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Wyszukujesz frazę "women's work" wg kryterium: Temat

Lange, Anja
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie
women, work, family, feminism
Olha Kobylianska and Eliza Orzeszkowa lived nearly at the same time, at the end of the 19,h century. Both wrote novels about the faith, life and identity of women, especially about the gender roles of men and women, therefore I cali their novels feministic ones. I consider them to be key works of feminism because they show the situation of women in their time. The aim of this article is to compare the novels Tsarivna by Kobylianska and Marta by Orzeszkowa to discuss some aspects of the situation of women in the 191" century in Eastern Europę.
Studia Humanistyczne AGH; 2013, 12, 1
Pojawia się w:
Studia Humanistyczne AGH
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
La protection du travail des femmes en République Populaire de Pologne
Matey, Maria
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
women's work
Polish Peoples Republic
labor protection
Droit Polonais Contemporain; 1976, 2 (30); 49-63
Pojawia się w:
Droit Polonais Contemporain
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Globalisation and Women’s Work in the Beedi Industry
Pande, Rekha
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
women’s work
beedi industry
occupational health hazard
home based
The present paper views globalisation and women’s work and exploitation in a micro enterprise in India, the beedi (indigenous cigarette) industry with a case study from one of the states in India. Rural occupational structures and employment patterns in India have undergone a transition in the last few decades due to globalisation. Newer forms of employment like construction work, domestic services and beedi making have become alternatives to agricultural labour for women. Beedi is an indigenous cigarette, in which tobacco is rolled in a tendu leaf and tied with a cotton thread. This is smaller and less expensive than a cigarette and in the popular imagination it stands for the working class. This work is done sitting at home and mostly women and girls do it. This is a very gendered industry, for only women and girls that too from low-income groups make beedis. There is a lot of exploitation in this industry and this has only increased with the advent of globalisation but this is generally ignored by data gathering systems, policy makers and administrators. There is an occupational health hazard too for many of these workers suffer from various health hazards not because they are smoking these beedis but because they are making them.
Studia Historiae Oeconomicae; 2019, 37; 191-221
Pojawia się w:
Studia Historiae Oeconomicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kobieta w zakładzie pracy w Polsce Ludowej i po 1990 r. Analiza stanu prawnego
The Legal Aspects of the Employment of Women in the Polish People’s Republic and Today
Kosztowna, Natalia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
employment of women
protection of women’s work
state ethics
The article deals with the mechanisms of female employment. The author has set herself the task of comparing the conditions of employment of women during the Polish People’s Republic (PRL) and contemporary times. The main aim was to indicate the evolution of labour law relating to women workers from a series of instructions and regulations of the Council of Ministers defining the protection of women's work before 1974, through a variety of general rules applicable to all employees, to the regulations contained in the Labour Code and also current legislation. The article attempts to assess the ethical actions taken by the state to improve the conditions of employment of women in the workplace. The text indicates the importance of the work in the lives of women. Occupational status and income level strongly influenced the behaviour of women, who in many cases took up work intended only for men due to the fact that during PRL it was only such work which would allow them to obtain a higher salary. The article indicates that today there is a special emphasis placed on the prohibition of restricting the employment of women in jobs and on the conditions of the employment of pregnant women. The author of this article has evaluated the legislation introduced by the state, which contributed to the increase in female activity in the labour market. However, in ethical terms of ethical it is very difficult to unambiguously assess the actions taken by the state for the protection of women's work in the PRL, but also in contemporary times.
Annales. Etyka w Życiu Gospodarczym; 2016, 19, 2
Pojawia się w:
Annales. Etyka w Życiu Gospodarczym
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Matki-menedżerki i ich powrót na rynek pracy po urodzeniu dziecka
Rękas, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
family promoting policy
family model
supply factors for women’s work
professional activity
Disadvantageous social & demographic trends in the European Union, in particular, ageing of the society and the decrease in the reproduction, force a public debate focused on conditions which could promote linking of the professional life and the family life. One of significant elements of the family promoting policy must be employment market situation adjusted to the needs of women, who must work and face the family issues. A substantial matter for women, who are mothers, is liquidation of obstacles arising from the return of women to the employment market. Giving birth must not mean falling out of the market and the long-term unemployment. Previous efforts made in Poland have failed. Even worse, the latest data regarding the unemployment rate originating from the MPiPS (Ministry of Labor and Social Policy) show that at the end of the first half 2012, the unemployment record contained data of 211 thousands women who did not return to work after they had given birth. This is by 18 thousand more than in 2011 and by 36 thousand more compared to 2010. Moreover, in Poland, when a woman returns to work after the expiration of the maternity leave, a guarantee of getting her job back is limited (art. 1832 Labor Code); she is not protected from a dismissal. The goal of this paper is an assessment of Polish mothers-managers situation, including situation of women who run their businesses, returning to the employment market after giving birth. The results are based on own survey. To achieve the goal the impact of changes on the employment market in the twenty first century on the contemporary family model was described. A previous model, so called single breadwinner, that is a traditional family model with a man being the sole person who works, is no longer valid. Moreover, there were enumerated factors, which affect the professional activity of women-mothers, on the basis of research in the framework of the scientific project “Social Diagnosis 2000-2009”. They proved that having a baby means nearly 100% increase in the professional activity of fathers and the decrease in the professional activity of mothers by 75%. In order to achieve the goal the following methods and analysis were used: the descriptive method, comparative analysis and the critical analysis of results. The analyses were based on own studies carried out from May to July 2012. The subject of the study was a group of 263 women. All of the women had children, they were professionally active and all of them were hired on managerial positions or they run their private businesses. The women lived in Jelenia Góra, Kamienna Góra and Wałbrzych poviats. The survey aimed to diagnose the situation of women who had children on the employment market and to assess the impact of having children on the professional status. The survey proved that mothers-managers stay beyond the employment market no longer than the statutory time of the maternity leave. More than 70% women did not use the right to the child care leave and the remaining approx. 30% women resigned the leave after 3-6 months. The women explained that they were worried about losing their jobs, losing incomes, and in the future, having lower pensions. Finally, they were worried that their skills would become poor which could negatively affect their chances for professional promotion. It should be mentioned that 62% women established their businesses having in mind the problems which occur after giving birth or no chance to be employed, in particular until a child is 4 years old. In the light of such results of the survey the author concludes that the extension of the maternity leave time may not be accepted by women who take managerial positions and those who run their own businesses. However, other changes are desired (presented in the conclusions section) e.g.: setting up a chain of day nurseries, kindergartens and common rooms open till 8 p.m., setting up a chain of easily accessible services which decrease the liabilities of women in terms of housework, setting up complex work-life programs, promotion of flexible work time and modern forms of employment (e.g., telecommuting, like in France which implemented a tax relief for mothers who choose this form of employment, or possibility to work partially at home), and, which is very significant, promotion of the social acceptance for men’s engagement into child care and family duties.
Ekonomia - Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wroclawiu; 2013, 2 (23); 168-179
Pojawia się w:
Ekonomia - Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wroclawiu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Działalność Związku Pracy Obywatelskiej Kobiet w Piotrkowie Trybunalskim w latach 1930–1939
The Activity of the Women Citizens’ Work Association in Piotrków Trybunalski in 1930–1939
Majewska, Ludwika
Data publikacji:
Państwowa Uczelnia Zawodowa we Włocławku
Związek Pracy Obywatelskiej Kobiet
Piotrków Trybunalski
Wanda Grabowska
wychowanie obywatelskie
Women Citizens’ Work Association
citizens’ upbringing
Związek Pracy Obywatelskiej Kobiet był jedną z największych organizacji kobiecych w Polsce międzywojennej. Swoją działalność prowadził poprzez Oddziały, znajdujące się na terenie całego kraju. Piotrkowski Oddział powstał po dwóch latach od założenia organizacji w Warszawie. Inicjatorkami jego powstania były kobiety, które wybitnie zasłużyły się dla polskiej państwowości. Celem Związku była odnowa moralna polskiego społeczeństwa poprzez pogłębienie idei państwowotwórczej Józefa Piłsudskiego. Kobiety podjęły się wychowania polskiego społeczeństwa na świadomych swoich praw i obowiązków obywateli. Swoją rolę pełniły poprzez szereg działań o wymiarze socjalnym oraz politycznym.
The Women Citizens’ Work Association (Związek Pracy Obywatelskiej Kobiet) was one of the largest women’s organizations in the Interwar Period in Poland. Its work was carried out by Agencies located all over the country. The Agency in Piotrków was established two years after its headquarters in Warsaw. The initiators of its creation were women who served Polish statehood remarkably. Its main aim was the moral renewal of Polish society by strengthening the political state-forming efforts of Józef Piłsudski. Women undertook to educate Polish society on their citizens' rights and obligations. They played their role through a series of activities in social and political life.
Zeszyty Naukowe Zbliżenia Cywilizacyjne; 2019, 15, 1; 30-54
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Zbliżenia Cywilizacyjne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The prospective status of women in Israel following a clash between the feminist and religious revolutions in the Israeli army
Pershitz, Anat
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
gender and power
gender discrimination
Israeli Women and Labor Market
the status of women at work
the Israeli Army
In the past decade, the Israeli Army (IDF) has been undergoing simultane-ously two ‘social revolutions’: a ‘feminist revolution’ and a “religious revolution”. The two revolutions have different and conflicting ideologies causing a clash of values. Feminist values demand the integration of women in the army without gender separation, whereas religious principles require modesty and gender separation. At the moment, in practice, religious values which under-mine women’s equal opportunities in the army outweigh democratic values. If the secular women and men in Israeli society will not act to deprive the IDF of its unofficial and unauthorized role of balancing conflicting values in society, the status and roles of women in the army will be downgraded, directly im-pacting gender inequality in the employment market.
Studia Europaea Gnesnensia; 2019, 19; 289-302
Pojawia się w:
Studia Europaea Gnesnensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Praca emocjonalna w narracjach kobiet
Przybylska, Irena
Data publikacji:
Akademickie Towarzystwo Andragogiczne
praca emocjonalna kobiet
sfera prywatna
sfera publiczna
women’s emotional work
private sphere
public sphere
Prezentowany tekst jest wprowadzeniem do dyskusji nad przemianami w pracy emocjonalnej kobiet. Otwiera go wprowadzenie teoretyczne do kategorii badawczej, jaką jest praca emocjonalna w sferze prywatnej (emotional work) i w sferze zawodowej (emotiona labour). W projekcie zostaje przyjęta kulturowa koncepcja emocji Arlie Russel Hochschild. Zasadniczą część artykułu stanowią sygnały z wywiadów narracyjnych z 10 kobietami w przedziale wiekowym 30–40 lat. Materiał przedstawiono tak, by odpowiedzieć na pytania między innymi o to: Czy i jak redefinicja roli kobiety, wynikająca z przemian kulturowych, zmienia przestrzeń prywatną moich rozmówczyń? W jakich obszarach życia domowego badane kobiety doświadczają pracy emocjonalnej? Z racji przyjętej formuły tekst ma na celu tylko zasygnalizować obszary, w których kobiety podejmują wzmożoną pracę emocjonalną.
The presented text is an introduction to the discussion about the changes in emotional work of women. It starts with theoretical introduction to the main research category, which is emotional work in the private sphere (emotional work) and the professional sphere (emotional labour). In the project, I adopted the cultural concept of emotions by Arlie Russel Hochschild. The main part of the article contains the signals from narrative interviews with 10 women, in the age ranging 30–40. The data is analysed in order to find the answer to research questions. The most important are two: Do the women experience the change of their roles in private and public sphere? What are the areas of the home life in which they experience the tensions connected with emotional work? Because of the implemented formula, the text intends only to point to the areas in which women undertake increased emotional work.
Edukacja Dorosłych; 2019, 2; 35-48
Pojawia się w:
Edukacja Dorosłych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kobieta z zespołem Turnera na rynku pracy
A Woman with Turner Syndrome in the Job Market
Waliczek, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Państwowa Uczelnia Zawodowa we Włocławku
zespół Turnera
rynek pracy
praca kobiet
praca osób z niepełnosprawnością
Turner syndrome
job market
short stature
women at work
persons with disabilities at work
Niniejszy artykuł poświęcony jest sytuacji kobiet z zespołem Turnera na rynku pracy. Pacjentki, o których mowa, dotknięte są schorzeniem genetycznym, prowadzącym do niskorosłości, bezpłodności, wad narządów wewnętrznych oraz tendencji do zapadania na liczne choroby przewlekłe. Codzienne funkcjonowanie kobiet z ZT w żaden sposób nie różni się od funkcjonowania kobiet o prawidłowym kariotypie, choć bezpłodność i choroby towarzyszące mają wpływ na różne aspekty ich życia. Potencjalnie mogą one doświadczać dwojakiej formy dyskryminacji w swoim miejscu pracy – ze względu na płeć i ze względu na niepełnosprawność. Przebadano 14 dorosłych kobiet z zespołem Turnera. Zaproponowany kwestionariusz ankiety zawierał pytania dotyczące stanu zdrowia i historii leczenia, sytuacji rodzinnej, ścieżki edukacyjnej oraz doświadczeń na polu zawodowym. Załączono również rekomendacje do wdrożenia w środowisku kobiet z ZT w celu kształtowania dobrych praktyk.
The article is about the situation of women with Turner Syndrome in the job market. The patients are suffering from a genetic disorder that leads to short stature, infertility, organ malformation and higher risk of many long-term diseases. The daily functioning of TS women does not differ from the functioning of women with a normal karyotype, though it is true that infertility and health problems do affect many aspects of their lives. Potentially they may experience the two types of discrimination in their working place – discrimination against women and discrimination against people with disabilities. The research engaged 14 adult women with TS. The questionnaire included questions about health history, family situation, education and career experience. The recommendations for good practices were also included.
Zeszyty Naukowe Zbliżenia Cywilizacyjne; 2019, 15, 2; 126-143
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Zbliżenia Cywilizacyjne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Artystki w pracy i o pracy. Poznawcze wymiary sztuki
Female artists in work and about work. The cognitive dimensions of art
Sikorska, Karolina
Data publikacji:
Akademia Sztuk Pięknych w Gdańsku
produkcja wiedzy, upłciowiony podział pracy, sztuka kobiet/kobieca, production of knowledge, genedered division of work, women/female art
The subject of the article is the work of women artists, aiming to produce knowledge and reflection in order to change the social reality in which they live. The author invokes the report Little Chance to Advance? An Inquiry into the Presence of Women in Art Academies in Poland (by the Katarzyna Kozyra Foundation) in order to introduce the difficult and unfair work conditions for female artists in art academies. She attempts to recognize other cultural and social conditions of women’s roles within the Polish artworld by analysing the artistic practices of Elżbieta Jabłońska, Joanna Wowrzeczka and Julia Popławska. All these female artists raise questions about their work and the work of other women - living in two spaces: public and private. Their experience is doubly underprivileged – as women – they are worse paid, they are burdened by cultural stereotypes (connected with female-male oppositions like female nature – male culture, what is male is more valuable), they don’t have access to as many jobs and social positions, etc. As female artists they are often treated in a condescending manner, they are not often promoted within art academies, female art is viewed as less rational, less important, and as a consequence – notoriously under-funded. Wondering about these socio-cultural contexts the author attempts to point out the cognitive dimension of art and knowledge with regard to the gendered division of work.
Sztuka i Dokumentacja; 2016, 14; 74-83
Pojawia się w:
Sztuka i Dokumentacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Entrepreneur Woman: Challenges and Opportunities
Loera, Marcela Rebeca Contreras
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Częstochowska
female work
In recent years, female entrepreneurship has increased considerably on a global and national scale, and Sinaloa is no exception. The contribution of women entrepreneurs to local economic development is recognized, however, information on female entrepreneurship is scarce. The aim of this article is to identify the characteristics of women entrepreneurs and their participation in the local economy in the state of Sinaloa, Mexico. An exploratory descriptive analysis of female entrepreneurship in Sinaloa was carried out. This research was conducted through secondary sources in order to investigate the characteristics from a qualitative approach. The main findings show that the female entrepreneur has capabilities that influence their entrepreneurship: work experience, they generally undertake entrepreneurship for socioeconomic needs (support for family income, improve standard of living), self-employment, new opportunities or increased income; family or friends are the main source of financing. In conclusion, the growth of female entrepreneurship is a natural evolution in the role of women in the labor force of our society. However, the main motivation that prevails is the need to obtain sources of income; likewise, women are able to perceive opportunities to be undertaken, although they are influenced by the fear of failure.
Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Częstochowskiej. Zarządzanie; 2023, 1, 51; 35-47
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Częstochowskiej. Zarządzanie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Severity of work in opinions of rural women living in the Bieszczady region of south-eastern Poland
Pawlak, H.
Petkowicz, B.
Maniak, B.
Kuna-Broniowska, I.
Petkowicz, J.
Buczaj, A.
Maksym, P.
Nowakowicz-Debek, B.
Gawda, P.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
work load
position at work
rural women
Objective. The objective of the study was recognition of the opinions of rural women living in the Bieszczady region of south-eastern Poland, concerning their perception of the degree of severity of work. The study was conducted among the inhabitants of the Cisna commune. Materials and method. The basic research instrument was a questionnaire form containing 15 items. The study covered 101 women living in the Cisna commune in the Bieszczady. The self-reported degree of work load on a farm was analyzed among women who were occupationally active, and those who were not occupationally active. The effect of assistance from family members on the severity of work perceived by women was considered. Results. The women in the study focused on agro-tourism, a few of them were engaged in agricultural work and the majority worked in household gardens. The study showed that occupationally active women work considerably longer, on average, and are the most loaded, compared to those not engaged in occupational activity. The mean daily time devoted to duties on a farm did not significantly differ between occupationally active and non-active women, and amounted to 380 and 320 minutes, respectively. The majority of women who were non-active occupationally evaluated their household chores as the highest work load. In turn, the women who undertook occupational activity assessed them as most burdensome, despite great help from their family. The body positions assumed while performing field work were: standing, standing-bent-over, and walking. The mean evaluations of work load while standing and standing-bent-over did not significantly differ, but affected the work load among women who, however, could not assess the severity of their work resulting from the body position assumed.
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine; 2018, 25, 1; 145-150
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Feminist social work. Outline of the problem
Aneta, Ostaszewska,
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Wydawnictwo APS
feminist social work
social work
The aim of the article is to answer two questions: – what is feminist social work, and – what is the influence of feminism on the theory and practice of social work? The first part of the article is focused on the history of social work (in terms of women's contribution to the development of this discipline) and feminism (including various trends of feminism). Then, the features of feminist social work are discussed. The article is only an introduction to the issue of feminist social work and does not cover all the related topics.
Praca Socjalna; 2019, 34(1); 15-34
Pojawia się w:
Praca Socjalna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
On the Beginnings of the Axiology in Employment Using the Example of the Act on Juveniles and Women Work of 1924
O początkach aksjologii w zatrudnieniu na przykładzie ustawy w przedmiocie pracy młodocianych i kobiet z 1924 r.
Bosak-Sojka, Maria
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
labour law
protective function of labour law
protection of women’s work
protection of juveniles’ work
prawo pracy
ochronna funkcja prawa pracy
ochrona pracy kobiet
ochrona pracy młodocianych
The article analyses the first Polish regulations concerning the employment of juveniles and women. In the original version, both entities were protected by a common, collective legal act. In addition to the normative analysis, the paper aims to indicate the emerging protective regulations and to highlight the threads considered today as the axiology of employment in relation to these particularly protected entities. The study was enriched with views expressed in the then literature on the subject and references to practice, as well as an assessment of the solutions used from the perspective of almost a hundred years from the enactment of the law. Due to the proposed temporal scope, the article is innovative, allowing at the same time to highlight the most important changes in the scope of the discussed matter. In perspective, this study will be used to evaluate the regulations currently in force, which are addressed separately to working women and juveniles.
W artykule poddano analizie pierwsze polskie regulacje dotyczące zatrudnienia młodocianych i kobiet. W pierwotnej wersji oba podmioty były chronione wspólnym, zbiorczym aktem prawnym. Oprócz analizy normatywnej, celem jest wskazanie kształtujących się regulacji ochronnych oraz uwypuklenie wątków uznanych współcześnie za aksjologię zatrudnienia właśnie w stosunku do tych szczególnie chronionych podmiotów. Opracowanie wzbogacono poglądami wyrażonymi w ówczesnej literaturze przedmiotu i odwołaniem do praktyki, a także oceną powołanych rozwiązań przeprowadzoną z perspektywy prawie stu lat od uchwalenia ustawy. Z uwagi na zaproponowany zakres temporalny artykuł ma charakter nowatorski, pozwalający na podkreślenie najistotniejszych zmian w zakresie omawianej materii. Perspektywicznie opracowanie to posłuży do dokonania oceny współcześnie obowiązujących przepisów skierowanych już oddzielnie do pracujących kobiet oraz pracowników młodocianych.
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia; 2023, 32, 1; 57-77
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Łukasiewicz, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Akademia Marynarki Wojennej. Wydział Nauk Humanistycznych i Społecznych
In Prussia the turn of the 20th century brought about enormous civilization progress which was accompanied by an improvement in the standards of living. This process had already taken place in the German Reich and was followed by political, social and economic changes which affected women as well. Most importantly, at that time they gradually won more educational rights. Until the 19th century women’s educational attainment was limited to primary education and home schooling by governesses. Subsequently, girls were admitted to secondary schools for girls and eventually they were granted the right to sit high school final examinations and access tertiary education. Since mid-19th century women were allowed to join political organizations and after World War I they acquired political rights. Although much depended on a person’s individual disposition and personality, the middle-class mentality of the time was considerably patriarchal, hence equal rights in real interpersonal relationships became a fact only in the 20th century. Contrary to popular misconceptions, working women were commonplace already in the 19th century; unfortunately, as a rule the reason for women’s work was poverty, while attractive professions requiring high qualifications remained unavailable to women. The first changes consisted in allowing women into the teaching profession on graduating from teacher training colleges and then allowing them into the medical and legal colleges and professions. As a consequence of a dramatic decrease in the rate of infant and child mortality, women ceased to be ‘birth machines’, as they had been perceived until then, and instead of giving birth to six or eight children, they had two or three, which had a dramatic impact on their living conditions and opened new life perspectives for them.
Colloquium; 2017, 9, 2; 45-74
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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