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Young women’s (mother’s) needs and expectations regarding the development of professional competences – A comparative analysis of research results from Poland, Lithuania, Spain and Cyprus
Potrzeby i oczekiwania młodych kobiet (matek) w zakresie rozwoju kompetencji zawodowych –analiza porównawcza wyników badań z Polski, Litwy, Hiszpanii i Cypru
Garncarek, Emilia
Matuszewska-Kubicz, Agata
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
młode kobiety
rynek pracy
projekt Mommypreneurs
young women
labour market
Mommypreneurs project
Over the last two decades, there has been a significant improvement in the participation of women in education and the labour market in the European Union. Nevertheless, there are still many challenges to improving the situation of women. The excessive burden of household duties is a major barrier to the educational and professional activity of women, especially young women with small children. Apart from the inability to balance work and personal life, other factors limiting women’s professional activity include the mismatch between their education and the challenges of the modern labour market. Although the majority of people with higher education are women, when planning their careers, they tend to choose less attractive courses of study which are not linked to the professions of the future. The text presents the results of an analysis of research on the needs and expectations of young women (mothers) regarding the development of professional competences. The results show in which types of activities raising competences the surveyed women participate; how they evaluate the effectiveness of activities raising their competences in the professional area; what factors influence the decision of women to participate in the selected form of training; what are the attitudes of the external environment of the surveyed women towards their participation in training; what problems the surveyed women encounter in connection with participation in training raising their professional competences. The focus was on similarities and differences in statements of young women (mothers) from Poland, Lithuania, Spain and Cyprus who participating in the international project Mommypreneurs.
W ciągu ostatnich dwóch dekad w Unii Europejskiej nastąpiła znacząca poprawa w zakresie udziału kobiet w edukacji i na rynku pracy. Niemniej jednak nadal istnieje wiele wyzwań związanych z poprawą sytuacji tej kategorii społecznej. Nadmierne obciążenie obowiązkami domowymi stanowi główną barierę dla aktywności edukacyjnej i zawodowej kobiet, zwłaszcza młodych matek. Do czynników ograniczających aktywność zawodową kobiet, oprócz niemożności pogodzenia życia zawodowego i osobistego, należy niedopasowanie wykształcenia do wyzwań współczesnego rynku pracy. Mimo że większość osób z wyższym wykształceniem stanowią kobiety, planując swoją karierę zawodową, wybierają one zwykle mniej atrakcyjne kierunki studiów, które nie są związane z zawodami przyszłości. W tekście przedstawiono wyniki analizy badań dotyczących potrzeb i oczekiwań młodych kobiet (głównie matek) w zakresie rozwoju kompetencji zawodowych. Wyniki pokazują, w jakich rodzajach zajęć podnoszących kompetencje uczestniczą badane kobiety; jak oceniają skuteczność zajęć podnoszących ich kompetencje w obszarze zawodowym; jakie czynniki wpływają na decyzję kobiet o udziale w wybranej formie szkolenia; jakie są postawy otoczenia zewnętrznego badanych kobiet wobec ich udziału w szkoleniach; jakie problemy napotykają badane kobiety w związku z udziałem w szkoleniach podnoszących ich kompetencje zawodowe. Skupiono się na podobieństwach i różnicach w wypowiedziach młodych kobiet/matek z Polski, Litwy, Hiszpanii i Cypru, które uczestniczyły w międzynarodowym projekcie „Mommypreneurs”.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica; 2021, 78; 99-116
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wrażliwość na odrzucenie ze względu na wygląd fizyczny u młodych dorosłych kobiet z Kenii i Polski
The Appearance-Based Rejection Sensitivity in Kenyan and Polish young women
Ryżanowska-Krzyżak, Dorota
Ngozi Okpalaenwe, Elizabeth
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
The Appearance-RS level
the risk factors for eating disorders
Kenyan and Polish young women
wrażliwość na odrzucenie ze względu na wygląd fizyczny
czynniki ryzyka zaburzeń odżywiania
młode kobiety z Kenii i Polski
The aim of the research was to find cross-cultural differences in the Appearance-RS level, understood as a predictor of eating disorders (especially anorexia nervosa), by comparing obtained test results of young women from Poland and Kenya. The authors examined 62 Kenyan and 62 Polish women aged 19–25 using the ARS Scale by Park (2007). The results showed no significant cross-cultural difference between young women in the global Appearance-RS level related to country of origin and cultural background (Poland vs Kenya). The results may suggest that young women are predisposed to develop eating disorders for the same reasons in Kenyan as they are in Europe (among others: high Appearance-RS level).
Celem badania było poszukiwanie odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy i jakie istnieją różnice w poziomie wrażliwości na odrzucenie ze względu na wygląd fizyczny u młodych dorosłych kobiet z Kenii i Polski. Wrażliwość na odrzucenie na podstawie wyglądu fizycznego rozumiana była przez autorki jako czynnik ryzyka wystąpienia zaburzeń odżywiania (zwłaszcza jadłowstrętu psychicznego). Autorki przebadały 62 studentki z Kenii i 62 studentki z Polski używając skali ARS autorstwa Park (2007). Wyniki badania świadczą, iż nie ma znaczących międzykulturowych różnic pomiędzy młodymi kobietami z Kenii i Polski w poziomie wrażliwości na odrzucenie na podstawie wyglądu. Wyniki mogą sugerować, iż młode kobiety z Kenii są narażone na zaburzenia odżywiania (zwłaszcza o typie anorexia nervoa) z powodu podobnych czynników spustowych w Keni i jak w Europie.
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Psychologica; 2018, 11; 159-169
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Psychologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Woman on Board - Female Perspective
Kałkowska, E.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Forum Nawigacyjne
female seafarers
young women
maritime university
The article presents a comparison of the results of exploration that have been made at the Faculty of Navigation (FON) at the Maritime University of Szczecin, Poland with results of Universities of European countries. This comparison was made by a student of Maritime University. The aim of the study is to show the maritime industry and society a differ-ence in education, gaining sea practice, willingness and concerns faced by female students of the Maritime Universities. This study is based on a questionnaire, which is available in two languages - Polish and English - as well as on paper and electronic form. Survey includes 25 questions about inspiration, motivation but also the concerns related with physical and mental powerlessness. The answers are presented in the form of graphs and comments. Text of the article contains valuable information not only for future employers of young women but also for young ladies who face the choice of university.
W artykule porównano wyniki badań wykonanych na Wydziale Nawigacyjnym Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie z wynikami uczelni innych krajów europejskich. Celem było ukazanie różnicy w edukacji, zdobywaniu praktyk morskich i gotowości do pracy przez studentki uczelni morskich w krajach Unii Europejskiej. Badanie oparto na kwestionariuszu dostępnym w dwóch wersjach językowych - polskiej i angielskiej. Ankieta zawiera 25 pytań na temat inspiracji oraz motywacji, a także obaw związanych z niemocą fizyczną i psychiczną. Odpowiedzi są przedstawione w postaci wykresów i komentarzy. Artykuł zawiera cenne informacje nie tylko dla przyszłych pracodawców zatrudniających młode kobiety, ale również dla dziewcząt stających przed wyborem uczelni.
Annual of Navigation; 2017, 24; 245-255
Pojawia się w:
Annual of Navigation
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wanda and Maryla – mother and daughter: Two stories of artistic talent
Wanda i Maryla – dzieje talentów artystycznych matki i córki
Zabawa, Krystyna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Polish literature of the turn of the 19th century
women's literature
Young Poland's poetry and art
translations from the German
children’s literature
mother and daughter
Wanda Młodnicka (1850–1923)
Maryla Wolska (1873–1930)
relacja matka-córka
literatura dla dzieci
poezja przełomu XIX i XX wieku
This article portrays a pair of artistically gifted women, Wanda Młodnicka née Monné (1850–1923) and her daughter Maryla Wolska (1873–1930), each with a diverse range of interests, including painting, music, and, first and foremost, literature. Their achieve-ment (both original works and translations) achievement has been largely forgotten. This article attempts to find out what inspired the two women, to identify those points of their artistic endeavor they had in common and those that determined their individual profiles, while paying special attention to the mother-daughter relationship.
Ruch Literacki; 2021, 2; 175-194
Pojawia się w:
Ruch Literacki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uwarunkowania osiągnięć młodych kobiet – związek poczucia własnej skuteczności z osiągnięciami akademickimi
Conditioning of young women results – the relationship of self-efficacy of academic results
Kulik, Agnieszka
Frańczyk, Ewelina
Data publikacji:
Akademickie Towarzystwo Andragogiczne
uwarunkowania osiągnięć
edukacja młodych kobiet
osiągnięcia akademickie
własna skuteczność
conditioning of results
young women education
academic results
W artykule została podjęta próba określenia uwarunkowań osiągnięć u studentek. Celem była analiza związku pomiędzy poczuciem własnej skuteczności a osiągnięciami akademickimi. Za istotny problem związany z postawionym celem uznano spadek jakości kształcenia, na który mogą mieć wpływ różne czynniki, takie jak: upowszechnienie edukacji, dostępność materiałów, jak i dostosowanie do potrzeb rynku. Do wyjaśnienia problemu użyto wyników badań własnych przeprowadzonych na grupie 120 studentek 4 roku studiów jednolitych magisterskich. Do badania użyto Ankiety i Skali Uogólnionej Własnej Skuteczności (GSES). Zaprezentowane wyniki wskazują na brak związku pomiędzy poczuciem własnej skuteczności a osiągnięciami akademickimi.
The aim was to analyze the relationship between the sense of self-efficacy and academic achievement. An important problem with the stated goal was decline in the quality of education, which may be affected by various factors, such as the dissemination of education, availability of materials, and adapt to work needs. In this study participoted of 120 students of the fourth year of studies uniform master aged 22-26. The study used surveys and Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES). These results indicate no association between the sense of self-efficacy and academic achievement.
Edukacja Dorosłych; 2016, 2; 105-116
Pojawia się w:
Edukacja Dorosłych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The relationship between obesity and the incidence of infertility in women
Kryska, S.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej
young women
adipose tissue
A significant increase in the incidence of obesity, which has taken place in recent years caused that began to talk about the epidemic of obesity. This problem is characteristic of highly developed countries. Increasingly, also occurs in developing countries, including Polish. It occurs in all age groups and in almost all social groups. The disease is currently diagnosed in almost 25% of the Polish population. Increasingly, it is also diagnosed in young women and pregnant women. The literature increasingly emphasized the importance of obesity in disorders of insemination and proper implantation the fertilized ovum. For women who are overweight and obese, more often than women with normal body weight, comes to ovulation disorders and disturbances in the proper implantation of the fertilized ovum. These disorders result from the accumulation of adipose tissue and hormonal disorders resulting from them. Influence on fertility of women have not only expressed as their body weight BMI, but also as the content in the body fat and its distribution. The higher the fat content in the body making it harder and longer may be infertility treatment. It also noted the relationship between fat distribution and duration of treatment of infertility and its effect. More and more often also emphasized the importance of incorrect diets in young women as a factor in reducing fertility. This article is an attempt to collect and characterize the major causes of infertility seen in young women who are overweight or obese.
Health Problems of Civilization; 2014, 08, 3; 25-28
Pojawia się w:
Health Problems of Civilization
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The impact of chemo-induced menopause on the quality of life of young women with non-metastatic breast cancer in Algeria
Bedhrani, Imene
Nesrine, Sidi Mousa
Mulondo, Samuel
Data publikacji:
Medical Education
breast cancer
chemo-induced menopause
quality of life
young women
Background: Breast cancer is the most common cancer in females worldwide. Young women with breast cancer are treated with chemotherapy, which may exhibit gonadotoxicity thus inducing chemo- induced menopause with a risk of deterioration in their quality of life. Method: A prospective study first of its kind in Algeria was carried out on 57 patients aged between 30 and 49 years that went for consultation at the oncology department of Pierre and Marie Curie Medical Centre Algiers. The medical files obtained and criteria of questionnaires: Quality of Life Questionnaire for Breast Cancer (QLQ-BR23) and the Quality of Life Questionnaire-Core 30 (QLQ-C30) were used to assess the quality of life in patients. Results: From the medical files, patients had a dominant histological type of invasive ductal carcinoma at 96% and Scarff-Bloom-Richardson (SBR) II grade and luminal B profile were the most frequent. The (QLQ-C30) having averages of global health status, symptom score, and functional score with 56.34, 63.7, and 45.75 respectively. QLQ-BR23 having averages for symptom, functional score of 61.6 and 49.71 respectively. Conclusion: Chemotherapy induces gonadotoxicity, which results in chemo-induced menopause that has a negative impact on the quality of life of young women. QLQ-BR23 is more suitable than QLQ-C30 to access the context of this study.
OncoReview; 2022, 12, 4; 69-74
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The breakthrough of Bedouin women in Northern Israel – a conflict between generations
Ayada, Adel
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
young women
The article examines the breakthrough of Bedouin women in Northern Israel, based on the testimony of twenty young Bedouin women who did not accept the ‘traditional’ role of the woman, in the family in particular and in Bedouin society in the village in general. This group of women succeeded in breaking the boundaries of the tribe and struggled for the right to complete high school and even to study in the institutions of higher education.
Kultura-Społeczeństwo-Edukacja; 2018, 13, 1; 248-253
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Self-regulation among Young Women with Disabilities in Jordan from Their Perspectives
Al-Zyoud, Nawaf
Al-Zboon, Eman
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
young women
cultural perspectives
This study investigates the perspectives of young women with disabilities in Jordan, focusing on their self-regulation. 16 young women, aged 18-22, with visual (VI), hearing (HI) impairments and physical disability (PD), were recruited using a snowballing technique. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews, which were analysed thematically. Two main themes emerged where findings show that disability affects self-regulation where there was an overlap between local cultural perspectives in understanding disability of young women, disability and gender in understanding self-regulation of women with disabilities. Disability and gender also influence women with disabilities self-regulation with respect to self-learning, setting goals, self-evaluation, self-monitoring, making decisions and self-reinforcement. Findings will add to the current debate and efforts to understand disabilities in women and lay the groundwork for initiating a campaign in Jordan concentrating on the importance of self-regulation in young women with disabilities.
The New Educational Review; 2017, 47; 255-265
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola czasopisma „Junak” (1943–1947) w kształtowaniu postaw młodzieży szkół junackich na Bliskim Wschodzie
“Junak” (1943–1947) – the paper and its part in education of pupils from the Polish schools for “Young Soldiers” and “Young Women Auxiliary Service” on the Middle East
Pietrzak, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Łodzi
czasopismo „Junak”
szkolnictwo junackie
polskie wychodźstwo wojenne po 1939 r.
wychowanie patriotyczne
oświata polska
prasa polska
II wojna światowa
“Junak” paper
“Young Soldiers Schools”
“Young Women Auxiliary Service Schools”
Polish war exiles after 1939
Polish education
patriotic education
Polish press
World War II
During the Second World War more than 120,000 Polish war exiles came through the countries of the Middle East. More of them were soldiers and civilians evacuated from USSR in 1942. There were more than 20,000 young people under 18 among them. Polish authorities organized various schools and educational centers. The so-called “Young Soldiers” and “Young Women Auxiliary Service” schools were established in 1942 in Palestine and Egypt for children and youth under care of the Polish Military Forces. There were elementary, secondary and trade schools among them. From March 1943 to May 1947 the headquarters of the schools and Polish YMCA published a paper “Junak”. The author analyses texts published in “Junak” and main ideas and values dedicated to pupils. Links with pre-war “state education” as well as with political thinking characteristic for General Anders’ Army circles are examined.
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne; 2018, 27, 4; 113-129
Pojawia się w:
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rectal Prolapse in Young Women
Wnęk, Bartosz
Waraczewski, Krystian
Chalcarz, Michał
Kędzia, Agnieszka
Łożyńska-Nelke, Aleksandra
Hołodyńska, Paulina
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
rectal prolapse
transabdominal procedures
young women
Rectal prolapse belongs to the group of rare diseases of the rectum and anus. It is mostly observed in elderly multiparous women in the seventh and eighth decade. The precise cause of this pathology is not thoroughly understood that is why there are no optimal standards of treatment. The aim of the study was to present pathophysiology, diagnostics and optimal surgical procedures employed in young patients with rectal prolapse. Material and methods. Out of a 56-patient group treated in Department of General and Colorectal Surgery in the years 2006-2011 a smaller one consisting of 11 young women between the ages 20-40 was selected. According to the literature this is a very rare time of the mentioned pathology occurrence. In the studied females grade of rectal prolapse as well as faecal incontinence based on Jorge-Wexner’s (Cleveland) scale were assessed before and after the operative treatment. All of them underwent transabdominal Wells and Frikman-Goldberg prolapse procedures. Results. Transabdominal approaches repair pathologies of the pelvic floor and have promising longstanding results improving quality of life. No rectal prolapse recurrences were observed. The mean score of the Wexner’s grading system was 7.81 diminishing to 1.9 points postoperatively. Conclusions. Rectal prolapse if untreated, is a pathology that substantially changes patients’ quality of life for the worse. Individual, standardized surgical approach to each patient is necessary. Transabdominal methods carry a low risk of complications and improve quality of life of young patients enabling a relatively quick return to normal life
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2013, 85, 8; 438-445
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Quality of balance and pressure distribution beneath the foot during double-leg stance in young women
Korvas, Pavel
Data publikacji:
PPHU Projack Jacek Wąsik
physical activity
young women
One from the important preconditions for optimal performance of all physical activities is a good quality of balance. Aim of Study: The study is focusing to find out the effect of pressure distribution beneath the foot on the balance and to compare the quality of balance in physically active and inactive young women. Material and Methods: Subjects of our study were two groups of healthy young women. A: physically active women (n=28; age 21.5 years; physical activity 8.8 hour/week), B: physically inactive (n=28; age 22,0 years; physical activity 1.3 hour/week). Three balance test we carried out: double-leg stance, eyes open (EO) and closed (EC) for 30 second, one-leg stance (right, left) for 10 second. Pressure walkway (FDM system, fi. Zebris) was used for data collection. Parameters: COPv: velocity of centre of pressure (mm/s), relative value of average pressure beneath the foot (%). Results: We found out that a physically active group of young women have significantly better results in all tests (p≤0.05). Both groups showed a similar tendency for significant deterioration of the results when elimination the support surface or the visual sensor in relation to the basic OE test. The differences in the distribution of pressures between the groups were significant in the M-L directions. Inactive women significantly more loaded the non-preferred leg and the rear part of the foot. Active women showed a more balanced stance in both directions, with a slight tendency to increase the loading on the front part of foot. Conclusion: It was confirmed that the group B has a partly worse characteristics of balance than physically active peers. The foot load strategy was less favourable for the group B; during EO. Only two interesting correlations were found in active women; between COPv and ratio of feet load. Remaining correlations to COPv were low.
Physical Activity Review; 2019, 7; 71-79
Pojawia się w:
Physical Activity Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Predyktory samozadowolenia studentek z osiąganych wyników akademickich
Frańczyk, Ewelina
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
young women education
academic results
social support
The article attempted to determine the predictors of students’ complacency on the basis of their learning outcomes. The aim of the study was to analyse the relationship between selfsatisfaction and academic achievement, perceived self-efficacy and social support. Significant problems related to the set objective were found: a decrease in the quality of education, difficulties in motivating students, and interpersonal relationships in the academia. 120 female students of the fourth year of their MA studies took part in this study. The following tools were used in the study: Questionnaire, Self-Satisfaction Scale, Generalised Self-Efficacy Scale and Social Support Scale. The presented results allow us to indicate the perceived effectiveness, mean scores and emotional support as factors determining the level of students’ satisfaction with their academic performance.
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny; 2020, 65(1 (255)); 174-191
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Praca czy rodzina? Aktywność zawodowa młodych kobiet na etapie wchodzenia w dorosłość
Work or family? Professional activity of young women as they enter adulthood
Grotowska-Leder, Jolanta
Data publikacji:
Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe
transition into adulthood
young women
professional role
tranzycja w dorosłość
młode kobiety
rola zawodowa
Przedmiotem rozważań w artykule są wybory zawodowe i rodzinne młodych kobiet wchodzących w dorosłość w warunkach dynamicznie zmieniającego się rynku pracy w Polsce przełomu wieków i modernizacji wzorów życia rodzinnego. Ramy analiz stanowią koncepcje tranzycji z młodości do dorosłości, zmiany na rynku pracy w społeczeństwie ponowoczesnym i worklife-balance. Empiryczną podstawę rozważań stanowi część jakościowych wyników uzyskanych w projekcie NCN Polityki publiczne na rzecz pełnej dorosłości w Polsce. Egzemplifikacją wniosków o zróżnicowaniu wyborów między rolą zawodową a rolą rodzinną są cztery wywiady quasi biograficzne trzydziestoletnich mieszkanek Łodzi i jednego z powiatów województwa łódzkiego.
The article discusses the professional and family choices of young women entering adulthood in the context of the dynamically changing labour market in Poland at the turn of the century and modernization of family life patterns. The analysis is based on the concepts of transition from youth to adulthood, labour market changes in post-modern society and work-lifebalance. The empirical findings are based on the qualitative results obtained in the NCN project “Public Policies for Full Adulthood in Poland”. The conclusions on the differentiation of choices between professional and family roles are exemplified by four quasi biographical interviews with thirty-yearold female residents of Łódź and one of the districts of Łódź Province.
Rocznik Lubuski; 2020, 46, 2; 249-263
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Lubuski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nałkowska i Komornicka, czyli kto zawinił
Nałkowska and Komornicka, or: Whose Fault It Was
Helbig-Miszewski, Brygida
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Nałkowska and Komornicka
rivarly between writers
feminist interpretation of author’s biography
relations between Young Poland women authors
functions of patriarchal mentors
Wacław Nałkowski
Cezary Jellenta.
The author analyses the love-hate relationship between Zofia Nałkowska and her seven years’ senior, the legendary painter Maria Komornicka, who was for a time romantically ivolved with Zofia’s father — Wacław Nałkowski — and her friend — Cezary Jellenta. The relationship between the two writers has excited emotional reponses from researchers for many years. Two critics specializing in Komornicka have shown their interest most explicitly: Izabela Filipiak and Edward Boniecki. They accuse Nałkowska of not maginalizing Komornicka’s role in women’s literature of early 20th century, of unfeeling attitude for Komornicka’s tragic fate, even though Nałkowska was inspired by her in the early age, and of the failure to help Komornicka, when she was declared insane and disempowered after her symbolic transformation into a man. Researchers have so far seen Komornicka as a lost and harmed person, whereas Nałkowska was perceived as the morally questionable winner. However, Hanna Kirchner, who specializes in Nałkowska, has recently shown interesting sources of Nałkowska’s dislike for Komornicka, pointing out to a forgotten juvenile poem called Historia „Forpoczt”. The author of the article, who also wrote a monograph about Maria Komornicka, analyses the arguments presented by critics of both writers, observing the relation between Nałkowska and Komornicka from a neutral ground, without sharing the dynamic of hasty accusations.
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka; 2013, 21; 163-175
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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