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Szczątki nosorożca (Stephanorhinus sp.) oraz daniela (Dama dama) odkryte w osadach kopalnego jeziora eemskiego na Równinie Gorzowskiej
Remains of rhinoceros (Stephanorhinus sp.) and fallowdeer (Dama dama) discovered in Eemian lake sediments in the Gorzów Plain (NW Poland).
Badura, J.
Ciszek, D.
Kotowski, A.
Przybylski, B.
Ratajczak, U.
Stefaniak, K.
Urbański, K.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
fauna plejstoceńska
zlodowacenie eemskie
Gorzów Wielkopolski
NW Polska
Pleistocene fauna
Eemian Interglacial
NW Poland
Erthwork during rebuilding of the S3 route in Gorzów Wielkopolski exposed sediments of a palaeolake. The thickness of the sediment complex reaches 11 m. Two gyttja layers are separated by peats and fluvial sands and muds. The sequence reflects a multiphase development of the lake. Lacustrine sediments overlie Odranian (Saalian) (MOIS 6) glaciofluvial deposits and are covered by Vistulian glacial sediments (MOIS 2). At present, the stratigraphic position of the palaeolake is dated to the Eemian (MOIS 5e), with a probable continuation of the deposition into the early Vistulian (MOIS 5d-4). Rhinoceros bones (more than 100 pieces), including a skull with 24 well-preserved teeth, were discovered in the lower part of the palaeolake sediments. The preliminary expertise report, based mainly on the teeth analysis, allows assigning the rhinoceros remains into the genus Stephanorhinus. The finding of so many pieces of the skeleton of Stephanorhinus sp. in situ is unique on the scale of European scale. Apart from the rhinoceros remains, a single metacarpal bone of fallow deer (Dama dama) was found in the site. This is the first record of extant fallow deer in the Pleistocene of Poland. The palaeolake sediments were sampled and multidisciplinary research is planned to reconstruct the history of the development of this basin. The relationship between the rhinoceros andfallow deer remains with the palaeoenvironment will make it possible to ascertain the conditions in which those animals lived at higher latitudes during the Eemian Interglacial.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2017, 65, 4; 219--226
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Osady lodowcowe na przedpolu Tatr w rejonie Toporowej Cyrhli i Niżniej Palenicy Pańszczykowej
Glacial deposits in the foreland of Tatra Mountains near Toporowa Cyrhla and Niżnia Palenica Pańszczykowa
Derkacz, M.
Marcinkowski, B.
Żarski, M.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
zlodowacenie pleistoceńskie
osady lodowcowe i fluwiolodowcowe
Tatra Mts.
Pleistocene Glaciations
glacial and fluvioglacial deposits
Tills in fluvioglacial cone of Sucha Woda Valley near Toporowa Cyrhla and Niżnia Palenica Pańszczykowa were recognized during mapping Tatra Mountains in scale 1 : 10 000. Tills with big boulders occur outside maximum range of Würm Glaciation end moraines and probably were accumulated by glacier of Riss Glaciation. Grain size composition, petrographical content (grains 5–10 mm) and compositions of heavy minerals (grains 0.1–0.25 mm) were investigated in tills. Dusty and clay fraction prevails (50–70%) above sandy and gravel fraction in these sediments. Gravel of granite without sandstone predominates in samples from Toporowa Cyrhla and gravels of sandstone with granite prevail in deposits of Niżnia Palenica Pańszczykowa. Granite in tills deposits occur in upper part of Sucha Woda Valley near Hala Gąsienicowa. Sandstone occur in middle and lower part of valley. Different petrographical content of samples from Toporowa Cyrhla and Niżnia Palenica Pańszczykowa could indicate various glaciers accumulated tills or various age of investigated sediments. Non-resistant minerals and magnetite prevail among heavy minerals. These investigations suggest glacial origin of these deposits and delimit bigger range of glacial tills by this day.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2009, 57, 1; 80-84
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Depositional conditions of the Upper Younger Loess during the Last Glacial Maximum in central and eastern Europe
Dzierżek, Jan
Lindner, Leszek
Chlebowski, Roman
Szymanek, Marcin
Bogucki, Andriy
Tomeniuk, Olena
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czasopisma i Monografie PAN
North European Loess Belt
Vistulian glaciation
aeolian processes
palaeowind circulation
heavy minerals
północnoeuropejski pas lessowy
zlodowacenie Wisły
procesy eoliczne
minerały ciężkie
This paper is a summary of the results of research on the accumulation conditions of the Upper Younger Loess (LMg) in Poland and Bug loess (bg) in Ukraine from the maximum stage (MIS 2) of the Vistulian (Weichselian) Glaciation in central and eastern Europe. These studies included an analysis of the morphological (topographic) situation of the loess cover, its grain size and heavy mineral composition, the preserved structures of loess sedimentation as well as mollusc and pollen analyses of this loess. They revealed that the accumulation of Upper Younger Loess (UYL) might have been more dependent on the prevailing moisture conditions than previously thought. These conditions could have been caused by cold air masses from an ice sheet and warm air masses from the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic coming together in the Carpathians and the Holy Cross Mountains and favouring the formation of dust storms and precipitation. In this process, a loading of loess dust (formed from local rocks weathering in periglacial conditions) by atmospheric moisture particles was especially significant. The moist substrate not only favoured the periodic development of vegetation and molluscs but also enabled the interception of dust and the accumulation of an increasingly thick loess cover. Westerly and south-westerly winds predominated in the UYL as indicated by the topographic position of loess patches and the mineral composition of the studied loess. Periodically an increased air circulation from the east and northeast occurred.
Acta Geologica Polonica; 2022, 72, 4; 369--389
Pojawia się w:
Acta Geologica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nowe dane o zlodowaceniu Karkonoszy na podstawie badań w dolinie Łaby, Upy i Łomnicy
Engel, Z.
Krizek, M.
Treml, V.
Nývlt, D.
Traczyk, A.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Geomorfologów Polskich
dolina Łaby
dolina Upy
dolina Łomnicy
Landform Analysis; 2008, 9; 111-114
Pojawia się w:
Landform Analysis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Complex genesis of N-channel eskers illustrated with the example of an esker near Tosie (east-central Poland)
Złożoność genezy ozów powstałych w tunelach typu N na przykładzie ozu okolic Tosi (środkowo-wschodnia Polska)
Frydrych, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
tunel subglacjalny
rozpadlina lodowa
osady glacifluwialne
zlodowacenie warty
subglacial tunnel
open crevasse
glaciofluvial deposits
The study presents the problem of complex genesis of eskers formed in N-channels on the example of an esker located near Tosie in east-central Poland. The lithofacies analysis revealed a high diversity of structural and textural characteristics of sediments in this form. The esker consists of three sedimentation units. Coarse sediments of the esker core were deposited in the subenvironment of a subglacial tunnel, as an effect of bedforms migration under hydrostatic pressure. Opening of the tunnel resulted in the forming of an open crevasse, in which the cover of the esker core sediments was accumulated. These deposits recorded a significant variability of flow energy and sedimentation mechanisms, which indicates a strong influence of the ice-sheet ablation dynamics. During the final deglaciation stage, a part of the esker was covered with diamicton. Numerous soft-sediment deformation structures were identified within the esker. The sediments were dislocated vertically to the elevation of more than 8 metres. They constitute the record of buried dead-ice masses melting in the esker core sediments. Melting of the masses resulted in vertical displacement of sediments and formation of "the dead-ice structure". The complexity of esker genesis is characteristic of postglacial areas in Poland, where most eskers were formed in subglacial N-channels. Numerous research results confirm a considerably more frequent occurrence of the facies sequence of subglacial tunnel and open crevasse in eskers formed in N-channels than R-channels. This is indicated by a much greater dissimilarity of processes during different stages of esker formation on soft bed and solid substratum.
Badania ukazują problem złożoności genezy ozów powstających w tunelach typu N na przykładzie ozu okolic Tosi w środkowo- -wschodniej Polsce. Analiza litofacjalna wykazała duże zróżnicowanie strukturalnych i teksturalnych cech osadów tworzących formę. Oz zbudowany jest z trzech jednostek sedymentacyjnych. Gruboziarniste osady jądra ozowego powstawały w subśrodowisku tunelu subglacjalnego na skutek migracji form dna pod ciśnieniem hydrostatycznym. Otwarcie się tunelu spowodowało powstanie rozpadliny lodowej, w której następowała akumulacja jednostki pokrywającej osady jądra ozu. W osadach tych zapisała się znaczna zmienność energii przepływu oraz mechanizmów sedymentacji, co wskazuje na duży wpływ dynamiki ablacji lodowca. Podczas ostatniego etapu deglacjacji część ozu pokryta została diamiktonem. W ozie stwierdzono liczne struktury deformacyjne. Osady zostały przemieszczone pionowo na wysokość ponad 8 m. Stanowią one zapis wytapiania się pogrzebanych brył martwego lodu w osadach jądra ozu. Wytapianie się brył powodowało pionowe przemieszczanie się osadów i powstawanie tzw. dead-ice structure. Złożoność genezy ozów jest charakterystyczna dla obszarów polodowcowych Polski, gdzie większość ozów powstaje w rynnach subglacjalnych. Liczne badania potwierdzają znacznie częstsze występowanie następstwa facji subglacjalnego tunelu i otwartej rozpadliny w ozach powstających w tunelach typu N niż typu R. Wskazuje to na dużo większą odmienność procesów podczas różnych etapów formowania się ozów na nieskonsolidowanym oraz litym podłożu.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Physica; 2021, 20; 13-25
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Physica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wybrzeże klifowe zbiornika Jeziorsko i jego znaczenie w badaniach geomorfologicznych i paleogeograficznych
Cliffs of the Jeziorsko reservoir and their significance in the study of geomorphology and paleogeography
Frydrych, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
basen uniejowski
deformacje glacitektoniczne
doliny denudacyjne
osady glacjalne
zlodowacenie warty
Uniejów Basin
glaciotectonic deformations
denudation valleys
glacial deposits
Warta Glaciation
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Physica; 2013, 12
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Physica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Geology of the lower Vistula region, northern Poland
Gałązka, D.
Marks, L.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
transgresje lądolodu
morze eemskie
zlodowacenie Wisły
Dolina Dolnej Wisły
ice sheet advances
Eemian sea
Quaternary, Lower Vistula Region
Depression in the Quaternary bedrock in the Lower Vistula Region was a main route for the Scandinavian ice sheets advancing into the Polish Lowland. At the end of the Elsterian Glaciation the receding ice sheet dammed the meltwaters in the Lower Vistula Valley and in its vicinity. The Holstein sea presumably occupied the Gulf of Gdańsk as indicated by brackish deposits of this age in the Kaliningrad District. During the Eemian Interglacial an extensive sea bay existed in the Lower Vistula Region. The Lower Vistula Region is a stratotype area for the Vistulian Glaciation (Weichselian), with several ice sheet advances, also before the Last Glacial Maximum.
Polish Geological Institute Special Papers; 2009, 25; 13-20
Pojawia się w:
Polish Geological Institute Special Papers
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wstępne wyniki analizy petrograficznej osadów w żwirowni Łubienica-Superunki
Preliminary results of petrographic analysis of deposits in Łubienica-Superunki gravel pit
Górska-Zabielska, M.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Geomorfologów Polskich
analiza petrograficzna
narzutniak fennoskandzki
zlodowacenie Warty
Nizina Północnomazowiecka
petrographic analysis
Scandinavian erratic
Warthanian glaciation
North-Masovian Lowland
Osady piaszczysto-żwirowe pochodzące z transgresji stadiału młodszego zlodowacenia warty w ŁubienicySuperunkach zostały zbadane pod kątem składu petrograficznego frakcji średniożwirowej i grubożwirowej. Stwierdzono wyraźną przewagę skał krystalicznych, brak skał węglanowych oraz dziesięcioprocentowy udział piaskowców. Kwarc zmniejsza swój udział z około 9% we frakcji średniożwirowej do 0,6% we frakcji grubożwirowej. We frakcji 20–60 mm zidentyfikowano narzutniaki fennoskandzkie. Wśród nich były narzutniaki przewodnie z Wysp Alandzkich i sąsiadujących regionów Uppland i dna północnego Bałtyku oraz z obszaru południowo-wschodniej Szwecji (Småland). Wśród narzutniaków wskaźnikowych nie znaleziono ani jednego egzemplarza skały węglanowej.
Sandy and gravel deposits, originating from the ice sheet transgression during the younger stadial of the Warthanian glaciation in Łubienica-Superunki, have been examined in terms of petrographic composition of the middle-coarse gravel fraction and pebble fraction. The distinct predomination of crystalline rocks, no carbonate rocks and a 10% share of sandstones have been ascertained. Quartz has reduced its share from about 9% in the middle-coarse gravel fraction to 0.6% in pebble fraction. The Scandinavian erratics have been identified within the 20–60 mm fraction. Among them the indicator erratics from the Åland Islands, neighboring Uppland, North Baltic bottom and Småland have been found. There was no single carbonate rock found among the so called statistical erratics.
Landform Analysis; 2017, 33; 41-47
Pojawia się w:
Landform Analysis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analiza petrograficzna narzutniaków w żwirowni Łubienica-Superunki oraz ich skandynawskie obszary alimentacyjne
Petrographic analysis of erratics in the Łubienica-Superunki gravel pit and their Scandinavian source areas
Górska-Zabielska, Maria
Smolska, Ewa
Wachecka-Kotkowska, Lucyna
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
analiza petrograficzna
Fennoskandzkie narzutniaki
zlodowacenie Odry
stadiał Odry
stadiał Warty
Nizina Północnomazowiecka
petrographic analysis
Fennoscandian erratics
Odranian stadial
Wartanian stadial
North Mazovian Lowland
Petrographic studies covered 20-60 mm coarse gravel and 4-10 mm medium-grained fractions of two till horizons (units ŁS II and ŁS IV) and two beds of sand-gravelly-outwash deposits(units ŁS I and ŁS III) associated with the Odra Glaciation (MIS6) in Łubienica-Superunki on the North Mazovian Lowland. Regardless of the facies type and grain sise, crystalline rocks dominate over all other petrographic groups in all samples. The percentage of crystalline rocks is greater among coarse gravel (average 74.7%) than among medium-grain gravel (average 67.8%). The share of carbonate rocks is limited only to the both lower units ŁS I and ŁS II. The upper units (ŁS III and ŁS IV) are deprived of these rocks, both in the medium and coarse gravel fraction. Sandstones, presented in all samples, were in the range of 5-20%. From the other petrographic groups, individual chalk limestones clasts, dolomites, flints and quartz grains were identified in the material. The indicator erratics were identified in all four units. Their percentage content stands for 10-18% of the total sample of coarse-grained fraction. Among them, the most common were the erratics derived from the Åland Islands, and then from the area of south-eastern Sweden (Smaland) and from Dalarna in central Sweden. Amongst the erratics with limited indicator significance, Lower Paleozoic limestones and Jotnian sandstones were most frequent. Single fragments of Ordovician red and Paleoporella limestone were present. These rocks, including the Lower Paleozoic grey limestone, occurred only in thelowerunits(ŁS I and ŁS II). The results of the research suggest that the two lower sediment units should be correlated with a ice-sheet advance (Middle Polish Complex, Odranian Stadial?), and the two upper ones - with a separate, subsequent advancement (Wartanian?). The paper is another methodological contribution to the consideration of abandoning the tedious testing of glacial till and focusing on a much faster petrographic analysis of fluvioglacial sediments associated with the same ice sheet. This is demonstrated by the comparable results of the petrographic analysis of short transport outwash sediments and till from a single glacial period.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2021, 69, 1; 43--54
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przebieg i korelacja sukcesji pyłkowych późnego plejstocenu na terenie Polski i Białorusi
The course and correlation of the Late Pleistocene pollen sequences from Poland and Belarus
Granoszewski, W.
Winter, H.
Rylova, T. B.
Savcenko, I. E.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Late Pleistocene
Vistulian glaciation
pollen analysis
późny plejstocen
interglacjał eemski
zlodowacenie Wisły
analiza pyłkowa
The most representative and long Late Pleistocene pollen sequences covering the late glacial of the penultimate glaciation (Warta/Pripiat), the last interglacial (Eemian/Muravian) and the early glacial of the Last Glaciation (Vistulian/Poozerie) from the territory of Poland and Belarus have been correlated. The resemblance ofpollen spectra in these pollen sequences and a parallel succession of Regional Pollen Assemblage Zones in the considered time intervals suggest that the natural environment of Poland and Belarus underwent synchronous changes under unidirectional climatic transformations. Qualitative and quantitative features of the Regional Pollen Assemblage Zones show similarities and differences in vegetation and climate changes in the study area. A comparison of the pollen spectra from Poland and Belarus suggests that both territories were affected by a similar climate particularly during the cold intervals. Some differences between the compositions of the pollen spectra were noticed as concerns the interglacial period. For instance, Abies and Taxus pollen as well as significantly high percentages of Calluna vulgaris pollen in NE Poland towards the end of the period are present only in the Polish sections. This may suggest a more Atlantic type of the climate during the Last Interglacial in Poland than in Belarus.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2012, 60, 11; 605--614
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Refugia lodowcowe w Europie: co wiemy o historii współczesnych gatunków roślin i zwierząt
Glacial refugia in Europe: what do we know about the history of contemporary plant and animal species
Jancewicz, E.
Falkowska, E.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
zlodowacenie Wisly
historia gatunkow
kolonizacja polodowcowa
ostoje glacjalne
postglacial colonization
last glacial maximum
northern criptic refugia
Modern research methods provide many new possibilities to reconstruct the history of species and the colonization of land after its release from the Pleistocene ice sheet. New laboratory techniques and research trends form another, new and interdisciplinary approach to these issues. In this paper, we present the history of plant and animal species during the last glaciation (Vistulian, 115−11.7 ka BP) and after the melting of the ice sheets. We also summarize the evolution of theories and views on this subject. Initially, the role of glacial refugia that are the places of survival of the species and the source of expansion to the north of the continent after the release of Europe from the ice sheet, were attributed to the Iberian, Apennine and Balkan peninsulas. This was due to the fact that in Europe only in these regions favourable conditions for the survival of temperate species existed. However, numerous paleozoological, palaeobotanical and paleoclimatological fossil evidences from the Vistulian period, and extensive molecular research on contemporary populations of species inhabiting different areas of the continent show a completely different image of glacial refugia and another model of postglacial expansion. The paper describes documented significance of extensive refugia (macrorefugia) that existed in the Carpathians, the Crimea, the Ural, the Caucasus and the Russian Plain in postglacial colonization of Europe. It shows also importance of small northern refugia often found near the border of the ice−sheet in survival of boreal species. One of the nearest refugium in the vicinity of the border of the ice sheet in last glacial maximum period was the refugium located in the Kraków−Częstochowa Upland (S Poland) and in the Świętokrzyskie Mountains (C Poland).
Sylwan; 2017, 161, 12; 982-990
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nowe dane odnośnie do genezy i wieku form stożkopodobnych południowej części Niziny Środkowomazowieckiej
New data about orgin and age of fan - like forms in the southern Mazovian Lowland
Kalińska, E.
Wyszomierski, M.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Geomorfologów Polskich
formy stożkopodobne
południowa część Niziny Środkowomazowieckiej
procesy eoliczne
zlodowacenie Wisły
fan-like forms
southern Mazovian Lowland
aeolian processes
Vistulian glaciation
Południowa część Niziny Środkowomazowieckiej wykształcona jest z reguły jako prawie płaska powierzchnia zbudowana z osadów piaszczystych. Została ona określona mianem form stożkopodobnych. Szczegółowa analiza cech teksturalnych wskazała na eoliczne środowisko depozycji osadów. Rozwój form odbywał się w czterech etapach podczas środkowego i górnego vistulianu.
The southern Mazovian Lowland is a almost flat plain build of fine- and medium-grained sands as a rule. It has been described as a fan-like forms. Detailed textural analysis indicated aeolian sedimentary environment. Forms were developed in four phases during middle and upper vistulianu.
Landform Analysis; 2010, 13; 27-31
Pojawia się w:
Landform Analysis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Budowa geologiczna i glacitektonika klifu orłowskiego w Gdyni
Geology and glaciotectonics of the Orłowo Cliff in Gdynia, northern Poland
Kaulbarsz, D.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Klif orłowski
analiza strukturalna
deformacja glacitektoniczna
geneza glin zwałowych
zlodowacenie Wisły
zlodowacenie Odry
stadiał świecia
Orłowo Cliff
Baltic shore
glaciotectonic deformations
structural analysis
Odranian Glaciation
Warthanian Glaciation
Vistulian glaciation
Świecie Stadial
Main Stadial
The Orłowo Cliff is built of glacial and fluvioglacial deposits, Middle Polish Glaciations (possibly Odranian and Warthanian) and Vistulian Glaciation. Deposits are heavily deformed glaciotectonically. In the northern part of the cliff, Miocene sediments are exposed. It is possible, that the Miocene sediments were dislo-cated from their primary position. There were observed overthrusts and intermingling with Pleistocene material in the lower part of the exposure. The Orłowo Headland is built of glacial tills. It is probably a part of fold, similar in pattern to the structure of overthrust folds present in silty-sandy-grained deposits in the southern part of the cliff. Apart from folds and overthrusts there are many faults and the boudinage. Structural analysis of glaciotectonic deformations in conjunction with origin of deposits and statigraphic research enabled the recognition of several stages of development of deformations. Two local directions of glaciotectonic transport were marked clearly: from the north-east, which was connected with glacier invasion in the OEwiecie Stadial of the Vistulian Glaciation, and direction from north-west (north north-west), related to the Main Stadial of the Vistulian Glaciation.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2005, 53, 7; 572--581
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Próba rekonstrukcji geometrii lądolodu zlodowacenia Odry w północnej częoeci Wyżyny Krakowsko-Częstochowskiej
Preliminary reconstruction of geometry of the ice sheet of the Odra glaciation in northern part of the Cracow–Częstochowa Upland
Knopik, J.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
zlodowacenie Odry
rekonstrukcji geometrii lądolodu zlodowacenia
podłoże czwartorzędu
Odra glaciation
reconstruction of the geometry of the ice sheet
Quaternary substratum
During the Pleistocene, the Cracow-Częstochowa Upland was covered by the Scandinavian ice sheets two times, which was stated already at the beginning of the twentieth century. The Odra glaciation had probably the biggest impact on the relief of this area . The geometry of this part of the ice sheet was reconstructed on the basis of the analysis of the sub-Quaternary morphology and location of the glacial tills. The modeling of thickness of the ice sheet during the odra glaciations shows, that it was small (110–350 m) in the northern part of the analyzed area. Longitudinal profiles of the ice sheet are fairly gentle, which is typical for glaciers with high activity.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2011, 59, 6; 474-478
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Lithological indicators of loess sedimentation of SW Poland
Krawczyk, M.
Ryzner, K.
Skurzyński, J.
Jary, Z.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Śląski. Wydział Nauk o Ziemi
Dolny Śląsk
zmiana klimatu
Silesian Lowland
loess-soil sequence
grain-size indicator
climate change
last glaciation
High-resolution grain-size investigations were carried out in two SW Polish loess sections: Biały Kościół (Niemcza-Strzelin Hills) and Zaprężyn (Trzebnica Hills). Each sequence was sampled by using the same methodology and samples were taken at 5 centimeters intervals. The particle size distribution was obtained with a Mastersizer 2000 laser, used for diffraction methods. From the obtained results the basic parameters and grain size indicators were calculated: Mz, Grain Size Index ratio, U-ratio and the percentage content of clay (< 4μm) and sand (> 63 μm). Both loess- soil sequences are composed of interfluve and slope loess facies and consist of five litho-pedostratigraphic units developed during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene: two loess units L1LL1, L1LL2 and three polygenetic fossil soils sets S0, S1 and L1SS1. The distance between these two profiles is about 60 km. Zaprężyn, as a section located more to the north, has almost no lower younger loess and higher level of weathering which could be related to proximity of this site to the Ice Sheet margin. The climate here was more extreme and harsh. What is more,the difference in development of soil L1SS1 can be observed: while in Biały Kościół pedogenesis process was slower and less disturbed than in Zaprężyn. The upper part of L1SS1 in Biały Kościół was deformed by gelifluction, frost heave and other periglacial processes. Mz indicator by the grain-size distribution in these sediments reflects subtle variations in the climatic system. Moreover, in Zaprężyn the content of sand fraction is higher than in Biały Kościół what can be the evidence of short episodes of strong winds during cold period of sedimentation. The aim of this paper is to compare two loess profiles by their stratigraphical and lithological similarities which are result of climate conditions and features of surrounding environment.
Contemporary Trends in Geoscience; 2017, 6, 2; 94-111
Pojawia się w:
Contemporary Trends in Geoscience
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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