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Acoustic Identification of Dolphin Whistle Types in Deep Waters of Arabian Sea Using Wavelet Threshold Denoising Approach
Mahanty, Madan Mohan
Cheenankandy, Sanjana M.
Latha, Ganesan
Raghuraman, Govindan
Venkatesan, Ramasamy
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czasopisma i Monografie PAN
deep water ambient noise
Arabian Sea
wavelet threshold denoising
impulsive shackle noise
dolphin whistle types
In situ time series measurements of ocean ambient noise, have been made in deep waters of the Arabian Sea, using an autonomous passive acoustic monitoring system deployed as part of the Ocean Moored buoy network in the Northern Indian Ocean (OMNI) buoy mooring operated by the National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT), in Chennai during November 2018 to November 2019. The analysis of ambient noise records during the spring (April–June) showed the presence of dolphin whistles but contaminated by unwanted impulsive shackle noise. The frequency contours of the dolphin whistles occur in narrow band in the range 4–16 kHz. However, the unwanted impulsive shackle noise occurs in broad band with the noise level higher by ~20 dB over the dolphin signals, and it reduces the quality of dolphin whistles. A wavelet based threshold denoising technique followed by a subtraction method is implemented. Reduction of unwanted shackle noise is effectively done and different dolphin whistle types are identified. This wavelet denoising approach is demonstrated for extraction of dolphin whistles in the presence of challenging impulsive shackle noise. Furthermore, this study should be useful for identifying other cetacean species when the signal of interest is interrupted by unwanted mechanical noise.
Archives of Acoustics; 2023, 48, 1; 39-48
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Acoustics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analysis of air cargo traffic at airports in Nigeria and Ghana
Adenigbo, Adedotun Joseph
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Centrum Badań Socjologicznych
air cargo
cargo types
origin flow
destination flow
cargo forecast
Fluctuations that characterise airport traffic make planning for efficient operations difficult. This study examines air cargo traffic at Murtala International Airport, Lagos, Nigeria, and Kotoka International Airport, Accra, Ghana. The study focused on the trend of cargo volume, origin, and destination and forecasted the cargo volume at the airports. Air cargo data from 1991-2022 were collected from the Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) and Ghana Airport Company Limited (GACL). Descriptive techniques using line graphs and GIS mapping were used to analyse data. Time series techniques of moving and weighted averages, exponential smoothing, and least square techniques were used to forecast the cargo volume of the airports. The study found a characteristic fluctuating pattern of cargo flow. Nigeria’s dominating export cargo types are general goods, edible items, and hair attachments. Ghana’s dominating export cargo types were pineapple, general goods, and papaya. Germany, followed by Ethiopia and Turkey, dominate the origin of import cargo, while the United Kingdom, UAE, and Turkey dominate the destination of export cargo from Nigeria. Luxembourg, Turkey, and the UK dominate the origin of import cargo, while the UK, Netherlands, UAE, and Qatar dominate the destination of export cargo in Ghana. The least-square technique predicts 3.67% and 2.3% growth of cargo traffic in Nigeria and Ghana, respectively. An increasing trend in cargo volume was predicted for both airports. Both countries need to strategise on their relationships with other countries and develop policies that will increase cargo flow by air.
Journal of Sustainable Development of Transport and Logistics; 2023, 8, 2; 23--42
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Sustainable Development of Transport and Logistics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gennaro Sacco, słynny Coviello, i jego trzy sztuki
Gennaro Sacco, the Famous Coviello, and His Three Plays
Dygul, Jolanta
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Sztuki PAN
Gennaro Sacco
komedia dell'arte
typy komiczne
wariantowość postaci
dystrybucja ról
commedia dell’arte
comic types
character variation
role distribution
Przedmiotem artykułu jest analiza trzech utworów dramatycznych wydanych przez aktora-autora teatru dell’arte, Gennara Sacca, który gościł na dworze polskim w 1699 roku. Sacco zasłynął z roli Coviella. Początkowo grał w Neapolu, potem na północy Półwyspu Apenińskiego i jak wielu włoskich aktorów oferował swój talent różnym władcom europejskim (w Celle, Warszawie, Madrycie). Prawie nic nie wiemy o jego pobycie na warszawskim dworze Augusta II, brakuje źródeł na temat repertuaru oraz składu osobowego zespołu. Zachował się jednak opublikowany w Warszawie tekst dramatyczny Commedia smascherata, ovvero i comici esaminati. Przeprowadzona w artykule analiza tej sztuki na tle dwóch poprzednich wydanych przez aktora ponad dziesięć lat wcześniej we Włoszech poszerza wiedzę o strukturze, dystrybucji i wariantowości ról w teatrze dell’arte. Przyczynia się także do określenia wpływu lokalnych warunków na sztukę włoskich artystów dell’arte przemieszczających się między ośrodkami.
This article analyzes three plays published by Gennaro Sacco, a dell’arte actor-playwright who visited the Polish royal court in 1699. Sacco became famous for his role as Coviello. He initially performed in Naples, then in the northern part of the Apennine Peninsula, and, like many Italian actors, he offered his talent to various European rulers (in Celle, Warsaw, Madrid). We hardly know anything about his stay at the Warsaw court of king Augustus II; there are no sources that would reveal the repertoire or the names of troupe members. What is extant, however, is the dramatic text of Commedia smascherata, ovvero i comici esaminati, published in Warsaw. The analysis of this play against the background of its two predecessors, published by Sacco in Italy more than a decade earlier, contributes to our knowledge of role structure, distribution, and variation in dell’arte theater. It also helps identify the impact of local conditions on the work of travelling Italian dell’arte artists.
Pamiętnik Teatralny; 2023, 72, 1; 141-157
Pojawia się w:
Pamiętnik Teatralny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Hydroponics agriculture as a modern agriculture technique
Monisha, K.
Kalai Selvi, H.
Sivanandhini, P.
Sona Nachammai, A.
Anuradha, C. T.
Rama Devi, S.
Kavitha Sri, A.
Neya, N. R.
Vaitheeswari, M.
Hikku, G. S.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Komputerowej Nauki o Materiałach i Inżynierii Powierzchni w Gliwicach
hoagland solution
types of hydroponic system
Purpose Hydroponics, also known as controlled environment agriculture, is a method of cultivating plants and herbs without soil using mineral-supplemented solutions. Agriculture biotechnology enhances its wings on developing genetically modified plants for expanding crop yield and introducing characteristic features such as growing seasonal crops throughout the year, weather-resistant, and pest resistance. Compared to traditional agriculture, hydroponic cultivation yields high-quality crops with 90% more efficient use of water. Therefore, hydroponic cultivation could be considered a succeeding future of agriculture. In this context, understanding agriculture through the hydroponic route is vital for the efficient cultivation of crops. This review elaborates on the different classes of hydroponic systems and the factors that enable the systematic elements of the frame-up. Design/methodology/approach The significant intent of this review is to provide information on distinct hydroponic systems. Findings The present review reports a comprehensive discussion about the significance of the hydroponics system, its mechanism, nutrient solution preparation, types of hydroponic setup, and the challenges faced and would light up the knowledge in the same. Originality/value This review focus on the current feasible hydroponic method of crop cultivation.
Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering; 2023, 116, 1; 25--35
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Intertextual ‘construal’ relationships in the dynamics of discourse – ‘Aspectuality’ in English Clauses vs. ‘Aspect’ in their Polish Counterparts
Chłopek, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Bielsko-Bialski
relacje intertekstualne
typy sytuacji
intertextual relations
situation types
The following is a brief comparative / contrasting discourse of “situation types” in English clauses and their Polish renditions in “The Hobbit or There and Back Again” by J. R. R. Tolkien. The article highlights certain types of situations in English predicates which are intertextually related to their Polish counterparts expressed through contrastive lexical means. The description seeks to sensitize Polish users of English to the impact of the aspectuality of English clauses on the construal of the situations presented in the dynamics of discourse, which is ‘limited’ to the grammatical means available within the Polish language.
Świat i Słowo; 2023, 41, 2; 223-246
Pojawia się w:
Świat i Słowo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O logice zwierzęcych umweltów. Subiektywna teraźniejszość zwierząt, czyli zoosemiotyka wyboru i uczenia się
On the Logic of Animal Umwelten: The Animal Subjective Present, or Zoosemiotics of Choice and Learning
О логике умвельта животных: субъективное настоящее у животных, или зоосемиотика выбора и обучения
Kull, Kalevi
Kozhevnikov, Dmitry
Kozhevnikova, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
познание животных
смыслообразование у животных
типы умвельта
animal cognition
meaning-making in animals
types of umwelt
Naszym celem w niniejszym badaniu jest wykazanie wzajemnych relacji między klasami znaków, mechanizmami uczenia się i rodzajami umweltów. Jest to konieczne, aby opisać i zrozumieć zwierzęce sposoby tworzenia znaczeń w kontekście różnych form semiozy. Twierdzimy, że semioza występuje tylko w teraźniejszości, w subiektywnym Teraz. Prezentujemy powiązanie umweltu wegetatywnego, zwierzęcego, społecznego i kulturowego z odpowiednimi klasami znaków i mechanizmów uczenia się (imprinting, warunkowanie, imitacja, konwencja). Sformułujemy także dwie ogólne reguły rozwoju semiotycznego, charakteryzujące ontogenezę umweltu.
Наша цель в этом исследовании – продемонстрировать взаимосвязь между классами знаков, механизмами обучения и типами умвельта. Это необходимо для описания и понимания животных способов смыслообразования в контексте различных форм семиозиса. Мы утверждаем, что семиозис имеет место только в настоящем, т. е. в субъективном мире. Дается описание о связи растительного, животного, социального и культурного умвельта с соответствующими классами знаков и механизмами обучения (импринтинг, обусловливание, имитация, условное обозначение). Мы также сформулируем два правила семиотического развития, характеризующие онтогенез умвельта.
Our aim in this study is to demonstrate a mutual relationship between the classes of signs, mechanisms of learning, and types of the umwelt. This is necessary in order to describe and understand the animal ways of meaning-making in the context of various forms of semiosis. We assume that semiosis only occurs in the present, in the subjective Now. An account of the linkage of vegetative, animal, social, and cultural umwelten with corresponding classes of signs and mechanisms of learning (imprinting, conditioning, imitating, conventioning) is provided. We also formulate two general rules of semiotic development that characterise the ontogeny of the umwelt.
Zoophilologica. Polish Journal of Animal Studies; 2023, 1 (11); 1-20
Pojawia się w:
Zoophilologica. Polish Journal of Animal Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Per un’educazione alla scrittura accademica in italiano LS utilizzando i segni interpuntivi a partire da usi e interpretazioni degli scriventi di lingue slave
Towards Academic Writing in Italian as a Foreign Language with the Help of Punctuation Marks Starting from the Uses and Interpretations of Slavic-Speaking Students
De Tommaso, Valeria
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
text types
writing skills
Italian as L2
Slavonic languages
tipi di testo
abilità di scrittura
italiano LS
lingue slave
This article focuses on the results of a survey on writing experiences during secondary school and the first two years of high school and on the use of punctuation marks in L1 and Italian L2 by Czech and Slovak learners. Students’ past experiences with punctuation marks in L1 and references in Czech/Slovak schoolbooks reveal a strictly syntactic approach; students practise the use of the comma only, which is assumed to have purely separating values. In order to help students develop language skills for academic writing in Italian L2 and to avoid choppy writing and lack of cohesion, the research findings suggest that the teacher should highlight the cohesive/linking values of punctuation marks. The contrastive approach can be useful to a certain degree: up to the point where the punctuation principles of the two languages are equivalent or where they seem to be equivalent.
L’articolo riporta le riflessioni nate da un’indagine sulle esperienze di scrittura prima e durante i primi due anni di università e sugli usi interpuntori nella propria L1 e nell’italiano LS da parte di apprendenti cechi e slovacchi. Le esperienze con i segni interpuntivi in L1 e i riferimenti presenti nelle grammatiche scolastiche ceche/slovacche fanno emergere un’interpretazione esclusivamente sintattica e un contatto parziale con il sistema interpuntorio poiché limitato al solo uso della virgola; a questo segno, inoltre, viene attribuito in L1 valore esclusivamente segmentante. Per un’educazione alla scrittura del testo accademico in italiano LS che contribuisca a superare fenomeni di frammentarietà, giustapposizione, scarsa coesione testuale, i risultati dell’indagine suggeriscono un’azione didattica che punti sui valori coesivi dei segni interpuntivi e che solo in parte si appoggi a un approccio contrastivo, ovvero quando la ratio interpuntoria dei due sistemi coincida o quando sembri coincidere.
Italica Wratislaviensia; 2023, 14.1; 57-76
Pojawia się w:
Italica Wratislaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Perfekcjonizm i style przywiązaniowe a sposoby wchodzenia w relacje interpersonalne
Gałązka, Wiktoria
Gorczyca, Martyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
attachment styles
interpersonal relationships
types of entering into interpersonal relationships
style przywiązania
relacje interpersonalne
sposoby wchodzenia w relacje interpersonalne
Celem prezentowanego badania było uzyskanie odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy różne typy wchodzenia w relacje interpersonalne są wyjaśniane przez różne typy perfekcjonizmu i style przywiązania. Badaniami objęto 169 dorosłych, w tym 96 kobiet i 73 mężczyzn. Podstawowym narzędziem badawczym były Interpersonalne Skale Przymiotnikowe (IAS-R) Wigginsa, będące metodą samoopisową składającą się z 64 przymiotników. Ponadto wykorzystano Kwestionariusz Stylów Przywiązaniowych Plopy, który służy do badania relacji przywiązaniowych i składa się z 24 itemów, a także Skalę Perfekcjonizmu (BTPS) Smitha i in. złożoną z 45 itemów, znajdującą się aktualnie w procesie adaptacji do warunków polskich. Założono, że różne typy wchodzenia w relacje są wyjaśniane przez różne typy perfekcjonizmu oraz style przywiązania. Wyniki badań pokazały, że różne typy wchodzenia w relacje interpersonalne są determinowane przez różne wymiary perfekcjonizmu. Perfekcjonizm wyjaśnia 18–30% zmienności wyników w zakresie wchodzenia w relacje interpersonalne. Dowiedziono również, że żaden z pozabezpiecznych stylów przywiązania nie wiąże się z mniej adaptacyjnymi sposobami wchodzenia w relacje.
The aim of the study was to answer the question whether different types of entering into interpersonal relationships are explained by different types of perfectionism and by attachment styles. The study included 169 adult people, consisting of 96 women and 73 men. The primary research tool was Wiggins’ Interpersonal Adjective Scales (IAS-R), which is a self-report method and consists of 64 items. Additionally, Plopa’s Attachment Styles Questionnaire was used to study attachment relationships and this tool consists of 24 items, as well as the Big Three Perfectionism Scale (BTSP) by Smith et al. consisting of 45 items, which is currently in the adaptation process to Polish conditions. It was assumed that different types of entering into relationships are explained by different types of perfectionism and attachment styles. The research results have shown that different types of entering into interpersonal relationships are determined by different dimensions of perfectionism. Perfectionism explains 18–30% of the variation in interpersonal relationships. It has also been proven that none of the non-secure attachment styles are associated with less adaptive ways of entering into relationships.
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio J – Paedagogia-Psychologia; 2023, 36, 4; 243-259
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio J – Paedagogia-Psychologia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The role of pre-accession assistance in the process of joining the European Union
Aćić, Marko
Grujić, Miloš
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
types of international organizations
accession process
European Union
EU Funds
This paper primarily analyzes the classification of international organizations according to different criteria to see the specificity of the EU as a sui generis international organization. The authors specifically examine the legal order of the EU and the process of achieving full membership. They are interested in the EU accession process, particularly for countries in the Western Balkans like Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is covered by the Stabilization and Association Agreement. Candidate countries have access to various EU funds, which the authors analyze as pre-accession assistance. The study assesses Bosnia and Herzegovina’s status in European integration and delves into the use of IPA funds in the country, including its withdrawal, scope, and limitations. The authors emphasize the importance of IPA funds for Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Acta Politica Polonica; 2023, 56; 25-37
Pojawia się w:
Acta Politica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Typy osobowości i temperamentu a style radzenia sobie ze stresem matek dzieci z zaburzeniami ze spektrum autyzmu
Personality and temperament types and stress coping strategies of mothers of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder
Świerczyńska, Justyna Cecylia
Pawłowska, Beata
Chojnowska-Ćwiąkała, Izabela
Latała, Aleksandra
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Naukowe EDUsfera
cechy osobowości
zaburzenia ze spektrum autyzmu
radzenie sobie ze stresem
typy temperamentu matki
coping with stress
personality traits
autism spectrum disorder
types of mother’s temperament
Wprowadzenie. Rodzice wychowujący dziecko z diagnozą autyzmu doświadczają wielu wyzwań związanych z opieką nad nim, które wpływają na poziom doświadczanego przez nich stresu. Cel. Celem pracy była analiza zależności między cechami osobowości i temperamentu matek wychowujących dzieci z diagnozą zaburzeń należących do spektrum autyzmu (ASD) a stylami radzenia sobie ze stresem. Materiały i metody. Badaniami objęto 58 kobiet wychowujących dzieci z diagnozą lekarską zaburzeń należących do spektrum autyzmu (według DSM-5). W pracy zastosowano różne narzędzia badawcze, takie jak: własna ankieta, Kwestionariusz Radzenia Sobie w Sytuacjach Stresowych CISS, Kwestionariusz Temperamentu EAS-D w wersji dla dorosłych oraz polską adaptację 10-punktowego Inwentarza Osobowości TIPI-PL. Wyniki i wnioski. Wyniki analiz statystycznych informują o występowaniu znaczących ujemnych korelacji między czynnikami osobowości matek: ekstrawersją i stabilnością emocjonalną, a stylem radzenia sobie ze stresem zorientowanym na emocjach. Dodatnie korelacje otrzymano między cechami temperamentu badanych: negatywną emocjonalnością a stylem radzenia sobie ze stresem zorientowanym na emocjach i unikaniu. Na podstawie analizy skupień wyodrębniono dwie grupy matek: z typem osobowości i temperamentu introwertywnym/niestabilnym emocjonalnie/z negatywną emocjonalnością oraz typem ekstrawertywnym/stabilnym emocjonalnie/z pozytywną emocjonalnością, które różnią się istotnie preferowanymi stylami radzenia sobie ze stresem. Cechy osobowości badanych kobiet: nasilona introwersja, nieśmiałość i neurotyczność łączą się istotnie z preferowaniem stylu radzenia sobie ze stresem skoncentrowanego na emocjach. Cechy temperamentu badanych kobiet: tendencja do reagowania niezadowoleniem, złością, agresją, czyli negatywna emocjonalność, łączy się ze stylem radzenia sobie ze stresem skoncentrowanym na emocjach oraz na unikaniu. Kobiety z typem osobowości introwertywnym/niestabilnym emocjonalnie/z negatywną emocjonalnością istotnie częściej niż kobiety z typem osobowości ekstrawertywnym/stabilnym emocjonalnie stosują w sytuacji stresu styl skoncentrowany na emocjach.
Introduction. Parents raising a child diagnosed with autism experience numerous challenges related to caring for the child, which impact the levels of stress they undergo. Aim. The aim of the study was to analyse the relationship between personality and temperament traits in mothers raising children diagnosed with disorders within the autism spectrum (ASD) and their stress coping strategies. The study also sought answers to the question of whether examined mothers, differing in personality and temperament types, significantly differ in their preferred stress coping strategies. Materials and methods. The study involved 58 women raising children with a medical diagnosis of disorders within the autism spectrum (acc. to DSM-5). Various research tools were applied in the study, such as a custom survey, the Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations (CISS), the adult version of the EAS-D Temperament Questionnaire, and the Polish adaptation of the 10-item Big Five Personality Inventory (TIPI-PL). Results and conclusion. The results of statistical analyses indicate the presence of statistically significant negative correlations between mothers’ personality factors such as extraversion and emotional stability and stress coping emotions-oriented strategies. Positive correlations were found between the temperament traits of the examined mothers – negative emotionality and stress coping strategies focused on emotions and avoidance. Based on the cluster analysis, two groups of mothers were identified: those with introverted/emotionally unstable/negative emotionality personality type and those with extraverted/emotionally stable/positive emotionality personality type, significantly differing in their preferred stress coping strategies. Personality traits of the examined women, such as increased introversion, shyness, and neuroticism are significantly correlated with a preference for stress coping strategies focused on emotions. Temperament traits of the examined women, such as a tendency to react with dissatisfaction, anger, and aggression (i.e., negative emotionality) are correlated with stress coping strategies focused on emotions and avoidance. Women with an introverted/emotionally unstable/negative emotionality personality type significantly more often employ stress coping strategies focused on emotions in stressful situations than do women with an extraverted/emotionally stable personality type.
Wychowanie w Rodzinie; 2023, XXX, (4/2023); 307-327
Pojawia się w:
Wychowanie w Rodzinie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
W poszukiwaniu specyfiki oryginalności naukowej w dyscyplinie nauki o zarządzaniu i jakości
In Search of the Specificity of Scientific Originality in the Discipline of Management Science
Sokołowska-Durkalec, Agnieszka
Zgrzywa-Ziemak, Anna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
oryginalność naukowa
nauki o zarządzaniu i jakości
rodzaje oryginalności naukowej
scientific originality
management science
types of scientific originality
Celem artykułu jest analiza znaczenia specyfiki dyscypliny nauki o zarządzaniu i jakości (NZJ) dla rozumienia oryginalności naukowej w dyscyplinie. W części pierwszej opracowania omówiono wyzwania związane z niejednoznacznością pojęcia oryginalności naukowej oraz przytoczono wyniki badań dotyczące różnic w konceptualizacji oryginalności naukowej między dziedzinami i dyscyplinami. Następnie dokonano analizy znaczenia specyficznych cech dyscypliny NZJ dla rozumienia oryginalności i preferowanych rodzajów oryginalności w dyscyplinie. Przeprowadzona analiza pozwala stwierdzić, że można mówić o szczególnym rozumieniu oryginalności właściwemu NZJ, co stanowi przyczynek teoretyczny do konceptualizacji pojęcia oryginalności naukowej w dyscyplinie oraz wyznaczenia kierunków dalszych badań w tym obszarze. Zastosowano narracyjny, krytyczny przegląd literatury przedmiotu.
The aim of the paper was to explore the relevance of the specificity of the management science discipline to the understanding of scientific originality in the discipline. The ambiguity of the concept of scientific originality is discussed and the differences in the conceptualisation of scientific originality between scientific fields and disciplines are presented. This is followed by an analysis of the relevance of discipline-specific characteristics of management science to the understanding of originality. The study supports the view that there is a particular understanding of originality inherent in a management science. It provides a theoretical contribution to the conceptualisation of scientific originality in the discipline and outlines directions for further research. A narrative critical literature review was conducted.
Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu; 2023, 67, 5; 205-216
Pojawia się w:
Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Aggregate Type Influence on Microstructural Behavior of Concrete Exposed to Elevated Temperature
Belkadi, Ahmed Abderraouf
Kessal, Oussama
Bensalem, Sara
Aggoun, Salima
Amouri, Chahinez
Khouadjia, Mohamed Lyes Kamel
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Oficyna Wydawnicza
types of aggregates
high temperature
compressive strength
mercury porosimeter
temperatura wysoka
wytrzymałość na ściskanie
porozymetr rtęciowy
Exposure of concrete to high temperatures affects its mechanical properties by reducing the compressive strength, bending… etc. Factors reducing these properties have been focused on by several studies over the years, producing conflicting results. This article interested an important factor, that is the type of aggregates. For this, an experimental study on the behavior of concrete based on different types of aggregates: calcareous, siliceous and silico-calcareous subjected to high temperatures. In addition, the particle size distribution of the aggregates was chosen to be almost identical so that the latter does not affect the behavior of the concrete. Aggregates and concrete samples were subjected to a heating/cooling cycle of 300, 600 and 800°C at a speed of 1°C/ min. The mechanical and physical properties of concrete before and after exposure to high temperatures were studied. In addition, a microstructural study using a scanning electron microscope and a mercury porosimeter was performed. Thus, a comparative study between various researches on the mechanical properties of concrete exposed to high temperatures containing different types of aggregates was carried out. The compressive strength test results showed that the concrete based on siliceous aggregates (C-S) has better mechanical performance up to 300°C. However, above 300°C, the compressive strength decreases faster compared to calcareous-based concrete (C-C). According to the mercury porosimeter test, at 600°C, C-SC and C-S concretes have the highest number of pores compared to C-C concretes. The microstructure of concrete at high temperatures was influenced mainly by the aggregate’s types and the paste-aggregate transition zone. This study reinforces the importance of standardizing test procedures related to the properties of concrete in a fire situation so that all the results obtained are reproducible and applicable in other research.
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports; 2022, 32, 1; 19--42
Pojawia się w:
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Borderland Organizations: Creating the Idea of a Borderland in Eastern Poland
Wojakowski, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne
Eastern Poland
borderland organizations
borderland representations
the EU’s external border
borderland culture
types of borderland interactions
This article presents an analysis of borderland organizations in eastern Poland. It examines the nature of organizations creating the idea of a borderland, their territorial location, and the meanings of the borderland representations they create. The category of “borderland” is mainly used by local self-governments and NGOs. After 1989, these actors concentrated on organizing the region’s ethnic differences. The oldest borderland organizations are focused on the multicultural past of the region. Poland’s accession to the EU resulted in the reorganization of cross-border relations in connection with the emergence of new organizations interested in the state border or in the profits associated with proximity to it. The idea of a borderland in eastern Poland is supported by a small number of local institutions, which have not created a unified representation of what the borderland is. Therefore, the region has retained features of a coexisting and/or interdependent borderland.
Polish Sociological Review; 2022, 217, 1; 23-44
Pojawia się w:
Polish Sociological Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Farmers perception of causes and consequences of their indebtedness in Haryana, India
Postrzeganie przyczyn i konsekwencji zadłużenia przez rolników w stanie Hariana w Indiach
Jakhar, B.
Kait, R.
Kumar, V.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej
Haryana State agriculture
debt types
Subject and purpose of work: The study aims to highlight the perception of farmers regarding the causes and consequences of their indebtedness. Materials and methods: The study was based on primary data collected (by field survey) from a sample of 600 farmers. With regards to the selection of farmers or respondents,the proportionate sampling technique was employed. Percentage technique was used for data analysis. The data were collected in the first quarter of 2021. Results: It was found that 95.67% of the farmers (out of 600) reported low prices for agricultural output as being the main cause of their indebtedness, followed by crop failure (89.00%), the high cost of inputs (85.00%), high interest rates (61.17%) and small landholdings (58.83%). In addition, consequences reported by loanee farmers were deterioration in their social status (67.83%) and psychological stress (57.67%). However, positive changes experienced by farmers after repaying a loan were less than the negative experiences. Conclusions: The main causes of farmers’ indebtedness were crop failure and the high cost of inputs compared to the price of their produce. Due to their indebtedness, their economic and social status deteriorated and they experienced the feeling of insecurity.
Economic and Regional Studies; 2022, 15, 1; 56-73
Pojawia się w:
Economic and Regional Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Hot Tearing, Parameters, and Mould Types for Observation – Review
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
casting defects
pouring temperature
mould temperature
mould types
wady odlewnicze
temperatura wylewu
temperatura formy
typ form
Hot tearing is a casting defect responsible for external and internal cracks on casting products. This irregular undesired formation is often observed during solidification and freezing. The solidification of molten metal also causes thermal contraction and shrinkage, indicating the occurrence of hot tearing when the alloy is restrained by the mould design. The parameters affecting this process include the pouring and mould temperatures, the chemical composition of the alloy, and the mould shape. Also, the factors affecting hot tearing susceptibility include pouring and mould temperatures, the grain refiner, as well as pouring speed. There are many methods of measuring the level of susceptibility to hot tearing, one of which is the thermal contraction evaluation during metal solidification, observed in cast products through several mould types. This paper discusses the hot tearing overview, the effect of pouring temperature, mould temperature, grain refiner, pouring speed on hot tearing, the type of mould, and criterion for hot tear observation.
Archives of Foundry Engineering; 2022, 22, 2; 25--49
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Foundry Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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