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Using wavelet techniques for multibeam sonar bathymetry data compression
Chybicki, A.
Łubniewski, Z.
Moszyński, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Akustyczne
Multibeam sonars are widely used in applications like high resolution bathymetry measurements or underwater object imaging. One of the significant problems in multibeam sensing of the marine environment is large amount of data which must be transmitted from the sonar processing unit to an operator station using a limited bit rate channel. For instance, such a situation would be in the case when the multibeam sonar was mounted on the autonomous underwater vehicle operating on large depths and transmitting the data to the operator station using acoustic channel. In this context, the authors propose a method for multibeam sonar data size reduction. It relies on the use of wavelet decomposition technique combined with run-length and Huffman coding. The method was applied for lossy compression of raw bathymetry data which had been generated by a multibeam sonar processing unit in a form of a set of points in three-dimensional space. The performed tests revealed that without introducing the substantial distortion into the processed bathymetry data, the proposed approach allows to obtain better compression ratios than in the case of using standard lossy JPEG-like compression techniques.
Hydroacoustics; 2010, 13; 31-38
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Using principal component analysis and canonical discriminant analysis for multibeam seafloor characterisation data
Łubniewski, Z.
Stepnowski, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Akustyczne
The paper presents the seafloor characterisation based on multibeam sonar data. It relies on using the integrated model and description of three types of multibeam data obtained during seafloor sensing: 1) the grey-level sonar images (echograms) of seabed, 2) the 3D model of the seabed surface which consists of bathymetric data, 3) the set of time domain bottom echo envelopes received in the consecutive sonar beams. The classification is performed by utilisation of several statistical methods applied for analysis of a set of seafloor descriptors derived from multibeam data. In the paper, the use of Principal Component Analysis (PCA), as well as Canonical Discriminant Analysis (CDA) for reduction of the seafloor parameter space dimension is presented along with the obtained results. In addition, the use of the open source World Wind Java SDK tool for implementation of imaging and mapping of seafloor multibeam data, integrated with other elements of a scene and overlaid on rich background data, is also shown.
Hydroacoustics; 2012, 15; 123-130
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Using multibeam echoes in seafloor characterisation and classification
Łubniewski, Z.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Akustyczne
multibeam echoes
seafloor characterisation
The method of seabed identification and classification from multibeam sonar echoes is presented. The proposed approach is based on calculation of a set of parameters of an echo envelope, similarly as in seafloor classification using single beam echosounder. These parameters are extracted for each consecutive beam allowing the estimation of their dependence on the seafloor incident angle. The relation between seabed type and calculated echo parameters and its angular dependence, is investigated. The results obtained using sonar data records from several bottom types in Gdańsk Bay water region are presented and discussed. It has been primarily justified that the proposed approach may be useful in seafloor characterisation.
Hydroacoustics; 2008, 11; 265-270
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
System informacji geograficznej i techniki obrazowania satelitarnego w zastosowaniu do analizy i wizualizacji infrastruktur krytycznych i ich zagrożeń
Geographic information system and satellite imaging techniques applied for analysis and visualisation of critical infrastructures and their threats
Bruniecki, K.
Stepnowski, A.
Łubniewski, Z.
Kulawiak, M.
Buszke, B.
Data publikacji:
Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna im. Jarosława Dąbrowskiego
infrastruktury krytyczne
obserwacje satelitarne
critical infrastructures
satellite observations
W chwili obecnej faktem jest występowanie zarówno coraz liczniejszych zdarzeń katastroficznych powodowanych przez siły przyrody, jak też nieustanny wzrost intensywności ataków terrorystycznych na obiekty publiczne i przemysłowe. Zagrożenia tego rodzaju stają się coraz poważniejsze w odniesieniu do wielu, także tych uważanych do tej pory za bezpieczne rejonów świata, w tym Europy i Polski. Sytuacja taka wymaga podejmowania zdecydowanych i skutecznych działań, tak w skali międzynarodowej, jak i regionalnej, w celu zabezpieczenia ludności oraz majątku państwa przed tego typu zagrożeniami oraz ich skutkami. W tym kontekście, należy podkreślić istotną rolę nowatorskich narzędzi z zakresu technologii informacyjnych w przewidywaniu i ocenie zagrożeń oraz wspomaganiu minimalizacji ewentualnych strat. W artykule przedstawiono sieciowy system informacji przestrzennej do analizy i wizualizacji infrastruktur krytycznych (IK) oraz ich zagrożeń. System ten umożliwia gromadzenie, integrację, przetwarzanie, wykonywanie różnorakich analiz oraz wizualizację danych przestrzennych, w szczególności dotyczących IK miasta z różnych sektorów. System dla autoryzowanego użytkownika jest dostępny zdalnie, za pośrednictwem sieci Web z poziomu zwykłej przeglądarki internetowej. Narzędziem do wprowadzania danych na temat IK do systemu jest moduł analiz oparty na technologii CARVER2™. Zakłada ona porównywanie odmiennych typów infrastruktur przy zastosowaniu tych samych, wielorakich kryteriów oceny IK, takich jak ważność obiektu, dostępność dla ataku, odtwarzalność, wrażliwość na poszczególne rodzaje ataków. Wprowadzone do systemu dane przetwarzane są przez szereg procedur analiz przestrzennych w odniesieniu do różnych rodzajów zagrożeń, jak np. określanie strefy zagrożenia dla ataku bombowego czy chemicznego, czy granic obszaru zalanego w wyniku wycieku lub powodzi na podstawie danych o lokalizacji, rozmiarze i szybkości wycieku, numerycznego modelu terenu oraz modelu przemieszczania się i absorpcji materiału przez podłoże. System oferuje także inne narzędzia przetwarzania i analiz danych przestrzennych, jak np. narzędzia do interpolacji przestrzennej za pomocą metody odwrotnej odległości bądź funkcji sklejanych. Przedstawiono także koncepcję rozbudowy systemu o jego integrację z sensorami satelitarnej obserwacji Ziemi (Earth Observation - EO) oraz automatyczne przetwarzanie obrazów satelitarnych w celu detekcji i analizy zagrożeń. Omówiono źródła danych satelitarnych użytecznych w tym zastosowaniu oraz planowane do wykorzystania opracowane przez Europejską Agencję Kosmiczną techniki przetwarzania i udostępniania obrazów, takie jak Service Support Environment - SSE. Przedstawiony system jest aktualnie wdrażany do użytkowania przez Wydział Zarządzania Kryzysowego i OchronyLudności Urzędu Miejskiego w Gdańsku, gdzie stanowić będzie cenne narzędzie wspomagające ochronę infrastruktur krytycznych przed zagrożeniami różnego rodzaju.
At present, the increase in catastrophic natural disasters as well as events of terrorist attacks against public and industrial objects is observed. Threats of this kind become more realistic and serious with respect to many regions and places in the world considered relatively safe previously, including Europe and Poland. This situation requires determined and effective actions, both in international and regional scale, for protection of people and critical infrastructures against such threats and their consequences. Within this context, in prediction of hazards and to support the activities for minimizing their results, the sort of new Information Technology achievements and solutions may be a useful aid. In the paper, the Web-Based Geographic Information System for assessment and visualization of CIs and its hazards is presented. The system allows storing, integration, processing, analysis and visualisation of spatial data on Gdańsk city area, including different CI sectors. The system is accessible remotely for an authorised user, from the Web browser level. The tool for entering the CI data to the system is implemented as the analysis module based on the CARVER2™ technology. It assumes comparison of different CI types using the same set of criteria, like criticality, accessibility, recoverability or susceptibility for different threats. Spatial data entered to the system may be processed by a set of spatial analysis procedures with respect to various threats, for instance, detection of hazard zone for a blast or chemical attack, or localisation the area affected or threaten by flood or leak, using the data on localisation, amount and speed of the leak, digital elevation model (DEM) as well as the liquid mass absorption and movement model. System offers also other tools for processing and analysis of spatial data, like spatial interpolation by inverse distance or spline methods. Presented GIS can be integrated with satellite imagery data. The main source of satellite imagery will be 1.5-m L-Band Metop-HRTP Satellite Ground Station and the EUMETCast system. It is very important to obtain the data from different satellite platforms, as different threats can be detected by different sensors. Some processing techniques and data delivery mechanisms, developed by European Space Agency, like Service Support Environment are discussed, since SSE can be very useful in obtaining satellite data from other satellites sources. Examples of threats which can be detected, by processing satellite imagery, are presented along with information about potential types of satellites, which may be practical in detecting particular threats. The system is used by the Crisis Management Department of Gdańsk City Hall as a useful tool supporting CI protection against different types of threats.
Biuletyn Wojskowej Akademii Technicznej; 2010, 59, 2; 265-283
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Wojskowej Akademii Technicznej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sensitivity of echo envelope fractal dimension to bottom type and bottom depth - numerical results
Łubniewski, Z.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Akustyczne
The presented results are a part of those obtained within the author's latest work on application of normal incidence methods in acoustic seafloor characterisation. The work included both theoretical and experimental studies on selection of appropriate methods of seafloor echo processing and feature extraction for characterisation of the bottom type, especially, the study of the usefulness of several echo parameters like fractal dimension or statistical moments of the echo envelope. In this paper, the simulation results of the echo envelope fractal dimension dependence on bottom type and bottom depth are presented. They show that to same extent, fractal dimension of an echo may be useful for bottom identification even in a case of varying depth, however, more detailed, theoretical as well as experimental studies are needed.
Hydroacoustics; 2003, 6; 195-198
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Seafloor characterisation using multibeam sonar echo signal processing and image analysis
Łubniewski, Z.
Stepnowski, A.
Chybicki, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Akustyczne
The authors propose the approach to multibeam seafloor characterisation which relies on the combined, concurrent use of two different techniques of multibeam sonar data processing. The first one is based on constructing the grey-level sonar images of seabed using the echoes received in the consecutive beams. Then, the parameters describing the local region of sonar image, namely, the local standard deviation of a grey level, and the slope of a local autocorrelation function of a grey level, are calculated. The second technique assumes the use of a set of parameters of the multibeam echo envelope, similarly as in single beam classification. For selected parameters, namely, for echo envelope moment of inertia and for echo envelope fractal dimension, the slope of their angular dependence is calculated. Finally, the quantities obtained by these 2 techniques have been combined together and the multidimensional distributions of sets of them have been analysed in the context of seabed classification procedure. The approach has been tested using multibeam data records acquired from several bottom types in the Gulf of Gdańsk region. The preliminary results show that application of the proposed combined approach should improve the classification performance in comparison with that of using only the one scheme of seafloor multibeam data processing.
Hydroacoustics; 2010, 13; 171-176
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Seafloor characterisation using multibeam data: sonar image properties, seabed surface properties and echo properties
Łubniewski, Z.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Akustyczne
In the paper, the approach to seafloor characterisation is presented. The multibeam sonars, besides their well verified and widely used applications like high resolution bathymetry and underwater object detection and imaging, are also the promising tool in seafloor characterization and classification, having several advantages over conventional single beam echosounders. The proposed approach relies on the combined, concurrent use of several techniques of multibeam sonar data processing. The first one is based on constructing the grey-level sonar images of seabed using the backscattering strength calculated for the echoes received in the consecutive beams. Then, the set of parameters describing the local region of sonar image is calculated. These include both the first and the second order statistics of the grey level, and the texture analysis. The second technique utilises the 3D model of the seabed surface, which is constructed as a set of (x, y, z) points using the detected bottom range for each beam in the multibeam system seafloor imaging procedure. For the local region of seabed surface, the descriptors like rms height and autocorrelation radius are calculated. The third technique assumes the use of a set of parameters of the multibeam echo envelope, similarly as in single beam classification. The parameters include echo energy and its statistics, as well as the set of echo shape descriptors, and are calculated for each beam allowing the estimation of their dependence on seafloor incident angle. Then, for selected parameters, the characteristic features quantitatively describing their angular dependence, like slope, or range, are calculated. Finally, the features obtained by these 3 techniques have been combined together and used in seabed supervised classification procedure based on standard classifiers. The proposed method has been tested using multibeam data records acquired from several bottom types in the Gulf of Gdańsk region. The obtained results show that application of the proposed combined approach improves the classification comparison with those of using only the one scheme of seafloor multibeam data processing.
Hydroacoustics; 2011, 14; 135-142
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sea floor classification using multibeam sonar
Łubniewski, Z.
Chybicki, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Akustyczne
sea floor classification
multibeam sonar
The paper presents the method of seabed identification and classification using multibeam sonar echoes. The proposed approach is based on calculation of a set of parameters of an echo envelope. The parameters are extracted for each consecutive beam allowing the estimation of their dependence on the seafloor incident angle, and then the relation between seabed type and calculated echo parameters and its angular dependence is investigated. The paper concerns the experiment which has been carried out in Gdansk Bay in November 2008, and some comparisons of the results with those obtained during previous experiment in September 2007. The results for several bottom types are presented and discussed. It was confirmed that the information extracted from multibeam seafloor sensing data, e.g. "water column" recordings, may be useful in seafloor characterisation.
Hydroacoustics; 2009, 12; 127-132
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sea bottom typing using fractal dimension
Łubniewski, Z.
Stepnowski, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Akustyczne
The article presents an attempt to apply elements of fractal analysis for the purpose of sea bottom typing. The fractal dimension was calculated as box dimension for sampled envelopes of echo signals from four types of sea bottom recorded during mobile acoustic surveys carried out in Lake Washington. The results obtained show that the simple method applied can be used for on board sea bed recognition in real time with accuracy similar to that of other methods.
Hydroacoustics; 1997, 1; 131-134
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Reconstruction of 3D shape from sidescan sonar images using shape from shading technique
Moszyński, M.
Bikonis, K.
Łubniewski, Z.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Akustyczne
Side scan sonar (SSS) is one of the most widely used imaging systems in the underwater environment. It is relatively cheap and easy to deploy in comparison with more powerful sensors like multibeam echosounder or synthetic aperture sonar. Although, the SSS does not provide directly the seafloor bathymetry measurements. Its outputs are usually in a form of grey level acoustic images of seafloor. However, the analysis of such images performed by human eye allows creating semi-spatial impressions on seafloor relief and morphology. The 3D shape reconstruction from 2D images using SFS approach is one of classical problems in computer vision. In the paper, the method based on Shape From Shading (SFS) technique for SSS images processing is presented. The 3D seafloor relief is reconstructed using the information from both the currently processed and previous ping. The seafloor backscattering coefficient dependence on an incident angle, which is needed in the applied SFS algorithm scheme, is being estimated in the experimental way, i.e. by analysis of SSS image contents for the flat seabed region.
Hydroacoustics; 2013, 16; 181-188
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Reconstruction methods for 3D underwater objects using point cloud data
Kulawiak, M.
Łubniewski, Z.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Akustyczne
visualizing underwater objects
3D model
shipwrecks imaging
Existing methods for visualizing underwater objects in three dimensions are usually based on displaying the imaged objects either as unorganised point sets or in the form of edges connecting the points in a trivial way. To allow the researcher to recognise more details and characteristic features of an investigated object, the visualization quality may be improved by transforming the unordered point clouds into higher order structures. There are many algorithms for constructing meshes from point clouds, some of which are more suited to processing data obtained from particular sources. This article presents the application of several methods for generating 3D models from point clouds for the purpose of reconstructing underwater objects, such as shipwrecks. The article presents the results obtained with each method and discusses possible ways of improving the quality of produced meshes.
Hydroacoustics; 2015, 18; 95-102
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Potential of Polish R&D industry in the context of prototyping, design, development and control of a dedicated national satellite SAR system for marine ecosystem monitoring Technical paper - preliminary study
Chybicki, A.
Łubniewski, Z.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Akustyczne
Space technology is currently one of the most important elements in the advance of information societies and knowledge-based economies all over the world. The European Space Agency (ESA) is in the focal point of European space activities, while the European Union provides strong financial support for the development of space technologies and applications in its flagship programs. In a domestic scope, the Polish Space Agency (POLSA) is a national aeronautics entity responsible for activities related to development of technologies of the national space sector. Recently, one of the activities which POLSA aims to establish, is the programme of building a system of satellite SAR observations dedicated for Polish users; such as administration, civilian services, and Polish scientific and research entities, that would expand potential use of satellite technologies among numerous Polish beneficiaries. In the context mentioned above, the paper describes the architecture and functional components of an exemplary satellite SAR system, along with the potential of Polish entities to develop such technology.
Hydroacoustics; 2016, 19; 49-54
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
On algorithm details in multibeam seafloor classification
Łubniewski, Z.
Sęk, D.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Akustyczne
seafloor classification
multibeam sonar
sonar data processing
Remote sensing of the seafloor constitutes an important topic in exploration, management, protection and other investigations of the marine environment. In the paper, a combined approach to seafloor characterisation is presented. It relies on calculation of several descriptors related to seabed type using three different types of multibeam sonar data obtained during seafloor sensing, viz.: 1) the grey-level sonar images (echograms) of the seabed, 2) the 3D model of the seabed surface which consists of bathymetric data, 3) the set of time domain bottom echo envelopes received in the consecutive sonar beams. The proposed methodology has been tested using field data records acquired from several bottom types in the Southern Baltic Sea. Using the examples of particular parameters, the influence on the specific manner and details regarding their calculation, i.e. the size of the applied current local window to a sonar image, on the obtained classification performance, is discussed.
Hydroacoustics; 2017, 20; 113-120
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Numerical simulations of acoustic backscattering on fractally corrugated Seabed surface
Łubniewski, Z.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Akustyczne
The numerical simulations of echosaunder signals scattering by fractally corrugated sea bed surface are presented. In particular, the relations between fractal dimension, describing the large scale roughness of sea bottom, and received echo envelope shape, were investigated. The fractal large scale relief of seabed suiface was generated assuming the power law form of the spatial frequency power spectrum, with exponent related to fractal dimension, and subsequently applying the two dimensional inverse FFT algorithm. In the secand stage, the bottom echo waveform was numerically modelled as an incoherent sum of coruributing echoes from all surface elements. For each element, the echo amplitude was calculated assuming the form of angular dependence of bottom backscattering coefficient for smal! scale roughness. The obtained results of simulations have revealed same conditions for the transferring of the seabed surface fractal structure onto the shape of echo wavefonn.
Hydroacoustics; 2000, 3; 25-28
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Multibeam data processing for 3D object shape reconstruction
Kulawiak, M.
Łubniewski, Z.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Akustyczne
multibeam sonar
3D reconstruction
point cloud
The technology of hydroacoustic scanning offers an efficient and widely-used source of geospatial information regarding underwater environments, providing measurement data which usually have the structure of irregular groups of points known as point clouds. Since this data model has known disadvantages, a different form of representation based on representing surfaces with simple geometric structures, such as edges and facets, is preferred for data featuring seabed surface relief and various underwater objects. In this paper, the authors propose a multiple-step approach to three-dimensional surface reconstruction from multibeam sonar measurements, relying on the proper application of various algorithms for noise reduction, data rasterization and classification. The results obtained by combining several different surface reconstruction algorithms with the proposed data processing technique were tested, and the strengths and weaknesses of each method were highlighted.
Hydroacoustics; 2017, 20; 105-112
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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