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The Influence of Functional Movement Screen Results on the Frequency of Sports Injuries in Soccer Players
Kryger, Krzysztof
Wieczorek, Andrzej
Wieczorek, Jacek
Śliwowski, Robert
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
junior players
trauma risk
Functional Movement Screen (FMS) is a functional screen test of the motor system which is steadily gaining recognition and popularity among individuals interested in prevention of sports injuries. The FMS test battery includes seven mutually related motor activities to analyse the quality of basic movement patterns. An in-depth interpretation of the performed test design provides good conditions to determine the weakest links in the kinematic chain and to estimate the risk of injury. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of the FMS test results on frequency of sports injuries in soccer players. With the main objective of the study in mind the following research hypothesis was formulated: “a group of players in the lowest interval (14–17 FMS test points) will have a high frequency of injuries in comparison to a group in the upper interval (18–21 points in the FMS test)”. The tests were carried out on a group of 102 younger and older junior soccer players representing the Soccer Academy of KKS Lech Poznań. For that the test design with FMS test procedure was used, followed by a six month period in which the injuries of the individuals in the study group were recorded. The research hypothesis was not confirmed. In the analysis of the results no statistical significance was noted between the total number of points obtained in the FMS test and the number of injuries. It was noted that the number of injuries was statistically significantly correlated with the results of the Shoulder Mobility test of the right side (for all participants and for the players in the lower interval), Hurdle Step test of the left side (for a group of players in the lower interval), and the In-line Lunge test of the left side (for upper interval players). The results of the single variable logistic regression showed that injuries occurred more often in players of the lower interval. A forest plot indicates the direction of the increased risk of injury in players in the lower interval of points: OR = 1.14 (95% CL; 0.71 : 1.83).
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine; 2019, 27, 3; 41-53
Pojawia się w:
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Trauma okresu rozwojowego jako czynnik ryzyka rozwoju zaburzeń psychotycznych. Część I. Rozpowszechnienie zjawiska, problemy metodologiczne w badaniach naukowych
Early trauma as a risk factor for future psychotic disorder. Part I. Prevalence and methodological problems in research
Kotlicka-Antczak, Magdalena
Rabe-Jabłońska, Jolanta
Data publikacji:
Medical Communications
childhood physical/sexual abuse
early trauma
methodological problems
nadużycie fizyczne/seksualne
problemy metodologiczne
psychotic disorder
trauma wieku dziecięcego
zaburzenia psychotyczne
Biopsychosocial model of psychotic disorders accounts for the role of extrabiological environmental factors in their development. Early trauma (ET) is often viewed as a potential psychosocial risk factor for future development of psychosis. Prevalence of events considered as ET in general population is estimated at 4-30%, while among persons with mental disorders the phenomenon may concern even up to 50% of examinees. Research of rozcorrelations between ET with psychosis is fraught with several methodological problems. One of them is lack of precise and consistent definition of ET. Furthermore, sources of data and ways of their collection are also inconsistent (data from reports of appropriate agencies, past history and questionnaires obtained from the examinees). Studies dealing with the subject often lack control groups or their selection is inadequate, they do not provide for the so-called distracting factors in final statistical analyses. There are not enough prospective studies. The issue of diagnostic difficulties is also highlighted. Authors frequently do not specify the type, clinical phase or severity of psychotic disorders in examined subjects. Disorders possibly associated with ET experience require an indepth differentiation with post-traumatic stress with dissociation disorders. Problems discussed here greatly delimit reaching of unambiguous conclusions and even may preclude a meta-analysis of hitherto performed studies. In some authors’ opinion, it is necessary to mark off a new category of psychotic disorders, i.e. post-traumatic psychosis. Typical features would be: trauma-associated content of symptoms (particularly auditory hallucinations), fluctuating depressive symptoms with suicidal ideation, abuse of psychoactive substances, poor effects of pharmacological treatment and favourable response to cognitive-behavioural therapy.
Model biopsychospołeczny zaburzeń psychotycznych uwzględnia rolę pozabiologicznych czynników środowiskowych w ich powstawaniu. Jako potencjalny czynnik psychospołeczny rozwoju psychoz postrzegane jest między innymi zjawisko tzw. wczesnej traumy (WT). Rozpowszechnienie wydarzeń ocenianych jako WT szacuje się w granicach od 4 do niemal 30% w populacjach ogólnych. W populacji chorych psychicznie zjawisko to może dotyczyć nawet połowy badanych. Badaniu związku WT z psychozą towarzyszą liczne problemy metodologiczne. Jednym z nich jest brak precyzyjnych i jednolitych definicji WT. Niejednolite są również źródła i sposoby uzyskiwania danych (dane z raportów odpowiednich służb, wywiady lub kwestionariusze uzyskiwane od badanych). Prace dotyczące problemu cechuje także brak lub nieprawidłowy dobór grup kontrolnych oraz brak uwzględniania w analizach statystycznych tzw. czynników zakłócających. Zbyt mała jest liczba badań o charakterze prospektywnym. Podnoszony jest także problem obecności w badaniach trudności diagnostycznych. Autorzy często nie określają rodzaju, fazy przebiegu ani stopnia nasilenia zaburzeń psychotycznych u badanych osób. Zaburzenia potencjalnie związane z przeżyciem WT wymagają wnikliwego różnicowania z zaburzeniem stresowym pourazowym oraz z zaburzeniami dysocjacyjnymi. Opisane problemy w znacznym stopniu ograniczają możliwość uzyskania jednoznacznych wniosków i wręcz uniemożliwiają przeprowadzenie metaanalizy dotychczasowych badań. Część autorów uważa, że konieczne jest wyodrębnienie nowej kategorii zaburzeń psychotycznych - tzw. „psychozy potraumatycznej". Jej cechami charakterystycznymi mają być nawiązanie w treści objawów (zwłaszcza halucynacji słuchowych) do doznanego urazu, podlegające fluktuacjom objawy depresyjne z myślami samobójczymi, nadużywanie środków psychoaktywnych, a także słabe efekty leczenia farmakologicznego oraz dobra odpowiedź na terapię poznawczo-behawioralną.
Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna; 2008, 8, 2; 66-75
Pojawia się w:
Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Trauma okresu rozwojowego jako czynnik ryzyka rozwoju zaburzeń psychotycznych. Część II. Wyniki badań, mechanizmy przyczynowo-skutkowe, implikacje kliniczne
Early trauma as a risk factor for future psychotic disorder. Part II. Research data, cause-effect mechanisms and clinical implications
Kotlicka-Antczak, Magdalena
Rabe-Jabłońska, Jolanta
Data publikacji:
Medical Communications
clinical implications
early trauma
implikacje kliniczne
mechanisms of development of psychosis
mechanizmy rozwoju psychozy
nadużycie fizyczne/seksualne
physical/sexual abuse
psychotic disorder
wczesna trauma
zaburzenia psychotyczne
Several studies provide ample evidence supporting association of early trauma (ET) with various non-psychotic mental disorders. Authors of this paper review recently published papers on correlations between ET and subsequent development of psychotic disorders. Pertinent data are largely inconsistent. Most investigators agree that an ET experience may lead to the development of the positive symptoms of a psychosis in the future, mainly hallucinations and delusions. No association was demonstrated between ET and negative symptoms, nor with disturbances of cognitive functions or thought disorganization, considered typical for schizophrenic psychosis. This suggests that association of ET and psychosis is diagnostically non-specific and rather indicates the possibility of development of psychotic symptoms, present in other mental disorders. The mechanism of development of ET-associated psychotic disorders is explained both in biological and psychological aspects. Biological mechanisms include the impact of stress on brain development, derangement of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenals axis and of the dopaminergic system. According to the cognitive model of psychosis, traumatic experience results in development of negative cognitive patterns, promoting external attributions and construction of delusions and hallucinations. The issue has several clinical implicadooewiadtions, thereof the most important is the need to include ET in medical history and accounting for a possible traumatic experience when planning the therapeutic process. Cognitive-behavioural therapy is recommended as primary or adjuvant form of therapy in persons with a history of ET.
Wiele badań przynosi dowody na istnienie związku pomiędzy przeżyciem wczesnej traumy (WT) a różnorodnymi niepsychotycznymi zaburzeniami psychicznymi. Autorki pracy dokonują przeglądu współczesnego piśmiennictwa dotyczącego relacji WT z późniejszym rozwojem zaburzeń psychotycznych. Dane na ten temat pozostają w dużym stopniu niespójne. Większość badaczy jest zgodna, że doznanie WT może skutkować wystąpieniem w przyszłości tzw. objawów pozytywnych psychozy, zwłaszcza halucynacji i urojeń. Nie wykazano związku WT z występowaniem uznanych za charakterystyczne dla psychoz schizofrenicznych objawów negatywnych, zaburzeń funkcji poznawczych czy cech dezorganizacji myślenia. Sugeruje to, że związek pomiędzy WT a psychozą jest niespecyficzny diagnostycznie i dotyczy raczej możliwości wystąpienia objawów psychotycznych obecnych w różnych zaburzeniach psychicznych. Mechanizm rozwoju objawów psychotycznych związanych z WT znajduje swoje wyjaśnienie zarówno w paradygmacie biologicznym, jak i psychologicznym. Mechanizmy biologiczne obejmują między innymi wpływ stresu na rozwój mózgu, dysregulację osi podwzgórze - przysadka - nadnercza lub układu dopaminergicznego. Zgodnie z modelem poznawczym psychozy przeżycie traumy prowadzi do powstawania negatywnych schematów poznawczych, co sprzyja zewnętrznym atrybucjom i formowaniu urojeń i halucynacji. Omawiany problem przynosi wiele implikacji klinicznych, z których podstawowymi są konieczność przeprowadzania wywiadu w kierunku WT i uwzględnianie faktu jej doznania w procesie terapeutycznym. Najbardziej polecaną jako podstawowa lub dodatkowa forma leczenia osób z WT w wywiadzie jest terapia poznawczo-behawioralna.
Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna; 2008, 8, 2; 76-92
Pojawia się w:
Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ergonomic Risk Factors for Cumulative Trauma Disorders in VDU Operators
Turhan, N.
Akat, C.
Akyuz, M.
Cakci, A.
Data publikacji:
Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy
VDU operators
cumulative trauma disorders
The objectives of this study were to investigate the rate of cumulative trauma disorders (CTDs) in the upper body and to describe the associations of such disorders with ergonomic parameters in a group of data entry operators. A total of 173 data entry operators volunteered to take part in the study. Questionnaires were used to investigate their medical history. Diagnoses of CTDs were made with clinical tests. A visual posture analysis of the workers and an ergonomic analysis of workstations and workload were used to reveal risk factors. Neck and shoulder pain, extensor tendonitis of the wrists and De Quervain’s disease were common in the study population. An assessment of risk factors showed that leaning wrists on the keyboard, hard keystrokes, extreme wrist joint and thumb positions and working in poor ergonomic design were correlated to pain and development of CTDs.
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics; 2008, 14, 4; 417-422
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ryzyko związane z wykonywaniem zawodu terapeuty seksuologa
Risk Related to Practicing the Profession of A Sexologist-Therapist
Beisert, Maria
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Dajemy Dzieciom Siłę
trauma zastępcza
stres wtórnej traumy
wypalenie zawodowe
substitute trauma
stress of secondary trauma
occupational burnout
Artykuł przedstawia ryzyko wiązane z pracą seksuologa oraz czynniki tego ryzyka, takie jak ekspozycja na cudzą traumę, sposób pracy z ofiarami traumy, własna trauma, a także czynniki chroniące zdrowie i dobrostan seksuologów.
The article presents the risks associated with the work of a sexologist. It presents risk factors such as: exposure to other people’s trauma, the way of working with trauma victims, own trauma, as well as factors protecting the health and well-being of sexologists.
Dziecko krzywdzone. Teoria, badania, praktyka; 2020, 19, 3; 58-83
Pojawia się w:
Dziecko krzywdzone. Teoria, badania, praktyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pandemic Automobility. Patterns of Crisis and Opportunity in the American Motor Culture
Burzyński, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
This article traces the recursive character of automobility from a perspective of cultural crises and traumas that accompany motor culture development in the USA. The American automobility system has been caught in the treadmill of ideological criticism that defined the current role of motor vehicles in forms of political activism and cultural criticism. The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic is different as it seems to bring restoration to the original character of motor culture with its defining features of individualism, freedom, and opportunity achieved through mobility.
Review of International American Studies; 2021, 14, 2; 143-156
Pojawia się w:
Review of International American Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stres pourazowy w zawodach wysokiego ryzyka
Post-traumatic stress in high risk professions
Rowicka, Agnieszka
Błaszczak, Iwona
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
high-risk professions
uniformed services
traumatic incidents
factors contributing to the development of PTSD
effects of the PTSD
The overall positioning of the functioning of an individual in a professional work has been a subject of interest in numerous fields of science. Nowadays, a great amount of consideration has been given to the subject of high-risk professions, which entail severe disorders in professional activity. The aim of this article is to present the impact of stress on the professionals who work in the uniformed services of the police, fire department, correctional department, therefore such individuals who are carrying out their chores under conditions of being particularly at risk of experiencing various types of traumatic incidents. The article, based on the both theoretical and empirical researches of the experts of this issue, presents the main criteria, symptoms and factors conditioning development of the post-traumatic stress disorder. It also presents data indicating the scale of this phenomenon and the effects of the trauma associated with acting a stressful professional role. The interest for this issue stems from the fact of an increasing amount of the traumatic experiences in the world. It is estimated that ca. 70% of the population has experienced in their life this kind of occurrence, while the post-traumatic stress disorder is considered as one of the most severe of its consequences, leading to negative psychosomatic symptoms, which disorganise a hitherto functioning in all of the life spheres. The aspects addressed in this article, represent a cognitive value, since they expose the widely understood traumatic situation of the individuals working in the high-risk professions. Furthermore, another value added of this paper is its diagnostic character due to the presentation of the knowledge not only about the issue of trauma, but also of the criteria of the post-traumatic stress disorder.
Journal of Modern Science; 2022, 48, 1; 421-435
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Modern Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Injury Risk in Behind Armor Blunt Thoracic Trauma
Bass, C. R.
Salzar, R. S.
Lucas, C. R.
Davis, M.
Donnellan, L.
Folk, B.
Sanderson, E.
Waclawik, S.
Data publikacji:
Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy
blunt trauma
zagrożenia zdrowia
zagrożenia mechaniczne
uszkodzenie kości
środki ochrony indywidualnej
służba wojskowa
kamizelka kuloodporna
First responders and military personnel are particularly susceptible to behind armor blunt thoracic trauma in occupational scenarios. The objective of this study was to develop an armored thorax injury risk criterion for short duration ballistic impacts. 9 cadavers and 2 anthropomorphic test dummies (AUSMAN and NIJ 0101.04 surrogate) were tested over a range of velocities encompassing low severity impacts, medium severity impacts, and high severity impacts based upon risk of sternal fracture. Thoracic injuries ranged from minor skin abrasions (abbreviated injury scale [AIS] 1) to severe sternal fractures (AIS 3+) and were well correlated with impact velocity and bone mineral density. 8 male cadavers were used in the injury risk criterion development. A 50% risk of AIS 3+ injury corresponded to a peak impact force of 24,900 ± 1,400 N. The AUSMAN impact force correlated strongly with impact velocity. Recommendations to improve the biofidelity of the AUSMAN include implementing more realistic viscera and decreasing the skin thickness.
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics; 2006, 12, 4; 429-442
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Contextualizing Anti-Vaccination Movements. The Covid-19 Trauma and the Biomedicalization Crisis in the United States
Burzyński, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
anti-vaccination movements
The paper outlines a sociological perspective on the healthcare system in the United States from a perspective of biomedicalization processes. Methodologically, the argument pays its intellectual debts to the American tradition in the sociology of health and illness in which problems of healthcare and individual well-being are discussed in the functionalist context of axiological and normative regulation. Our article focuses on the biomedicalization crisis as a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic. The outbreak is conceptualized as a trigger of structural tensions already implicit in the American system of biomedicalized healthcare. Rather than focusing on the political polarization of the US society in the wake of the outbreak, the paper sees the pandemic in terms of ‘cultural trauma’ and related political conflicts which threaten to destabilize the discourse and organization of healthcare in the United States. The salient role in this process is attributed to anti-vaccination movements which abuse the pandemic situation to subvert the principles of biomedicalization. In the case of the Covid-19 pandemic, anti-vaccination movements are disseminating misinformation and anti-vaccination sentiments, effectively channeling the public’s dissatisfaction with the implemented methods of crisis management and undermining the pivotal principles of biomedicalization.   
Review of International American Studies; 2023, 16, 2; 89-104
Pojawia się w:
Review of International American Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Społeczno-kulturowe imaginaria epidemii i ich reprezentacje – wybrane matryce teoretyczne eksploracji
Socio-Cultural Imaginaries of the Epidemic and their Medial Representations – Selected Theoretical Matrices of Explorations
Bielska, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
socio-cultural trauma
Covid-19 pandemic
The topic of analysis are socio-cultural imaginaries of the pandemic. The assumption is that the pandemic may be characterized by reference to the imaginaries and system of knowledge related to the disease as well as is located in modern and postmodern imaginaries of risk, post-Anthropocentrism and trajectory of socio-cultural trauma creation process. The socio-cultural exemplifications of the presented thesis are transmitted by the media representations of the Covid-19 pandemic. The paper is composed of three main parts. The first one analyses the notions of an imaginary and socio-cultural trauma representation, the second part presents in the light of sociological and humanistic theories some selected exemplifications of pandemic representations and the third part is a summary.
Studia Edukacyjne; 2020, 58; 7-26
Pojawia się w:
Studia Edukacyjne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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