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Wzlot i upadek wojewody pomorskiego Wiktora Lamota (1928–1931). Z dziejów pomajowej elity władzy
The rise and fall of the Pomeranian governor Wiktor Lamot (1928–1931). From the history of the power elites after the May coup d’etat
Olstowski, Przemysław
Łaszkiewicz, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
Interwar period in Poland
the Nonpartisan Bloc for Cooperation
with the Government
the May Coup d’Etat 1926
The case of Wiktor Lamot, as opposed to the careers of other governors in Poland after the May coup d’etat, is worth a closer analysis. Prior to taking over the position of the head of the provincial office in Torun in August 1928 – after the sudden death of the first Pomeranian governor Kazimierz Mlodzianowski – Lamot had held the position of starost in Pińczów. Such a rapid promotion was still quite rare in the state administration of the Second Polish Republic. As the Pomeranian governor, he had to face the sharper policy towards the political opposition run by the authorities after the May coup d’etat. This greatly affected his work in Pomerania during the years 1928–1931. Apart from administering the province in an effective manner, the authorities in Warsaw demanded that he take decisive steps to develop the influence of new political circles and to reduce the influence of the opposition. He was the first Pomeranian governor after May 1926 to take such measures on a large scale. His term of office was characterised by changes of personnel in the state administration, the administration of justice, the extension – per fas et nef as – the structures of the Nonpartisan Bloc for Cooperation with the Government along with the restrictive measures against the opposition press. All the above mentioned factors have shaped the historical memory of Wiktor Lamot and the way his term of office was evaluated in historiography, particularly in the period of the Polish People’s Republic. However, it is beyond doubt that the negative press campaign against him contributed to his being dismissed from his position as governor in November 1931.
Zapiski Historyczne; 2016, 81, 1; 97-130
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Positive image of university and local government - common cause
Walczak, J.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Lotnictwa
local government cooperation with universities
perception of education in terms of commercial
image of the university
In this article the author discusses the issue of image of a non-public university in the context of the image of a local government, which functions on the territory where the university is located. The author discusses the mutual influence of both entities and the resulting benefits. In order to illustrate the subject the example of one of the richest and best-developing local governments in Poland - Community of Polkowice - which in 2002 decided to establish its own university together with the District (poviat) of Polkowice. The university is financed to a large extent, winch is probably an exception in whole Poland 12 - with funds from the budget of local government. Lower Silesian University of Entrepreneurship and Technology in Pokowice (DWSPiT) has been functioning on the market of higher education for a decade. It has a significant contribution to the building of a positive image of local authorities and uniting the identity of the local community. Even though people from outside Polkowice also study at the university, it is often called a "local government's university" or "local university", alongside the division into public and 11011-public universities, according to which it was categorizedl3. according to the law. One of the things important for the potential students is the fact that the university is located in the region of Polkowice. which is developing fast and offers the possibility of studying, potential jobs and in the longer perspective also attractive living conditions. The goal of the article is to try to show, on the example of Polkowice and the Lower Silesian University of Entrepreneurship. the impact that a non-public university may have on strengthening the positive image of local government and to present the scope of cooperation between a university and local government and its image value for the university itself The subject, due to the limitations imposed by the form of this article, will be limited to only the most important issues, according to the author.
Prace Instytutu Lotnictwa; 2012, 6 (227); 203-225
Pojawia się w:
Prace Instytutu Lotnictwa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Biskup Michał Klepacz jako członek Episkopatu. Część III: działalność na forum komisji specjalistycznych episkopatu polski
Białkowski, Michał
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Łodzi
biskup Michał Klepacz
kardynał Stefan Wyszyński
Komisja do Spraw Studiów Teologicznych na Fakultetach Kościelnych i w Seminariach Duchownych,
Komisja Seminariów Duchownych, Komisja Studiów/Studiów i Seminariów Duchownych
Komisja Szkolna
Komisja do Rozmów z Rządem/Komisji Wspólnej przedstawicieli Rządu PRL i Episkopatu Polski
Komisja Prasowa
Komisja Soborowa
Bishop Michał Klepacz
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński
Committee for Theological Studies at Church Faculties and in Seminaries
Seminaries Committee
Studies/Studies and Seminars Committee
School Committee
Committee for Negotiations with the Government/Joint Committee of the PRL Government and the Episcopate of Poland Representatives
Press Committee
Council Committee
This article focuses on activities of Bishop Michał Klepacz in the specialised committees of the Episcopate of Poland. Already in 1947, the Łódź Bishop was appointed to the Committee for Theological Studies at Church Faculties and in Seminaries, later transformed into the Studies/Studies and Seminars Committee chaired by the bishop in 1959–1967. Since 1947, he had also worked in the School Committee. Two years later, he was appointed a member of the Committee for Negotiations with the Government representing the Church (since 1956, that Committee operated as the Joint Committee of the PRL Government and the Episcopate of Poland Representatives), which was to standardise and organise relations between the Church and the Communist authorities. As a part of works of that Committee, he was one of the authors of the agreement of April 14, 1950. His activities in that body ended in 1963, with a unilateral freezing of its functioning by the PRL government. Bishop Michał Klepacz also made a substantial contribution to the works of the Press Committee, of which he was a member in the first half of the 1950s, and of the Council Committee. It should be added here that his involvement into that last body was strongly influenced by the fact that he was one of the few dignitaries of the Polish Church participating in all four sessions of the Second Vatican Council.
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne; 2022, 30, 4; 5-23
Pojawia się w:
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Financial analysis of the city of Zamość for the years 2013 - 2017
Jańczuk, Lech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Śląski. Wydział Nauk Społecznych
local government units
cities with poviat rights
public finance
financial analysis
evaluation of the unit's activity
efficiency of operations
In short-term, the activities of local government units are significantly different from those of enterprises. The short-term goal of the activity of a local government unit is to meet collective needs of its residents, and the short-term goal of commercial enterprises is to maximize profits. However, in long-term, in the case of local government units and commercial enterprises, both goals are similar – an increase in the value of the territorial self-government / commercial enterprise assets). In both cases, the financial analysis tools can be considered as helpful in the decision-making process as well as the assessment of the broadly understood effectiveness. Therefore, based on the models developed for enterprises in the field of financial analysis, it is worth making an attempt to assess the financial effectiveness of local government units. The aim of the article was to show, on the example with specific indicators and their interpretation, that the financial analysis of local government units provides a lot of useful information both to the manager of the unit and entities cooperating with a given local government unit. The article stresses the legitimacy of financial analysis in local government units and presents the basic tools for such.
Political Preferences; 2018, 20; 83-100
Pojawia się w:
Political Preferences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pozytywny wizerunek uczelni i samorządu lokalnego - wspólna sprawa
Positive image of university and local government - common cause
Walczak, J.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Lotnictwa
wizerunek uczelni
współpraca samorządu terytorialnego z uczelniami
postrzeganie edukacji w kategoriach komercyjnych
image of the university
local government cooperation with universities
perception of education in terms of commercial
W niniejszym artykule autor porusza zagadnienie wizerunku niepublicznej szkoły wyższej w kontekście wizerunku samorządu lokalnego, w obrębie którego uczelni przychodzi funkcjonować oraz wzajemnego wpływu wizerunkowego obu podmiotów na siebie i wynikających z tego korzyści. Dla zobrazowania tematu przywołany zostanie szczególny przykład jednego z najzamożniejszych i najlepiej rozwijających się samorządów w Polsce - Gminy Polkowice, którego władze zdecydowały się w 2002 r.( we współpracy z „młodym" powiatem polkowickim, na powołanie własnej uczelni, współfinansowanej w dużej mierze - co stanowi prawdopodobnie ewenement na skalę ogólnopolską - z budżetu samorządu. Dolnośląska Wyższa Szkoła Przedsiębiorczości i Techniki w Polkowicach funkcjonuje na rynku edukacyjnym szkolnictwa wyższego od dekady. Nie pozostaje bez znaczenia dla budowy pozytywnego wizerunku samorządu i dla spajania tożsamości społeczności lokalnej. Pomimo, że naukę w niej podejmują także studenci spoza Polkowic, określa się ją mianem„uczelni samorządowej" czy też „lokalnej", obok podziału na uczelnie publiczne i niepubliczne, w ramach którego została zgodnie z obowiązującym prawem skategoryzowana. Dla kandydatów na studia zapewne nie jest bez znaczenia pozycja w regionie rozwijających się w szybkim tempie Polkowic, oferujących możliwość studiowania, ale i potencjalne miejsca pracy oraz w dalszej perspektywie atrakcyjne warunki do życia. Celem artykułu jest próba ukazania w zarysie na przykładzie Polkowic i działającej na ich terenie Dolnośląskiej Wyższej Szkoły Przedsiębiorczości i Techniki znaczenia, jakie może mieć niepubliczna uczelnia dla wzmacniania pozytywnego wizerunku samorządu lokalnego oraz zaprezentowanie zakresu współpracy między szkołą wyższą a samorządem i jej wartości wizerunkowej dla samej uczelni. Temat ze względu na ramy artykułu zostanie ograniczony do najistotniejszych, zdaniem autora, kwestii.
In this article the author discusses the issue of image of a non-public university in the context of the image of a local government, which functions on the territory where the university is located. The author discusses the mutual influence of both entities and the resulting benefits. In order to illustrate the subject the example of one of the richest and best-developing local governments in Poland - Community of Polkowice - which in 2002 decided to establish its own university together with the District (poviat) of Polkowice. The university is financed to a large extent, winch is probably an exception in whole Poland 12 - with funds from the budget of local government. Lower Silesian University of Entrepreneurship and Technology in Pokowice (DWSPiT) has been functioning on the market of higher education for a decade. It has a significant contribution to the building of a positive image of local authorities and uniting the identity of the local community. Even though people from outside Polkowice also study at the university, it is often called a "local government's university" or "local university", alongside the division into public and 11011-public universities, according to which it was categorizedl3. according to the law. One of the things important for the potential students is the fact that the university is located in the region of Polkowice. which is developing fast and offers the possibility of studying, potential jobs and in the longer perspective also attractive living conditions. The goal of the article is to try to show, on the example of Polkowice and the Lower Silesian University of Entrepreneurship. the impact that a non-public university may have on strengthening the positive image of local government and to present the scope of cooperation between a university and local government and its image value for the university itself The subject, due to the limitations imposed by the form of this article, will be limited to only the most important issues, according to the author.
Prace Instytutu Lotnictwa; 2012, 4 (225); 419-440
Pojawia się w:
Prace Instytutu Lotnictwa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Znaczenie samorządów w ochronie zabytków. Propozycje zmian
The importance of local governments in the protection of monuments. Suggestions for changes
Gwiazdowska, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Lubelska. Polski Komitet Narodowy Międzynarodowej Rady Ochrony Zabytków
change of the political system
local government subsidies on historic monuments and sites
cooperation with NGOs
legal instruments in protection of monuments and sites
local government historic preservation officers
scope of duties
legislative and organisational competences of local government bodies
selection of competences
zmiana systemu politycznego
dotacje samorządowe na zabytki i miejsca historyczne
współpraca z organizacjami pozarządowymi
instrumenty prawne w zakresie ochrony zabytków i miejsc
konserwator zabytków
zakres obowiązków
kompetencje legislacyjne i organizacyjne organów samorządu terytorialnego
dobór kompetencji
Changes made to the administration system in Poland in the years 1989–1990 were aimed at decentralising state government and increasing the importance of local government bodies. The author of this article reckons that this idea has not been reflected in the Polish body of law yet. There are no legal regulations provided in the provisions of law – not only in terms of the legal situation of historic preservation offices but also with regard to deciding what should fall under the authority of local government bodies. Scope of duties of local government historic preservation officers working in separate offices should be similar to the one that individual departments have. Moreover, authority should no longer be granted on discretionary basis. A principle should be therefore formulated that everything what comes within the competence of historic preservation officers must comply with statutory legislation. If a local government body wants to be delegated either full or partial authority, it should prove that it has both organisational and financial capacity to exercise it. We should therefore work towards a complete solution which would be practical and possible to adopt on both state and regional scale.
Ochrona Dziedzictwa Kulturowego; 2016, 1; 71-76
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Dziedzictwa Kulturowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Niemiecka koncepcja Społecznej Gospodarki Rynkowej (SGR) i jej implikacje na gruncie polskiej teorii i praktyki ekonomicznej
The German Conception of Social Market Economy (pol. SGR) and its Implications in Polish Economical Theory and Practice
Osoba, Józef Bogusław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
SGR – Społeczna Gospodarka Rynkowa
SER GR – Społeczna Ekologiczna i Regulowana Gospodarka Rynkowa
prof. Tadeusz Przeciszewski – autor polskiej koncepcji Społecznej Ekologicznej i Regulowanej Gospodarki Rynkowej
artykuł 20 Konstytucji RP
Alfred Müller-Armack – jeden z twórców i główny teoretyk SGR
Karl Schiller – twórca socjaldemokratycznej kontynuacji SGR w wydaniu niemieckim
Social Market Economy (SME)
Social Ecological and Controlled Market Economy
Professor Tadeusz Przeciszewski – created so called Polishversion of SGR
defining it with the SER-GR (Social Ecological and Controlled Market Economy)
article 20 of the Constitution of Poland
Alfred Müller-Armack – the man who put it into practice concept SGR
Professor Karl Schiller – the man who to continue into ractice concept SGR of the Social Democrats government in Germany
The concept of Social Market Economy (z pol. SGR-Społeczna Gospodarka Rynkowa) originated in Germany. Its predecessor, as it is widely recognized, was the German version of liberalism, also known as ordoliberalism (Ordo-Liberalismus), the main theoretician of which was Alfred Müller-Armack, whereas the man who put it into practice was Ludwig Erhardt. The original SGR assumptions which emerged when the Christian Democrats where in power in former West Germany are recognized as the first stage of this concept. The second stage followed when the Social Democrats from SPD won the election. They also accepted the concept and in 1959 they recognized it as their own. The main theoretician of the Social Democrats government economic principles was professor Karl Schiller. From that time on it has been said in West Germany that when the Christian Democrats parties are in power they tend to put pressure on SGR market aspect, whereas the government and Social Democrats parties stress its social aspect. Some of the SGR assumptions have been adopted by Social Democrats of Western Europe as well. In Poland the decision to adopt the assumptions of SGR was made and placed in The New Constitution (April 1997). The number 20 article of The Constitution says the country approves of the idea of grounding the economic system in Poland on SGR assumptions, and even more precisely-on its liberal version. The academic output of Polish economists dealing with SGR principles and their “adaptability” in Polish socio-economic reality is quite impressive. Among many representatives of Polish scientific thought engaged in SGR research, professor Tadeusz Przeciszewski is quite an outstanding person. He created his own, so called Polish version of this concept, defining it with the SER-GR (z pol. Społecznej Ekologicznej i Regulowanej Gospodarki Rynkowej) abbreviation, which stands for: Social Ecological and Controlled Market Economy. SER-GR is a kind of formula, which is something intermediate between Christian Democrats liberal version and Social Democrats intervention-institutional one, like the one in West Germany. Tadeusz Przeciszewski puts a lot of stress on creating, on the basis of the Polish version of SGR, some kind of a programme to fight unemployment. In his opinion it is desirable to reduce the leading role of technological progress and its development possibilities dealing with the areas of national output and services, so as to give way to ecology. Comparing Polish experiences in introducing SGR into socio-economic policy during the last few years with a German model of SGR one can notice a couple of differences. According to the author of this article ,the SGR we can see in contemporary Poland is only a substitute of that German one. It is but a slogan written down in law. In West Germany the unemployment rate is pretty high as well, which is a sign of SGR crisis in that country. The cause to SGR failure in West Germany is, according to the author, withdrawing from its original assumptions. Particularly it concerns the overdeveloped social welfare system factor, as well as social insurance and backing up economy monopolistic tendencies. Due to this the author states a question: what socio-economic model is the best future model for Poland? In the author’s opinion SGR model can be a save option for Polish economy when the country joins the European Union. The problem is to contribute to that final model only with our own character and those features of EU model which allow our economy to obtain a steady, strong status when trying to get a competitive supremacy on a global scale, and make it possible to achieve a long term economic progress.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 2006, 34, 3; 5-23
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Establishing diplomatic relations between Poland and Norway in the years 1945–1946
Denkiewicz-Szczepanik, Emilia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
Polish-Norwegian relations
establishing diplomatic relations in the years 1945–1946
activity of diplomatic representatives of the Polish Government in Exile in Norway
taking over Polish Mission in Oslo by Poland’s Provisional Government of National Unity
envoy Mieczysław Rogalski (April 1946)
Rolf Andvord’s mission in Poland (August-September 1945)
coal contract and establishing diplomatic relations with Poland
envoy Alfred Danielsen in Warsaw (November 1945).
stosunki polsko-norweskie
nawiązanie stosunków dyplomatycznych 1945–1946
działania przedstawicieli polskiego rządu emigracyjnego z Londynu w Norwegii
objęcie poselstwa polskiego w Oslo przez Tymczasowy Rząd Jedności Narodowej
poseł Mieczysław Rogalski – kwiecień 1946 rok
misja Rolfa Andvorda – sierpień–wrzesień 1945 rok
umowa węglowa i nawiązanie stosunków dyplomatycznych z Polską
poseł Alfred Danielsen – listopad 1945 roku
W artykule zaprezentowano proces nawiązywania stosunków dyplomatycznych między Polską a Norwegią po zakończeniu II wojny światowej, co trwało od sierpnia 1945 roku do kwietnia 1946 roku. Artykuł składa się z dwóch zasadniczych części. W pierwszej części przedstawiono wysiłki polskiego rządu emigracyjnego w Londynie zmierzające do utrzymania polskiej placówki dyplomatycznej w swych rękach. Następnie omówiono rozległe działania płk. Tadeusza Tokarza, attaché ds. militarnych Poselstwa RP, akredytowanego przy rządzie norweskim na emigracji w Londynie, związane z różnorodną pomocą dla kilku tysięcy Polaków zgromadzonych w obozach repatriacyjnych na terenie Norwegii, głównie w Moss i Mysen. Na zakończenie tej części wyjaśniono w jaki sposób i dlaczego polskie poselstwo w Oslo zostało przejęte 6 kwietnia 1946 roku przez komunistycznego przedstawiciela Tymczasowego Rządu Jedności Narodowej w Warszawie – Mieczysława Rogalskiego. Opisano także jego pierwsze kontakty dyplomatyczne z władzami norweskimi. W drugiej części szczególną wagę przywiązano do pokazania działań rządu norweskiego, którego zadaniem było, możliwie jak najszybciej, utworzenie własnego przedstawicielstwa dyplomatycznego w Warszawie. Sedno tej części artykułu stanowi centralna rola, jaką odegrał norweski ambasador w Moskwie Rolf Otto Andvord, podczas swej dwumiesięcznej misji w Polsce związanej ze sprawami handlowymi i dyplomatycznymi (08.–09.1945 r.). Jego zadanie związane było z dwoma konkretnymi kwestiami – podpisaniem umowy z polskimi władzami na szybką dostawę węgla do Norwegii oraz nawiązaniem szybkich i dobrych stosunków dyplomatycznych z Polską. Podkreślono też znaczenie tego, że udało mu się zapewnić 3-pokojowe lokum dla Poselstwa Norwegii w Hotelu Polonia. W końcowej części artykułu zaprezentowano krótki biogram norweskiego posła Alfreda Danielsena, który przybył do Warszawy 12 listopada 1945 roku oraz opisano jego pierwsze dyplomatyczne działania i kontakty z polskimi władzami.
The article depicts the process of establishing diplomatic relations between Poland and Norway after the end of the Second World War, which started in August 1945 and ended in April 1946. The article is composed of two basic parts. The first part describes the efforts of the Polish Government in Exile to maintain the Polish diplomatic mission. Next it presents the activities of Colonel Tadeusz Tokarz, military attaché of the Mission of the Republic of Poland, accredited to the Norwegian Government in Exile in London, concerning the varied assistance for several thousand Poles gathered in repatriation camps, mainly in Moss and Mysen. At the end of the first part the author explains how and why the Polish Mission in Oslo was taken over on April 6, 1946 by Mieczysław Rogalski, the Communist representative of the Temporary Government of National Unity in Warsaw. He describes the first diplomatic contacts with the Norwegian authorities. In the second part a special attention was paid to the presentation of the endeavours of the Norwegian Government aimed at establishing – as soon as possible – their own diplomatic mission in Warsaw. The description concentrates on the central role played by Rolf Otto Andvord, the Norwegian Ambassador in Moscow, during his two-month mission in Poland concerning commercial and diplomatic matters. The mission took place in August and September 1945. Andvord was charged with two tasks: to sign a contract with the Polish authorities for a fast delivery of coal to Norway and to establish fast and good diplomatic relations with Poland. It has been emphasised that Andvord was provided with a threeroomed accommodation for the Norwegian Mission at the ‘Polonia’ Hotel. At the end of the article there is a short life history of Envoy Alfred Danielsen, who arrived in Warsaw on November 12, 1945, and a description of his first diplomatic activities and contacts with the Polish authorities.
Studia Maritima; 2018, 31; 205-241
Pojawia się w:
Studia Maritima
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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