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Polityka brytyjska wobec problemu granicy polsko-radzieckiej 1939-1945
Tebinka, Jacek (1964- ).
Bartoszewicz, Henryk. Recenzja
Duraczyński, Eugeniusz. Recenzja
Tarka, Krzysztof. Recenzja
Data publikacji:
Warszawa : "Neriton"
Problem granicy wschodniej w stosunkach brytyjsko-polskich w latach 1918-1939, S. 11-27.
Inaczej być nie mogło: (w związku z książką...).
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
Polityka brytyjska wobec problemu granicy polsko-radzieckiej 1939-1945
Tebinka, Jacek (1964- ).
Bartoszewicz, Henryk. Recenzja
Nowak-Kiełbikowa, Maria ( -2013). Recenzja
Wandycz, Piotr S. Polemika
Data publikacji:
Granice Polska ZSRR 1939-1945 r. recenzja
Polem.:; Piotr S. Wandycz; Zeszyty Historyczne (Paryż); 2000; z. 131; s. 236-237.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
Ze wspomnień dyplomatycznych, żołnierskich i innych
Czeczot-Gawrak, Zbigniew "Nowina".
Wiśniewska Maria. Recenzja
Bartoszewicz, Henryk. Recenzja
Data publikacji:
Warszawa : Studio Wydawnicze FAMILIA
Armia Krajowa. Zgrupowanie "Krybar". Zgrupowanie III "Konrad" pamiętniki
Biuletyn Informacyjny III Zgrupowania (czasop.) sierpień-wrzesień 1944 r.
Wspomnienia z redakcji "Biuletynu Informacyjnego III Zgrupowania" (do 5 IX) i walk 111 plutonu Zgrupowania III "Konrad" AK.
S. 30-39, Wojna.
Rec.: W służbie dyplomacji Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej / Henryk Bartoszewicz.
Rec.: Dyskretny urok ludzi dobrze wychowanych / Maria Wiśniewska.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
Prace pomiarowe i kartograficzne Towarzystwa Kredytowego Ziemskiego w Warszawie 1839–1944
Measuring and Cartographic Work of the Land Credit Society [Towarzystwo Kredytowe Ziemskie; Societe du Credit Foncier a Varsovie] (1839–1944)
Bartoszewicz, Henryk
Data publikacji:
Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych
Towarzystwo Kredytowe Ziemskie
Członkowie powołanego w 1825 r. Towarzystwa Kredytowego Ziemskiego (TKZ) ubiegając się o udzielenie pożyczki hipotecznej do składanych dokumentów dołączali mapy swoich dóbr z rejestrem pomiarowym. Od 1884 r. kontrolę na sporządzaniem dokumentacji pomiarowej i kartograficznej przedkładanej Dyrekcji Głównej TKZ przejęły władze Towarzystwa. Prace w tym zakresie wykonywali geometrzy upoważnieni przez Dyrekcję Główną. W okresie działalności TKZ sporządzono ponad 20 000 map wielkoskalowych dóbr ziemskich, stanowiących zabezpieczenie udzielanego kredytu, z których zachowało się około 20-30% (5700 jednostek inwentarzowych, złożonych z 6705 arkuszy), przy czym większość z nich to kopie, głównie światłokopie sporządzone w latach 1940-1944. Wśród map rękopiśmiennych dominują także kopie. Najstarszym dziełem oryginalnym jest mapa wsi Górce z 1839 r. Mapy rękopiśmienne, zarówno oryginały, jak i kopie były wykonywane techniką wielobarwną, akwarelą i tuszem. Wszystkie mapy są datowane, chociaż nie zawsze była to data powstania, czasami umieszczano datę pomiaru. Najczęściej były sporządzone w skali 1:5000, 1:4200 i 1:4000. Mapy TKZ i rejestry pomiarowe to ważne źródło do badań z zakresu historii gospodarczej i geografii historycznej Polski w XIX i pierwszej połowie XX w. Wiele z nich może być wykorzystywane przez historyków architektury, zwłaszcza w studiach nad założeniami pałacowo-ogrodowymi, zabudową wsi, folwarków, osad młynarskich i karczem. Mapy lasów oraz drenowania pól mogą być ważnym źródłem do badań nad zmianami krajobrazu ziem polskich w XIX i XX w.
Members of Land Credit Society (TKZ, founded in 1825) who were applying for a mortgage loan had to add to the submitted documents maps of their estates and a land measurement register. Since 1884 the authorities of TKZ had taken over control over cartographic and measurement documentation submitted to the Directorate General of TKZ. Surveyors authorized by the Directorate performed the work in this field. In the period of operation of TKZ were drawn more than 20 000 large-scale maps of land estates, as security for the loan granted, from which remained around 20–30% (5700 inventory units, consisting of 6705 sheets), but most of them are copies, mostly blueprints drawn up 1940–1944. The copies predominate among the manuscript maps too. The oldest original item is the map of the village Górce of 1839. Manuscript maps, both originals and copies, were drawn in multicoloured technique: watercolour and ink. All the maps were dated, although it was not always the date of creation, sometimes it was the date when measurement was taken. Most of the maps were drawn at scale of 1:5000, 1:4200 and 1:4000. TKZ maps and land measurement registers are an important source for the study of economic history and historical geography of Poland in the nineteenth and the first half of the twentieth century. Many of them can be used by historians of architecture, especially for the study on the palace-and-garden ensemble, the village buildings, farms buildings, mill settlements and inns. Maps of forests and water drains of the fields might be an important source for research on changes in the landscape of Poland in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
Miscellanea Historico-Archivistica; 2008-2009, 15-16, 15-16; 69-90
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Archivistica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Radosław Skrycki, Prace kartograficzne w dolinach Odry, Warty i Noteci w okresie fryderycjańskim. Goswien Othmar Schultze i jego wkład w rozwój kartografii pruskiej, Szczecin 2013
Bartoszewicz, Henryk
Data publikacji:
Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych
kartografia pruska
Goswien Othmar Schultze
Miscellanea Historico-Archivistica; 2014, 21; 375-383
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Archivistica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
U schyłku republiki weimarskiej. Niemcy i stosunki polsko–niemieckie w świetle raportów posła polskiego w Berlinie Romana Knolla (1928–1930)
Bartoszewicz, Henryk
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
The Twilight of the Weimar Republic. Germany and Polish–German Relations in the Light of Reports from Roman Knoll, the Polish Envoy in Berlin (1928–1930)Roman Knoll was appointed the Polish envoy in Berlin on 1 July 1928, replacing Kazimierz Olszowski; he was recalled in 10 January 1931 and transferred to the central offices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Warsaw. For all practical purposes, Knoll was head of the Berlin legation for a slightly shorter period of time. Departure from the German capital on 20 December 1930 put an actual end to this diplomatic mission in that country.Assessing the Knoll mission in Berlin entails answering a question concerning the fulfilment in the course of two and a half years of the tasks with which he was entrusted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, or rather by Józef Piłsudski and August Zaleski. The mission in question became surrounded by numerous myths appearing in the reminiscences of politicians and diplomats, while many opinions formulated by various researchers are not always apt. An analysis of preserved sources from the time when Knoll was head of the legation of the Republic of Poland in Berlin makes it possible to declare that the majority of those views is entirely untrue. The correspondence between the envoy and the Ministry central offices contains extensive and thorough examinations of Polish–German relations and the foreign and domestic policy of the Reich, including changes occurring during the end stage of the Weimar Republic. Knoll did not limit himself to informing his superiors about the realisation of various tasks, but frequently proposed solutions of problems faced by the Polish policy, including those that transcended beyond Polish–German relations.From the moment he initiated his diplomatic mission in Germany (July 1928) the new envoy of the Republic of Poland carefully studied Polish–German relations and made all possible efforts to improve them. This was an extremely difficult assignment since Knoll encountered the strong resistance of his German partner. Nevertheless, while heading the German legation Knoll enjoyed a number of successes and his activity contributed to alleviating the Polish– German economic war and, subsequently, to signing a bilateral trade agreement. He also played a prominent part in preparing the conditions for a liquidation convention and its ratification by the parliaments of Poland and Germany. Knoll established permanent and suitable contacts with the heads and higher officials of Auswärtiges Amt, although this was by no means an easy undertaking. He also managed to reach part of the Berlin press, especially liberal publications, which changed favourably the view of Poland held by German public opinion. Furthermore, Knoll improved the situation of the Polish community in Germany by rendering closer the cooperation of the legation and the consulates of the Republic of Poland and thanks to a consistent stand as regards the minorities, expressed in contacts with German state institutions.Knoll did not restrict his interests and diplomatic activity to questions resulting from the duties of an envoy. At that time, he took part as a member of the Polish delegation in sessions of the Council of the League of Nations in Madrid and Geneva. He supported the work conducted by Polish delegations participating in Hague conferences concerning an early evacuation of the Rhineland and the acceptance of the Young plan. Finally, Knoll took part in diplomatic undertakings intent on normalizing relations between Poland and Lithuania.Indeed, it cannot be said that Knoll’s mission in Berlin was exclusively a diplomatic success story. His failures included the fiasco of an attempt at ending the economic war in Polish–German relations, This, however, was not Knoll’s fault because the acceptance of the Martin Schiele plan and the refusal by the Reichstag to ratify a trade convention with Poland took place in an already altered political situation, which emerged in Germany first after the establishment of the Heinrich Brüning cabinet, and then after the parliamentary elections of September 1930.
Dzieje Najnowsze; 2015, 47, 4
Pojawia się w:
Dzieje Najnowsze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Romana Knolla oceny przeszłości i wizje przyszłości
Bartoszewicz, Henryk
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
polityka zagraniczna
sprawy narodowościowe
polskie państwo podziemne
The article focuses on studies and memorials by Roman Knoll concerning international affairs, Polish foreign policy, and national problems, written between March 1939 and April 1944. Assessments of Polish inter-war and wartime foreign policy, contained in those documents, and proposals regarding some of its post–war currents deserve special attention. Numerous theses proposed by Knoll should be regarded as extremely apt. It would be difficult, for instance, to disagree with his opinion about asymmetrical Warsaw–Berlin and Warsaw–Moscow relations, revealing a distinct advantage in favour of the former. Apparently, in the spring of 1939 Knoll, in contrast to other observers, perceived the possibility of a German–Soviet alliance, which at the time posed the greatest threat to Poland.Within Polish eastern policies this outstanding diplomat regarded as essential support for the liberation of nations dominated by Russia and the construction around the latter’s borders of independent national states. He espoused the creation of an independent Ukrainian state, but at the time of the war opposed embarking upon a discussion about “great Ukraine”. In doing so, Knoll stressed that while considering the Lithuanian, Byelorussian or Ukrainians questions Poland should remain concerned predominantly with the integrity of its territory. Even in April 1944, when he admitted to the possibility of Poland accepting concessions concerning the eastern frontier, he treated such a solution as a necessary evil and was well aware of the fact that the Soviet Union remained a hazard to the independence and sovereignty of the Polish Republic.Knoll presented reliable accounts of the wartime situation of the Jewish population on Polish lands and depicted the extermination of the Jews in terrains included into the Third Reich and the territory of the Generalgouvernement. At the same time, he wrote about the Soviet occupant’s better treatment of the Jews than of the Poles and the Ukrainians. In the prevailing situation it was difficult to accept his projects concerning a post-war resettlement of the Jews to a state specially created for them, but the Polish diplomat was by no means the sole politician who at the time wrote and spoke about this issue.
Dzieje Najnowsze; 2016, 48, 4
Pojawia się w:
Dzieje Najnowsze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kierunek wschodni aktywności dyplomatycznej Rady Regencyjnej
Bartoszewicz, Henryk
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
Rada Regencyjna
gabinety Rady Regencyjnej
Departament Spraw Politycznych (Departament Stanu)
Przedstawicielstwo Rady Regencyjnej w Moskwie
Przedstawicielstwo Rady Regencyjnej w Kijowie
polska granica wschodnia
W okresie działalności Rady Regencyjnej i jej gabinetów zbudowano podwaliny polskiej dyplomacji i prowadzono politykę zagraniczną Królestwa Polskiego pomimo ograniczeń wynikających z postanowień patentu z 12 IX 1917 r. Przejęto placówki zagraniczne Naczelnego Komitetu Narodowego i powołano przedstawicielstwa Rady Regencyjnej w Moskwie, Kijowie i Helsinkach. Starano się wypracować koncepcję polityki wschodniej, koncentrując uwagę przede wszystkim na kwestii przyszłej granicy wschodniej państwa polskiego. Przygotowywano kadry służby dyplomatycznej Polski niepodległej. In the period of operation of the Regency Council and its cabinets, the foundations of Polish diplomacy was laid, and foreign policy of the Kingdom of Poland was pursued, despite the restrictions resulting from the decree of 12 September 1917. Foreign posts of the Supreme National Committee were taken over, and representatives of the Regency Council were sent to Moscow, Kiev, and Helsinki. An attempt was made to develop an eastern policy with the focus on the problem of future borderline of the Polish state; and the diplomatic personnel of the independent Poland was being trained.
Dzieje Najnowsze; 2018, 50, 1
Pojawia się w:
Dzieje Najnowsze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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