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Wyszukujesz frazę "cultural protection" wg kryterium: Wszystkie pola

Relikty, implanty, pamiątki… Co bardziej rozwija kulturę lokalną?
Relics, Implants, Memorabilia... What Develops Local Culture the Most?
Jarecka, Urszula
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
kultura lokalna
implant kulturowy
ochrona kultury
local culture
cultural implant
cultural protection
W tekście omówiono różne formy korzystania z tradycji w kulturze lokalnej: od reliktów po „implanty” kulturowe. Esej stanowi rekonesans w tej dziedzinie, przedstawia swoisty katalog praktyk kulturowych, głównie dotyczących implantów. Ważne jest również pytanie o odbiorców tak przygotowanej oferty. Komu służyć mają „implanty” kulturowe? Interesująca jest tu także rola stowarzyszeń i fundacji, czy też ogólnie rzecz ujmując „NGO’sów” w kształtowaniu wspomnianych zjawisk. Główne tezy są tu dwie, po pierwsze – implanty tworzone są tam, gdzie kulturze lokalnej doskwiera jakiś poważny brak. W miejsce usuniętych, wyrugowanych, zapomnianych obiektów i tradycji powstają nowe; korzysta się z tkanki historycznej w tym procesie lub też implanty są tworzone z tkanki kulturowo obcej. Zjawisko obserwowane jest także w kulturze konsumpcji. Druga teza mówi, że tym, co umożliwia sprawne tworzenie implantów, są organizacje pozarządowe, które pełnią funkcję swoistego „niwelatora” barier wykonawczych, z jakimi borykają się inne instytucje. Przykłady z różnych regionów Polski i rejestrów kultury służą jako poparcie tych tez.
The article discusses various forms of using tradition in local culture: from relics to cultural “implants.” This essay is a reconnaissance in this field, and presents a kind of catalog of cultural practices, mainly concerning implants. The question of the recipients of thus prepared offerings is also important. Who the cultural “implants” are supposed to serve? The role of associations and foundations (in general – “NGO’s”) in shaping the aforementioned phenomena is also of interest. There are two main theses. Firstly, implants are created where the local culture suffers from some serious deficiency – in place of removed, uprooted, forgotten objects and traditions, new ones are created; historical tissue is used in this process or implants are created from culturally foreign tissue. The phenomenon is also observed in the culture of consumption. The second thesis says that what enables the smooth creation of implants are NGOs, which act as a kind of “leveler” of the performance barriers faced by other institutions. Examples from different regions of Poland and cultural levels serve to support these theses.
Perspektywy Kultury; 2023, 40, 1; 241-260
Pojawia się w:
Perspektywy Kultury
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Legal regulations in the field of cultural heritage protection in Poland after 1989 – evaluation attempt
Landmann, T.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Wojsk Lądowych imienia generała Tadeusza Kościuszki
cultural good
legal protection
Constitution of Republic of Poland
This article attempts to analyze the legal regulations developed in the field of cultural heritage protection after 1989, with particular reference to the acquis after 2003. A thesis has been formulated that the period after 1989 was characterized by a clear redefinition of objectives and priorities in the field of cultural heritage protection compared to the period of the People’s Republic of Poland. To prove the thesis, the author referred to legal acts and jurisprudence, as well as to literature based on studies and articles from scientific journals on the legal protection of monuments. The research methods used were the legal acts analysis method and the literature analysis method. The presented content shows that the issue of legal protection of cultural heritage in Poland after 1989 was treated as one of the most important aspects of the long-term cultural policy of the state, although the work on the new law lasted for a relatively long time, 14 years after the political and structural transformation. The 2003 Act regulated a number of important issues regarding the protection of monuments and the care for monuments, redefining, and in many aspects setting, new directions in the field of cultural heritage protection in Poland. At the same time the legislator rejected the possibility of continuing the direction in this sphere, which had been chosen in the period between 1944 and 1989.
Scientific Journal of the Military University of Land Forces; 2018, 50, 1(187); 75-91
Pojawia się w:
Scientific Journal of the Military University of Land Forces
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Legal regulations in the field of cultural heritage protection in Poland after 1989 : evaluation attempt
Landmann, Tomasz.
Scientific Journal of the Military University of Land Forces 2018, nr 1, s. 75-91
Data publikacji:
Bezpieczeństwo kulturowe państwa
Ochrona zabytków
Prawo administracyjne
Artykuł z czasopisma wojskowego
Artykuł z czasopisma naukowego
Bibliografia, wykaz aktów prawnych na stronach 89-91.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
Role of Polish armed forces and crisis management system in cultural property protection - review and analysis
Grzebielucha, Jacek
Scientific Journal of the Military University of Land Forces 2022, nr 2, s. 256-266
Międzynarodowy Ośrodek Szkolenia i Badań nad Dziedzictwem Kultury w Zagrożeniu im. mjr. prof. Karola Estreichera oth
Data publikacji:
Wojsko Polskie (1944- )
Administracja publiczna
Bezpieczeństwo narodowe
Ochrona dziedzictwa kulturowego
Zarządzanie kryzysowe
Artykuł problemowy
Artykuł z czasopisma wojskowego
Artykuł dotyczy ochrony dóbr kultury w czasie kryzysu i wojny i roli Sił Zbrojnych RP oraz systemu zarządzania kryzysowego w tym obszarze. Autor omawia aspekty prawne ochrony dóbr kultury, które w Polsce zostały wprowadzone przez konwencję haską z 1954 roku. Przedstawia charakter krajowych instytucji realizujących zadania ochrony dóbr kulturalnych, a także wspomina, że w ostatnich latach znacznie wzrosło zainteresowanie tym obszarem zadań. Zagrożenia asymetryczne wymierzone przeciwko obiektom dziedzictwa kulturowego wymusiły zaangażowanie podmiotów militarnych do kreowania mechanizmów bezpieczeństwa.
Bibliografia, netografia na stronach 264-266.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
Protection of Cultural Heritage During Crisis Situations
Pietrek, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Policji w Szczytnie
cultural assets
crisis management
the civil service
Crisis situations such as catastrophes, natural disasters, armed conflicts and others pose a threat to different values. The author presents various definitions of a crisis situation found in the literature and concentrates on crisis management which might be treated as an interdisciplinary field of science. In order to achieve efficiency in crisis management one needs to apply a remarkable skill of working under pressure. In crisis situations mainly human life and health, natural environment, economy, spiritual and material values of the state or the region and its inhabitants are threatened and the functioning of state administration institutions may be also impaired. Among the protected values cultural assets seem to be neglected and legal documents in this sphere aren’t being updated. Therefore the author has presented his attempts at providing an analysis of available expert literature and legal acts, and using different research methods (such as comparison, synthesis or reasoning) he has presented the current condition of the discussed problem, indicating some potential shortcomings of the system. The plans for the protection of historical monuments are an integral part of the civil defence plans and they undergo annual updating. The author also discusses the theoretical problems in crisis management in Poland, which can be analysed in the context of strategic, tactical and operational management.
Internal Security; 2018, 10(2); 143-154
Pojawia się w:
Internal Security
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Geographic Aspects of Cultural Heritage Protection in Latin America
Czerny, Mirosława
Czerny, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Akademia Finansów i Biznesu Vistula
Ameryka Łacińska
dziedzictwo kultury materialnej
przemyt dzieł sztuki
ochrona dziedzictwa,
Latin America
material culture heritage
smuggling of works of art
heritage protection
Ameryka Łacińska jest regionem o niezwykle bogatej i zróżnicowanej kulturze, w którym przez wiele wieków rozwijały się wspaniałe cywilizacje. Dzieła sztuki i kultury materialnej wytworzone przez dawnych mieszkańców stanowią dziś cenne źródło wiedzy o pierwotnych mieszkańcach tej części świata, a także ważny element budowy tożsamości narodowej i regionalnej. Również kolonizacja hiszpańska pozostawiła po sobie wysoko cenione dzieła sztuki. Zarówno wytwory kultur prekolumbijskich, jak i czasów kolonialnych nie są dostatecznie chronione i stanowią przedmiot handlu na coraz większą skalę. Brak odpowiednich mechanizmów kontroli, ubóstwo, a także brak edukacji w regionach, w których występuje największe nagromadzenie cennych przedmiotów sprawia, że wiele dzieł sztuki jest nielegalnie wywożonych za granicę lub ulega zniszczeniu. Wzrostowi przemytu sprzyjają nieszczelność granic i korupcja.
Latin America is the region of extremely rich and diversifies culture. Over many ages, there had been developing magnificent civilizations before it was conquered in the 16th century by Europeans. Works of art and material culture manufactured by early inhabitants are today a valuable source of knowledge about the primary dwellers of this part of the world as well as an important element of building the national and regional identity. Also Spanish colonisation has left behind cherished works of art. Both products of the pre-Columbian cultures and those of the colonial times are not sufficiently protected and are increasingly an object of trade. Lack of relevant control mechanisms, poverty as well as lack of education in the regions where there takes place the biggest accumulation of valuable objects causes that many works of art are illegally exported abroad or damaged. The growth of smuggling is increased due to permeability of borders and corruption.
Zeszyty Naukowe Uczelni Vistula; 2017, 52(1) Filologia; 40-54
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Uczelni Vistula
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polityka fiskalna jako instrument ochrony zabytków na przykładzie Włoch
Fiscal policy and cultural heritage protection in Italy
Gryziak, Bartosz
Data publikacji:
Instytut Studiów Podatkowych Modzelewski i wspólnicy
wydatki podatkowe
preferencje podatkowe
ulgi podatkowe
tax expenditures
tax benefits
cultural heritage
Dyskusja nad wprowadzoną w Polsce tzw. ulgą na zabytki pokazała, że jest to zagadnienie budzące wiele wątpliwości. Zasadniczy problem dotyczy możliwości i zasadności (jak też ewentualnego stopnia) wykorzystywania tego typu instrumentów fiskalnych w polityce ochrony zabytków. Na potrzeby analizy wybrano przykład włoski ze względu na obecność w tym kraju szczególnie bogatego dziedzictwa kulturowego, które wymaga ochrony – można więc spekulować, że problem stał się już tam przedmiotem badań. Przedstawiona analiza dowodzi, że faktycznie we Włoszech wprowadzono instrumenty fiskalne mające wspierać politykę zachowywania zabytków – nie tworzą one jednak spójnego systemu. Niemniej instytucje te ukazują złożoność problemu, jakim jest skuteczne wykorzystywanie instrumentów fiskalnych w kwestii ochrony zabytków.
The public discussion in Poland over the introduction of the so-called tax benefit for expenditures for cultural heritage protection has proven that this is a highly controversial issue. The main problem regards the possibilities of as well as rationale for adopting a fiscal policy that stimulates stakeholders to active participation in cultural heritage protection. The analysis provided in this paper is based upon the example of Italy due to its exceptionally rich cultural heritage that requires effective protection. Indeed, in Italy there are some fiscal measures that concern cultural heritage protection, even though they do not present a systemic approach. Nonetheless, the Italian measures provide an interesting insight on specific questions that must be taken into consideration when analyzing fiscal policy in relation to cultural heritage protection.
Doradztwo Podatkowe Biuletyn Instytutu Studiów Podatkowych; 2022, 10(314); 15-21
Pojawia się w:
Doradztwo Podatkowe Biuletyn Instytutu Studiów Podatkowych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cultural heritage protection issues in Leśnica, the settlement of Wrocław
Problemy ochrony dziedzictwa kulturowego osiedla Leśnica we Wrocławiu
Kononowicz, A.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Oficyna Wydawnicza
heritage protection
osiedle mieszkaniowe
dawne miasteczko
ochrona dziedzictwa
Leśnica, today the settlement on the western edge of Wrocław, formerly was an independent town, located on a previously wooded area, with a linear street system. It developed in the Middle Ages around the castle and church playing a service role for the Silesian Piast court on their way to Legnica and during hunting. In the thirteenth century it received city rights, and lost them in the eighteenth century. After the Piast dynasty had died out, it was sold by John of Luxembourg, and repeatedly changed its owners. In the nineteenth century it developed thanks to the industry, tourism and a convenient railway connection to Wrocław as well as hotel and restaurant facilities. In 1928, Leśnica was incorporated into Wrocław. After the Second World War, it lost its cultural continuity. In the 1970's, middle-heigh and high prefabricated buildings were built in the vicinity of a residential district. At the end of the twentieth and early twentyfirst century, local industries were liquidated, and intensive land development started, causing the systematic blurring of its small-town character and its urban space started to acquire a character of a big city. In 2004, the old part of Leśnica was entered in the Register of Monuments. Also a ring road was planned, moving the cumbersome and dangerous transit traffic away from historic Średzka Street beyond the southern border of the settlement.
Leśnica, dziś osiedle na zachodnim krańcu Wrocławia, dawniej samodzielne miasteczko, na terenie z dawna zalesionym, o układzie ulicowym, które rozwinęło się w średniowieczu wokół zamku i kościoła, stanowiąc obsługę dworu Piastów śląskich na trasie do Legnicy. W XIII w. otrzymało prawa miejskie, które utraciło w wieku XVIII. Po wygaśnięciu linii Piastów sprzedane przez Jana Luksemburczyka, zmieniało prywatnych właścicieli. W XIX w. rozwinęło się dzięki przemysłowi, ruchowi wycieczkowemu, dogodnemu połączeniu kolejowemu z Wrocławiem i zapleczu restauracyjno- hotelowemu. W 1928 r. Leśnica zostaje włączona do Wrocławia. Po II wojnie światowej utraciła ciągłość kulturową. W latach 70. XX w. w sąsiedztwie dzielnicy willowej wzniesiono grupę średnich i wysokich domów z wielkiej płyty. Pod koniec XX i na pocz. XXI w. w Leśnicy zlikwidowano przemysł, i rozwinął się intensywny ruch deweloperski, powodujący systematyczne zacieranie małomiasteczkowego charakteru i przekształcanie przestrzeni urbanistycznej na kształt dużego miasta. W 2004 r. stara część Leśnicy została wpisana do Rejestru Zabytków. Zaplanowano także obwodnicę, przenoszącą uciążliwy i niebezpieczny ruch tranzytowy z historycznej ulicy Średzkiej poza południową granicę osiedla.
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports; 2015, 18; 85-96
Pojawia się w:
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Działania UE na rzecz ochrony dziedzictwa kulturowego w krajach pokonfliktowych
EU cultural heritage protection actions in post conflict countries
Lipka, Mirosław
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego i Indywidualnego Apeiron w Krakowie
misje cywilne WPBiO
zarządzanie kryzysowe
ochrona dziedzictwa kulturowego
Civilian CSDP missions
crises management
cultural heritage protection
Niniejszy artykuł zawiera przegląd polityki UE w dziedzinie ochrony dziedzictwa kulturowego, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem krajów pokonfliktowych. Analiza opisuje i ocenia ogólne podejście UE w różnych obszarach swojego zaangażowania w tej dziedzinie, a także w zakresie skutecznego wykonywania mandatu cywilnych misji Wspólnej Polityki Bezpieczeństwa i Obrony (WPBiO) posiadających w zakresie swojego działania ochronę dóbr kultury. W uwagach końcowych przedstawiono wybrane inicjatywy UE, które mają na celu poprawę wyników UE, a także zaproponowano dalsze kroki w zakresie ochrony dziedzictwa kulturowego. UE przyczyniła się do odbudowy, restauracji lub rewitalizacji dziedzictwa kulturowego dotkniętego niedawnymi konfliktami i kryzysami w Libii, Iraku i Jemenie, promując jednocześnie spójność społeczną, tworzenie nowych miejsc pracy i pojednanie. Jako część procesów odbudowy projekty w Kamerunie, Somalii, Izraelu, Okupowanych Terytoriach Palestyńskich, Kosowie, Republice Mołdawii itp. przyczyniły się do poprawy zaufania między społecznościami poprzez ochronę dziedzictwa kulturowego. Niedawna rosyjska inwazja na Ukrainę spowodowała tysiące ofiar śmiertelnych, jak również poważne szkody gospodarcze, przyniosła także zniszczenia infrastruktury cywilnej i obiektów mieszkalnych oraz znacząco wpłynęła na dziedzictwo kulturowe kraju. Zabytki, muzea, kolekcje sztuki, biblioteki, archiwa zostały całkowicie zniszczone lub poważnie uszkodzone. Skłoniło to UE do uznania konieczności zapewnienia synergii i koordynacji między organami UE i państwami członkowskimi w celu maksymalizacji wpływu wspólnych działań na rzecz wsparcia dziedzictwa kulturowego w konfliktach i sytuacjach kryzysach oraz zgodnie ze zintegrowanym podejściem UE do konfliktów i kryzysów zewnętrznych.
This article provides an overview of EU policy in the field of cultural heritage protection with particular emphasis on post conflict countries. The analysis describes and evaluates the overall EU’s approach in all areas of EU engagement in this domain, towards the subject of effective mandate implementation of civilian CSDP Missions with the protection of cultural assets in their field of operation. The concluding remarks compare achievements and shortcomings of ongoing missions against their mandates and objectives, outlining some selected EU initiatives which aim at improving the EU’s performance and propose further steps in the protection of cultural heritage. The EU has contributed to reconstruction, restauration or revitalisation of cultural heritage affected by recent conflicts and crises in Libya, Iraq, Yemen, promoting at the same time social cohesion, new job creation and reconciliation. Part of recovery processes, the projects in Cameroon, Somalia, Israel, Occupied Palestinian Territory, Kosovo, Republic of Moldova, etc. have contributed to improved inter-community trust through cultural heritage protection. Resent Russian invasion of Ukraine, which has caused thousands of deaths and major economic damages, brought destruction of civilian infrastructure and considerably affected cultural heritage. Monuments, museums, archaeological sides and archives, etc. were fully destroyed or brutally damaged. This triggered EU to recognise the importance of ensuring synergies and coordination between the EU and its Member States for maximization of the impact of our actions in support for cultural heritage in conflicts and crises, and in line with the EU Integrated Approach to External Conflicts and Crises.
Kultura Bezpieczeństwa. Nauka – Praktyka – Refleksje; 2023, 43; 111-139
Pojawia się w:
Kultura Bezpieczeństwa. Nauka – Praktyka – Refleksje
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawna ochrona dziedzictwa kultury w Japonii – zarys tematyki
Legal Protection of Cultural Heritage in Japan – an Overview
Zeidler, Kamil
Kliczkowska, Luiza
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
cultural heritage protection in Japan
cultural heritage law
monuments and antiques
The authors of this article undertake a general discussion of the legal protection of Japan’s cultural heritage. They begin their reflection with the issue of comparative legal studies, treating it as a determinant of the direction and scope of legal analysis of the cultural property protection in Japan. However, their main focus are three issues. These are: the history of legal protection of the cultural heritage against the background of the formation of modern Japanese law, the subject of protection and its categories according to the Japanese Act of 30 May 1950 on the Protection of Cultural Property, and the empirically significant aspect of conservation theory concerning the issue of the authenticity of a historic substance in relation to Japan. The authors end their analysis of the legal history of the protection of Japan’s cultural heritage with a discussion of the 1950 Law, which (amended) still remains in force. The curious practice of monuments conservation in Japan related to the understanding of the authenticity of a historic substance by the Japanese is addressed by the authors in the last part of the article.
Azja-Pacyfik; 2021, XXIV; 117-128
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Krajobraz kulturowy – aktywna ochrona przez wartościowanie
Cultural landscape – active protection by valuation
Nowak, P.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydział Biologiczno-Rolniczy
ochrona krajobrazu
zarządzanie krajobrazem
metoda JARK-WAK
landscape protection
landscape management
JARK-WAK method
Ochrona krajobrazu kulturowego miast, których społeczność stanowi społeczeństwo informacyjne powinna być rozpatrywana w sposób odmienny niż miało to miejsce jeszcze kilkanaście lat temu. Priorytetowym zadaniem stało się uświadamianie społeczeństwu wartości tego krajobrazu przez udostępnianie informacji na ten temat przy zastosowaniu nowoczesnych metod komunikacji. Dla opinii publicznej łatwiej zrozumiałe jest przełożenie wartości krajobrazu kulturowego na czynniki wymierne np. finansowe, niż dyskusje teoretyczne. W tym celu zastosowano metodę prof. Bogdanowskiego jako podstawę do opracowania teorii systemu komputerowego łączącego w sobie elementy planowania i administracji krajobrazem z danymi socjologicznymi i finansowymi. Metoda JARK-WAK umożliwia pracę w różnych skalach miasta i skorelowaniu jednostek różnych poziomów planowania w jeden system. Może on stanowić narzędzie programowego zarządzania i ochrony krajobrazów kulturowych.
Protection of the cultural landscapes of cities where the community is information society should be considered in a different way than it was several years ago. The priority task is to raise public awareness of this landscape by providing information using modern communication methods. More effective communication tool than the problem discussions about the value of the cultural landscape is to indicate on the basis of financial data that it actually is. For this purpose, the method of prof. Bogdanowski was chosen as the platform for computer program development. Program made on basis of JARK-WAK analisys could combine elements of the planning and administration of the landscape with sociological and financial data. This method could work in different scales of the city and correlate units of different levels of planning in a single system. It can be a tool for program management and protection of cultural landscapes.
Topiarius. Studia krajobrazowe; 2016, T. 1; 115-120
Pojawia się w:
Topiarius. Studia krajobrazowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ochrona krajobrazu w kontekście planowania przestrzennego (na szczeblu lokalnym)
Cultural landsacape protection in the context of planning (at municipal level)
Gil-Mastalerczyk, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Mazowieckie Biuro Planowania Regionalnego w Warszawie
krajobraz kulturowy
ochrona krajobrazu
miejscowy plan zagospodarowania przestrzennego
planowanie przestrzenne
cultural landscape
protection of the landscape
plan of spatial development
spatial planning
financial effects of the plans
Za ochronę krajobrazu, ład przestrzenny, obraz środowiska, w którym żyjemy, odpowiedzialni są wszyscy jego użytkownicy. Na przestrzeni lat gospodarują oni swoim środowiskiem, przyczyniając się tym samym – świadomie lub nieświadomie – do przekształcania krajobrazu kulturowego. Artykuł przedstawia działania podmiotów odpowiedzialnych za jakość i ochronę krajobrazu kulturowego, w tym – specjalistów zawodowo zajmujących się szeroko rozumianą przestrzenią i kreowaniem krajobrazu, oraz najważniejsze zagadnienia dotyczące kształtowania odpowiedzialności za jego wygląd – z punktu widzenia formalnego, tj. dokumentów planistycznych. Zwrócona zostanie uwaga na sposób uwzględniania ochrony krajobrazu kulturowego w polityce przestrzennej. Przedstawione zostaną wybrane problemy związane z praktyką funkcjonowania samorządów lokalnych oraz wyzwań wynikających z potrzeby realizacji polityki rozwoju przestrzennego – na szczeblu lokalnym. Próba analizy problemu podjęta zostanie na podstawie tekstów ustaw i spostrzeżeń, wynikających z bezpośrednich doświadczeń autora – jako praktyka, na co dzień stykającego się z treścią miejscowych planów zagospodarowania przestrzennego.
For the protection of the landscape, spatial order, the image of the environment in which we live, are responsible all users. Over the years, they transform and manage their environment, thus contributing - consciously or unconsciously - to transform the cultural landscape. The article presents the activities of the entities responsible for the quality and protection of the cultural landscape, including professionals, specialists widely understood space and creating the landscape, and the most important issues shaping liability for its appearance - in formal terms, ie. Planning documents. Attention will be paid to how to integrate protection of the cultural landscape in spatial policy. Presented are selected problems associated with the practice of the functioning of local governments and the challenges resulting from the need to implement spatial development policy - at municipal level. An attempt to analyze the problem will be taken on the basis of its laws and observations arising from the direct experience of the author - as a practice, every day contact with local content plans.
MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne; 2016, 18; 13-25
Pojawia się w:
MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nowe inicjatywy UNESCO w dziedzinie ochrony dóbr kultury
Sieroszewski, Władysław
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
inicjatywy UNESCO
ochrona pomników
miejsca zabytkowe o znaczeniu ogólnoludzkim
studium ochrony zabytków
„Czerwony Krzyż Zabytków”
III his article the author discusses the proposal submitted by the Director General of UNESCO at the last XiVI Session of General Meeting with the aim to regulate at an international level the problems connected with protection of cultural property having all-human importance. The proposal under discussion was based on a report worked out by a staff of experts stating that there exists a certain category of monuments, assemblies and historical sites for whose protection (in view of their immense value for the mankind and financial burdens of preservation) should be made responsible not only the countries where the above properties are located, but the international community as well. It seems, therefore, to be highly desirable that a convention be signed enabling to establish an international organization ready to save this cultural property in cases of sudden dangers. It has also been suggested that the intended new organization should act within the UNESCO, nevertheless, it should be provided with its own executive body and an Advisory Council composed of representatives of non-governmental international organizations like ICOM, ICOMOS, the Research Centre, Rome and s.o., and besides of a certain number of personally invited specialists. This new organization should, of course, be provided with adequate funds. All the help needed for endangered cultural property would be allocated on a basis of proposal submitted by a country concerned but the allocations should be made cl ©pending upon a considerable share of country wishing to save her national heritage. It is foreseen that the draft of the said convention after discussion and its adopting by a Committee of Experts will be ready to be passed at the XIVIII Session of General Meeting to be held in October- -November, 1972.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1971, 1; 3-8
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tożsamość, trwałość, rozwój; Ochrona krajobrazu kulturowego w projektach odnowy wsi
Identity, durability, development; Cultural landscape protection in projects of village renewal
Raszeja, E.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
krajobraz kulturowy
odnowa wsi
cultural landscape
village renewal
When facing growing endangerment of cultural heritage and village landscape caused by modern tendencies and development processes, it is necessary to encircle with protection not only particular objects but also all spatial sets and landscape forms. These problems should be included into village renewal projects, and individual solutions have to be preceded by comprehensive examinations. In modern programs of village renewal the need to rebuild spatial identity, based on durable values preserved in the cultural landscape of a village, is underlined. The ability to read these values and to respect them is connected with it. The article presents three projects connected with widely understood village renewal. One of them is an Irish project, ranging from researches to records of cultural heritage in the Belcoo region, carried out mutually by scientists, artists and village inhabitants. Within its limits commodious archival material was gathered and the history of this region which had been recorded in archeological, architectonical and spatial heritage was recreated. The next example originates from the region of Sławno in Middle Pomerania, where complex researches (archeological, architectonical, scenic, biological) on cultural landscape have been run in the River Wieprza valley over last few years. It is a specific terrain due to its natural values, and also the stage of preservation of cultural landscape resources. It is characterized by cultural apposition - Slavic origin, medieval settlements based on German law and German influence in 19th and 20th century village building. The region of Nowy Tomyśl in Great Poland is an example of cultural landscape, created by colonization of 18th century Dutch settlers. In the place of stumped forest this homogeneous landscape structure was created which has lasted in an almost unchanged form until today. The research run at Pomerania and in Great Poland included identifica ion of cultural landscape resources, choice and character of the elements defining its specification, evaluation of the stage of preservation of characteristics and traditional forms and the study of landscape perception.
Architektura Krajobrazu; 2005, 1-2; 41-50
Pojawia się w:
Architektura Krajobrazu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problems of the identification and protection of contemporary cultural properties
Rozenau-Rybowicz, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Instytut Rozwoju Miast
contemporary cultural properties
cultural heritage
spatial planning
cultural property protection
Local Physical Plans
The necessity to protect contemporary cultural properties was implemented by the provisions of the Polish Law of Spatial Planning and Development of 2 March 2003. Lack of detailed provisions regarding that issue causes the necessity to introduce uniform principles of identification and protection of valuable landmarks. Our analysis of the cultural property definition and the examples of present planning solutions indicates the problems associated with the selection and protection of the objects that may constitute contemporary cultural properties.
Problemy Rozwoju Miast; 2010, 1; 101-114
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Rozwoju Miast
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kalita-Skwirzyńska, Kazimiera
Walkiewicz, Anna Małgorzata
Slowinski, Sławomir
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Bialogard is a small town in the central part of the voivodeship of Western Pomerania. It boasts of a centuries-old history, dating back to the Middle Ages, a well-defined town planning layout evolving from the early fourteenth century to the present day, and a complex and diversified development originating in the nineteenth and twentieth century; the two considerably older objects are the Gothic parish church and fragments of Gothic defensive walls, including the 'Wysoka' (Tall) Gate. During the Middle Ages, Bialogard was a ducal town with a castle erected on the spot of a Slavonic castle-town, rebuilt during the modern era for the purposes of an administrative seat. Only a few relics of the oldest buildings on Castle Hill have remained, as in the case of the burgher residences. The houses, destroyed by fires and wartime hostilities, were replaced upon numerous occasions, but the town-planning layout of the Old Town and the two suburbs: Karlinskie and Koszalinskie, has been retained. The traditional layout in Bialogard was expanded and partially transformed from the second half of the nineteenth century to the 1930s. The suburbs and new areas introduced into the city boundaries were filled with imposing town houses, villas, public utility objects, as well as industrial and non-residential buildings, frequently representing a high artistic rank, equal to that of the largest towns in Pomerania. The majority survived to our times, while the resources of historical residential development, demolished and transformed, continuously diminished. The appreciation shown for the value of cultural heritage by the present-day municipal authorities allows us to hope that the afore-mentioned adverse process will be halted. The town commissioned the Regional Centre for Monument Studies and Documentation in Szczecin to prepare a town-planning study focused on spatial development. Apart from an historical outline showing changes in the composition of the plan and buildings from the fourteenth to the twentieth century, the study in question characterised selected town-planning units, and proposed assorted principles of protecting town-planning premises, development complexes, individual buildings, and archaeological sites.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2006, 1; 5-26
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Krajobraz przedurbanizacyjny w przestrzeni współczesnego miasta. Uwagi o metodyce badawczej i praktyce planistycznej na przykładzie Wrocławia
Pre-urbanisation cityscape in the space of a modern city. Comments on research methodology and planning practice on the example of Wrocław
Kwaśniewski, A.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
ochrona krajobrazu kulturowego
planowanie przestrzenne
cultural landscape protection
spatial planning
Kluczowym problemem omawianym w artykule jest ochrona pozostałości przedurbanizacyjnego krajobrazu kulturowego na terenach miast. Autor zwraca uwagę na wartość struktur i elementów dawnych podmiejskich wsi w przestrzeni współczesnych miast. Stawia tezę, że kluczowe komponenty dawnego rozplanowania nie są ani należycie identyfikowane, ani waloryzowane – skutkiem czego ich ochrona jako obiektów dziedzictwa jest wybiórcza i powierzchowna. Postuluje konieczność skorygowania dotychczasowej teorii i praktyki postępowania zarówno w badaniach krajobrazu historycznego, jak też w praktyce ochrony zabytków i planowania przestrzennego. Tezy artykułu zostały zilustrowane przykładami z terenu Wrocławia.
The key problem discussed in this paper is the protection of the relic of pre-urbanized culturallandscape in urban areas. The author draws attention to the value of structures and elements of suburban villages in contemporary urban spaces. He argues that the key components of the former layout are neither well-identified nor valued – for this reason their protection is selective and superficial. The author believes that it is necessary to correct both the methodology of historical landscape research and the practice of cultural landscape, in particular the practice of spatial planning protection. The theses are illustrated by examples from the area of Wrocław.
Architectus; 2017, 2 (50); 73-86
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dziesięciolecie Ustawy o Ochronie Dóbr Kultury i o Muzeach
Malinowski, Kazimierz
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
ustawa o ochronie dóbr kultury i muzeach
Towarzystwo Opieki nad Zabytkami Przeszłości
powstanie służby konserwatorskiej
dobra kultury
It is namely this tenth year elapsing from the date on which The Cultural Property Protection and Museums Law has been passed in the Polish Seym that gave the author rise to write his article where he reminds that the above Law may be regarded as a consequence of the progressively, from the 18th century onward, growing respect for antiquities. At the same time the author points to the fact that this Law contains a number of provisions that are extending both scope of notions and range of activities in conservation and in museums in this country. From among the newly adopted conceptions to be emphasized here deserves the term „cultural property” but at the same the fact of retaining of the term „historical monument” with the use of which the Law determines the objects of cultural property that are recorded in museum inventories or in those kept by the Voivodship Conservators. As especially important the author considers the first article of the Law reading as follows: „The protection of cultural property is an obligation for the State and the duty of its citizens”. This basic statement is followed by all further provisions. Under the term „cultural property” also the modern objects are meant provided, hovewer, that they can prove important from the point of view of the nation’s cultural heritage and development of its culture. According to the author’s further reasoning the Law extends its legal protection also to battlefields and to sites connected with the Nazi persecutive actions during the last war, to objects of material culture, to monuments of nature, etc. While providing the possibility to act in many different ways the Law at the same time requires that the all conservation tre a tments be based on scientific assumptions. As a fu rther consequence of obligations that by the force of the Law in question were put on all citizens the following can be considered: the calling into being of advisory bodies supporting the Minister of Culture and Arts and those acting at Voivodship Conservators Offices; the provisions determining the use to be made of historical monuments as well as those settling the manner in which they should be made accessible to the public; or, finally, those dealing with their popularization and social contributions for the sake of their protection. The due attention has been devoted to individual collectors who were granted with a number of special privileges. What concerns museums it must be considered as appreciable that in addition to the term „museum” has been introduced that of „collection of exhibits” who are otherwise called the „museum objects”. As fully adequate as to its ability to characterize the museums practice is to be regarded a review of functions that should be performed by a museum; of them, of course, as the most important are to be considered those scientific and educational. However, it must also be stated that the ten-year experience has shown not only the advantages resulting of the Law under discussion, but also pointed to some failures the sources of which, according to the author’s opinion, must mainly be sought in the executive regulations. So, for example, as the author suggests, the Voivodship Conservators should be supplied with decisive powers while collaborating with the local authorities responsible for spatial development and townplanning; an ex officio recording of the movable monuments of the past should be made also more extensive, and especially in cases where they are kept under unfavourable conditions; obligatory practices should be introduced for persons graduating in movable monument conservation divisions a t the high schools; and, finally, much more care should be devoted to decisions concerning the cancelling the historical buildings in a Register of Historical Monuments and their demolishions. There is no doubt that provided that the more thorough consideration be paid to these decisions it would become possible to safeguard a considerable number of objects without any more serious disadvantages or burdens to national economy. Toward those demanding th a t serious alterations or amandments be introduced to the Cultural Property Protection and Museums Law the author of the present assumed a critical or even negative attitude as it is his view th at a document of such fundamental nature as a Law should be one sound enough and, thus all its provisions represent an obvious standard or even a habit governing the attitudes of the society. It is then only that it will be possible to hope th a t our cultural heritage might survive without any further losses.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1973, 2; 85-88
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wilanowski Park Kulturowy jako przykład ochrony i zarządzania krajobrazem kulturowym
Wilanow Cultural Park as an example of cultural landscape protection and management
Lewin, M. E.
Korzeń, K.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
park kulturowy
ochrona krajobrazu
zarządzanie krajobrazem
Wilanowski Park Kulturowy
cultural park
landscape perception
landscape management
Wilanow Cultural Park
In strategic planning documents of Warsaw long‐term social, economical and spatial development problems of the national heritage protection and revitalization is very important. It is connected with citizens needs as well as with European tendencies of city spaces planning, in which cultural and landscape values are taken into consideration in order to protect and emphasise city, regional or country identity. In both documents: the Warsaw development strategy and the study of condition and spatial development directions, there are the basic elements of the city heritage as well as the forms of protection and throwing to open to the public pointed out. A cultural park is such a new form of cultural heritage protection throwing the city heritage to open to the public. In 2004 some activities leading to Wilanów Cultural Park instituting were undertaken. The idea of Wilanów Cultural Park is to protect the Wilanów palace‐park complex, its branch noble residences in Ursynów Natolin, Gucin Gaj, Morysin, the Ursynów Scarp natural‐landscape complex, their surroundings and large‐scale landscape composition. Instituting Wilanów Cultural Park containing 1675 ha area will not only integrate elements of large‐scale Wilanów residences complex but also is going to enable better management of the area, which will cause its harmonic development.
Prace Komisji Krajobrazu Kulturowego; 2008, 10; 319-325
Pojawia się w:
Prace Komisji Krajobrazu Kulturowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Legal protection of cultural heritage properties in spanish state museums
Ławicka, Anna
Data publikacji:
Krajowy Ośrodek Badań i Dokumentacji Zabytków
protection of historical heritage
property of cultural interest
ochrona dziedzictwa historycznego
dobro kultury
Property of cultural interest is a pearl in the crown of the Spanish Historical Heritage, covered by the highest level of protection granted on the basis of both state-wide and autonomous law. State museums are institutions that not only take under their wing the most valuable properties, but they also constitute, as a whole, the property of cultural interest. This article aims to describe the legal structure of the historical heritage protection in Spain, define the place of the museum in this system, the tasks imposed on museums, as well as issues pertaining to their management.
Dobra kultury stanowią perłę w koronie Hiszpańskiego Dziedzictwa Historycznego, objętą najwyższym poziomem ochrony przyznawanym na gruncie prawa zarówno ogólnopaństwowego, jak i autonomicznego. Muzea państwowe stanowią instytucje nie tylko obejmujące pod swoimi skrzydłami najbardziej znaczące dziedzictwo kulturowe, ale same niejako całościowo są dobrem kultury. Artykuł ma na celu przybliżenie struktury prawa ochrony dziedzictwa historycznego w Hiszpanii, określenie miejsca muzeum w tym systemie, zadań stawianych przed muzeami, a także kwestii zarządzania nimi.
Muzealnictwo; 2018, 59; 48-53
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Legal regulations in the field of cultural heritage protection in Poland in the years 1944-1989 in terms of cultural security of the country
Landmann, T.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Wojsk Lądowych imienia generała Tadeusza Kościuszki
People’s Republic of Poland
cultural heritage
legal protection
The article attempts to analyze the meaning of legal regulations developed in the field of cultural heritage protection in the years 1944-1989. It has been argued that these years were markedly different in terms of law in the sphere of cultural heritage protection than the period between 1918 and 1939 analyzed by the author in another article. The author decided to refer to legal acts and literature in the form of elaborations and magazines in the field of monuments protection. The specificity of the chosen subject and problem required the choice of a scientific method in the form of legal acts analysis, supported by literature review. The presented information shows that the period between 1944 and 1989 was characterized by a different approach of the Polish authorities towards the issue of cultural heritage protection in comparison to the years 1918-1939. The mentioned protection had an instrumental character and was one of the political-ideological tools influencing the society. Furthermore, the growth of legal protection of cultural assets in the age of the PRL took place in the conditions of centralized administration that adopted the idea of social distribution of many such assets, which led to devastation of numerous immovable monuments and sometimes also the antique furnishings. All the introduced legal regulations required a thorough change and redefinition of the legal status after the political-structural transformation of 1989.
Zeszyty Naukowe / Wyższa Szkoła Oficerska Wojsk Lądowych im. gen. T. Kościuszki; 2017, 4; 88-102
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe / Wyższa Szkoła Oficerska Wojsk Lądowych im. gen. T. Kościuszki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cultural Property Protection in the Light of the New Law of FRG 2016
Soloshenko, V.
Data publikacji:
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Institute of World History
Germany, the Ministry of Culture and the media, law, cultural values, collections, museums, auctions, debate, illegal movement
Німеччина, Міністерство культури і ЗМІ, закон, культурні цінності, колекції, музеї, аукціони, дискусії, незаконне переміщення
Аналізується підготовка нового закону про захист культурних цінностей. Його обговорення та дискусії поставили серйозні проблеми перед урядом Німеччини, а також викликали гостру критику представників світу мистецтв. Зосереджена увага на підходах до важливого і складного у зв’язку з цим завдання запобігання незаконному переміщенню об’єктів культури, які належать до низки культурного надбання держави. Головною метою законопроекту є посилення захисту культурних цінностей та ефективної боротьби з незаконною торгівлею ними. Важливими є наміри Федерального уряду з об’єднання раніше існуючих законів у сфері охорони культурних цінностей в одному законі. Основними положеннями закону у новій редакції є захист від розпродажу за кордон колекцій державних музеїв, зокрема експонатів із приватного володіння, що зберігаються в музеях тимчасово. Підкреслено, що згідно чинного законодавства, у кожній федеральній землі твори мистецтва та інші культурні цінності, включаючи бібліотеки, повинні бути внесені до реєстру національних культурних цінностей. Ці предмети користуються пільгами при оподаткуванні, їх вивезення за межі країни потребує спеціального дозволу Міністерства внутрішніх справ ФРН, яке може бути обумовлено низкою обмежень і застережень. У статті наголошується, що XXI ст. поставило перед вченими та суспільством ФРН нові виклики  і завдання, які потребують оперативного, але виваженого підходу в  їх вирішенні.
Preparations for the adoption of the new Law on Cultural Values Protection, its discussion and debates, that seriously puzzled the German Government, and also caused acute criticism from the representatives of the world of art are analyzed. Attention is focused on approaches to the important and quite complex in this regard issue concerning preservation of illegal movement of cultural objects that belong to the cultural heritage of the state. The main purpose of the bill is to enhance the protection of cultural property and effectively combat the illicit trafficking of them. The intentions of the Federal Government to integrate pre-existing laws in the field of cultural values into one law are very important. The main principles of the law in the new edition are protection from being sold overseas collections of state museums, including exhibits from private ownership that are in museums temporarily. It is highlighted that under current legislation, in each federal state of art and other cultural treasures, including libraries, must be entered in the register of national cultural values. These items have privileges in taxation, their export outside Germany requires special permission from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Germany, which can be stipulated for a number of restrictions and reservations. In the article it is underlined that he XXI century has set new challenges and tasks for German scientists that require operational, but balanced approach in their solution.
Проблеми всесвітньої історії; 2016, 1; 199-212
Pojawia się w:
Проблеми всесвітньої історії
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Legal Regulations in the Field of Cultural Heritage Protection In Poland in the Years 1944-1989 in Terms of Cultural Security of the Country
Landmann, Tomasz.
Zeszyty Naukowe / Wyższa Szkoła Oficerska Wojsk Lądowych im. gen. T. Kościuszki 2017, nr 4, s. 88-102
Data publikacji:
Bezpieczeństwo kulturowe państwa
Ochrona zabytków
Artykuł z czasopisma wojskowego
Artykuł z czasopisma naukowego
Bibliografia, wykaz aktów prawnych na stronach 100-102.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
Turystyka wiejska jako czynnik ochrony dziedzictwa kulturowego w Hiszpanii i Portugalii
Rural tourism as a factor of cultural heritage protection in Spain and Portugal
Skoczek, M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Geografii i Studiów Regionalnych
In the countries of Western Europe, the development of rural tourism, primarily agro-tourism, began in the 1950s (France, Swirzerland) and the 1960s (Ireland, Great Britain, Austria, Italy). Initially, it was treated as one of the factors stimulating the economy of rural areas. It was assumed that this would lead to the creation of new sources of income for rural residents and the modernisation of technical infrastructure. Improving the living conditions in rural areas and increasing the number of jobs outside agriculture was expected to help lessen the scale of youth emigration to towns. It turned out, however, that people from other areas (the so-called new farmers nouveaux rureaux) took mare interest in the development of tourist facilities in rural areas than the indigenous population. Tourism developed mainly in areas with outstanding natural assets, attractive both for tourists and for incoming owners of accommodation facilities, who treated provision of tourist services as the main, and not subsidiary, source of income. Nonetheless, even in such areas the number of people emigrating to towns was much higher than the number of „nouveaux rureaux”. Depopulation of rural areas brought about the destruction of many old houses, which had been a significant component of the cultural landscape. The scheme to save historical monuments making up the world's cultural heritage, carried out under the auspices of UNESCO, has probably been one of the factors encouraging the local authorities to protect traditional architecture and preserving the traditional way of life, representing significant tourist assets of a particular location. In the 1990s, a new component appeared in in the EU programmes relating to the development of tourism in rural areas - protection of cultural heritage. More than twenty years' experience of Portugal and Spain in the implementation of various initiatives aimed to extend high-standard tourist facilities in rural areas prove that there is interest in such an offer among domestic and foreign tourists. The examples of creating new tourist facilities in the rural areas of Portugal and Spain, discussed in the paper, point to increased interest in using the residential resources of those areas while preserving the elements of traditional material and spiritual culture. People returning to northern Portugal and Galicia after many years' of economic emigration to the Western European countries have played an important role in transforming former farm buildings into tourist facilities. In the literature on rural tourism, a lot of attention is devoted to the role of women in organising tourists' stay, stressing in particular their efforts to ensure good conditions for rest and leisure. Interviews conducted by the author with the owners of new tourist facilities in the province of Segovia (Spain) indicate that it were women who were behind those projects and who accepted the bulk of responsibility, initially related to the refurbishment of buildings and later to the provision of tourist focilities. It seems justified to say that the shaping of indigenous tourist products drawing on the natural and cultural assets of the rural areas provides an opportunity to preserve or recreate many valuable objects of material culture and traditions, which the contemporary tourist seems to have interest in.
Prace i Studia Geograficzne; 2003, 32; 35-48
Pojawia się w:
Prace i Studia Geograficzne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zeidler, Kamil
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
przestępstwo przeciwko zabytkom
biegli z zakresu sztuki w postępowaniu karnym
obrót dziełami sztuki
międzynarodowy rynek sztuki
ochrona prawna dziedzictwa
przestępstwa na stanowiskach archeologicznych
An international conference on the penal law protection of cultural heritage, held in Gdańsk from 30 May to 1 June 2005, was organised by the Prosecutor’s Office of Appeal in Gdańsk under the patronage of the ministers of culture and justice. The two fundamental issues present in the papers and discussions were the inclusion of crimes against historical monuments into the penal code and the activity of art experts in penal procedure. Although the chief addressees of the conference were prosecutors, the event attracted numerous representatives of the world of science, the court system, the police, secular and Church services specialising in the protection of historical monuments as well as all persons interested in the topic. Many of the aspects of the conference were truly unprecedented – on the one hand, it witnessed an extensive exchange of experiences and views between representatives of the administration of justice and the conservation services; on the other hand, it gathered not only representatives of state organs but also scientists and Church subjects engaged in the protection of cultural heritage.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2005, 1; 113-115
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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