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Experiencing a Call to Ministry: Changing Trajectories, Re-Structuring Life Stories
Steeves, Kathleen
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Narrative Work
Turning Points
Christian Ministry
This paper presents a qualitative analysis of women’s experiences of call to Christian pastoral ministry as a second career—a mid-life turning point. Drawing on 44 semi-structured interviews with pastors of different denominations, I look at women’s stories of call through the lens of interpretive theory to analyze how women create meanings around this life altering event, and how they construct past experiences in light of these decisions. I employ George Herbert Mead’s theory of time to analyze how women afford prior secular work experiences sacred meaning in light of their subsequent “pastoral call” experience. This paper attempts to arrive at a better understanding of women’s experience of entering pastoral ministry, as well as their past and future life trajectories.
Qualitative Sociology Review; 2017, 13, 4; 48-68
Pojawia się w:
Qualitative Sociology Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Strategie regulacji emocji i inklinacja autonarracyjna a efektywność zawodowa
Emotion regulation strategies, narrative inclination and work performance
Jaroszewska, Marta
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica
regulacja emocji
przeformułowanie poznawcze
tłumienie emocji
inklinacja autonarracyjna
efektywność zawodowa
narracyjna kontrola zachowania
call center
emotion regulation
cognitive reappraisal
narrative inclination
job performance
narrative action control
call centre
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie związków pomiędzy strategią regulacji emocji i inklinacją autonarracyjną, a efektywnością zawodową, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem wyników przeprowadzonego badania korelacyjnego. Badaniem objęci zostali konsultanci call center, których zadania zawodowe wymagają sprawnego radzenia sobie z sytuacjami emocjonalnie trudnymi. Uzyskane wyniki pozwalają przypuszczać, że tłumienie emocji wpływa negatywnie na poziom wykonywanych zadań.
The present paper discusses some of the research fi ndings about relationships between emotion regulation strategies, narrative inclination and job performance. The article presents the data from the study conducted among call centre agents working in environment that involves high skills in coping with emotions. The data indicate a negative correlation between suppression and job performance.
Ogrody Nauk i Sztuk; 2014, 4; 252-256
Pojawia się w:
Ogrody Nauk i Sztuk
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wywiad narracyjny w badaniach w pracy socjalnej. Diagnozowanie problemów biograficznych i społecznych w zawodzie pracownika socjalnego
Narrative interview in social work research. Diagnosing biographical and social problems in the profession of a social worker
Gajek, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Wydawnictwo APS
praca socjalna
pracownik socjalny
badania w pracy socjalnej
narracja autobiograficzna
wywiad narracyjny
social work
social worker
research in social work
autobiographical narrative
narrative interview
Praca socjalna, rozumiana jako działalność zawodowa, polega na udzielaniu ludziom wsparcia w oparciu o wcześniej przeprowadzoną diagnozę. Rozpoznanie sytuacji wymaga od pracownika socjalnego podjęcia określonych czynności badawczych, wśród których można wymienić gromadzenie materiału za pomocą wybranych technik i narzędzi, opracowanie danych czy prezentację wniosków. W polu szeroko rozumianej pracy socjalnej obecne są różne jakościowe podejścia oraz strategie badawcze, które stanowią adekwatny sposób wyjaśniania zjawisk społecznych, równocześnie regulacje formalno-prawne i kontekst instytucjonalny tworzą odmienne warunki dla prowadzenia badań w zawodzie pracownika socjalnego. Przyjęte rozwiązania metodologiczne, w postaci wzoru kwestionariusza rodzinnego wywiadu środowiskowego, wpisują się raczej w paradygmat normatywny, co ma określone konsekwencje dla analizy problemów społecznych. Jedną z technik (lub metod) tożsamą z polem zainteresowania i procedurami funkcjonującymi w zawodowo podejmowanej pracy socjalnej, a jednocześnie umożliwiającą zrozumienie ludzkich doświadczeń jest wywiad narracyjny. Gromadzone za jego pośrednictwem narracje pozwalają na diagnozowanie problemów biograficznych i społecznych oraz planowanie na tej podstawie działań pomocowych. Jednak z uwagi na wskazane w tekście bariery zmiana sposobu badania w kierunku podejścia interpretatywnego wydaje się mało prawdopodobna.
Social work, understood as a professional activity, consists in providing support to people on the basis of a previously conducted diagnosis. The diagnosis of a situation requires the social worker to undertake specific research activities, which include collecting data with the use of selected techniques and tools, processing data or presenting conclusions. In the field of widely understood social work, there are various qualitative approaches and research strategies which constitute an adequate way of explaining social phenomena, at the same time formal and legal regulations and the institutional context create different conditions for conducting research in the profession of a social worker. The adopted methodological solutions, in the form of a model questionnaire of a family environmental interview, are rather in the normative paradigm, which has specific consequences for the analysis of social problems. One of the techniques (or methods) identical to the field of interest and procedures functioning in professional social work, and at the same time enabling the understanding of human experiences, is the narrative interview. Autobiographical narratives collected through this method allow, among others, to diagnose biographical and social problems and to plan support activities on this basis. However, due to the barriers indicated in the paper, a change in the research method towards an interpretative approach seems unlikely.
Praca Socjalna; 2022, 37(4); 131-149
Pojawia się w:
Praca Socjalna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Anselm Kiefer at the Louvre Museum and Olafur Eliasson in Versaille: on the narrative space of a work of art
O narracji dzieła sztuki w przestrzeni narracyjnej: Anselm Kiefer w muzeum Luwru i Olafur Eliasson w Wersalu
Jedlińska, Eleonora
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Anselm Kiefer
Olafur Eliasson
Anselm Kiefer and Olafur Eliasson, even if divided by generational differences and the material of their art, they share a similar understanding of the function of the work as a narrative medium. The place where the work is exhibited, its historical value and the story it contains force us to reverse the conventionally accepted significance of the presence of contemporary art in two globally recognized, most important museums of France: Kiefer's at the Louvre and Eliasson's at Versailles. The exhibition of the works of these artists at places that represent historical, symbolic and artistic significance both for the French, as well as the whole world, allowed their narrative function to extend and thus to change the perception of the place of a contemporary art exhibition. The connection of contemporary times with history is also an attempt to open the borders defined by the traditional location of the place. Both presentations aim to show how the perception of contemporary art can be changed when it is understood as a continuation of great historical narratives. In 2007, Kiefer exhibited three works at the Louvre. The artist incorporated his works in the framework of the narrative – history, philosophy, religion, art history, tradition and modernity. In 2016, Eliasson presented sculpture-installations in the gardens and palace of Versailles, in the form of architecture and garden design works whose message is the anxiety and concern about the fate of the modern world. Just as illusory was the world in which the inhabitants of Louis XIV’s Versailles lived, so is our own illusion of a world without borders, a world with endless natural resources, where our conscience is numbed by apparent actions to protect it from ecological disaster.
Artykuł poświęcony jest dziełom dwóch wybitnych artystów współczesnych: Anselmowi Kieferowi i Olafurowi Eliassonowi. Dzielą ich różnice pokoleniowe, światopoglądowe, tworzywo ich sztuki, łączy podobne pojmowanie funkcji dzieła, jako nośnika przekazu narracyjny. Miejsce w jakim dzieło jest wystawiane, historyczna wartość, mieszcząca się w nim opowieść zmuszają do odwrócenia, przyjętego przez konwencje, znaczenia obecności sztuki współczesnej w dwóch najważniejszych muzeach Francji o światowym znaczeniu: Kiefera w Luwrze i Eliassona w Wersalu. Ekspozycja dzieł tych artystów w miejscach, będących dla Francuzów, także dla świata, obiektami o znaczeniu historycznym, symbolicznym i artystycznym, pozwoliło rozszerzyć ich funkcję narratywną, odmienić tradycyjne postrzeganie miejsca wystawienia sztuki współczesnej. Złączenie współczesności z historią to także próba otwarcia granic wyznaczonych przez tradycyjne sytuowanie miejsca – dzieła sztuki – artysty – odbiorcy. Celem obu prezentacji było wskazanie jak można zmienić postrzeganie sztuki najnowszej, gdy pojmowana jest jako kontynuacja wielkich narracji historycznych. W 2007 Kiefer w Luwrze wystawił prace, które zostały wykonane na prośbę kuratorów: Athanor, Danae i Hortus conclusus (2007). Artysta włączył swe dzieła w ramy narracji – miejsca, historii, filozofii, religii, historii sztuki, tradycji i współczesności. W 2016 Eliasson w ogrodach i pałacu w Wersalu zaprezentował instalacje-rzeźby, włączając w historyczną architekturę i założenia ogrodowe dzieła, których przekazem jest niepokój i troska o losy współczesnego świata. Tak jak iluzyjny był świat, w którym żyli mieszkańcy Wersalu Ludwika XIV, tak i my obecnie trwamy w iluzji świata bez granic, świata o niekończących się zasobach natury, uspakajając swe sumienia pozornymi działaniami mającymi chronić nas przed katastrofą ekologiczną, której sami będziemy winni – mówi Eliasson.
Art Inquiry. Recherches sur les arts; 2020, 22; 121-141
Pojawia się w:
Art Inquiry. Recherches sur les arts
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Fehlzeiten des 20. Jahrhunderts. Narrative Substitute bei HERTA MÜLLER und BIRGIT WEYHE
Missing times of the 20th century. Narrative substitutes in the work of HERTA MÜLLER and BIRGIT WEYHE
Luki w pamięci w XX wieku. Narracyjne substytuty w twórczości HERTY MÜLLER i BIRGIT WEYHE
Heidemann, Gudrun
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
historia rodziny
graphic novel
family history
Mit zunehmendem Abstand zum 20. Jahrhundert geraten gerade Zeitlücken in den erzählerischen Fokus und werden als solche thematisiert. Exemplarisch wird an HERTA MÜLLERS Roman Atemschaukel und dessen Entstehung gezeigt, wie Leerstellen im Familiengedächtnis später durch Notizen von und Gespräche mit Oskar Pastior, der wie MÜLLERS Mutter sowjetischer Lagerhäftling war, gefüllt werden. Dies ermöglichte der Autorin, das heimische Lagerzeittabu literarisch ‚stellvertretend‘ durch den fiktiven Schreiber Leo Auberg zu kompensieren. BIRGIT WEYHE hingegen füllt in ihrem Comic Im Himmel ist Jahrmarkt die Fehlzeiten ihrer Familiengeschichte vor allem durch verbal-piktorale Erfindungen, welche gleich zu Beginn des Comics expliziert werden. Darin werden dann Zeitlücken ab dem Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts derart visualisiert und verbalisiert, dass die Zuverlässigkeit der Narration stets ambivalent bleibt. Der Vergleich beider Werke zeigt Unterschiede wie Ähnlichkeiten im literarischen Umgang mit Fehlzeiten im Familiengedächtnis, aus denen in beiden Fällen ein narratives Substitut hervorgeht.
With increasing distance to the 20th century, time gaps come into focus and are thematized as such. As an example, HERTA MÜLLER’S novel Atemschaukel and its genesis shows how gaps in the family memory are later filled by notes from and conversations with Oskar Pastior, who like MÜLLER’S mother was a Soviet camp prisoner. This has enabled the author to compensate for the indigenous taboo on the camp period, in a ‘representative’ literary way through the fictional writer Leo Auberg. BIRGIT WEYHE, on the other hand, fills in missing periods in her family history in her graphic novel Im Himmel ist Jahrmarkt, mainly through verbal-pictorial inventions, which are explained right at the beginning of the graphic novel. In it, time gaps from the beginning of the 20th century are visualized and verbalized in such a way that the reliability of the narration always remains ambivalent. The comparison of the two works reveals differences and similarities in the literary treatment of absences in the family memory, for which, in both cases, a narrative substitute emerges.
Wraz z rosnącym dystansem do XX wieku w narracji literackiej zaczynają dominować luki czasowe. Stają się one także tematem utworów literackich. Artykuł na przykładzie powieści HERTY MÜLLER Atemschaukel (Huśtawka oddechu) i jej genezy, ukazuje w jaki sposób luki w pamięci rodzinnej wypełniane są wspomnieniami i zapisami rozmów autorki z Oskarem Pastiorem, który podobnie jak matka pisarki był więźniem sowieckich łagrów. Dzięki tym rozmowom MÜLLER tworzy – poprzez ʻkompensujące’ wprowadzenie postaci fikcyjnego pisarza Leo Auberga – literacką wizję, przełamującą tabu obozowe. Z kolei BIRGIT WEYHE w komiksie Im Himmel ist Jahrmarkt (W niebie jest jarmark) neutralizuje luki w historii swojej rodziny, kreując werbalne i ikonograficzne wyobrażenia, które pojawiają się już na samym początku komiksu. Luki czasowe od początku XX wieku są przy tym wizualizowane i werbalizowane w taki sposób, że wiarygodność narracji wciąż pozostaje ambiwalentna. Porównanie obu utworów ujawnia zarówno różnice, jak i podobieństwa w literackim obchodzeniu się z rysami w pamięci rodzinnej, które w obu przypadkach sprowadza się do narracyjnej sublimacji.
Convivium. Germanistisches Jahrbuch Polen; 2020; 73-90
Pojawia się w:
Convivium. Germanistisches Jahrbuch Polen
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Podmiotowość i „przemieszczenie” w komiksie Lucy Knisley
Subjectivity and „displacement” in Lucy Knisley’s work
do Carmo Moreira, Valter
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
travel narrative
In certain way, “displacement” refers to the change. It is the action of a body that moves from a certain space to another. In addition to its obvious physical implications, in the case of human displacement, there are also great subjective implications. In this way, displacement can be of other orders, as symbolic, metaphysical and mental, we can also consider even maturation as the displacement from one psychic state to another. In this case, the present work aims to analyze the different figurations of the concept of displacement present in the work: Displacement - A travelogue by Lucy Knisley, as well as the affiliation of the work to a narrative tradition perpetrated by authors who take the daily genre and the trip report as a means of subjective construction of reality, both in literature and in comics. In order to do so, will be used authors who studied the writing of female authors, having the travel narrative as a research horizon, such as Sonia Serrano and Miriam Adelman; as well as authors who focus on the specificities of the comic language that, under the aegis of “graphic novel”, engender an aesthetic construction that privileges the autobiographical narrative (Santiago Garcia and Hilarry Chute). We intend to highlight the richness that the comics bring to the symbolic construction of the genre “travel diary/narrative” through its peculiarities of self-representation.
Paidia i Literatura; 2020, 2; 115-120
Pojawia się w:
Paidia i Literatura
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Subjetividade e “Deslocamento” na obra homônima de Lucy Knisley
Subjectivity and “displacement” in Lucy Knisley’s work
do Carmo Moreira, Valter
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
travel narrative
In certain way, “displacement” refers to the change. It is the action of a body that moves from a certain space to another. In addition to its obvious physical implications, in the case of human displacement, there are also great subjective implications. In this way, displacement can be of other orders, as symbolic, metaphysical and mental, we can also consider even maturation as the displacement from one psychic state to another. In this case, the present work aims to analyze the different figurations of the concept of displacement present in the work: Displacement - A travelogue by Lucy Knisley, as well as the affiliation of the work to a narrative tradition perpetrated by authors who take the daily genre and the trip report as a means of subjective construction of reality, both in literature and in comics. In order to do so, will be used authors who studied the writing of female authors, having the travel narrative as a research horizon, such as Sonia Serrano and Miriam Adelman; as well as authors who focus on the specificities of the comic language that, under the aegis of “graphic novel”, engender an aesthetic construction that privileges the autobiographical narrative (Santiago Garcia and Hilarry Chute). We intend to highlight the richness that the comics bring to the symbolic construction of the genre “travel diary/narrative” through its peculiarities of self-representation.
Paidia i Literatura; 2020, 2; 109-114
Pojawia się w:
Paidia i Literatura
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problem-Solving or Narrative Approach to Mediation?
Martina, Urbanová,
Jan, Holas,
Pavla, Tvrdikova,
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
narrative mediation
problem-solving mediation
social work
Mediation is a one of the well-known forms of alternative dispute resolution and is commonly used for solving conflicts in social work. Following introduction, where the mediation is put in social context, authors introduce readers to different approaches to mediation specifically to narrative mediation in comparison with mediation focused on solving problems. These approaches have different theoretical bases, mediation processes and aims and, therefore, their utilization is appropriate in distinct situations and areas of social work. In the conclusion these different approaches are compared to each other. While the narrative mediation is concerned with relationships and belongs to therapeutic style, the problem-solving approach to mediation falls into negotiating style and is concerned with reaching an agreement between parties of the conflict. If there is a need to solve the actual problem, the mediation focused on solving problems seems more fitting. If there is a need to understand and solve relationships between parties of the conflict, then the narrative mediation may be recommended.
Papers of Social Pedagogy; 2019, 12(2); 11-27
Pojawia się w:
Papers of Social Pedagogy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Work-related musculoskeletal disorders among physical therapists: A comprehensive narrative review
Milhem, Mohammad
Kalichman, Leonid
Ezra, David
Alperovitch-Najenson, Deborah
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
physical therapists
musculoskeletal disorders
risk factors
work related
work settings
Healthcare workers, especially those with direct patient contact are amongst professions with the highest rate of workrelated musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs), physical therapists (PTs) being one of them. Our objective was to review current knowledge relating to the prevalence, risk factors and prevention of WMSDs among PTs. Pubmed, Google Scholar and PEDro databases were searched for terms relating to WMSDs in PTs from inception to 2015. The prevalence of WMSDs among PTs was high, with lifetime prevalence reported as 55–91%, and 12-month prevalence ranges 40–91.3%, and the lower back as the most frequently affected, with estimates of a lifetime prevalence ranging 26–79.6%, and a 12-month prevalence ranging 22–73.1%, followed most often by the neck, upper back and shoulders. The major risk factors for workrelated low back pain (LBP) were: lifting, transferring, repetitive movements, awkward and static postures, physical load, treating a large number of patients in a single day and working while injured. Low back pain seems to be age- and genderrelated with a higher prevalence in females, younger PTs and PTs working in rehabilitation settings. Physical therapists, as a consequence of work-related LBP, may seek treatment, modify their daily living and leisure (lifestyle) activities, use aids and equipment or change their specialty area either within the profession or by leaving it. Skills and knowledge as to correct body mechanics do not prevent work-related injuries. Mechanical aids used for a patient transfer should be adopted by PTs and new strategies should be developed to reduce their WMSDs without compromising the quality of treatment. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2016;29(5):735–747
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health; 2016, 29, 5; 735-747
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
“Flexible narratives” Discursive Positionings of Gender and Identity in Precarious Times
Murgia, Annalisa
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Gender Identities
Flexible Work
Narrative Interviews
Positioning Analysis
Studies concerning the transformations of work have long stressed how flexible work has affected the lives and identity-setting processes of individuals. A salient aspect of the current changes consists of the gender issues concerning the reality of work and its representations. The aim of this paper is to stress gender-identitary positionings in the context of the stories of women and men in non-standard employment. The specific question that the article addresses is whether the increasing distance from the "standard" working model – concerning full-time long-term employment – is also being accompanied by a change in the prevailing gender models. In particular, the stories of women and men with non-standard and precarious jobs are presented, in order to show how, by means of narratives, gender models linked to precarious work are constructed.
Qualitative Sociology Review; 2011, 7, 1; 55-68
Pojawia się w:
Qualitative Sociology Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A narrative review on factors associated with job interruption during pregnancy
Brunner, Loïc
Krief, Peggy Chagnon
Probst, Isabelle
Abderhalden-Zellweger, Alessia
Renteria, Saira-Christine
Vonlanthen, Julien
Moschetti, Karine
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
occupational health
absences from work
workplace intervention
narrative literature review
workplace accommodation
Most women continue to work during pregnancy. However, some of them have to stop working before giving birth. Absence from work poses several challenges for employers and employees, as well as for society. The literature on absence from work during pregnancy and its determinants remains inconsistent and rather scarce. To conduct a narrative literature review on the factors associated with work interruption and on existing interventions aimed at reducing the absence prevalence during pregnancy. The review refers to published peer-reviewed articles dealing with all types of work interruption among pregnant women. Keyword searches were performed in the electronic databases PubMed, EMBASE, and Google Scholar, covering the period 2000–2022. The review, which includes 42 papers, presents a broad and comprehensive picture of factors and interventions associated with absence from work among pregnant workers. The factors appear at different levels and include factors related to the pregnant women, such as individual health and socio-demographic factors; employer and workplace-related factors, such as risk exposures and working conditions; factors related to the role of the healthcare provider; and factors related to the national context (social benefits/insurance). The determinants of absence from work during pregnancy are complex and multifactorial and involve multiple stakeholders. The discussion addresses gaps and needs in the literature on pregnancy at work and in the field of occupational health.
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health; 2023, 36, 3; 303-323
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Social Constructionism Turned Into Human Service Work
Järvinen, Margaretha
Miller, Gale
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Applied Constructionism
Constructionist Activism
Narrative Therapy
Oppressive vs. Liberating Stories
Expert Knowledge
Studies of applied constructionism are opportunities for scholars to explore how social constructionism is a resource used by claims-makers in describing and justifying their orientations to professional practice. The present paper expands sociological constructionism by analyzing applied constructionism in social problems work in Copenhagen, Denmark. Based on interviews with staff members in narrative drug treatment, we explore two themes: the relationship between dominant and liberating narratives and the position of expert knowledge in narrative therapy. Our guiding framework is Ian Hacking’s inquiry into the Social Construction of What? and Kenneth Burke’s dialogic approach of comparing statements to counterstatements. The purpose of the paper is to link academic studies of the social construction of realities to applied constructionists’ principles in addressing social problems. We do this by describing narrative therapists’ critical reflections on their own work, suggesting that these reflections are not only useful when it comes to developing narrative therapy but also for the advancement of academic constructionism.
Qualitative Sociology Review; 2015, 11, 2; 198-214
Pojawia się w:
Qualitative Sociology Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wykorzystanie fotografi i we współczesnych badaniach folklorystycznych
The use of photography in contemporary folklore studies
Hajduk-Nijakowska, Janina
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
family photography
video recordings
narrative interview
field work
Contemporary folklore studies use photographs, especially family snapshots, to conduct narrative interviews in the course of a field work. They treat photography, which has broken the monopoly of spoken word in traditional culture, as a carrier of memory, human experiences and emotions, as images supported with words influence ways of comprehending the past and shaping the memory within local communities. New image-recording techniques also affect the method of carrying out field work, makingit possible to perpetuate the situation under investigation not only on a photographic platebut also on video carriers and digital tapes, thus extending the possibilities of interpreting the current folklore sources. Documentation collected in this way may be published on professional web portals along with the text. The fact that image-recording tools have become so widespread also increases the pace of the changes taking place within the domain of traditional family and annual rituals: recordingvarious events (e.g. wedding receptions or Shrovetide ceremonies) on a videotape and then posting those videos on the Internet, especially on YouTube, sets a new area of field work for folklorists and speeds up the process of theatricalization and carnivalization of contemporary culture.
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia de Cultura; 2011, 2; 58-66
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia de Cultura
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Praca nad odczuciami. Matki w obliczu trudnych doświadczeń szkolnych ich dzieci
Sentimental Work. Mothers Facing Their Children’s Difficult School Experiences
Gajek, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
praca nad odczuciami
wywiad narracyjny
sentimental work
narrative interview
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest rekonstrukcja typów pracy nad odczuciami, jaką wykonują matki w kontekście trudnych doświadczeń szkolnych swoich dzieci. Ramą interpretacyjną dla analizy działań kobiet była kategoria pracy nad odczuciami opracowana przez Anzelma Strauss’a i jego współpracowników. Analizie poddane zostały autobiograficzne wywiady narracyjne z kobietami-matkami, gromadzone w ramach międzynarodowego projektu ISOTIS. Dane empiryczne zostały poddane procedurze kodowania, stosowanej w generowaniu teorii ugruntowanej, co umożliwiło wyodrębnienie sześciu typów pracy nad odczuciami: pracę nad interakcjami, nad zachowaniem spokoju, nad zaufaniem, biograficzną, nad tożsamością i naprawczą. Wyniki analiz wskazują, że matki są kluczowymi postaciami zinstytucjonalizowanego procesu kształcenia, które wykonują w toku codziennych praktyk szereg złożonych, ale niezauważanych działań. Zidentyfikowanie i charakterystyka pracy matek nad odczuciami pozwoliła opisać jej znaczenie dla realizacji zadań zawodowych przez nauczycieli, a także funkcjonowania dzieci w szkole.
The purpose of this paper is to reconstruct the types of sentimental work that mothers perform in the context of their children’s difficult school experiences. The interpretative framework for the analysis of women’s actions is the category of sentimental work developed by Anselm Strauss and his colleagues. The analyzed material consists of autobiographical narrative interviews with women-mothers, collected as part of the international ISOTIS project. The empirical data was subjected to the coding procedure used in generating grounded theory, which allowed for the identification of six different types of sentimental work: interactional work, composure work, trust work, biographical work, identity work and rectification work. The results of the study indicate that mothers are key figures in the institutionalised learning process, performing a range of complex but unnoticed activities in the course of their daily practices. Identifying and characterising mothers’ sentimental work allowed to describe its relevance to teachers’ professional tasks and children’s functioning in school.
Nauki o Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne; 2022, 14, 1; 166-182
Pojawia się w:
Nauki o Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Paradoxes of liaison work in individual experiences and their socio-biographical implications
Paradoksy pracy pośredniczącej w indywidualnym doświadczaniu oraz ich społeczne i biograficzne implikacje
Waniek, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
professional work
liaison work
mistakes at work
European educational mobility
intercultural communication
autobiographical narrative interview
praca profesjonalna
praca pośrednicząca
błędy przy pracy
europejska mobilność edukacyjna
komunikacja międzykulturowa
autobiograficzny wywiad narracyjny
Recapitulated in autobiographical narrative interviews, the experiences of two Polish women: Magda and Ewa constitute the basis for this article on various types of liaison work (hegemonic and symmetrical). They are set within the framework of (quasi) professional work aimed at helping Pakistani immigrant women in Italy and at supporting autistic children in Poland and Belgium, respectively. Thus, both narrators are forced to deal with considerably different cultural patterns rooted in an oriental and Islamic lifestyle, in the former case, and manifesting themselves in the therapies of children with disabilities in European countries, in the latter. An attempt is made to examine the social as well as biographical consequences of introducing a certain type of liaison work, when the recipients are persons afflicted with suffering. Moreover, the study discusses the tensions, ambivalences and paradoxes which appear in micro-situations, including conversations and professional activities, frequently framed by the neoliberal ideology promoted by the educational programs of the European Commission. It seems that they are rarely a subject of critical analysis which takes into consideration the biographical consequences experienced by both sides of the interaction and their social implications, particularly in the area of multiculturalism or intercultural dialogue.
Podstawę podjętych w tym artykule rozważań nad różnymi typami pracy pośredniczącej (hegemonialnej i symetrycznej) stanowią zrelacjonowane w autobiograficznych wywiadach narracyjnych doświadczenia dwóch Polek: Magdy i Ewy. Doświadczenia te osadzone są w ramie pracy (quasi)profesjonalnej polegającej, w pierwszym przypadku, na pomocy młodym imigrantkom z Pakistanu oraz, w drugim przypadku, na opiece nad dziećmi autystycznymi w Polsce i w Belgii. Wymaga to od obu narratorek odniesienia się do znacząco odmiennych wzorów kulturowych, zakorzenionych w kulturze Orientu i islamu oraz związanych z terapią dzieci niepełnosprawnych w różnych krajach Europy. Szczególna uwaga jest tutaj poświęcona społecznym i biograficznym konsekwencjom wprowadzenia określonego typu pracy pośredniczącej w sytuacji, gdy jej adresatami są osoby dotknięte cierpieniem. Analiza podjęta w tym artykule obejmuje zatem błędy, napięcia, ambiwalencje i paradoksy pojawiające się w mikro-sytuacjach rozmowy i działaniach profesjonalnych często ramowanych przez neoliberalną ideologię obecną w edukacyjnych programach Komisji Europejskiej. Rzadko, jak się wydaje, stanowią one przedmiot krytycznej analizy uwzględniającej biograficzne konsekwencje ponoszone przez obie strony interakcji i społeczne implikacje przede wszystkim w obszarze wielokulturowości czy dialogu międzykulturowego.
Przegląd Socjologiczny; 2016, 65, 4; 9-32
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Socjologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Coping Strategies in Biographies of Polish Middle- Class Representatives of (Post)Transformation Period
Burski, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Life Strategies
Sociology of Biography
Autobiographical Narrative Interview
Sociology of Work; Precariousness
The article focuses on the problem of life strategies adapted by the representatives of young Polish middle-class in the (post)transformation period in Poland towards different aspects of social change. On the basis of two research projects focused on the consequences of the Polish systemic transformation, I discuss issues related to biographical experiences of this process. The main theoretical and methodological background is concentrated on using the autobiographical narrative interview to analyze coping strategies in relation to the class position of examined cases. The interviews taken under consideration have been conducted with young men who could be described as middle-class members.
Qualitative Sociology Review; 2019, 15, 4; 194-210
Pojawia się w:
Qualitative Sociology Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Termin σήμερον („dziś”) w dziele Łukaszowym. Zarys współczesnych badań
Σήμερον (“today”) in the Work of Luke. An Overview of Contemporary Research
Mielcarek, Krzysztof Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Ewangelia Łukasz
Dzieje Apostolskie
dzieło Łukaszowe
teologia Łukaszowa
sieć narracyjna
Lukan work
Gospel of Luke
Acts of the Apostles
narrative net
Waga przymiotnika czasowego – σήμερον w dziele Łukaszowym (Łk-Dz) była od dawna doceniana. Przez dziesięciolecia uczeni dyskutowali jednak, czy jego znaczenie ma charakter czysto literacki, czy również teologiczny. Najnowsza monografia kanadyjskiego egzegety, Dominique’a Angers, rzuca nowe światło na tę kwestię. Autor artykułu bada dotychczasowe próby wyjaśnienia obecności „dziś” w dwutomowym dziele, analizując zarówna starsze jak i najnowsze propozycje. Doceniając wyniki badań kanadyjskiego egzegety na dyskusję badanej problematyki zaproponowano kilka drobnych korekt jego rozwiązań.
The importance of the temporal adverb σήμερον within Luke-Acts has long been recognized by commentators and scholars. They have been discussing for decades whether the word's significance is a purely literary one or if it perhaps carries some theological import, and the recent extensive study by Dominique Angers offers some important insights into this issue. The author of the article researches some previous attempts to elucidate this point, as well as some of the newest solutions. While proposing his own minor corrections to the study of the Canadian exegete, the author acknowledges Angers' overwhelmingly positive impact on the scholarly discussion.
Verbum Vitae; 2019, 35; 217-244
Pojawia się w:
Verbum Vitae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Biographical Work of Parents of Children with Non-Normative Sexual Orientation and/or Gender Identity
Gajek, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Biographical Work
Narrative Interview
Sexual Orientation
Gender Identity
Coming Out
Parents of Non-Normative Children
This paper aims to reconstruct the biographical work (Corbin and Strauss) undertaken by parents of non-normative people. The initiating event of biographical work is the disclosure of a non-normative sexual orientation and/or gender identity by the child. For many parents, this is an event that causes a breakdown of previous schemes of action, a gradual loss of control, and suffering. The empirical data consist of autobiographical narratives of parents of people with non-normative sexual orientation and/or gender identity. The study involved mothers and fathers residing throughout Poland, who were selected according to the snowball procedure. The data were collected through the narrative interview technique and compiled according to the analytical procedure proposed by Fritz Schütze, which is part of the interpretative research paradigm. In the course of four parallel biographical processes (contextualizing, coming to terms, reconstituting identity, and recasting biography), the new experience is integrated into the biography, its consequences are understood and accepted, a coherent identity is reconstituted and a new course for one’s life are charted. The analysis of the narrators’ biographical work has made it possible to identify three categories that organize the course of the parents’ lives and identities—stigma, normalization, and activism.
Qualitative Sociology Review; 2024, 20, 1; 42-58
Pojawia się w:
Qualitative Sociology Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Мастацкая аксiясфера “Палескай хронiкi” Iвана Мележа
Artistic axiosphere of “Chronicle of Palesie” by I. Melezh
Barouka, Wanda
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Belarusian prose
conceptual level of the work
narrative strategy
The article examines the artistic axiosphere of “Chronicle of Palesie” by I. Melezh. The artistic axiosphere is a totality of artistic qualities of the work which are recognized as valuable and significant by both the writer and the readers. They include the subject and the perspective of the image, subject matter, life persuasiveness, humanistic orientation, polemic attitude to traditional aesthetic conventions and artistic experiment. The artistic axiosphere of “Chronicle of Palesie” is dynamic and subjective, which ensures the work dialogue with time and with various generations of professional and amateur readers.
Białorutenistyka Białostocka; 2021; 63-74
Pojawia się w:
Białorutenistyka Białostocka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders and related occupational causative factors among electricity linemen: A narrative review
Padmanathan, Vinothini
Joseph, Leonard
Omar, Baharudin
Nawawi, Roslizawati
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
work related musculoskeletal disorders
job risk factors
occupational health
Occupational tasks of linemen are highly associated with the development of work related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMDs). Although linemen are prone to develop WRMDs, there is paucity of information on the prevalence of WRMDs and related occupational causative factors. Therefore, the present review was conducted to report on the prevalence of WRMDs and to outline causative risk factors within occupational tasks in the lineman profession. Literature search was conducted in various databases such as Scopus, PubMed and ScienceDirect for articles published between 1996–2013. The articles were analyzed, selected and retrieved based on predetermined objectives, inclusion criteria and Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). In the review process only articles published in English were considered. The review identified moderate to high prevalence of WRMDs among the linemen population. Back and shoulder regions were highly affected compared to the other body regions. The review also reported occupational tasks such as bar installation, insulator fixation and manual handling of tools as high risk tasks that lead to the development of WRMDs. In addition, occupational tools such as ladders, manual cutters and manual presses were also identified as a potential ergonomic hazard. In conclusion, the current review identified that WRMDs are common in the back and shoulder regions among linemen. Also, a number of occupational risk factors were identified to be associated with WRMDs among the linemen. Hence, future research on prevention and intervention studies concerning lineman profession population in order to develop a good job practice are recommended. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2016;29(5):725–734
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health; 2016, 29, 5; 725-734
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Reversed "Betrayal Funnel". A Case of a Childrens Home Inmate Who Suffers from Being Disloyal to Her Alcoholic Family
Waniek, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Autobiographical Narrative Interview
Trajectory of Suffering
Alcoholic Family
Children’s Home
Guilt Feelings
Biographical Work
This paper attempts to examine biographical consequences and costs of growing up in an alcoholic home and to scrutinize the development of biographical identity of an adult woman (Natalia) who lives with conviction that as a teenager she “dared” to bring into question the “normality” of her own family when escaping the collective alcoholic trajectory of her family through attempting suicide and entering a children’s home. Consequently, she is still guilt-ridden since she feels responsible for destroying the facade of a (false and illusionary) positive family image and for being the one who managed to get out of the collective trajectory of suffering. On the basis of the concept of “betrayal funnel,” as described by Erving Goffman, it is shown that Natalia was sort of “framed” in “reversed betrayal funnel” by a school psychologist – who probably intended to help but her activities turned out badly in the long run. Furthermore, it is argued that her subjective definition of the course of events in her life results not only in a (subliminal) nagging sense of guilt (strengthened by a negative “me” image created by her family) and her obsessive responsibility for her parents and siblings but – in spite of a fulfilling and meaningful life – it still impedes all her attempts to work the trajectory potential through. This has a strong influence on her current world of everyday existence, her personal identity, and biographical orientation.
Qualitative Sociology Review; 2014, 10, 1; 60-78
Pojawia się w:
Qualitative Sociology Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Questions about auto-creation in a perspective of creative activities
Górniok-Naglik, Alina
Wąsiński, Arkadiusz
Data publikacji:
Akademickie Towarzystwo Andragogiczne
bieg życia
narracja autobiograficzna
creative activity
course of life
autobiographical narrative
Problematyka poruszana w niniejszym artykule stanowi przyczynek do szerszych badań i studiów nad autokreacją. Analizy nad przeobrażeniami twórczymi w biegu życia, wiodą do krystalizacji indywidualnych procesów autokreacji. Wizja świata i wizja siebie ewoluuje w biegu życia, co ma fundamentalny związek z krystalizującą się postawą twórczą i zmiennym obrazem dzieł, które powstają niejako ciągle od nowa, w nowej perspektywie, zrodzonej z przeżyć, doświadczeń i doznań twórcy. Stąd też dzieło stanowi z jednej strony wyraz indywidualności swego twórcy, z drugiej transcenduje go ku światu, a z trzeciej niejako stwarza swojego kreatora. Złożoność refleksji podejmowanych w ramach autokreacji łączy w sobie perspekty- wę egzystencjalną i aksjologiczną, skłaniającą podmiot do wytyczania symbolicz- nych drogowskazów, ku czemu warto podążać z perspektywy autobiograficznej. Narracja autobiograficzna stanowi bowiem swoisty „klucz” do poznania i zrozumie- nia ludzkiej egzystencji. Zwrot w stronę badań biograficznych wiąże się z potrzebą (i możliwością) osadzenia potencjalnych badań nad autokreacją w działaniu twórczym w obrębie paradygmatu interpretatywnego. Tą drogą możliwym staje się dookreślenie indywidualnych profili kształtowania samego siebie w biegu życia w kontekście aktów twórczych. W szerszej perspektywie badawczej, profile te, mogą się stać drogowskazem i świadectwem działań innych ludzi w drodze do samokształtowania się, a ponadto czynią możliwym wyznaczenie podobieństw i różnic miedzy twórcami.
The topic discussed in this article makes a reason for further research and study over the auto-creation. The analysis over a creative transformation in the course of life leads to a crystallisation of individual processes of auto- creation. The vision of the world and ourselves evolves in the course of life which has a crucial connection with a crystallising and creative attitude and a variable picture of works, which are constantly created from the start in a new perspective born from creator’s experience and feelings. Consequently, a piece of work composes, on the one hand, creator’s individuality, on the other hand it exceeds him or her into the world, and finally it makes a new creator. The complexity of reflexions taken up within auto-creation combines an existential and axiological perspective inducing a subject to make symbolic signposts to follow from an autobiographical perspective. An autobiographical narrative makes a crucial key to meet and understand human existence. The return to biographical research links to the necessity (and the possibility) to place a potential study on auto-creation in creative action within the interpretative paradigm. It makes it possible to define individual profiles of self-creation in the course of life in the context of original acts. In the broader research perspective, these profiles may become a signpost and confirmation of other people’s activities on their way to self-education. Moreover, they make it possible to establish similarities and differences between creators.
Edukacja Dorosłych; 2018, 2; 119-133
Pojawia się w:
Edukacja Dorosłych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pomiędzy narracją a tożsamością. Meandry autobiografii
Between narration and identity. Meanders of autobiography
Żardecka, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
narrative identity
autobiographical work
The text is an analysis of interrelations binding autobiographical narration to individual and social identity. The first part tackles the fundamental connection between narration and individual, personal identity of the narrator – Paul Ricoeur, serving as a guide to this fundamental part of the proposed analysis, assumes that the narrative continuum follows and imitates the temporal continuum, constituting a flow in which it becomes possible to inscribe stories modifying and corroborating the reflected course of life. Conceptualizing and bringing to consciousness one’s course of life, auto-narration constitutes both a form of conscientious self-judgement and an occasion for self-deception. In the second part, the author attempts to show how auto narration and its significance for the individual identity changes, when it gets written down in the form of autobiography, subjected to the rigor of the writing and entering in complex interrelationships with social memory and identity. Here the author’s guides are among others Philippe Lejeune, Janet Verner Gunn and Georges Gusdorf. In the third part, the hitherto reconstructed structure of auto-narration and autobiography is destroyed: referring to such authors as Louis A. Renza, Jean Starobinski, John Sturrock, Michel Beaujour and Jacques Derrida, I demonstrate that the autobiographical undertaking is doubtful, and that the optimistic project of saving oneself by means of auto-narration and autobiography is an illusion. The presence of Derrida in the text is scarcely visible; yet it is Derrida, in dialogue with the late Ricoeur, that show us the way out from the autobiographical and identitary trap.
Człowiek i Społeczeństwo; 2023, 56; 45-69
Pojawia się w:
Człowiek i Społeczeństwo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
“If Things Really Go On as They Are at the Moment, Then I Will Work Illegally. End of Story.” Pandemic Realities in Marginalized Entrepreneurships
Tümpel, Markus
Cardone, Pia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Biographical Study
Narrative Approach
Sex Workers
Fitness Instructors
Clothing Stores
Micro-enterprises and self-employed individuals have been hit particularly hard by the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, but few studies have tackled the issue. This paper is based on four in-depth case studies of self-employed people from different sectors who have been greatly affected by measures taken to control the pandemic. By capturing shifts in the perception of institutional and economic pressures, as well as precarity after the outbreak of COVID-19, we gained profound insight into crisis management among entrepreneurs working in niche or marginalized fields of business. We found parallels in their biographies and attitudes, but their perceptions of the COVID-19 pandemic differ. We observed paradoxes and hybrid logic, as well as different ways of coping with the crisis. Having a “plan B” helped in some cases, while all of them benefitted from the solidarity of networks and communities.
Qualitative Sociology Review; 2022, 18, 1; 74-95
Pojawia się w:
Qualitative Sociology Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Andrés García Serrano, The Presentation in the Temple. The Narrative Function of Lk 2:22-39 in Luke-Acts (Analecta Biblica 197; Roma: Gregorian & Biblical Press, 2012). Pp. 448. € 37. ISBN 978-88-7653-197-2.
Mielcarek, Krzysztof W.
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
presentation in the Temple
Lukan work
Book review:Andrés García Serrano, The Presentation in the Temple. The Narrative Function ofLk 2:22-39 in Luke-Acts (Analecta Biblica 197; Roma: Gregorian & Biblical Press,2012). Pp. 448. € 37. ISBN 978-88-7653-197-2.
The Biblical Annals; 2015, 5, 1; 217-221
Pojawia się w:
The Biblical Annals
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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