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Wartość autentyzmu w zabytkach
Czerner, Olgierd
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
autentyzm w zabytkach
Ksawery Piwocki
Józef Dutkiewicz
autentyzm materiału
autentyczność metod technologicznych
autentyzm funkcji
autentyzm formy
The recent dozen or so years have seen in Polish community the loss of feeling of the value of authenticity in historical monuments. More and more supported and promoted is being the creation of illusions and at the same time apologized the indifference toward the need to preserve the authentic objects or even non-interventionism. To meet the natural needs of people to keep in touch with witnesses of the past is proposed the contact with the objects rebuilt. To determine the interrelation between the architectural object and the authenticity the author has subsequently carried out a partial analysis of material, the authenticity of technological and construction methods used in the process of creation, the authenticity of function as well as that of form, the authenticity of effect and associations. While concluding his considerations the author stated that the authenticity by itself represents some value determined by existence of an abject to whom it is ascribed and thus may be regarded as a positive value giving to the object some definite dignity. On the other hand, the authenticity ceases to exist at the moment at Which the existence of the object itself ceased. The authenticity is to be considered, therefore, as an summarized value consisting of the aforementioned partial authenticities. At the same time, however, it is the object’s supreme value having its effect on iboth existence and the amount of its other values. From the essence of an architectural object regarded as some kind of work of art it follows that it is not free from some ineficiencies in its definition which require that a range of definitions be added by an individual looking at it. However, the appropriate concretization of that additional definition may take place on an authentic object only and not on that falsified.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1974, 3; 180-183
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Niektóre zagadnienia etyczne w teorii i praktyce konserwatorskiej
Furdyna, Józef
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
etyka w praktyce konserwatorskiej
nakłady na konserwację zabytków
The ethical problems of conservation discussed by the author in his present work consist, in the first line, of competences and responsibilities following from both the adopted principles of conservation and standards of practical activities that have been worked out in the course of practice. The competences of an artist-conservator constitute a result of his professional training which, in other words, may be described as acquisition of necessary amount of knowledge and practical abilities and skills and also gaining of a defined ideological attitude. The responsibility, however, is connected with assuring and guaranteeing of purposeful action considered from the viewpoint of the method, the means of action and the function of the work. The so considered set of problems includes also all motivations and intentions that are preceding the concrete decisions or actions whereas as an essential ethical criterion may be regarded both the proper motivations and the actions themselves. As the main ideological factor in motivation is to be regarded the humanist nature of the conservator’s work which has to meet the cultural needs of the community. By saying this the author does not mean a simple demand for values of certain type but the values themselves that may influence the directed cultural processes. In addition to factors connected with the profession alone and the professional or ideological motivations the results of actions undertaken by a conservator may frequently be quite basically affected by a number of objective factors such as, for instance, the organization and activities of administrative units in conservation authorities, the material supply, the development and equipment of ateliers or laboratories but also the characteristic features of the conservator’s personality, his sense of fellowship, honesty or readiness to convey his experience to others without any outlooks for personal profits and so forth. It must, however, be emphasized that only a small share of the above requirements of the conservator’s practical activities is being met usually. There is, for example, an apparent lack of smoothly working laboratories or frequently observable shortages in materials or tools. In several instances it proves impossible to obtain the full informative material that may be inevitably needed for taking and carrying out of decision m conservation practice. Such situation is obviously limiting the reasoned forecasting of results of actions undertaken by a conservator, at the same time increasing the share of risks and causing ethical uncertamity in professional respect. The conservators in this country h a v e , no doubt, every reason to be proud of their achievements, but their activities, in view of specific needs, are still far from adequacy. As consequence of financial troubles at least 50 per cent of skilled conservators and restorers are not properly employed or are employed in forms conflicting with their skills and abilities. This extremely difficult situation prevailing in art of conservation in this country should be subjected to careful analysis and at the same time as one of urgent tasks must be regarded the further improvement of organization, this of execution and that of regulations ruling the wages.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1972, 4; 264-269
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Z rozważań nad miejscem konserwacji zabytków wśród innych dyscyplin
Ślesiński, Władysław
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
miejsce konserwacji zabytków
pojęcie konserwacji zabytków
metody konserwatorskie
konserwator zabytków
The question as to the place the modern knowledge of cultural property conservation occupies among the other knowledges cannot be simply answered by m e ans o f knowledge classification prepared by UNESCO nor by that of National Sciences Foundation, USA or classification used by the USSR Central Statistics Office. Through the highlighting of evolution the concept of cultural property conservation itse lf has underwent in course of time, the motives and incentives tending the people to undertake conservation, the tasks and demands, methods and means applied as well as the professional and ethical requirements and those connected with the conservator’s training level the author makes an attempt to define specific features of the conservation itself. He comes to conclusion that it cannot be considered as an entirely humanistic field of knowledge though it deals with products of the man’s mind and culture neither as art, 'though some creative elements are apparently present in it, nor as a typica lly technical discipline even at the cost of its considerable shares of experience, observation and so on. From the author’s considerations a final conclusion could be drawn that conservation of cultural property in its actual state represents one o f practical knowledges c losely related to several other disciplines but under no condition aligning with them.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1970, 3; 161-166
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tak zwany Zajazd Kościuszkowski w Krakowie. Burzliwe dzieje jednego zabytku
So-called Kosciuszko Inn in Krakow. The turbulent history of a historical site
Dettloff, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Prądnik Biały
Zajazd Kościuszkowski
zniszczenie zabytku
substancja zabytkowa
The theme of this article is the history of the inn known as the Kosciuszko Inn - the former country inn now located within the boundaries of Krakow. Built in 1752, it used to belong to the historical complex of Krakow bishops’ mansion buildings in Bialy Pradnik. Together with the opposite building, it is one of the few remaining elements of the impressive Late Baroque mansion project. The building survived until the 20th century without any major alterations, preserving its 18th-century-style architectural shape. After World War II, its fate was typical of historical sites in the People’s Republic of Poland. Confiscated from private owners, it was used for residential purposes and gradually fell into decline. The building’s condition temporarily improved after the major restoration that took place between 1951 and 1953. Some of the elements and details of the original style, lost over the centuries, were restored. Since 1970s, it had been planned to once again overhaul the building and adapt it to new functions, but the plans never materialised. In 2000, the vacated and devastated building burnt down. Before the fire, the building’s new owner had obtained approval for the concept of the overhaul and adaptation, but he failed to take any further actions. Neither did he comply with the order to secure the building after the fire. Given the situation, at the initiative of the Historic Preservation Unit of the Krakow City Office, the site was expropriated by the gmina. The legal basis for administrative actions was Article 37.1 of the Cultural Heritage Protection Act of 15 February 1962. Expropriation by the gmina enabled reconstruction of the destroyed historical building in 2006. Unfortunately, due to the high degree of destruction of the stone walls, it was decided to dismantle them almost entirely and reconstruct using new materials (only the middle part of the front wall was left). The site, even though devoid of most of its original substance, was restored to the landscape and, what is important, still plays the role of a vital component of the historical complex of palace buildings. The exterior architectural shape and details were reconstructed to resemble those of the original 18th century building. Inside, a part of the former layout was preserved, while the rest of the building was adapted to suit the new functions. Currently, the building is used by the District Cultural Centre.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2013, 1-4; 5-22
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Początki starożytnictwa i myśli konserwatorskiej w Polsce
Frycz, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Wacław Rzewuski
szkoła naruszewiczowska
warszawskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk
autentyzm zabytku
przebudowa zabytków
kult ruin
sztuczne ruiny
„Dom Gotycki” w Puławach
The second half of the 18th century, being a period of scientific and artistic patronage of Poland’s last King, Stanislaus Augustus, saw enormous and rapid growth of interest for the past. This process was closely linked with the steadily growing observance of traditions in the ancient Polish towns where in the 17th century were developing the historiography and iconography, but much more still in the gentry families in which were preferred the objects coming from old days and furnishing an evidence of their long history and importance. As an example of such an approach can be quoted the activities of Wacław Rzewuski, the Crown Great Hetman whose interest for history and literature is commonly known and who at the same time busily collected relics of the past as, for instance, ancient weapons, -works of art, books and the like. The first modern historical school in Poland had its roots in activities of the Commission of National Education. The syllabuses were prepared by the same Commission headed by A. Naruszewicz and as their foundation was adopted his „History of the Polish People” the narrative of which has been brought by the author to the year 1386. Ignacy Krasicki, Bishop of Warmia was in those days a representative of rational, historically inquiring approach toward relics of the past which he carefully protected at the same time giving his residence, at Lidzbark Warmiński as an example and on many occasions speaking against reconstructions of ancient buildings. Tadeusz Czacki, in 1791, lustrated the Wawel Castle in Cracow and presented a comprehensive programme of protective measures. He reasoned his programme by emphasising the national importance of this object recalling the better past days in Poland’s history. Along with rational approaches toward the relics of the past at the end of the 18th century a sentimental and romantic fashion aroused taking the form of admiration for ruins and ancient details becoming the inspiration for feelings and incentives for imagination. Throught demolitions carried out at the end of the 18th and early in the 19th century numerous old castles have been turned into picturesque ruins as was, for instance, the case with the so-called „Mice’s Tower” at Kruszwica or a large range of stone keeps and larger strongholds surviving in the territory of the Cracow—Częstochowa Jura or others. At the same time, however, in parks surrounding aristocratic residences, in full accordance with the commonly approved idea of Izabela Czartoryska dating from 1805, a number of artificially made romantic ruins has been erected whereas into façades of various buildings were built-in stone fragments coming from original old castles, churches, old town houses and so forth. As an example of this may be considered the „House of Archpriest” in Arkadia near Nieborów residence that was erected by S.B. Zug for Helene Radziwiłł in 1795 or the „Gothic House” at Puławy built by P. Aigner for I. Czartoryska in 1809. In that latter case within the house a collection of archaeological materials and historic relics was sited. The first list of Poland’s historic monuments was presented in 1816 by T. Święcki in his valuable book titled „The Description of the Ancient Poland” where at the same time quite a vast programme of protection of the „relics of past” has been outlined by the author. As an interesting contribution in the process of development of historical consciousness among the Polish people is to be considered the production of painters. On the leading places in that range stood M. Bacciarelli who was the author of a large collection of paintings on historic subjects designed for decoration of the Royal Castle in Warsaw and Z. Vogel to whom we should be grateful for his excellent collection of drawings illustrating the then, i.e. at the end of the 18th century, existing architectural monuments. There can be any doubt whatsoever that people who at the end of the 18th century have laid the found ations for the modem development of conservation and protection of historic monuments are fully deserving our gratitude.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1975, 1; 13-22
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dwadzieścia lat ochrony zabytków w Polsce Ludowej
Dutkiewicz, Józef E.
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
wojenne zniszczenia zabytków
odbudowa zniszczonych zabytków
ochrona zabytków w dwudziestoleciu powojennym
Naczelna Dyrekcja Muzeów i Ochrony Zabytków
rewindykacja zabytkowych zbiorów
ustawa o opiece nad zabytkami
Pracownie Konserwacji Zabytków
weryfikacja zabytków
szkolnictwo na rzecz ochrony zabytków
teorie konserwacji
autentyzm zabytku
Cet article a pour but de présenter les pertes et les dommages des monuments historiques polonais et les résu ltats de protection et de restauration atteints au cours des vingt années écoulées depuis la fin de la d ern iè re guerre. Les moyens qui ont amené à ces r é sultats sont décrits, notamment 1’ organisation de l ’administration, l’exécution des reconstructions et r é novations, la législation, la propagande, l’éducation et la formation professionnelle, ainsi que l’emploi actuel des édifices monumentaux et la protection sociale. Il est difficile d’établir exactement le montant des pertes, car avant la guerre les monuments historiques ont été inventoriés seulement sur une partie du te rrito ire de la Pologne. En tout 7,500 bâtiments historiques o n t été complètement détruits, et le total des bâtiments détruits et endommagés peut être évalué à 37,8%. Au cours des vingt dernières années le nombre des bâtiments conservés v aria it entre 300 a 600 par an. Au tota l environ 4,600 monuments architecturaux ont été conservés. Outre le problème de préserver les monuments historiques, après la guerre nous avons d û faire face au problème de leur reconstruction bien fondé par la volonté de récupérer les pertes. L’immense tâche de préserver les monuments historiques et les nombreux trav au x de conservation des édifices monumentaux les plus importants ont été exécutés selon les principes scientifiques et la documentation de conservation. En plus 1350 objets ont été conservés, dont 473 peintures et 206 sculptures. Ces chilffres comprennent seulement les trav au x payés par le bu d get central. Au cours de ces travaux quatre polichromies romanes fu ren t découvertes à Tum, Czerwińsk, Dziekanowice et Wiślica. Et dans le département de Cracovie 42 polichromies anciennes ont été mises à jour et conservées. La Direction Générale des Musées e t de la P rotection des Monuments Historiques fut la première institution qui é tait chargée de la protection des monuments historiques. Un réseau de conservateurs d ép a rtemen tau x fut organisé. L’exécution des t r a vaux fu t confiée au début aux ateliers de la Direction Générale. En 1951 une entreprise d ’Etat fut organisée. Cette entreprise, nommée „Les Ateliers de Conservation des Monuments Historiques” réalise la plup a rt des trav au x de conservation des monuments arch itec tu rau x e t des objets d ’art. Elle a ses ateliers et ses succursales à Varsovie, Cracovie, Gdańsk, Wrocław e t Szczecin, Elle réalise ses trav au x en se servant de la documentation historique, de mesurement, photographique et analytique. Les plans sont établis par une direction collégiale. La valeur de la production de ces ateliers a monté de 3.000.000 zl en 1951 à 238.900.000 en 1962. Le nombre des ouvriers s’est accru de 183 en 1955 à 2243 en 1962, et des employés de 38 à 368 relativement. Parmi ces derniers au cours de la dernière année il y avait 135 artistes-conservateurs. Certains trav au x de construction ont été réalisés aussi p a r d’autres entreprises d ’état et p a r des coopératives et ceux de restau ratio n des objets d’a rt par des a te liers privés. L ’acte législatif le plus impa rtant en cette matière fu t la loi du 15 février 1962 concernant „La protection des biens culturels et des musées”. Cette nouvelle loi a précisé certaines notions concernant les monuments historiques dans un é ta t socialiste, l’idée de leur p ropagation, et aussi l’application des règlements de p ro tection. La vérification de tous les monuments historiques en Pologne a été effectuée; leur nombre total d ’environ 36.000 fu t divisé en cinq groupes: 51 fu ren t classés dans le groupe d it „О”, 1,697 dans le groupe I, et le reste dans les trois groupes suivants. Trois facultés, dont deux Académies des Beaux Arts à Varsovie et à Cracovie e t une à Université Nicolas Copernic à Toruń, forment des artistes-conserv ateurs des objets d ’a rt; la faculté de Toruń prépare aussi ses étudiants a la fonction des conservateurs départementaux. Cependant il n ’y a encore aucune école de conservation des monuments architecturaux. L ’Ecole Polytechnique de Varsovie a en projet l’organisation d’une section de conservation. Au cours des dernières dix années le mouvement scientifique en conservation est très animé, dont té moignent les nombreuses publications et articles publiés en Pologne et à l’étranger, ainsi que de nombreux perfectionnements de traitements et des inventions. Le Centre de Documentation des Monuments Historiques organise des conférences de spécialistes ayant pour thème la conservation des objets en pierre, en bois, en métal et des tissus. La fréquentation des musées et l’appréciation des valeurs didactiques et émotives des monuments historiques se sont immensément accrues pendant les vingt dernières années, p. ex. le Château de Wawel a eu plus d’un million de visiteurs. Malgré cet accroissement immense d ’intérêt et de fréquentation il nous a été impossible encore de faire servir et de protéger complètement tous les monuments historiques dispersés dans les villages et dans les quartiers anciens des différentes villes. Deux attitudes théorétiques se sont accentuées dans les méthodes de conservation en Pologne. La p re mière c’est le principe d ’intégration qui demande la reconstruction des monuments détruits vu la nécessité de compenser les immenses pertes. La seconde soutient le principe de l’authenticité complétée par la théorie soumise p a r l’au teu r de cet article, dite la théorie de l’automatisme qui reconnaît la nécessité de préserver l’é ta t de conservation actuel en tenant compte du procès n a tu re l de détérioration de la matière et de ce qui ensuit l’échange graduel des biens culturels. Vu l’immensité des destructions il fau t apprécier hautement les résultats atteints p a r les conservateurs polonais. Considèrent cette période historique comme close il nous semble qu ’à l’avenir il faudra approfond ir les principes selon lesquels l’information scientifique sera organisée et les méthodes de conservation devront suivre les nouvelles découvertes techniques en te n an t compte en même temps des indices économiques. Le mouvement touristique croissant devra participer au maintien et à l’utilisation des monuments historiques.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1964, 2; 6-14
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Historyczne parki i ogrody na Liście światowego dziedzictwa UNESCO
Historical parks and gardens on the UNESCO World Heritage List
Furmanik, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
historyczne parki i ogrody
światowe dziedzictwo
Lista światowego dziedzictwa UNESCO
Konwencja światowego dziedzictwa
kryteria wpisu
wyjątkowa uniwersalna wartość
historic parks and gardens
world heritage
UNESCO World Heritage List
World Heritage Convention
criteria for the inscription
Outstanding Universal Value
Na Liście światowego dziedzictwa UNESCO znajduje się obecnie 77 historycznych parków i ogrodów, które społeczność międzynarodowa uznała za dziedzictwo kulturowe o znaczeniu światowym. Ich analiza wykazała, że reprezentują kilka głównych cech, które kwalifikują je jako światowe dziedzictwo: są wybitnymi przykładami różnych stylów sztuki ogrodowej, a ich kompozycja i elementy wskazują cechy charakterystyczne dla danego stylu; ich właścicielami i twórcami są często znane osobistości, które zasłużyły się w historii świata, wybitni artyści, planiści, projektanci ogrodów, architekci; często cechuje je pionierskie podejście do sztuki ogrodowej, a także planowania przestrzennego, dzięki czemu były inspiracją dla kolejnych miejsc, projektantów i właścicieli ogrodów na całym świecie; niektóre niosą ze sobą wartości niematerialne: religijne, duchowe, są inspiracją dla poezji czy innego wymiaru sztuki (np. malarstwa, muzyki, architektury, produkcji tkanin i dywanów).
The UNESCO World Heritage List consists of 77 historic parks and gardens, which the international community recognized as the cultural heritage of world importance. Analysis of these properties showed that they present some of the characteristic attributes that qualify them as a world heritage: they are outstanding examples of different styles of garden art, and their composition and elements indicate the characteristics of the style; the owners and creators are often famous in the history of the world, or were outstanding artists, planners, designers of gardens, architects; they were often places of pioneering approach to the art of gardening, as well as spatial planning, which were the inspiration for other properties, designers and garden owners worldwide; some of them carry intangible values: religious, spiritual, inspire poetry, or another forms of art (e.g. painting, music, architecture, production of fabrics and carpets).
Ochrona Zabytków; 2016, 1; 259-301
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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