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Середньовічні щити Європи та Русі (конструкція, військово-символічне значення, розвиток)
Medieval Shields of Europe and Rus’ (Construction, Military Symbolic Significance, Development)
Козак, М.І.
Data publikacji:
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Institute of World History
комплекс озброєння
мигдалеподібний щит
трикутний щит
«черлені щити»
armament complex
almond-shaped shield
triangular shield
“cherleni shchyty”
У статті розглянуто проблему розвитку щитів як головного елементу середньовічного захисного спорядження та важливого військового і геральдичного символу в українській середньовічній державі Русь та в Європі загалом. Автором окреслено стан дослідження теми та її джерельну базу. Простежено головні тенденції розвитку конструкції та символічного значення щитів у Європі періоду середньовіччя. Водночас, здійснено акцент на джерела, що стосуються Русі та суміжних із нею територій. Автор звертає увагу на необхідність зіставлення археологічних, писемних та іконографічних джерел у межах одного дослідження. У контексті цього дослідження звернено увагу на найбільш репрезентативні джерела, особливо на ті, які можна апробувати щодо руського матеріалу. Наголошено на тому, що щит як базовий елемент захисного спорядження впродовж середньовіччя чималим чином розвивався у руслі загальноєвропейських тенденцій. Це, водночас, унеможливлює виокремлення місцевих особливостей десь до початку ХІІІ ст. Саме на зламі ХІІ–ХІІІ ст. в деяких регіонах Східної Європи, а саме у русько-балтійсько-польському пограниччі формувався відносно новий тип щита, так звана «протопавеза». Це, відтак, мало безпосередній вплив на озброєння Русі і Тевтонського ордену у ХІІІ–XIV ст. У статті проаналізовано головні взаємовпливи і запозичення типів щитів поміж різними регіонами Східної Європи за доби середньовіччя. Наголошується, що на теренах української середньовічної держави Русь, яка перебувала на перетині східних та західних воєнних традицій, могли використовуватись щити як загальноєвропейських типів, так і східний «калкан». Проте, з огляду на наявні джерела, можна з упевненістю констатувати саме загальноєвропейську тенденцію розвитку цього захисного спорядження. Автор дійшов висновку, що щити, які використовувались як на Русі, так і в Європі у Х–ХІІ ст. загалом належали до тих самих типів. Зокрема, це круглий, мигдалеподібний та трикутний щити. Складнішим залишається питання щодо щитів ХІІІ–XV ст. У цей період можна спостерігати як впливи Західної Європи на Русь, наприклад, поширення рицарської тарчі, так і тенденції, які розпочались із теренів Східної Європи, а саме поширення павези у XІV–XV ст.
The article considers the problem of the development of shields, the main element of medieval protective equipment, and an important military and heraldic symbol in Ukrainian medieval state of Rus’ and in Europe in general. The state of the research and the source base are outlined. The main trends in the development of the design and symbolic significance of shields in Europe during the Middle Ages are outlined. At the same time, emphasis was placed on sources concerning Rus’ lands and adjacent territories. The author draws attention to the need to compare archaeological, written and iconographic sources in one study. The study focuses on the most representative sources, especially those that can be to apply on material from the Rus’ lands. It is emphasized that the shield as a basic element of protective equipment during the Middle Ages, іn Rus’ lands largely developed in line with European trends. Which in turn makes it impossible to isolate local features about to beginning of the ХІІІ century. At the turn of the XII–XIII centuries in some regions of Eastern Europe, namely the Rus’-Baltic-Polish border, a relatively new type of shield is being formed, the so-called “protopaveza”. This in turn had a direct impact on the armaments of Rus’ and the Teutonic Order in the ХІІІ–ХІV centuries. The author analyzes the main interactions and borrowings of types of shields between different regions of Eastern Europe during the Middle Ages. It is noted that in the Ukrainian medieval state of Rus’, which was at the intersection of Eastern and Western military traditions, shields of both European types and the eastern “kalkan” could be used. However, given the available sources, it is safe to say that the European trend of development of this protective equipment had an advantage. The author came to the conclusion that the shields used in Rus’ and Europe in the X–XII centuries generally belonged to the same types. In particular, it is round, almond-shaped and triangular shields. The issue of shields of the XIII–XV centuries remains more complicated. During this period can be observed as the influence of Western Europe on Rus’, for example, the spread of the knight's “tarch”. And trends that began in Eastern Europe, namely the spread of pavises in the XIV–XV centuries.
Проблеми всесвітньої історії; 2022, 18; 12-40
Pojawia się w:
Проблеми всесвітньої історії
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Weak Hölder convergence of processes with application to the perturbed empirical process
Hamadouche, Djamel
Suquet, Charles
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Matematyczny PAN
triangular functions
Schauder decomposition
Hölder space
Brownian bridge
perturbed empirical process
We consider stochastic processes as random elements in some spaces of Hölder functions vanishing at infinity. The corresponding scale of spaces $C^{α,0}_0$ is shown to be isomorphic to some scale of Banach sequence spaces. This enables us to obtain some tightness criterion in these spaces. As an application, we prove the weak Hölder convergence of the convolution-smoothed empirical process of an i.i.d. sample $(X_1,...,X_n)$ under a natural assumption about the regularity of the marginal distribution function F of the sample. In particular, when F is Lipschitz, the best possible bound α<1/2 for the weak α-Hölder convergence of such processes is achieved.
Applicationes Mathematicae; 1999, 26, 1; 63-83
Pojawia się w:
Applicationes Mathematicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Two-storage inventory model for deteriorating items with price dependent demand and shortages under partial backlogged in fuzzy approach
Dwumagazynowy rozmyty model zapasów psujących się o zapotrzebowaniu zależnym od ceny oraz uwzględniający braki
Indrajitsingha, Susanta Kumar
Samanta, Padmanava
Raju, Lakshmi Kanta
Misra, Umakanta
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Logistyki
two-warehouse system
triangular fuzzy number
Graded Mean Integration Representation Method
system dwwumagazynowy
trójkątna liczba rozmyta
metoda Graded Mean Integration Representation
Background: In this paper we developed a fuzzy two-warehouse (one is OW, the own warehouse and other is RW, the rented warehouse) inventory model of deteriorating items with price dependent demand rate and allowed shortages under partially backlogged conditions. Since the capacity of any warehouse is limited, the supplier has to rent a warehouse for keeping the excess units over the fixed capacity W of the own warehouse in practice. The rented warehouse owed higher holding cost than the own warehouse. In this paper we considered holding cost, deterioration rate, shortages cost and lost sales as triangular fuzzy numbers. Methods: Graded Mean Integration Representation is used to defuzzify the total cost function. The result obtained by this method is compared with crisp model with the help of a numerical example. Sensitivity analysis is accomplished to changing one parameter at a time and keeping others at their archetypal. Results and conclusions: It has been proved that graded mean integration representation method gives more accurate result as compare to crisp model.
Wstęp: W pracy zaprezentowano rozmyty model układu dwumagazynowego, składającego się z własnego magazynu (OW) oraz magazyny wynajmowanego (RW) dla asortymentów podlegających psuciu oraz o popycie zależnym od ceny przy dopuszczenia częściowych braków. Ze względu na ograniczoną powierzchnię własną magazynu, dostawca był zmuszony wynająć drugi magazyn w celu magazynowania nadwyżki. Koszt magazynu wynajmowanego jest wyższy niż koszt magazynu własnego. W pracy uwzględniono koszt utrzymywania obiektu, współczynnik psucia, koszt ubytków oraz koszt utraty sprzedaży jak liczby rozmyte. Metody: W celu odwrócenia rozmycia funkcji całkowitego kosztu użyto metody Graded Mean Integration Representation. Otrzymane wyniki porównano z modelem Crisp przy pomocy przykładu liczbowego. Następnie wykonano analizę wrażliwości zmieniają jeden z parametrów przy utrzymaniu niezmienionych pozostałych. Wyniki i wnioski: Wykazano, że wyniki uzyskane przy zastosowaniu metody Graded Mean Integration Representation są dokładniejsze aniżeli przy zastosowaniu modelu Crisp.
LogForum; 2019, 15, 4; 487-499
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Trójkąt Osanna jako forma prezentacji danych statystycznych i legenda map tematycznych
Osanna Triangle as a form of presentation and legend of thematic maps
Korycka-Skorupa, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
wykres trójkątny
trójkąt Osanna
mapa tematyczna
kartogram strukturalny
struktura zbiorowości
triangular diagram
Osanna triangle
choropleth presentation
W artykule przedstawiono różne możliwości zastosowania w kartografii trójkąta Osanna, zwanego również wykresem trójkątnym. Po krótkim zarysowaniu historii tego sposobu prezentacji, szczegółowo omówiono jego właściwości oraz zasady konstrukcji. Pokazano różne sposoby czytania i interpretacji trójkąta, a także kartograficzne przykłady jego zastosowania.
Osanna Triangle, also known as a triangular diagram, is a specific method of data presentation, used in statistics and socio-economic cartography to present phenomena of three-fold structure. This type of diagram presents which part of the whole is composed by particular elements, what the proportion of those elements is and how similar elements in two or more various entities compare. It is used as an independent presentation form as well as a legend of thematic maps. The term 'Osanna Triangle' comes from a name of a German mineralogist, Alfred Karl Osanna (1859-1923), who analyzed minerals according to their atomic and particle contents. The chemical classification of rocks, which he prepared, was presented on triangular diagrams. Osanna Triagle is a diagram of relations of three variables placed in a system of three coordinates. The location of each point within the triangle is determined by three coordinates, read at its sides, on heights led from its angles or on lines of the grid (fig. 2). Proper interpretation of the diagram bases on the understanding of significance of points' placement within the triangle. Often the triangle is divided into smaller units (triangles, rectangles) in order to establish areas where points with similar features occur (fig. 4). This diagram can be used to present the structure of a given statistical set and also conclusions about the whole set (fig. 5). Also, it can show the dynamics of a phenomenon through changing value of particular elements of the structure in time (fig. 6). Osanna Triangle is frequently used as an explanation, map legend, most often related to a choropleth presentation. Basing on a triangular diagram one can conclude about the distribution of phenomenon's value and determine choropleth classes. Application of an unorthodox triangular set of coordinates, to which we are not used, makes the perception of Osanna Triangle rather difficult. Perhaps this is why this method of data presentation is not commonly used.
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny; 2007, T. 39, nr 4, 4; 340-353
Pojawia się w:
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Triangular fuzzy-rough set based fuzzification of fuzzy rule-based systems
Starczewski, Janusz T.
Goetzen, Piotr
Napoli, Christian
Data publikacji:
Społeczna Akademia Nauk w Łodzi. Polskie Towarzystwo Sieci Neuronowych
general type-2 fuzzy logic systems
fuzzy-rough fuzzification
regular type-2 t-norms
cropped triangular secondary membership functions
In real-world approximation problems, precise input data are economically expensive. Therefore, fuzzy methods devoted to uncertain data are in the focus of current research. Consequently, a method based on fuzzy-rough sets for fuzzification of inputs in a rulebased fuzzy system is discussed in this paper. A triangular membership function is applied to describe the nature of imprecision in data. Firstly, triangular fuzzy partitions are introduced to approximate common antecedent fuzzy rule sets. As a consequence of the proposed method, we obtain a structure of a general (non-interval) type-2 fuzzy logic system in which secondary membership functions are cropped triangular. Then, the possibility of applying so-called regular triangular norms is discussed. Finally, an experimental system constructed on precise data, which is then transformed and verified for uncertain data, is provided to demonstrate its basic properties.
Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research; 2020, 10, 4; 271-285
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Topological entropy of nonautonomous piecewise monotone dynamical systems on the interval
Kolyada, Sergiĭ
Misiurewicz, Michał
Snoha, L’ubomír
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Matematyczny PAN
nonautonomous dynamical system
topological entropy
triangular maps
piecewise monotone maps
$C^∞$ maps
The topological entropy of a nonautonomous dynamical system given by a sequence of compact metric spaces $(X_i)^∞_{i = 1}$ and a sequence of continuous maps $(f_i)^∞_{i = 1}$, $f_i : X_i → X_{i+1}$, is defined. If all the spaces are compact real intervals and all the maps are piecewise monotone then, under some additional assumptions, a formula for the entropy of the system is obtained in terms of the number of pieces of monotonicity of $f_n ○... ○ f_2 ○ f_1$. As an application we construct a large class of smooth triangular maps of the square of type $2^∞$ and positive topological entropy.
Fundamenta Mathematicae; 1999, 160, 2; 161-181
Pojawia się w:
Fundamenta Mathematicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Thermal performance enhancement of the mixed convection between two parallel plates by using triangular ribs
Jehhef, K. A.
Badawy, F. A.
Hussein, A. A.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Oficyna Wydawnicza
badanie numeryczne
konwekcja mieszana
równanie Naviera-Stokesa
numerical study
mixed convection
vertical channel
triangular rib
This paper aims to investigate the mixed convection between two parallel plates of a vertical channel, in the presence of a triangular rib. The non-stationary Navier-Stokes equations were solved numerically in a two-dimensional formulation for the low Reynolds number for the laminar air flow regime. Six triangular ribs heat-generating elements were located equidistantly on the heated wall. The ratio of the ribs to the channel width is varied (h / H = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4) to study the effect of ribs height effects, the ratio of the channel width to the ribs height is fixed constant at (H / w = 2) and the ratio of the channel height to the ribs pitch is fixed at (W/p=10). The influence of the Reynolds number that ranged from 68 to 340 and the Grashof number that ranged from 6.6 ×103 to 2.6 ×104 as well as the Richardson number chosen (1.4, 0.7, 0.4 and 0.2) is studied. The numerical results are summarized and presented as the profile of the Nusselt number, the coefficient of friction, and the thermal enhancement factor. The contribution of forced and free convection to the total heat transfer is analyzed. Similar and distinctive features of the behavior of the local and averaged heat transfer with the variation of thermal gas dynamic and geometric parameters are investigated in this paper. The results showed that the Nusselt number and friction factor increased by using the attached triangular ribs, especially when using the downstream ribs. Also, the results revealed that the Nusselt number increased by increasing the ratio of the ribs to the channel width.
International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering; 2021, 26, 2; 11-30
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The natural convection inside a 3D triangular cross section cavity filled with nanofluid and included cylinder with different arrangements
Ghoben, Zainab Kareem
Hussein, Ahmed Kadhim
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Polskie Towarzystwo Diagnostyki Technicznej PAN
natural convection
triangular cavity
inner cylinder
konwekcja naturalna
In this paper the laminar unsteady natural convection heat transfer of (Al2O3-water) nanofluid inside 3D triangular cross section cavity was investigated. The cavity was heated differentially, the vertical walls were kept at different constant temperatures. The left hot and the right cold. The effect of the solid volume fraction was examined for two values and compared with the pure water results. The (Ra) range studied was (103≤Ra≤106). Inserting cylindrical body inside the cavity also investigated in three cases. One concentric cylinder has radius (15%) of the cavity side length. The other cases were of two cylinders having radius (7.5%) of the cavity side length, aligned vertically or nonaligned. The results show that the higher solid volume fraction gives the maximum enhancement of the average (Nu) and this enhancement increases with (Ra) increase. For the cases with inner cylinders, the average (Nu) enhanced for the case of double cylinders over single cylinder. On other hand, the nonaligned position of the cylinders giving more enhancement than other position. As like as, the location of maximum horizontal or vertical velocities were varied with the cylinders position while (Ra) has no effect.
Diagnostyka; 2022, 23, 2; no. art. 2022205
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Summary of the port shoreline resource evaluation based on triangular fuzzy analytic hierarchy process
Jiang, L.
Tao, T.
Zhang, C.
Jiang, H.
Wang, J.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Gdańska. Wydział Inżynierii Mechanicznej i Okrętownictwa
port shoreline evaluation
triangular fuzzy AHP
fuzzy comprehensive evaluation
shoreline of Nanjing port
Port shoreline resources are the basis of port and shipping development, and its assessment method has become one of the hot issues in port research. On the basis of constructing a reasonable index evaluation system, this paper constructs the fuzzy evaluation matrix based on the triangular fuzzy analytic hierarchy process and constructs the fuzzy evaluation matrix by using the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, and obtains the maximum membership degree of the port shoreline resources. Compared with the traditional port shoreline Resource evaluation methods, the new one got more advantages in objective and quantitative. Finally, Combined with the Nanjing section of the Yangtze River as a case for verification, the results show that the model can accurately solve the problem of resource evaluation of port shoreline.
Polish Maritime Research; 2017, S 3; 16-22
Pojawia się w:
Polish Maritime Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Spectral resolutions for non-self-adjoint block convolution operators
Zalot, Ewelina
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
spectral operators
triangular decomposition
Laurent operators
Jacobi matrices
The paper concerns the spectral theory for a class of non-self-adjoint block convolution operators. We mainly discuss the spectral representations of such operators. It is considered the general case of operators defined on Banach spaces. The main results are applied to periodic Jacobi matrices.
Opuscula Mathematica; 2022, 42, 3; 459-487
Pojawia się w:
Opuscula Mathematica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Some results on centered triangular sum graphs
Baskar, M.
Namasivayam, P.
Syed Ali Nisaya, M. P.
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
Centered triangular numbers
centered triangular sum graphs
centered triangular sum labeling
A centered triangular sum labeling of a graph G is a one-to-one function f : V (G) → N ∪{0} that induces a bijection f *: E(G) →{B_1 〖,B〗_2,…B_q} of the edges of G defined by f * (uv) = f(u) + f(v), for all e = uv ∊ E(G). The graph which admits such labeling is called a centered triangular sum graph.
World Scientific News; 2021, 155; 113-128
Pojawia się w:
World Scientific News
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Some results on centered triangular graceful graphs
Baskar, M.
Namasivayam, P.
Syed Ali Nisaya, M. P.
Mahendran, S.
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
Centered triangular numbers
centered triangular graceful graphs
centered triangular graceful labeling
Let G be a graph with p vertices and q edges. The nth centered triangular number is denoted by C_n, where C_n = 1/2 (3n2 - 3n + 2). A centered triangular graceful labeling of a graph G is a one-to-one function f : V (G) → {0,1,…C_q} that induces a bijection f *: E(G) →{C_1 〖,C〗_2,…C_q} of the edges of G defined by f * (e) = │f(u) - f(v)│, for all e = uv ∊ E(G). The graph which admits such labeling is called a centered triangular graceful graph.
World Scientific News; 2021, 156; 176-191
Pojawia się w:
World Scientific News
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Simulation of two dimensional photonic band gaps
Dissanayake, S. E.
Wijewardena Gamalath, K. A. I. L.
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
Photonic crystal
square lattice
triangular lattice
honeycomb lattice
plane wave expansion
mode field distribution
dielectric kontrast
filling fraction
gap maps
The plane wave expansion method was implemented in modelling and simulating the band structures of two dimensional photonic crystals with square, triangular and honeycomb lattices with circular, square and hexagonal dielectric rods and air holes. Complete band gaps were obtained for square lattice of square GaAs rods and honeycomb lattice of circular and hexagonal GaAs rods as well as triangular lattice of circular and hexagonal air holes in GaAs whereas square lattice of square or circular air holes in a dielectric medium ε = 18 gave complete band gaps. The variation of these band gaps with dielectric contrast and filling factor gave the largest gaps for all configurations for a filling fraction around 0.1.The gap maps presented indicated that TM gaps are more favoured by dielectric rods while TE gaps are favoured by air holes. The geometrical gap maps operating at telecommunication wavelength λ = 1.55 m showed that a complete band gap can be achieved for triangular lattice with circular and hexagonal air holes in GaAs and for honeycomb lattice of circular GaAs rods.
International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy; 2014, 5; 58-88
Pojawia się w:
International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Second order triangular graceful graphs
Sakthi Sankari, R.
Syed Ali Nisaya, M. P.
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
Second order triangular graceful graph
Second order triangular graceful labeling
Second order triangular number
Let G=(V,E) be a graph with p vertices and q edges. A second order triangular graceful labeling of a graph G is an one to one function φ:V(G)→{0,1,2,…,B_q} where B_q is the qth second order triangular number, ie., B_q=1/6 q(q+1)(2q+1), that induces a bijection φ^*:E(G)→{B_1,B_2,…,B_q} of the edges of G defined by φ^* (uv) =|φ(u)-φ(v)| ∀ e=uv ∈E(G). A graph which admits such labeling is called a second order triangular graceful graph. In this paper, we introduce second order triangular graceful labeling and we prove that star, subdivision of star, nK_1,3, nK_2, bistar, path, comb, coconut tree, shrub and Y-tree are second order triangular graceful graphs.
World Scientific News; 2021, 155; 140-154
Pojawia się w:
World Scientific News
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Resource Tuned Optimal Random Network Coding for Single Hop Multicast future 5G Networks
Dong, Dhawa Sang
Pokhrel, Yagnya Murti
Gachhadar, Anand
Qamar, Faizan
Amiri, Iraj Sadegh
Maharjan, Ram Krishna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
coding coefficients
computational complexity
lower triangular matrix
random network coding
sparse coding
Optimal random network coding is reduced complexity in computation of coding coefficients, computation of encoded packets and coefficients are such that minimal transmission bandwidth is enough to transmit coding coefficient to the destinations and decoding process can be carried out as soon as encoded packets are started being received at the destination and decoding process has lower computational complexity. But in traditional random network coding, decoding process is possible only after receiving all encoded packets at receiving nodes. Optimal random network coding also reduces the cost of computation. In this research work, coding coefficient matrix size is determined by the size of layers which defines the number of symbols or packets being involved in coding process. Coding coefficient matrix elements are defined such that it has minimal operations of addition and multiplication during coding and decoding process reducing computational complexity by introducing sparseness in coding coefficients and partial decoding is also possible with the given coding coefficient matrix with systematic sparseness in coding coefficients resulting lower triangular coding coefficients matrix. For the optimal utility of computational resources, depending upon the computational resources unoccupied such as memory available resources budget tuned windowing size is used to define the size of the coefficient matrix.
International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications; 2019, 65, 3; 463-469
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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