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Wyszukujesz frazę "Democracy" wg kryterium: Wszystkie pola

Wolność i równość jako podstawowe elementy liberalnej demokracji
Liberty and equality as the fundamental elements of liberal democracy
Monatskyy, Hryhoriy
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
teoria demokracji
theory of democracy
In the article liberty and equality as important values in democracy are presented. Political theory advances the thesis that liberal democrats do not consider power of the people as the highest and ultimate political value. Liberals include among fundamental values various types of liberty and various kinds of equality that are connected with them, that is, liberty of speech, liberty of religion, the right to property, the right to voice one’s opinion or the right to assume public offices. It is these values that are the foundations of the ideal of the society of free and equal human beings.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 2006, 34, 1; 147-160
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Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
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Biblioteka Nauki
Problemy demokracji w III Rzeczypospolitej
The Problems of Democracy in the Third Republic of Poland
Wójcik, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
demokracja starogrecka
ustrój demokratyczny
demokracja III RP
democracy of ancient Greece
democratic system
democracy in the Third Republic of Poland
The article presents problems connected with forming democracy in Poland after 1989. In order to comprehend the Polish democracy and to answer the question ‘Where are you heading, democracy?’, the author indicates the model of democratic system in ancient Greece and points to the phenomenon of explosion of democratic systems in the world. Also studies of the state of knowledge of democracy are presented. They show that there is a discrepancy between the degree of satisfaction with the practical performance of democratic countries and the faith in the ideals of democracy. A special attention is devoted to the distance that separates the Polish democracy from mature Western democracies. By analyzing the literature and emphasizing the gaps in the mechanism of democracy it is shown that Poland meets the minimum standards of the democratic system. The author suggests the direction of transformation that should be followed in order to make Poland a democratic country.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 2008, 36, 1; 169-184
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Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
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Biblioteka Nauki
Arystoteles a idea demokracji
Aristotle and the Idea of Democracy
Kowalczyk, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
dobro wspólne
system polityczny
common good
political system
Aristotle regarded the state as a natural and self-sufficient society, its aim being common good of all citizens (except slaves and foreigners). This kind of good contains non only economic good, but also moral good including a group of virtues: equality, justice, obedience, and prudence. The work entitled Politics distinguishes three positive political systems: monarchy (the reign of one), aristocracy (the reigns of elites), and politeia (the reigns of many or all). Once these systems aiming at common good are deformed, they become systems carrying out particular interests: tyranny cares about the good of one, oligarchy about the good of elites, and democracy about the good of a people exclusively. An ideal system is politeia characterized by the government of all citizens for the good of the whole population of the country. Aristotle separated many forms of democracy, bering in mind a twofold criterion: juridic-procedural (the number of the roles and a technique of holding the power) and axiological (whether the aim of the state is the good of all, or only the good of some, e.g. the poor). The ancient-Greek thinker valued moderate direct democracy which he understood of the rule of all for the good of all. He was critical, however, about the radical form of democracy, such that assumed the primary role of law before ethics, and considering only the good of the people, that is a part of the citizens of the state.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 2002, 30, 1; 13-23
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Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
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Biblioteka Nauki
Polityka, demokracja i integracja europejska w opinii młodych Polaków
Politics, Democracy and European Integration in the View of Young Poles
Siwko, Maria
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
polska młodzież
integracja europejska
the Polish youth
European integration
The paper seeks to analyse what Polish young people think about the essential categories of modernity: politics, democracy, and European integration. The author refers to the findings of numerous sociological, Polish and European, studies on the view held by young people in the period that preceded Poland’s accession to the European Union. While analysing politics, it has been highlighted what they think about politicians, political parties, and electoral campaigns. The vast majority of young people could not declare their political views. This may be accounted for by the fact that the youth were not interested in politics then, and their attitude towards politics was negative. They appreciated private, personal values, and family life rather than participation in social life. In the group of students from vocational schools one could observe the highest level of political frustration and noncommitment in politics. Now if we compare Polish young people and adults, we can observe an analogous relation towards democracy. The pro-democratic attitudes among young people were whaped the kind of school they attended, their social status, and living standards. At the turn of the centuries, there was a decisive increase in critical views towards democracy in Poland. With regard to Poland’s mombership in the European Union, the picture varied in relation to political preferences. The degree of support and commitment of behalf of the process of European integration changed according to the degree of the so-called European mobility. The largest support was manifested by the individuals of pro-European orientation, pragmatic, open to new experiences, culturally and religiously tolerant, oriented to the future, active, and with a high level of curiosity. Despite the constant high support for integration among young people, they also noticed its negative aspects. Together with the information campaign on the EU and extended awareness, qoung people were afraid of some negative consequences of our accession. Nevertheless, the decisive majority of the youth manifested a positive reaction to Poland’s membership in the EU.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 2008, 36, 1; 185-195
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Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
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Biblioteka Nauki
Demokracja pod rządami prawa. Przegłąd doświadczeń
Democracy Under the Law a Review of Experiences
Kurczewski, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
The paper seeks to answer, from the perspective of the sociologist, to what extent four years after the Round Table talks the Polish system may legitimately be defined as democracy under the law. It presents the dynamic process of the system changes, both institutional and personal, in the period from the mid 1989 to the mid 1993. In view of these changes the paper distinguishes four successive stages which vary according to the type of relation between the main actors of the political stage: 1) the stage of the supremacy of the contractual Sejm over the elected president which it had elected, 2) the stage of unbalance between the president elected democratically in general election and the contractual Sejm, 3) the stage of unbalance between the democratically elected president and the democratically elected Sejm, and 4) the stage of the supremacy of the president over the Sejm. The author emphasizes the role of three institutions: the Constitutional Tribunal, the Spokesman of Citizens’ Rights, and the Highest Chamber of Control. These institutions, in fact, were established in the previous period, but they play a principal role in the forming of the elements of the reign of the law in the new regime. The author mentions a progressive plurality in opinions and points at the three basic normative orientations in Poles: liberal, oriented at the individual rights and freedom; fundamentalist, stressing the traditional values of national culture; and social, which is expressed in the tendency towards executing from the authorities the social and economic rights. Basing himself on his own research of the years 1988 and 1992 the author concludes that the individual and liberal attitudes as well as little decrease in the rate of those expecting general welfare from the state still exist. At the same time people expect from the state a guarantee of the social minimum and employment. The author states that Polish farmers, workers of state enterprises and the workers of the budget sphere, and also the class of businessmen under formation, from various reasons still act for the sake of the State control of economy in the measure that is most convenient for them. Due to these pressures, though there are other reasons as well, the public administration plays a more and more important role in the process of the system transformation. The author presents a still strong position of Trade Unions and the Church in the public life of Poland. 1992 findings point out that the majority of Poles (68%) opt for a total separation between the State and the matters of religion. According to them it is political parties (65%), country entrepreneurs (43%), trade unions (41%) and common people (43%) that should influence what is going on in Poland. Claiming that Poland is indeed a democratic legal State (democratically elected parliament, the law formed in a democratic manner, the principle of equality towards the law, the right of individuals to an individual complaint to the European authorities, since Poland has ratified the European Convention of Human Rights). The author points at the threats which lie here, among which he quotes the weakness of the Polish middle class as the most important one.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 1995, 1; 309-328
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Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
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Biblioteka Nauki
Zgoda etycznego minimum podstawą demokracji
The Agreement for an Ethical minimum the Basis of Democracy
Krucina, Jan
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
The paper contains three parts. The first reminds us that the best model of a state is parliamentary democracy, for it is in this socio-political regime that the common good of the whole of society is most highly valued. The democratic state is based upon constitution, which traces the borderlines of the common good. The second part of the paper proves that at the grounds of social morality there lies the dignity of man as person. No state, not even the democratic one, may function without accepting the catalogue of the basic and stable values. The liberal state promotes the theory of neutrality of outlook and ethics, which in fact reverses into axiological indifference and leads into moral nihilism. The liberal-formal democracy refers exclusively to the will of the majority of citizens, ignoring the objective values with the truth at their lead. The third part of the paper discusses the need for the basic values in publicnational life. This demands moral maturity of citizens on the basis of which it is possible to find an ethical consensus as a condition of personalistic democracy. The social doctrine of the Church obviously accepts democracy, but at the same time shows the necessity to base it on respect for man’s dignity and the common good of society.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 1997, 25, 1; 125-138
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Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Trudny związek demokracji i wolnego rynku w warunkach deglobalizacji. Perspektywa katolickiej nauki społecznej
The complicated relationship between democracy and free market in globalization. The catholic church social doctrine perspective
Dylus, Aniela
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
wolny rynek
katolicka nauka społeczna
free market
Catholic Church Social Doctrine
W artykule podejmuje się pytanie, czy teza o związku demokracji i wolnego rynku obowiązuje także w warunkach deglobalizacji. Dotychczas koniunkcję autorytarnych reżimów politycznych z liberalnym systemem gospodarczym traktowano jako wyjątki od reguły. Osłabiony dziś związek demokracji i wolnego rynku prezentujemy z „perspektywy katolickiej nauki społecznej”. W punkcie wyjścia pokazujemy, na czym opiera się przekonanie o współzależności wolnego rynku i demokracji oraz narastanie kryzysu „demokratycznego kapitalizmu”. Następnie omawiamy te związane z globalizacją przemiany gospodarcze, które w konsekwencji osłabiają demokrację. Rezultatem społecznego niezadowolenia ze skutków globalizacji są próby jej zahamowania. Pojawia się jednak pytanie, czy w ogóle jest to możliwe. Dopiero po uchyleniu tej wątpliwości następuje charakterystyka symptomów deglobalizacji. Jeśli gospodarczą globalizację cechuje maksimum rynkowej wolności, to z deglobalizacją wiążemy jej ograniczenie. Rozważania zamyka próba ustalenia, czy to osłabienie rynkowej wolności przekłada się na kondycję demokracji.
The aim of the paper is to address the question of the relationship between democracy and free market in the framework of deglobalization. So far, the relationship between the authoritarian regimes and liberal economy system has been regarded as the exception to the rule. The weakening now relationship between democracy and free market is presented in this paper from the perspective of the Catholic Church Social Doctrine. At the beginning, the basis of the relationship between free market and democracy and the crisis of the “democratic capitalism” are depicted. The economic changes connected with globalization that undermine the democracy are also discussed. The social discontent caused by globalization results in the attempts to hinder this process. There is a question, though, whether it is possible to do it. Then, the characteristics of deglobalization symptoms is given. If economic globalization is characterized by the maximum of market freedom so deglobalizaton can be connected with its constraint. At the end, it is considered whether the weakening of free market has an impact on the condition of political democracy.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 2019, 47, 4; 5-30
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Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Funkcje mediów w demokracjach
Functions of Media in Democracies
Szwed, Robert
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
opinia publiczna
wolność prasy
public opinion
free press
Przekonanie o skuteczności i sile oddziaływania mediów powoduje, że politycy, specjaliści od komunikacji medialnej i teoretycy demokracji wykorzystują media do działań promocyjnych, służących do kształtowania i przekonywania opinii publicznej oraz do jej doskonalenia poprzez edukację i upodmiotowienie. Okazuje się jednak, że odczytanie licznych konceptualizacji funkcji mediów zależy od sposobu pojmowania demokracji, postrzegania polityki oraz roli, jaką w systemie ma odgrywać opinia publiczna. Artykuł umieszcza różnorodne koncepcje celów, które winny przyświecać mediom (od nurtu „społecznej odpowiedzialności” tzw. komisji Hutchinsa przez konceptualizacje Gurevitcha, Blumlera, Zallera po nurty „dziennikarstwa uczestniczącego” i „dziennikarstwa publicznego”) w kontekście trzech podstawowych typów demokracji: liberalnej, elitystycznej i uczestniczącej, deliberacyjnej. Taka typologizacja demokracji i funkcji mediów pozwala lepiej zrozumieć obserwowane tendencje do zawłaszczania mediów przez polityków i transnarodowe koncerny, procesy koncentracji mediów oraz nadzieje na odrodzenie dziennikarstwa i sfery publicznej w mediach społecznościowych.
The belief in the effectiveness and power of media influence causes politicians, media communication specialists, and democracy theorists to use the media for promotional activities aimed at shaping and persuading public opinion and improving it through education and empowerment. It turns out, however, that reading numerous conceptualizations of media functions depends on the way democracy is understood, how politics is perceived, and what is the role of public opinion in the system. The article places various concepts of media missions (from the Hutchins Commission social responsibility trend, through the conceptualizations of Gurevitch, Blumler, Zaller, to participatory journalism and public journalism) in the context of three basic types of democracy: liberal, elitist and participatory, deliberative. Such consideration of democracies and the functions of the media allows for a better understanding of the observed tendencies to appropriate media by politicians and transnational corporations, media concentration processes, and hopes for the revival of journalism and the public sphere in social media.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 2020, 48, 4; 5-25
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Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kampania wyborcza – uwagi politologa o genezie idei
The Electoral Campaign – a Political Scientist’s Remarks on the Roots of the Idea
Nieć, Mateusz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
kampania propagandowa
republika rzymska
demokracja szlachecka Rzeczpospolitej
społeczeństwo masowe
media masowe
propaganda campaign
Roman Republic
the Nobles’ Democracy in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
mass society
mass media
This paper presents an analysis of how the concept and the practice of electoral campaign has developed throughout the ages; since the times of the Athenian democracy until the contemporary democratic or authoritarian state. In his analytical study, the author focuses on the Athenian democracy, the Roman Republic, the Polish Nobility state and the contemporary representative democracy of the United States of America. The author makes a distinction between the election and the electoral campaign and specifies the factors that underlie the distinction. The election was well-known in the Classical and the Modern-Time periods, whereas the phenomenon of electoral campaign comes into view no sooner that the modern times, with the growth of mass political parties and mass press journalism. The text also specifies what the political (systemic) criteria must be met for the electoral campaign to take place. The difference between the propaganda-based political campaign and the electoral campaign is described and the latter concept is defined.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 2012, 40, 3; 11-32
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Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Chrześcijańska demokracja: przesłanki jej nowego etapu rozwoju na zreformowanych zasadach
The Christian Democracy: Foundations of its New Development Stage Based on the Reformed Principles
Przeciszewski, Tadeusz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
The incentive to the author of this article to undertake the problem were poor electoral results, gained by the Christian democratic political groupings in Poland during the parliamentary elections in 1991 and 1993, as well the presidential ones in 1995. The article is based not only on written sources, but also on the personal experience of the author, that participates in the dramatic history of the main Ch.D. movement representative in Poland since 1945, namely the Polish Labour Party (Stronnictwo Pracy). In the international scale, the most important socio-economic programmes were embodied in two Manifestos, issued in 1976 by the World and European Ch.D. Unions. They advocated for a multisectorial national economy model, with a quite important public sector. The same socially radical option has been continued later in 1993 on the occasion of the Ideological World Ch.D. Union Conference in Chile. To the main principles, on which is based the World Ch.D. movement platform, belongs − besides Fredom and Solidarity − the social Justice (Equity) principle. Within the Ch.D. most important parties an influential place is reserved for a working class wing, defending the hired workers, and other low paid employee groups, justified economic interests. The Polish Labour Party main programmes from 1937 and 1945 promoted, as well, a moderated center-left tendency, aiming at the multisectorial model of the national economy and the socialization of the highest personal incomes. After 1989 we have developed a Polish version of the Social Market Economy systems concept, as a positive solution for all so called postsocialist countries. From these mostly positive tendencies in the Ch.D. movement abroad and in the authentic Polish Labour Party − differ, in a negative sense, economic programmes of the actual Ch.D. groupings in Poland, shifting into a rather right-conservative direction. The article ends with two proposals, aiming at an renewal of the Ch.D. movement (not only in Poland): 1. A transition from a narrow, denominational Christian democracy formula − to a broader corporative democracy one − of an oecumenical character. 2. Of a return to the evangelical pooroption idea − not only in official declarations, but also in the current economic and political practice. As a way of carrying out these two proposals in economic and political life − may be seen a closer cooperation with the popular, peasant party, PSL.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 1996, 24, 1; 131-148
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Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
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Biblioteka Nauki
Stanisława Kowalczyka personalistyczna koncepcja społeczeństwa
Stanisław Kowalczyk’s personalistic conception of society
Jabłoński, Arkadiusz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
The article aims at presenting Stanisław Kowalczyk’s most important – according to the author – academic achievement, that is the personalistic conception of society. Presentation of this conception starts with defining the peculiarity of Kowalczyk’s personalism against the background of other approaches, and with a brief justification of giving the approach the name of the personalistic-nationalist one. This is connected with a special significance that is given in this conception to analyses concerning the issues of society, culture and politics. Next, the most important questions connected with the understanding of the human person and his attributes are discussed. This has allowed passing to the question of the origin and nature of human society, especially in its natural form of the family and of the family of families, that is to the nation. The analysis further developed towards presenting the most important principles and values of social life. The last of the tackled subjects are politicalsystemic issues. The present argument is focused on the questions that are most important for the conception of society in Kowalczyk’s approach, so that its coherence, synthetic character and homogeneity, despite tackling many aspects of social life, can be shown.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 2012, 40, 1; 57-79
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Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Local Democracy and the Processes of Transformation in East-Central Europe. Eds H. Baldersheim, M. Illner, A. Offedral, L. Rose, P. Swaniewicz, b.m. Westview Press 1996
Śmigielska, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 2002, 30, 1; 162-164
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Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
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Biblioteka Nauki
Społeczeństwo obywatelskie a sfera publiczna
Civil Society and Public Sphere
Calhoun, Craig
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
sfera publiczna
społeczeństwo obywatelskie
komunikacja społeczna
debata publiczna
public sphere
civic society
social communication
public debate
The author tries to prove the thesis that the conception of public sphere is a factor that decides the future of democracy. It has connected civil society and the state with the principle saying that social communication is able to inform the legislators and state administration about how they should serve the interests of all the citizens. While civil society reflects the struggle that tries to reconcile individual profits with building an ethical community, public sphere plays the key role in finding new areas of common good and in working out both social and individual strategies in order to achieve it. An ideal project of public sphere assumes that all its participants express their opinions as equals; however, reality shows that inequality and domination still distort social communication. An open and dynamic public sphere is the dimension of civil society that is the most important one for democracy, as it helps build the demos in the literal sense of the word – as a community that is able to create its own future. Public sphere functions owing to communication; it connects cultural creativity, selective and consolidated traditions, and a well thought out debate; and all this in order to give information to the citizens participating in it and to influence the state and other institutions.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 2011, 39; 9-27
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Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
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Biblioteka Nauki
Sfera publiczna w Polsce. Nadzieje, oczekiwania i rozczarowania
Public Sphere in Poland the Hopes, Expectations and Disappointments
Misztal, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
sfera publiczna
społeczeństwo obywatelskie
aktywność społeczna
public sphere
civil society
social activity
Właściwością demokracji jest istnienie wolnej od nacisków przestrzeni wymiany poglądów. Sfera publiczna jest niezbędnym elementem prawidłowego funkcjonowania demokracji i przestrzenią aktywności społeczeństwa obywatelskiego. Artykuł zawiera rozważania na temat istoty sfery publicznej, oczekiwań i zjawisk występujących w polskiej przestrzeni publicznej w ciągu ostatnich dziesięciu lat. W pierwszej części pracy zawarto refleksje teoretyczne na temat sfery publicznej w literaturze światowej i polskiej. Druga część artykułu zawiera przegląd socjologicznych opracowań dotyczących kondycji moralnej uczestników sfery publicznej w Polsce. Zakończenie stanowi prezentacja wyników badań o poziomie i jakości zaangażowania obywatelskiego Polaków.
One of the basic features of democracy is the existence of free of influence space of exchanging opinions. The public sphere is crucial element of proper functioning of democracy and also the space of activity of civil society. The article contains considerations about the essence of public sphere, expectations and phenomena occurring in Polish public space within last ten years. The first part of the paper contains theoretical reflections concerning public sphere in Polish and world literature. The second part of the article contains review of sociological descriptions concerning moral condition of participants of public sphere in Poland. The ending presents the results of research about the level and quality of engagement of Poles in civil activities.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 2014, 42, 2; 107-133
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Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Seminarium naukowe „Europejskie doświadczenia z demokracją i gospodarką rynkową – przykład Ukrainy”, Lublin, 27 kwietnia 2015
Scientific Seminar “European experience with democracy and market economy – an example of Ukraine”, Lublin, April 27, 2015
Piskorska, Beata
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 2015, 43, 3; 139-139
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Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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