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Etiologia, objawy i leczenie infekcyjnego zapalenia wsierdzia według aktualnych wytycznych Europejskiego Towarzystwa Kardiologicznego
Aetiology, symptoms and treatment of the infective endocarditis according to European Cardiology Society contemporary guidelines
Adamska-Wełnicka, Anna
Niedolaz, Kalina
Kaźmierczak-D ziuk, Anna
Data publikacji:
Medical Communications
infective endocarditis
prosthetic valves
infekcyjne zapalenie wsierdzia
sztuczne zastawki
The clinical manifestation of infective endocarditis is usually non-specific. The signs and symptoms may be due to various infections, auto-aggressive or rheumatologic diseases. In some cases symptoms of endocarditis can mimic neoplastic disease. It is essential to diagnose infective endocarditis correctly and start the treatment as soon as possible because the outcome of the disease may be severe or even fatal. The disease is caused by the vegetations, characteristic changes. Vegetation is a mass of different cells: platelets, inflammatory cells as well as fibrin and microorganisms. Lesions are usually found on the valves of the left heart and lead to local destruction of the inner layer of the heart muscle. Parts of vegetation may drift with the blood flow and become the cause of cerebral or peripheral thrombus. However neurological disorders such as temporary ischemic attack or stroke can by the first symptom of endocarditis, usually the disease starts with fever. Physician can also find a new murmur of valve regurgitation. It is important to emphasize that there is an growing number of endocarditis due to cardiosurgical and cardiological procedures, especially concerning prosthetic valve or permanent electrode implantation. Intravenous drug abuse by addicts also may lead to endocarditis, in those cases lesions are often found on the tricuspid and pulmonary valves. Generally the most common cause of infective endocarditis is Staphylococcus spp. Diagnosis of endocarditis is based on clinical investigation, echocardiography and blood cultures. Primary treatment consists of multidrug antibiotic therapy and has to be started as soon as possible. In some cases surgical intervention is necessary. As far as endocarditis is concerned it is also essential to know when patients should be given antibiotics as prevention treatment. The rules of prevention of endocarditis have changed many times for the last few years. In summary: although endocarditis is rare disease, it is often difficult to diagnose and may lead to death. Therefore it is important for physicians to have at least a basic knowledge of infective endocarditis.
Infekcyjne zapalenie wsierdzia (IZW) cechuje niejednorodny obraz kliniczny, z pogranicza przewlekłych, niesprecyzowanych chorób infekcyjnych, autoimmunologicznych, reumatologicznych oraz nowotworowych. Szybka diagnostyka i włączenie leczenia celowanego IZW są konieczne z uwagi na poważne rokowanie i bezpośrednie zagrożenie życia pacjenta. W procesie IZW w obrębie zastawek serca tworzą się konglomeraty bakterii, komórek zapalnych, płytek krwi i włóknika, zwane wegetacjami. Dotyczą najczęściej zastawek lewej strony serca. Wegetacje doprowadzają do miejscowej destrukcji wsierdzia oraz stanowią źródło zatorowości obwodowej. Najczęstszym objawem IZW jest gorączka, natomiast w badaniu przedmiotowym zwraca uwagę nowy szmer wysłuchiwany nad sercem, świadczący o uszkodzeniu zastawek lub nici ścięgnistych. Zdarza się, że pierwszym symptomem choroby są zaburzenia neurologiczne spowodowane udarem mózgu powstałym w mechanizmie zatorowym. W ostatnim czasie wzrasta liczba zachorowań na IZW związanych ze stosowanymi procedurami inwazyjnymi wewnątrzsercowymi z implantacją sztucznych zastawek oraz elektrod. Szczególną grupę chorych stanowią również narkomani, u których najczęściej dochodzi do zajęcia zastawek prawej strony serca. Głównym czynnikiem etiologicznym zapalenia wsierdzia są bakterie, wśród nich obecnie dominują zakażenia gronkowcowe. Rozpoznanie choroby opiera się na danych klinicznych, obrazie echokardiograficznym oraz badaniach bakteriologicznych krwi. Leczeniem przyczynowym IZW jest antybiotykoterapia wielolekowa prowadzona w warunkach szpitalnych. Konieczne jest ścisłe monitorowanie choroby i rozważenie wskazań do leczenia kardiochirurgicznego. Istotnym zagadnieniem są również metody zapobiegania zakażeniom wsierdzia. Zasady profilaktyki IZW na przestrzeni ostatnich lat uległy znacznym modyfikacjom. Infekcyjne zapalenie wsierdzia wciąż pozostaje chorobą o poważnym rokowaniu, niejednokrotnie kończącą się zgonem pacjenta, a podstawowa wiedza o tym schorzeniu wydaje się niezbędna dla każdego lekarza.
Pediatria i Medycyna Rodzinna; 2013, 9, 1; 32-40
Pojawia się w:
Pediatria i Medycyna Rodzinna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Interes publiczny a interesy grupowe w polskim ustawodawstwie
Public Interest and Group Interests in the Polish Legislation
Публичный интерес и групповые интересы в польском законодательстве
Alwasiak, Stanisław
Lewandowska-Kalina, Monika
Kalina, Lech
Kowalewski, Oskar
Możdżeń, Michał
Rybiński, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
group interests
public interest
public finance
групповой интерес
публичный интерес
публичные финансы
The paper presents the results of the research on the implementation of group interests in the legislative process in Poland, made on a sample of 1365 laws passed in 1990- 2011. Two mutually related questions are analyzed: the state of the Polish legislation and the impact of various interest groups on the shape of law. The results of the research do not give a direct insight in the process of the legislative lobbying; they only document the fact of the existence of certain privileges in the law, favouring some interest groups at the expense of the whole society. The results of the analysis indicate that the legislative process is significantly influenced by such factors as current economic situation in the country, the state of public finance, time distance to the next parliamentary election, and the political position of the person that performs the function of the minister of finance.
В статье представлены результаты исследования вопроса реализации групповых интересов в процессе законотворчества в Польше на основе анализа 1365 законов, принятых в 1990-2011 гг. Авторы анализируют два взаимосвязанных аспекта: состояние польского законодательства и влияние групп интересов на содержание законов. Результаты исследования не дают прямого ответа на вопрос о способах лоббирования законов, но доказывают факт наличия привилегий в законах для некоторых групп за счёт всего общества. Полученные результаты указывают, что существенное влияние на создание законов оказывает актуальная экономическая ситуация страны, состояние публичных финансов, близость или отдаленность во времени ближайших парламентских выборов, а также политическая позиция лица, которое в данный момент занимает должность министра финансов,
Ekonomista; 2014, 3; 349-365
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
What Determines State Capture in Poland?
Alwasiak, Stanisław
Lewandowska-Kalina, Monika
Lech, Kalina
Możdżeń, Michał
Kowalewski, Oskar
Rybiński, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego w Warszawie
state capture
public interest
transition country
Purpose: This study examines the determinants of ex-ante state capture in Poland. Methodology: In order to establish the determinants of ex-ante state capture a logistic regression is estimated. Findings: The study shows that in Poland the majority of legal acts were passed with the aim to satisfy the interest of particular groups. Furthermore, the regression analysis shows that the likelihood of state capture increases during the period of higher economic growth and local elections. The likelihood of state capture, however, declines during presidential elections. The results we attribute to different interests of political parties in the period of local and presidential elections. Finally, we fi nd that the state capture increased over the years in Poland. Additionally, we show that the EU accession did not prevent state capture in Poland. In contrast, the fi nancial crisis of 2007 resulted in a wake-up effect and the likelihood of state capture declined in Poland. Research limitations: In the study we employ proxies for state capture, yet we assume that corruption is a widespread phenomenon in Poland. However, due to its nature corruption is very diffi cult to assess and measure. Originality: The study uses a unique dataset on ex-ante state capture that was identifi ed in the legal acts that have been passed in the period 1990–2011 in Poland.
Management and Business Administration. Central Europe; 2013, 21, 4(123); 86-109
Pojawia się w:
Management and Business Administration. Central Europe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Najnowsze bułgarskie przekłady Czesława Miłosza
New Bulgarian Translations of Czesław Miłoszs Works
Bachnewa, Kalina
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Czesław Miłosz
Bulgarian perception of Miłosz
Significant for the history of the reception of the Polish poet in Bulgaria are the book published in the Czesław Miłosz year: It (translated by Silvia Borisova and Kamen Rikev). The volume It is discussed from the point of view of the faithfulness of the translation of the poet’s specific philosophical interests. The translation of Native Realm is also of significance to the Bulgarian perception of Miłosz. The artistic value of the translation (Родната Европа, 2012) done by Margreta Grigorova and Mira Kostova is considered with reference to the various meanings of the notion of what it means to be European.
Postscriptum Polonistyczne; 2013, 2(12); 163-175
Pojawia się w:
Postscriptum Polonistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bibliografia przekładów literatury polskiej w Bułgarii w latach 1990—2006
The bibliography of translations of Polish literature in Bulgaria in the period 1990-2006
Bahneva, Kalina
Genew-Puhalewa, Iliana
Mleczko, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
bibliografia przekładów
literatura polska w Bułgarii
bibliography of translations
Polish literature in Bulgaria
Bibliografia przekładów literatury polskiej w Bułgarii w latach 1990-2006, obejmująca przekłady książek i przekłady opublikowane w czasopismach.
The bibliography of translations of Polish literature in Bulgaria in the period 1990-2006 which includes translations of the books and translations in periodicals.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2012, 1, 3; 35-143
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Literatura polska w przekładach na język bułgarski. Czasopisma literackie w latach 1990—2007
Българските преводи на полска литература в литературната периодика 1990—2007
Bulgarian Translations of Polish Literature in the Periodical Literature, 1990—2007
Bahneva, Kalina
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
bułgarskie przekłady literatury polskiej po 1989
literatura polska w bułgarskiej prasie
współczesna literatura polska w Bułgarii
recepcja literatury polskiej w Bułgarii
polska krytyka literacka w Bułgarii
Bulgarian translations of Polish literature after 1989
Polish literature in Bulgarian Perodical Literature
modern polish literature in Bulgaria
receiption of Polish literature in Bulgaria
Polish literary critical thought in Bulgaria
Текстът разглежда рецепцията на полската преводна литература през последното двадесетилетие в българските специализирани издания за литература и изкуство.Обобщени са тематичният брой на „Литературен вестник”, озаглавен Полската литература на 90‑те (бр. 11, 22.—28.03.2000 г.) и посветен на промените в полския художествен живот в края на миналия век, бр. 18 (8.—14.05.2002 г.) на същото издание, озаглавен Полската Nike, представящ носителите на найголямата полска литературна награда в периода 1997—2002 г., както и двата броя (бр. 35, 2.—8.11.2005 г. и бр. 6, 15.—21.02.2006 г.) на „Литературен вестник”: Литература на токчета или подобрата литература и Литература пред огледалото или подобрата литература, съсредоточени върху творчеството на представителките на полския феминизъм. Статията осмисля също така полския брой (бр. 3, 2002 г.) на сп. „Панорама”, който изгражда преводна картина на полската литература след 1989 г., бр. 3—4 от 2006 г. на сп. „Критика”, оглеждащо най‑интересните изяви на литературнокритическата мисъл в Полша през същия период, както бр. 8 от 2007 г. на сп. „Славянски диалози”, който репрезентира основни тенденции в съвременната полска култура.
This text examines the reception of Polish literature into professional Bulgarian publications for literature and art. It submits to a discussion the following sources: The special issue of „Literaturen westnik” („Literary Weekly”) entitled Polish Literature of the Nineties, no.11 (22.—28.03.2000), devoted entirely to the changes occurred in Polish literature and artistic life at the end of the past century; and no. 18 (8.—14.05.2002) of the same journal presents under the title Polish Nike, presents the most prestigious Polish literary award and its laureates during the years 1997—2002. Mentioned above jurnal „Literaturen westnik” („Literary Weekly”) had two more special issues: Literature on Heel‑ or Better Literature, no. 35 (2.—8.11), and Literature before the Mirror or Better Literature, no. 6 (15.— 21.02), published in 2006, both focused on Polish women’s feminist writers. The article takes also into account the issue of „Panorama”, no. 3 (2002), which gives an overview of Polish literature translated into Bulgarian after 1989. Included into this discussion is the periodical „Kritika”, no. 3— 4 (2006); it gives a survey of the most interesting statements of Polish literary critical thought in the same period, that is, after 1989. Similarly, the „Slavianski dialozi” („Slavic Dialogues”), no. 8 (2007), that presents some most important ways of development in contemporary Polish culture.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2009, 1, 1; 29-48
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Miłosz dla bibliofilów
Miłosz for Bibliophiles
Bahneva, Kalina
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Czesław Miłosz,
Child of Europe,
Bulgarian bibliophile tradition
The article deals with a Bulgarian translation of Czesław Miłosz’s poem Child of Europe. The author of the translation, Katia Mitova, was a well-known interpreter of Polish literature and an expert in literature. The translation itself, which appeared in fifty numbered copies, forms a separate bibliophile edition (the illustrator of the volume was Jan Libenstein). The article discusses the aspects connected with the elitism of the edition in the context of interesting Bulgarian bibliophile tradition observed in the interwar period, but also in connection with ambiguous and difficult to understand concepts found in the poem written by the Polish Noble Prize Laureate. The author of the article focuses on the very concept of Europe as it appears in the poem and its connotations to the essence of human intelligence and cogni-tion. Additionally, the article presents various aspects of irony regarded as a form of speech, important not only in the process of appropriate comprehension of this poetic work. In translation, it also helps to attain the correct interpretation of the ideological and artistic contents of the poem.
Postscriptum Polonistyczne; 2011, 1(7); 327-340
Pojawia się w:
Postscriptum Polonistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nienasyceni – o tym, co jedzą bohaterowie (dramatów) Witkacego
Insatiables – What Do the Heroes of Witkiewiczs Drama Eat?
Bahneva, Kalina
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
cultural anthropology
Witkacy's drama
culinary practices and literature
The article is dedicated to culinary practices in Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz's drama. They are considered in relation to the idea of metaphysical insatiability and a “creative hunger” of exceptional individuality. Culinary tastes that dominate in Witkacy's writings are being ana-lysed on the bases of the critical approaches of Lévi Strauss and Barthes as well as Malinow-ski's important works on cultural anthropology (Argonauts of the Western Pacific, 1922; The Sexual Life of Savages in North-Western Melanesia, 1929). The article concentrates also on the works of some well-known representatives of the inter¬ war period (Čapek, Schulz, Kafka) that are relevant to the subject.
Postscriptum Polonistyczne; 2011, 2(8); 207-223
Pojawia się w:
Postscriptum Polonistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Some problems resulting from powering of turbine engines by liquified petroleum gas (LPG)
Balicki, Wł.
Kalina, P.
Snopkiewicz, K.
Irzycki, A.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
power engineering
turbine engines
alternative fuels
liquified petroleum gas (LPG)
feeding system
There has been observed for several years a number of attempts to introduce for everyday use small power units which utilize turbine engine as propulsion unit (the U.S., Japan, and Europe). Efficiency increase of such devices is achieved by improving of turbine engine design as well as utilizing of exhaust gas thermal energy to heat the compressed air supplied to combustion chamber and, for example to heat usable water. Significant orientation of turbine engine improvements lead to the modernization of combustion processes by applying of gaseous fuels (such as compressed natural gas) or implementation of high-temperature catalytic combustion. The purpose of these changes reduction of hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides emissions. In Propulsion Department of Aviation Institute a scientific project has been realized, in which the object of study was aircraft turbine engine powered by a liquid propane-butane mixture. The paper presents some results of engine tests carried out, especially concerning feeding system, special fuel system applied LPG pumping systems with the use of sliding-vane pump and by means of pressure reservoir and combustion process of LPG atomized with the use of original GTD-350 vortex injector, adapted for aviation kerosene Jet-A.
Journal of KONES; 2013, 20, 4; 17-22
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
LNG as alternative fuel for railway transport
Barta, D.
Brezáni, M.
Kalina, T.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Naukowo-Wydawniczy "SPATIUM"
railway transport
rail vehicles
alternative fuel
liquefied natural gas
energy security
transport kolejowy
pojazd szynowy
paliwa alternatywne
bezpieczeństwo energetyczne
Despite the innovating transport technologies around the globe, transport sector is the fastest growing consumer of energy and producer of greenhouse gases in the European Union and this trend is expected to continue in next years. Energy security is the one of the key condition of smooth functioning of state. Nowadays only few European countries are energy self-sufficient. Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Russian Federation and United Kingdom produce more energy than they can consume. Countries in Central and Eastern Europe are absolutely dependent on imported oil and gas from other suppliers. This paper gives basic information about Liquefied Natural Gas as a greener alternative to other fossil fuels. It focuses on basic properties of LNG, which are fundamental to understanding LNG correctly and then possibly use it as a fuel for rail vehicles.
Autobusy : technika, eksploatacja, systemy transportowe; 2016, 17, 6; 64-67
Pojawia się w:
Autobusy : technika, eksploatacja, systemy transportowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Karol Klemens Poznański, uczony i profesor pozytywista
Karol Klemens Poznański, a scientist and professor a positivist
Bartnicka, Kalina
Data publikacji:
Związek Nauczycielstwa Polskiego
a historian of upbringing
an academic teacher
scientific work
Aim: The presented essay was prepared in connection with the 91st birthday anniversary of Prof. Karol Poznański, which falls in February 2022. Over 60 years of acquaintance with the professor prompted the author to reflect on his rich, many-sided personality. Methods: In order to present his profile and evaluation, a retrospective analysis of the images preserved in the author’s memory of the professor’s behaviour towards both colleagues, staff and students was used. Synthesising and evaluating the scientific achievements of the distinguished jubilarian was to some extent facilitated by the reference books, especially publications directly dedicated to him. Results: The profile of Prof. Poznański has been presented based on personal memories and literature. Conclusions: In the era of confusion of notions and values, concerning also many representatives of the academic teachers, the presentation of the professor’s profile was considered necessary for cognitive and application reasons.
Przegląd Historyczno-Oświatowy; 2022, LXV, 1-2; 101-112
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Historyczno-Oświatowy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Oryginalność Komisji Edukacji Narodowej na tle europejskim
The uniqueness of the Commission of National Education in Europe
Bartnicka, Kalina
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Education in the Polish Republic
education reforms in the 18th century
the state organ of the education authorities
the secular profession of a teacher
the structure of universities
the ideal of a citizen
teaching language
As a result of the ban imposed on the Society of Jesus, post-Jesuit schools and funds had to be submitted to control. On 14 October 1773, on the initiative of king Stanisław August Poniatowski, the Commission of National Education (KEN) was appointed during a session of the parliament confirming the First Partition of Poland. The Commission was a body supervising the entire Polish education system, as well as an education fund created from the post-Jesuit assets. The king and the members of Parliament hoped that the Commission would reform the Polish education system and subsequently Poland would become a powerful state again. The Commission was a state institution appointed by parliament and answerable only to parliament. The Commission members included well-educated individuals, prominent politicians, representatives of the social elite who added to the Commission of National Education’s prestige. The school reform was inspired by the concepts of physiocracy (adapted to Polish conditions), the achievements of the pedagogy and philosophy of the Enlightenment, coupled with the local political and educational heritage, as well as the experiences of the National Academy in educating teachers and in cooperating with secondary schools. The Commission of National Education did not have any examples to follow, be it for institutional work or the planned school reform. The Commission managed to create a new type of state institution in charge of education. University-level education was provided to teachers, while the universities themselves were upgraded in terms of academic requirements and organisation. Departments were replaced with two equal-rank colleges. A Moral College was established with social science and humanities in mind, while a Physical College was created with mathematics and natural science in mind. The universities were delegated the responsibility of academic and pedagogic supervision of secondary schools. The Commission established the modern profession of teacher, the so-called academic estate. Polish was introduced to schools as a teaching language, accompanied by an encyclopaedic curriculum. Polish school books were developed. An enlightened and responsible nobleman-cum-patriot was offered as an educational model. The Laws of the Commission of National Education for the academic estate and the schools of the Polish Republic, an academic legal code, was developed and published in 1783.  The Commission was appointed by parliament and had an educational fund at its sole disposal. It was esponsible only to parliament for its activity and financial policy. This significantly differentiated the KEN from the institutions supervising education in Russia, Germany or Austria, as well as other countries, which were financially and legally dependent on enlightened monarchs. The KEN schools educated patriots and citizens, while the schools in absolutist monarchies desired loyal and obedient subjects of the tsar or king. 
Biuletyn Historii Wychowania; 2015, 33; 7-22
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Historii Wychowania
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Profesor Józef Miąso - historyk wychowania i współtwórca Towarzystwa Historii Edukacji
Professor Józef Miąso - historian of education and cofounder of Society of the History of Education
Bartnicka, Kalina
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Biuletyn Historii Wychowania; 2003, 17/18; 162-168
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Historii Wychowania
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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