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Wyszukujesz frazę "konformizm" wg kryterium: Wszystkie pola

Montaigne et le conformisme
Montaigne i konformizm
Kasprzyk, Krystyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Wyszedłszy od wypowiedzi studentów, którzy widzą w Montaigne konformistę, autorka zastanawia się najpierw nad ich źródłem (podręczniki?, rygoryzm młodości?), a następnie przechodzi do ustalenia własnego stanowiska w tej sprawie. Według Montaigne zwyczaj jest źródłem praw, choć zwykle brak mu . racjonalnych podstaw; analizując go w świetle prawdy i rozumu, można wyzwolić się spod jego wszechwładzy. Ale ustalonych praw nie należy zmieniać lekkomyślnie i wszelkie zmiany wprowadzać tylko wtedy, gdy będą zmianami na lepsze. Nie ma więc Montaigne entuzjazmu dla nowości i postępu, głosi natomiast konieczność trzeźwego posłuszeństwa prawom i obyczajom. Jego konformizm jest wezwaniem do rozwagi i roztropności. Nie wypowiada się przeciw. oddaniu się służbie publicznej, ale za uwolnieniem go od interesowności, nienawiści i ducha koterii. Zawdzięczamy-Montaigne'owi stale użyteczną przestrogę przed łatwym entuzjazmem oraz namiętnością i ambicjami we wszelkim działaniu, a zwłaszcza naukę, jak zachować własną osobowość, szanując prawa sumienia i zachowując lojalność wobec innych.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria; 1982, 8
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Konformizm w środowisku wiejskim
Conformity in the Peasant Society
Kowalski, Mieczysław
Starosta, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
The paper analyses the phenomenon of conformity in the peasant society: its social range in the 1970's, its diversification with regard to some basic demographic and social features, and its main environmental correlates (participation in primary groups and informal relations as well as in organizational and institutional structures or in secondary relations ). We define conformity, after E.Aronson, as an adjustment of the behavior and the mode of thinking of an individual to the mode of thinking of a group, regardless of its negative or positive character. On the basis of a questionnaire research an empirical analysis was undertaken of the so-called normative conformity (the declared acceptance of a norm subjecting the individual's behavior to the judgement of all villagers), and of the so-called situational conformity (consisting in the coincident expression by the husbad and the wife of similar opinions on various matters significant for their life-situation during one interview). The following empirical theses have been put forward in accordance to the formulated problems: 1. From 2/3 to 3/4 conformists, and ca. 1/4 nonconformists have been observed in the studied population of Polish peasants at the end of 1970. A polarization of the phenomenon needs special stress, since for both empirical indexes applied in the study the types of extreme conformists and extreme nonconformists were far more numerous than the moderate types. 2. For both indexes used the diversification of conformity is realized not along the three-element structure of stratification (workers, peasants, white collars) but inside these groups.Greater conformity is characteristic of lower fractions of the white collars', workers', and peasants' groups while greater nonconformity is a feature of the respective higher fractions. 3. It is not the participation in primary and informal groups but, above all, the diverse indexes of organizational and institutional participation which are the statistically significant correlates of both types of conformity.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica; 1985, 12; 117-142
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Konformizm i nonkonformizm w społeczeństwie rzeczywiście wielokulturowym – zagadnienia teoretyczne i empiryczne
Conformism and Non-conformism in a Truly Multicultural Society – Theoretical and Empirical Issues
Gutkowska, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
społeczeństwo wielokulturowe
multicultural society
The relationship between cultural identity and the models of social behaviour, including criminal behaviour, appears to be obvious enough. On the other hand, however, the cultural determinants of criminal offences committed by foreign nationals in Poland has not been the subject of criminological research, whereas any insights into the cultural principles guiding their conduct when staying in Poland, were gained mainly within the framework of cultural studies. The present paper sets out to address this gap, even if only partially. It would appear that an important indicator of a proper functioning of a multicultural society, which offers a common space for the co-existence of a number of different communities, is the way those communities view the applicable law in place, criminal law in particular. The knowledge of which specific components of the identity of respective groups of immigrants (be that ethnic or religious) happen to be discordant, or even openly contradict the system of social values, as reflected in the legal system in place in Poland, may also be construed as the answer to the question which specific types of behaviours and cultural factors that actually determine them, will have to be faced fairly soon by the statutory bodies dealing with the legal cases in which the suspects, or indicted persons (as well as the victims and eyewitnesses) are foreign nationals representing respective minorities. In practical terms, the most essential seems to be the question how respective individuals shape their behavioural response when faced with the need to live in an everyday reality of conflicting axiological systems? Which standards, in a situation where they cannot be simply reconciled, i.e. the communities from which they originate or the social majority they live in, would they deem valid in axiological terms, and therefore binding for themselves? One of the possible directions of research in this area consists in seeking to identify the factors or circumstances that determine an individual’s choice when faced with just such a conflict of standards. It is therefore essential to determine those factors that make a foreign national comply with the law in place (despite various consequences arising from breaching the standards upheld within a group), as well as those whose coming into play would make a foreigner break the law in order to remain true to the standards within his group (despite the legal sanctions he stands to face for making such a choice). Such considerations are actually meant to seek out the answers about individual conformity and nonconformity when faced with a conflict of values in a multicultural society. The conclusions to be drawn are all the more important that the conflict of values and the underlying standards appears to be an integral part of a multicultural society. The paper consists of two parts. The first, theoretical one, comprises reflections on the concept of multiculturalism at large, offering a presentation of selected criminology theories based on the assumption that a society is made up of various groups representing different axiological systems around which various normative systems are duly constructed, with this heterogeneity lying at the source of any deviations, and also, whilst recognizing that conflict remains very much an integral part of an axiologically multicultural society (actual multiculturalism), conflict is addressed as a phenomenon, in due consideration of the concept proposed by T. Sellin, on two levels, i.e. the external one (i.e. when the standards governing a desirable behaviour of each group, minorities and a social majority, are found conflicting), and the internal one (i.e. an individually experienced dilemma whereupon in a situation of conflict, an individual must decide which standards to abide by). The author proposes that an internal conflict be construed in a slightly modified way, i.e. as a situation where an individual is trying to determine which standard, that applicable within his own group, or the country’s s/he happens to be living in, in view of: a) the fact that both groups and their values are essential to him/her (conflict of beliefs), b) the fact that s/he wants to respect both groups and their values ( conflict between discrepant legal norms), c) fear of the potential consequences of breaking the standards in place in each of these groups (conflict of consequences – the risk of having to face the negative consequences, or suffer the loss of benefits of compliance). The second part is an empirical attempt to characterize the likely behavioural paradigms of foreign nationals representing different cultural principles when faced with a conflict of values and standards applicable in both social settings, i.e. in the society they originate from, and in the Polish society into which they migrated (external conflict). It seemed of particular significance to identify the specific factors that may affect the choice made by an individual in such a conflict situation, i.e. what would make him/her choose to break the norm applicable within his/her own group (group standard), which s/he has so far complied with, or rather break the social norms in place in the country in which s/he currently resides. Here the actual attitude of the individual to the two conflicting standards, i.e. the presence or absence of internal conflict, proved to be of key importance. Given the extent to which the values and norms instilled in people in the process of socialization may impact their behaviours and individual choices, it was assumed that as far as the principle is concerned, people in conflict situations would be true to the values in which they had been brought up, instead of the values they did not identify with, new and culturally alien to them. It is therefore all the more essential to identify the possible factors that actually influence individual choices, so that an individual would rather breach the normative standard applicable within his own group, and abide by the standards upheld by the country s/he came to. An additional benefit of the study consisted in gaining an insight as to which specific situations within a cultural group under study might spark off an external conflict (at the level of normative standards beyond the domain of individual will). In practical terms, a sample image of cultural norms applicable within a group of foreign nationals under study was obtained, of norms that remain in conflict with the social principles in place in Poland (occasionally including legal constraints). All these data are essential as the differences in the shared values, attendant normative standards and commonly accepted models of response to an infringement of a particular norm are a potential source of individual dilemmas in foreign nationals as to which standard they should actually abide by, i.e. the group one or the one applicable within social majority. They may thus provide a certain clue as to what actually look for when dealing with the members of a particular community, with a view to increasing the likelihood of an effective dialogue, achieving the intended results in mutual relations, and in the long term, persuading them to comply with the normative standards in place in Polish society. The research was conducted in three selected communities, i.e. Caucasian, Vietnamese and Nigerian ones, even though the present paper is based predominantly on the research results pertaining to groups about which the research surveys yielded the most information, i.e. foreign nationals originating from the Caucasus, with particular consideration of the Chechen nationality. The Chechen examples were occasionally supplemented with the statements made by Armenian and Georgian respondents.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2016, XXXVIII; 346-424
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola odroczenia czasowego w konformizmie pamięciowym
Krogulska, Aleksandra
Niedźwieńska, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
konformizm pamięciowy
efekt dezinformacji
wpływ społeczny
Konformizm pamięciowy pojawia się, gdy relacja pamięciowa jednej osoby wpływa na późniejszą relację innej osoby dotyczącą tego samego zdarzenia. W badaniu sprawdzano, czy wraz z wydłużającym się czasem między dyskusją o zdarzeniu a jego przypominaniem wzrośnie liczba błędów wskazujących na konformizm pamięciowy. Okazało się, że było ich porównywalnie dużo – zarówno kilka minut po obytej rozmowie, jak i tydzień po niej. Za efekt ten w obu przypadkach były odpowiedzialne mechanizmy pamięciowe.
Roczniki Psychologiczne; 2016, 19, 1; 139-147
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Psychologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Vladimir Nabokov about antiquities - pop culture, advertising, conformism
Grygiel, Monika
Data publikacji:
Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Chełmie
pop culture
Vladimir Nabokov belongs to the most popular prose writers of the 20th century. His work is represented by a sophisticated composition, playing with the reader, rich stylistics, as well as bilingualism - works written in Russian and English. The article answers the question whether, despite the complicated content and form, Nabokov's work has achieved popularity thanks to the typical pop culture tricks, threads and tricks, or whether this was decided by the writer's talent. Nabokov undoubtedly had a critical attitude towards pop culture, which destroys individualism and originality, while at the same time was conducting a literary dialogue with it, using popular themes and motifs for its own unique perspective. The writer noticed the obvious threats arising from pop culture, criticized the advertising market, attacked the stereotyping of contemporary views and ubiquitous conformism, and at the same time he appreciated problems that were commonly rejected (sexuality) or attractive but trivialized (detective and adventure threads). Nabokov skillfully used mass culture, through his works he shaped the sensitivity of the recipient and intuitively trusted his intelligence.
Language. Culture. Politics. International Journal; 2020, 1; 159-168
Pojawia się w:
Language. Culture. Politics. International Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Konformizm polityczny Benjamina Franklina w latach 1764-1766
The Political Conformity of Benjamin Franklin, 1764-1766
Daszyńska, Jolanta A.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Benjamin Franklin as an agent of Pensylvania came back to England in 1764 (his first mission there was during the years 1757-1762). But it was the quite different country after the end of the Seven Years War. The war debts and other financial troubles pushed England to seek new sources of getting money. Following the advices of Lord Grenville, the Parliament imposed new taxes upon the American colonies. Those duties known as the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act involved great discontents in America. For the first time the taxes were put as general and the Parliament stood as a supreme legislature power for all the Empire. B. Franklin, opposite to the other colonial agents, did not see any wrong in such taxes. According to the Grenville’s suggestion, that the Americans can get the stamp money by themselves, he pointed out his friend John Hughes as a stamp collector. He also encouraged his friends to pay the taxes. He did not or he did not want to see the growing colonial resistance towards the Stamp Act. Franklin did not want to estrange the British politics from him, because he planned the change of government in Pennsylvania from the private to the royal one. Such was the aim of his mission. That might be also the reason why he supported the tax. The public opinion both in colonies and in England was against the Stamp Act. The British merchants started to loose their economic position and the income from the tax was less than it was planned before it came into live. The colonies protested against that measure. Those, who supported it were personally attacked, their houses were damaged (including the Franklin’s new house). They were accused to betray the interest of the colonies. Sometimes they were even killed. The colonial leaders gathered in so called Stamp Act Congress (Oct.7.1765) stated that Parliament has no right to tax the colonies because they had their own representative bodies. James Otis cried: „no taxation without the representation”. As a result, the Stamp Act Congress sent the resolution to the King to repeal the Stamp Act. The nonimportant agreement was announced as well. So, after the pressue of public opinion, B. Franklin very slowly had started to change his attitude towards that tax. Although he did not accept the decision of the Congress he wished the measure to be postponed for a year. He also suggested, that the only solution was the wisdom of the leaders, but not a strenght. In late autumn of 1765 Franklin’s articles to the English press, though not signed by his name, showed the conflict from the American point of view. Franklin started to defend the Americans in their efforts to repeal the Stamp Act. However he constantly maintained the firm loyality to the Crown. From the begining of 1766 Franklin’s articles were more radical. He thought the Stamp Act as the most grevious and oppresive tax ever imposed. He also neglected the rights of the British Parliament to tax the colonies. Such opinions he presented during the examination before the Committee of the Whole of the House of Commons, Feb.13. He defended the colonial rights and neglected the supreme authority of Parliament all over the colonies. The examination was published both in England and in America, it was also translated into many languages. After that Franklin regained his lost reputation and was known as a hero, who’s great efforts made the Stamp Act repealed.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica; 1999, 64; 83-99
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Współczesny uniwersytet w potocznych doświadczeniach studentów
The Modern University in Everyday Experiences of Students
Pauluk, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Dolnośląskiej Szkoły Wyższej
Współczesny uniwersytet przechodzi głębokie zmiany. Pod wpływem globalnych tendencji zmienia się uniwersyteckie środowisko edukacyjne oraz atmosfera studiowania. Czynniki te wywierają znaczący wpływ na studentów, którzy doświadczają zamierzonych i niezamierzonych ich skutków. Celem artykułu jest pokazanie, jak studenci, którzy są zanurzeni w codzienność akademickiego życia, rozpoznają konsekwencje związane z pobytem na współczesnym uniwersytecie oraz czynniki je generujące. Przedstawione wyniki z analizy ich swobodnych wypowiedzi odnoszą się do trzech wybranych aspektów, tj.: funkcjonowania współczesnego uniwersytetu jako instytucji społecznej, relacji studentów z nauczycielami akademickim i rówieśnikami.
The modern university is undergoing serious changes. The university educational community and atmosphere of studies is changing due to global influences. Those factors have a significant impact on students who experience their intended and unintended consequences. This paper shows, how students embedded in everyday academic life, recognize consequences of studying in the modern university and factors generating them. The results of the analysis of their free statements relate to the three selected aspects: the functioning of the modern university as a social institution, the students’ relationship with academic teachers and peers.
Teraźniejszość – Człowiek – Edukacja; 2016, 19, 3(75); 183-196
Pojawia się w:
Teraźniejszość – Człowiek – Edukacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Transgresje nowoczesności
The Transgressions of Modernity
Pieniążek, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
The author considers the possibility of transgression in the contemporary world in the context of attempts to treat sexaholism as such. He questions the justifiability of using the term “transgression” and refers to its earlier meaning in the ideas of Georges Bataille and in post-structuralism.
Kultura i Społeczeństwo; 2018, 62, 2; 203-212
Pojawia się w:
Kultura i Społeczeństwo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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