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Sytuacja dzieci i młodzieży w Polsce
The situation of children and young people in Poland
Ostrihanska, Zofia
Wójcik, Dobrochna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
young people
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1985, XII; 69-78
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Metodologiczne problemy badań typu self-report
Self-report study: methodological problems
Siemaszko, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
raport własny
problemy metodologiczne
młodzi ludzie
methodological problems
young persons
Self-report studies are gradually becoming the predominating current of empirical research in criminology. This is particularly the case with etiological studies of deviant behaviour in young persons. However, the present popularity of self-report studies is not accompanied by improvement of their methodological aspect. No important development of the methodology of these studies has occured since the pioneer works of Short and Nye. It is the fundamental aim of the present paper to point to these of the methodological questions on which the further development of self-report studies will depend most. In Chapter I, the first works have been discussed in which the self-report methods were applied. The works anaiyzed are those of Murphy at al. Porterfield, as well as Wallerstein and Wy1e. Particular attention has been given to the methodological and substantive aspects of the series of studies carried out by Short and Nye.             Chapter II contains the presentation of findings of the Polish self-report studies.             The first attempt at a self-report study was made in the early 1960s by Malewska and Muszyński. A national random sample of pupils of the sixth grade of primary school n =2,222) was examined by means of an anonymous questionnaire. The basic aim of the study was to define the children's attitude towards the ownership rights and the situations in which violation of these rights is admissible. Besides, the authors were interested in how children perceived given situations to be thefts. Thus the question whether the respondents ever happened to take another person’s property was but a fragment of the questionnaire which served another purpose in its essence. To the question: "How often do you happen to take another person's property?", 0.8 per cent of the children answered ,,very often," 4.2 pet cent - "often," 26.6 per cent - "sometimes," and. 34.5 per cent-,,seldom’’             Like Malewska and Muszyński, also Szemińska and Gołąb aimed at defining the moral sense of young persons: pupils of primary schools (n=61) and inmates of educational institutions (n= 64), asking also about the extent and structure of deviant behaviour. The respondents answered anonymously in writing.             The two compared groups of boys differed from each other considerably as far as both the frequency and the seriousness of thefts commited was concerned. While the majority of "delinquents" admitted a large number of thefts, the "nondelinquents" 'in their vast majority owned up to 1-2 thefts at most, mostly of small objects they stole from their classmates or next of kin with the intention to use these objects themselves." The study of Szemińska and Gołąb raises doubts, both as regards its merits and methodology. Among other things, in spite of the fact that various offences were committed by both of the discussed groups, the authors use a dichotomic pair of notions: delinquent and non-delinquent, failing to put these words in quotation marks which are necessary in this situation.             In the years 1976-1977, Ostrihanska and Wójcik conducted a large self-report study of a random sample of pupils of grades 3-8 of Warsaw primary schools. 50 schools were selected at random, in which the study was carried out by means of a questionnaire in 120 classes, also randomly selected (n=3,177, of which there were 1,631 boys and 1,546 girls). The self-report study was part of a broader research programme aimed at estimating the extent of social maladjustment in the youth and defining its causes.             Among other things, the questions concerned the following phenomena: school failures, truancy, running away from home, drinking alcohol, taking drugs, free riding, destroying another person’s property, other acts against property (including thefts, frauds, robbery-,,taking something from a younger child by constraint"). The possible answers were as follows: ,,never", ,,once'’, ,,2-3 times’’, ,,4-10 times’’, ,,more frequently’’ .             As expected, both the extent and intensity (frequency of perpetration) of deviant behaviour were higher in the group of boys as compared with girls. For instance, as few as 15.3 per cent of the eldest boys (aged 15) stated that they never took another person's property while the percentage of non-stealing girls among the eldest group was over two times higher (38.0 per cent) In this age group 16.3 per cent of boys stole a dozen or more times, while percentage of girls who committed multiple thefts amounted to as few as 1.4 Instead, no greater differences were found between boys and girls who admitted having stolen once.             In boys, the most frequent were thefts from allotments and gardens (35.2 per cent), thefts from parents (22.8 per cent) and thefts in self-service shops 18.1 per cent). On the other hand the most seldom were thefts from cellars (5.8 per cent), and thefts of wine in shops (9.7 per cent).            Taking another person’s property ranked fourth among the types of deviant acts included IN the study The first position was taken by lies (88.8 per cent of answers in the affirmative). Near1y 90 per cent of boys admitted having chribbed anothe child’s exercise, 25.2 per cent- having destroyed property 2.8 per cent ran away from home, and 2.4 per cent tock drugs. There was an upward tendency with age: elder boys admitted a greater number of deviant acts, and actuallv commited these acts more frequently.             The next self-report study was conducted by Ostrowska and Siemaszko in 1979. It included 2,991 pupils of Warsaw secondary schools (1,197 boys and 1,795 girls). Non-random selection was applied. Young persons of the first and last grades were examined by means of anonymous questionnaire. Among other variables, it contained a list of 42 questions about various types of deviant behaviour, acts of infringement of disciplinary regulations, transgressions and offences, from most trivial (like stealing a ride or failing to return change from shopping) to comparatively serious like house-breaking or robbery. All questions had the same set of possible answers: "never," "once of twice," several times," "a dozen or more-times," ,,more frequently." The examined young persons were characterized by rather a high level of deviance. In the group of boys for instance,539 persons (30.9 per cent) admitted having perpetrated a half of the 42 acts included in the questionnaire at least once, 2.8 per cent of them having committed 27 to 31 acts, and 2.3 per cent-32 to 42 acts. Thus together, 6 per cent of the examined boys were highly deviant. Since the study also revealed a close relationship between the number of acts committed and the frequency of their perpetration, the abovementioned 6 per cent of the examined persons (about 300 boys) are "multiple recidivists" in the interpretation used in self-report studies. Considerable differences in the level of deviant behaviour were found in respect of age and sex. For instance,  the level of deviance in the group of elder boys was four times higher on average as compared with younger girls.             Among the most widespread acts there were free riding (94,6 per cent of girls and 96. 1 per cent of boys), failure to return change from shopping (79.6 and 84.1 per cent respectively), petty frauds in shops (67.6 and 84.0 per cent respectively), and failure to return a found object to its owner (69.9 per cent of girls and 83.8 per cent of boys). Aggressive acts were relatively frequent, particularly among boys. Battery "without an explicit causes” was comitted by 20.2 per cent of boys and 6.5 per cent of girls.11.6 per cent of boys and 2.8 per cent of girls participated in affrays in which dangerous weapons were used. Among thefts, comparatively less serious acts predominated. 16.9 per cent of girls and 31.6 per cent of boys admitted having perpetrated petty thefts. 8.2 per cent of girls and 14.6 per cent of boys stole change from call-boxes. Serious thefts were committed by 1.6 per cent of girls and 4.6 per cent of boys.             Ostrowska and Siemaszko repeated their study in 1981 on a random sample of students of secondary schools in five typically agricultural provinces. 2,144 persons (1,702 boys and 420 girls) aged 14-19, students of 29 schools, were examined. They young persons who participated in the study went to :89 classes that were selected at random. The extent and structure of deviant behaviour were examined by means of a questionnaire identical to the one applied in the previous study Also the way in which the study was carried out in the classes was the same.             In the group of acts termed insubordination, the most widespread one was smoking at under: 14:78,2 per cent of boys and 44,8 per cent of girls admitted it. Somewhat less than 10per cent of the examined persons admitted having run away from home, 2 per cent of them having run away several times. Over 20 per cent of the respondents admitted having had their identity papers checked by the police (30 per cent of boys) and somewhat less than 7 per cent took drugs.             Among various types of dishonest behaviour the most widespread one was free riding- over 80 per cent. Nearly a half of the examined persons admitted having failed to return a borrowed object; 7 per cent of them did it repeatedly Also nearly 50 per cent of the respondents stole money from their parents:15 per cent of them did it several times, and 5.6 per cent-more frequently.             In the group of offences, thefts predominated. 24.9 per cent of girls and 32.4 per cent of boys admitted having stolen an object or money to the value of under 100 złotys (the percentage amounting to 38.6 in the  group of eldest boys); nearly 20 per cent of them repeatedly stole money from their parents.             About 25 per cent of the examined persons committed shop- lifting, the percentage of shop-lifters in the group of eldest boys exceeding 40. The acts of breaking into cellars, recesses, attics etc., were committed by 15 per cent of the respondents 6.1 per cent of girls and 17.2 per cent of boys. The most seldom offences against property were: robbery (2.4 per cent of girls, 10.1 per cent of boys), stealing from call-boxes (6.6 per cent of girls, 7.8 per cent of boys), thefts of money to the amount of 500-1000 złotys (6 .2 per cent of girls, 7.0  per cent of boys), failure to pay the bill in a restaurant (3.3 per cent of girls, 5.6 per cent of boys) and thefts of over 1 000 zlotys (2.8 per cent of girls and 5.6 per cent of boys). Among aggressive behavior, brawls and beatings prevailed (25 per cent of girls and 50 per cent of' boys). In Chapter III the most important methodological problems related to self-report studies are discussed. In self-report studies, both direct (e. g. ,,have you stolen), and indirect and euphemistic questions (e, g. ,,have you ever happened to take and not to give back. ") can be found. The indirect questions undoubtedly less  threatening. Yet on the other hand, those asked directly are probably  easier to interpret explicitly. There is no proof as to the superiority of any of these ways of asking. However indirect and euphemistic questions prevail in self-report studies.             The degree of abstractness of questions varies. The good point of clearcut questions (e.g. ''have you ever taken and failed to give back some article in a supermarket") is that the highly detailed formulation may help the respondent to recall an event which the researcher is interested in. On the other hand, their weak point is that the respondent cannot be relied upon to admit having acted in another, very similar yet not identical way. Unfortunately, the majority of self-report questionnaires contain questions about inseparate classes of phenomena. Hence the danger of one and the same act being counted several times.             In self-report studies, the number of questions about deviant behavior is an important problem. One should bean it in mind that the deviant acts taken into account by the researcher are always nothing but a certain sample of the totality of such acts, the parameters of which are usually unknown (e.g. Christie et al.). The greater the number of acts taken into account, the more standard the "sample of acts" seems to be with respect to the "totality of acts." There are great differences as regards the number of acts included: from several (e.g.  Hirschi, Dentler and Monroe) up to several dozen (e.g. Gibson).             Today time limits are usually introducted as regards the period between the act and the moment of examination one year as a rule), though Short and Nye introducted no limits as regards the period during which the respondents committed the admitted acts. Shorter periods can also be found. (e.g. Simone et al, - 2 months, Lipton and Smith - 18 months). The limits are among the most important problems in self-report studies, since it is on them that the estimation depends on the level of deviance of the entire examined group, as well as the precise estimation of the separate respondents levels of  deviance. The views on the optimum time limits are not uniform. Different sets of possible answers to the questions about deviant behaviour can be found: from most precise (e.g. "once," "twice," etc.) to most general and ambigous (e.g. "seldom," ,,frequently"). A strictly enumerative set of answers may be methodologically correct only in the case of a short period (one year or less). In the remaining cases, this set may be misleading as one hardly expects the examined persons to remember past events with such accuracy.             The questions about deviant behaviour may constitute a separate block (nay a separate questionnaire), or they may be put among other questions. There are no studies showing the good and weak points of each of these two solutions. It seems more proper however, to "mask" the aim of the study by interlarding the questions about deviant behaviour with those neutral or concerning "acts of kindness."             When the level or "depth" of the examined person's deviant involvement is defined, an important problem emerges: acts with different "charges of deviance are taken into account here. Therefore, one can either try and attach different weights to them, or treat all of them as equally serious. Christie et al. ranked acts according to the judges opinion. Morash weighted them with the use of Selling and Wolfgang's scale of seriousness of offences. In Hindelang's study, the weight of acts was defined by specialists by means of a fivepoint scale. Hepburn weighted deviant acts basing on appraisals done by the examined persons themselves. However in the vast majority of self-report studies, no weigh ting procedure is applled. As shown by Farrington, weighting procedures fail to contribute substantially to the increase in accuracy of measurement.             An anonymous questionnaire, though most frequentlv applied, is not the only method of gathering information about unrecorded deviant behaviour. E, g. Gold (and other researchers who applied Gold’s scale) employed a questionnaire interview In Belson's study a card sorting procedure was applied. This method of gathering information is particularly popular in England (see also Gibson, Farrington, West, Morash, Shapland). Hirschi examined his respondents with a signed questionnaire. Should the differences in veracity of answeers of a signed and anonymous questionnaire prove to be inessential (and there is much to be said for it, e.g. Krohn, Waldo and Chiracos), it would be advisable to use the signed version (because of the possibility of comparing the separate sociometric choices or comparing the findings with external sources of information).             The main objection raised to self-report studies concerns the doubtful veracity of the data gathered this way (Dentler, Liska).             A relatively small number of studies concerned the reliability of self-report studies, e.g. the stability of findings in time. This is the most difficult problem in the case of a strictly anonymous questionnaire as the separate respondents cannot be retest. Only global distributions are compared then (e.g the scores of respondents in a given class) Siemaszko finds no valid differences between the distributions answers about deviant acts between a test and a retest which took place there months later. Dentler and Monroe found that 92 per cent of answers to a test and a retest two weeks 1ater were consistent, yet the respondents could still have remembered their previous answers in this case. Belson conducted a retest after a shorter period still: one week. The percentage of consistent answers amounted to 88. Also Farrington’s study revealed rarther a high degree of consistency in spite of the two year's interval. The percentage of mistakes in the test or retest was 3.2 The tendency to inconsistent answers was less explicit if the general scores of the examined persons on the deviance scales were analyzed and not the proportion of their affirmative and negative answers to the separate questions (11.5 per cent of the, examined persons found themselves in another quartile than Before). The results obtained by Shapland were parallel. The results seem to point to a high stability of self-report questionnaires in time.             Hardt and Peterson-Hardt distinguish the following methods of defining the validity of self-report questionnaires: comparing with external sources of information, comparing with a known group, lie scales, and defining face validity.             The most frequent method of defining the validity of questionnaires used in examination of unrecorded deviant behaviour is the comparison of the respondents' answers with other reliable sources of information. Erickson and Empey found that none of their respondents concealed their contact with the police or an offence with which they were charged. According to Gold, the probability of contacts with the police diminishes monotonically together with decrease of frequency of offences admitted during the examination. Gibson, Morrison and West found a high consistency between  offences revealed by means of the self-report method and the contents of the police files. Hindelang found a distinct positive interdependence between high scores in the deviance scale and having a record in the police files. Farrington, as well as Farrington and West, examined the so-called predictive validity of self-report questionnaires. It appeared that those of the examined persons who score highest in deviance scales at the moment. A, have records in the police files much more frequently at the moment B. Gould compared the scores in the Short,/Nye scale with those in the recorded crime scale, finding a high, positive and valid interdependence.             Results of self-report tests were also compared with other sources of information (teachers, colleagues, social workers, etc.). As shown by Jessor, Graves, Hanson and Jessor, results of the self-report tests tally with appraisals of the degree of deviant involvement made by teachers and colleagues of the examined persons. Also Gould compared the respondents' statements with appraisals of their behaviour made by their colleagues and teachers. The interdependence proved to be as expected. Hardt and Peterson-Hardt compared statements in which the examined persons admitted having robbed parkometers with the official data concerning the extent of these thefts. The respondents appeared to have answered truthfully.             In many studies scores of school children and of institutionalized youth were  compared. As demonstrated already by Short and Nye, although the inmates of reformatories scored somewhat higher than students of normal schools, nevertheless the profiles of distributions and their structure were analogous. Voss found the correlates of deviance in groups of school children and institutionalized youth to be parallel. This finding was confirmed in many other studies. The only exception here is the parents socio-economic status. Uniformity of views could not have been reached as yet as to whether the positive interdependence between the socio-economic status and deviant behaviour found in the majority of self-report studies is artificial or real (see i.a. Tribble, Axenroth, Hindelang Hirschi and Waise).             Much can be said about the validity of a self-report questionnaire only on the grounds of the distributions of answers to the separate questions, Siemaszko found the percentage of affirmative answers to decrease monotonically with the increase of seriousness of the act and its scarcity in the general population. In the same study the percentage of affirmative  answers to the question about being checked by the police was found to be higher than that concerning detention: also the level of deviance of elder as compared with younger and boys as compared with girls proved higher, These results agree with theoretical expectations, Hardt and Peterson-Hardt found the percentage of affirmative answers to the questions about acts commited during  the last year to be generally lower than it is the case with questions that concerned also acts commited longer before. Not all of self-report questionnaires contain lie scales. Moreover, the researchers are not in agreeement as to the usefulness of such scales this type of studies (i.a. Farrington, Smart, Hardt, Peterson- Hardt). I seems that lie scales should be employed Questions should however be avoided  which  might be correlated with deviant behaviour, as in such case there is the danger of the lie scale becoming the reverse of that of deviance.             The popularity of self-report studies was determined by the effectiveness of this method (relatively low cost 1ittle time consuming, promptitude and the possibility of examining large samples) Today, self-report studies have become popular in spite of the fact that many important methodological problems have not been solved yet.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1988, XV; 33-93
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rodzina polska w świetle wyników NSP 2002
Polish Family and the National Census 2002
Slany, K.
Kluzowa, K.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
family-based household
collective household
young families
reconstructed family
family with dependent children
marriages without children
partners with children
partners without children
single-parent families
source of income of families
gospodarstwo domowe
gospodarstwo domowe rodzinne
gospodarstwa zbiorowe
rodzina młoda
rodzina zrekonstruowana
rodzina z dziećmi na utrzymaniu
małżeństwa z dziećmi
małżeństwa bez dzieci
partnerzy z dziećmi
partnerzy bez dzieci
rodziny monoparentalne
źródło utrzymania rodzin
The article is devoted to the description of Polish families in view of the National Census 2002 and it takes into account the changes, which occurred in the family structure since the National Census 1988 and other prior censuses. We have particularly focused on the following issues: the family composition of households, types of families in house-holds, families with dependent children, families in collective households. The article also summarizes the main conclusions regarding the current structure of Polish families and the characteristic directions of changes. We found the continuation of nuclearization of families, the decline in the number of households with multiple children and young families, rise in the number of people living in informal relationships and a significant rise in the number of families deriving their income from other sources than earned income. Key words: household, family-based household, collective household, family, young families, reconstructed family, family with dependent children, marriages without children, partners with children, partners without children, single-parent families, source of income of families.
Opracowanie poświęcone jest charakterystyce polskich rodzin w świetle wyników Narodowego Spisu Powszechnego 2002 przy uwzględnieniu zmian, jakie zaszły w zakresie ich struktury od czasu przeprowadzenia spisów poprzednich (przede wszystkim spisu z 1988) roku). W opracowaniu dokonano analizy następujących zagadnień: skład rodzinny gospodarstw domowych, typy rodzin w gospodarstwach domowych, rodziny z dziećmi na utrzymaniu, rodziny w gospodarstwach zbiorowych. W podsumowaniu przedstawiono najważniejsze wnioski dotyczące aktualnej struktury polskich rodzin i charakterystycznych kierunków jej przemian. Stwierdzono kontynuację procesu nuklearyzacji rodzin, spadek udziału rodzin wielodzietnych oraz rodzin młodych, wzrost liczby osób żyjących w związkach nieformalnych, wyraźny wzrost udziału rodzin utrzymujących się ze źródeł niezarobkowych.
Studia Socjologiczne; 2004, 1(172); 47-63
Pojawia się w:
Studia Socjologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Impact of Metacognitive Strategies on Reading Comprehension in an Early Literacy Workshop
Hrbáčková, Karla
Švec, Vlastimil
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
young children
literacy workshop
metacognitive strategies
reading comprehension
This preliminary study investigates metacognitive strategies displayed by young children and their impact on increasing reading comprehension during their involvement in a reading intervention programme from February to July 2004. The purpose of this study is (a) to explore the nature of existing metacognitive experience in the second, third and fourth grade classrooms and (b) to determine whether children who had participated in an early literacy workshop demonstrate reading comprehension achievement. To document and reflect metacognitive awareness of reading strategies students engaged in a literacy workshop. The teacher in this workshop provides instrumental support to student’s awareness and regulation comprehension strategies before, during and after reading. This metacognitive intervention was observed and videotaped by the research assistant and compared with reading achievement.
The New Educational Review; 2005, 5; 69-78
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Elektrokardiogram spoczynkowy młodego sportowca – co lekarz rodzinny wiedzieć powinien?
Young athlete’s electrocardiogram – what should family doctor know?
Krenc, Zbigniew
Data publikacji:
Medical Communications
athlete’s heart
children and adolescents
resting electrocardiogram
young athletes
spoczynkowy elektrokardiogram
dzieci i młodzież
młodzi sportowcy
serce sportowca
Young athletes are one of the special group of patients in family doctor’s office. Medical examination of young athletes (including a complete medical history and physical examination) should give information about influence of physical activity on the functional conditions of the organism, especially on circulatory system. Long-term sport activity causes morphological (e.g. increase of dimensions, wall thickness and mass of left ventricle) and functional (e.g. increase of vagal tone) changes in the heart as a result of physiological adaptation to exercise. Theses conditions are identified as “athlete’s heart syndrome”. Some of them can be reflected in resting electrocardiogram. The most common features of “athlete’s heart syndrome” in ECG are: sinus bradycardia and significant sinus arrhythmia, voltage criteria for atrial enlargement and ventricular hypertrophy, ST segment elevation and high T wave voltages. The ECG is also used by sports cardiologists in the evaluation of underlying heart disease that can increase the risk for adverse cardiac event, including sudden death. So, it is very important to recognize functional changes developing in the athlete’s heart from cardiac pathologies. The main aim of this paper is to give for family doctors some practical information helpful in interpretation of resting electrocardiogram in healthy, school age children in relation to physiological changes which are met in electrocardiograms of young athletes.
Wśród pacjentów zgłaszających się po poradę do gabinetu lekarza rodzinnego pojawiają się osoby młode, aktywne fizycznie, a nierzadko wyczynowo i w sposób zorganizowany uprawiające różne dyscypliny sportu. Badanie lekarskie w ich przypadku nie może nie uwzględniać oceny wpływu treningu sportowego na stan funkcjonalny organizmu, a w szczególności układu sercowo-naczyniowego. Systematyczna ocena układu krążenia służy przede wszystkim monitorowaniu zmian adaptacyjnych zachodzących pod wpływem długotrwałego treningu sportowego. Zmiany te, określane mianem serca sportowca, dotyczą zarówno parametrów morfologicznych (zwiększenie wymiarów i masy mięśnia sercowego), jak i czynnościowych (na przykład zmiana napięcia układu autonomicznego) i mogą być ujawnione w spoczynkowym elektrokardiogramie. Najczęściej obserwowanymi zmianami są: bradykardia zatokowa i znaczna niemiarowość zatokowa, elektrokardiograficzne cechy przedsionków lub komór, zmiany w zakresie morfologii zespołu ST-T. Elektrokardiografia odgrywa też ważną rolę w identyfikacji sportowców z chorobą serca, zwłaszcza w aspekcie prewencji nagłej śmierci sercowej. Z tego powodu ważna jest wiedza pozwalająca na odróżnienie rejestrowanych w spoczynkowym elektrokardiogramie zmian adaptacyjnych, rozwijających się w odpowiedzi na długotrwały trening sportowy, od tych, które mogą wskazywać na chorobę układu krążenia. Celem niniejszej pracy jest dostarczenie lekarzowi rodzinnemu praktycznych informacji ułatwiających interpretację prawidłowego spoczynkowego elektrokardiogramu u dzieci i młodzieży w wieku szkolnym (typowym dla rozpoczynania aktywności fizycznej w zorganizowanej formie), w tym także u młodych sportowców.
Pediatria i Medycyna Rodzinna; 2011, 7, 2; 129-135
Pojawia się w:
Pediatria i Medycyna Rodzinna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dorosłe dzieci rozwiedzionych rodziców – przegląd teorii i badań
Adult Children of Divorced Parents – an overview of theory and research
Sokołowska, Edyta
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica
dorosłe dzieci rozwiedzionych rodziców
młody dorosły
adult children of divorced parents divorce
critical happening
young adult
Współcześnie w środowisku naukowym trwa dyskusja dotycząca przeobrażeń instytucji rodziny. Statystyki pokazują od lat wzrastającą liczbę rozwodów w państwach rozwijających się i rozwiniętych, co potwierdza zasadność zajmowania się problematyką rozwodu i konsekwencjami jakie za sobą niesie dla członków rodziny. Rozwód jest tematem licznych publikacji, lecz skupiają się one głównie na radzeniu sobie z tą sytuacją osób rozwodzących się i ich dzieci. Coraz częściej dostrzega się jednak konieczność poznania długoterminowych konsekwencji rozwodu dla dzieci rozwodników. Artykuł zawiera przegląd wybranych podejść i badań na temat rozwodu, dzieci osób rozwiedzionych, ale przede wszystkim tych dotyczących dorosłych dzieci rozwiedzionych rodziców.
The scientifi c world is currently engaged in a discussion regarding the transformation of the institution of family. For many years now statistics have shown an increasing occurrence of divorce in both well-developed and developing countries, which underlines the legitimacy of concentrating on the fi eld of divorce and the consequences of it for the family. Divorce is the main topic of many publications, but these focus mainly on situation-coping of the divorcees and their children. The need for recognising the long-term consequences of divorce for the children of the divorced people is more oft en perceived these days. The article includes a review of chosen approaches and researches in the area of divorce, children of divorced parents and, above all, the adult children of divorced parents.
Ogrody Nauk i Sztuk; 2013, 3
Pojawia się w:
Ogrody Nauk i Sztuk
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Il Melograno, Accogliere la Nascita (Przyjmowanie Narodzin), Rzym, Włochy
Il Melograno, Accogliere la Nascita (Upholding Birth), Rome, Italy
Scalisi, Raffaella
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Dajemy Dzieciom Siłę
małe dzieci
young children
Projekt jest skierowany do matek z dziećmi do 1. roku życia zamieszkałych w Rzymie i zagrożonych problemami społecznymi lub psychologicznymi. Celem jest możliwie wczesne wyodrębnienie rodzin z grup ryzyka. Projekt zakłada prowadzenie oddziaływań w środowisku domowym promujących bezpieczne przywiązanie pomiędzy matką a dzieckiem. Chodzi też o włączenie rodziny w system świadczeń i zasobów pomocowych dostępnych w okolicy. Program ruszył w 1999 roku, początkowo poddawany był testom w sześciu z dziewiętnastu dzielnic Rzymu, teraz obejmuje całe miasto. Po przerwie w 2009 roku, projekt reaktywowano w roku 2011.
The project is targeted at ‘mother-child’ family units, resident in Rome, at high risk of social or psychological distress during the fi rst year of the child’s life. It aims to identify families ‘at risk’ as early as possible, at the moment of the child’s birth. It offers programmed intervention in the home to promote secure attachment in the mother-child relationship and to include the family unit in a network of services and resources available in the area. Initiated in 1999, it was ‘trialled’ in six of the nineteen sub-municipalities of Rome and now extends to the whole city. After an interruption in 2009, it was reactivated in 2011.
Dziecko krzywdzone. Teoria, badania, praktyka; 2013, 12, 2: Kompendium inspirujących praktyk. Wczesna interwencja i profilaktyka w działaniach na rzecz wspierania rodziny i rodzicielstwa; 88-97
Pojawia się w:
Dziecko krzywdzone. Teoria, badania, praktyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola doświadczeń wczesnodziecięcych w kształtowaniu zdrowia psychicznego
The Role of Early Childhood Experiences in the Shaping of Mental Health
Dąbkowska, Monika
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
family resources
mental health
the environments of child’s development
young children’s development
The work concerns the role of childhood experiences in the development of mental health. It is believed that regardless of the emotional relationship and genetic predispositions, appropriately selected stimulants in the environment may also influence the young child’s development. In the first periods of child’s life the experiences gained in family pay as crucial character as the environment where this development takes place. It is emphasized in literature that appropriate intellectual and social development of a child is related with the influence of the external environment as long as it is available and logically designed. In Poland only a few studies concern families with small children – they are usually carried out by sociologists, moreover, there is also very little data on the determinants of the development of children and possible role of these for mental health. It was therefore attempted in this work to describe possible childhood experiences, which may play role in the development of mental health in childhood and adolescence or adulthood.
Kultura i Edukacja; 2013, 4(97); 41-52
Pojawia się w:
Kultura i Edukacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Łódzkie Żydowskie Towarzystwo Opieki nad Sierotami i jego działalność na rzecz dzieci i młodzieży w latach I wojny światowej
Łódź Jewish Society for Providing Care to Orphans and its Activities for Children and Young People during the World War I
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Wrocławski. Wydział Nauk Historycznych i Pedagogicznych. Instytut Pedagogiki. Zakład Historii Edukacji
opieka nad dziećmi i młodzieżą w Łodzi w czasie I wojny światowej
żydowskie organizacje filantropijne w Łodzi w latach 1914–1918 działalność Łódzkiego
Żydowskiego Towarzystwa Opieki nad Sierotami
care of children and young people in Łódź during the World War I Jewish charitable organizations in Łódź in 1914–1918
activities of Łódź Jewish Society for Providing Care to Orphans.
Geneza Łódzkiego Żydowskiego Towarzystwa Opieki nad Sierotami (ŁŻTOS) sięga okresu sprzed I wojny światowej i wiąże się z inicjatywą społeczności pochodzenia żydowskiego, która w lipcu 1907 roku podjęła starania o zarejestrowanie organizacji dobroczynnej, ukierunkowanej na pomoc dzieciom i młodzieży. Opracowano statut, w świetle którego Towarzystwo miało troszczyć się o byt materialny, moralny i intelektualny sierot wyznania mojżeszowego. Dzieje Towarzystwa powiązane są również z historią żydowskiej rodziny Henryka i Zofii Hirszbergów. Byli oni bowiem fundatorami budynku, który tuż przed wybuchem I wojny stał się siedzibą ŁŻTOS i miał służyć sierotom pozostającym pod opieką organizacji. Dom Sierot, bo taką nazwę zyskała placówka dla dzieci i młodzieży, mieścił się w Łodzi przy ul. Północnej 38. Misja i zadania ŁŻTOS w latach 1914–1918 nie tylko nie uległy zmianie, ale w obliczu narastającej z dnia na dzień liczby sierot, półsierot, porzuconych i bezdomnych, nabrały nowego znaczenia. Organizacja zintensyfikowała swoją działalność przyjmując pod dach Domu Sierot dzieci i młodzież w wieku od 3. do 18. roku życia. Oprócz codziennej troski o ich byt materialny, w dalszym ciągu celem podejmowanych działań uczyniono kwestie opieki, wychowania i edukacji podopiecznych, nawet w trudnych realiach wojny. Warunki życia podopiecznych Domu Sierot określał regulamin przyjęty uchwałą Zarządu ŁŻTOS 30 stycznia 1916 r. Przez cały okres I wojny pod dachem Domu Sierot mieszkało około 170 dzieci i młodzieży.
The origins of the Łódź Jewish Society for Providing Care to Orphans (Łódzkie Żydowskie Towarzystwo Opieki nad Sierotami – ŁŻTOS) date back to the period before the World War I and are related to the initiative of the Jewish community, which, in July 1907, applied to register a charitable organization aimed at providing aid to children and young people. The statute of the Society was drawn up. According to the statute, the Society was supposed to take care of the material, moral, and intellectual needs of Jewish orphans. The history of the Society is also related to the history of the Jewish family of Henryk and Zofia Hirszberg, as they were the founders of the building which became the offices of the Society just before the World War I and which was supposed to serve the orphans looked after by the organization. The Orphans’ Home, as that was the name of the centre for children and young people, was located in Łódź at Północna 38. In the face of the numbers of orphans, half-orphans, the abandoned, and the homeless growing day after day in 1914–1918, the mission and the tasks of the Society gained a new meaning. The organization intensified its actions and took children and young people aged 3–18 under the roof of the Orphans’ House. Apart from the day-today care of their material situation, the education and upbringing of the orphans was still the goal of the Society’s actions, even during the difficult times of the war. The living conditions in the Orphans’ Home were specified by the rules adopted by resolution of the Society’s Board on 30 January 1916. During the whole period of the World War I, app. 170 children and young people lived in the Orphans’ Home.
Wychowanie w Rodzinie; 2014, X, (2/2014); 77-94
Pojawia się w:
Wychowanie w Rodzinie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nauka ekonomii oczami nastolatków
Economic education in the perspective of teenagers
Marchewka, Małgorzata
Nogaj, Wioletta
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
economic education
Children's University of Economics
The Academy of Young Economist
out-of-school education
The article presents the results of the fifth edition of the study focused on the economic maturity and awareness of children and youth. The study has been based - like in case of previous editions - on an anonymous survey. The respondents were the students of primary schools and lower secondary schools who take part in out-of-school economic education - the students of Children's University of Economics (EUD) and The Academy of Young Economist (AME). For the first time, also the students of lower secondary school who do not participate in such out-of-school education have been invited to complete the survey.
e-mentor. Czasopismo naukowe Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie; 2014, 4 (56); 10-23
Pojawia się w:
e-mentor. Czasopismo naukowe Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polscy gniazdownicy. O powodach, dla których dorosłe dzieci mieszkają z rodzicami
Polish Nesters. Why Are Adult Children Living with Their Parents?
Piszczatowska-Oleksiewicz, Mariola
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
young adults
adult children
Recent social, cultural and economic changes affect the lifecycle of both families and individuals, having considerable impact on scientifically defined stages, the time dedicated to them, and developmental tasks they are associated with. One of such stages is the move of an adult child out of the family home, which is more and more often put off at the time being. The phenomenon of delaying the moment of separating yourself from your parents is referred to as nesting. Sociological and demographic studies conducted so far show that living with custodians in spite of becoming mature is getting more and more popular among young adults in Poland. In-depth analyses show that even though financial factors (low income, low purchasing power of adult children and no employment) are a significant determinant of nesting in Poland, such decisions are triggered by other motives as well. Nesting, in spite of being an individual attitude, is always a shared experience and the outcome of forces and vectors with the family ecosystem. Nesters are not the only actors of the crowded nest arrangement. Custodians and sometimes also sibling play a significant role there too. This leads to another conclusion, i.e. that nesters are not the only beneficiaries of nesting, while parents are not the only ones who bear the consequences of this co-residency.
Pogranicze. Studia Społeczne; 2014, 24; 181-210
Pojawia się w:
Pogranicze. Studia Społeczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Propozycja typologii rodzin – jacy są współcześni rodzice małych dzieci
Dąbkowska, Monika
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Young children’s development
family structure
types of families
the environments of child’s development
An attempt to assess the structure of the studied families, patterns of their functioning, home and environment provision of toys stimulating children’s development, as well as verification of possible relationships between these variables was undertaken in this study. In order to give suggestion of typology of families there was an analysis of clusters. The study involved 126 families with children aged from 3 to 18 months. Following instruments were used: AHEMD for children aged 3-18 months and HOME for children aged 0-36 months “Interview and observation”. On the basis of the cluster analysis five types of families were distinguished – “Families with training parents”, “Families with caring parents”, “Families with parents overcoming difficulties”, “Families with elitist parents” and “Families with not-involved parents”.
Kultura i Edukacja; 2014, 4(104); 166-187
Pojawia się w:
Kultura i Edukacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jak małe dzieci korzystają z urządzeń mobilnych? Raport na podstawie danych zebranych od rodziców
How young children use mobile media? Report based on data acquired from parents
Bąk, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Dajemy Dzieciom Siłę
urządzenia mobilne
małe dzieci
edukacja medialna
mobile media
young children
media education
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badania zrealizowanego w 2015 roku przez Fundację Dzieci Niczyje na temat korzystania przez małe dzieci z urządzeń mobilnych w Polsce. W badaniu wykazano, że 64% dzieci w wieku 6 miesięcy – 6,5 roku korzystało z urządzeń mobilnych, a im starsze były dzieci, tym większy był odsetek korzystających. Są to wyniki zbliżone do uzyskanych w badaniach zagranicznych. Najczęściej dzieci wykorzystywały nowe media do oglądania filmów, a bardzo często grały czy po prostu bawiły się bez specjalnego celu. Stosunkowo duża była grupa codziennych użytkowników, także wśród najmłodszych dzieci. Jako przyczynę udostępniania dzieciom urządzeń mobilnych, rodzice najczęściej wskazywali konieczność zajęcia się własnymi sprawami lub chęć nagrodzenia dziecka. Zarówno wyniki niniejszego badania, jak i rezultaty z innych krajów wskazują na konieczność zmobilizowania rodziców do monitorowania użytkowania przez dzieci urządzeń mobilnych. Rodzice powinni nie tylko kontrolować czas i treści przekazu medialnego, ale również uczyć dzieci, jak krytycznie i bezpiecznie korzystać z nowoczesnych technologii. Zwiększy to szansę na uniknięcie w przyszłości negatywnych konsekwencji nadmiernego lub niewłaściwego korzystania z urządzeń mobilnych.
The article presents the results of study on young children’s media use in Poland. The research was conducted by The Nobody’s Children Foundation in 2015. 64% children age 6,5 and under used mobile media. Older children were more likely to use them. This outcomes were similar to findings from international studies. New technologies were used for watching videos the most often. Quite frequently children also used mobile devices for playing games or just playing with them without any special reason. Relatively big was the group of daily users, even among the youngest. Most parents let children play with mobile media while running errands or when they wanted to reward children. Both outcomes of this research and findings of studies from other countries lead to conclusion that parental monitoring of children’s use of mobile devices is crucial. Not only should parents monitor time and content of media, but they should also learn children how to be critical on media and how to use them safely. This could minimise the risk of too extensive or inappropriate use of media in future.
Dziecko krzywdzone. Teoria, badania, praktyka; 2015, 14, 3; 55-82
Pojawia się w:
Dziecko krzywdzone. Teoria, badania, praktyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nauka ekonomii oczami nastolatków - wyniki szóstej edycji badania świadomości i dojrzałości ekonomicznej dzieci i młodzieży
Teenagers point of view on economics
Marchewka, Małgorzata
Nogaj, Wioletta
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
Academy of Young Economist
Children's University of Economics
understading of economy by children
The paper presents the results of the sixth edition of the survey on the awareness and economic maturity of children and adolescents. It was carried out - as in previous editions - in the form of anonymous questionnaire. All of the respondents were primary and junior high school students participating in extracurricular programs on economic education - Children's University of Economics (EUD) and the Academy of Young Economist (AME). The survey enabled to gather data on three main areas of research: knowledge, skills and attitudes related to economics, finance and entrepreneurship. The results show that the students of EUD and AME appreciate the possibility to participate in extracurricular programs on economic education. The possibility to analyze economic and entrepreneurial problems results in their high familiarity with particular terms and ability to define them (ex. electronic money, privatization, unemployment rate). Moreover, students from both groups estimate their ability to deal with everyday life problems requiring economical knowledge (practical skills) on higher level than their ability to explain economic problems (theoretical skills). The results also show that students' attitudes toward economic issues, such as taking out a bank loan to fund holiday expenses, are unexpectedly mature and based on common sense.
e-mentor. Czasopismo naukowe Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie; 2015, 4 (61); 13-21
Pojawia się w:
e-mentor. Czasopismo naukowe Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Śmierć w literaturze i kulturze dziecięcej, czyli o problemach dziecięcej tanatologii
Death in literature and culture for children, or about problems of children’s thanatology
Urbańczyk, Lidia
Data publikacji:
Fundacja dzień dobry! kolektyw kultury
literature for children and young people
popular science literature
literatura dla dzieci i młodzieży
literatura popularnonaukowa
In the literature for children and young people have always existed taboo topics. One of them is the problem of death and suffering. Topics considered by an adult to be difficult, it doesn’t have to be this same for a child, and art and appropriately selected stories can help tame the fears, troublesome thoughts (in line with the "pedagogy of death", in line with the "literature of darkness"). To "sad fairy tale" need to enable classic fairy tales created, eg. by the Brothers Grimm, as well as contemporary post-modern fairy tales (texts by Neil Gaiman). But books related to death and suffering are not only works of art (richly illustrated), but also popular scientific publications. The purpose of these texts is to present the child death issues, assistance in coming to terms with the loss and pain. Adult must show child the world as a whole, without undue simplifications to create humans of a certain sensibility, capable of empathy and understanding. The literature teaches how to called emotions and choose what valuable.
Amor Fati; 2015, 2; 61-79
Pojawia się w:
Amor Fati
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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