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Axiological principles of integrated protection of human and natural environments
Aksjologiczne podstawy integralnej ochrony środowiska przyrodniczego i ludzkiego
Bołoz, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
antropocentryzm umiarkowany
prawa człowieka
godność osoby
moderate anthropocentrism
human rights
human dignity
Over the last few decades, we have witnessed a significant change in human mentality and attitudes towards the natural environment and its protection. This change is accompanied by different axiological principles within which we can distinguish: 1) the anthropocentric concept which places man in the centre and grants him a privileged place amongst other species; 2) the anti-anthropocentric concept which stresses the equality of all species and demands a reversal in humanistic orientation consolidated by the European Enlightenment; 3) the moderate anthropocentric concept which underlines human’s caring and a responsible role towards the ecosystem. As disturbances of ecological balance are the result of human actions and the sign of the cultural crisis, the necessity to protect the natural environment should be realised. John Paul II was a supporter of the above. He referred to the integrated ecology, which combines the protection of the natural environment with the concern of the quality of human spirituality. Integrated ecology poses two demands: 1) all actions towards environmental protection should be understood as means of confirming the respect of human personal dignity; 2) those actions which harm the natural environment and threaten man should be given up.
W ciągu ostatnich dekad jesteśmy świadkami znaczącej zmiany w mentalności ludzi i ich stosunku do środowiska naturalnego i jego ochrony. Zmianie tej towarzyszą różne zasady aksjologiczne, wśród których można wyróżnić: 1) koncepcję antropocentryczną, która w centrum stawia człowieka i przyznaje mu uprzywilejowane miejsce wśród innych gatunków; 2) koncepcję anty-antropocentryczną, która akcentuje równość gatunków i domaga się odwrócenia orientacji humanistycznej ugruntowanej przez europejskie oświecenie; 3) koncepcję umiarkowanie antropocentryczną, która podkreśla ludzką troskę i odpowiedzialność wobec ekosystemu. Ponieważ zaburzenia równowagi ekologicznej jest skutkiem działania człowieka i znakiem kryzysu kulturowego, konieczne jest uświadomienie sobie potrzeby ochrony środowiska naturalnego. Głosił to papież Jan Paweł II, odwołując się do ekologii integralnej, która łączy ochronę środowiska naturalnego i troskę o jakość duchowego życia człowieka. Ekologia integralna stawia dwa wymagania: 1) wszystkie działania na rzecz ochrony środowiska powinny być rozumiane jako środki umocnienia szacunku dla godności człowieka; 2) należy porzucić to wszystko, co niszczy środowisko naturalne i zagraża człowiekowi.
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae; 2020, 18, 5; 119-124
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Historyczne i współczesne postawy wobec śmierci
Historical and contemporary attitudes to death
Bołoz, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Though death is a universal and real event, large diversity of the attitudes to death are observed. Depending on the culture and historical period, death has been perceivable as distant and horrible, or mysterious and fascinating. In the last years in the area of western civilization the increased interest in this issue occurred. Attempt has been made to consider death as one of the events of human life, which is present in both individual and social consciousness. Relegation of tanatological issues into subconsciousness or passing them over does not eliminate the confrontation with this important existential problem. The analysis of historical attitudes to death can help to avoid in our time mistakes, which in the past were making most often.
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae; 2005, 3, 1; 173-186
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawa i godność człowieka we współczesnej bioetyce
The Human Rights and The Human Dignity in The Contemporary Bioethics
Bołoz, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
prawa człowieka
godność człowieka
human rights
dignity of man
human dignity
In contemporary bioethics dominate two trends dealing with two basic ethical solutions. First of them is utilitarianism concerning utility as a criterion of judging between what is right and what is wrong. The second trend applies to human rights and human dignity, which are to be obeyed without any exceptions. Utilitarianism protects the strong and prosperous people in society and excludes those who are weak and not capable of independent life. The concept of human dignity protects each and every human being including the weakest ones. It is therefore characterized by real humanitarianism. In addition, it has one more outstanding virtue; in the contemporary world, it is the most widespread and understandable ethical code. It enables people of different civilizations to communicate with understandable ethical language. In the world constantly undergoing global processes, it is of great value. Although there are a number of discussions concerning the way of understanding human dignity and human rights, their universal and ethical meaning; there are certain international acts of law concerning biomedicine that support the concept of human dignity as the most adequate concept for contemporary bioethics. As an example, the European Convention on Bioethics can be taken. The article includes the most significant topics concerning understanding, history, and application of law and human dignity in bioethics.
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae; 2004, 2, 1; 189-212
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Etyczne warunki rezygnacji z uporczywej terapii
To withdraw futile treatment or to prolong life at all costs - an ethical point of view
Bołoz, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
value of life
persistent therapy
withdrawal of futile therapy
the right to die
Death is an inevitable phenomenon, but it can be experienced with dignity. For this reason, people are continually seeking decent ways to die. One of these is avoiding or moving away from so-called aggressive medical treatment if it doesn’t provides the dying with any therapeutic benefit and only generates costs and prolongs suffering. Consensual, inevitable death has been practiced in medicine since the time of Hippocrates, although at the same time we can see a tendency towards the opposite, uncompromising fight to the end. This trend is sometimes justified by the exceptional value of human life, which demands both the patient’s and doctor’s heroism. Since the Middle Ages it has been a widely accepted practice to limit the care for human life to the use of so-called, ordinary and proportionate remedies. The acceptance of this principle also means withdrawing futile therapy.
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae; 2013, 11, 3; 159-171
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Aksjologiczne podstawy integralnej ochrony środowiska przyrodniczego i ludzkiego
Axiological principles of integrated protection of human and natural environments
Bołoz, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
kryzys ekologiczny
umiarkowany antropocentryzm
prawa człowieka
godność osoby
ecological crisis
moderate anthropocenrics
human rights
human dignity
OW ciągu ostatnich dekad jesteśmy świadkami znaczącej zmiany w mentalności ludzi i ich stosunku do środowiska naturalnego i jego ochrony. Zmianie tej towarzyszą różne zasady aksjologiczne, wśród których można wyróżnić: 1) koncepcję antropocentryczną, która w centrum stawia człowieka i przyznaje mu uprzywilejowane miejsce wśród innych gatunków; 2) koncepcję anty-antropocentryczną, która akcentuje równość gatunków i domaga się odwrócenia orientacji humanistycznej ugruntowanej przez europejskie oświecenie; 3) koncepcję umiarkowanie antropocentryczną, która podkreśla ludzką troskę i odpowiedzialność wobec ekosystemu. Ponieważ zaburzenia równowagi ekologicznej jest skutkiem działania człowieka i znakiem kryzysu kulturowego, konieczne jest uświadomienie sobie potrzeby ochrony środowiska naturalnego. Głosił to papież Jan Paweł II, odwołując się do ekologii integralnej, która łączy ochronę środowiska naturalnego i troskę o jakość duchowego życia człowieka. Ekologia integralna stawia dwa wymagania: 1) wszystkie działania na rzecz ochrony środowiska powinny być rozumiane jako środki umocnienia szacunku dla godności człowieka; 2) należy porzucić to wszystko, co niszczy środowisko naturalne i zagraża człowiekowi.
Over the last few decades, we have witnessed a significant change in human mentality and attitudes towards the natural environment and its protection. This change is accompanied by different axiological principles within which we can distinguish: 1) the anthropocentric concept which places man in the centre and grants him a privileged place amongst other species; 2) the anti-anthropocentric concept which stresses the equality of all species and demands a reversal in humanistic orientation consolidated by the European Enlightenment; 3) the moderate anthropocentric concept which underlines human’s caring and a responsible role towards the ecosystem. As disturbances of ecological balance are the result of human actions and the sign of the cultural crisis, the necessity to protect the natural environment should be realised. John Paul II was a supporter of the above. He referred to the integrated ecology, which combines the protection of the natural environment with the concern of the quality of human spirituality. Integrated ecology poses two demands: 1) all actions towards environmental protection should be understood as means of confirming the respect of human personal dignity; 2) those actions which harm the natural environment and threaten man should be given up.
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae; 2006, 4, 1; 113-120
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bioetyka. Jej historia i sposoby ujmowania
Bioethics: history and addressing issues
Bołoz, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
etyka środowiskowa
etyka metyczna
environmental ethics
medical ethics
Bioethics is a new scientific branch created over 30 years ago, connecting natural sciences (biology, medicine) with the science of morals in human conduct. (ethics). Bioethics started to grow in the area of ecology, therefore primarily it appeared as a discipline of environmental protection and preservation of the ecosystem (environmental ethics). Later the matter of dispute became limited to problems related to human health and its promotion (medical ethics). However, these problems are closely related to plant preservation and animal life protection. The practice in bioethics is faced with difficulties related to the interdisciplinary character of this branch and the axiological pluralism of the modern world. In consequence, in the area of bioethics most important become human being respect and human rights as touchstones universally accepted in social life practice and international law. A favorable fact is that the European Union has recognized and accepted these values as its own cultural identity constituents.
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae; 2003, 1, 1; 161-175
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Osoba i dokonania prof. Andrzeja Szczeklika. Perspektywa bioetyka
Biography of prof. Andrzej Szczeklik. A bioethical perspective
Bołoz, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
filozofia medycyny
sens życia
philosophy of medicine
the meaning of life
Prof. Szczeklik has published more than 600 works and for the last decade, he has been the most frequently cited author in Polish scientific literature on the subjects of medicine and biology. His works also include three excellent interdisciplinary books that show the personality of the scientist, a system of thought, ideological affiliation, source of strength, and motivation. These are Catharsis. The healing power of Nature and Art (2007); Kore. The sick, sickness and the search for the medicine of the soul (2007) and thirdly, the posthumously published Immortality. Promethean sleep medicine (2012), all published by the Krakow printing house Znak. The author does engage in systematic exposition, rather the works take the form of an almanac. The professor talks about his research and treatment of patients, shows the di&culties encountered and emerging concerns, and even includes anecdotes of his family life. These books are written in lively, beautiful Polish.
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae; 2012, 10, 3; 9-21
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ekologia rodziny w kontekście współczesnego społeczeństwa
Ecology of the family in the context of modern society
Bołoz, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
rewolucja seksualna
sexual revolution
The family is a basic and solid part of a social structure, but it is always set in historical and cultural contexts, therefore over the centuries the family has been undergoing constant evolution: the form of the family and its functions change. In post-modern societies family standards are being more frequently abandoned in favour of so called “post-family” family which takes form of cohabitation and alternative ways of living: living alone, mono parentalship and homosexual partnerships. Cohabitation means living together without a formal base. It is undertaken in order to ease a life together, facilitate economic functions of the partnership, accommodate lasting sexual relationship and bring up children. Cohabitation has an open structure, all can be discussed and depends on its members’ will. It doesn’t determine the sex or the number of its member, doesn’t require living together or having children, although it is not exclusive. The factors that lead to the abandonment of a traditional model of the family are: change of the women’s position in the social structure, equal rights, economic independence, separating sexual activity from reproduction, the impact of women movements and diminished meaning of the purpose of a marriage - reproduction. “Freedom from a child” allows to make a better use of time for self fulfilment. All these factors lead to individualization of life, the process of individualization changes the members of the society into self efficient atoms, individuals who reject social life and its limits and only look after themselves, focus on their own development and destiny though many can’t tackle the situation and lose. Ecology of the family, which is understood as the context for human development, comes with help to individuals lost in the era of the individualization of life. A known Werner- Wilson’s concept of ecology of the family includes inner- family relationships, relationships with other families, with a broader socio- cultural environment and natural environment- organic and non organic, in which the long lasting and dynamic process of human development occurs.
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae; 2007, 5, 1; 9-22
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Integralna ochrona środowiska w nauczaniu Jana Pawła II
Integral environmental protection in John Pauls II teaching
Bołoz, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Jan Paweł II
błąd antropologiczny
kryzys ekologiczny
kryzys moralny
John Paul II
anthropological mistake
ecological crisis
moral crisis
In his teaching John Paul II paid a lot of attention to the subject of environmental protection. His holistic concept incorporates the most important issues that relate to preservation of natural resources that still exist. Among many issues discussed by him the following seem to be of the highest importance. The ecological issue refers to all people irrespective of religious or political views. Natural environment degradation bears negative consequences which apply to everyone, the Pope regards his comments on the natural environment protection as the Church’s support for the peoples’ efforts in overcoming the growing ecological crisis. In John Paul’s II opinion, so-called “anthropological mistake” is the basis for thoughtless degradation of natural environment. A human being who discovers his ability to transform and, to some extent, to create the world through his own work believes he can disobediently rule the Earth and bring it under his absolute control. He acts as if the Earth did not have its own shape nor an intention previously indicated by God. God’s intention for the Earth may indeed be expanded by a human but it should not be fought against. Instead of being God’s co-worker in the act of creation a human tries to replace Him. As a consequence, nature, which is oppressed rather than ruled by a human, protests. Ecological crisis is seen as a consequence of troubled relationship between a human and nature. In this relationship a human is driven only by his own economical needs. He does not take into consideration the specificity of nature’s constituting components: natural resources, plants and animals. Another important reason for the environment crisis is inconsiderate output of natural resources as if they were to last forever. Natural environment exploitation is reprehensible. However, destruction of “human environment” is equally dangerous. Alike with the Earth, which should be used respectfully in accordance with its initial intention, a human ought to value his own “natural and moral construction he was equipped with”. According to the teaching of the Church, God gave the Earth with everything it consists for the use of all the people and nations, this sense of common property also bears common responsibility for the existing goods. Because it is a shared property, it should be of a public concern, therefore , every enterprise that makes use of natural resources is obliged to take care of the environment.
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae; 2008, 6, 1; 117-127
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ekofilozoficzne przesłanie encykliki Laudato si’
Ecophilosophical Message of Encyclical Laudato Si’
Bołoz, Wojciech
Jaromi, Stanisław
Karaczun, Zbigniew
Łepko, Zbigniew
Papuziński, Andrzej
Sadowski, Ryszard F.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
encyklika Laudato si’
idea zrównoważonego rozwoju
ekologia integralna
zmiany klimatu
encyclical Laudato Si’
idea of sustainable development
integral ecology
climate change
Francis (pope)
religion and ecology
In the encyclical Laudato Si’ Pope Francis summarizes the rich legacy of his predecessors contained in the statements on the ecological question. Starting from Paul VI, successive popes repeatedly referred to the issue in different contexts and aspects. Pope Francis’s standpoint actively involved the community of the Catholic Church in the mainstream of contemporary environmental debate, demonstrating full readiness for the broadest cooperation in research and activities inspired by concern for the Earth, our common home. The Pope sees the possibility of such cooperation in consultation with all people of good will who share the appreciation for the set of issues presented in this paper: idea of sustainable development, idea of integral ecology, bioethical issues, climate change issue, and eco- -justice issue.
W encyklice Laudato si’ papież Franciszek podsumowuje bogaty dorobek swoich poprzedników zawarty w wypowiedziach na temat kwestii ekologicznej. Począwszy od Pawła VI kolejni papieże wielokrotnie odnosili się do tej kwestii, podnosząc ją w różnych kontekstach i aspektach. Stanowisko papieża Franciszka aktywnie włącza wspólnotę Kościoła katolickiego w główny nurt współczesnej debaty ekologicznej, wykazując pełną gotowość do najszerzej rozumianej współpracy w badaniach i działaniach inspirowanych troską o Ziemię – nasz wspólny dom. Możliwość takiej współpracy dostrzega papież w porozumieniu ze wszystkimi ludźmi dobrej woli, którzy podzielają znaczenie wskazanych w niniejszym opracowaniu zagadnień: idea zrównoważonego rozwoju, idea ekologii integralnej, problematyka bioetyczna, kwestia klimatyczna i kwestia eko-sprawiedliwości.
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae; 2016, 14, 4; 109-128
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Assessment of the stability of bev lhd loader
Bołoz, Łukasz
Kozłowski, Artur
Horak, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
self-propelled mining machines
LHD loaders
machine stability
parametric modelling
dynamic simulations
mathematical model
battery power
The article concerns the computational model for analysing the stability of the BEV LHD loader. Works were carried out to develop an innovative, light battery-powered loader, which was the subject of an R&D project implemented in cooperation with Bumech S. A. Compared to the existing solutions of loaders with similar load capacity, this one is distinguished by the use of an individual electric drive in each wheel and a replaceable battery. A physical and mathematical model was developed taking into account the specificity of the BEV LHD loader. In the model, the masses of the battery, individual drives, the platform and excavated material are taken into account separately. The developed model allows determining the loader wheel pressure on the floor, depending on the location of its components’ centres of gravity, the turning angle of the machine, the amount of excavated material in the bucket and the position of the bucket. The input parameters also include the longitudinal and transverse excavation slope angles. In addition, the model enables determining the inner and outer turning radius of the loader. To verify the theoretical model, dynamic simulation tests were carried out. The results of simulation analyses confirmed the correctness of the developed theoretical model. The model was used to prepare a calculation sheet for analysing the stability on the basis of the adopted parameters. In the article, selected results of the conducted stability analyses have been presented, along with the proposed parameters ensuring the loader’s stability. The developed theoretical model enables a quick assessment of the loader’s stability, which, due to a number of innovative solutions, differs from existing designs. The structure of the loader at the design stage is subject to numerous modifications, which affect the distribution of the centres of gravity of individual components. The developed model of the loader is a useful, parameterized tool that allows assessing the stability and the values of the turning radii of the machine.
Management Systems in Production Engineering; 2022, 4 (30); 377--387
Pojawia się w:
Management Systems in Production Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Lightweight LHD BEV loader with an individual drive for each wheel
Korski, Wojciech
Horak, Wojciech
Bołoz, Łukasz
Niestrój, Roman
Kozłowski, Artur
Data publikacji:
self-propelled mining machines
LHD loaders
electric drive
battery power
The paper is devoted to the construction and design solutions of the power supply and drive systems of a prototype, lightweight LHD (Load-Haul-Dump) loader with an innovative "in-wheel drive" transmission system. The loader is a Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) with replaceable energy storage. It is intended for use in underground mines with no explosion hazard, especially in metal ore mines. The developed model contains four independent, electric drive systems installed in the road wheels. The paper presents the results of simulation tests, which enabled estimating the required driving power and electricity demand in various regimes and working conditions of the loader. The results of the calculations were used to determine the parameters of the drive system components and the battery capacity. Challenges and problems faced by constructors of BEV LHD loaders with an in-wheel drive have been pointed out.
Management Systems in Production Engineering; 2023, 3 (31); 281--289
Pojawia się w:
Management Systems in Production Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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