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Polskie władze państwowe wobec obrządku wschodniosłowiańskiego w okresie międzywojennym
The Polish State authorities’ attitude towards the Eastern Slavonic rite in the period between the two World Wars
Ryba, Mieczysław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
obrządek wschodniosłowiański
Ministerstwo Wyznań Religijnych i Oświecenia Publicznego
Henryk Przeździecki
Andrzej Szeptycki
Eastern Slavonic rite
Ministry of Religious Affairs and Public Education
Artykuł dotyczy stosunku władz polskich do obrządku wschodniosłowiańskiego w okresie  międzywojennym. Po rewolucji bolszewickiej Cerkiew w Rosji doznała olbrzymich prześladowań. Stolica Apostolska pragnęła przywrócić jedność rosyjskiego prawosławia z Rzymem. Z tym większą siłą propagowano obrządek neosłowiański, jako formę nowej unii religijnej, zbliżonej pod względem obrządku do prawosławia, a pozostającej w jedności z papieżem. Polska posiadająca dość liczną ludność prawosławną była terenem eksperymentalnym dla wprowadzania nowego obrządku. Polskie władze były przeciwne temu działaniu, uznając, że może się to stać zaczynem generowania nowego nacjonalizmu wśród ludności ruskiej. Wszystko to wiązało się z bardzo złymi doświadczeniami Polaków co do obrządku greckokatolickiego, na podstawie którego rozwijał się ze szczególną siłą antypolski nacjonalizm ukraiński w Małopolsce Wschodniej.
Mieczysław Ryba’s article is concerned with the Polish State authorities’ attitude towards the Eastern Slavonic rite in the period between the two World Wars. After the Bolshevik Revolution the Orthodox Church in Russia suffered relentless persecutions. The Holy See wanted to restore the unity of the Russian Orthodox Church and Rome. Hence the neo-Slavonic rite was strongly propagated as a form of a new religious union, similar to Orthodoxy and being united with the Pope. Poland that had a considerable Orthodox population was an experimental area for introducing the new rite. The Polish authorities opposed this action as they thought that it might trigger off the rise of a new nationalism among the Ruthenian population. All this was connected with Poles’ bitter experiences with the Greek-Catholic Church that was the basis for the especially strong development of anti-Polish Ukrainian nationalism in Eastern Lesser Poland.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2015, 63, 2; 177-198
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zasady funkcjonowania Komisji Edukacji Narodowej jako pierwszego Ministerstwa Oświaty
The Rules According to Which the Commission of National Education (KEN) Functioned as the First Ministry of Education
Bednarski, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Komisja Edukacji Narodowej
Towarzystwo do Ksiąg Elementarnych
Ministerstwo Oświaty
Commission of National Education
Society for Elementary Books
school inspector
Ministry of Education
educational system
The present study discusses the issue of the supreme school authorities of the last decades of the 18th century in the First Polish Republic. The rules according to which the Commission of National Education (KEN) functioned as well as its political position are characterized. The main subject of the work is showing in what way the KEN was independent of the authorities of the state, owing to which we may talk about the institution as the first Ministry of Education. The origin of the Commission is discussed against the background of education reforms in selected European countries like Prussia, Austria and France. However, these countries did not establish so independent education departments as it was the case with Poland. Apart from this institutions are discussed that were parts of the KEN, and without which it would be impossible to effect the reforms, namely, the Society for Elementary Books and the office of General Inspectors. The former one was responsible for curricula and handbooks, but it often had to take over part of the duties of the very KEN. The inspectors were a kind of a link between the central education authorities and schools all over Poland; they also supervised effecting the reforms and passed the postulates formulated by the education system employees to the Commission. In the conclusion the effects of the KEN's work and its influence on the society harassed by the partitions are summarized. The whole allows the reader to have a closer look at the functioning of the schooling system of that time from the historical-legal perspective.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2009, 57, 2; 99-110
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Urząd Ministra w latach 1918-1939 Podstawy prawne
The Office of Minister in the Years 1918-1939 Legal Basis
Lipska, Marzena Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Trybunał Stanu
odpowiedzialnośc polityczna
odpowiedzialność parlamentarna
odpowiedzialność konstytucyjna
dwudziestolecie międzywojenne
prewar period
Prime Minister
political responsibility
parliamentary responsibility
constitutional responsibility
State Tribunal
Subsequent constitutions of the Second Republic of Poland, i.e. the March Constitution (1921) and the April Contitution (1935), determined on the one hand the mutual relation between the State and society as well as the extent of the State’s interference, and on the other the position and tasks of the administration with respect to the other bodies of State authority. Although it was the Prime Minister who represented the government externally, headed its activities and determined the general outline of the State policy, both constitutions provided for individual liability of the interior minister. In addition to parliamentary and constitutional liabilities, the April Constitution added political one, which in fact was to become the most important. As far as the structure of the central bodies (ministries) were concerned, neither of the constitutions specified the number and competences of the ministers, leaving these matters to normal course of legislation. Yet, until 1939 this matter remained unresolved.
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych; 2009, 19, 1; 221-249
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Activities of Cultural Centres During the Covid-19 Epidemic in Poland
Nowakowski, Piotr T.
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
domy kultury
epidemia COVID-19 w Polsce
kultura w Internecie
Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
cultural centres
COVID-19 epidemic in Poland
culture on the Internet
Ministry of Culture and National Heritage in Poland
Funkcjonowanie domów kultury w trakcie epidemii COVID-19 w Polsce W związku z podjęciem kroków mających na celu zatrzymanie szerzenia się wirusa SARS-CoV-2 w Polsce od marca 2020 r. aktywność domów kultury uległa okresowemu zamrożeniu. Już na samym początku spowodowało to wyzwania o różnorakim charakterze, zwłaszcza finansowym. Brak możliwości organizowania imprez komercyjnych zmusił wiele placówek do poszukiwania alternatywnych źródeł dochodu. Przede wszystkim jednak epidemia postawiła pod znakiem zapytania możliwość realizacji działalności statutowej placówek kultury. W artykule omówiono nowe konteksty tej działalności, które sprowadzały się do odwołania lub zawieszenia imprez i zajęć, przeniesienia aktywności do sieci, podjęcia interaktywnej komunikacji z odbiorcą, reorganizacji pracy stacjonarnej, wreszcie aktywnego włączenia się w walkę z koronawirusem. Etap znoszenia ograniczeń wywołanych epidemią dał możliwość stopniowego przywracania działalności placówek kultury, a Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego opublikowało wytyczne dotyczące dalszego ich funkcjonowania. Doświadczenia pierwszego okresu epidemii mogą być nauką na przyszłość, z której mogą skorzystać czynniki odpowiedzialne za placówki kultury.
In connection with the measures taken to stop the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in Poland, from March 2020 the activity of cultural centres was periodically frozen. From the very beginning it caused challenges of various natures, especially financial ones. The inability to organise commercial events has forced many institutions to look for alternative sources of income. Above all, however, the epidemic called into question the possibility of carrying out the statutory activities of cultural institutions. This paper discusses new contexts of this activity, which boiled down to cancelling or suspending events and classes, transferring activities to the Internet, undertaking interactive communication with recipients, reorganising intramural work, and finally actively joining the fight against coronavirus. The stage of lifting the restrictions caused by the epidemic made it possible to gradually resume the activities of the cultural institutions, and the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage has published guidelines for their further operation. The experiences of the first period of the epidemic may be a lesson for the future that could be used by those responsible for cultural institutions.
Roczniki Kulturoznawcze; 2020, 11, 3; 79-93
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Kulturoznawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Walka o utrzymanie narodowego (demokratycznego) ideału wychowawczego w polskiej oświacie w latach 1944-1947
The Struggle for Maintaining the National (Democratic) Educational Ideal in Polish Schools in 1944-1947
Składanowski, Henryk
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Tajna Organizacja Nauczycielska
Polski Komitet Wyzwolenia Narodowego
Polska Partia Robotnicza
Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe
Tymczasowy Rząd Jedności Narodowej
Ministerstwo Oświaty
Związek Nauczycielstwa Polskiego
Clandestine Teachers' Organization (TON)
Polish Committee of National Liberation (PKWN)
Polish Workers' Party (PPR)
Polish Peasants' Party (PSL)
Provisional Government of National Unity (TRJN)
Ministry of Education
Polish Teachers' Association (ZNP)
After the Polish Committee of National Liberation (PKWN) had been established, Communist education activists came to Poland from the Soviet Union. The group was led by Dr Stanisław Skrzeszewski who was appointed Head of the Education Department in Lublin. In order to draw teachers to work in the Polish school that was being rebuilt, they had to completely change the views of education they had propagated before. These were tactical actions supposed to neutralize the teacher circle's unfavorable or hostile attitudes. This resulted from the fact that the education structure of the London Government Delegation and the Clandestine Teachers' Organization (TON), working on the liberated lands, were under the influence of the Peasants' Party (SL), and they did not join the new authorities' organizational work, as they did not trust the Polish Workers' Party or the National People's Council. This is why in the “Appeal to the Polish Teachers” issued on 1 August 1944 by the Education Department in Lublin it was, among others, stated, that “The teacher has a complete freedom of democratic political views, speech and actions, according to his views”. The people managing the Education Department, knowing the moods prevailing in the society, did not want to introduce radical changes at the initial stage, and the curriculum, including history, was the same as the one before the war. This is proven, among others, by the “Directions for organizing public primary schools in the school year 1944/45”. Such actions resulted from the social-political situation obtaining in Poland at that time. The new authorities did not want to indispose the Polish society and the teachers towards themselves, as the Communist education activists coming from the USSR were already looked at with suspicion. They were also afraid for their own future fate, as the PKWN, and then the Provisional Government were not recognized by the two remaining superpowers of the anti-Hitler coalition, that is, the United States and Great Britain. This had a great influence on the compromise solutions decided on in the field of education. In the new Provisional Government of National Unity (TRJN) appointed on 28 June 1945, on the basis of the agreement between the three superpowers concluded in Jalta, a Polish Peasants' Party (PSL) activist, the president of the Polish Teachers' Association (ZNP), Czesław Wycech became Minister of Education. When Czesław Wycech took over the function of the minister, the Communists, partly debarred from the posts of authority, still tried to influence the crucial decisions, keeping some of the most important positions. Żanna Kormanowa, an education activist who came from the Soviet Union, is a good example here. She had the key function of the Head of the School Reform and Curricula Department. Despite fears of losing it the Communists were able to keep the position. Formally not controlling the Ministry of Education, they in fact had a lot of influence on the curricula that were being prepared. Many PPR activists knew that establishing the TRJN was a necessary compromise. However, they could not understand why the party had given up just this ministry, as their educational work done so far was assessed as very good by the party leaders. They thought that reconstructing the contents of school education in history and forming a new, communist educational ideal, were an indispensable condition in the planned ideological attack. In this way a situation arose, in which the changes in education were being introduced by teachers connected with PSL, who did not agree with the former Ministry of Education's conception of reform. They did not accept the education ideal postulated by PPR, either. On the contrary, the main educational aims, which the Ministry of Education headed by the PLS pursued, were: “the principles of democracy understood as respect for human rights for freedom, for full development, for participation in material and cultural achievements according to one's work and abilities, as aspiration for dividing hardships and burdens that an individual has to bear for the common good”. These aims proved that the PSL wanted to build a fully democratic state, which was contrary to the principle of “the dictatorship of the proletariat” proclaimed by the PPR. However, in the situation that obtained at that time the Communists had to tolerate the views presented by the Ministry of Education. Until the forged elections of 1947 the Ministry tried to resist the PPR's influences and aimed at democratic changes in Poland, which was reflected, among others, in the curricula that were then issued. Having seized all the power in 1947 the Communists started putting into effect the ideals of education based on Marxist-Leninist ideology, alien to Polish people. Deserted in its struggle for democracy the PSL, supported practically by the Church alone, subjected to repressions and exposed to actions aiming at its dissent, was not able to defend the democratic and national education. The education ideas proclaimed by the PSL after the war were returned to practically only after the rise of the “Solidarity” trade union in 1980, and started being put into effecty after the breakthrough of 1989, when Poland regained full independence.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2004, 52, 2; 57-70
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Sprawy polskie” w pruskim Ministerstwie Spraw Wewnętrznych (1900–1918)
“Polish Affairs” in the Prussian Interior Ministry (1900–1918)
Matwiejczyk, Witold
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
polityka germanizacyjna rządu pruskiego 1900‒1918
Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnętrznych Prus 1900‒1918
historia Niemiec 1900‒1918
historia administracji 1900‒1918
stosunki polsko-niemieckie na przełomie XIX i XX w.
Germanization policy
Prussian government in 1900–1918
Prussian Interior Ministryin 1900–1918
German history in 1900–1918
administrative history in 1900–1918
Polish-German relations at turn of 20th century
Głównym celem badawczym artykułu jest odpowiedź na pytanie, jaka była rola pruskiego Ministerstwa Spraw Wewnętrznych przy wcielaniu w życie pruskiej „Polenpolitik”. Na podstawie zachowanych (choć niepełnych) rozporządzeń wewnętrznych i schematów organizacyjnych tego ministerstwa autor próbuje ustalić, jak przebiegały mechanizmy decyzyjne przy rozpatrywaniu „spraw polskich” w tymże ministerstwie; jakie konkretnie osoby, w jakich referatach merytorycznych podejmowały setki decyzji składających się na odgórnie przyjęte ramy „Polenpolitik”. Problem badawczy jest o tyle skomplikowany, że zachowany układ akt Ministerstwa Spraw Wewnętrznych, przechowywanych w Geheimes Staatsarchiv w Berlinie, nie odpowiada strukturze referatów merytorycznych, w których zostały wytworzone. Zastany układ jest głównie wytworem registratur, gdyż to tam łączono poszczególne akta w tomy, nadając im tytuły i przynależność strukturalną. Artykuł składa się z trzech części merytorycznych. W części wstępnej autor wyjaśnia, że Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnętrznych jako najwyższa instancja zwierzchnia dla struktur policji i administracji terenowej ponosiło główną odpowiedzialność za realizację w praktyce rządowej „Polenpolitik”. W części drugiej autor przeprowadza krótką analizę karier zawodowych szefów resortu spraw wewnętrznych, by odpowiedzieć na pytanie, czy ich doświadczenia administracyjne w prowincjach wschodnich i kontakty z ludnością polską w jakiś sposób determinowały kierunek i ciągłość „polityki polskiej” w kierowanym przez nich resorcie. Ostatnia część jest poświęcona strukturze organizacyjnej ministerstwa i jej zmianom w omawianym okresie. Rozważania koncentrują się na tych referatach merytorycznych, które podejmowały decyzje w „sprawach polskich”. We wnioskach autor podkreśla częste zmiany ministrów spraw wewnętrznych i ich znikome doświadczenia w pracy administracyjnej w prowincjach zamieszkałych przez Polaków (Ostmarken), co sugeruje, że nie były one główną przyczyną kierunku, ciągłości i determinacji w realizacji polityki germanizacyjnej wobec mniejszości polskiej. Te czynniki autor dostrzega w samej strukturze i funkcjonowaniu referatów merytorycznych ministerstwa. Początkowo „sprawy polskiej agitacji” (Polenagitation) rozpatrywane były w jednym referacie z problemami ruchu socjalistycznego, anarchistycznego oraz separatystycznego ruchu welfickiego (hanowerskiego) i duńskiego. Wszystkie były bowiem jednakowo traktowane jako zagrożenie dla bezpieczeństwa państwa. Wraz z radykalizacją polityki germanizacyjnej sprawy „polskiej agitacji” od 1908 r. znalazły się w odrębnym referacie, kierowanym do 1918 r. przez tego samego decernenta. Był on wspierany przez dwóch decernentów referatów policyjnych (ogólnej policji państwowej i policji politycznej). W sumie w latach 1908‒1918 zaledwie trzy osoby podejmowały decyzje merytoryczne w sprawach polskich, w czym autor upatruje właśnie ciągłość i konsekwencję w realizacji antypolskiej polityki rządu pruskiego.
The chief research goal of this article is to answer the question what was the role of the Prussian Ministry of the Interior in the implementation of the Prussian “Polenpolitik.” On the basis of the preserved (even if incomplete) internal regulations and organisational plans of the ministry, I explore the Ministry’s decision-making mechanisms when the “Polish affairs” were considered. I also try to determine which specific persons in which departments made the hundreds of decisions which contributed to the officially adopted framework of “Polenpolitik”. The research problem is all the more complicated because the preserved hierarchical structure of the Ministry files, stored in the Geheimes Staatsarchiv in Berlin, does not correspond to the structure of the departments in which they were created. The present structure must be attributed mainly to registering offices, where individual files were compiled in volumes, to which titles and structural affiliation were assigned. The presented article consists of three parts. In the introductory part, I explain that the Ministry of the Interior, as the supreme authority for police and field administration structures, bore the main responsibility for the realization of “Polenpolitik” in governmental practice. In the second part, I shortly examine the careers of senior officials of the Ministry in order to answer the question whether their administrative experience in the eastern provinces and their contacts with the Polish population in any way determined the direction and continuity of “policy for Poland” in the ministry they headed. I devote the last part to the Ministry’s organisational structure and its evolution in the period in question. The considerations are focused on those substantive departments, which made decisions on “Polish affairs.” In the concluding section, I emphasize the frequent rotation of the ministers and their scant experience of administrative work in the provinces inhabited by Poles (Ostmarken), which suggests that they were not the main factor in the direction, continuity and determination of the Germanization policy towards the Polish minority. I notice these factors in the very structure and functioning of the Ministry’s core departments. At first, “matters of Polish activism” (Polenagitation) were at first processed in one department that dealt with the problems of the socialist and the anarchist movement and the Welfen (Hannoverian) separatist movement and one in Denmark. This was because all of them were equally regarded as a threat to state security. With the radicalization of Germanization policy, from 1908 onwards the matters of “Polish activism” were dealt with by a separate department, headed by the same Dezernents until 1918. He was supported by two dezernents of police departments (general state police and political police). Overall, between 1908 and 1918 only three persons made decisions on Polish matters, which I see as the continuity and consistency of the anti-Polish policy of the Prussian government.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2021, 69, 2; 143-175
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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