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Odtwarzając las – odtwarzając państwo. Esej o zalesianiu
Restoring the Forest—Restoring the State: An Essay on Forestation
Konczal, Agata A.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
environmental anthropology
environmental history
ecological policy
antropologia środowiskowa
historia środowiskowa
polityka ekologiczna
Artykuł dotyczy relacji państwo – las i tego, jak i kiedy państwo tworzy dyskursy na temat lasu, tak aby służyły jego bieżącym celom i aktualnej polityce. Jest to studium przypadku państwa polskiego i jego podejścia do praktyk odnawiania lasów (ang. forest restoration). Przyglądając się minionym działaniom od roku 1918, za pomocą których polskie państwo odtwarzało las, tekst śledzi praktyki dyskursywnej nacjonalizacji lasów. Łącząc perspektywę historyczną ze współczesnymi dyskusjami na temat odnowy ekosystemów leśnych w ramach Unii Europejskiej i globalnych agend, tekst proponuje refleksję na temat relacji władzy wpisanych i ucieleśnianych przez działania związane z zarządzaniem przyrodą. Tekst dotyka szerszej refleksji na temat zarządzania przyrodą i wpisanych w nie relacje władzy, a także analizuje to, jak „środowisko” i kwestie dotyczące środowiska skonstruowane zostały jako dziedziny wymagające regulacji i ochrony państwa. Artykuł, skupiając się na sadzeniu, a nie na wycinaniu lasów, opisuje zastosowanie narzędzi polityki zarządzania środowiskiem w celu utrzymania władzy nad dyskursywnymi i materialnymi działaniami w odniesieniu do krajobrazu przez państwa i/lub międzynarodowe agendy. Ramą spinającą refleksje tego eseju jest polityka ekologiczna połączona z historią i antropologią środowiskową.
This article looks at the state/forest relationship and how and when the state creates discourses about the forest to serve its current objectives and policies. It is a case study of the Polish state and its approach to forest restoration practices. Looking at past actions since 1918 through which the Polish state has restored the forest, the text traces the discursive practices of forest nationalisation. Combining historical perspectives with contemporary discussions of forest restoration within the European Union and global institutions, the text offers an analysis of the power relations inscribed and embodied in nature management activities. The text touches upon a broader reflection on nature management and the power relations inscribed and embodied within it and examines how “the environment” and environmental issues have been constructed as domains requiring state regulation and protection. Focusing on planting rather than deforestation, the article describes the use of environmental governance policy tools to maintain power over discursive and material actions in relation to the landscape by states and/or international institutions. This article is framed within environmental politics, combined with environmental history and anthropology.
Porównania; 2022, 31, 1; 39-62
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Organisational and Economic Characteristics of Agriculture in Poland From Areas Especially Predisposed for the Delivery of Public Goods
Cechy organizacyjne i ekonomiczne rolnictwa w Polsce z obszarów szczególnie predestynowanych do dostarczania dóbr publicznych
Zieliński, Marek
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
agriculture from ANCs areas
organic farming
organizational and economic potential of agriculture
public goods
Common Agricultural Policy 2014-2020
rolnictwo ekologiczne
dobra publiczne
Wspólna Polityka Rolna 2014-2020
rolnictwo z obszarów z ograniczeniami naturalnymi lub innymi szczególnymi ograniczeniami (ANCs)
potencjał organizacyjny i ekonomiczny rolnictwa
The aim of the study is to assess the organisational and economic characteristics of agriculture in Poland from areas (communes) especially predisposed to provide public goods. The delimitation of these communes was carried out on the basis of the agricultural production area valorization index (APAV) established by the Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation - State Research Institute (IUNG - PIB) in Pulawy. Production potential of agriculture in these communes were obtained from the Agency for Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture (ARMA). In addition, data from the Statistics Poland (GUS) and Polish FADN were used. It was stated that farms from these communes in comparison to farms from other communes were characterised by, among others, lower total costs per 1 ha of UAA, lower productivity of factors of production and income per 1 ha of UAA. The operating subsidies received were of great importance to them, without which they would often suffer losses.
Celem opracowania jest ocena cech organizacyjnych i ekonomicznych rolnictwa w Polsce z obszarów (gmin) szczególnie predestynowanych do dostarczania dóbr publicznych. Delimitację tych gmin przeprowadzono na podstawie ustalonego przez Instytut Uprawy Nawożenia i Gleboznawstwa – PIB (IUNG – PIB) w Puławach wskaźnika Waloryzacji Rolniczej Przestrzeni Produkcyjnej (WRPP). Dane dotyczące potencjału produkcyjnego rolnictwa z tych gmin uzyskano z Agencji Restrukturyzacji i Modernizacji Rolnictwa (ARiMR). Ponadto wykorzystano publikowane dane Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego (GUS) oraz dane Polskiego FADN za lata 2018-2020. Stwierdzono, że gospodarstwa z tych gmin na tle gospodarstw z gmin pozostałych cechowały się mniejszymi ponoszonymi kosztami ogółem w przeliczeniu na 1 ha UR, mniejszą produktywnością czynników produkcji oraz dochodem w przeliczeniu na 1 ha UR. Istotne znaczenie miały w ich dochodach otrzymywane dopłaty operacyjne, bez których ponosiłyby nierzadko stratę.
Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu; 2022, 66, 3; 165-181
Pojawia się w:
Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Las na gruncie porolnym - oczekiwania i rzeczywistość
Forest on post-agricultural land - expectations and reality
Krawczyk, R.
Kowalczuk, S.
Ksepko, M.
Sierota, Z.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa
grunty porolne
gospodarka lesna
lasy porolne
stan zdrowotny lasu
sukcesja roslin
odnowienia naturalne
post-agriculture lands
managed forests
forest health
natural regeneration
In Central Europe, deforestation led to a reduction of forest area by almost 80%, compared to the original area, by the beginning of the 20th century. At this point in time, a period of intensive reforestation began in an effort to restore forest areas. This process of reforestation, especially on post-agricultural land, continues to this day. This article examines reforestation and natural regeneration on former farmland and the factors that influence the current state as well as the future growth of the forest. Ancient and contemporary views on the functioning of stands on post-agricultural land created by both, natural and forced succession (i.e. afforestation), are recalled. In Poland, this issue primarily concerns managed state forests, which cover an area of over 2 million hectares. We discuss the differences in the development of these stands resulting from the history of agricultural cultivation, the type of afforestation, the influence of environmental factors as well as biotic threats to their development. Furthermore, the need to change the silviculture-, protection- and endowment-based approach to forest management in stands on post-agricultural land is highlighted.
Leśne Prace Badawcze; 2021, 82, 2; 75-86
Pojawia się w:
Leśne Prace Badawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Możliwości wykorzystania procesów sukcesyjnych w przebudowie drzewostanów na gruntach porolnych na przykładzie Nadleśnictwa Wielbark
The potential utility of successional processes during timber stand improvement on post-agricultural land in the Wielbark Forest District: a case study
Krawczyk, R.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa
grunty porolne
przebudowa drzewostanow
huba korzeni
sukcesja wtorna
In the Wielbark Forest District, and many other forest districts in Poland, disturbances caused by annosum root rot Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.) Bref. have been observed regularly in timber stands cultivated on post-agricultural land. Natural regeneration in the resulting gaps is dominated by birches, but also other tree and shrub species occur. A better understanding of those natural successional processes is required in order to possibly include them in management practices, i.e., to employ them as an aid in stand conversion or improvement. This goal formed the foundation for this study, which was carried out under the assumption that the natural renewal of trees owing to annosum root rot would satisfy the requirements for silvicultural practices. The work was carried out in a pine stand sequence, aged from 1 to 100 years, representing two habitat types, fresh conife- rous forest (Bśw) and fresh mixed coniferous forest (BMśw), grown on post-agricultural land with a total area of 15 757.31 ha. A 100×100 m square grid was established within which 125 circular sampling fields were selected randomly. Both, the existing timber trees and natural regrowth were measured, including an estimation of H. annosum sporocarps to show whether root rot infection had taken place. A detailed analysis of changes in the stocking index revealed that the most damaged tree stands belong to the third age group in both habitats. However, the changes observed in stands from the Bśw habitat were smaller and occurred with a delay compared with those from the BMśw habitat. In conclusion, in response to a disturbance caused by annosum root rot, natural regrowth appeared, involving 4 and 8 tree species respectively in the Bśw and BMśw habitats, but for both habitats, the regrowth was mostly comprised of pine and birch. Therefore, the results from this study clearly indicate that spontaneous regenerative processes would be of use if they were to be included in silvicultural practices.
Leśne Prace Badawcze; 2021, 82, 1; 1-14
Pojawia się w:
Leśne Prace Badawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Agricultural land afforestation imolemented under the rural development programme in Poland between 2007-2013 and 2014-2020
Zalesianie gruntów rolnych w Polsce realizowane w ramach programu rozwoju obszarów wiejskich w okresach 2007-2013 i 2014-2020
Klepacka, A.M.
Data publikacji:
The Polish Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economists
agricultural land
regional differences
grunty rolne
różnice regionalne
This article focuses on afforestation of agricultural land and reviews agricultural land afforestation changes in Poland implemented by beneficiaries (natural or legal persons) of the RDP, with special regard to regional differences. Furthermore, the study distinguished between trends in afforestation for separate EU budgetary periods: 2007-2013 and the current financing period 2014-2020. The study applies data published by the Central Statistical Office for 1995-2018, concerning the size of the forest cover by ownership type and spatial distribution, the forest area in the total land area of a farm, and the average price of arable land. Additionally, data concerning the afforestation of agricultural and non-agricultural land have been obtained from the Agency for the Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture for 2007-2018. Results show that the afforestation of privately-owned agricultural land was 33,053.53 ha in Poland between 2007-2013, whereas it was 6,742.06 ha between 2014-2018. In both periods, the largest land area was afforested in the Warmińsko-Mazurskie and Mazowieckie voivodships, while the smallest in the Śląskie and Małopolskie voivodships. Although the current financing period will expire in 2020, available data suggest that the total afforested area of agricultural land area in the current period will be smaller than in the previous period. The comparison of both afforestation periods shows that only in the case of the Warmińsko-Mazurskie and Opolskie voivodships, the average percentage share of forest cover in total land area owned by a farm slightly increased, but both voivodships, are of little significance in afforestation efforts. The most significant decrease in the newly afforested area was in the Małopolskie Voivodship, which is likely related to average farm size and land location as well as related natural conditions.
Przedmiotem artykułu jest analiza zalesień gruntów rolnych realizowanych przez beneficjentów w ramach PROW, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem różnic przestrzennych w Polsce. Ponadto rozróżniono tendencje zmian wielkości zalesień dla dwóch oddzielnych okresów, odpowiadających okresom finansowania budżetu UE, tj. dla lat 2007-2013 oraz bieżącego okresu finansowania obejmującego lata 2014-2020. Materiał źródłowy stanowiły upublicznione dane GUS za lata 1995-2018, dotyczące wielkości zalesień według własności i umiejscowienia przestrzennego, powierzchni zalesionej w powierzchni ogółem w gospodarstwach rolnych oraz średniej ceny gruntów ornych. Natomiast dane obejmujące zalesienia gruntów rolnych oraz gruntów innych niż rolne pozyskano z Agencji Restrukturyzacji i Modernizacji Rolnictwa za lata 2007-2018. W pracy wykorzystano metodę opisową i porównawczą oraz elementy statystki opisowej, w tym obliczenia trendów dla poszczególnych kategorii zalesień. Wyniki badań wskazały, że zalesienia w lasach prywatnych w Polsce w okresie 2007-2013 wyniosły 33 053,53 ha, natomiast w okresie 2014-2018 – 6742,06 ha. Ogółem w obu okresach największy obszar zalesiono w województwie warmińsko-mazurskim i mazowieckim, natomiast najmniejszy w województwach śląskim i małopolskim. Chociaż bieżący okres finansowania zalesień zakończy się dopiero w 2020 roku, dostępne dane sugerują, że wielkość zalesień we wszystkich województwach będzie mniejsza niż w latach 2007-2013. Z porównania obu okresów, w których dokonano zalesień, jedynie w przypadku województw warmińsko-mazurskiego i opolskiego, zwiększył się średni procentowy udział powierzchni zalesionej w powierzchni ogółem gospodarstwach rolnych, przy czym wysoki wzrost względny odnotowano również w województwach, w których zalesienia mają niewielkie znaczenie. Natomiast największy spadek powierzchni zalesionej w powierzchni ogółem odnotowano w województwie małopolskim, co można tłumaczyć ukształtowaniem terenu i ograniczeniami z nimi związanymi.
Annals of The Polish Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economists; 2020, 22, 1; 137-148
Pojawia się w:
Annals of The Polish Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economists
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Określanie standardowych kosztów jednostkowych wybranych prac z zakresu hodowli lasu
Determination of standard unit costs of selected works from the silviculture
Kocel, J.
Wysocka-Fijorek, E.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
hodowla lasu
prace hodowlane
odnowienia lasu
koszty jednostkowe
prace pielęgnacyjne
standard costs
grouping method
‘technological' method
financial system of the state forests
The article presents the standardization of costs of silviculture treatments (reforestation and afforestation, corrections and overplanting, forest tending) with the method of grouping forest districts with similar natural conditions and the ‘technological’ method. The standard costs were compared with the real costs, and the applied methods were assessed in terms of their suitability for the State Forests financial system. Source materials were obtained for 2017 from the databases of the State Forests Information System. The base for determination of the value of the average monthly gross remuneration by poviats for forest districts and regional directorates of the State Forests for 2017 was information obtained from the Local Data Bank of the Statistics Poland and announcements of the President of the Statistics Poland on average remuneration in the national economy. The standardization method of unit costs in silviculture based on groups of forest districts with similar natural conditions boiled down to determining 12 uniform groups of forest districts in terms of the structure of forest habitat types. The ‘technological’ method consisted in building technological models of works in silviculture using the labor−consumption catalogues in force in the State Forests. The relationship between the developed standard costs and the weighted average real costs was calculated using the Spearman correlation. It achieved lower values for all analyzed treatment groups compared to the dependencies related to cost standardization using the ‘technological’ method. Comparison of deviations of reforestation and afforestation as well as corrections and overplanting calculated by two methods with real costs determined in regional directorates of the State Forests using the Wilcoxon test allowed to indicate regional directorates, in which underestimation of standard costs concerned both analyzed methods occurred. Forest districts included in these directorates should be subjected to careful analysis. To standardize unit costs of reforestation and afforestation, as well as corrections and overplanting, it is proposed to use the method of determining standard unit costs on the basis of groups of forest districts with similar natural conditions. The ‘technological’ method should be used to standardize unit costs of forest tending. However, one should take into account the overestimation of standard costs in comparison with the actual unit costs of this group of activities, especially in forest districts with high competition on the forest services market.
Sylwan; 2020, 164, 03; 196-205
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
European union support for afforestation in Poland – performance and results
Wsparcie ze środków unii europejskiej zalesiania w Polsce – doświadczenia i efekty
Daniłowska, A.
Data publikacji:
The Polish Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economists
afforestation measure
forest area
Rural Development Programme
program zalesianie
wskaźnik lesistości
Program Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich
The aim of the paper is to evaluate the effects of EU support for afforestation in Poland. The research concerns afforestation measures under three subsequent Rural Development Programmes: 2004-2006, 2007-2013, 2014-2020. The examined period covers the years between 2004 and 2018. The analysis indicated that during the examined years about 80,000 ha of land were afforested. Thanks to the measure, forest area in Poland increased by 0.87%. The highest effect of the measure was achieved under RDP 2004-2006. The share of afforested area under that RDP was estimated to be at nearly 50% of total afforested area and in the case of RDP 2007-2013 at 46.7%. Under the current RDP 2014-2020, the interest of eligible agents in the measure and results are very modest. The afforested area, after five years of the financial perspective, was thirteen times lower than during three years of RDP 2004-2006. Although a rather unambitious target was set under RDP 2014-2020 – support for 82,000 ha of afforested land – small interest in new afforestation under the measure will probably be a barrier for achieving the target. The modest result is caused by a few factors, such as terms of the measure or farmer interest in different forms of support for agricultural activity.
Celem artykułu jest ocena efektów wsparcia ze środków Unii Europejskiej zalesiania w Polsce. Badanie dotyczyło wsparcia zalesiania gruntów oferowanego w trzech kolejnych programach rozwoju obszarów wiejskich (PROW): 2004-2006, 2007-2013, 2014-2020. Badany okres obejmował lata 2004- 2018. Analiza wykazała, że we wskazanym okresie zalesiono około 80 000 ha gruntów. Dzięki temu obszar lasów w Polsce wzrósł o 0,87% w stosunku do stanu z 2004 roku. Największy efekt tego działania miał miejsce w ramach PROW 2004-2006. Udział zalesionej w tym okresie powierzchni w całkowitej powierzchni zalesień w ramach trzech PROW wynosił niemal 50%, natomiast zalesionej powierzchni w ramach PROW 2007-2013 – 46,7%. Zainteresowanie działaniem zalesiania oferowanym w obecnie realizowanym PROW 2014-2020 jest niewielkie, a więc i efekty też są takie. W ciągu pięciu latach funkcjonowania tego PROW zalesiono obszar trzynastokrotnie mniejszy niż podczas trwającego trzy lata PROW 2004-2006. Chociaż w PROW 2014-2020 postawiono raczej mało ambitny cel – wsparcie zalesień 82 000 ha, małe zainteresowanie nowymi nasadzeniami może być barierą w osiągnięciu tego celu. Skromne efekty są wynikiem splotu działań takich czynników, jak warunki uzyskania wsparcia oraz zainteresowanie rolników różnymi konkurencyjnymi w stosunku do zalesiania programami wsparcia działalności rolniczej.
Annals of The Polish Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economists; 2019, 21, 4; 85-95
Pojawia się w:
Annals of The Polish Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economists
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ocena efektów kształtowania retencji na zalesionych gruntach porolnych we Wrocławiu
Estimation of effects of changes in water retention on afforested post-arable soils in Wroclaw
Kowalczyk, T.
Orzepowski, W.
Pokładek, R.
Dabek, P.
Pęczkowski, G.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
grunty porolne
grunty zalesione
stosunki wodne
retencja wodna
water−melioration system
water retention
former agriculutural lands
The paper presents the results of a study on water relations conducted in the hydrological years 2000−2010 in the catchment of Ługowina and Ługowinka in the western part of Wrocław (SW Poland). The studied object was created in the mid−1990s by afforestation of nearly 100 ha of meliorated agricultural land. The research objective was to determine the changes in the resources of ground water retention under the effect of damming structures in diverse hydrometeorological conditions. The analyses concerned the changes in the mean level of the ground water table in an area with outflow regulated by three dams and, for comparison, in an area with natural water management. The study showed that in the period from March to June, i.e. the time of the highest water demand from trees, the level of the ground water table in the area with regulated outflow was higher by about 30 cm compared to the control area. Correct operation of the damming structures, consisting in annual regulation of outflow, allows effective restoration of springtime resources of ground water retention. At the end of the vegetation period, the level of the ground water table was usually relatively stable over the entire object, which indicates cyclic depletion of retention resources of the local micro−catchment basin. During the vegetation period those resources could be restored only in the case of occurrence of high precipitation. The effectiveness of the regulated outflow in the first half of the vegetation period was noted also in dry years 2002−2005, with simultaneous overall decrease of water resources in the scale of the country. The observations demonstrated also that sporadically (in very wet periods) the water−melioration system was unable to drain the excess water. That caused the occurrence of local floodings that threatened the health status of the trees. One can conclude that the use of water−melioration infrastructure typical for agricultural areas for the regulation of outflow from a local micro−catch−ment basin in the conditions of a lowland river valley is an effective method of improvement of ground water resources. The highest effectiveness in terms of increased retention was noted in the period of the most intensive growth of trees. In case of afforestation of post−agricultural lands this may have a highly positive effect on the quality of cultivations and their subsequent development and health status.
Sylwan; 2019, 163, 02; 111-120
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Regional differences in the pro-ecological measures of the 2007-2013 RDP in Poland
Polna, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Ekonomistów Środowiska i Zasobów Naturalnych
less-favoured areas
agri-environmental programme
land afforestation
Ward’s method
obszar mniej uprzywilejowany
program rolnośrodowiskowy
zalesianie gruntów
metoda Warda
The article deals with regional differences in the use of the EU funds allocated to pro-ecological measures in Poland. The research covers support for land management in mountain areas and other less-favoured areas (LFAs), agri-environmental programme, afforestation of agricultural and non-agricultural land implemented under the 2007-2013 Rural Development Programme. The analysis was made by voivodeships on the basis of data from the Agency for the Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture and Statistics Poland. Ward’s method was used for the division of voivodeships into groups with similar intensity of absorption of funds from pro-ecological measures. Three groups of voivodeships, most similar internally and with the largest differences between them were selected. It has been stated that the highest level of use of RDP funds concerned the voivodeships of northern and western Poland, while their lowest use was in the voivodeships of the south-eastern part of the country and in Łódź.
Ekonomia i Środowisko; 2019, 3; 168-179
Pojawia się w:
Ekonomia i Środowisko
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zmiany pokrycia terenu w Polsce w latach 1990-2012 na podstawie danych CORINE Land Cover
Land cover changes in Poland in 1990-2012
Mierzwiak, Michał
Całka, Beata
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Informacji Przestrzennej
pokrycie terenu
CORINE Land Cover
przejmowanie gruntów rolnych
land cover
land take
Ostatnie 25 lat w Polsce cechują duże zmiany społeczno-gospodarcze, wyraźnie widoczne także w pokryciu i użytkowaniu terenu. W artykule przedstawiono charakterystykę ilościową, jakościową oraz przestrzenną zmian w pokryciu terenu, jakie zaszły w Polsce w latach 1990-2012, ze szczególnym zwróceniem uwagi na okresy: 1990-2000, 2000-2006 oraz 2006-2012. Analizy zostały wykonane na podstawie danych zgromadzonych w bazach CORINE Land Cover. Podstawowym celem badań była ocena zmian pokrycia terenu, które są następstwem zmian sposobu użytkowania ziemi w Polsce w okresie transformacji systemowej na przełomie XX i XXI wieku. Szczegółowo przeanalizowano przejmowanie gruntów rolnych i leśnych na budowę dróg oraz powiększanie terenów zabudowanych. Otrzymane wyniki pokazują, że powierzchnia zmian była stosunkowo niewielka i w żadnym z analizowanych okresów nie przekroczyła 1% powierzchni kraju. Zaobserwowano, że od 1990 roku następuje systematyczne zwiększanie terenów antropogenicznych głównie kosztem terenów rolniczych (gruntów ornych, sadów i plantacji oraz łąk i pastwisk) i zalesionych.
The last 25 years in Poland are characterized by large socio-economic changes, clearly visible in the land cover. The article presents quantitative, qualitative and spatial characteristics of land cover changes in Poland in the years 1990-2012, with special attention paid to the periods 1990-2000, 2000-2006 and 2006-2012. The analyses base on CORINE land Cover data. The main objective of the study was to analyze the urbanization and accompanying land take of agricultural lands and forest for the construction of roads and the spread of built-up areas. The results show that the area of land cover changes was relatively small and it does not exceeded 1% of the country's territory. Since 1990 a systematic increase in anthropogenic areas is observed which is accompanying with afforestation, and decrease of arable lands.
Roczniki Geomatyki; 2019, 17, 2(85); 127-140
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Geomatyki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Afforestation funded by RPD in the period 2007-2013: the example of Podlaskie and Wielkopolskie voivodships
Klepacka, A. M.
Szmulewicz, P.
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Ekonomistów Środowiska i Zasobów Naturalnych
European Union fund
private land
fundusz Unii Europejskiej
grunty prywatne
The objective of this study is to identify differences between the afforestation subsidies from European Union (EU) obtained by beneficiaries from Podlaskie and Wielkopolskie Voivodships (918 and 618 beneficiaries respectively) as part of RDP 2007-2013. The survey results showed faster increase of forest rate growth in Podlaskie Voivodship, which is classified as a less economically developed region. When compared to Wielkopolskie Voivodship, Podlaskie Voivodship received higher subsidies; nevertheless, the average sum obtained (in thousand EURO) per beneficiary was lower in Podlaskie than in Wielkopolskie.
Ekonomia i Środowisko; 2018, 3; 157-169
Pojawia się w:
Ekonomia i Środowisko
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Opłacalność zalesień gruntów rolnych w ramach Programu Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich
Profitability of the farmland afforestation within the Rural Development Programme
Kurowska, K.
Kryszk, H.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
grunty porolne
Program Rozwoju Obszarow Wiejskich
farmland afforestation
rural development programme
Sustainable development and afforestation measures aiming to preserve the leading role of the forests are important elements of spatial, environmental and economic policies. The economic efficiency of afforestation schemes covering arable and other types of land was evaluated in view of the policies aiming to increase the afforestation rate and improve the land−use structure in the rural areas. The evaluated afforestation measures were introduced in Poland in 2004 as part of the Rural Development Programme (RDP). The principles and criteria applicable to every RDP framework, i.e. 2004−2006, 2007−2013 and 2014−2020, were taken into account. Special attention was paid to processes that significantly influenced afforestation practices in the analysed periods. Economic efficiency was evaluated for two exemplary plots of arable land. The results of the profitability analysis indicate that current legislation discourages farmers from embarking on afforestation projects. The above can be attributed to the maximum permitted area of afforestation per beneficiary (no limitations in the previous RDPs, 20 ha in the present one), shorter validity of afforestation premiums (12 instead of 20 years) and the introduction of more rigorous afforestation criteria in 2015. The afforestation principles under RDP 2004−2006 were the most favourable for farmers, and the highest afforestation rates were reported during that period. Individual farmers could play an important role in the afforestation process. However, farmers' attachment to arable land, the availability of more profitable measures under the RDP, direct subsidies and the overestimation of the prices of arable land relative to forests discouraged afforestation, even in areas characterized by poor soils. On 1 May 2016, the Polish government introduced additional restrictions on trade in agricultural land, which would additionally decrease the popularity of afforestation measures among individual farmers.
Sylwan; 2017, 161, 12; 1035-1045
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Biblioteka Nauki
Przyczyny i kierunki przeklasyfikowywania gruntów nieleśnych na leśne w świetle badań ankietowych
Causes and directions of reclassification of non-forest lands into forest lands according to the survey results
Wysocka-Fijorek, E.
Kaliszewski, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
polityka lesna
grunty nielesne
zmiana klasyfikacji gruntu
polityka rolna
badania ankietowe
rozwój obszarów wiejskich
forestry policy
agricultural policy
national programme of the forest cover extension
rural development
In Poland, there are large discrepancies between the area of forest lands recorded in land−use registers of local authorities and the actual state of forest area in the field. These discrepancies were estimated to 800,000 hectares in 2016, which is 2.5% of the land area of Poland. The diver−gences result primarily from different definitions of a forest in forest regulations and legislation concerning land−use registry and the insufficient update of land registry databases. The aim of the paper is to define the major causes of reclassification of non−forest lands into forest lands and to determine the origin of forests on those lands. The study is based on a mail questionnaire survey carried out in all local public authorities all over the country (altogether 314 rural and 66 municipal counties). The questions focused on manners lands were used in a county, including the area of artificial and natural afforestation and the area of lands reclassified into forest lands over the period 2009−2013, as well as causes of such reclassification. Altogether 232 responses were collected (61.1%), 122 of which contained data of sufficiently good quality. The results show that afforestation of non−forest lands were mostly carried out in an artificial way. Reclassification into forest lands was conducted almost exclusively within rural counties. The reclassified lands were largely regenerated by natural succession. The key factor of land reclassification were works related to forest management planning in non−state owned forests. Afforestation carried out within the Rural Development Programme, co−financed from EU funding, was the second most important factor. In case of afforestation, land reclassification is obligatory no later than in the fifth year after a new forest was planted. The paper concludes with suggestions that there are no effective legal regulations that would make land owners to reclassify their afforested lands into forest lands, except cases of agricultural lands afforestation within the Rural Development Programme. Therefore, it is recommended to seek to cover all non−state owned forests with forest management plans and to obtain the compliance of land registries with the real situation in the field.
Sylwan; 2017, 161, 06; 460-466
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Biblioteka Nauki
Wzrost drzewostanu sosnowego do fazy tyczkowiny w zależności od sposobu założenia uprawy na gruncie zalesianym
Growth of Scots pine stand to the stage of polewood with regard to the method of culture establishment in the afforested farmland
Barzdajn, W.
Kowalkowski, W.
Szyguła, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
hodowla lasu
grunty porolne
uprawy lesne
zakladanie upraw lesnych
metody sadzenia
drzewostany sosnowe
wzrost drzewostanu
przezywalnosc drzewostanow
scots pine
former farmland
planting methods
The aim of the study was to compare the growth of plantations established with manual and mechanical methods using planting material of various age. The experiment was established in 2000, in the Góra Śląska Forest District (W Poland) on a former farmland. One− and two−years−old Scots pine seedlings were used. Applied planting methods included: conventional planting bar, German Huff's dibble, trowel, Junack spade and three types of planting machines. The complete random block design with five replications was adopted. For the requirements of machine operation, unit plots were elongated rectangles with the longer side of 100 m and the shorter side of 4.5 m. Each plot consisted of three trenches. Spacing between seedlings in the trench was selected to ensure 10,000 seedlings/ha density. Measurements were carried out in 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2008 and 2015. In the first five dates all heights were measured and seedling survival rates were established based on the number of measurements. In 2008 and 2015 all diameters at breast height were measured. In 2015 height of sample trees was recorded, while the height of the other trees was calculated according to the Prodan model h=d2/(a+bd+cd2)+1.3. Based on the measured diameters at breast height and established heights, basal area at the breast height and total tree volume were calculated for each plot. Survival rate is the primary parameter in the evaluation of planting methods, as it most effectively differentiates treatments. Stand height showed no significant diversification with regard to the treatments. For mean diameters at breast height the only differences were found between two−year old and one−year old seedlings, irrespective of the planting method. Despite the lack of differences in growth, effects of various planting methods and different planting material remain and as a result of high class timber already found in the stand these effects have become economically important. The decision on the selection of a particular planting material type and planting method has extensive economic consequences, as it affects productivity of grown stands at least at the first thinning operations. Planting machines are good tools in the establishment of forest cultures and the quality of their work exceeds that of manual operations.
Sylwan; 2017, 161, 09; 723-729
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Biblioteka Nauki
Czynniki ograniczające zalesianie gruntów porolnych w Polsce w świetle badań ankietowych
Factors limiting afforestation of post-agricultural lands in Poland according to the survey results
Kaliszewski, A.
Młynarski, W.
Gołos, P.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
Krajowy Program Zwiekszania Lesistosci
realizacja programow
badania ankietowe
grunty porolne
czynniki ograniczajace zalesianie
lata 1995-2013
polish classification of activites
The objective of the study was to estimate the number of jobs created by sector of wood biomass used for the energy production. The study presents direct employment (the persons who are employed in the production of wood biomass, its harvesting, industry processing, transport or combustion), indirect employment (the employment in the related sections according to Polish Classification of Activites) and induced employment (the jobs created as a result of purchases of the persons directly employed in the biomass sector). The data used in the analyses were obtained from various official sources and statistics as well as previously published studies. The calculation included the whole area of Poland and focused on the data from the year 2012. The results lead to the conclusion that the direct employment in biomass sector in Poland in the year 2012 amounted 15.6 thousand jobs, of which 5.3 thousand in fuelwood harvesting and using. The indirect employment varied between 19 (by forestry sector) to 25 people (by public utilities sector) per 10 million PLN purchases by biomass sector. In turn, the induced employment amounted to 1.8 thousand employees, of which the largest share was observed for the education services section (29%), the manufactured products (19%), and human health services (17%).
Sylwan; 2016, 160, 10; 846-854
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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