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"Ancient forest" plant species as ecological indicators of woodland condition in parks and their implications for park restoration
Gatunki roślin "starych lasów" jako ekologiczne wskaźniki stanu zadrzewień parkowych i ich zastosowanie w rewaloryzacji parków
Szwed, W.
Sikorski, P.
Rodziewicz, A.
Sikorska, D.
Wierzba, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Dendrologiczne
ancient forest
ancient woodland indicator species
habitat type
old woodland
park restoration
plant association
plant species
woodland condition
ecological indicator
Presence of plant species, associated with ancient forests (continuous existence >200 years) can be used for assessing woodland biodiversity. The aim of this study is to specify which plant species, included in the ancient forests plant species list, can indicate old woodlands in parks and what plant features are characteristic for certain habitat types. Richest in ancient forest plant species are those fragments of woodlands, which have existed continuously for at least 120 years, and their fragments suffered least from human pressure during that time, whereas recent woodlands are characterized by a small share of ancient forest indicator species and domination of nitrophilous species. Investigated plants usually propagate vegetatively, their seeds are of a small size and they have regularly, densely set leaves. Plants associated with ancient woodlands are good indicators of woodland continuity in parks so they can be used for age assessment in these areas. Accumulation of such plants can be a useful criterion in parks evaluation. Proposed idea of sustainable management of a park space, including selection of areas of a great ecological value, can be a chance to preserve woodland biodiversity.
Rocznik Polskiego Towarzystwa Dendrologicznego; 2009, 57
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Polskiego Towarzystwa Dendrologicznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
“Invisible tombs”. From the research on funerary rituals of communities with funnel beakers
„Niewidzialne grobowce”. Z badań nad obrzędowością funeralną społeczności z pucharami lejkowatymi
Rzepecki, Seweryn
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego. Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie
Funnel Beaker culture
TRB culture
Michelsberg culture
Hazendonk group
Niedźwiedź type tombs
domogenic tombs
The aim of this paper is to present issues connected with “invisible” (from an archaeological point of view) tombs of the circle of cultures with funnel beakers. Four examples were selected to illustrate this problem. They are associated with discoveries on the following sites: Niedźwiedź, Zauschwitz, Bochum-Hiltrop and Schipluiden. Bedding trenches, forming structures in the shape of trapezes – rectangles were discovered on them. They were all originally interpreted as relics of long houses. Only the recent studies indicate their connection with the long tombs tradition. The author presents a thesis that the title “invisibility” of these structures is not due to its state of preservation. It is rather a result of oversimplifying criteria of interpretation. It is probable that next discoveries of tombs of the type described in the paper will be associated with reinterpretation of the already known objects, but considered as houses.
Analecta Archaeologica Ressoviensia; 2013, 8; 49-67
Pojawia się w:
Analecta Archaeologica Ressoviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Krzemienieckie smutki” – poetyckie reakcje na śmierć Alojzego Felińskiego
„Krzemienieckie smutki” — poetic reactions to the death of Alojzy Feliński
Patro-Kucab, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
nowy typ wierszy laudacyjnych
szlachetny wzorzec
przymioty godne pochwały publicznej
inspirowanie pozytywnie waloryzowanych zachowań społecznych
new type of laudatory poems
noble model
qualities worthy of public praise
inspiring positively valorized social behaviors
The article addresses issues pertaining to the laudatory works. The author is interested in the manner the nineteenth-century poets looked at the figure of Alojzy Feliński — a poet, reformer, husband, father and friend, and thus, the manner they perceived him both in the public and private sphere. The following poems have been adopted as the basis for considerations: Konstanty Piotrkowski’s Oda na śmierć Alojzego Felińskiego, Wincenty Turski’s Do cieniów Alozjego Felińskiego, Tymon Zaborowski’s Westchnienie Podolanina, mieszkańca gór miodoborskich, po śmierci Alojzego Felińskiego, and Grzegorz Ignacy Szadbeja’s Elegia na śmierć Felińskiego. The conducted analysis and interpretation are intended not only to depict the portrait of Feliński as presented by the nineteenthcentury poets, but also became an attempt to contain the discussed works in the sphere of a new type of laudatory poems. For we obtain an example of a noble model corresponding with the new manner of understanding the artist and the citizen that has contributed to the national culture and education. The authors of the poems, faithful to the classic or sentimental trend, emphasize the qualities of Feliński (diligence, talent, pragmatism and service to society), that are worthy of public praise. The primary purpose of the undertaken considerations is to demonstrate the changes occurring in the field of poetics and rhetoric of laudatory works, which are a kind of poetic tribute within the category of didactic approval of the Enlightenment period, as an instrument forming personal models and inspiring positively valorized social behaviors.
Prace Polonistyczne; 2016, LXXI; 81-100
Pojawia się w:
Prace Polonistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
"MitoTea": Geranium robertianum L. decoctions decrease blood glucose levels and improve liver mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation in diabetic Goto-Kakizaki rats
Ferreira, Fernanda
Peixoto, Francisco
Nunes, Elsa
Sena, Cristina
Seiça, Raquel
Santos, Maria
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Biochemiczne
oxidative phosphorylation
herbal medicine
Vaccinium myrtillus L.
Goto-Kakizaki (GK) rats
type 2 diabetes mellitus
Geranium robertianum L.
Several chemical compounds found in plant products have proven to possess beneficial properties, being currently pointed out due to their pharmacological potential in type 2 diabetes mellitus complications. In this context, we studied the effect of Geranium robertianum L. (herb Robert) leaf decoctions in Goto-Kakizaki (GK) rats, a model of type 2 diabetes. Our results showed that oral administration of G. robertianum leaf decoctions over a period of four weeks lowered the plasma glucose levels in diabetic rats. Furthermore, the treatment with G. robertianum extracts improved liver mitochondrial respiratory parameters (state 3, state 4 and FCCP-stimulated respiration) and increased oxidative phosphorylation efficiency.
Acta Biochimica Polonica; 2010, 57, 4; 399-402
Pojawia się w:
Acta Biochimica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Silny” efekt magistrali w modelu niestacjonarnej gospodarki Gale’a z graniczną technologią
“Strong” Turnpike Effect in the Non-Stationary Gale Economy with Limit Technology
Panek, Emil
Data publikacji:
Główny Urząd Statystyczny
niestacjonarna gospodarka Gale'a z graniczną technologią
ceny von Neumanna
magistrala produkcyjna
non-stationary Gale-type economy with limit technology
von Neumann prices
production turnpike
W nawiązaniu do pracy Panek (2013a) prezentujemy dowód „silnego” twierdzenia o magistrali w niestacjonarnej gospodarce Gale’a ze zmienną technologią zbieżną do pewnej technologii granicznej. Przy dowodzie twierdzenia istotną rolę gra założenie, że technologiczna efektywność produkcji w gospodarce maleje w miarę jak struktura produkcji odbiega w niej od struktury optymalnej. Artykuł wpisuje się w nurt nielicznych prac z ekonomii matematycznej zawierających dowody twierdzeń o magistrali w dynamicznych modelach niestacjonarnych gospodarek typu Neumanna-Gale’a.
This article, in reference to Panek (2013a) presents proof of the “strong” turnpike theorem in the non-stationary Gale economy with changeable technology convergent to some limit technology. In the proof of the theorem assumption, that production processes efficiency in the economy is the lower the more the investment/input structure in such processes differs the optimum, play significant roles. The paper is part of trend of few works of mathematical economics containing proofs of the turnpike theorems in the non-stationary dynamic Neumann-Gale economic models.
Przegląd Statystyczny; 2016, 63, 2; 109-122
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Statystyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
«Політичний тип» активної жінки на шпальтах польських жіночих часописів львова «Ster», «Przedświt», «Ziarno»
«Political Type» of an Active Woman in the Pages of Polish Women’s Magazines in Lviv «Ster», «Przedświt», «Ziarno»
Павлюх, Марія
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
radical journalism
Polish gender movement
emancipated publications
a new type of women
women’s economic rights
women’s self-education
women’s education
радикальна публіцистика
польський гендерний рух
емансиповані видання
новий тип жінки
жіночі економічні права
жіноча освіта
The urgency of the topic of the scientific article is due to modern political science, gender and national studies of women’s movements in European countries, including the Polish women’s movement, which began and developed in Lviv, along with the Ukrainian women’s movement. The aim of the article is to analyze and review the issues of Polish women’s magazines published in Lviv in the XIX century in order to clarify the main topics, conscious paradigms of the Polish women’s movement, value concepts of Polish women’s periodicals, transformation of views on women’s political role in traditional societyб her participation in public and state life through radical journalism. The scientific article analyzes the negative stereotypes about the traditional role of women in public life on the example of Polish women’s magazines «Ster», «Przedświt» and «Ziarno», published in Lviv in the XIX century. It was found that the traditional views on the role of women are outdated, while the pages of Polish women’s magazines promote: women’s education, self-education, creative realization of women as individuals. The traditional formula for women in society, which has been reduced to marriage and the birth of children, has been criticized for being superficial. In the columns of Polish women’s publications of the 19th century in Lviv, a significant place was given to women’s education and the formation of national and political education, which indicates the «serious» nature of these publications rather than the entertainment that dominated Polish women’s periodicals. In the articles of Polish women’s publications of the early twentieth century, a new type of woman is formed − the «political type» of a woman who is not indifferent to the political life of her people and her country. It is this feature that characterizes women’s periodicals as the political dominant in the materials of magazines. Research methods. The study used a set of general and special methods: the method of conceptual analysis in determining the Polish women’s movement; thematic analysis in determining the main topics of the publications «Ster», «Przedświt» and «Ziarno»; synthesis in the study of methods and forms of strug- gle of active women for their political rights. Results and conclusions. The active political role of a woman-citizen is a conscious concept of the Polish women’s press, which was expressed in debunking active women of negative stereotypes about the passivity of women.
Актуальність теми наукової статті зумовлена сучасними політологічними, гендерними та націологічними дослідженнями жіночих рухів у європейських країнах, зокрема польського жіночого руху, який розпочався та розвивався у Львові, поряд з українським жіночим рухом. Метою статті є аналіз та огляд номерів польських жіночих часописів, які виходили у Львові у ХІХ столітті для того, щоб з’ясувати головну тематику, свідомісні парадигми польського жіночого руху, ціннісні концепти польської жіночої періодики, трансформацію поглядів на політичну роль жінки у традиційному суспільстві та її участь у громадському і державному житті через радикальну журналістику. У науковій статті проаналізовані негативні стереотипи про традиційну роль жінки у суспільному та громадському житті на прикладі польських жіночих часописів «Ster», «Przedświt» та «Ziarno», що виходили у Львові у ХІХ столітті. З’ясовано, що традиційні погляди на роль жінки застаріли, натомість на шпальтах польських жіночих часописів пропагуються: жіноча освіта, самоосвіта, творча реалізація жінки як особистості. Традиційна формула для жінок у суспільстві, яка зводилася до заміжжя та народження дітей критикується за поверховість. На шпальтах польських жіночих видань ХІХ століття у Львові вагоме місце надано жіночій освіті та формуванню національної і політичної освіти, що вказує на «серйозний» характер цих видань, а не на розважальний, який домінував у тогочасній польській жіночій періодиці. У статтях польських жіночих видань початку ХХ століття формується новий тип жінки – «політичний тип» жінки, яка є не байдужою до політичного життя свого народу та своєї країни. Саме ця риса характеризує жіночу періодику як політичну домінанту у матеріалах часописів. Методи дослідження. У дослідженні використано комплекс загальних і спеціальних методів: метод концептуального аналізу у визначенні польського жіночого руху; тематичний аналіз у визначенні головної тематики видань «Ster», «Przedświt» та «Ziarno»; синтез у вивченні методів і форм боротьби активного жіноцтва за свої політичні права. Результати і висновки. Активна політична роль жінки-громадянки − свідомісний концепт польської жіночої преси, яка виражалася у розвінчанні активного жіноцтва негативних стереотипів про пасивність жіноцтва.
Krakowskie Studia Małopolskie; 2022, 4(36); 317-331
Pojawia się w:
Krakowskie Studia Małopolskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
$B^q$ for parabolic measures
Sweezy, Caroline
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Matematyczny PAN
parabolic-type measures
Lip (1,1/2) domain
good-λ inequalities
If Ω is a Lip(1,1//2) domain, μ a doubling measure on $∂_{p}Ω, ∂//∂t - L_{i}$, i = 0,1, are two parabolic-type operators with coefficients bounded and measurable, 2 ≤ q < ∞, then the associated measures $ω_{0}$, $ω_{1}$ have the property that $ω_{0} ∈ B^{q}(μ)$ implies $ω_{1}$ is absolutely continuous with respect to $ω_{0}$ whenever a certain Carleson-type condition holds on the difference function of the coefficients of $L_{1}$ and $L_{0}$. Also $ω_{0} ∈ B^{q}(μ) $ implies $ω_{1} ∈ B^{q}(μ)$ whenever both measures are center-doubling measures. This is B. Dahlberg's result for elliptic measures extended to parabolic-type measures on time-varying domains. The method of proof is that of Fefferman, Kenig and Pipher.
Studia Mathematica; 1998, 131, 2; 115-135
Pojawia się w:
Studia Mathematica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
1H-Benzimidazole derivatives as mammalian DNA topoisomerase I inhibitors
Alpan, A
Gunes, H
Topcu, Zeki
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Biochemiczne
1H-benzimidazole derivatives
type I DNA topoisomerase
plasmid supercoil relaxation assays
Benzimidazole is one of the most important heterocyclic groups manifesting various biological properties, such as antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial, antiprotozoal and antihelmintic activities. Several benzimidazole derivatives are also active as inhibitors of type I DNA topoisomerases. In this study, three 1H-benzimidazole derivatives with different electronic characteristics at position 5-, namely 5-chloro-4-(1H-benzimidazole-2-yl)phenol (Cpd I), 5-methyl-4-(1H-benzimidazole-2-yl)phenol (Cpd II) and 4-(1H-benzimidazole-2-yl)phenol (Cpd III), were synthesized and evaluated for their effects on mammalian type I DNA topoisomerase activity using quantitative in vitro plasmid supercoil relaxation assays. For the structure elucidation of the compounds, melting points, UV, IR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR, mass spectral data and elemental analyses were interpreted. Among the compounds, 5-methyl-4-(1H-benzimidazole-2-yl)phenol (Cpd II) manifested relatively potent topoisomerase I inhibition.
Acta Biochimica Polonica; 2007, 54, 3; 561-565
Pojawia się w:
Acta Biochimica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A Big-Bang Big-Crunch optimized general type-2 fuzzy logic approach for Multi-Criteria Group Decision Making
Naim, S.
Hagras, H.
Data publikacji:
Społeczna Akademia Nauk w Łodzi. Polskie Towarzystwo Sieci Neuronowych
General Type-2 Fuzzy Logic
Multi-Criteria Group Decision Making
Big Bang-Big Crunch
intelligent apartment
Multi-Criteria Group Decision Making (MCGDM) aims to find a unique agreement from a number of decision makers/users by evaluating the uncertainty in judgments. In this paper, we present a General Type-2 Fuzzy Logic based approach for MCGDM (GFLMCGDM). The proposed system aims to handle the high levels of uncertainties which exist due to the varying Decision Makers’ (DMs) judgments and the vagueness of the appraisal. In order to find the optimal parameters of the general type-2 fuzzy sets, we employed the Big Bang-Big Crunch (BB-BC) optimization. The aggregation operation in the proposed method aggregates the various DMs opinions which allow handling the disagreements of DMs’ opinions into a unique approval. We present results from an application for the selection of reading lighting level in an intelligent environment. We carried out various experiments in the intelligent apartment (iSpace) located at the University of Essex. We found that the proposed GFL-MCGDM effectively handle the uncertainties between the various decision makers which resulted in producing outputs which better agreed with the users’ decision compared to type 1 and interval type 2 fuzzy based systems.
Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research; 2013, 3, 2; 117-132
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A burst type signal generator for ultrasonic motor control
Zastosowanie piezogeneratora drgań elektrycznych do sterowania ruchem silnika ultrasonicznego
Eidukynas, D.
Jūrėnas, V.
Dragašius, E.
Mystkowski, A.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Polskie Naukowo-Techniczne Towarzystwo Eksploatacyjne PAN
ultrasonic motor control
micro-positioning system
burst type signal generator
shock generation
energy harvesting
increase of reliability
układ sterowania ruchem silnika ultrasonicznego
układ mikro-pozycjonowania
piezogenerator drgań elektrycznych
generator drgań mechanicznych
układ odzyskiwania energii
piezoelektryczny silnik ultrasoniczny
zwiększenie niezawodności działania
The aim of this study was to investigate a novel burst type signal generator for controlling an ultrasonic motor (USM). For this purpose, an experimental burst type signal generator consisting of a shock exciter, a waveguide, a Langevin-type piezoelectric transducer and backing mass was designed and investigated. The proposed burst type signal generator allows to control a USM in stepper motion, rendering traditional signal generators and power supplies superfluous. The investigated burst type signal generator is designed for controlling a USM with a 20.2 kHz resonant frequency and allows to generate a burst type electric signal with the same frequency. In view of the fact that such a harvester does not require traditional power supply, it could be used as an impact energy harvester. Also, a simple scheme for improving shock exciter operation using an additional capacitor was proposed and investigated. Such a scheme allows to drive USM up to 30 steps instead of 1 per one electric charge of the additional capacitor.
Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia badania nowatorskiego układu sterowania przemieszczeniem kątowym silnika ultrasonicznego za pomocą piezogeneratora drgań elektrycznych. W tym celu, został zaprojektowany oraz zbudowany piezogenerator drgań elektrycznych, który składa się z generatora drgań mechanicznych, przetwornika piezoelektrycznego typu Langevina i masy rezonansowej. Zastosowany piezogenerator drgań elektrycznych pozwala generować sygnały elektryczne o częstotliwości 20,2 kHz i tym samym umożliwia precyzyjne sterowanie krokowym piezosilnikiem ultrasonicznym. Dodatkowo, piezogenerator drgań elektrycznych pozwala na odzyskanie części energii drgań i przekształcenie energii mechanicznej na elektryczną, co z kolei umożliwia wyeliminowanie dodatkowych źródeł zasilania zewnętrznego. W pracy zrealizowano również drugi układ sterowania z zastosowaniem kondensatora włączonego w układ piezogeneratora sygnałów elektrycznych. Pozwoliło to na wydłużenie ilości generowanych krokowych przemieszczeń piezosilnika z 1 do 30 dla jednorazowego ładowania kondensatora piezogeneratora.
Eksploatacja i Niezawodność; 2016, 18, 4; 488-491
Pojawia się w:
Eksploatacja i Niezawodność
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A categorical model of predicate linear logic
Demeterová, E.
Mihályi, D.
Novitzká, V.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Częstochowska. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Częstochowskiej
linear type theory
predicate linear logic
symmetric monoidal closed category
Linear logic is one of the logical systems with special properties suitable for describing real processes used in computer science. It enables one to specify dynamics, non determinism, consecutive processes and important resources as memory and time on syntactic level. Moreover, its deduction system enables one to verify specified properties. Constructing an appropriate model based on categories can serve for modeling various program systems in the wide spectrum of computer science. Mainly, propositional linear logic is used for these purposes. The expression power of linear logic significantly grows by extending propositional logic with predicates and quantifiers. Our paper concerns itself with defining predicate linear logic together with its deduction system and our main aim is to construct a categorical model of predicate linear logic as a symmetric monoidal closed category.
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computational Mechanics; 2015, 14, 1; 27-42
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computational Mechanics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A Class of Product-Type Exponential Estimators of the Population Mean in Simple Random Sampling Scheme
Onyeka, A. C.
Data publikacji:
Główny Urząd Statystyczny
ratio-type and product-type exponential estimators
auxiliary character
simple random sampling
mean square error
The present study proposes a class of product-type exponential estimators for estimating the population mean of the study variable, using known values of some population parameters of an auxiliary character, under the simple random sampling without replacement (SRSWOR) scheme. Furthermore, the study also proposes a modified exponential estimator based on both the ratio-type and the product-type exponential estimators. Properties of the proposed estimators, under the SRSWOR scheme, are obtained up to first order approximation. The modified exponential estimator under optimum conditions is shown to be more efficient than the simple sample mean and the ratio-type and product-type exponential estimators. The theoretical results are supported by an empirical illustration.
Statistics in Transition new series; 2013, 14, 2; 189-200
Pojawia się w:
Statistics in Transition new series
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A Class of Regression Type Estimators in Survey Sampling
Misra, Govind Charan
Yadav, Subhash Kumar
Shukla, Alok Kumar
Data publikacji:
Główny Urząd Statystyczny
Auxiliary variable
Mean Squared Error
Ratio estimator
Regression type estimators
A class of linear regression models has been proposed for the estimation of population mean and total when information regarding auxiliary variate is available in survey sampling using regression method of estimation by introducing a new auxiliary variable z, which may also be a function of the auxiliary variable x. The proposed model leads to reduction in mean squared error as compared to ordinary regression method of estimation. The improvement has been demonstrated over ordinary regression estimator and also on ratio estimator with the help of an empirical example.
Statistics in Transition new series; 2011, 12, 3; 579-586
Pojawia się w:
Statistics in Transition new series
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A collaborative strategy for a three echelon supply chain with ramp type demand, deterioration and inflation
Singh, N.
Vaish, B.
Singh, S. R.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
three echelon supply chain
ramp type demand
A supply chain system has been investigated in which a single manufacturer procures raw materials from a single supplier, processes them to produce finished products, and then delivers the products to a single retailer. The customer’s demand rate is assumed to be time-sensitive in nature (ramp type) that allows two-phase variation in the demand and production rate. Our adoption of ramp type demand reflects a real market demand for a newly launched product. Shortages are allowed with partial backlogging of demand (only for the retailer), i.e. the rest represent lost sales. The effects of inflation of the cost parameters and deterioration are also considered separately. We show that the total cost function is convex. Using this convexity, a simple algorithm is presented to determine the optimal order quantity and optimal cycle time for the total cost function. The results are discussed with numerical examples and particular cases of the model discussed briefly. A sensitivity analysis of the optimal solution with respect to the parameters of the system is carried out.
Operations Research and Decisions; 2014, 24, 3; 78-100
Pojawia się w:
Operations Research and Decisions
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A comparative analysis of influenza virus infections in the 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 epidemic seasons in the reporting system, for different age groups in Poland
Hallmann-Szelińska, Ewelina
Rabczenko, Daniel
Bednarska, Karolina
Kondratiuk, Katarzyna
Brydak, Lidia
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Przyjaciół Medycyny Rodzinnej i Lekarzy Rodzinnych
type A
type B
epidemic season.
Family Medicine & Primary Care Review; 2016, 3; 244-249
Pojawia się w:
Family Medicine & Primary Care Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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