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Wyszukujesz frazę "utopias" wg kryterium: Wszystkie pola

O prawie cywilnym i karnym od Wieku Światła i Rozumu do spustoszonego stulecia
Lityński, Adam
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Utopias, Ravaged Century, natural law
In the 18th century the rule of ratio was supposed to rebuild the world and to make an order in it. The philosophers followed many illusions then. One of them was the belief that the ideal law is almighty and it may give happiness to the mankind. The revolution was also supposed to be a great project for the mankind. Liberty, Equality, Property (by Jan Baszkiewicz) were placed on revolutionary banners. Liberty, equality, property are the most important natural laws, which were supposed to be transformed into codes. The 20th century has inherited many different ideas, also utopian – coming from the Age of Enlightenment. The starting point – as usual in the utopias – was to destroy the old order, especially legal order. Two tragic totalitarian systems tried to realize these utopias. The 20th century is called the Ravaged Century (Robert Conquest). But when the last totalitarian state in Europe fell down in the end of this century, we returned to the Enlightenment roots in penal and civil law.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2008, 6; 13-25
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Trwały rozwój - utopia czy realna możliwość?
Sustainable Development – Utopia or Real Possibility?
Zacher, L.W.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Człowiek i Środowisko PAN
trwały rozwój
sustainable development
Koncepcę. i praktykę rozwoju trwałego trzeba rozważać w ich ramach systemowych i kontekstach oraz sferach, w których funkcjonują. Rozwój trwały musi mieć cechę realizmu i praktyczności. Tymczasem współczesny dyskurs ekologiczny jest wielce zróżnicowany i uwikłany nierzadko w nierealistyczne założenia i nadzieje. Tylko realizm oraz skoordynowane, systematyczne i uporczywe wysiłki ludzi i organizacji mogą nas do ideału trwałego rozwoju przybliżyć.
The concept and practice of sustainable development should be considered in their system framework, context and spheres in which they function. Sustainable development ought to have such features like realism and practicality. Meanwhile the present ecological discourse is very differentiated and often embroiled in the unrealistic assumptions and hopes. Only realistic approach and co-ordinated, systematic and persistent efforts of people and their organization can bring us closer to the ideal of development.
Problemy Ekorozwoju; 2008, 3, 2; 63-68
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Ekorozwoju
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Aporie sztuki Internetu. Cyberkulturowe utopie 20 lat później
Wójtowicz, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
During the last two decades almost all the utopias of freedom, communication, access and cultural diversity have faced, respectively, problems of cenzorship, e-invigilation, exclusion and aesthetic homogenization. The reflection on cyberculture in its first years was characterized by the development of methodology, fascination with the unknown, the lack of technical knowledge, access difficulties and a great enthusiasm. Therefore we can distinguish some common attitudes, like the fear of dehumanization and losing real contacts for the sake of virtual ones. Also, in the 90s were the decade of great interest in telepresence and cyborg-like body prosthetics. One of the key features is adding the prefix 'cyber-' to many words and relating to fiction (mostly literature and cinema). Artistic activity may be traced halfway between fiction and science-based technology. As network-based decentralization has played a positive role, it also has a double meaning. There is no responsibility and no direct enemy that may be criticised. This problem may be considered as a central aporia of the digital avantgarde, to use the term coined by Hans Magnus Enzensberger. Since networks are no longer metaphors, as Eugene Thacker notices, they become real, but still unstable. Artists using networks are involved in many contexts, sometimes disappointed with utopias of freedom and visions of endless space. All this creates a complex picture of art within cyberculture twenty years after its emergence.
Przegląd Kulturoznawczy; 2011, 1(9); 46-54
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Kulturoznawczy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
L’educare e il credere tra vecchie e nuove utopie
Pajer, Flavio
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
the modern and post-modern utopias
The article focuses three problematic knots. The fi rst one underlines how the modern utopias are not dead, but they have strikingly moved: the modern ideal of freedom, for example, changed into the post-modern ideal of security; the monism of values shared in common turned into a pluralism of personal, discontinuous and fragmented choices. The second knot identi fi es education itself as an evolving utopia: from the post colonial dream of education for all to the present priority to educate ex novo the social links in a globalised world; from the society of knowledge (instrumental good) to a pluralistic society of living together (structural good). The third knot calls to mind the classical eschatological hendiadys of the “already and not yet” that the theology of Christian Hope propose once more as the paradigm of the human living. In the - political and at same time mystic-dynamic of the historical present, dissuading in this way the believers from looking for the salvation in easy and utopian projections beyond this world.
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II; 2011, 1, 1
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The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Złożoność nie do udźwignięcia: utopie jedności, utopie różnicy
Unbearable Complexity: Utopias of Unity, Utopias of Difference
Bucholc, Marta
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
złożoność społeczna
Norbert Elias
historia socjologii
social complexity
engagement (involvement)
history of sociology
Złożoność społeczna jest jednym z najważniejszych problemów, z jakimi mierzy się dziś socjologia. Tekst rozpoczyna się od krótkiego spojrzenia na źródła naszego dzisiejszego myślenia o złożoności, które prowadzi do diagnozy dwóch podejść do złożoności w socjologii, określonych jako jej redukcja i eskalacja. Następnie krótko zarysowana zostaje analogia między tymi podejściami a dwoma rodzajami wiedzy praktycznej wytwarzanej w odpowiedzi na problem złożoności, czyli utopiami jedności i różnicy. Tekst kończy się próbą odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy zaangażowanie w myśleniu o złożoności nie stanowi przeszkody w jego właściwej diagnozie.
Social complexity is one of the main problems which sociology is facing nowadays. The article begins with a short overview of sources of contemporary ideas of complexity, which leads towards a diagnosis of two sociological approaches to complexity, which are called “reduction” and “escalation” of complexity. Next, a short analogy is drawn between the two approaches and two kinds of practical knowledge produced as an answer to the problem of complexity, which are utopias of unity and utopias of difference. The text concludes with an attempt to answer the question whether the engagement (involvement) in our thinking about complexity is not a handicap in our efforts adequately to diagnose the problem.
Studia Socjologiczne; 2013, 4(211); 19-35
Pojawia się w:
Studia Socjologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pasolini – utopie i obsesje
Pasolini – Utopias and Obsessions
Rutkowska, Teresa
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Sztuki PAN
Piotr Kletowski
Pier Paolo Pasolini
myśl chrześcijańska
Christian thought
Recenzja książki Piotra Kletowskiego Pier Paolo Pasolini. Twórczość filmowa (2013). To pierwsza na polskim gruncie tak obszerna i wyczerpująca monografia reżysera uważanego za jednego z najwybitniejszych artystów kina światowego. Autorka koncentruje uwagę na metodzie badawczej Kletowskiego, który uwzględniając różne aspekty twórczej aktywności Pasoliniego (zwłaszcza dotyczące filmu i literatury), szuka równowagi między spójnością estetyczną i filozoficzną jego dzieł a immanentnymi paradoksami oraz sprzecznościami, które budują ich dynamikę. Toteż najważniejszym kluczem interpretacyjnym staje się tu dialektyka myśli chrześcijańskiej i marksizmu.
A book review of Piotr Kletowski’s Pier Paolo Pasolini. Twórczość filmowa [Pier Paolo Pasolini: His Work in Film] (2013). This is the first monograph of such width and richness to be published in Poland on a director considered to be one of the greatest artists of the world cinema. The author focuses on Kletowski’s research method, which takes into the consideration all kinds of aspects of Pasolini’s creative work (especially film and literature), and seeks to find a balance between the aesthetic and philosophical coherence of his work and their immanent paradoxes and contradictions, which drive its dynamics. In effect a dialectic between Christian thought and Marxism turn out to be the key to the interpretation of the work of the great master.
Kwartalnik Filmowy; 2014, 87-88; 303-306
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Filmowy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Transcultural and Transcorporal Neighbors: Japanese Performance Utopias in Jerzy Grotowski, Eugenio Barba and Phillip B. Zarrilli
Rafolt, Leo
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
theatre anthropology
cross-cultural performance and theatre practice
Asian martial arts
Transcultural and Transcorporal Neighbors: Japanese Performance Utopias in  Jerzy Grotowski, Eugenio Barba and Phillip B. ZarrilliThis paper is mainly focused on the concept of transcultural bodily knowledge elaborated by Eugenio Barba and Nicola Savarese in their concept of theatre anthropology. Their research on pre-existent and pre-expressive values of the human movement, especially considering Asian theatre and performative practices, will be reexamined in the context of over-imposed interculturalism in Humanities and Social Studies. The focus will be thus put on the modifications of the bodily knowledge in this sense (Yuasa), as well as on the (re)appropriations of the Asian philosophical/theoretical embodiment schemes in the Western thought, not only from the standpoint of performative research made by Eugenio Barba and Phillip B. Zarrilli, but also from the standpoint of Shusterman’s pragmatic reinterpretations of Merleau-Ponty’s legacy, Schechner/Turner’s anthropology of human performativity, etc. In this context, the key idea of unique transcultural background of the human kinesis, employed mainly by Barba, will be put in an overall context of contemporary (trans)cultural utopism. The key element for interpretation will thus be an overall context of Asian martial arts practice, especially the significance of ‘iemoto principle’ (hereditary bodily technique) for the establishment of Grotowski’s, Barba’s and Zarrilli’s psychology and physiology of performance tactics. Transkulturowi i transcieleśni sąsiedzi: japońskie utopie performatywne u Jerzego Grotowskiego, Eugenia Barby i Philipa B. ZarrilliegoArtykuł skupia się głównie na pojęciu transkulturowej wiedzy cielesności, wypracowanym przez Eugenia Barbę i Nicolę Savaresego w ich ujęciu antropologii widowiska. Ich badania nad uprzednimi i przedekspresywnymi wartościami ruchu ludzkiego, zwłaszcza w kontekście teatru azjatyckiego i praktyk performatywnych, zostają wpisane w kontekst nadreprezentowanego w humanistyce i naukach społecznych interkulturalizmu. Uwaga autora skupia się na zmianach w wiedzy cielesnej w tym kierunku (Yuasa), jak też recepcji azjatyckich filozoficznych/teoretycznych schematów wcielania w myśli Zachodu, nie tylko z punktu widzenia badań performatywnych Barby i Zarrilliego, lecz również w Shustermanowych pragmatycznych reinterpretacjach myśli antropologii performatywności Merleau-Pontiego, Schechnera i Turnera itd. W tym kontekście kluczowa idea jednego transkulturowego podłoża ludzkiej kinesis, wykorzystywana głównie przez Barbę, jest wpisana w nowy kontekst współczesnego (trans)kulturowego utopizmu. Zasadniczym elementem interpretacji stają się azjatyckie sztuki walki, zwłaszcza znaczenie zadasy iemoto (dziedzicznej techniki cielesności) w ustanowieniu psychologii i fizjologii taktyk performatywnych u Grotowskiego, Barby i Zarrilliego.
Colloquia Humanistica; 2015, 4
Pojawia się w:
Colloquia Humanistica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Francuskie utopie oświeceniowe jako wyraz kultury politycznej i prawnej swoich czasów
French Utopias of Enlightenment as a Manifestation of Political and Legal culture of this Time
Kuźmicz, Karol
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Oświecenie, prawo natury, rewolucja, kultura prawna, kultura polityczna.
Enlightenment, natural law, revolution, legal culture, political culture.
The author presents the impact of Utopian thought on the French political and legal culture during the Age of Enlightenment. Contemporary Utopias were the ideological background of the French Revolution. The machinations of 18th century France aside, we can call this time the “Age of Utopia”. This is confirmed by the studies of many French scholars and researchers. Professor Bronisław Baczko, a Polish philosopher and histo- rian, also presented this view in his work: “Utopian Lights: The Evolution of the Idea of Social Progress” (English Edition: New York 1989). It should be noted that the Enlighten- ment Utopias were concentrating on the nature of man and his social, economic, political and legal life. The texts of Utopians were also associated with philosophy and literature. They challenged the old order: Feudalism and Absolutism. In this way, the Utopias were the ideological weapon in the fight for a better world, that could only be redeemed by the Revolution.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2016, 15, 2; 249-265
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Imagine Lenona oraz The Empathic Civilzation Rifkina jako przykłady nowoczesnych utopii (analiza porównawcza i krtyczna)
Imagine John Lennon and The Empathic Civilization Jeremy Rifkin as examples of modern utopias (a critical and comparative analysis)
Breczko, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
modern utopia
nowoczesna utopia
In this paper I write about two counterculture utopias: the vision contained in the songs of Lennon's Imagine and an extremely extensive synthesis Jeremy Rifkin, in which mirror neurons and – based on them – empathy play a leading role. I start with a presentation and a comparative analysis of these utopias. The first can be seen as a version of "mini", other than as a version of "maxi" similar worldview. This worldview is a synthesis of the hippie counterculture and the "new left" and can be described as the ideology of "political correctness". In conclusion, I will add a few critical remarks. Above all, I pointed out the serious consequences of the vision of a united humanity, deprived of property, national states and institutional religion.
IDEA. Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych; 2016, 28/2; 327-356
Pojawia się w:
IDEA. Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Myśl polityczna Wincentego Lutosławskiego
Sobczak, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
social utopias
political treatises
utopie społeczne
traktaty polityczne
According to W. Lutosławski, every nation has its language/tongue, its historical past, but none of these features alone or in whole, does not determine the nation. He notices, that “only an existing national type, the kind of the ego is creating its language, its history and is impersonating the certain race”. The amount of such types is, according to W. Lutosławski, limited and not every people speaking the different language are a nation even if it has the racial distinction/separatness and the political history. His further statement is not entirely understandable, that “the real nation in its being isn’t limited to one planet, but has its representatives in the entire universe, although on the different planets they are not speaking the same language and have a various history”. The language, the race, the history, the custom – they aren’t creating the nation the more so that everyone can speak foreign languages. A nation isn’t the entire mass of people speaking one language but a slim circle of spirits, which are conscious of their separateness amongst the other nations. “The national awareness is an awareness of the existence of the ego fundamentally similar to our ego and whereby differing in the equal way as we do from the other egos we come across”. This way W. Lutosławski seems to be one of the precursors of the researches about the identity, also the national one. A nationality is an outside word of the invisible existence which a nation is, and it won’t be possible to reduce the contacts of the individual with the nation to such elements as language, tradition, custom. So there is/exists a serious difference between the nation and the nationality. The people living at present are only a material for nations. The state, compared with the nation, is a lower-level existence, dependent on time and space The work of Wincentego Lutosławski is located in a current of the Utopian social-political novels of the turning point of the 19th and 20th century. It is worth the attention on the account of the role which, according to this author, the Poles should play after the world war, which burst in four years after publishing this book by him. It is worthwhile noticing the similarity of some, or even a majority, of his political ideas with the views of Polish conservatives. However what must strike the today’s reader is an inconsistency of the arguments of the author, the numerous repetitions, returning to the topics/threads/trains that seemed to be already closed, the lack of historical reflection, not to say factual mistakes in this area. There is no doubt that the philosophical knowledge of Wincenty Lutosławski turned out to be insufficient for making an effort of supporting the framed vision of the future with the historical material. However very interesting are the accurate predictions concerning the growth of industry, the trade, the transport – albeit the current state of affairs still does not fulfill the forecasts of W. Lutosławski.
Themis Polska Nova; 2016, 2(11); 62-103
Pojawia się w:
Themis Polska Nova
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ponowoczesny wspaniały świat
Postmodern wonderful world of imagopaths
Olchanowski, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
psychic reality
mythical thought
the myth of science
digital culture
rzeczywistość psychiczna
myśl mityczna
mit nauki
kultura cyfrowa
This article focuses on the phenomenon of digital culture. Through the prism of Jungian psychology, it looks at the madness of imagopathy. The virtual world transcends the boundaries between wakefulness and dream, between rational and mythical thought. This is the world of samsara, governed by the law of enantiodromia. Freud believed that people unconsciously want their own destruction. The final destructiveness rational order is based on the famous antiutopias, „Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley and „The Circle” by Dave Eggers. Conclusion: Everything is a myth. Rational thought is an illusion.
IDEA. Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych; 2016, 28/2; 185-209
Pojawia się w:
IDEA. Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Anticolonial Intellectual” Anton Łuckiewicz and “Hybrid Nationalist” Otto Eichelman. A Comparative Study of Federalist Utopias
Korolov, Gennadii
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
Anton Łuckiewicz
Otto Eichelman
białoruskie idee federacyjne
intelektualista antykolonialny
nacjonalista hybrydowy
Europa Wschodnia
Imperium Rosyjskie
anton łuckiewicz
otto eichelman
belarusian federalist ideas
postcolonial intellectual
hybrid nationalist
eastern europe
russian empire
It is not an easy task to compare Łuckiewicz federalist ideas with a project by Otto Eichelman. As a Belarusian activist, he perceived federalism as a political system within a great state project – a Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Eichelman on the other hand sought to substantiate with historical facts a project of domestic federalisation of Ukraine. In their concepts it was to be a national state which, due to difficult international conditions could be realised as a federation, even a multiethnic one. Łuckiewicz could be described as a “anti-colonial intellectual” who placed any Belarusian statehood within a broad federal union. For him, the Belarusian independence depended on the freedom of neighbouring countries. In Łuckiewicz view the transformation of the whole Eastern Europe was possible after the elimination of Russian imperialism in favour of federalisation of the region.This opinion was shared by Eichelman. But they disagreed in one point: the Belarusian activist excluded Russian from Eastern-European statehood, while the Ukrainian lawyer included Russia in his concept of the union of independent states. It could be said that after 1918 they rhetorically adopted the formula of federalisation on the principle of “imperialising nations”, without thinking of its implementation. Both of them favoured federalisation, on the condition, however, that Lithuania or the Crimea would be included in their state. A common feature of Łuckiewicz’s and Eichelman’s federalist utopias were their ideological sources: the German thought of “nationalist federation”, socialist ideas and nationalism.They responded to geopolitical interests of Eastern Europe and the struggle against Bolshevism. Łuckiewicz’s and Eichelman’s concepts expressed hopes for the creation of the foundations of the statehood of these countries. 
Сложно сравнить федеративные идеи Антона Луцкевича с проектами Отто Эйхельмана. Белорусский деятель воспринимал федерализм как политическую систему в рамках большого государственного проекта – Великого Княжества Литовского. Для украинского интеллектуала характерный был другой подход: Эйхельман пытался обосновать проект внутренней федерализации Украины, исходя из политической конъюнктуры и на основе исторических фактов. Их политические концепции это, прежде всего, проект национального государства, который мог быть реализован как федерация, на основе сложных международной ситуации того времени. Лукцевича можно определить, как «антиколониального интеллектуала”, который любую белорусскую государственность рассматривал в рамках широкого государственного союза, основанного на федеративных связях. Для него вопрос самостоятельности Белоруссии зависел от свободы соседних наций. Луцкевич считал, что переустройство всей Восточной Европы возможно при условии ликвидации имперскости России по принципу федерализации этого региона.Идентичной позиции придерживался Эйхельман. Однако между ними существовало некоторое противоречие: белорусский деятель исключал Россию из восточноевропейских государственных процессов, в то время как украинский юрист включал её в возможную организацию союза независимых государств. Следовательно, Эйхельман конструировал свое видение политических границ Восточной Европы вместе с Россией. Можно утверждать, что после 1918 года эти деятели ситуационно использовали формулу федерализации по принципу «impirealizing nations”, даже, не думая о её реализации. Оба были склонны к федерализации, при условии, что Литва или Крым войдут в состав их национальных государств. Как известно, похожей концепции придерживался Роман Дмовский, который при условии присоединения к Польше Восточной Пруссии или Литвы, тоже соглашался на федерализацию страны. Не говоря уже о идеях Томаша Масарика о Чехословакии как восточноевропейской Швейцарии. “Реальная политика” Пилсудского включала различные федеративные идеи и проекты, которые использовались как инструмент формирования восточных границ Польши в дипломатической борьбе.Общей чертой федеративных утопий Луцкевича и Эйхельмана были идейные источники: немецкая политическая мысль о «националистической федерации”, социалистические идеи и национализм. Они также соответствовали геополитическим интересам в Восточной Европе и борьбе с большевизмом. Концепции Луцкевича и Эйхельмана выражали надежду на создание основ государственности их стран.
Studia z Dziejów Rosji i Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej; 2017, 52, 1
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Dziejów Rosji i Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Degeneracja, cyborgizacja, ewolucja – przedstawienia transhumanistycznych utopii i dystopii w grach komputerowych
Degeneration, Cyborgization, Evolution – Presentations of Transhumanistic Utopias and Dystopias in Computer Games
Gąska, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
virtual world
Visions created by enthusiasts and critics of transhumanism represent both utopian possibilities and dystopian consequences entailed by creation of new humans. Narratives representing various ways of human evolution appear in many kinds of media, the text, however, concentrates on computer games whose form is eminently interesting in this respect. In computer games, the player becomes a cyborg, to some extent, as he/ she controls activities of the virtual avatar being aware, at the same time, of his/ her own corporeality.The aim of the article is to trace two main ways in which the effects of the transhuman evolution into the post-human are represented in chosen games. On the one hand, the ultimate post-human becomes a biological entity degenerated into a condition which is worse than contemporary homo sapiens, and on the other hand, it becomes a technological entity turned into a being of superhuman abilities. The article explores their role and their form in both the structure of the game and the virtual world itself. The material of this study comes from games in which the player controls a single avatar: Bioshock series, Deus Ex series, System Shock 2 and Prototype.
Śląskie Studia Polonistyczne; 2017, 9, 1; 153-170
Pojawia się w:
Śląskie Studia Polonistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O tym, jak dawna myśl może żyć współcześnie, czyli refleksje na kanwie Słownika krytyki utopii czasów Oświecenia
How an old thought can live on today – reflections on the Dictionary of criticism of the Enlightenment’s utopias
Kuźmicz, Karol
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
filozofia, krytycyzm, utopia, Oświecenie
philosophy, criticism, utopia, Enlightenment
Today the importance of the Age of Enlightenment is undeniable. The cult of Reason and Nature not only contributed to the development of culture and science, but also to the development of the state, law and society. According to the Dictionnaire critique de l’utopie au temps des Lumières (Critical Dictionary of Utopia in the Age of Enligh- tenment), XVIII century utopian thought may carry influence in the present era. This monumental tome, published in Geneva in 2017, is written in French and has more than 1400 pages. It is the product of the joint-effort of more than 50 scholars from different countries, all gathered round the dictionary’s creator and editor, Professor Bronislav Baczko (1924–2016). In 2011, Baczko received the Balzan Prize for his studies on the works of J.J. Rousseau and Enlightenment. The dictionary is his crowning achievement and serves as a fitting tribute to his lifetime contribution to philosophy. It contains some 54 terms concerning the Enlightenment’s utopia, each having been the subject of critical analysis research. The issues addressed in the dictionary may be of interest if, not value, to specialist from a wide variety of disciplines including lawyers. In this latter respect the dictionary discusses such legal expressions as: the legislation, the law, the state, the police, crime and punishment, human rights and war and peace. The interdisciplinary nature of the dictionary is not its sole attribute. This is one of the latest studies on Utopia and the Age of Enlightenment, and the message Baczco’s delivers is both humanistic and universal.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2017, 16, 2; 229-243
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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