out as a single rate in autumn between 10th and 20th of October. The second experimental factor was seed sowing rate (2.5 kg·ha-1 – row spacing 30 cm; 4 kg·ha-1 – row spacing 18 cm). It was found that foliar fertilization of winter oilseed rape in the autumn period contributes to a reduction in quantitative indexes of weed infestation and an increase in seed yield. Application of foliar fertilizers allows for reduction in rates of the basic mineral fertilizers NPK by ¼. From the point of view of production it is justified to reduce the seed sowing rate (2.5 kg·ha-1), since the weed infestation and yield of winter oilseed rape did not differ significantly from the parameters observed under conditions of larger sowing density.
Eksperyment polowy z uprawą rzepaku ozimego przeprowadzono w latach 2007-2009 w gospodarstwie rolnym w Jaroszewicach (woj. lubelskie). Przedmiotem badań była analiza stanu zachwaszczenia łanu rzepaku ozimego oraz plonu nasion w zależności od dawki nawożenia doglebowego NPK i dolistnego (oprysk jesienny roztworem): 100% i 75% NPK oraz mocznik + chelat niklu + MgSO4H2O; 100% i 75% NPK, a także mocznik + Plonvit R + MgSO4H2O). Obiekt kontrolny stanowiły poletka bez nawożenia dolistnego (wyłącznie 100% NPK). Opryski dolistne przeprowadzano jednorazowo jesienią w drugiej dekadzie października. Drugim czynnikiem doświadczalnym była ilość siewu nasion (2,5 kg·ha-1 – rozstawa rzędów 30 cm; 4 kg·ha-1 – rozstawa rzędów 18 cm). Stwierdzono, że dolistne dokarmianie rzepaku ozimego w okresie jesiennym przyczynia się do ograniczenia ilościowych wskaźników zachwaszczenia i zwiększenia plonu nasion. Zastosowanie nawozów dolistnych pozwala ograniczyć dawki podstawowych nawozów mineralnych NPK o ¼. Z punktu widzenia produkcyjnego uzasadnione jest zmniejszenie ilości wysiewu nasion (2,5 kg·ha-1), ponieważ zachwaszczenie rzepaku ozimego oraz plonowanie nie odbiegały istotnie od parametrów stwierdzonych w warunkach większej gęstości siewu.
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Agricultura; 2012, 11, 4
Pojawia się w:
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Agricultura
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Characterization and feasibility of biomass fuel pellets made of Colombian timber, coconut and oil palm residues regarding European standards
Forero Núnez, C. A.
Jochum, J.
Sierra Vargas, F. E.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
coconut shells
oil palm shells
renewable energy
energia odnawialna
orzech kokosowy
palma olejowa
Strong correlation between economic development, energy demand and fossil fuels utilization during last decades has caused some negative impacts worldwide, based on it, the renewable resources for energy production should be employed to mitigate these effects. Nowadays, biomass is one of the most prominent renewable sources, but factors such as low density and high moisture content are some drawbacks. In order to overcome these problems, some companies use different types of biomass to provide solid biofuels with higher energy density, mechanical resistance and standardized dimensions. Wood pellet industry has increased exponentially during last years, faster than timber industries; therefore, new raw materials should be evaluated to guarantee pellets demand in the near future. Some of them are agricultural residues. Colombia is a country with an interesting potential for biomass production because there is a rising generation of agricultural products. This work aims to assess main properties of Colombian timber industry residues, coconut shells and oil palm shells and compare the characteristics of pellets made from these raw materials with European standards. Pellets made from these feedstocks have an average density between 850 and 1025kg·m-3, low ash contents and heating values around 18000kJ·kg-1. Coconut shell pellets have low compression ratios and problems during pretreatment; whereas, sawdust, wood shavings and oil palm shell pellets proved to be an attractive opportunity for pellet industry development in Colombia.
Environmental Biotechnology; 2012, 8, 2; 67-76
Pojawia się w:
Environmental Biotechnology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Multi-objective genetic algorithms for the reliability analysis and optimization of electrical transmission networks
Cadini, F.
Zio, E.
Golea, L. R.
Petrescu, C. A.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Morski w Gdyni. Polskie Towarzystwo Bezpieczeństwa i Niezawodności
multi-objective genetic algorithms
critical infrastructures
reliability efficiency
group closeness centrality measure
The results of two applications of multi-objective genetic algorithms to the analysis and optimization of electrical transmission networks are reported to show the potential of these combinational optimization schemes in the treatment of highly interconnected, complex systems. In a first case study, an analysis of the topological structure of an electrical power transmission system of literature is carried out to identify the most important groups of elements of different sizes in the network. The importance is quantified in terms of group closeness centrality. In the second case study, an optimization method is developed for identifying strategies of expansion of an electrical transmission network by addition of new lines of connection. The objective is that of improving the transmission reliability, while maintaining the investment cost limited.
Journal of Polish Safety and Reliability Association; 2009, 1; 87--94
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Polish Safety and Reliability Association
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The effect of adjuvants and reduced rates of crop protection agents on the occurrence of agricultural pests and on winter wheat productivity
Wpływ adiuwantów oraz zredukowanych dawek środków ochrony roślin na występowanie agrofagów i produkcyjność pszenicy ozimej
Kwiatkowski, C.A.
Wesołowski, M.
Drabowicz, M.
Misztal-Majewska, B.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Lublinie
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Sectio E. Agricultura; 2012, 67, 3; 12-21
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Sectio E. Agricultura
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zachwaszczenie, plonowanie i efektywność ekonomiczna uprawy prosa zwyczajnego (Panicum miliaceum L.) w zależności od rodzaju herbicydów i ich dawki
Weed infestation, yielding and economic efficiency of the cultivation of proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) depending on the type of herbicides and their rate
Kwiatkowski, C.A.
Harasim, E.
Klikocka-Wiśniewska, O.
Maziarz, P.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Lublinie
proso zwyczajne
Panicum miliaceum
uprawa roslin
efektywnosc ekonomiczna
nadwyzki bezposrednie
Agronomy Science; 2022, 77, 1; 79-91
Pojawia się w:
Agronomy Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Effect of scarification on breaking seed dormancy and germination enhancement in Annona muricata L. (Magnoliales: Annonaceae)
Dada, C. A.
Kayode, J.
Arowosegbe, S.
Ayeni, M. J.
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
Annona muricata
The effect of various scarification method on breaking seed dormancy and germination enhancement in Annona muricata (Magnoliales: Annonaceae) was examined in this study via: mechanical scarification with sandpaper, file and stone; chemical scarification with 10, 25 and 50% H2SO4 for 5 seconds respectively; exposure to wet heat (hot water) for 1, 3 and 5 seconds; exposure to cold treatment by chilling in refrigerator of 4 ºC for 12, 18 and 24 hours; soaking in coconut water for 5, 10 and 15min and untreated seeds as the control. The results of the experiment showed that chemical scarification with H2SO4 at 50% for 5 seconds had significantly highest percentage germination (60%). This was followed by the seeds soaked in coconut water for 15 minutes (39.69). Seeds treated with 25% H2SO4 for 5 seconds had 30% germination. Other treatment were less or not effective. Untreated seeds had the least percentage germination (6%) with mean germination time of 40.20 and germination index of 0.27. The treatments that gave significantly higher germination percentages also produce low Mean Germination Time (30.01) and increased Germination Index (12.26). These characters shows that chemical scarification with H2SO4 at 50% for 5 seconds was the most effective treatment to break dormancy and enhancing seed germination in this species as revealed in this study.
World Scientific News; 2019, 126; 136-147
Pojawia się w:
World Scientific News
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
An analysis of illegal mining on the Offin shelterbelt forest reserve, Ghana: Implications on community livelihood
Boadi, S.
Nsor, C. A.
Antobre, O. O.
Acquah, E.
Data publikacji:
Główny Instytut Górnictwa
Mining in tropical countries contributes significantly to the global minerals supplies but unregulated mining activities in reserved forests is associated with destruction, loss of habitats and loss of biodiversity. This study determined the area of the Offin shelterbelt forest reserve, Ghana, degraded through illegal mining (galamsey) and the impacts on the livelihoods of fringe communities. Thirty-two (32) coordinates were recorded around the peripheries of disturbed site in the reserve using hand-held Global Positioning System and were then imported into a geodatabase in ArcGIS which was used to estimate the area degraded. Data was obtained from 60 purposively sampled respondents from two communities fringing the reserve and 10 key informant interviews. Increased income (13%), employment opportunities (6.7%) and increased market activities (2%) were some benefits of the illegal mining activities identified by the respondents. Eight respondents associated their employment with of the advent of illegal mining activities out which 6 (70%) were engaged directly in mining activities, while 2 (30%) were into trading. The miners earned cash income range of US $ 2.9e22.9 daily. Within 5 years, illegal mining had degraded 2.5 km2 (4.4%) of the total area of the reserve and the destruction of cocoa farms and water sources (31). Farming among respondents reduced from 90% to 76% after illegal mining. The relatively high cost (US$ 6424.1) involved in flushing out and the subsequent return of such miners poses a threat to sustainable forest management and requires a more holistic approach in tackling such a problem.
Journal of Sustainable Mining; 2016, 15, 3; 115-119
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Sustainable Mining
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Application of SLEMSA and USLE erosion models for potential erosion hazard mapping in South-Eastern Nigeria
Igwe, C.A.
Akamigbo, F.O.R.
Mbagwu, J.S.C.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Agrofizyki PAN
USLE model
USLE mapping model
SLEMSA erosion model
soil erosion
USLE erosion model
SLEMSA model
International Agrophysics; 1999, 13, 1
Pojawia się w:
International Agrophysics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Latitude error in compass deviation. Mathematical method to determine the latitude error in magnetic compass deviation
Basterretxea, I. I.
Vila- Muñoz, J. A.
Perez -Labajos, C. A.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Gdańska. Wydział Inżynierii Mechanicznej i Okrętownictwa
optimal exact coefficients
average deviation
latitude error
This article aims to provide the seafarer with a tool to calculate the deviation for a righted ship in any geographical position using only the information available on board. In this way the accidental errors in the deviation card are reduced and the latitude error is made negligible. Moreover, an experimental application of this method is carried out on board a tanker to compare the latitude error in different positions at sea.
Polish Maritime Research; 2014, 3; 25-31
Pojawia się w:
Polish Maritime Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Eco-Friendly Soaking Process Using Tannic Acid as an Alternative Bactericide
Zengin, A. C. A.
Çolak, S. M.
Zengin, G.
Kiliç, E.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
leather industry
tannic acid
środek bakteriobójczy
przemysł skórzany
Eco-friendly leather processes based on the usage of natural products have become a potentially attractive issue for leather industry during the last few decades. Synthetic protective chemicals like bactericides used in most soaking process are known as hazardous substances and cause tannery effluents with high concentrations of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD). In the present study, the effect of tannic acid on microorganisms, skin, wool and effluent were investigated in order to demonstrate the applicability of tannic acid in soaking process instead of commonly used bactericides. The bacterial load (cfu/ml), COD and Nitrogen Content (N) of the soaking effluents and Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) content of skins and wools were investigated. Application of 0.5 and 1 wt% tannic acid concentrations was more effective than commercial bactericide, while comparable results were achieved by 0.1 and 0.3 wt% tannic acid. The application of tannic acid for soaking process resulted in lower COD and N values of effluents. The results show that tannic acid has the potential to be an alternative, eco-friendly bactericide for leather industry by reducing the pollution of leather soaking process.
Archives of Environmental Protection; 2014, 40, 1; 3-12
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Environmental Protection
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Foliar applied biopreparations as a natural method to increase the productivity of garden thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) and to improve the quality of herbal raw material
Kwiatkowski, C.A.
Haliniarz, M.
Harasim, E.
Kołodziej, B.
Yakimovich, A.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Lublinie
The aim of this experiment was to determine the effects of three foliar biopreparations applied once or twice (growth stimulant Bio-algeen, fertilizer Herbagreen Basic, and Effective Microorganisms in the form of EM Farming spray) on yield and quality of herbal raw material of organically grown garden thyme (Thymus vulgaris). It was proved that the Bio-algeen had an effect on increasing thyme productivity, whereas Effective Microorganisms had no impact at all on herb yield. The beneficial action of biopreparations was more evident under favorable hydrothermal conditions over the study period than under unfavorable conditions. The biopreparations stimulated an increase in the essential oil content in the thyme herb. Bio-algeen, especially when applied twice, had the greatest positive influence on the quality of raw material, Effective Microorganisms were found to have a smaller effect (positive and negative), whereas Herbagreen Basic had positive effect on thyme yield and essential oil content. The effect of Bio-algeen, and to a lesser extent that of Effective Microorganisms, on the content of natural antioxidants (phenolic acids, polyphenols) in the thyme raw material and, moreover, its impact on free radical scavenging and antioxidant activity should be considered to be a particularly valuable finding. Due to application of the Bio-algeen, herbal raw material characterized by the best health-promoting parameters can be obtained.
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Hortorum Cultus; 2020, 19, 1; 107-118
Pojawia się w:
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Hortorum Cultus
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Multi-attribute Utility Theory analysis for burn-in processes combined with replacement
Analiza połączonych procesów sztucznego starzenia i wymiany prowadzona w oparciu o wieloatrybutową teorię użyteczności
Cavalcante, C. A. V.
Do Nascimento, T. G.
Lopes, R. S.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Polskie Naukowo-Techniczne Towarzystwo Eksploatacyjne PAN
multi-attribute utility theory
residual life
sztuczne starzenie
wieloatrybutowa teoria użyteczności
trwałość resztkowa
Components from a heterogeneous population may result in non-well behaviour in the failure rate function. This paper considers a population of components that consists of two different sub-populations: a population of weak components and a population of strong components. This component heterogeneity is treated using a mixture distribution for the components’ lifetimes. This mixture models two distinct behaviours: a short characteristic lifetime for the weak components and a long characteristic lifetime for the strong components. Simple policies may not be effective to address the distinct behaviours of failures for these components. Thus, combined preventive replacement and a burn-in procedure based on a multi-criteria perspective are proposed in order to suitably integrate the different objectives from the burn-in and preventive replacement procedures, taking into account the preferences of the decision-maker. We consider the cost and the mean residual life as the criteria of the proposed model. Multi-attribute Utility Theory (MAUT) allows alternatives that are more aligned with the preferences of the decision-maker to be developed.
Elementy składowe tworzące niejednorodną populację mogą prowadzić do nieprawidłowości funkcji intensywności uszkodzeń. W prezentowanej pracy badano populację komponentów składająca się z dwóch różnych subpopulacji: populacji komponentów słabych i populacji komponentów mocnych. Niejednorodność komponentów opisano za pomocą rozkładu mieszanego ich czasu pracy. Rozkład mieszany pozwala modelować dwa różne zachowania: krótki czas pracy charakterystyczny dla słabych elementów i długi czas pracy charakterystyczny dla elementów mocnych. Proste strategie konserwacyjne mogą nie dawać oczekiwanych efektów w przypadku komponentów, które różnią się pod względem charakteru uszkodzeń. Aby odpowiednio powiązać odmienne cele procedur sztucznego starzenia (wygrzewania, docierania) i wymiany profilaktycznej elementów składowych zaproponowano, w oparciu o podejście wielokryterialne, procedurę łączącą sztuczne starzenie i wymianę profilaktyczną, która uwzględnia także preferencje decydenta. Jako kryteria proponowanego modelu rozważano koszty i średnią trwałość resztkową. Wieloatrybutowa teoria użyteczności (MAUT) pozwala na tworzenie alternatyw, które licują z preferencjami osoby odpowiedzialnej za podejmowanie decyzji eksploatacyjnych.
Eksploatacja i Niezawodność; 2016, 18, 4; 599-605
Pojawia się w:
Eksploatacja i Niezawodność
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Diversity of weed communities in soybean [Glycine max (L.)] crop growing under direct sowing depending on cover crops and different herbicide doses
Różnorodność zbiorowiska chwastów w łanie soi [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] uprawianej w siewie bezpośrednim w zależności od gatunków roślin mulczujących i obniżonych dawek herbicydu
Harasim, E.
Kwiatkowski, C.A.
Haliniarz, M.
Harasim, P.
Gocol, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
Despite being harmful for agricultural production, weeds are an essential component of biodiversity in agricultural landscapes. A field study was conducted during the period 2007–2009 on grey-brown podzolic soil (sandy), designated as PWsp, with the granulometric composition of silt and classified Class 2 in agricultural land suitability. The study evaluated the structure of weed communities based on selected indicators of diversity of a soybean crop grown under no-tillage with mulch from winter rye, winter oilseed rape, and white mustard as well as using herbicide rates reduced by 25% and 50% in relation to the standard rate (2 L ha−1). The studied factors were as follows: (i) mulch plant species and mulch management method; (ii) rates of the foliar herbicide Basagran 600 SL (a.i. bentazon; 600 g L−1). The results of this study confirm that no-tillage with mulch significantly changes the diversity of weed flora in a soybean crop. Among the mulches used, the mowed rye and winter oilseed rape in particular increased the values of the general diversity (H'), species richness (d), and evenness (J') indices relative to the control treatment. On the other hand, the study found a strong decrease in the value of the dominance index (c). Reduced herbicide rates modified only the species richness index, in the case of which the 75% rate resulted in its significantly higher values compared to the full rate.
Celem badań była ocena struktury zbiorowisk chwastów na podstawie wybranych wskaźników różnorodności w łanie soi uprawianej w siewie bezpośrednim, w zależności od gatunków roślin mulczujących i sposobu zagospodarowania mulczu oraz obniżonych dawek herbicydu. Badania polowe przeprowadzono w latach 2007–2009 na glebie płowej typowej (spiaszczonej) – PWsp, o składzie granulometrycznym pyłu, należącej do drugiego kompleksu przydatności rolniczej. W pracy oceniano strukturę zbiorowisk chwastów na podstawie wybranych wskaźników różnorodności w łanie soi uprawianej w siewie bezpośrednim z wykorzystaniem mulczu z żyta ozimego, rzepaku ozimego i gorczycy białej oraz zastosowaniem obniżonych dawek herbicydu o 25% i 50% wobec dawki standardowej (2 L ha−1). Czynnikami badawczymi były: (i) gatunki roślin mulczujących i sposób zagospodarowania mulczu; (ii) dawki nalistnego herbicydu Basagran 600 SL. Wyniki badań potwierdzają, iż siew bezpośredni w mulcz zmienia istotnie różnorodność flory chwastów w łanie soi. Spośród zastosowanych mulczy, szczególnie koszone żyto i rzepak ozimy zwiększyły wartości wskaźnika ogólnej różnorodności (H'), bogactwa gatunkowego (d) i równomierności (J'), wobec obiektu kontrolnego. Stwierdzono silny spadek wartości wskaźnika dominacji (c). Zmniejszone dawki herbicydu modyfikowały tylko wskaźnik bogactwa gatunkowego, gdzie dawka herbicydu obniżona o 25% w stosunku do standardowej wpłynęła istotnie na wzrost bogactwa gatunkowego chwastów w porównaniu do bogactwa gatunkowego w warunkach pełnej dawki herbicydu.
Acta Agrobotanica; 2016, 69, 4
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrobotanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Selected ruminal variables and purine urinary excretion rate of steers subjected to feeding, fasting, and re-feeding conditions
Ortolani, E.L.
Maruta, C.A.
Barrêto Júnior, R.A.
Mori, C.S.
Antonelli, A.C.
Sucupira, M.C.A.
Minervino, A.H.H.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czasopisma i Monografie PAN
feed deprivation
allantoin excretion
The effects of feeding, fasting, and re-feeding on the ruminal profile of growing cattle were studied. Ruminal fluid and urine samples were obtained from 12 crossbred steers weighing approximately 300 kg during the following periods: 11 h of normal feeding (postprandial period), 48 consecutive hours of fasting, and followed by 48 h of re-feeding. Fasting promotes changes in the ruminal profile, such as an increase in ruminal pH, reduction in the number of rumen protozoa and bacteria, and decrease in the urinary excretion of allantoin; however, it does not change the urinary uric acid excretion rate. The overall mean ruminal pH was higher during fasting (7.53±0.27) in comparison to those at normal feeding (6.72±0.25) and re-feeding (6.62±0.31) (p<0.05). During re-feeding, the ruminal profile returned to normal, except for the protozoa count, which despite a slight increase only after 48 h of re-feeding, did not recover to baseline values.
Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences; 2022, 25, 1; 175-182
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The use of some soil aggregate indices to assess potential soil loss in soils of south-eastern Nigeria
Igwe, C.A.
Akamigbo, F.O.R.
Mbagwu, J.S.C.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Agrofizyki PAN
aggregate index
soil loss
soil erosion
soil aggregate
International Agrophysics; 1995, 09, 2
Pojawia się w:
International Agrophysics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Economic consequence of human - hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibious) conflicts on farming Livelihood in rural Adamawa State, Nigeria
Lumbonyi, C.A.
Michael, A.
Lumbonyi, I.A.
Boni, P.G.
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Wydawnictwo Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
Zeszyty Naukowe Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego; 2023, 23[38], 1; 19-31
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Distribution and relative density of trees species in Kainji Lake National Park, Nigeria
Akande, O. A.
Ahmad, Y. A.
Shuaib, A. B.
Jeje, C. A.
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
Kainji Lake National Park
relative density
The importance of trees in the environment cannot be overemphasized. This present study, therefore, deals with the distribution and relative density of trees species in Kainji Lake National Park. Data were collected using plot sampling techniques. Therein, a 50 by 50 m2 plot was randomly laid. Within each sample plot, data on all trees ≥ 10 cm in diameter at breast height were enumerated. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The result shows that different types of plants species were enumerated in the selected plots. This included six families of trees: Fabiaceae, Caesalpiniaceae, Rubiaceae, Maliaceae, Annonaceae and Mimosaceae. The percentage score of tree species in the four plots reveals that Afzelia africana recorded the highest with a total number of 60 species, followed by Detarium macrocarpium with 47 species, while Anogeissus leiocarpus and Azadirachta indica recorded 31 and 17 species, respectively. Gardenia aqualla was the least species recorded. The density and relative density of Afzelia africana recorded the highest, with 1.2ha and 26.9%, followed by Detarium microcarpiuum with 0.94ha and 21.1%, respectively, while Gardenia aqualla was the least with 0.02 ha and 0.4%. In terms of mean height, Daniela oliveri recorded the highest, with 28.1m, followed by Afzelia africana with 21.8%, while Azadirachta indica was the least with 5.8%. The mean DBH of Entada africana and Anogeissus leiocarpus recorded was 28.7cm and 28.1cm, while Prosopis africana and Accacia gournmaensis recorded 14.0 and 13.4, respectively, which were the least. The Types of wild animal species that are associated with the tree species includes Baboon, Kob, Grim duiker, Francolin, Patas monkey etc. Relative abundance of the animal species shows that Papio anubis recorded the highest with 40.5 individuals, while Erythrocebus patas recorded the least with 2.5 individuals.
World News of Natural Sciences; 2019, 22; 52-61
Pojawia się w:
World News of Natural Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The effect of reduced rates of crop protection agents and adjuvants on productivity, weed infestation and health of spring barley (Hordeum sativum L.)
Wpływ zredukowanych dawek środków ochrony roślin oraz adiuwantów na produkcyjność, zachwaszczenie i zdrowotność jęczmienia jarego (Hordeum sativum L.)
Kwiatkowski, C.A.
Wesolowski, M.
Harasim, E.
Gaweda, D.
Drabowicz, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
A field experiment on the cultivation of spring barley was carried out in the period 2009–2011 at the Experimental Farm in Czesławice (central Lublin region) on grey-brown podzolic soil derived from loess (soil quality class II). The study included 3 rates of herbicides, growth retardant and fungicides (100%, 75% and 50%) as well as different types of adjuvant (oil, surface-active, mineral). Plots without adjuvant were the control treatment. A hypothesis was made that the reduction in rates of crop protection agents by 25–50%, with the simultaneous addition of adjuvants, would allow spring barley productivity to be maintained at a level similar to that obtained under the conditions when recommended rates are applied without adjuvant. It was also assumed that particular types of adjuvant would show different interactions with specific groups of crop protection agents. It has been proved that a rational reduction in rates of crop protection agents is up to a limit of 25%, especially when an adjuvant is added to such reduced rates. This allows spring barley productivity to be maintained at the level obtained after the application of full rates (without adjuvant). But a further reduction in rates of crop protection agents by 50%, in spite of the interaction of adjuvants, results in a significant deterioration of all spring barley yield components, since such conditions lead to increased occurrence of agricultural pests (weeds, fungal diseases) as well as increased crop lodging. Among the group of adjuvants tested in the present experiment, the oil adjuvant Atpolan 80 EC showed the best interaction with crop protection agents used.
Doświadczenie polowe w uprawie jęczmienia jarego przeprowadzono w latach 2009–2011 w Gospodarstwie Doświadczalnym Czesławice (środkowa Lubelszczyzna) na glebie płowej wytworzonej z lessu (II klasa bonitacyjna). W badaniach uwzględniono 3 dawki herbicydów, antywylegacza i fungicydów (100%, 75%, 50%) oraz rodzaj adiuwanta (olejowy, powierzchniowo-czynny, mineralny). Obiekt porównawczy stanowiły poletka bez adiuwanta. Założono hipotezę, że obniżenie dawek środków ochrony roślin o 25–50% z jednoczesnym dodatkiem adiuwantów pozwoli na zapewnienie produkcyjności jęczmienia jarego na poziomie podobnym, do stwierdzonego w warunkach stosowania dawek zalecanych, bez adiuwanta. Przyjęto również, że poszczególne rodzaje adiuwanów wykazują zróżnicowane współdziałanie z konkretnymi grupami środków ochrony roślin. Dowiedziono, iż racjonalna redukcja dawek środków ochrony roślin może sięgać granicy 25%, zwłaszcza jeśli do obniżonych dawek dodamy adiuwanty. Zapewnia to produkcyjność jęczmienia jarego na poziomie uzyskanym po zastosowaniu dawek pełnych (bez adiuwanta). Natomiast dalsze ograniczanie dawek ŚOR o 50%, pomimo współdziałania adiuwantów, skutkuje istotnym pogorszeniem wszystkich elementów struktury plonu jęczmienia jarego. W takich bowiem warunkach dochodzi do zwiększonego występowania agrofagów (chwasty, choroby grzybowe), a także nasilonego wylegania roślin. Spośród zastosowanych w doświadczeniu adiuwantów, najkorzystniejsze współdziałanie ze stosowanymi środkami ochrony roślin wykazywał adiuwant olejowy Atpolan 80 EC.
Acta Agrobotanica; 2013, 66, 3
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrobotanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
1D resistivity inversion technique in the mapping of igneous intrusives; a step to sustainable quarry development
Nwachukwu, M. A.
Nwosu, L. I.
Uzoije, P. A.
Nwoko, C. A.
Data publikacji:
Główny Instytut Górnictwa
trial pit
land degradation
Benue trough
szyb badawczy
degradacja gruntu
rozwój zrównoważony
koryto Benue
The use of trial pits as a first step in quarry site development causes land degradation and results in more failure than success for potential quarry investors in some parts of the world. In this paper, resistivity, depth and distance values derived from 26 Vertical Electric Soundings (VES) and 2 profiling inversion sections were successfully used to evaluate a quarry site prior to development. The target rock Diabase (Dolerite) was observed and it had a resistivity range of 3.0 x 10⁴ - 7. 8 x 10⁶ Ω-m, and was clearly distinguishable from associated rocks with its bright red color code on the AGI 1D inversion software. This target rock was overlain by quartzite, indurate shale and mudstone as overburden materials. The quartzite, with its off-red colour, has a resistivity range of 2.0 x 10³-2.9 x 10⁵ Ω-m, while the indurate shale, with a yellowish-brown colour, showed resistivity values ranging from 6.1 x 10² - 2.8 x 10⁵ Ω-m. Topsoil was clayey, with a resistivity range from 8 - 8.6 x 10²u Ω-m and depths of 0.3-1.8 m, often weathered and replaced by associated rocks outcrops. The diabase rock, in the three prospective pits mapped, showed thicknesses of between 40 and 76 m across the site. The prospective pits were identified to accommodate an estimated 2,569,450 tonnes of diabase with an average quarry pit depth of 50 m. This figure was justified by physical observations made at a nearby quarry pit and from test holes. Communities were able to prepare a geophysical appraisal of the intrusive body in their domain for economic planning and sustainability of the natural resource.
Journal of Sustainable Mining; 2017, 16, 4; 127-138
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Sustainable Mining
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Saturating stiffness control of robot manipulators with bounded inputs
Rodríguez-Liñán, M. C.
Mendoza, M.
Bonilla, I.
Chávez-Olivares, C. A.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Oficyna Wydawnicza
bounded inputs
robot manipulator
stiffness control
wejście ograniczone
manipulator robotyczny
kontrola sztywności
A saturating stiffness control scheme for robot manipulators with bounded torque inputs is proposed. The control law is assumed to be a PD-type controller, and the corresponding Lyapunov stability analysis of the closed-loop equilibrium point is presented. The interaction between the robot manipulator and the environment is modeled as spring-like contact forces. The proper behavior of the closed-loop system is validated using a three degree-of-freedom robotic arm.
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science; 2017, 27, 1; 79-90
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Fixed-bed adsorptive removal of metanil yellow from simulated wastewater in a fixed-bed column by nitric acid-treated-H3PO4-activated carbon (NATPAAC) from oil palm fruit mesocarpfibre
Isiuku, B. O.
Ojike, C. A.
Akakuru, O. U.
Ibe, F. C.
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
Adsorption capacity
activated carbon
fixed-bed column
kinetic models
metanil yellow
We carried out fixed-bed column adsorption of metanil yellow from simulated wastewater on NATPAAC derived from oil palm fruit mesocarpfibre so as to determine the adsorption capacity, qe, of the carbon under the effects of inlet concentration, Co, carbon bed height, H and dye solution flow rate, Q. Our results indicate that the optimum qe was 15.982 mg/g by Co 25 mg/L, H 4.1cm and Q 8 mL/min. In the study, qe was observed to decrease with increase in Co and Q. The optimum bed height was 4.1cm. Our experimental data were modelled by applying Thomas and Yoon-Nelson kinetic models. Correlation coefficient, R2 values (generally above 0.85) show that the two kinetic approaches provide an effective model of the experimental data. We conclude that oil palm fruit mesocarpfibre has potential as a precursor for production of carbon for acid-dye removal from wastewater.
World News of Natural Sciences; 2018, 17; 157-172
Pojawia się w:
World News of Natural Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Property identification of viscoelastic solid materials in nomograms using optimization techniques
de Sousa, T. L.
Kanke, F.
Pereira, J. T.
Bavastri, C. A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Mechaniki Teoretycznej i Stosowanej
viscoelastic materials
Zener fractional model
Wiechert model
Viscoelastic materials have been widely used as devices for vibration control in general. Frequently, dynamic properties of those materials are provided by manufacturers only in a graph form in the frequency domain. This is a recurring problem in industry and academia. Thereby, the goal of this work is to contribute to this important issue which is to obtain the properties of viscoelastic materials from nomograms supplied by the manufacturer. The methodology is based on the digitalization of the nomogram of the material and on the subsequent reading of a set of points from two curves in different temperatures. An optimization problem with simple restrictions is built having characteristic constants of the constitutive models as design variables. The problem is solved by applying a hybrid optimization technique. The results obtained are presented, and prove to be very promising.
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics; 2017, 55, 4; 1285-1297
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Low seroprevalence of Trypanosoma cruzi infection and chronic chagasic cardiomyopathy in a region with abundance of triatomine vectors in Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico
Monteon, V.
Solis-Oviedo, R.
Lopez, R.
Hernandez, O.
Tellez, C.A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Parazytologiczne
Trypanosoma cruzi
parasitic infection
chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy
Chagas disease
triatomine vector
Yucatan Peninsula
The Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico is endemic with Chagas disease. The main vector responsible for Trypanosoma cruzi transmission is Triatoma dimidiata which is abundant in domestic, peridomestic and sylvan cycles. The abundance of vectors favours T. cruzi transmission and is a high risk for developing chronic chagasic cardiomyopathy (CCC). In the past 10 years, little information was available on parasite seroprevalence and the prevalence of CCC in the Yucatan Peninsula. In the present work, we studied two Mayan communities with a high abundance of T. dimidiata and a random serial sample of 233 patients with an altered electrocardiogram or cardiac failure admitted to the Regional Hospital. A homemade enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and indirect immunofluorescence standardized techniques were used to detect anti-T. cruzi IgG. In addition, Mayan volunteers were monitored by electrocardiography. In the Mayan communities, 4.8% (3/63) subjects were positive for T. cruzi antibodies none of them presented electrocardiographic alterations, however in seronegative subjects were detected right or left ventricle hypertrophy in 25% (16/63). A remarkable finding was that 90% of the Mayan population recognized the vector and 65% of them had experienced contact with triatomines bites. At the Regional Hospital 0.42% (1/233) were positive for T. cruzi antibodies showing compatible diagnosis with CCC; the most frequent pathology in this population was hypertension in 65% (151/233) and the less frequent was dilated myocardiopathy 6% (14/233). In conclusion, the prevalence of T. cruzi infection and CCC can be considered low in Yucatan, Mexico.
Annals of Parasitology; 2015, 61, 4
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Parasitology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The diversity of cimolestan mammals within the White River Group of South Dakota and Nebraska
Boyd, C.A.
Weiler, M.W.
Householder, M.L.
Schumaker, K.K.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Paleobiologii PAN
The synonymization of the cimolestan taxa Cymaprimadon and Chadronia from the Late Eocene Chadron Formation is consistently upheld, despite a lack of supporting evidence. Here we show that the synonymization is unjustified, owing to distinct differences between these taxa in the mandibular tooth count (1-1-3-3 vs. ?-1-4-3), the identity of the enlarged anterior mandibular tooth (incisor versus canine), and the morphology of the crown of m3 (e.g., paraconid on m3 in Cymaprimadon). We also refer a specimen recently collected from the Early Oligocene Brule Formation within the Badlands National Park (BADL 16917) to Chadronia sp., thus making it the youngest occurrence of a pantolestan from North America. Examination of an additional specimen (FMNH UC 349) revealed the presence of a further cimolestan taxon in the White River Group of South Dakota, although the poor quality of the locality and stratigraphic data associated with this specimen precludes erecting a formal name. In total, this study doubles the number of cimolestans from the Late Chadronian and Orellan (Ch4 to Or1) of North America from two to four, and extends the biostratigraphic range of Pantolesta into the North American Oligocene.
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica; 2014, 59, 4
Pojawia się w:
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Water quality management in a treatment plant using the Box-Jenkins method
Redondo-Peñuela, E. A.
Rondón-Quintana, H. A.
Zafra-Mejía, C. A.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
model Box-Jenkinsa
szereg czasowy
jakość wody
Box-Jenkins model
treatment plant
time series
water quality
Drinking water systems are critical to society. They protect residents from waterborne illnesses and encourage economic success of businesses by providing consistent water supplies to industries and supporting a healthy work force. This paper shows a study on water quality management in a treatment plant (TP) using the Box-Jenkins method. A comparative analysis was carried out between concentrations of water quality parameters, and Colombian legislation and guidelines established by the World Health Organization. We also studied the rainfall influence in relation to variations in water quality supplied by the TP. A correlation analysis between water quality parameters was carried out to identify management parameters during the TP operation. Results showed the usefulness of the Box-Jenkins method for analyzing the TP operation from a weekly timescale (mediumterm), and not from a daily timescale (short-term). This was probably due to significant daily variations in the management parameters of water quality in the TP. The application of a weekly moving average transformation to the daily time series of water quality parameter concentrations significantly decreased the mean absolute percentage error in the forecasts of Box-Jenkins models developed. Box-Jenkins analysis suggested an influence of the water quality parameter concentrations observed in the TP during previous weeks (between 2-3 weeks). This study was probably constituted as a medium-term planning tool in relation to atypical events or contingencies observed during the TP operation. Finally, the findings in this study will be useful for companies or designers of drinking water treatment systems to take operational decisions within the public health framework.
Archives of Civil Engineering; 2020, 66, 3; 125-137
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Civil Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Information and e-learning services for the efficient management of allergy and asthma, employing an integrated environment monitoring network
Stalidis, G.
Prentza, A.
Maglavera, S.
Kolovou, L.T.
Chassomeris, C. A.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Łączności - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
telematic services
environment monitoring
health information
In this paper we present a distributed telematic platform which is implemented to support health information management and innovative services to people suffering from allergies, asthma and rhinitis. The developed system establishes a trans-European information network offering specialized services to health professionals, patients and the public, by collecting, processing and distributing specialized data and informational content. An integrated monitoring and reporting system of aero-allergens is used to collect Pan-European environmental data and produce allergy maps, forecasting and danger level alerts. Informational content and e-learning resources are also consolidated and combined with personalized health management services. Through the created network, health information is supplied to sufferers via WWW and SMS technologies, and informational and learning resources are offered to health professionals. Sets of services were implemented in pilot form and offered to real users for testing purposes. The results were encouraging towards expansion to fully blown service at a Pan-European level.
Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology; 2005, 4; 73-83
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Increasing photovoltaic panel power through water cooling technique
Matias, C. A.
Santos, L. M.
Alves, A. J.
Calixto, W. P.
Data publikacji:
EEEIC International Barbara Leonowicz Szabłowska
photovoltaic panel
water cooling
increasing electrical efficiency
efficiency increase
This paper presents the development of a cooling apparatus using water in a commercial photovoltaic panel in order to analyze the increased efficiency through decreased operating temperature. The system enables the application of reuse water flow, at ambient temperature, on the front surface of PV panel and is composed of an inclined plane support, a perforated aluminum profile and a water gutter. A luminaire was specially developed to simulate the solar radiation over the module under test in a closed room, free from the influence of external climatic conditions, to carry out the repetition of the experiment in controlled situations. The first case study was published at EEEIC2016 conference where the panel was submitted to different rates of water flow, from 1 L/min to 4 L/min. In the test conditions without cooling apparatus, the panel reached about 70°C and produced approximately 63Wh. With the cooling apparatus with water flow rate of 2 L/min, the module reached about 50°C and produced approximately 77Wh. However, it has been observed that this water flow was overestimated. A second case study was carried out in order to perform the threshold between the flow and the energy produced. The best ratio was flow of 0.6 L/min and net energy of 77.41Wh. Gain of 22.69% compared to the panel without the cooling system. The best water flow rate was of 0.6 L/min and net energy of 77.41Wh. Gain of 22.69% compared to the panel without the cooling system.
Transactions on Environment and Electrical Engineering; 2017, 2, 1; 60-66
Pojawia się w:
Transactions on Environment and Electrical Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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