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Obce gatunki korników (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Scolytinae) w faunie Polski i potencjalne zagrożenia dla drzewostanów
Alien species of bark beetles (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Scolytinae) in the Polish fauna and potential risks to forest stands
Mokrzycki, T.
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Leśny Zakład Doświadczalny. Centrum Edukacji Przyrodniczo-Leśnej w Rogowie
entomologia lesna
gatunki obce
zagrozenia drzewostanow
Korniki: drzewotocz japoński - Xylosandrus germanus (Bldf.), drwalniczek – Xyleborinus attenuatus (Bldf.), drwalnik – Trypodendron laeve i Gnathotrichus materiarius (Fitch) Egg. (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Scolytinae) to obce gatunki w faunie Polski. Drzewotocz japoński Xylosandrus germanus jest też gatunkiem inwazyjnym, który znany jest z 11 stanowisk w prawie całym kraju. Liczebność tego gatunku na znanych stanowiskach szybko wzrasta. Drzewotocz jest ekstremalnym polifagiem i rozwija się w drewnie ponad 200 gatunków drzew i krzewów. W Europie zasiedla zwykle martwe drzewa. Jednak może być bardzo niebezpieczny, ponieważ atakuje także zdrowe drzewa, więc może stać się poważnym szkodnikiem w Środkowej Europie. W Polsce najczęściej spotykany jest w zdrowym drewnie buka, dębu, jesionu, olszy, wiązu i sosny, ale prawdopodobnie zasiedla inne drzewa. Pozostałe gatunki mają mniejsze znaczenie.
Alien species of bark beetles (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Scolytinae) in the Polish fauna and potential risks to forest stands. Bark beetles: Xylosandrus germanus (Bldf.), Xyleborinus attenuatus (Bldf.), Trypodendron laeve and Gnathotrichus materiarius (Fitch) Egg. (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Scolytinae) are alien species in Polish fauna. Xylosandrus germanus is also invasive species, which is known from the eleven localities most of the country. The number this species on well-known localities is increasing rapidly. X. germanus is extremely polyphagous and develops in the wood over 200 species of trees and shrubs. In Europe it usually infests dead trees. However it is considered as a very dangerous because it attacks also healthy trees, so it may become a serious pest in Central Europe. In Poland, the most common in healthy wood of beech, oak, ash, alder, elm and pine trees, but probably inhabits a diff erent trees. Other species are less important.
Studia i Materiały Centrum Edukacji Przyrodniczo-Leśnej; 2016, 18, 1[46]
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Studia i Materiały Centrum Edukacji Przyrodniczo-Leśnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
W poszukiwaniu perspektywicznej koncepcji ochrony lasu
The search of perspective concept of forest protection
Szabla, K.
Szujecki, A.
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Leśny Zakład Doświadczalny. Centrum Edukacji Przyrodniczo-Leśnej w Rogowie
ochrona lasu
zagrozenia drzewostanow
ochrona ekosystemow
gospodarka lesna
lesnictwo wielofunkcyjne
zmiany klimatyczne
zmiany globalne
Ochrona lasu już w swej pierwotnej formie dostrzegała powiązania stanu zagrożenia drzewostanu ze stanem środowiska leśnego. Nie znalazła jednak koncepcji uporządkowania metodologicznego tej dyscypliny zgodnie z jej proekologiczną perspektywą. Zasadniczy wpływ na kształt ochrony lasu miała przez dziesiątki lat schwerdfegerowska idea nawiązywania metodologii ochrony lasu do metodologii nauk medycznych, co w Polsce rozwinął Witold Koehler wprowadzając do przestrzeni intelektualnej koncepcję hylopatologii. Następnie dyskutowano nad ochroną lasu jako ochroną ekosystemów leśnych lub hylosozologią wykorzystującą możliwości inżynierii ekologicznej. Były to próby twórcze, ale nie zakończone powszechną akceptacją. Tymczasem zmiana charakteru gospodarki leśnej na proekologiczną i wielofunkcyjną i silne zmiany w środowisku globalnym wykazały niedostatki dotychczasowej klasyfi kacji celów ochrony lasu, możliwości ich osiągania zarówno w zakresie nauki jak i działań praktycznych. Istnieje więc uzasadnienie, by do tej tematyki powrócić poddając ją osądowi zawodowemu jak i z punktu widzenia metodologii naukowej.
The search of perspective concept of forest protection. The forest protection just in it’s primeval form notices the link between treats to a forest stands and the state of forest ecosystem. But it has not found a methodological way to order this branch according to ecological perspective yet. The Schwerdfeger idea of forest protection methodology referring to a medical science methodology has signifi cant impact on the forest protection consistence for many decades. This idea was developed in Poland by Witold Koehler who introduced it into intellectual sphere of the hylopathology. Than the forest protection was discussed as a forest ecosystem protection or hylosozology using a potential of the ecological engineering. Those were fruitful approaches but not universally accepted. Meantime the character changes of a forest economy to an ecological and sustainable direction and signifi cant changes in a global environment have demonstrated the imperfection of up to now forest protection tasks classifi cation and the possibility to gain them from the scientific as well as practical point of view. Therefore there is a reason to come back to this issues taking under the consideration professional as well as scientific methodology.
Studia i Materiały Centrum Edukacji Przyrodniczo-Leśnej; 2016, 18, 1[46]
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Studia i Materiały Centrum Edukacji Przyrodniczo-Leśnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Występowanie, biologia i znaczenie gospodarcze kornika ostrozębnego Ips acuminatus (Gyllenhal, 1827) (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Scolytinae) w Polsce
Occurrence, biology, and economic importance of the sharp-dentated bark beetle Ips acuminatus (Gyllenhal, 1827) (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Scolytinae) in Poland
Plewa, R.
Mokrzycki, T.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
entomologia lesna
kornik ostrozebny
Ips acuminatus
znaczenie gospodarcze
zagrozenia drzewostanow
drzewostany sosnowe
scots pine
funnel trap
Based on literature review, the occurrence and biology of the sharp−dentated bark beetle Ips acuminatus (Gyll.) in Scots pine stands of Europe was presented. The economic significance of this species in Poland over the past 50 years was also characterized, including the size of the damage caused as a result of trees infestation. The sharp−dentated bark beetle belongs to the most dangerous pest of pine stands, which is mostly due to the fact that it attacks trees without visible symptoms of weakness. Furthermore, the trees in the early stages of infestation are very difficult to identify in the field. In addition, stain fungi are introduced into the wood as a result of tunneling of both, adult beetles and larvae under the bark, which cause staining of wood and thus substantially reduce the quality and economic value of timber. Since 2015, in Scots pine forests in Poland the systematic increase in the abundance of population of sharp−dentated bark beetle is observed, resulting in increasing amount of Scots pine wood harvested in the sanitary cuttings. To reduce the damage caused by I. acuminatus in the endangered pine stands a number of activities related to active forest protection should be implemented. It is also necessary to monitor the population of this species continuously.
Sylwan; 2017, 161, 08; 619-629
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Biblioteka Nauki
Jemioła jako zagrożenie dla zdrowotności drzewostanów iglastych
Mistletoe as a threat to the health state of coniferous forest
Iszkuło, G.
Armatys, L.
Dering, M.
Ksepko, M.
Tomaszewski, D.
Ważna, A.
Giertych, M.J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
drzewostany iglaste
Viscum album
zagrożenia drzewostanów
rośliny pasożytnicze
jemioła pospolita
porażenie drzew
oddziaływanie na rośliny
parasitic plant
biotic forest disturbance
The forest area infected by mistletoe (Viscum album L.) in Europe has been increasing in recent years. The highest potential threat is posed by Viscum album subsp. austriacum, a parasite of Pinus sylvestris, and V. album subsp. abietis, a parasite of Abies alba. The paper presents a literature review related to biology, ecology and possible methods of limiting the negative impact of mistletoe on forest management. The vast majority of studies indicate that the presence of mistletoe negatively affects the growth as well as defensive and reproductive capabilities of trees. Due to the wasteful water management of the parasite, infected trees are particularly vulnerable to weakening during periods of drought. Mistletoe is a heliophilous taxon and forest breeding treatments should reduce light intensity in the forest canopy. Foresters should resign from leaving individual and group seed trees in forest stands inhabited by mistletoe after the cuts, because they may be a source of seeds for the parasite invasion to the neighboring stands. The most effective method against mistletoe is cutting out the infected trees. However, removal of individual trees in forest stand may be difficult, because the most often they are the dominant and hence the most vulnerable trees in the forest management. Mistletoe is also noticeable when the number of infected trees is already very large and they cannot be removed without disturbing the stability of the forest stand. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop methods for monitoring stands for early detection of threat. Remote sensing methods can be very useful. It is also necessary to develop management strategies with mistletoe infected stands.
Sylwan; 2020, 164, 03; 226-236
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zmiany zachodzące w lasach Beskidu Małego
Changes occurring in the forests of the Beskid Maly Mts.
Dmyterko, E.
Bruchwald, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
Beskid Maly
lasy gorskie
drzewostany swierkowe
rozpad drzewostanow
struktura drzewostanu
struktura gatunkowa
struktura wiekowa
pozyskiwanie drewna
zagrozenia drzewostanow
changes in species composition
decrease in the proportion of spruce
threat to forests
Like in the Beskid Śląski and Żywiecki Mts., the dieback of Norway spruce stands takes place also in the Beskid Mały range. This process is clearly more intensive and occurs over a longer period of time. The conversion of these forests during the study period (2004−2016) resulted in a significant increase in the proportion of beech and fir as well as other, mostly deciduous tree species (tab. 1). The dieback of spruce forests is likely to continue, as the share of spruce in some forest complexes is still high. The age class structure of forests during the study period was found to have a negative effect on the stability and uniformity of forest growth – the young stands fraction was too low and decreased (tab. 3). The high average age of stands, which increased from 67 in 2007 to 71 years in 2016 was also unfavourable. The volume of harvested timber was rather high and approximated to the volume of allowable cut determined by the stand growth model (so−called model volume) (figs. 1, 2). In the Andrychów Forest District the harvested volume was significantly lower than the model volume, while in Jeleśnia and Bielsko districts it was significantly higher, which results from higher proportion of spruce in these regions. In the harvested timber structure, the share of wind−broken and wind fallen trees was about 10%, which is not high for the mountain area (fig. 3). The exception was in year 2005, when timber removals after the hurricane of November 2004 were estimated at more than 30%. In 2006−2008, the volume of deadwood was high and consisted mainly of spruce (fig. 4). Then the dieback of spruce forests decreased and was observed predominantly in the western and southern parts of the forest complex. The years 2013−2016 saw a high share of live trees in the harvested timber volume (over 80% of the model volume) (fig. 5). In some parts of the Beskid Mały forests, the harvest of live trees exceeded 300% of the model volume. Such high harvest is justified by the need of urgent silvicultural tasks to be carried out, especially stand conversion. The threat to the Beskid Mały forests from wind is high and remained at the same level throughout the study period – the threat measure Ms was ca. 33 (fig. 6). It is essential to lower the level of threat to these forests by, inter alia, increasing the area of young stands.
Sylwan; 2019, 163, 03; 237-247
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ głębokości zaburzenia na liczbę gatunków szkodników sosny pospolitej (Pinus sylvestris L.) oraz ich liczebność w borach północno-wschodniego Kazachstanu
Influence of the disturbance depth on the number of Pinus sylvestris L. pest species and their abundance in the forests of north-eastern Kazakhstan
Mussayeva, B.
Mokrzycki, T.
Sarsekova, D.
Osserkhan, B.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
drzewostany sosnowe
zagrozenia drzewostanow
pozary lasow
drzewostany uszkodzone
sosna zwyczajna
Pinus sylvestris
szkodniki roslin
szkodniki pierwotne
szkodniki wtorne
primary insect pests
secondary insect pests
scots pine
The research was carried out in the economic and natural Forest Reserve ‘Yertys Ormany’ in Pavlodarsk Oblast (Kazakhstan) in 2018. In the middle of May, two barrier traps of the ‘Netocia’ type (30, in total) were installed on each research plot damaged by wind, fire and great pine web – spinning pine sawfly – Acantholyda posticalis Mats. Insects were caught every month, from mid−June to mid−August. 1521 insects belonging to 67 species and 23 families were caught in the traps. Beetles clearly dominated. We also observed a great pine web and sirex woodwasp Sirex noctilio Fabr. Of the beetles caught, 10% were thermophilic jewel beetles or metallic wood−boring beetles Buprestidae, among which Chalcophora mariana (L.) dominated. The highest average number of individuals was observed on sites damaged by A. posticalis, however, differences between the plots turned to be insignificant. The highest significant average number of species was observed on sites damaged by the fire and by the wind. The GLM analysis indicated the highest mean values of the Margalef index in plots damaged by fire and by the wind, but did not show significant differences between the average values of the fidelity index of the assemblages. The research confirmed the hypothesis of a greater number of species and individuals, and a higher diversity of pests in pine stands more strongly disturbed (i.e. damaged by the fire and by the wind). At the same time, there were no differences between the most seriously disturbed variants.
Sylwan; 2019, 163, 12; 1035-1042
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Patogenne lęgniowce z rodzaju Phytophthora - nowe zagrożenie lasów w Europie
Pathogenic oomycetes of Phytophthora genus - a new threat to forests in Europe
Ajchler, M.
Łobocka, M.
Oszako, T.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
fitopatologia lesna
zagrozenia drzewostanow
czynniki chorobotworcze
Phytophthora alni
Phytophthora cactorum
Phytophthora cambivora
Phytophthora cinnamomi
Phytophthora citrophthora
Phytophthora quercina
Phytophthora plurivora
Phytophthora ramorum
ochrona lasu
zwalczanie chorob roslin
molecular typing
plant pathogens
Pathogenic oomycetes represented mainly by the species of Phytophthora genus are among the most dangerous plant pathogens. They pose a serious threat for agricultural as well as wild plants, and are involved in forest decline worldwide. Over 140 pathogenic Phytophthora species have been identified so far. The common infection symptoms include rotting of below− and above− ground parts of plants, causing weakness and slow decline of infected trees. The economic losses caused by certain Phytophthora species may rich even 100%. Globalization and border opening have facilitated the transport of plant material between countries and continents, thus increased the risk of transfer of various Phytophthora genus representatives to new geographical locations. Global warming (e.g. mild winters) have facilitated the expansion of species from southern to northern Europe. Among Polish Phytophthora isolates are species that have previously been known only in nurseries (e.g. P. cactorum), but nowadays they are also isolated from forests (e.g. oak stand in the Krotoszyn Plateau). It suggests the pathway from nurseries to stands with plant for plantings and attached soil. There are also new species, that have not been isolated so far in the world (P. polonica) or found far away from Poland (P. fragaliaefolia in Japan on strawberry). The possible natural pathways are birds and water courses. In Mazowsze and Wielkopolska regions (C and W Poland) the polyphagous P. cinnamomi was found on pedunculate oaks (Quercus robur). This species causes significant damage to red oak forest in France, but also threats Jarrah forests in the Australian ecosystem (it attacks ca. 1000 species of plants). Fortunately, in addition to time consuming and laborious classic methods of Phytophthora identification, based on morphology and physiological properties, molecular methods that are based on immunological tests and chromosomal or mito− chondrial DNA markers identification have come into common use. Despite morphological similarity to true fungi, oomycetes are more closely related to diatoms and brown algae, and have several structural features that differentiate them from fungi, including the cell wall composed of cellulose instead of chitin. That is one of the reasons that fungicides have a limited use in the fight with Phytophthora infections. Additionally, type of ecological niches that are settled by pathogenic oomycetes (root remnants in soil, watercourses) hinders the chemical combating. Biocontrol, i.e. the use of interspecies interactions between microorganisms (bacteria, fungi) to limit the growth and development of pathogens, seems to be a reasonable alternative.
Sylwan; 2017, 161, 10; 870-880
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zmiany zachodzące w lasach Ziemi Kłodzkiej w latach 2001-2017
Changes in the forests of the Kłodzko Region in years 2001-2017
Dmyterko, E.
Bruchwald, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
Ziemia Klodzka
sklad gatunkowy
zmiany skladu gatunkowego
klasy wieku
struktura drzewostanu
pozyskiwanie drewna
miazszosc surowca drzewnego
zmiany w drzewostanach
dynamika zmian
zagrozenia drzewostanow
lata 2001-2017
species composition
stand age structure
timber harvest
damage caused by wind and drought
growth model
The aim of the study was to assess the changes occurring in the forests of the Kłodzko Region in the recent period (2001−2017), with particular emphasis on the species composition of the stands, their share in age classes and the structure of harvested timber, including live trees, deadwood, wind−broken and wind−fallen trees. The Kłodzko Region located in the Sudety Mountains (SW Poland) covers the forests of four forest districts: Lądek−Zdrój, Międzylesie, Bystrzyca Kłodzka and Zdroje. The declining share of spruce stands (from 83.5% in 2001 to 75.5% in 2017) and the increasing share of beech and larch as well as sycamore stands indicate that these forests are systematically rebuilt. The average age of the stands is very high (81 years). The share of young (<20 years old ) stands is low (only 5%), while those older than 100 years constitute about 35%. The 21st century saw a serious damage to the investigated forests caused by frequent strong winds and long−lasting droughts in the growing seasons. The three hurricanes that took place in the analysed period were the cause of the removal of 1.1 million m3 of timber in the form of wind−broken and wind−fallen trees. The drought in the growing season in 2015 resulted in the salvage harvest of deadwood with a total volume of 1.6 million m3, which corresponds to the volume of four annual allowable cuts determined for the undisturbed growth conditions of trees in the area under research. Using the wind damage risk model, the threat measure Ms reaching a value of above 40 was calculated for the forests of the Kłodzko Region, which are currently among the most threatened in Poland. This threat results mainly from the high share of spruce stands in older age classes with high average height and gaps after previous hurricanes as well as from a large area of stands located at high elevations.
Sylwan; 2019, 163, 08; 675-684
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Biblioteka Nauki
Problem masowego zamierania drzewostanów świerkowych w Leśnym Kompleksie Promocyjnym "Puszcza Białowieska"
Problem of a massive dying-off of Norway spruce stands in the 'Bialowieza Forest' Forest Promotional Complex
Brzeziecki, B.
Hilszczański, J.
Kowalski, T.
Łakomy, P.
Małek, S.
Miścicki, S.
Modrzyński, J.
Sowa, J.
Starzyk, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
lesne kompleksy promocyjne
Lesny Kompleks Promocyjny Puszcza Bialowieska
drzewostany swierkowe
stan sanitarny
zagrozenia drzewostanow
szkodniki roslin
kornik drukarz
Ips typographus
dynamika populacji
drewno martwe
grzyby patogeniczne
zagrozenie pozarowe
zamieranie lasow
norway spruce bark beetle infestation
białowieża forest
ecosystem stability
multifunctional forestry
natura 2000 plc200004
natural values
world heritage site
The Białowieża Forest (BF) is in many respects an exceptional object, of a great importance for nature protection and forest management, at the international scale. The BF plays also a key role from the point of view of regional development and welfare of local community. In the last period, a big threat for multiple values of the BF has arisen, as a result of enormous bark beetle infestation, which started in 2012 and has killed 1.4 million m3 of spruce trees. In the paper, first, a brief overview of the general history of the BF and an account of long−term human impacts on its functioning and structure is provided. Next, the history of bark beetle infestations in the BF is analysed. It is shown that, in the period 1992−2007, the average volume of spruces killed by bark beetle amounted on average to 20,000 m3 of wood annually. During that period practically all dead trees were removed from the forest by means of salvation cuttings. Starting from 2008, more and more trees infested by European spruce bark beetle were left in the forest, in a result of a pressure exerted by environmental groups. In 2012, Minister of Environment decided to reduce the allowable cut, determined in forest management plans elaborated for the managed part of the BF, from 107,000 to 48,500 m3/year. This decision, along with several other regulations and restrictions, made in practice impossible to stop the development of a current bark beetle infestation, which started in 2011 and intensified during the next 6 years (solely in 2016 bark beetles killed 480,000 m3 of spruce trees). In the paper, the most important implications and consequences of the current situation are briefly summarized and discussed. A special attention is given to the problems concerning: 1) protection of Natura 2000 species and sites (endangered by bark beetle outbreak), 2) a negative influence of large amounts of spruce deadwood on forest soils, 3) threats caused by pathogenic fungi, 4) question of public safety, 5) fire hazard, and 6) economical dimension. The legal and socio−economical foundations of the functioning of Hajnówka, Browsk and Białowieża forest districts comprising the managed part of the BF, as well as their most important environmental and social consequences are discussed too. Among others, it is indicated that, under current conditions of the BF, human intervention plays a key role in maintaining stable and compositionally diverse woodland communities. Finally, several suggestions and recommendations are provided, aimed at, in the short term, breaking off the current bark beetle outbreak, and, in the long term, at maintaining a multifunctional character of the BF and its ability to provide all important ecosystem services on a sustainable basis.
Sylwan; 2018, 162, 05; 373-386
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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