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Szlacheckie drogi do nowoczesności. Biedna szlachta w Prusach na przełomie XVIII i XIX wieku
Nobility on a Path to Modernity: Impoverished Nobility in Prussia at the Turn of the Nineteenth Century
Szudarek, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
turn of the nineteenth century
estate-based society
In 2020, Chelion Begass published a book on impoverished nobility in Prussia at the turn of the nineteenth century. The aim of this discussion article is to assess the scholarly merits of this publication and to evaluate the new research approach proposed by the authoress. It should be emphasised that the very topic of the work is innovative in itself. Begass focuses on the impoverished nobility, i.e. this part of the social stratum that was not able to live a life suited for the nobility due to insufficient financial resources. Such nobles experienced contradictions that arose from the discrepancy between high social prestige and uncertain livelihood. The book identifies the causes and consequences of this situation. In the subsequent chapters, Begass discusses the policy of the Prussian State towards the impoverished nobility and then presents the results of her research on poverty experienced by the nobility. The authoress makes use of the approach of cultural anthropology and attempts to demonstrate the worldview of investigated nobles. Her studies indicate that the impoverished nobility had to face the new economic circumstances and the emerging bourgeois society as early as at the turn of the nineteenth century, i.e. much earlier than the aristocracy placed higher in the social hierarchy. Begass’s research demonstrates the necessity to take a different view of the history of Prussian nobility. One needs to take into account the heterogeneity of this social group, the economic condition of its members, their relations with the monarchy, and the different paths that led them to modernity.
Zapiski Historyczne; 2021, 86, 1; 147-161
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Monismus und/als Revolution. Die Monismuskritik in MARIE EUGENIE DELLE GRAZIES modernem Epos Robespierre (1894)
Monism and/as Revolution. MARIE EUGENIE DELLE GRAZIE’S critique of monism in her “modern” epic poem Robespierre (1894)
Monizm i/jako rewolucja. Krytyka monizmu w „nowoczesnym” eposie Robespierre (1894) MARII EUGENII DELLE GRAZIE
Rys, Michiel
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Maria Eugenia delle Grazie
przełom wieków
Marie Eugenie delle Grazie
turn of the century
Naukowe i filozoficzne rewolucje często torują drogę dla zmian społecznych oraz politycznych. Pojęcie „monizmu” w Niemczech i w Austrii w ciągu ostatnich dekad dziewiętnastego wieku może być postrzegane jako dyskursywna oznaka takich zmian, zainspirowanych przez darwinizm i pozytywizm. Jednakże teorie, które utożsamiały się z monizmem, są nie tylko różnorodne, ale i często sprzeczne i niezgodne ze sobą, szczególnie odnośnie ich etycznych implikacji. Niniejszy artykuł przygląda się epickiemu wierszowi z 1894 roku, w którym wiedeńska poetka MARIE EUGENIE DELLE GRAZIE eksponuje, porównuje i krytykuje rozmaite monizmy. Artykuł proponuje interpretację owego wiersza, będącego przykładem, w jaki sposób DELLE GRAZIE rozumiała pojęcia literatury monistycznej. W podsumowaniu autor próbuje powiązać opisywaną przez DELLE GRAZIE Rewolucję Francuską z podobną świadomoscią rewolucyjną panującą w okresie przełomu wieków dziewiętnastego i dwudziestego.
Scientific and philosophical revolutions often pave the way for social and political change. The concept of “monism” in Germany and Austria in the last decades of the nineteenth century can be read as a discursive marker of such a paradigm shift, inspired by Darwinism and positivism. However, theories that identified as monism were not only diverse, but often contradictory and incompatible with one another, especially in regard to their ethical implications. This article examines the epic poem Robespierre published in 1894, in which the poetess, the Vienna-based MARIE EUGENIE DELLE GRAZIE, displays, confronts and criticises a variety of monisms. This article interprets the epic poem as an illustration of DELLE GRAZIE’S understanding of monistic literature and relates delle Grazie’s choice of setting – the French Revolution – to the consciousness of revolutionary change in eighteenth-century France and nineteenth-century Austria.
Wissenschaftliche und philosophische Revolutionen leiten oft soziale und politische Umbrüche ein. Der Begriff ‚Monismus‘– am Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts ein Modewort – kann als diskursiver Hinweis auf einen solchen, durch Darwinismus und Positivismus angeregten Paradigmenwechsel interpretiert werden. Trotzdem bleibt Monismus ein Nenner für unterschiedliche, gegensätzliche Theorien, die, insbesondere was ihre ethischen Konsequenzen betrifft, grundsätzlich unvereinbar sind. Im Zentrum dieses Aufsatzes steht das 1894 veröffentlichte Epos Robespierre, in dem die Wiener Dichterin MARIE EUGENIE DELLE GRAZIE verschiedene Monismen darstellt, einander gegenüberstellt und kritisiert. Das Epos wird als Beispiel von DELLE GRAZIES monistischem Literaturbegriff betrachtet. Zum Schluss wird versucht, ihre Themenwahl, die Französische Revolution, mit der Umbruchsstimmung um die Jahrhundertwende zu verknüpfen.
Convivium. Germanistisches Jahrbuch Polen; 2018; 9-33
Pojawia się w:
Convivium. Germanistisches Jahrbuch Polen
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Imiennictwo na terenie dzielnic Torunia – Mokrego i Bydgoszczy – Szwederowa w latach 1875–1914 jako egzemplifikacja zróżnicowania kulturowego ludności oraz zmian w obyczajowości na przełomie wieków
Anthroponymy in the Districts of Toruń – Mokre and Bydgoszcz – Szwederowo in the Years 1875–1914 as an Exemplification of Cultural Diversity of the Population and Changes in Sociocultural Reality at the Turn of the Century
Zielińska, Agnieszka
Ollech, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
turn of the twentieth century
parish registers
birth register of the General Register Office
The article discusses the issue of giving newly born children first names in two working class residential areas: Mokre in Toruń and Szwederowo in Bydgoszcz, between 1875 and 1914. The source base consisted of parish registers and the birth register of the General Register Office for those areas. The main research objectives were to determine the total population, the denominational structure of the two districts, the number of births with respect to denomination, births in terms of the number of given names, the popularity of first names, second names and the first-name summaries in the denominational context for each district. Both areas showed similar features of the denominational structure: an increasing percentage of Catholics at the expense of Evangelicals, the existence of small communities of Jews and representatives of other Christian denominations. In terms of anthroponymy in working class districts, certain similarities were observed, although there were also differences, primarily in the middle names given to newly born children. In Szwederowo, Catholics far more commonly opted for the first name only, whereas Evangelicals – for one or more middle names. In Mokre, on the other hand, the ratio between persons with first name only and those with middle names was more balanced. In both districts, the differences were mainly in the context of the denominational structure, which involved the attachment of Catholics to names from Christian tradition, especially those derived from the New Testament, while Evangelicals to names of Germanic origin, as well as those referring to the dynasty or literary characters.
Zapiski Historyczne; 2023, 88, 1; 81-116
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Konkurs literacki w „Obrączce” Emmy z Jeleńskich Dmochowskiej. Przyczynek do badań nad literackimi przedstawieniami życia kulturalnego na przełomie XIX i XX wieku
The Literary Competition in “Obrączka” by Emma Dmochowska (Jeleńska): A Contribution to the Research on Literary Representations of Cultural Life at the Turn of the Century
Przybysz, Iwona
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Emma z Jeleńskich Dmochowska
konkurs literacki
życie literackie
powieść przełomu XIX i XX wieku
Emma Dmochowska (Jeleńska)
literary competition
literary life
novel of the turn of the century
Artykuł został poświęcony sposobowi przedstawienia konkursu literackiego w powieści Obrączka (1907) Emmy z Jeleńskich Dmochowskiej. Prezentacja udziału głównej bohaterki w konkursie dramatycznym jest analizowana w kontekście doświadczeń autorki w uczestnictwie w konkursach literackich oraz innych utworów literackich przełomu XIX i XX w. wykorzystujących ten motyw. Mechanizmy działania konkursu literackiego w tekście Dmochowskiej są zestawiane z praktykami stosowanymi przez organizatorów konkursów literackich na ziemiach polskich w drugiej połowie XIX w. Pozwala to na rekonstrukcję charakterystyki konkursu literackiego w Obrączce jako instytucji (przede wszystkim w zakresie jej miejsca w życiu literackim drugiej połowy XIX w. oraz wpływu na kształt rynku literackiego).
The article analyses methods of the presentation of a literary competition in the novel Obrączka (“The wedding ring”) (1907) by Emma Dmochowska (maiden name Jeleńska). The portrayal of the protagonist who takes part in a drama competition is investigated in the context of Dmochowska’s experiences, of her participations in literary competitions and in the context of other literary works published at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, where this motif is employed. The mechanisms of the literary competitions in Obrączka are also compared to the practices implemented by the administrators of the literary competitions in Poland in the second half of the 19th century. This allows to reconstruct the profile of the institution of literary competition in Obrączka (especially with regard to its position in the literary life in the second half of the 19th century and its influence on the literary market).
Prace Filologiczne. Literaturoznawstwo; 2022, 12 (15); 337-352
Pojawia się w:
Prace Filologiczne. Literaturoznawstwo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Społeczno-obyczajowe uwarunkowania porzucania dzieci i dzieciobójstwa w Królestwie Polskim na przełomie XIX i XX wieku
Social and Moral Conditions for Abandonment of Children and Infanticide in the Kingdom of Poland at the Turn of the 20th Century
Bołdyrew, Aneta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
abandoned children, infanticide, Kingdom of Poland at the turn of the 20th century
In the last decades of the 19th century, in the Kingdom of Poland, the scale of social pathologies increased, including infanticide and abandonment of children. Such phenomena were conditioned by a number of social, demographic, economic and moral factors; the processes of urbanization and industrialization played a major part as they resulted in the inflow of great masses of people to cities, who experienced difficulties in the adaptation to new conditions. Poverty, illiteracy, often the lack of steady employment, disintegration of the traditional social groups and the system of values lead to the destabilization of the situation of the immigratory population. This made starting a family difficult, leading to a large number of informal relationships, lone mothers and illegitimate children deprecated by public opinion. The hardships of lonely maternity, lack of support on the part of the state administration and shelters determined the increased number of crimes against children. Also, unfavourable was a common practice of employing wet nurses, who left their own children in the care of hired babysitters, who were knowingly called the “producers of angels” because of the fact of a huge mortality rate among such infants, dying as a result of disastrous care, or, sometimes, simply murdered. Social work of pedagogues, doctors and lawyers slightly improved the fate of the poorest mothers, who most often committed infanticide and abandonment of their children, and, consequently, the scale of such phenomena at the beginning of the 20th century slightly decreased.
Biuletyn Historii Wychowania; 2012, 28; 35-51
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Historii Wychowania
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Moje Wspomnienia…” Przedstawienie wybranych fragmentów pamiętnika Ignacego Dzierżyńskiego, rodzonego brata Feliksa, dotyczące głównie dziejów szkolnictwa na przełomie XIX i XX wieku
Ignacy Dzierżyński’s ‘My Memories...’ as a Source for the Biography of the Bloody Tyrant, and above all, for the History of Learning in the Second Polish Republic
Żukowski, Przemysław Marcin
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Biblioteka Jagiellońska
Ignacy Dzierżyński
Feliks Dzierżyński
Uniwersytet w Petersburgu
historia oświaty XIX–XX wiek
Polacy w Rosji XIX–XX w wieku
the University of St. Petersburg
the history of education at the turn of the nineteenth century
Poles in Russia at the turn of the nineteenth century
Prezentowane wspomnienia Ignacego Dzierżyńskiego mogą zainteresować każdego, kto chce zgłębić rozwój oświaty w okresie międzywojennym. Ignacy Dzierżyński (1879–1953) był nauczycielem, a w niepodległej Polsce między innymi pracownikiem Ministerstwa Wyznań Religijnych i Oświecenia Publicznego oraz kuratoryjnym wizytatorem szkół okręgu szkolnego warszawskiego. Opublikowany fragment jest częścią większej całości, składającej się z kilkunastu rozdziałów odpowiadających biegowi życia ich Autora. Przedstawiony poniżej drobny fragment dotyczy czasu rozpoczęcia nauki gimnazjalnej oraz studiów uniwersyteckich Ignacego Dzierżyńskiego w Moskwie. Przedstawiony jest klimat miasta, a także krótki obraz społeczeństwa zarówno rosyjskiego, jak i polskiego na przełomie XIX i XX wieku, tuż przed wybuchem wojny japońsko-rosyjskiej i wydarzeniami nazwanymi rewolucją 1905 roku.
The memories of Ignacy Dzierżyński may be interesting to every person willing to broaden their knowledge of the history of learning in the interwar period. Ignacy Dzierżyński (1879–1953) was a teacher. In independent Poland he worked i.a. for the Ministry of Religion and Public Education as well as for the Department of Education, where he was employed as a school inspector. This brief fragment is part of a bigger whole, i.e. of a volume consisting of a dozen or so chapters corresponding to the course of life of their author. It covers the period from the beginning of his education in secondary school to the years of his university studies in Moscow. It also gives a glimpse of the atmosphere of that city, together with a portrayal of both the Russian as well as the Polish societies at the turn of the nineteenth century, just before the outbreak of the Russo-Japanese war and the Revolution of 1905.
Biuletyn Biblioteki Jagiellońskiej; 2014, 64; 65-87
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Biblioteki Jagiellońskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Formy dialogu pamięci i historii w humanistyce litewskiej po roku 1990 (wykorzystanie metody "oral history")
Švedas, Aurimas
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
oral history
Lithuanian humanities
Lithuanian historiography
turn of the 21st century
Forms of dialogue between memory and history in the Lithuanian humanities after 1990: On the use of oral historyThis article is devoted to the tradition of research using the method of oral history which has developed in the Lithuanian humanities since the country’s independence. It attempts to explain how Lithuanian scholars have employed the method and what challenges they face using it; what research problems they have resolved as a result and what they still hope to achieve in the near future; what studies based on the method of oral history should be considered the most important and display the highest potential in the context of developments in the Lithuanian humanities. The first part of the article discusses various challenges faced by Lithuanian scholars who rely on oral history as their main research tool. In the second part the focus is on the presentation of particular cases of successful studies employing the interview method; it also shows how scholars working on these projects addressed different problems which they encountered. Formy dialogu pamięci i historii w humanistyce litewskiej po roku 1990 (wykorzystanie metody oral history)Przedmiotem artykułu jest ukształtowana w litewskiej humanistyce niepodległej Republiki Litewskiej tradycja badań z wykorzystaniem metody historii mówionej (ang. oral history). Podczas pisania tego artykułu poszukiwano odpowiedzi na następujące pytania: W jaki sposób na przełomie XX i XXI wieku litewscy przedstawiciele nauk humanistycznych korzystają z metody badawczej oral history oraz wobec jakich wyzwań stają? Jakie zagadnienia badawcze były, są i będą rozwiązane w najbliższej przyszłości dzięki wykorzystaniu tej metody? Jakie teksty wykorzystujące metodę oral history należy uznać za najważniejsze i o największym potencjale w kontekście procesów zachodzących w litewskiej humanistyce? Artykuł składa się z dwóch części. W pierwszej omówiono różnego rodzaju wyzwania, przed którymi stają badacze litewscy wykorzystujący oral history jako główne narzędzie badawcze. W drugiej części tekstu skupiono się na prezentacji i omówieniu konkretnych przykładów zakończonych sukcesem badań z wykorzystaniem metody wywiadu oraz sposobów rozwiązywania pojawiających się problemów.
Acta Baltico-Slavica; 2018, 42
Pojawia się w:
Acta Baltico-Slavica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Aleksander Lednicki i los jego środowiska, Polonii w Rosji, na przełomie XIX i XX wieku jako zwierciadło przemian polskiego pola władzy
Zarycki, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
Polish intelligentsia
Polish landowners
Polish bourgeoisie
Polish-Russian relations at the turn of the 20th century
Aleksander Lednicki and the fate of his milieu of the Polish community in Russia at the turn of the 20th cent. as a mirror of the transformations of the Polish field of powerThe paper deals with the phenomenon of waning memory of the Polish economic elite in the late Russian Empire. It is related to the disappearance of the memory of the liberal political movement of the Polish political scene before the First World War. Mechanisms of these processes of forgetting are related to the theory of Pierre Bourdieu, in particular it is argued that the liberal Polish elite of the Russian Empire could be defined as economic-capital-based elite. Its rivals, both socialists led by Piłsudski and National-Democrats led by Dmowski, classical intelligentsia figures, could be seen as leaders of the cultural capital-based elites. As it is argued, the intelligentsia was in many ways a benefactor of the Bolshevik Revolution, which deprived the Polish economic elite of most of their capitals and led to its political marginalization. In effect the intelligentsia was able to impose its values and social hierarchies on the modern Polish national identity, which ever since is defined in terms largely unrelated to the economic logic. These mechanisms privilege memory of the intellectual figures and freedom-fighters in the mainstream canons of Polish history. A closer look at the forgotten economic and political Polish elite of the late Russian Empire allows to point out to several arbitrary elements in the dominant readings of the Polish and Russian history in contemporary Poland. They are illustrated in the paper on the example of the biography of Aleksander Lednicki, a prominent politician and lawyer, leader of the Polish community in Moscow until 1918.
Sprawy Narodowościowe; 2013, 42
Pojawia się w:
Sprawy Narodowościowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stanisław Przybyszewski’s Vigils
O Wigiliach Stanisława Przybyszewskiego
Matuszek-Stec, Gabriela
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Polish literature of the turn of the 19th century
Polish-German literary connections
Stanisław Przybyszewski (1868–1927)
Stanisław Przybyszewski
"Z cyklu Wigilii"
Stanisław Przybyszewski’s Vigils is a prose poem written originally in German; its publication in 1895 was followed by a revised edition in 1901. A Polish translation, by Przybyszewski himself, entitled Z cyklu Wigilii was published in 1899. This interpretation of the Vigils not only takes a closer look at its origins and history, but also analyzes the differences between the two German versions and makes a comparison of the German and Polish texts. The comparison reveals that the most flagrant and blasphemous passages have been left out of the Polish version. Moreover, the omission of the original conclusion changes the meaning of the story. The article quotes the opinions of the first readers of the Vigils, the German and Polish reviewers, and goes on to present its own interpretation of the poem. What it actually dramatizes is the failure to find a formula that would integrate the protean, irrational and entropic reality the story. In effect, the project of establishing a connection between the act of creation and transcendental knowledge through a total, mystical union of male and female, soul and soma, turns out to be an illusion.
Ruch Literacki; 2021, 2; 159-174
Pojawia się w:
Ruch Literacki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O problemach i zadaniach lekarzy prowincjonalnych ziem Królestwa Polskiego w opinii „Czasopisma Lekarskiego” przełomu XIX i XX w.
Problems and responsibilities of provincial doctors in the Kingdom of Poland as described in “Czasopismo Lekarskie” (“Medical Journal”) at the turn of the twentieth century
Paciorek, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
provincial doctors
Kingdom of Poland
turn of the twentieth century
Czasopismo Lekarskie
Medical Journal
lekarze prowincjonalni
ziemie Królestwa Polskiego
przełom XIX i XX w.
The article relies on press reports of provincial doctors published in “Czasopismo Lekarskie” (“Medical Journal”) in the years 1899-1908, and reflects the concerns and problems of the then environment of rural and small-town doctors on the Polish lands. According to the reports, there were two groups of concerns: the first was gaining the trust of the rural people who, for various reasons, at the beginning of the 20th century preferred to get help from quacks, herbalists, healers, and barber-surgeons rather than to seek advice from ‘genuine doctors’. In the period under investigation, the provincial doctor ceased to be a ‘gentlemen’ doctor; thus, their material situation changed radically. The problem was not only numerous visits to distant villages or towns, constant readiness to provide assistance often in extreme situations or work in challenging conditions, but also issues of unfair competition, lack of solidarity between doctors, problems related to non-standardised medical fees, the issue of choosing medicaments (either cheap or expensive), or a great need for cyclical training. This problem was to be dealt with by regional medical societies. The doctor in the province needed to be a specialist in many fields of medicine. Showing incompetence towards a sick peasant was one of the reasons why doctors were losing their authority, but it also undermined confidence in contemporary medicine, thereby pushing the rural population into the hands of quacks and barber-surgeons. The second issue, closely related to the first one, is the improvement of the provincial doctor’s self-image, which involved constant education and, above all, learning about the psychology and specificity of the behaviour of the rural people. In the press of the period, this topic was brought up by Władysław Biegański, Franciszek Grodecki, Teodor Dunin, Franciszek Wychowski, Antoni Kędzierski, Antoni Troczewski, Witold Chodźko, et al.
Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki; 2020, 65, 3; 59--75
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
What is the androgyne? The androgynous character and Kazimierz Lewandowski ‘morbid modernity’
Kim jest androgyne? Figura androgyne – o „chorobliwym modernizmie” Kazimierza Lewandowskiego
Ejzak, Bartosz
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Polish literature of the turn of the 19th century
Young Poland movement
modernist poetry
Mephistophelian personality
Kazimierz Lewandowski (1869– 1938)
Kazimierz Lewandowski
On the basis of a close reading of the poetry of Kazimierz Lewandowski (Lais and the poems in Szella) this article presents a revised view of the androgyne in the perception of the Young Poland modernism. The article examines the symbolism and the spaces with which the androgyne is associated, the androgyne’s destructive influence on men and demonic, Mephistophelian personality traits.
Ruch Literacki; 2021, 4; 479-492
Pojawia się w:
Ruch Literacki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Futurology and utopia in Bolesław Pruss short story “Phantoms”
Futurologia i utopia w „Widziadłach” Bolesława Prusa
Barski, Kamil
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Polish literature at the turn of the 19th century
Bolesław Prus (1847–1912)
Bolesław Prus
This article examines Bolesław Prus's use of futurology and utopia in his short story Phantoms (Widziadła). A closer look at the story's images and their sequence not only gives us an insight into the author's philosophy of history but also reveals a utopian vision which can hardly be squared with the realism of his previous work. Thus ‘Widziadła’, written in 1911, can be seen as an important piece of evidence of a change in the writer's beliefs and worldview. It was at that late stage of his life that Prus, a hard-nosed realist and critic of the Romantics, turned into an impassioned idealist who, disillusioned with the world around him, sought refuge in literature. It was to be, however, a fiction like ‘Widziadła’, looking beyond the conventions of realism, unashamedly eclectic and visionary.
Ruch Literacki; 2020, 2; 115-128
Pojawia się w:
Ruch Literacki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Relacje polsko-niemieckie piórem malarza spisane na podstawie Pamiętników Juliana Fałata (1935) i Wspomnień Wojciecha Kossaka (1913/1973)
Polish–German Relations Written Down by Painters Based on Julian Fałat’s Pamiętniki (1935) and Wojciech Kossak’s Wspomnienia (1913/1973)
Krauze-Pierz, Justyna M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Julian Fałat
Wojciech Kossak
court of Emperor Wilhelm II
Wilhelmine era
Poles in the German partition
Polish–German relations of the turn of the 20th century
Polish patriotism
German nationalism
This article is an analysis of two autobiographical texts by famous Polish painters of the turn of the century: Julian Fałat’s Pamiętniki (Diaries) from 1935 and Wojciech Kossak’s Wspomnienia (Reminiscences) from 1913. These texts constitute a source of information not only about the life of Polish artists at the imperial court in Berlin, but also a treasury of historical knowledge about the moods prevailing in the Wilhelmine era, the Polish–German relations in particular. In both texts, the most important figure is that of the German emperor, his involvement in the affairs of art and concern for the fate of outstanding Polish painters. The analysed texts allowed, above all, for showing the difficulties in Polish–German relations at the turn of the century, the ambivalence of the German emperor in relation to the Polish issue and individual Poles, and the difficulties of Polish artists in maintaining the balance between being the court painter of the German emperor and a Polish patriot.
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka; 2023, 44; 111-128
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Człowiek w konflikcie z aparatem skarbowym – relacja sprzed wieków. Wincenty Kadłubek a instytucja renovatio monetae
Man vs. The fiscal system – a relation from many centuries ago. Wincenty Kadłubek and the institution of the renovatio monetae
Rozmus, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Humanitas
Polska przełom XII/XIII wieku
system skarbowy
kronika Wincentego Kadłubka
renovatio monetae
Poland at the turn of the 13th century the fiscal system
Wincenty Kadłubek’s chronicle renovatio monetae
W wielu ujęciach teoretyków ekonomii czy też historii gospodarczej istnienie samego państwa jako takiego definiuje się przy pomocy kryterium istnienia zorganizowanego systemu skarbowego. Jest to zatem okoliczność sprzyjająca formowaniu się państwa jako tworu politycznego. Z drugiej jednak strony obciążenia fiskalne, zwłaszcza nadmierne, nigdy i nigdzie nie spotykają się z życzliwym przyjęciem ludności. Tematem tego artykułu jest opisana przez kronikarza, biskupa Wincentego Kadłubka, sytuacja konfliktu mieszkańca Polski z przełomu XII/XIII w. z zaangażowanym w reformy monetarne aparatem skarbowym. Nie wiemy, czy biskup opisał konkretny, znany mu osobiście przypadek, czy też opisana historia posłużyła do zilustrowania szerszego zjawiska związanego z możliwymi nadużyciami aparatu skarbowego.
According to the approaches of many theoreticians of economy or the history of economy, the existence of the state itself as such is defined by means of the criterion of the existence of an organised fiscal system. Therefore the latter is a circumstance which is favourable to the development of the state as a political entity. However, on the other hand, the fiscal burdens, especially considerable ones, are not received favourably by people anytime and anywhere. The topic of the article has to do with the situation of a conflict of an inhabitant of Poland who lived at the turn of the 13th century with the fiscal system that was engaged in monetary reforms. The conflict was described by a chronicler, bishop Wincenty Kadłubek (who died in 1223 in Jędrzejów). We do not know whether the bishop described a case that he was familiar with personally or that the story that was related served to illustrate a broader phenomenon associated with the possible abuses of the fiscal system.
Roczniki Administracji i Prawa; 2017, 17/zeszyt specjalny; 139-173
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Administracji i Prawa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Вобраз творчай асобы ў беларускай і польскай малой прозе мяжы XIX–XX ст.: параўнальны аспект
The image of creative personality in Belarusian and Polish short prose at the turn of the 19th–20th centuries: comparative aspect
Wizerunek osobowości twórczej w białoruskich i polskich krótkich formach narracyjnych przełomu XIX–XX wieku: aspekt porównawczy
Bakhanovich, Natallia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Lingwistyki Stosowanej. Katedra Białorutenistyki
concept of personality
creative personality
turn of the century
professionalization of art
commercialization of art
koncepcja osobowości
osobowość twórcza
przełom wieków
proza artystyczna
profesjonalizacja sztuki
komercjalizacja sztuki
канцэпцыя асобы
творчая асоба
мяжа стагоддзяў
мастацкая проза
прафесіяналізацыя мастацтва
камерцыялізацыя мастацтва
The concept of creative personality at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries is analyzed on the basis of Belarusian and Polish prose of the small genre. In both literatures, the person engaged in the “production” of art appears in an ironic light in the image of a failed creator; similarly, the collision of the hero with the superficial “consumer” of art, as well as critics and reviewers is colored by irony. But while Polish writers express their creative personality through plot-thematic aspects of the desire to commercialize their “product” and concern for the material, the Belarusian show its internal conflict due to a break with tradition.
Pojęcie osoby twórczej przełomu XIX i XX wieku analizowane jest na podstawie białoruskiej i polskiej prozy małogatunkowej. W obu literaturach osoba zaangażowana w dziedzinę „produkcji” artystycznej pojawia się w ironicznym świetle na obraz nieudanego twórcy; podobnie spotkanie bohatera z powierzchownym „konsumentem” sztuki, a także krytykiem i recenzentem jest zabarwione ironią. Jeśli jednak polscy pisarze ujawniają osobowość twórczą poprzez fabularno-tematyczne aspekty dążenia do komercjalizacji swojego „produktu” i troski o rzeczy materialne, to Białorusini pokazują jej wewnętrzny konflikt z powodu zerwania z tradycją.
На матэрыяле беларускай і польскай малой прозы аналізуецца канцэпцыя творчай асобы мяжы XIX–XX стст. У абедзвюх літаратурах чалавек, заняты ў сферы “вытворчасці” мастацкага, паўстае ў іранічным асвятленні ў вобразе няўдалага творцы; аналагічна іроніяй афарбавана сутыкненне героя з павярхоўным “спажыўцом” мастацкага, а таксама крытыкам і рэцэнзентам. Але, калі польскія пісьменнікі выяўляюць творчую асобу праз сюжэтна-тэматычныя аспекты імкнення да камерцыялізацыі свайго “прадукту” і заклапочанасці матэрыяльным, то беларускія – паказваюць яе ўнутраны канфлікт з-за разрыву з традыцыяй.
Acta Albaruthenica; 2022, 22; 169-183
Pojawia się w:
Acta Albaruthenica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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