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Wyszukujesz frazę "The Castle" wg kryterium: Wszystkie pola

Kafle z zamku w Dubiecku : z problematyki badawczej i konserwatorskiej zabytkowego założenia pałacowo-parkowego w Dubiecku
Frazik, Józef Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
zamek w Dubieniecku
zamek w Dubiecku
kafle z Dubiecka
The Neo-classical palace in Dubiecko, in course of the later reconstructions greatly deprived of its original style features, for good many years did not awake interests of conservators and art historians neither. It was mainly known as the birth-place of Ignatius Krasicki, Polish poet of the second half of the 18th century. Owing to on-the- spot researches carried out in 1965— 1966 built into the walls and within the porch area a considerable both as to their number and size quantity of the above-ground level walls have been discovered and also a series of earth-swamped cellars and foundations going back to the Renaissance time. Using technological method the author was able to select in this object several architectural stages of which most interesting are the two oldest ones. As the first should be named here the early Renaissance stage of castellum erected in the mid-century by Stanislaus Matthew Stadnicki. It has been built on a square plan with a courtyard within it. During the second stage, on the turn of the 16th century, s e veral construction works were carried out by Stanislaus and George Krasicki. It was the time when the following were built: so called treasury, courtyard cloisters and those adjacent to the castle, while in the park an ample mansion of bricks, so called „Krasiczynek”, playing the part of a garden belvedere. In connection with the above-mentioned two stages remain the tiles which have been found in form of several hundreds of fragments varying considerably as to their sizes. Of particular interest are the tiles discovered under the treasury flooring. With few exceptions they form a coherent set of samples with regard to their forms, style and technology of make. The set consists mostly of enormously large, perfectly proportioned and scarcely decorated tiles which at the same time exhibit high precision of their make and are, as a rule, totally deprived of glazing; instead they show some barely perceptible traces of lime engobe and vermillion paint grounding. In general they come from the mid-sixteenth century and seem to be once components of an early Renaissance stove which presumably was not free of the late Gothic reminiscences in its styling. From the fragments on hand it is possible to assume that the stove was composed of at least two fire-boxes the lower of whom was adorned with coat-of-arms escutcheons while the sto v e ’s top trimmed with two coronets. Both the sizes of fully set together tiles and the number of pieces with considerable decrements provide the evidence that the stove must have been rather big one as to its size. In a coherent set of tiles coming from the above-mentioned stove quite a small group of fragments might be isolated dating as far back as to the second half of the 16th century; they are coated with green-coloured glazing, some of them with no glazing at all, and decorated with a central motive of rosette. In addition, a group of multi-colour tiles from the turn of the 16th century was found having continuous decorative motives. From among the tiles dug out of the debris swamping the damaged cellars of that what once was the south wing of the castle deserve special attention fragments of a late-Gothic, probably 16th century tile ornated with the open-work tracery front wall glazed in green. The 1965 and 1966 examinations are to be handled as preliminaries to a series of intended large-scale researches. It is expected that their full realization should, apart from discovering of unknown architectural fragments, result in finding of further, by no means less valuable tiles. Those found and properly preserved should be exposed in a biographical museum whose three rooms are entirely devoted to the memory of Ignatius Krasicki. This museum has been called into being as the branch of the existing Przemyśl Regional Museum which was organized with a considerable support given by the Hardboard Factory, Przemyśl who are using the palace together with the surrounding monumental park as a recreational centre for their workers.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1970, 4; 294-302
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Technologiczna analiza późnogotyckich i renesansowych kafli z zamku w Dubiecku
Wirska-Parachoniak, Maria
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
kafle z Dubiecka
skład masy ceramicznej
struktura kafli
pomiary planimetryczne
podwójne wypiekanie płytek
Fragments of selected 10 Gothic and Renaissance tiles coming from the Dubiecko castle area were subjected to technological investigations aimed at achieving the characteristics of material from which the tiles were manufactured and also establishing the approximate features of their make. To determine the raw material of the pottery mass samples were taken for macroscopic examination and the nicol observations including the planimetrie measurements. The above examinations have shown that clay used for the tile manufacture in most cases w'as fairly homogeneous with considerable content of fin e - grained, primary non-plastic components. This could be handled as an indication that, although the production of tiles covered a relatively wide span of t ime, for their manufacture local resources of raw materials were used. As an artificial non-plastic admixture 20 to 27 per cent of sifted quartz grit (no grains of more than 500 u mesh have been found) together with pottery (chamotte) cullet was used; however, no traces of cullet were found in one sample denoted „B-5”. Further, it has been found that some decorative e le ments were formed using the potter’s wheel which the fact has been clearly reflected through the direction of material’s inner pattern in some samples (in particular of that in sample marked A-3). In order to determine the maximum temperature at which the tiles were baked the samples cut out from greater units were subjected to dilatometric measurements allowing to settle their caking point in accordance with the original maximum temperature of product baking. In addition, a thermic differential analysis was applied by means of the curve tracing, recording the changes occurring in substance as result of heat absorbtion or emission (with possible effects only above the temperature to which the sample has originally been heated). The investigations conducted have shown that the temperatures at which the tiles were baked varied from 850°C to 1020°C.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1970, 4; 303-310
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Fotogrametryczna rekonstrukcja Wieży Władysławowskiej Zamku Królewskiego w Warszawie
Godlewski, Mieczysław
Kanclerz, Teresa
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Wieża Władysławowska Zamku Królewskiego
fotogrametryczna rekonstrukcja obiektu
model stereoskopowy
A re c o n s tru c tio n of th e n o t e x is tin g a rc h ite c tu ra l ob ject re q u ire s th a t, ab ove th e all, th e g re a te s t possible n um b e r of illu s tra tiv e m a te ria l be collected allowin g to rep ro d u c e th e w h o le a n d its most fin e details. While s ta rtin g th e w o rk on th e design d o c um en ta tio n fo r th e Royal C a stle to re c o n s tru c t th e King L ad islau s IV ’s T owe r th e a u th o rs of th e p re s e n t ap p lied th e p h o to - g ram m e tric method. As is w id e ly k n ow n it is th e p h o to g ram m e try th a t m ak e s it possible to rep ro d u c e b o th sh ap e an d size of a n a rc h ite c tu ra l ob je c t b a sin g on p h o to g rap h s a llow in g to b u ild th e stereoscopic model of a giv en solid. T he basic fe a tu re e n ab lin g to a chieve th e sp a tia l model co n sists in ta k in g tw o p h o to g rap h s of th e same o b ject from th e tw o d iffe re n t p o in ts p ro v id ed , h owever, th a t th e d is tan c e b e tw e en th e s e tw o s ta tio n s of c am e ra (phototheodolite) m u s t am o u n t to 1/4 u p to 1/10 of th a t b e tw e en th e s ta tio n s an d th e o b je c t p h o to g rap h ed . The lin e on w h ich in a giv en p o in t (base) is p la c e d th e c am e ra in mo st in s ta n c e s is one p a ra lle l to th e fro n t p la n e of th e o b je c t w h e re a s th e d is tan c e in m e tre s u su a lly co n s titu te s a basic e lem en t fo r m e a s u ring of sp a tia l co -o rd in a te s th a t in tu rn m ak e it possible to p re p a r e a sp a tia l model. The above p h o to g ram m e tric model of a n o b je c t can b e a ch iev ed in an y scale b o th by an a ly tic m e th o d an d th a t usin g special com p u ta tio n s mad e on th e p u n ch e d ta p e machine. On th e basis of a rc h iv a l p h o to g rap h s an d making th e use of p o ssib ilitie s to p re p a re th e sp a tia l models an analog model w a s b u ilt of th e K in g L ad islau s IV ’s Tower fo rmin g a p a r t of W a rs aw ’s Royal Castle. A fte r th e se ttin g of p rin c ip a l p o in t of im ag e an d c a lcu la tin g th e d istan c e s b e tw e en c am e ra s a n d th e object it b e came possible to p re p a re a lin e a r d raw in g of th e tow e r co n stitu tin g a tru e re p re s e n ta tio n of e x te rn a l forms an d m e a su rem e n ts w h ich a re in accordance w ith th e ad o p ted scale of th e w h o le e lab o ra tio n . This high pre c isio n lin e a r d raw in g p e rm itte d to fin d a n um b e r of im p o rta n t a rc h ite c tu ra l d e ta ils as, fo r in stan c e , th e s itu a tio n s of b a ck h an d s, th e .h e ig h ts of cornices or th e p ro je c tio n of luc a rn e . The p h o to g ram m e tric re p re s e n ta tio n of th e King L ad islau s IV ’s T owe r has proved b o th high degree of ap p lic ab ility an d u sefu len ess of th a t m e th o d w h en used for reb u ild in g of a rc h ite c tu ra l o bjects. Th e P h o to g ram m e tric Section of Warsaw Geodetic M e a su rem en t Company h a s a lre a d y u n d e rta k e n th e p h o to g ram m e tric re c o n s tru c tio n of th e dome once co v e rin g th e C a stle ’s main, i.e. th e King Sigism u n d u s ’ Tower.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1973, 1; 57-62
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Odbudowa Zamku Królewskiego w Warszawie (Prace Komisji Architektoniczno-Konserwatorskiej Obywatelskiego Komitetu Odbudowy Zamku Królewskiego w Warszawie)
Zachwatowicz, Jan
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
odbudowa Zamku Królewskiego
Obywatelski Komitet Odbudowy Zamku Królewskiego
wytyczne kompletnej odbudowy Zamku w Warszawie
Wieża Grodzka
Pro b lem s co nnected w ith re co n s tru c tio n of W a rs aw ’s Royal Castle co n stitu tin g a m o n um en t of P o lish c u ltu r e a re d e a lt w ith by th e a u th o r from th e p o in t of view of A rc h ite c tu ra l R e sto ra tio n Section, one of those ac tin g w ith in th e N a tio n a l Committee fo r R e c o n stru c tion. T h e re can n o t be an y d o u b t to d ay th a t th e m o tiv a tio n s lead in g to decision to s ta r t th e C a s tle ’s r e co n stru c tio n a fte r tw e n ty e ig h t y e a rs th a t e lap s ed from th e en d of th e World War II an d tw e n ty y e a rs a fte r reb u ild in g of th e Old Town S e ttin g h av e b e en wid e ly echoed among th e Poles b o th liv in g in th e ir n a tiv e c o u n try an d abroad. I t should, however, be b o rn e in min d th a t th e re b u ild in g of th e Royal Castle c an in no w ay be co nsidered as a simple re co n s tru c tio n of some k in d of a fu ll-s c a le mo d el of a d e stru c te d a rc h ite c tu ra l object. Of th e o rig in a l b u ild in g w e re p re s e rv ed co n sid e rab le p o rtio n s of its fo u n d a tio n s, of w a lls th a t su rv iv ed in situ an d also huge amo u n ts of stone elem en ts, a rc h ite c tu ra l an d s c u lp tu ra l decorations as w e ll as th o se belo n g in g to a rc h ite c tu ra l o u tfit of its in te rio rs an d , fin a lly , of pieces in its fo rm e r life tim e fo rmin g its m o v ab le e q u ip m e n t as, fo r in s tan c e , th e p a in tin g s , fu rn itu r e , sc u lp tu re s , bronzes an d th e like. T h u s th e w hole p ro je c t m ay be de sc rib ed a s th a t p a r tia lly re s to ra tiv e a n d co n se rv a tin g in its c h a ra c te r. Th e comp lex ity of h is to ric a l processes by w h ich th e a rc h ite c tu ra l forms of th is o b je c t w e re sh ap ed re q u ir es th a t a ran g e of th e d e e p -ra n g in g s tu d ie s a n d s u r veys be mad e to achieve th e ir re s titu tio n in fo rms th a t would be in fu ll a c co rd an ce w ith th e b u ild in g ’s o rig in a l c h a ra c te r. At th e same time d u rin g th e course of reb u ild in g m u s t also be k e p t b e fo re th e eyes th e C a s tle ’s fu tu re social fu n c tio n s of w hich th e fa c t a need a rise s to in tro d u c e a ra n g e of new eq u ipm e n t a n d in s ta lla tio n s upon whom w ill g re a tly dep en d th e smooth a n d p ro p e r fu n c tio n in g of th e e n tire b u ild in g . With th is im men se a n d ex c ep tio n a lly ta sk w e re e n tru s te d b o th th e A rc h ite c tu ra l R e sto ra tio n Section of th e N a tio n a l Committee fo r Re co nstru c tio n a n d a s ta te -ow n e d Comp an y k n ow n as A te lie rs fo r C o n se rv a tio n of C u ltu ra l P ro p e rty being th e chief co n tra c to r. The ra n g e of ta sk s fo r w h ich w as mad e re sp o n sib le th e Section alone comp rised th e outlin in g of a rc h ite c tu ra l an d re s to ra tiv e me a su re s, th e p re p a rin g of p ro g ram m a tic an d fu n c tio n a l p rin c ip le s, th e considering an d ap p ro v in g of a rc h ite c tu ra l designs, of e lab o ra tio n s co v e rin g th e p ro b lems of re c o n s tru c tio n an d also m a k in g of decisions concerning th e m a te ria ls re q u ire d an d basic technical problems. A lre ad y considered w e re th e o u tlin e s a n d proposals as to th e b u ild in g ’s a rc h ite c tu ra l solid, its a rc h ite c tu ra l o u tfit an d sev e ra l te ch n ic a l in s ta lla tio n s w ith w hich th e o b ject w ill be pro v id ed . Wh a t co ncerns th e Ca stle ’s su rro u n d in g it has b e en s ta te d th a t th e C a stle Sq u a re will re q u ire some am o u n t of a lte ra tio n s a n d corrections of its p re s en t fo rms, an d e specially in th e im med ia te v ic in ity of th e Castle itse lf, ju s t lik e as of e sc a rpm en ts on th e side of th e E a st-W e st T h o ro u g h fa re an d th e te rra c e s closing to th e V istu la R iv e r b an k s. A fte r considering of pro p o sals su bm itte d th e p ro g ram m e h a s b e en a ccepted a t a P le n a ry Meeting of th e N a tio n a l Committee fo r R e co n stru c tio n of th e Royal Ca stle w h ich w a s h e ld on J u n e 30, 1971. The p re p a ra tio n of a d e ta iled design w a s connected w ith a g re a t deal of d ifficu ltie s as, among th e others, those re la tin g to an a p p ro p ria te sitin g of se rv ic e rooms an d fa c ilitie s in th e re b u ilt Castle w hich, a p a r t from its fu tu re re p re s e n ta tiv e fu n c tio n s, w ill also house a Museum. A n um b e r of serious p ro b lem s w e re e n co u n te red wh ile p re p a rin g th e p lan s of c e n tra l h e a tin g , a ir-c o n d itio n in g an d v e n tila tio n . The w o rk s on th e sketch design solutions h a d to be c a rrie d o u t p a ra le lly as th e d eadlock for th e ir completion w a s se t on Novemb e r 30, 1971. To fin ish th e w o rk acco rd in g to tim e -ta b le th e d esig n ers of v a rio u s sp e c ia lisa tio n s h a d to devote a m ax im um of th e ir effort. However, th e ir p u n c tu a lity made it possible to s ta r t th e w o rk s on th e b uilding site w ith in a p la n n ed time. The to ta lly fin ish ed in its raw sta te sh e ll of Royal Castle, in c lu d in g th e roofs on its towers, w ill be re ad y on Ju ly 22, 1974. Both ra n g e an d scale of co n stru c tio n an d re s to ra tio n w o rk s c a rrie d out on th e h is to ric a l re sid en c e of th e Polish Kings may be d escrib ed as those gigantic. A good d eal of time w ill be re q u ired to complete th e o utfit of its rooms w h e re n um e ro u s h ig h -p re c isio n an d tim e consuming c ab in e t m a k e r’s, p la s te r e r ’s, b ra z ie r’s an d p a in te r ’s w o rk s a re to be executed.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1973, 1; 13-20
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prace na Zamku Królewskim w dobie Księstwa Warszawskiego
Łysiak, Waldemar
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Zamek Królewski w okresie Księstwa Warszawskiego
zniszczenia na Zamku w okresie Księstwa Warszawskiego
Rada Stanu Księstwa Warszawskiego
inwentaryzacja wyposażenia Zamku 1808
Hilary Szpilowski
Henryk Minter
Hołd Pruski
przebudowa Kaplicy Saskiej
projekt pomnika Napoleona
On th e basis of th e p re s e rv e d w ritte n reco rd s an d illu s tra tiv e sources th e a u th o r of th e p re s e n t a rtic le is dealing w ith co n stru c tio n a n d re s to ra tio n w o rk s th a t w e re c a rried out in W a rs aw ’s Royal Castle d u rin g th e pe rio d of th e Duchy of Warsaw. In th e y e a rs 1808—1812 a wide scope of w o rk s w e re ex e cu ted a n d also th e p la n s p re p a re d covering th e re co n s tru c tio n an d e x ten sio n s of c e rta in p o rtio n s of th e C a stle ’s complex as w e ll as of its most close su rro u n d in g s. When in 1806 th e d e v a s ta te d Castle w a s re cov e red from th e P ru s s ia n h an d s th a t fa c t was of u tm o st im p o rtan c e fo r th e e n tire Polish people. The aim of w o rk s u n d e rta k e n consisted in rem o v in g of all in a p p ro p ria te reb u id in g s an d d ev a sta tio n s th a t h av e been b ro u g h t to th is a rc h ite c tu ra l m o n um en t being th e fo rm e r residence of th e P o lish Kings. Basing on comparisons m ad e w ith th e s ta te from th e la s t y e a rs of King S ta n islau s A u g u s tu s ’ reign a lot of in v en to ry in g su rv ey s (m e a su rem en ts an d d e sc rip tions) an d also of co n stru c tio n , co n se rv a tio n an d d e co ra tio n (both designs an d re a liz a tio n s) w e re c a rried out. Though th e fin an c ia l m e an s from th e s ta te tre a su ry w e re r a th e r scarce i t w a s in te n d e d by th o se concerned to b rin g th e Royal Castle as e a rly as possible to its o rig in a l glamour. As those su p e rv isin g th e co n se rv a tio n an d re c o n s tru c tio n a re to be m en tio n ed tw o Polish a rch ite c ts , n am e ly W. H. M in te r a n d H. Szpilowski. The c o n s e rv a tio n w o rk s co v ered th e re p a irs of roofs, stoves an d firep la c e s, th o se m ad e in rooms s itu a te d in th e b u ild in g ’s e a st wing, th e S e n a to r s ’ Hall an d s.o. No less c a re w a s devoted to in te rio r d eco ra tio n s an d o rn a m e n ta tio n s w h e re th e ex is tin g p a in tin g s w e re su b je c te d to re s to ra tio n or th e sets of n ew ones w e re e x e c u te d w h e re a s th e w a ll d e co ra tio n s an d fu rn itu r e w e re also re sto red . Of a n um b e r of more in te re s tin g , th o u g h n o t re a liz ed designs th a t w e re p re p a re d by a rc h ite c t W. H. M in te r should be listed h e re th is covering th e re c o n s tru c tio n of th e so c alled S ax o n C h ap e l an d th a t of e re c tio n of w o o d -b u ilt s ta irs le ad in g to th e Castle site an d also b rin g in g to o rd e r of sites closing to th e Vistula R iv e r w h e re a n um b e r of te rra c e s w e re designed. H. Szpilowski p re p a re d a design fo r co rre c tio n of th e Ca stle S q u a re w hich p ro v id ed fo r demolition of n e ig h b o u rin g b u ild in g s to open a w id e r view to th e Castle itse lf. As some k in d of cu rio sity may h e re be q u o ted th e design of th e m o n um en t fo r Napoleon I w ith w ith h ad to be a d o rn ed th e S e n a to r s ’ Hall.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1973, 1; 21-28
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Udział Muzeum Narodowego w dziele ratowania Zamku Królewskiego w Warszawie
Lorentz, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
dr Jadwiga Przeworska
ratowanie dóbr kultury Warszawy
akcja ochrony Zamku Królewskiego
ratowanie zbiorów Zamku Królewskiego
Komisariat Ratowania Zabytków
zniszczenie Zamku Królewskiego
Muzeum Narodowe ratuje Zamek Królewski
The a u th o r, who fo r se v e ra l decades is k e ep in g th e po st of d ire c to r of th e N a tio n a l Museum, W a rsaw, h ad his a c tiv e p a r t in s a fe g u a rd in g of collections once housed in th e Royal Castle. On th e o u tb re a k of th e Second World War b o th fu ll o u tf it a n d collections r e m a in ed in th e ir o rig in a l p la c e s a n d only on S e p tem b e r 6, 1939 w h en th e m em b e rs of Po lish g o v e rnm e n t an d adm in is tra tio n w e re le a v in g th e c a p ita l th e ir moet v a lu ab le p o rtio n s h av e b e en removed. D u rin g th e siege of W arsaw, i.e. u n til S e p tem b e r 28, 1939 th e Royal Castle as an in v a lu a b le m o n um en t of th e Polish cu ltu re was used n o r a s a m ilita ry s tro n g hold n e ith e r as sto rin g p la c e fo r m ilita ry e q u ipm en t, weapons or amm u n itio n . Ev en th a t fa c t, h owever, did not p re v e n t th e nazi troops from h e av y b om b a rdm en ts b o th from a ir an d by a rtille ry an d th e Castle sh a re d th e fa te s of th e o th e r W a rs aw ’s „m ilita ry ” ta rg e ts th e list of whom w a s composed of ch u rch e s, mu seums, schools an d hospitals. In S e p tem b e r 1939 a g re a t d e a l of e ffo rts a im ed a t sa feg u a rd in g of c u ltu ra l p ro p e r ty bein g th e n a tio n ’s h is to ric a l m o n um en ts w e re sh a re d by th e employees of th e N a tio n a l Museum in th is city. When on S e p tem b e r 17, 1939 th e b u ild in g w a s s e t in fire as a re s u lt of one of consecutive b om b a rdm e n ts to its re scu e w e n t th e w o rk in g te am s from th e N a tio n a l Museum a c tin g side by side w ith fire -b rig a d e s a n d th e h u n d re d s of civ ilian s from th e Old Town q u a rte r. S te fa n S ta r z y ń ski, th e n th e Mayor of W a rsaw s e n t a gro u p of tru c k s fo r tra n sp o rta tio n of collections p re s e rv e d from th e b u rn in g Castle. S ta rtin g from th e day of fire u n til th a t on w h ich th e nazi tro o p s e n te re d th e s tre e ts of W a rsaw e v e ry n ig h t an d day w e re tra n sp o rte d to th e M u seum ’s c e lla rs a ll re lic s h av in g an y h is to ric a l v a lu e — th e ro y a l th ro n e , p a in tin g s b y C a n a le tto an d M. Baccia re lli, th o se ad o rn in g th e K n ig h ts ’ Hall, a collection of p o rtra its of th e Polish K ings from th e Ma rb le S tu d y , th e bronze b u ste s a n d h e ad s, th e p a in tin g s of th e Polish an d foreign m a s te rs , th e scu lp tu re s , ta p e s trie s, fu rn itu r e pieces, p e n d u la a n d clocks, b ro n zes and sev e ra l specimens of d e co ra tiv e a rt. On S e p tem b e r 20 to e x te n d th e a ction c a rrie d o u t b y th e Museum an d to m ak e it more e ffe c tiv e th e Mayor o rd e red th e fo r ma tio n of sp ecial te am s e n tru s te d w ith th e ta sk of s a feg u a rd in g of h is to ric a l m o n um e n ts an d c u ltu ra l p ro p e rty . The collections rem o v ed from th e Castle w e re c a re fu lly h id d en in th e Museum. So, for ex am p le , th e ro y a l th ro n e w a s co v e red w ith h e ap s of b u ild in g w a ste s a n d d ebris w h e re it safely su rv iv ed th e whole p e rio d of nazi occupation an d th e Wa rsaw Up risin g in 1944. A t th e en d of Octo b er 1939, w h e n th e h ig h e s t nazi a u th o ritie s mad e a decision to en tire ly d e stro y W a rs aw ’s Royal Castle an u n d e rg ro u n d gro u p of n e a rly a dozen Po lish a r t h is to ria n s an d a rc h ite c ts decided to u n d e rta k e th e s a feg u a rd in g of th e most v a lu a b le e le m en ts of in te rio r d e co ra tio n s as th e p la fo n d s, f ire - p la c e s, doorways, scu lp tu re s a n d wainscots. They also in ten d e d to p re p a re th e sam p le cu ts an d sections of a rc h ite c tu ra l d e ta ils an d d e co ra tio n s as, fo r in s tan c e , th e cornices, stuccos, m u ra l p a in tin g s , to h av e p re s e rv ed th e m a te ria ls allowin g th e fu tu re re co n s tru c tio n . With th a t ta sk was e n tru s te d th e d ire c to r of th e N a tio n a l Museum, an d a lre a d y on November 5, 1939 th e s trip p in g h a s begun. The most complicated w o rk p ro v ed to be th e sa feg u a rd in g of a r c h ite c tu ra l fra gm en ts an d sc u lp tu re s ad o rn in g th e e lev a tio n s. The la rg e -siz ed stone blocks w e re h ew n o u t an d rem o v ed w h ich th e d an g e ro u s w o rk w a s su p p o rted by tam p e re d w ith o ffic ia l documents, of w hom th e tw o rep ro d u c ed h e re a re th e mo st convincing witnesses. In th e ir deep b e lie f th a t th e Royal Castle w ill be r e b u ilt in p o s t-w a r tim e s th e m em b e rs of th a t illegally o p e ra tin g te am c a re fu lly collected an d p re s e rv e d th e re sp e c tiv e d o cum en ta ry m a te ria ls as p lan s , d e sc rip tions or p h o to g rap h s. F u rth e rm o re , all m e a su re s ta k e n by nazi oc cu p an ts w e re co n stan tly w a tc h e d w ith th e aim in view th a t th e ro b b ed c u ltu ra l p ro p e rty could b e tra c ed more ea sily in p ro p e r time. In 1939 a n d in la te r y e a rs th e d e ta iled in v e n to rie s of th e all sa feg u a rd ed ob je c ts w e re p re p a re d an d w h e n e v e r th e po ssib ilities ex is ted th e y w e re su b je c ted to re s to ra tio n an d co n serv atio n . A p a r t of th e p re s e rv e d collections from W a rs aw ’s Royal Castle w a s d isp la y ed in e x h ib itio n title d „Warsaw a c cu ses” w h ich was in a u g u ra te d on May 3, 1945. The most v a lu a b le pieces w e re shown once ag a in in ex h ib itio n th a t w a s opened to p ublic on March 1, 1971. All th ey , owing to ex c ep tio n a l co u rag e a n d sacrificies of man y common people h av e su rv iv ed in w a r d is a ste rs an d a lre a d y in a few y e a rs w ill be p la c ed b a ck in W a rs aw ’s Royal Castle.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1973, 1; 3-12
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problematyka konserwatorska zamku krzyżackiego w Toruniu
Rymaszewski, Bohdan
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
zamek krzyżacki w Toruniu’
pokój toruński
konserwacja ruin
nowa funkcja obiektów zabytkowych
The Teutonic Knights’ Castle at Toruń was built on the bainlks of the Vistula River within the central portion of what in our times is known as historical urbain district, i.e. the former Old and New Town. The development o^ area constituting the former castle site 'became the first step in rehabilitation of that until recently neglected quarter which formed a territory excluded from the town’s every-day life. In the course of archaeological explorations that were carried out here in 1958—1966 the ruins of the ground floor of the main castle have been discovered and the decision was taken to exhibit them in the form of preserved ruin to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Second Toruń Peace Treaty signed between Poland and Teutonic Knights. The main castle building has been turned into enclosed museum space. The rebuilding of vaultings above the basement! allowed to gain a large space for display and all the elements from the level of ground floor upward have been subjected to conservation. At the same time the drainage system was provided and within the basement and casemate an electrical installation laid for illumination of display. For the “sound and light” effects are serving the floodlights and loudspeakers installed in the ground floor ruins. With the development of the main castle, forming a central portion of the entire complex, are tightly connected works aimed at bringing to order of the most close surroundings. After the cleaning of site the ground levelling has been carried out with adaptation of the separate levels for displaying the ruins and preserved parts. The adaptation of the castle’s surrounding to new functions as its main purpose has the development of tourist traffic (a cafeteria, souvenir kiosk, luggage store), of “sound and light” performances and the lighting of that area as well.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1974, 3; 184-192
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problemy konserwatorskie odbudowy i adaptacji zamku w Rydzynie
Kręglewska-Foksowicz, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Zamek w Rydzynie
spalenie zamku w Rydzynie
adaptacja zamku rydzyńskiego
Maria Jasicka
The Castle at Rydzyna that was burnt out at the end of hostilities in 1945 has, after many years, found its new owner. The main parts of its shell are dating as far back as to the eighties of the 17th century when it has been built for the Voivode Raphael Leszczyński With a simultaneous adaptation of me dieval layout coming from the early years of the 15th century. The modern castle erected prior to 1965 basing on architectural design prepared by the royal architect Giuseppe Simone Belotti as a four-wing building with an internal court and four corner towers formed probably the last in Poland link in the evolution chain of the Pcggio Reale version of Serliani. About 1700 the architect Pompeo Ferrari of Rome reconstructed the northern wing providing it with an oval-shaped vestibule; at the same time he rearranged the Ball Room situated in the first floor just above the vestibule. After the fire in 1707 and the abdication of the King Stanisław Leszczyński his land estates were, in 1738, purchased by Aleksander Józef Sułkowski. It was namely at that time that an architect invited from Silesia has rebuilt the burnt out western and southern portions of Castle, added the northern wall break with a stair case, shaped the roofs and partly also the facades. More representative and monumental as to their character forms to the outhouses designed by that Silesian architect were given in the 1780’s by the royal architect Ignatius Graff. In the great fire in 1945 totally demolished were the roofs and nearly all the ceilings with their most rich within the area of Great Poland seventeenth-century decorations executed by artists formerly working for the King John IHwhile adorning his summer residence at Wilanów near Warsaw. As a result of restoration the castle shell has been brought to the raw building condition in the 1950’s whereas the floors, windows and doors were provided a few years later. For many years no user could be found for the Castle as its adaptation to modern uses, in view of its enormous volume, was both too expensive and difficult. In 1969 the Association of Polish Mechanical Engineers declared their readiness to organize here a training centre and a home for the Association members devoting themselves to creative work. The basic design which was prepared by „Miastoprojekt” Designing Office, Poznań has been approved by all instances of the state conservation service and also by a commission assessing inv e stment projects. In the further phases, however, quite considerable changes were introduced to design, aimed at safeguarding of relics preserved from the medieval castle and at preparing of such an architectural solution of interiors that it could be possible, with more favourable conditions prevailing in the future, to carry out the full reconstruction of their decorations. The author of the present report has prepared a set of conservator’s outlines that in the form of architectural drawings were elaborated by the architect Witold Milewski. The new user has gradually approved the proposals presented to him and by his resigning of many modern audio-visual installations and equipment planned for the main representative rooms he provided the possibility of their full reconstruction according to 1:25 scale drawings which were prepared by the architect J. Filipiak. As a basis for that reconstruction served the pre-war photographs of interiors of the Castle and greatly helpful, too, proved the preserved drawing by J. Le Pautre of whose decorative motifs and patterns a broad use was made by the seventeenth-century designer of decorations in the Rydzyna Castle; to some extent as auxiliary and comparative materials were used also the photographs and drawings of architectural and decorative details to be found in the royal residence at Wilanów. However, it has been resigned of restoring of the eighteenth-century additions made by I. Graff who in place of paintings by Palloni has introduced the stucco and plaster of Paris adornments. The walls in the castle rooms w ill be covered with decorative style-patterned tapestries. Only in the so called Crystal Study the walls w ill be covered with wainscots and mirrors in accordance with old descriptions of that Castle. In Ball Room the ancient wooden colonnade, will be rebuilt however, with the use of new materials and techniques. The new user has also decided that the ancient park layout is to be recovered within the first, nearer to the Castle, part of devasted and deserted park; the other part, i.e. that on the other side of the transversally running fosse will be maintained in the form of a landscape park with its rich tree groupings that were formed here during the first half of the 19th century. While preparing the reconstruction of the park it was decided to adopt general forms created in the 18th century; the bastion-like outline w ill be restored to the island on which the Casttle is situated and on its western side it will be connected with the town of Rydzyna by means of a new, simple in its shape bridge which the connection w ill be in full accordance with an old townplanning concept of the King Stanisław Leszczyński. The reconstruction of park has been designed by the architect J. Szymański who prepared its outlines in a specialized division of the Ateliers for Conservation of Cultural Property, Wroclaw. All the historical surveys and studies serving as the basis for designing were prepared to order of J. Pic, the voivodship conservator, Poznań who approved all the until now prepared stages of design.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1974, 4; 255-267
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rewaloryzacja zamku w Blansku
Lacina, Lubor
Souchopová, Véra
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
zamek w Blansku
rewaloryzacja zamku Blansko
historia zamku w Blansku
The oldest historical monument of the town in Blansko is the castle, which developed from a fortified manor-house dating from the 14th century. The author presents the history of the manor-house and the estate of Blansko. The 16th century rebuilding of the manor-house changed its character tu r ning it into a fortified manor-house, which, in turn, was fu rth e r rebuilt in 19th — and 20th centuries. The latest rebuildings caused considerable deformations to the building. Therefore, when in 1958 they proceeded to its reconstruction, the first thing to do was to remove all the annexes. In this way the castle regained its Renaissance character. Gothic elements (e.g. the Round Tower) have been also preserved. Nowadays a museum and a library are situated in the castle. Electricity, water piping and sewerage have been laid on inside the building. Moreover, the park that surrounds the castle has been arranged till now and the approaches of the castle, where administrators live and municipal offices are located, are now being arranged.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1976, 3; 175-180
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Projekt adaptacji ruiny zamku ogrodzienieckiego dla potrzeb turystycznych
Łopatowa, Wanda
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
zamek ogrodzieński
adaptacja obiektu dla turystów
trasa zwiedzania zamku w Ogrodzieńcu
The author describes the project aimed i.a. at tracing tourist routes within the Castle, constructing premises for the guides, sanitation, booking office, porter’s lodge and also at organizing a lapidarium. The next problem discussed is that o f conservation technological solutions, e.g. the mode in which the courtyard has been prepared for tourist traffic. The sight-seeing route depicted as well, the author expounds the view that the project put into effect is consonant with the adopted conservators’ concept.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1977, 1-2; 46-48
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Trwała ruina zamku ogrodzienieckiego - próba adaptacji angielskiej szkoły konserwacji ruin
Gruszecki, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
angielska szkoła konserwacji ruin
adaptacja ruin
zamek w Ogrodzieńcu
funkcja turystyczna w ruinach
konserwacja zamku w Ogrodzieńcu
The English method o f the preservation o f ruins is discussed by the author against the background o f the work on conservation o f the remnants o f Ogrodzieniec Castle. In the case discussed, one had resigned from the picturesqueness o f the ruins, i.e. from the covering o f vegetation which they once had and removed it, the former Castle having been cleared o f rubble down to its original level. What was applied in conservation o f the coping of the walls was not, however, the old limestone used in England but rock-stone more resistant to Polish weather conditions. Moreover, no lawns were laid out in the original open level, the whole area concerned having been covered with concrete slabs with stones. Unlike in the English method, much attention was paid in the proceedings involved to exposition o f the ruins and their adjustment to tourist traffic. At the same time integrated archaeological, historical and architectonic research was initiated. Another essential aspect o f the conservation proceedings discussed was the tendency to make the ruins more ’’legible” by way o f separation o f the old material from the new in consonance with the principle that the old farms and material denote the historical parts and the new ones — new facilities intended for tourists. The castle sightseeing route has been provided with special surface, gangways, stairs, etc. It is also worth stressing that, in agreement with the Charter o f Venice, no reconstructed parts have been incorporated in the ruins discussed.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1977, 1-2; 31-44
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ badań archeologicznych i architektonicznych na konserwację zamku w Wiśniczu
Dworaczyński, Eligiusz
Niewalda, Waldemar
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
wpływ badań archeologicznych i architektonicznych na konserwację zamku w Wiśniczu
konserwacja zamku w Wiśniczu
zamek w Wiśniczu
Wiśnicz Nowy
badania zamku w Wiśniczu
fazy rozwoju zamku w Wiśniczu
The castle in Nowy Wiśnicz is one of the most imposing architectural monuments in Little Poland. It is situated on the top of a wide elevation which is part o f the Sub-Carpathian Hills. Castle buildings consist o f the main part, i.e. the palace, and of surrounding bastion fortifications laid out on a regular pentagon. Apart from a harmonous form the castle boasts a rich decor of ingeniously made architectural details. The oldest mention o f the castle dates back to the second half of the 14th century when a Jan Kmita left it in 1364 to his son. Since then until 1553 the castle was owned by the Kmitas, the most outstanding o f whom was Piotr, the last o f the line. In the years 1553—1593 the castle belonged to the Barzi family, who in turn sold it to Sebastian Lubomirski. His descendants were in possession of the castle till 1720. They were followed by the Potockis and the Zamoyskis. In 1901 the castle was bought by the Lubomirski Family Association and at present, as an example o f national culture, it is under the protection of the State. Ten years ago, with Professor Janusz Bogdanowski as the author, thorough complex investigations on the whole structure were undertaken and performed by specialistic laboratories o f the State Enterprise for Conservation of Art. Research works covered three basic subjects: the proper part o f the castle with Kmitówka (a ,,cekhaus”), bastion fortifications from the 18th century and Gothic- -cum-Renaissance fortifications uncovered in the outer courtyard, the major part o f which have been preserved till today. Their development and planned exposition made the core o f the article. In the first stage, until 1400, the castle played a role of knight’s watch-tower guarding the near travel route to Hungary. It consisted only o f a stone tower and defensive walls laid out on the plane o f a quadrangle. In the second stage, at the early 15th century, the castle was surrounded by a moat and castle dikes (ramparts) from the east, south and west. The area adjacent to the northern wall was encircled with a palisade forming the glacis. By the end of the 15th century, in the third and fourth stages, wooden buildings were erected at the foot of the castle. It was only in the fifth stage, at the beginning of the 16th century, that construction works were initiated in the foreground during which the rampart was heightened and end stone gates were put. The western gate has a form o f a horseshoe and its straight wall looks at the homesteads lying at the foot o f the castle. The western wall has four loop-holes, one o f which is for heavy weapons. Apart from the vestibule, the interior of the building has two vaulted halls in two tiers. The north gate looks similar, but it is more elongated. In the rounded outer wall there are three loop-holes for small arms. Gate openings of the two structures have semi-circular portals. The third rectangular gate building, linked with it by a wallcovered neck, was uncovered near to the northern gate. In the sixth stage (1515—1553) on the southern side of the castle’s foreground a military „cekhaus” , known as Kmitówka, with two terraces on its side, was built. The front wall of the building was reinforced with earth. The pallisade was partially replaced with defensive walls. Later on, on the northern slope of the elevation the so-called ,,big-eared” bastion was erected, whose task was to shield the gate and to control the road leading to the castle. In the beginning of the 17th century, when bastion fortifications were built, the earlier system of defence was partially pulled down and buried. The most interesting problem of conservation was to arrange western part of the view gallery, designed by Tylman von Gameren. Together with the archaeological reserve it constitutes the entity with great spectacular values. The reserve comprises the western gate building, part of the rampart adjacent to it including a terrace and stairs, a terrace brick-wall under the western part of the castle palisade and paving-stones in the 16th-century courtyard.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1981, 1-2; 19-28
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problemy techniczne związane z konserwacją malowideł ściennych w kaplicy Trójcy Św. na Zamku w Lublinie
Stawicki, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
konserwacja malowideł ściennych
kaplica Trójcy Św. na Zamku w Lublinie
Zamek w Lublinie
wypełnianie szczelin wewnątrz muru
kity i łaty wapienno-gipsowe i cementowe
usunięcie soli z powierzchni malowideł
The latest conservation of wall paintings carried out in the chapel of Holy Trinity in the castle in Lublin was the th ird one in succession. The first conservation works combined with a discovery of polychromy were made in 1917—1918 and in 1921—1923 and then again after nearly forty years (1956/57/59) by a team of conservators associated with a state-owned enterprise of monuments conservation workshops (Warsaw branch). The latest conservation works covering studies, experimental and technical operations lasted from 1972 to 1979; in 1976—1979 a complete conservation of paintings in the presbytery was carried out (including a removal of the saltings, putting of fresh p u tty and lime patches, injections, artistic and aesthetic solutions). Conservation works in the chapel brought to light at least five different technical measures. The first and basis technical intervetnion was the strengthening of the internal structure of the walls in the whole chapel (the nave and presbytery) in which there were various non-identified oriffices and deep cracks as well as open or closed caverns re sulting from faulty technical solutions (a Polish weft with an outer facing made from bricks filled with ru b ble and with a lime-cum-sand mortar). The elimination of the said oriffices and damages was done by means of flushes of liquid mortar having hydraulic properties, prepared from Portland cement, lime and sand and a significant part of water. In those places of th e wall where liquid mortar with hydraulic properties was used, fresh patches and putty were made only after a full twenty-eight-day setting of the flush in order to avoid a possible diffusion of parts of cement to outer layers (carrying a painting layer, painting reconstructions and retouches). The second te chnical operation was the wedging (in the vaulting of the presbytery) of groins on joints with the eastern keystone. The joints produced triangles (due to a p a rtial slipping of the groins), in which the only points of bearing (i.e. of groins against th e keystone) were th e ir upper parts. To wedge, oak keys were applied; they were set in from the bottom and covered with proper putty. The th ird technical intervention was a removal of old putty and lime-cum-gypsum and cement patches which, as it is well-known, absorb moisture to a high extent and, as a result, bring about changes in the volume or surface changes in colour and value (painting reconstructions, retouches). Fresh patches and p u tty were made from lime-muc-sand mortar and lime mortar with a fine-grained lime filler. The fourth technical problem solved simultaneously with the putting of putty and lime patches were injections of pocketed parts of the plaster (protruding off the wall). Most of the injections were prepared from lime caseins with a 10 per cent addition of vinyl polyacetate in wate r dispersion made on the vaulting (about 75 per cent). The fifth technical operation was a removal of the salt from the surface of paintings, which in many places were poorly readable. Determinations of the samples taken from different places of the chapel (the nave and presbytery) have shown th a t these were water-soluble salts and th a t they are found both in plasters and in bricks. After a number of tests made in the whole chapel (employing the wet method by means of compresses and the dry one, mechanically) the salts found in the presbyte ry were removed by the dry technique, mainly with drafting gum.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1982, 1-2; 79-90
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Złoty Medal Europejskiej Nagrody za Konserwację Zabytków dla Zamku Królewskiego w Warszawie
Świechowski, Zygmunt
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Złoty Medal Europejskiej Nagrody za Konserwację Zabytków
Europejska Nagroda za Konserwację Zabytków
Zamek Królewski w Warszawie
medal dla Zamku Królewskiego w Warszawie
akt nadania medalu
odbudowa Zamku Królewskiego w Warszawie
The subject-matter of the report is the European Award for the Conservation of Monuments, the Gold Medal of which was granted on October 30, 1981 to the Royal Castle in Warsaw. The aim of the Award, established in 1973 by the Hamburg F.V.S. Foundation and J. W. Goethe Foundation, is to commemorate unusual actions of individuals or social organizations that preserve Europe’s architectural heritage. The Conferment Certificate says, i.a., that it is granted in the recognition of outstanding achievements in the reconstruction of this symbol of the Polish nation which, damaged during war operations, was recreated in 1971—1981 thanks to voluntary contributions. It was also thanks to these efforts that the historic centre of Warsaw, the town so heavily experienced, stayed in its old place with its original walls preserved, the last and most important feature that was missing in the town complex. When evaluating these attainments one should point out full contribution of historians, archaeologists and architects who created foundations of rebuilding as well as fine work of all craftsmen. Thanks to their skill it was possible to reuse numerous elements of old stonework, details of architectural decor of the interiors and part of highly valuable amenities. If that reconstruction has got a unanimously high opinion this was the result of the fact that we have to do here not wih a perfect adaptation of methods and attitudes unapplied anywhere else but with the execution of original Polish conservation concept, i.e. reconstruction of the original spatial relation between preserved original relics.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1982, 3-4; 219-221
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dwa inwentarze zamku w Besiekierach
Two Inventories of the Castle at Besiekiery
Kajzer, Leszek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
In this article there are contained two inventories of the castle at Besiekiery near Łódź coming from 1704 and 1715. Their manuscripts are kept in the Chief Registry of Old Acts in Warsaw within a complex of relations of Juridicial Books from Łęczyca (Castrensia Lanciciensia relationes). The Blesiekiery Castle was an object of numerous field and interior surveys (see biographical notes 1—5 in this article). Both inventories included here aloing with a younger one coming from 1733 and published by the author in 1980 (see biographical note No. 5) provide a good basis for further studies on the castle's history. They describe the state of the object at the beginning of 18th century w h en following the Baroque remodelling of the castle by the starost of the district — Jan Szymon Szczawiński done in mid — 17th century a gradual decline of the ca stle began. Con se cu t iv e descriptions miss details of interior decoration and arms stored in the castle with a decreasing number of chambers being suitable for l iv in g purposes. In the second half of 18th century there was pulled down the second floor of „the big manor" and the final ruination of the ca stle began. Its largely depleted relicts hav e been preserved till today and they should become an object of the conservator’s work,
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica; 1983, 4
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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