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Assessment of the Efficiency of Hematite Quartzite Enrichment Technologies
Ocena skuteczności technologii wzbogacania kwarcytu hematytowego
Oliinyk, Tetiana
Sklyar, Liudmila
Kushniruk, Natalia
Holiver, Nadiya
Tora, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Przeróbki Kopalin
hematite quartzite
magnetic separation
kwarcyt hematytowy
separacja magnetyczna
The present paper deals with the problem of developing an efficient technology for the enrichment of hematite ores. The aim of the research is to investigate the process properties of thinly disseminated hematite ores of Ukraine, taking into account their mineralogical characteristics, to develop flowsheets for the enrichment of hematite ores and to assess the efficiency of mineral separation during enrichment by gravity, magnetic, and flotation methods. The research was carried out on a sample of hematite ores from the Kryvyi Rih iron ore basin of Ukraine, which consisted of 9 mineralogical ore types, distinguished by the quantitative ratio of the main groups of ore and non-ore minerals. As a result of WLIMS magnetic separation with a magnetic field induction of 0.07 T, an iron-containing concentrate with a mass fraction of 63.5% iron was obtained from ore with a size of minus 0.074+0 mm, with a total iron recovery of 12.8%. It was found that with an increase in the magnetic field induction from 0.2 to 0.8 T, the recovery of total iron in the WНIMS magnetic product increased from 78.8 to 86.9%. The mass fraction of total iron in the WНIMS magnetic product was 57.9–59.8%. Losses of total iron with the non-magnetic product ranged from 21.2 to 13.1% with a mass fraction of total iron of 32–27.8%. The mass fraction of SiO2 in the magnetic product was 11–13.8%. Flotation research resulted in a hematite concentrate with a mass fraction of total iron of 64.05–65.95%, with iron recovery in the concentrate of 60.3–70.68%. Based on the results of process tests, seven variants of flowcharts for the enrichment of hematite ores were developed. The schemes were evaluated by the Hancock efficiency criterion, which ranged from 42.49–64.7%. The magnetic flotation technology for the enrichment of hematite quartzite was recommended for implementation. This technology makes it possible to obtain a commercial concentrate with a mass fraction of total iron of 37.02% from hematite ore with a mass fraction of total iron of 65.41%.
W artykule podjęto problem opracowania wydajnej technologii wzbogacania rud hematytu. Celem badań jest zbadanie właściwości procesowych słabo rozsianych rud hematytu Ukrainy, z uwzględnieniem ich właściwości mineralogicznych, opracowanie schematów wzbogacania rud hematytu oraz ocena skuteczności separacji minerałów podczas wzbogacania grawitacyjnego, magnetycznego i metody flotacji. Badania przeprowadzono na próbce rud hematytu z krzyworoskiego zagłębia rud żelaza na Ukrainie, która składała się z 9 mineralogicznych typów rud, wyróżniających się stosunkiem ilościowym głównych grup minerałów kruszcowych i nierudnych. W wyniku separacji magnetycznej WLIMS przy indukcji pola magnetycznego 0,07 T otrzymano koncentrat zawierający żelazo o udziale masowym żelaza 63,5% z rudy o wielkości minus 0,074+0 mm, przy całkowitym uzysku żelaza 12,8%. Stwierdzono, że wraz ze wzrostem indukcji pola magnetycznego od 0,2 T do 0,8 T, uzysk żelaza ogólnego w produkcie magnetycznym WNIMS wzrósł z 78,8% do 86,9%. Udział masowy całkowitego żelaza w produkcie magnetycznym WIMS wynosił 57,9–59,8%. Straty żelaza ogólnego z produktem niemagnetycznym wahały się od 21,2% do 13,1% przy udziale masowym żelaza całkowitego 32–27,8%. Udział masowy SiO2 w produkcie magnetycznym wynosił 11–13,8%. W wyniku badań flotacyjnych otrzymano koncentrat hematytu o udziale masowym żelaza ogólnego 64,05–65,95%, z odzyskiem żelaza w koncentracie 60,3–70,68%. Na podstawie wyników badań procesowych opracowano siedem wariantów schematów wzbogacania rud hematytu. Schematy oceniono według kryterium sprawności Hancocka, które mieściło się w przedziale 42,49–64,7%. Zarekomendowano do wdrożenia technologię flotacji magnetycznej do wzbogacania kwarcytu hematytowego. Technologia ta umożliwia otrzymanie koncentratu handlowego o udziale masowym żelaza ogólnego 37,02% z rudy hematytu o udziale masowym żelaza ogólnego 65,41%.
Inżynieria Mineralna; 2023, 1; 33--44
Pojawia się w:
Inżynieria Mineralna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Improving efficiency of corn seed separation and calibration process
Poprawa wydajności procesu separacji i kalibracji nasion kukurydzy
Bredykhin, Vadym
Tikunov, Stanislav
Slipchenko, Maksym
Alfyorov, Oleksiy
Bogomolov, Alexey
Shchur, Taras
Kocira, Sławomir
Kiczorowski, Piotr
Paslavskyy, Rostysav
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Rolniczej
calibration process
seed material
separating machine
separator performance
open area
proces kalibracji
materiał nasienny
maszyna separująca
wydajność separatora
powierzchnia otwarta
The paper analyzes the existing theoretical research of corn seed separation and calibration processes. The machines, tools and equipment that implement the process were studied. An innovative sieve with openings in the Cassini oval shape was proposed for the economical separation and calibration of corn seeds. The results of operation of the proposed sieve in the operating conditions of Kharkiv Feed Mill on BSH-100 serial separators were considered. The study of the effectiveness of sifting corn seeds through the holes of the sieves was carried out in partnership with the State University “Ukrainian Research Institute of Forecasting and Testing of Agricultural Production Techniques and Technologies named after Leonid Pohorily” (Kharkiv Branch). The use of sieves with openings in the Cassini oval shape, instead of classic circular base openings, was found to result in an increase in throughput capacity of the sieve and open area of up to 20%.
Niniejsza praca przedstawia analizę istniejącego badania teoretycznego nad separacją nasion kukurydzy i procesu kalibracji. Maszyny, narzędzia oraz wyposażenie, które są wykorzystywane w tym procesie zostały przestudiowane. Zaproponowano innowacyjne sito z otworami o kształcie owalu Cassiniego do ekonomicznej separacji i kalibracji nasion kukurydzy. Przeanalizowano wyniki działania zaproponowanego sita w warunkach pracy młyna paszowego w Charkowie na seryjnych separatorach BSH -100. Badanie efektywności przesiewania ziaren kukurydzy przez otwory w sicie przeprowadzono we współpracy z Państwowym Uniwersytetem “Ukraińskim Instytutem Badawczym ds. przewidywania i badania technik i technologii produkcji rolniczej im. Leonida Pohorily” (Odział w Charkowie). Zastosowanie sit z otworami o kształcie owalu Cassiniego w miejsce tradycyjnych otworów o okrągłej podstawie wpłynęło na zwiększenie wydajności sita i otwartej powierzchni aż do 20%.
Agricultural Engineering; 2023, 27, 1; 241--253
Pojawia się w:
Agricultural Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Test and evaluation of the factors affecting on the freshly harvested peanut threshing machine performance
Badanie i ocena czynników wpływających na wydajność młocarni orzeszka ziemnego
Abdi, Jafar
Golmohammadi, Abdollah
Shahgholi, Gholamhossein
Rezvanivand Fanaei, Adel
Szymanek, Mariusz
Tanas, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Rolniczej
separation rate
threshing efficiency
threshing machine
orzeszki ziemne
stopień separacji
efektywność młócenia
Peanut is an important produce in the global food chain because of their high-quality oil and protein content. Due to the significant value of its production in Iran, a threshing machine was developed for high-quality harvesting, to reduce harvesting costs and labor effort. In the course of a number of field experiments to evaluate the performance of the machine, the rotational speed of the thresher was adopted at three levels of 150, 200, and 300 rpm. Other experimental factors included the distance of the concave from the thresher (2, 6, and 8 cm) and the product feeding rate of 750, 850, and 950 kg·h-1. Regarding the measurements, the threshing efficiency, the separation rate, and the percentage of the crushed product were calculated and evaluated. The results revealed that as the rotational speed of the thresher, the increment feeding rate of the product and the distance between the thresher and the concave grate increased, the thresher efficiency decreased. The maximum threshing efficiency of 95% was obtained at a rotational speed of 150 rpm and a distance of 2 cm. Also, with increasing the rotational speed of 300 rpm and a distance of 8 cm, the threshing efficiency decreased to 75%. The separation rate decreased intensely as the distance between the thresher and the concave increased. In addition, the separation rate decreases with increasing rotational speed of the thresher. At a rotational speed of 150 rpm and a distance of 2 cm, the separation rate was 96%, but the separation rate decreased to 76% as rotational speed increased to 300 rpm and distance increased to 8 cm. With increasing rotational speed and feeding rate, the percentage of crushed pods increased. The maximum of 16% was obtained at a rotational speed of 300 rpm, a feeding rate of 950 kg·h-1 and a distance of 2 cm.
Orzeszki ziemne są ważnym produktem w globalnym łańcuchu żywnościowym ze względu na jakość oleju i wysoką zawartość białka w ziarnach. Ze względu na znaczenie produkcji orzeszków ziemnych w Iranie, opracowano wysokiej jakości młocarnię do zbioru, aby zmniejszyć koszty zbioru i nakład pracy. W trakcie szeregu eksperymentów polowych mających na celu ocenę wydajności maszyny, prędkość obrotową młocarni przyjęto na trzech poziomach 150, 200 i 300 obr·min-1. Pozostałe czynniki doświadczalne to: szczelina robocza młocarni: 2, 6 i 8 cm oraz prędkość podawania produktu: 750, 850 i 950 kg·h-1. W wyniku przeprowadzonych pomiarów obliczono i oceniono skuteczność omłotu, stopień separacji oraz procent rozdrobnionego produktu. Wyniki wykazały, że wraz ze wzrostem prędkości obrotowej młocarni, przyrostu prędkości podawania produktu oraz odległości młocarni od wklęsłego klepiska, sprawność młocarni maleje. Maksymalną sprawność omłotu wynoszącą 95% uzyskano przy prędkości obrotowej 150 obr·min-1 i odległości 2 cm. Również przy zwiększaniu prędkości obrotowej do 300 obr·min-1 i odległości 8 cm sprawność omłotu malała do 75%. Szybkość oddzielania malała intensywnie wraz ze wzrostem odległości młocarni od wklęsłości. Ponadto stopień oddzielenia maleje wraz ze wzrostem prędkości obrotowej młocarni. Przy prędkości obrotowej 150 obr·min-1 i odległości 2 cm wskaźnik separacji wyniósł 96%, ale wraz ze wzrostem prędkości obrotowej do 300 obr·min-1 i zwiększeniem odległości do 8 cm wskaźnik separacji spadał do 76%. Wraz ze wzrostem prędkości obrotowej i szybkości podawania wsadu wzrastał procent rozdrobnionych strąków. Maksymalną wartość 16% uzyskano przy prędkości obrotowej 300 obr·min-1, prędkości podawania 950 kg·h-1 i odległości 2 cm.
Agricultural Engineering; 2022, 26, 1; 167--185
Pojawia się w:
Agricultural Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Evaluation of the efficiency of metal recovery from printed circuit boards using gravity processes
Franke, Dawid M.
Suponik, Tomasz
Nuckowski, Paweł M.
Dubaj, Justyna
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
metals recovery
printed circuit board
gravity separation
This paper evaluates the efficiency of metal recovery from printed circuit boards (PCBs) using two gravity separation devices: a shaking table and a cyclofluid separator. The test results were compared with the results obtained from previous research, where an electrostatic separation process was used for an identically prepared feed. The feed for the separators consisted of PCBs shredded in a knife mill at cryogenic temperatures. The separation efficiency and purity of the products were evaluated based on microscopic analysis, ICP-AES, SEM-EDS, XRD, and specific density. The yield of concentrates (valuable metals) obtained from the shaking table and the cyclofluid separator amounted to 25.7% and 18.9%, respectively. However, the concentrate obtained from the cyclofluid separator was characterised by much higher purity, amounting to ~88% of valuable metals, compared to ~72% for the shaking table. In both cases, middlings formed a significant share, their yield amounting to ~25%, with the share of valuable metals of ~15%. The yield of waste obtained from the shaking table and the cyclofluid separator were 42.6% and 52.5%, respectively. In both cases, as a result of the applied process, the waste was divided into two homogeneous groups differing in grain size and shape. The recovery of metals through gravity separation is possible, in particular, by using a shaking table. These processes can also be applied to separate waste (plastics) into two groups to be selectively processed to produce new materials in line with a circular economy.
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing; 2021, 57, 4; 63-77
Pojawia się w:
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kinetic modelling and optimization of flotation process of electrum
Aydın, Ş. Beste
Gül, Alim
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
separation efficiency
kinetic models
The investigation of flotation as an alternative method to cyanide leaching of gold ores is significant in terms of economic and environmental aspects. In this study, a gold ore sample containing 4.79 ppm Au and 7.72 ppm Ag was used. Gold and silver were observed to be present as liberated electrum or associated with or within quartz, galena, and sphalerite. Initially, five-stage rougher flotation tests were conducted, and then three-stage scavenger circuits and four-stage cleaning flotation circuits were performed in order to obtain high-content gold concentrate and decrease losses of Au and Ag in tailings. As a result of tests, the flotation concentrate assayed as 437 ppm Au and 511 ppm Ag was obtained with recoveries of 76.3% and 58.5%, respectively. This study reveals that the concentrates ready for direct smelting without any additional process can be obtained with flotation. In order to determine kinetic characteristic of electrum in the sample, the tests were conducted using firstorder model, first-order model with rectangular distribution of rate constants, second-order model and second-order model with rectangular distribution of rate constant. The second-order model was considered as most reasonable for fitting the recoveries of gold as a function of flotation time during the flotation process.
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing; 2021, 57, 6; 80--94
Pojawia się w:
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The influence of micro-morphology and micro-structure on fly ash triboelectrostatic beneficiation
Wang, Wenping
Chen, Yinghua
Haisheng, Li
Dong, Haoran
Wang, Guanghui
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
fly ash
triboelectrostatic beneficiation
separation efficiency
Fly ash is a complex system with a variety of fine particles. The complex relationship between unburned carbon and ash particles has an important influence on the efficiency of fly ash triboelectrostatic beneficiation. The particles adhered to the two electrode plates are collected through the triboelectrostatic beneficiation experiment. The scanning electron microscopy and X-ray fluorescence are used to detect the microscopic differences between the particles of positive and negative plates. The results show that the flaky carbon particles in the raw ash and the ash particles larger than 4µm are more easily separated, while it is converse for the ash particles with particle size less than 4µm. With the particle size less than 4µm, it is gradually more obvious for the influence of adhesion caused by the roughness surface of spherical unburned carbon particles, and the surface pores structure of porous carbon particles. The binding structure between unburned carbon and ash particles is complex and changeable. It is not beneficial to improve the separation efficiency. Therefore, the micro-structure and micro-morphology have an important effect on fly ash triboelectrostatic beneficiation. Some suggestions were proposed from the microscopic point to improve the efficiency of fly ash triboelectrostatic beneficiation.
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing; 2021, 57, 1; 53-63
Pojawia się w:
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Badania efektywności rozdziału CO2/N2 na membranach silm o podłożu ceramicznym
Investigation of CO2/N2 separation efficiency on silms based on ceramic support
Rotkegel, Adam
Ziobrowski, Zenon
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Inżynierii Chemicznej PAN
ditlenek węgla
ciecze jonowe
carbon dioxide
ionic liquids
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań separacji ditlenku węgla i azotu na ceramicznych membranach impregnowanych cieczami jonowymi [Emim][Ac] ] (octan 1-etylo-3-metyloimidazolowy) oraz Emim][Tf2N] (1-etylo-3-metylolimidazolowy bis[tri(fluorometano)sulfonylo)]imidek). Badania przeprowadzono dla membrany ceramicznej firmy Inopor w temperaturach 20-60°C dla ciśnień 1-7 bar. Ciecz jonową nanoszono metodą pokrywania oraz zanurzania. Stwierdzono, że otrzymane membrany SILMs charakteryzują się niewielkimi strumieniami masowymi oraz dużymi wartościami selektywności.
The experimental results of carbon dioxide and nitrogen separation on ceramic membranes impregnated with ionic liquids [Emim][Ac] (1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate) and Emim][Tf2N] (1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide) are presented. Ceramic membranes made by Inopor were investigated in 20-60°C and in the pressure range 1-7 bar. The ionic liquid was introduced into ceramic support by coating and soaking. It was found, that prepared SILMs are characterized by small mass fluxes and high selectivities.
Prace Naukowe Instytutu Inżynierii Chemicznej Polskiej Akademii Nauk; 2020, 24; 65-81
Pojawia się w:
Prace Naukowe Instytutu Inżynierii Chemicznej Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Effect of microwave system location on floatability of chalcopyrite and pyrite in a copper ore processing circuit
Gholami, Hamed
Rezai, Bahram
Mehdilo, Akbar
Hassanzadeh, Ahmad
Yarahmadi, Mohammadreza
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
microwave technology
comminution circuits
separation efficiency
The present work aims at investigating the effect of microwave local positions (i.e. before crushing (BC), after crushing (AC) and after milling (AM)) on microwave-assisted flotation of chalcopyrite and pyrite in a porphyry copper complex deposit. Individual given samples for each state were pre-treated with a variable power microwave at a power level of 90 to 900W for 15, 30, and 60s. Furthermore, froth floatation experiments were carried out using a laboratory mechanical Denver flotation cell on both microwave-treated and untreated samples. Particle surface properties were characterized by a scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and an energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) analysis. The results showed that the chalcopyrite and pyrite floatabilities increased monotonically by rising the exposure time and power level for the uncrushed preconditioned samples (BC) due to the enhancement of mineral liberation degrees together with the formation of sulphide species and polysulphides on the mineral surfaces. However, flotation results of treated samples for the crushed one (AC) revealed an optimum range. Formation of intensive oxide layers on the mineral surfaces of milled samples (AM) led to a substantial reduction in their recoveries by increasing the microwave’s power level and the sample’s exposure time. The results obtained from mineral’s floatabilities in recleaner stage showed that the microwave-assisted sample at 900W for 30s at BC state favourably provided 5% higher S.E.’s than that of the untreated sample. Finally, it was concluded that the microwave pretreatment of samples induced the best floatability responses if it located before the crusher.
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing; 2020, 56, 3; 432-448
Pojawia się w:
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Enhanced separation efficiency of low–rank coal using waste engine oil as a flotation collector
Li, Ming
Xia, Yangchao
Guo, Fangyu
Rong, Guoqiang
Li, Guosheng
Xu, Baolin
Xing, Yaowen
Gui, Xiahui
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
low rank coal
engine oil
waste engine oil
Because of the rich oxygen-containing functional groups and developed pores on the Surface of low-rank coal, it is difficult to realize efficient separation during low-rank coal flotation using common oil collectors. Waste engine oil (WEO) is abundant in polar oxygen-containing functional groups and could be an alternative collector. In this study, the effect of WEO on low-rank coal floatation was assessed and engine oil (EO) was also used for comparison. The results show that the separation efficiency of low-rank coal can be significantly improved using WEO; additionally, 96.73% of the clean coal yield can be obtained when the WEO dosage was only 4 kg/t. Compared with EO, the bubble–particle induction time in the presence of WEO shortened from 430 to 220 ms. Moreover, more low-rank coal particles were captured and adhered to the bubble surface using WEO, which indicated a higher probability of bubble–particle attachment. Nonpolar components, polar components and metal ions synergistically promote the flotation separation enhancement of low-rank coal using WEO.
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing; 2020, 56, 2; 252-263
Pojawia się w:
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Experimental research on separation efficiency of aerosol particles in vortex tube separators with electric field
Dziubak, T.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
vortex tube separator
electric fields
separation efficiency and filtration performance
pressure drop across the cyclone separator
experimental research
A comparative analysis of filtration performance of tangential and axial inlet reverse-flow cyclone separators and vortex tube separators is presented. The study showed that vortex tube separators are characterized by a quality factor q several time higher than tangential inlet reverse-flow cyclone separators. The cyclone separators yield low separation efficiency and low filtration performance at low air flow rates at low air volumes aspired by the engine at low speed. One of the well-known and not commonly used methods to improve separation efficiency is to apply electric field. An original design of a vortex tube separator with insulators generating electric field in the area of aerosol flow is presented. High voltage was applied to the cyclone separator housing and its swirl vane. A special method and test conditions were developed for cyclone separators with electric field. Separation efficiency, filtration performance and pressure drop across the cyclone separator in two different variants were determined. The tests were carried out at five inlet velocity of cyclones υ0 = 1.75; 3.5; 7.0; 10.5; 14 m/s at an extraction rate of m0 = 10%, and at an average dust concentration in the inlet air of s = 1 g/m3. Using the electric field in the area of a swirling aerosol stream resulted in an increase (over 12% – φ c = 96.3%) in separation efficiency at inlet velocity of cyclone ranging from 1.75 to 3.5 m/s. An increase in separation efficiency at other inlet velocity of cyclone is minor and does not exceed 3‒4%.
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences; 2020, 68, 3; 503-516
Pojawia się w:
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Centrifugal compressor performance improvement through multi splitter impeller
Malik, Adil
Zheng, Qun
Qureshi, Shafiq R.
Ahmed, Salman A.
Gambo, D. KB
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Gdańska. Wydział Inżynierii Mechanicznej i Okrętownictwa
centrifugal compressor
back swept impeller
flow separation
numerical simulation
In the paper, a back swept impeller of centrifugal compressor is experimentally studied and numerically validated and modified to increase its pressure ratio and improve efficiency, as well as to analyse the effect of splitter blade location between two main blades. The back swept multi splitter blade impeller was designed with a big splitter positioned close to the main blade suction surface and a smaller splitter close to the pressure surface. Adding this multi splitter improves the overall performance of the modified impeller due to less intensive flow separation and smaller pressure loss. In particular, the total pressure ratio was observed to increase from 4.1 to 4.4, with one percent increase in efficiency.
Polish Maritime Research; 2019, 2; 6-14
Pojawia się w:
Polish Maritime Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Membrane gas separation module with pulsed retentate for low-permeable component recovery
Battalov, Stanislav V.
Trubyanov, Maxim M.
Puzanov, Egor S.
Sazanova, Tatyana S.
Drozdov, Pavel N
Vorotyntsev, Ilya V.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
membrane gas separation
unsteady-state operation
process intensification
membrane module
separacja gazów membranowych
operacja niestabilna
intensyfikacja procesu
moduł membranowy
The paper presents the experimentalstudy of a novel unsteady-statemembrane gas separation approachfor recovery of a slow-permeant component in the membrane module with periodical retentate with-drawals. The case study consisted in the separation of binary test mixtures based on the fast-permeantmain component (N2O, C2H2) and the slow-permeant impurity (1% vol. of N2)using a radial counter-current membrane module. The novel semi-batch withdrawal technique was shown to intensify theseparation process and provide up to 40% increase in separation efficiency compared to a steady-stateoperation of the same productivity.
Chemical and Process Engineering; 2019, 40, 1; 57--65
Pojawia się w:
Chemical and Process Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Optimization of Jigging Process Parameters to Beneficiate Iron Ore Fines – a Case Study of Tatasteel
Optymalizacja parametrów procesu wzbogacania w osadzarce drobnouziarnionej rudy żelaza – studium przypadku Tatasteel
Shukla, Vishal
Kumar, C. Raghu
Chakraborty, D. P.
Kumar, Ashok
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Przeróbki Kopalin
jakość nadawy
wysokość łoża osadzarki
wydajność separacji
wzbogacanie żelaza
feed quality
bed height
separation efficiency
iron separation
Jigging has a very important role in mineral processing Industry. Upgrading of Iron Ore by jigging has been an emerging trend. A detailed investigation is carried out to understand the role of jig feed distribution and process parameters during jigging operation. Noamundi jig plant data shows that variation in jig feed granulometry, feed quality and operating conditions are major contributors to fluctuation in jigging performance. At Noamundi the Jig feed size (-10.0+0.5mm) fraction is used for fines jigging operation. To understand the effect of particle size distribution on jig plant performance such as yield, separation efficiency and Fe recovery. In this context The performance of jigging was evaluated by daily average data from jig operation was used to study the influence of feed distribution on jigging performance .Coarser fraction (+6mm) has a positive influence, whereas fines fraction (-0.5mm) tends to lower performance .During Jigging rearrangements of Particles takes place due to an alternate expansion and compaction of Jig Bed .These particles are arranged by increasing density from top to bottom. During the particle stratification, Jig bed physically cut at desired horizontal particle density plant to separate the desired product. Investigation shows that optimum bed height is required at different Jig feed quality to achieve desired product quality, maximum separation efficiency and Fe recovery. This Paper will illustrate role of feed distribution and process parameters control on Jigging plant performance and deals with optimization of process parameters to recover iron value from fines.
Wzbogacanie w osadzarce odgrywa bardzo ważną rolę w przemyśle przetwórstwa minerałów. Wzbogacanie rudy żelaza w osadzarkach jest nowym kierunkiem badań nad wzbogacalnością. Przeprowadzono szczegółowe badania w celu określenia wpływu uziarnienia nadawy i parametrów procesu na efektywność procesu. Dane dotyczące wzbogacania w zakładzie Noamundi pokazują, że zróżnicowanie składu ziarnowego nadawy i warunki procesu są głównymi czynnikami wpływającymi na wahania wydajności osadzarki. W Zakładzie Noamundi do wzbogacania w osadzarce kierowana jest klasa ziarnowa (10,0–0,5 mm). Zbadano wpływ rozkładu wielkości cząstek na wydajność osadzarki, taką jak wydajność, skuteczność rozdziału i odzysk żelaza. Wydajność osadzarki oceniono na podstawie średnich dziennych danych z osadzarki przemysłowej, które wykorzystano do zbadania wpływu parametrów nadawy na wydajność. Udział grubszych ziaren (+6 mm) ma pozytywny wpływ, podczas gdy drobnych ziaren (-0,5 mm) ma tendencję do obniżania wydajności. W procesie osadzania następują zmiany gęstości łoża. Zmiana gęstości łoża następuje od góry (najniższa) do dołu (największa). Podczas stratyfikacji ziaren warstwa materiału jest rozdzielana na określonym poziomie, tak aby uzyskać produkt o pożądanej charakterystyce. Badanie wykazało, że optymalna wysokość łoża osadzarki jest różna dla różnej charakterystyki nadawy tak aby osiągnąć pożądaną jakość produktu, maksymalną wydajność separacji i odzysk Fe. W niniejszym artykule zilustrowano rolę jakości nadawy i kontroli parametrów procesu dla uzyskania wydajności osadzarki, oraz przedstawiono optymalizację parametrów procesu w celu maksymalizacji uzysku żelaza.
Inżynieria Mineralna; 2019, 21, 1/2; 165-170
Pojawia się w:
Inżynieria Mineralna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
QSAR study of amine collectors for iron ore reverse flotation
Wang, Benying
Xu, Xinyang
Duan, Hao
Wang, Xinyang
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
separation efficiency
reverse flotation
amine collectors
In order to reveal the relationship between flotation behaviors of collectors and their structures, quantitative structure–activity relationship (QSAR) study about separation efficiency of quartz from hematite using amine collectors was performed. The genetic function approximation (GFA) algorithm was applied to generate the correlation models and model with acceptable R2 and Rcv2 (cross validated R-squared) correlation coefficients (R2=0.9666, Rcv2=0.9201) was developed. The model revealed that the Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital (LUMO) energy of the molecule, the charge of nitrogen and the electronegativity of polar group were the major factors that affected the separation efficiency of collectors. The higher nitrogen charge, the larger electronegativity of polar group and the more positive of LUMO energy of amine collectors were, the higher separation efficiency would be.
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing; 2019, 55, 5; 1059-1069
Pojawia się w:
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A new approach in separation process evaluation. Efficiency ratio and upgrading curves
Irannajad, M.
Nuri, O. S.
Allahkarami, E.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
separation efficiency
mineral processing
selectivity index
process evaluation
efficiency ratio
operation efficiency
Separation Process
In mineral processing separation efficiency (SE), operation efficiency (OE), selectivity index (SI) and other indices have been used to evaluate the separation process. Up to now, no study has been conducted on the relationship between the SE, OE and SI indices. In this research, two upgrading curves are proposed based on the above indices for process and selectivity evaluation. The first upgrading curve is based on recovery R, SE, and OE as a function of concentrate grade. This curve has three background lines, including no upgrading line, ideal upgrading line and the ideal mixing line. The proposed upgrading curve is applicable not only for process evaluation by specification of OE and SE, but also for selectivity evaluation with the lowest difference between SE and OE. The curve showed that the recovery value is always greater than the SE and OE values. The parameters of OE, SE and R were used for plotting the upgrading curve as a function of concentrate grade taking into consideration all of them at a time. A new selectivity indicator, namely Efficiency Ratio (ER) as the selectivity parameter, is proposed as the ratio of OE to SE. The ER values fluctuate between 1 and . It can be presented as a function of concentrate and tailing grades (ER = [c(1-t)]/[1(c-t)]). The results showed that ER is insensitive to the feed grade and has the inverse relationship with SI. To measure the separation selectivity, another upgrading curve is proposed based on ER and SI parameters. This curve is divided into seven separation classes for evaluation the class of a separation process from ideal class to no separation one. The results of this research can be useful for separation process evaluation.
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing; 2018, 54, 3; 847-857
Pojawia się w:
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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