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Wyszukujesz frazę "concept," wg kryterium: Wszystkie pola

The concept of ‘rural’ as a psychosocial process: from concept attainment to concept unlearning
Dymitrow, Mirek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
concept attainment
concept retention
knowledge production
Realising that human geography has been defined less by its canonical works but rather by its canonical concepts, the current status of the concept ‘rural’ puts a question mark over progress in human geography in terms of how well we have been able to adapt knowledge to reciprocate with societal change at large. As one of the oldest geographical concepts still in widespread use, ‘rural’ stands in stark contrast to the immense changes encountered by the society during the last century, let alone decades. And while this problem has been approached both empirically and philosophically, not enough stress has been put on the cognitive and sociological processes that have governed the attainment and retention of ‘rural’ in science, and beyond. In this vein, the aim of this paper is to provide a structured argument for facilitating a view of ‘rural’ less as a geographical space and more as a concept purportedly thought to define such space by way of inculcation.
Quaestiones Geographicae; 2019, 38, 4; 15-28
Pojawia się w:
Quaestiones Geographicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A Knowledge Concept Map: Structured Concept Analysis from Systematic Literature Review
Sisson, Philip
Ryan, Julie J.C.H.
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Upowszechniająca Wiedzę i Naukę Cognitione
concept map
knowledge concept map
The purpose of this article is to present a mental model of knowledge as a concept map as an input to knowledge management (KM) investigations. This article’s extended knowledge concept map can serve as a resource where the investigation, development, or application of knowledge would be served with a broad mental model of knowledge. Previously unrelated concepts are related; knowledge concepts can sometimes be expressed as a range, i.e., certainty related states: view, opinion, sentiment, persuasion, belief, and conviction. Extrathesis is identified as a potential skill level higher than synthesis, and associated with the concepts: discovery, institution, insight (the event), revelation, or illumination that precedes innovation. Qualitative methods were used to gather and document concepts. System engineering and object analysis methods were applied to define and relate concepts. However, the theoretical sampling and theoretical saturation methods applied do not guarantee all appropriate concepts have been identified. Given the breadth, depth, and dimensionality of concepts of knowledge, later researchers may add additional concepts. This article provides evidence of additional things people know, an alternative to psychology’s acquaintanceship, understanding and placement of newer categorizations of knowledge in relation to older ones, and suggests that ranges for knowledge terms exist. This article extends the 2015 paper on this topic by: 1) taking a deeper look into epistemological terms and relationships, 2) providing contextual definitions, 3) suggesting extrathesis as an idea beyond synthesis, 4) updating the concept map; and 5) providing new insight on the overloaded knows including adding an eleventh know. It provides a much more solid basis for KM investigations than typical presentations, providing a broad understanding of knowledge that is beneficial.
Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation; 2017, 13, 3; 29-70
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The image-concept of Russia in the British mass media texts (2017-2019)
Posternyak, Ksenia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
linguistic imagology
linguistic conceptology
British media discourse
image-concept of state ‘Russia’
nominative field of the concept
structure of the concept, nominative
metaphorical value
associative components of the concept
The subject of this article are the linguistic means used to form the image-concept “Russia”. Corpus content analysis on the wide range material of the British print and electronic press for 2017-2019 is the base for constructing the nominative field with the core and near, far and final peripheries of image ”Russia”. The conceptual analysis revealed verbal means used for expansion of the concept volume and its component layers- metaphorical, nominative, evaluative and associative. These devices create the negative image-concept of state Russia in British public consciousness.
Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski; 2020, XI, 2; 95-106
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Лінгвосинергетична модель концепту
Linguosynergetic model of a concept
Молгамова (Molhamova), Лілія (Liliia)
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
структура концепту
concept structure
The article focuses on linguosynergetic aspects of a concept as a cardinal unit of the conceptual picture of the world. This notion is so far the central and most controversial concept of modern linguistics, characterized by ambiguity of its interpretation, which indicates the diversity of its features and properties. The research deals with the structure of a concept aiming at making up such a universal model which would cater for all aspects and peculiarities of concept in linguistics. We believe that any definition of the concept should be embedded in its structure and correlate with all its features and properties. We state that structuring the concept in the form of a linguosynergetic model highlights not only the characteristics of the “original”, the hierarchy of its components, but the change of modes of its existence due to the fact that linguosynergertics suggests unique language of concept investigation. Guided by the laws of synergetics, we have built an integral scientific linguistic-synergetic model of the concept. Using the categorical-conceptual apparatus of synergetics in linguistics, we explained the mechanisms of self-regulation of the concept as a spontaneous equipment of the structure of a homeostatic hierarchical complex organized open nonlinear system. During the study, we proved the fractality of the concept and came to the conclusion that the fractality of the concept is manifested in the self-similarity of its structural elements: lexical-semantic variants (microfractals) in the process of their functioning can grow indefinitely thematically and become more complicated (or, conversely, collapse), while leaving an organized form. Recursiveness (recurrence) is manifested at the level of content (repeating the topic) and at the level of its reflection (repeating the form of presentation of information). Each microfractal can function autonomously. At the same time, the property of selfsimilarity ensures the fulfillment of the law of unity in diversity and generates a holistic perception of the concept.
У статті розглядаються лінгвосинергетичні аспекти концепту як кардинальної одиниці концептуальної картини світу. Цей термін є центральним і найбільш суперечливим поняттям сучасної лінгвістики, що характеризується неоднозначністю його тлумачення і свідчить про різноманітність ознак і властивостей. Дослідження присвячене структуруванню концепту у вигляді універсальної моделі, яка б врахувала всі аспекти та особливості поняття в лінгвістиці. Ми вважаємо, що будь-яке визначення концепту має бути закладено в його структуру і співвідноситися з усіма його ознаками та властивостями. Ми стверджуємо, що структурування концепту у вигляді лінгвосинергетичної моделі висвітлює не лише характеристики «оригіналу», ієрархію його компонентів, а й зміну способів його існування через те, що лінгвосинергетика пропонує унікальну мову дослідження концепту. Керуючись законами синергетики, ми побудували цілісну наукову лінгвосинергетичну модель концепту. Зважаючи на той факт, що категоріальний апарат синергетики може бути застосований у лінгвосинергетиці за допомогою загально-метафоричного опису досліджуваних об’єктів, такі поняття синергетики як атрактор і фрактальність можуть виступати повноцінними інструментами лінгвістики та можуть бути застосованими при дослідженні концепту, бо мають справу з суто когнітивно-вербальними структурами. В атракторі розміщена найістотніша інформація й найважливіші смисли, які притягують і структурують смисли навколо себе. Це параметр управління, організуючий початок, сприятливий фактор самоорганизації системи, її переходу у новий, узгоджений, відносно стабільний стан. Фрактал – головний конструктор синергетики, явище масштабної інваріантності, коли наступні форми самоорганізації систем нагадують за своєю будовою попередні. Використовуючи категоріально-понятійний апарат синергетики в лінгвістиці, ми пояснили механізми саморегуляції концепту як спонтанного устаткування структури гомеостатичної ієрархічної складно організованої відкритої нелінійної системи. У ході дослідження ми довели фрактальність поняття та дійшли висновку, що фрактальність поняття проявляється у самоподібності його структурних елементів: лексико-семантичні варіанти (мікрофрактали) у процесі свого функціонування зростають необмежено тематично і ускладнюються (або, навпаки, руйнуються), залишаючи при цьому організовану форму. Рекурсивність (повторюваність) виявляється на рівні змісту (повторюється тема) й на рівні його відбиття (повторюється форма викладення інформації). Кожен мікрофрактал може функціонувати автономно. Водночас властивість самоподібності забезпечує виконання закону єдності в різноманітності та породжує цілісне сприйняття концепту.
Pomiędzy. Polonistyczno-Ukrainoznawcze Studia Naukowe; 2022, 6(3); 27-34
Pojawia się w:
Pomiędzy. Polonistyczno-Ukrainoznawcze Studia Naukowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Safety Concept for Football Matches
Struniawski, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Policji w Szczytnie
sports events
Organising football matches in Poland is currently a very important issue for the institutions and services responsible for security. The author, on the basis of his professional and scientific experience, has presented a concept of safety in this area. The article analyses in detail the organisational and legal solutions in force in Poland and selected European countries and assesses their effectiveness. The proposed concept provides for the development of organisational and functional requirements that would increase the level of safety during this type of sports events. Implementing the proposed solutions into the current law would enable a harmonised security system to be organised.
Internal Security; 2020, 12(2); 41-54
Pojawia się w:
Internal Security
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Indywidualizm jako pojęcie
Individualism as a Concept
Sieradzka-Baziur, Bożena
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
individualism (concept)
Omówione w artykule pojęcie indywidualizm odnosi się do podmiotowości funkcjonowania człowieka, zagadnień związanych z jego tożsamością i oznacza sposób myślenia oraz postępowania charakteryzujący się odmiennością i dystansem wobec poczynań ogółu. Zostało w nim pokazane przede wszystkim to, jak obecnie w języku polskim jest wyrażane pojęcie indywidualizm. Wyrazy i konstrukcje językowe, którymi posługuje się współczesny użytkownik języka w celu zwerbalizowania tego pojęcia, mieszczą się w obrębie takich kategorii semantycznych, jak: myślenie, działanie, wolność, samorealizacja, kontakty społeczne, odróżnianie się od innych. Rdzeń tego pojęcia stanowią wyrazy: indywidualizm, indywidualista – i są to leksemy, które reprezentują indywidualizm w sposób prototypowy. Synonimiczne określenia wyrazowe odnoszące się do indywidualizmu i będące w jego centrum to: ujednostkowienie, swój własny, oryginalny sposób istnienia. Inne elementy językowe, które mieszczą w sobie mniej lub bardziej te same sensy znaczeniowe i tworzą centrum tego pojęcia, to na przykład: moje ja, jednostka sama w sobie, bycie sobą. W artykule rozważano między innymi zagadnienie dotyczące tego, w jakim stopniu na przestrzeni dziejów istota ludzka mogła korzystać z prawa do kształtowania swojego losu. Zwrócono również uwagę na to, że indywidualizmem jest pielęgnowanie w sobie przekonania o wyjątkowości własnego sposobu myślenia i wynikającego z niego działania bez odbierania znaczenia temu, w jakim sposób myślą i działają inne osoby. Właściwie rozumiany indywidualizm jest wyrazem przekonania, że warto poświęcić swoje życie czemuś wielkiemu, szlachetnemu, i jest konceptualizowany przez użytkowników języka za pomocą różnorodnych określeń wartościujących, takich jak: prawdziwy człowiek, wybitna jednostka, bohater, a także: indywidualność czy wybitna indywidualność. Doskonałym wyrazem prawdziwego indywidualizmu człowieka są dzieła literackie, muzyczne, malarskie, a użytkownicy języka określają wielkiego artystę mianem indywidualności twórczej. Fałszywy indywidualizm jest wynikiem egocentryzmu i prowadzi do alienacji jednostki, mając negatywne konsekwencje dla pojedynczego człowieka i dla społeczeństwa.
The article discusses the concept of individualism, referring to the subjectivity of human functioning, issues connected with their identity as well as a manner of thinking and behaving, characterised by otherness and distance from the actions of the community. First of all, the article presents how the concept of individualism is currently expressed in Polish language. Words and linguistic structures which are chosen by a contemporary language user in order to verbalise this concept are included within such semantic categories as: thinking, action, freedom, self-fulfilment, social contacts, and distinguishing oneself from other people. The core of this concept is constituted by the following words: individualism and individualist, which are the lexemes that represent individualism in a prototypical manner. The synonymous words relating to individualism and being at its centre are: individualisation, one's own, unique way of being. Other linguistic elements, which include the same meanings, to a greater or lesser degree, and create the centre of this concept, are: my self, an individual oneself and being oneself. The article also covers the issue concerning the extent to which a human being could have exercised the right to shape one's own destiny in the course of the history of humankind. The study also emphasises that individualism means fostering one’s belief in the uniqueness of one's own way of thinking and the resulting actions, without diminishing the importance of the way other people think and act. Individualism understood properly is the expression of the belief that it is worthwhile to devote one's life to something great, noble and it is conceptualised by the language users with a variety of evaluative terms such as: a real human being, an outstanding individual, a hero, as well as a personality and an outstanding personality. Literary works, music, paintings are the perfect expression of true human individuality, while a great artist is often described as a creative individual by the language users. False individualism is the result of egocentrism and leads to the alienation of an individual, with negative consequences both for a single human and the society.
Horyzonty Wychowania; 2013, 12, 24; 17-35
Pojawia się w:
Horyzonty Wychowania
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A comprehensive survey on formal concept analysis, its research trends and applications
Singh, P. K.
Aswani Kumar, C.
Gani, A.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Oficyna Wydawnicza
concept lattice
formal concept analysis
formal concept
formal context
Galois connection
krata pojęć
formalna analiza koncepcji
koneksja Galois
In recent years, FCA has received significant attention from research communities of various fields. Further, the theory of FCA is being extended into different frontiers and augmented with other knowledge representation frameworks. In this backdrop, this paper aims to provide an understanding of the necessary mathematical background for each extension of FCA like FCA with granular computing, a fuzzy setting, interval-valued, possibility theory, triadic, factor concepts and handling incomplete data. Subsequently, the paper illustrates emerging trends for each extension with applications. To this end, we summarize more than 350 recent (published after 2011) research papers indexed in Google Scholar, IEEE Xplore, ScienceDirect, Scopus, SpringerLink, and a few authoritative fundamental papers.
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science; 2016, 26, 2; 495-516
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Concept Approximations Based on Rough Sets and Similarity Measures
Saquer, J.
Deogun, J. S.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Oficyna Wydawnicza
mierzenie podobieństwa
pojęcie aproksymacji
formal concept analysis
similarity measures
rough sets
concept approximation
The formal concept analysis gives a mathematical definition of a formal concept. However, in many real-life applications, the problem under investigation cannot be described by formal concepts. Such concepts are called the non-definable concepts (Saquer and Deogun, 2000b). The process of finding formal concepts that best describe non-definable concepts is called the concept approximation. In this paper, we present two different approaches to the concept approximation. The first approach is based on rough set theory while the other is based on a similarity measure. We present algorithms for the two approaches.
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science; 2001, 11, 3; 655-674
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Реализация концепта „доверие/недоверие” в контексте польско-российских отношений (на материале статьи газеты „Gazeta Polska”)
Lukianov, Dmitrii
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki w Bydgoszczy. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
Russian Polish relationship
concept „Russia”
concept „trust”
linguocultural analysis
In order to get closer to the answer to the question whether Russians and Poles trust each other, the author of this research resorts to linguocultural analysis. Based on the article Gazeta Polska the author attempts to find out how close the concept of Russia and the concept of trust could be. By analysing the linguistic units and means used in the article, the author comes to the conclusion that the concepts of Russia and trust do not overlap within the discourse of this newspaper. This conclusion is drawn from the fact that in the Gazeta Polska article the concept of Russia is concentrated around negative evaluative components. In addition, the author finds that the language units and techniques used in the text of the article are intended to arouse feelings of fear as well as emotions of indignation, outrage and disagreement in the reader.
Heteroglossia- studia kulturoznawczo-filologiczne; 2021, 11; 191-203
Pojawia się w:
Heteroglossia- studia kulturoznawczo-filologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Adolescent school-related self-concept in relation to adolescent personality
Ďuricová, Lenka
Lukáčová, Lucia
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
self-concept of ability
fear of social consequences
The aim of our study was to examine adolescent personality in relation to the adolescent school-related self-concept, in particular to its cognitive aspect according to W.U. Meyer’s conception. In addition to selected personality dimensions, our paper focuses also on gender relations of the adolescent school-related self-concept. The research sample was made up of grammar school and university students (N = 100). The five-factor model of personality NEO-FFI (P.T. Costa, R.R. McCrae) and SCEA-M questionnaire (U. Engler, W.U. Meyer) were used as research tools. The results show a statistically significant relationship between neuroticism and fear of social consequences. There is also a statistically significant relationship between conscientiousness and the self-concept of ability. Statistically significant gender differences in favour of women appear in the dimension of fear of social consequences.
The New Educational Review; 2016, 43; 263-273
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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