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Axiological preferences of Polish youth in the context of social transformation and post-transformation
Sroczyńska, Maria
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie
Polish youth
axiological preferences
continuity and change
transforma tion period
post-transformation period
The subject of the considerations are the axiological preferences of Polish youth seen in a comparative context over the last 30 years. The presented content is related to the quantitative researches review.The starting point is the period of systemic transformation, which was accompanied by a deep "cultural rupture" expressed in the conflict of values relating to the sphere of ideology, politics and economy. Young people were often characterized by a feeling of "generational abandonment", insecurity and confusion. On the other hand, the post-transformation time, symbolically initiated by Poland's accession to the European Union, entails a shift towards pragmatic and ethos orientations. Although the prolonged entry into adulthood is accompanied by moratoria, post-transformation means significant identity and social changes, which largely corresponds to the development of human capital, manifested on the level of skills, intuition and creative potential. However, it should be remembered that predicting future changes in the values of Polish society, especially young people, carries a considerable risk of unverifiability.
Journal of Modern Science; 2021, 47, 2; 391-407
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Modern Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Between unification and particularism: Pomerania and independence
Krzemiński, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czasopisma i Monografie PAN
post–WW1 period
The Vistula Pomeranian (the former Prussian province of West Prussia) remained the longest dependent part of the partitioning power of Poland, which was reborn after 1918. In the second half of the nineteenth century, the Polish population of these lands, whose original ethnic component was Kashubians, strengthened their national awareness under the influence of modernisation processes. As in the entire Prussian partition, the dominant factor here was the idea of national solidarity built around an attachment to Catholicism. The defeat of Germany in World War I was associated by the local Poles with the incorporation of Pomeranian lands into the borders of the Polish Republic. The decisions of the Paris Conference of 1919 were awaited with hope and enthusiasm. Independence, however, brought disappointment caused by the economic crisis, as well as the inability of the central authorities to deal with the native population. Against this background, there were conflicts and misunderstandings throughout the entire interwar period. After 1920, the slogans of regional particularism gained popularity among the indigenous Pomeranian population. However, the German threat of the yoke forced local political and social activists to respond to the idea of unification of Pomeranian lands with the rest of the country, pushed by the central authorities.
Historyka studia metodologiczne; 2022, 52; 91-106
Pojawia się w:
Historyka studia metodologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Building a bankruptcy prediction model : could information about past development increase model accuracy?
Budowanie modelu prognozowania upadłościowego : czy informacje dotyczące dotychczasowego rozwoju mogą zwiększyć dokładność modelu?
Karas, M.
Režňáková, M.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Częstochowska
construction companies
bankruptcy prediction
dynamic indicators
model accuracy
multi-period transformation
firmy budowlane
prognoza upadłości
wskaźniki dynamiczne
dokładność modelu
transformacja w wielu okresach
In most cases, bankruptcy models are based on financial indicators that describe the current condition or a certain area of financial health, such as profitability, indebtedness and so on, but they do not report on relevant past development. The main question of the research presented in this paper is whether information about past development could enhance the prediction accuracy of the bankruptcy prediction model. The aim of our research is to analyse the partial potential of financial indicators describing past development. Given that the threat of company bankruptcy is the result of a long-term process, the question arises as to whether it is possible to enhance the accuracy of a bankruptcy prediction model by using indicators monitoring the development of the company in the past. On a sample of 1,355 small and medium-sized Czech construction companies were taken into account during the period of 2011-2014. The study analysed two types of indicators - basic-form and change-form indicators. Basic-form indicators show the status of an indicator at a specific point in time; change-form indicators represent a modified base index of the basic-form ratio. The authors derived six different models for the purpose of comparing the two types of indicators. The authors used the method of stepwise discriminant analysis, both forward selection and backward elimination, to create the models. The accuracies of the resultant models were analysed using the methods of ROC curves and the Area Under Curve (AUC). The authors found that the model based solely on change-form indicators is not superior to the model based solely on basic-form indicators. However, the model using both types of indicators achieved a higher AUC in comparison with the models created with only one type of indicator.
W większości przypadków modele upadłości opierają się na wskaźnikach finansowych, które opisują obecny stan lub pewien obszar kondycji finansowej, takie jak rentowność, zadłużenie itd., ale nie zawierają informacji na temat istotnego wcześniejszego rozwoju. Głównym zagadnieniem badań przedstawionych w tym artykule jest to, czy informacje na temat wcześniejszego rozwoju mogą zwiększyć dokładność prognozowania modelu prognozowania upadłości. Celem naszych badań jest analiza częściowego potencjału wskaźników finansowych opisujących dotychczasowy rozwój. Biorąc pod uwagę, że groźba bankructwa firmy jest wynikiem długotrwałego procesu, pojawia się pytanie, czy możliwe jest zwiększenie dokładności modelu przewidywania bankructwa za pomocą wskaźników monitorujących rozwój firmy w przeszłości. Badania przeprowadzono w okresie 2011-2014 na próbie 1355 małych i średnich czeskich firm budowlanych. W badaniu przeanalizowano dwa rodzaje wskaźników - wskaźniki w formie podstawowej i zmienionej. Wskaźniki w formie podstawowej pokazują status wskaźnika w określonym momencie; wskaźniki w formie zmienionej reprezentują zmodyfikowany wskaźnik bazowy współczynnika w formie podstawowej. Autorzy wyprowadzili sześć różnych modeli w celu porównania obu typów wskaźników. Autorzy wykorzystali metodę krokowej analizy dyskryminacyjnej, zarówno do wyboru w przód, jak i do eliminacji wstecznej, w celu stworzenia modeli. Dokładności uzyskanych modeli analizowano za pomocą metod krzywych ROC i obszaru pod krzywą (AUC). Autorzy stwierdzili, że model oparty wyłącznie na wskaźnikach zmian nie jest lepszy od modelu opartego wyłącznie na wskaźnikach podstawowych. Jednak model wykorzystujący oba typy wskaźników osiągnął wyższy obszar pod krzywą w porównaniu z modelami utworzonymi przy użyciu tylko jednego rodzaju wskaźnika.
Polish Journal of Management Studies; 2018, 17, 1; 116-130
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Management Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cesarsko-królewskie gimnazja państwowe miasta Lwowa na drodze transformacji w gimnazja państwowe Polski Niepodległej 1914–1922
The Imperial-Royal public secondary schools in the city of Lviv and their transformation into the public secondary schools of Independent Poland in the period from 1915 to 1922
Siudut, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Biblioteka Jagiellońska
I wojna światowa
II Rzeczpospolita
szkolnictwo średnie ogólnokształcące
First World War
Second Polish Republic
secondary schools
transformation period
In retrospect, the outbreak of the Great War in the summer of 1914 must be recognised as a trigger that changed the education model in Galicia. The process of legal and administrative transformation of the education framework in Galicia started overnight. The purpose of the adjustments was to accommodate the system of teaching, upbringing, organisation of education and the work of schools (including secondary schools) to the needs of the monarchy which at that time was in the state of war. The transformation of the Galician education system reached its peak in the period of sociopolitical upheavals, which resulted from the fall of the Dual Monarchy as well as from the acquisition of the former Galicia by the newly reborn Polish State. After a careful analysis, it has turned out that scholars should study the transformation period as divided into three homogenous phases. The first of these stages began together with the outburst of the War in the summer of 1914 and lasted until the end of the Russian occupation of Lviv. The second one began together with the end of that occupation in July 1915 and lasted until the fall of the Dual Monarchy. The third one covered the period of the rebirth of Poland in November 1918. The most durable legacy of the Galician education model in the schooling system of Independent Poland consisted in the 19th century idea of basing the education of the young generation on the dominant position of an eight-form secondary school (gimnazjum). These schools were partially reformed after the programme debate which took place between 1919 and 1922. Therefore, the educational basis and the teaching personnel established before 1918 became the durable element transferred to the new generation. On the brink of the Great War of 1914–1918, i.e. in the summer of 1914, the Lviv centre of secondary education enjoyed the position of the largest centre of secondary education in Galicia. A variety of religions and nationalities represented by the pupils had become its hallmark. Lviv was also the centre of an ongoing debate about the role of upbringing and education in the life of a nation. The teaching staff of Lviv’s public secondary schools, consisting of distinguished pedagogues, had a significant impact on the results of education in those schools.
Wybuchu wielkiej wojny w lecie 1914 roku z perspektywy czasu uznać trzeba za impuls zmian galicyjskiego modelu edukacji. Z dnia na dzień zaczął się proces modyfikacji prawno-administracyjne ram pracy galicyjskiej oświaty. Celem wprowadzanych korekt, było dostosowanie systemu nauczania, wychowania, organizacji oświaty i pracy szkół (w tym szkół średnich) do potrzeb prowadzącej wojnę monarchii. Apogeum transformacji galicyjskiej całości oświaty przypada na okres polityczno-społecznych przemian będących konsekwencją upadku Austro-Węgier i przejęciem byłej Galicji przez odrodzone Państwo Polskie. Analiza okresu przemian skłania badacza dziejów lwowskiej i polskiej oświaty do wyodrębnienia trzech jednolitych faz. Pierwsza zaczęła się wraz z wybuchem wojny w lecie 1914 roku i trwała do zakończenia rosyjskiej okupacji Lwowa. Druga, zapoczątkowana równolegle z końcem tej okupacji w lipcu 1915 roku, ciągnęła się do upadku monarchii. Trzecia przypadła na czas odrodzenia Polski w listopadzie 1918 roku. Najtrwalszą spuścizną galicyjskiego modelu edukacji w systemie szkolnym Polski niepodległej, była XIX-wieczna koncepcja oparcia systemu edukacji młodego pokolenia o dominującą pozycję gimnazjum – ośmioletniej ogólnokształcącej szkoły średniej, częściowo zreformowanej po debacie programowej z lat 1919–1922. Trwałym elementem przeniesiony w nowe czasy były też baza edukacyjna i kadry pedagogiczne szkół uformowane przed 1918 roku. U progu wielkiej wojny lat 1914–1918, w lecie 1914 roku, lwowski ośrodek szkolnictwa średniego ogólnokształcącego, był wówczas największym centrum edukacji na poziomie średnim w Galicji. Jego charakterystyczną cechą była wielowyznaniowość i wielonarodowe pochodzenie uczniów. We Lwowie ścierały się opinie o wychowaniu i roli edukacji w życiu narodu. Ważnym elementem, wpływającym na efekty kształcenia w gimnazjach państwowych Lwowa, była zatrudniona w ich kadra wybitnych pedagogów.
Biuletyn Biblioteki Jagiellońskiej; 2013, 63; 187-211
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Biblioteki Jagiellońskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ignacy Drexlers vision of planning development of the city of Lviv
Wizja rozwoju planistycznego miasta Lwowa Ignacego Drexlera
Petryshyn, H.
Liubytskyi, R.
Data publikacji:
Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane ZUT w Szczecinie
Ignacy Drexler
interwar period
planning development
street network
Great Lviv
planning structure transformation
okres międzywojenny
rozwój planistyczny
sieć ulic i dróg
Wielki Lwów
transformacja struktury planistycznej
The article considers the Lviv planning development vision of Ignacy Drexler. Urban planning problems exacerbated in the interwar period, reaching their roots from Austrian period are emphasized. The ideas of “Great Lviv” creation by administrative boundaries expanding are clarified. Special attention is paid to the development of the street network, regulation of separate city districts and arrangement of street cross-sections. Without losing relevance, the necessity of Lviv radial planning structure transformation to radial-ring by the creation of bypass streets is highlighted.
Artykuł dotyczy analizy wizji rozwoju planistycznego Lwowa Ignacego Drexlera. Ujawniono problemy urbanistyczne, które nasiliły się w okresie międzywojennym i sięgają korzeniami okresu podaustriackiego. Określono ideę stworzenia "Wielkiego Lwowa" poprzez poszerzenie administracyjnych granic miasta. Szczególną uwagą I.Drexlera zostały objęte rozwój sieci dróg i ulic, regulacja poszczególnych dzielnic miast i regulacja przekrojów profili ulic. Uzasadniono konieczność przekształcenia promienistej struktury planistycznej Lwowa w pierścieniowo-promienistą poprzez stworzenie obwodnic, co do dziś nie traci swojej aktualności.
Przestrzeń i Forma; 2018, 33; 173-194
Pojawia się w:
Przestrzeń i Forma
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Obraz przestępczości w Niemczech oraz w Polsce w okresie transformacji ustrojowej (wybrane aspekty)
Crime in Germany and Poland in the Period of Transformation (Selected aspects)
Kury, Helmut
Krajewski, Krzysztof
Obergefell-Fuchs, Joachim
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
okres transformacji ustrojowej
statystyki policyjne
period of transformation
police statistics
Among the negative side-effects of the fall of "Realsozialismus" in Central and Eastern Europe and the process of political, social and economic transformations initiated in 1989 there was a deterioration of internal safety in those countries. According to a popular opinion, this was manifested, among other things, by a growth - a rapid one in many instances - in the extent and intensity of crime, and also in negative changes of its structure which consisted in a particularly fast growth of tle most serious crime or emergence of its new and very dangerous forms, hitherto unknown in those countries. From this viewpoint, criminological literature in all those countries without exception has recently been presenting an extremely pessimistic picture of a growing threat of crime which can at any moment get out of control. As a consequence, fear of crime is growing in societies involved, and appeals can be heard more and more often from politicians that “law and order” be instituted. The present paper does not aim at negating either the growth of crime in post-Communist societies itself or the negative changes of the structure of crime. It is our aim first of all to compare the state of crime that follows from the two basic modern sources of information on this area, that is oflicial statistics of crime and victimization surveys, and to point to some related problems. The analysis is limited to two countries, Germany and Poland. Concerned in the former case is, of course, mainly analysis of phenomena found in the new federal lands of united Germany, that is the territory of former GDR, but also consequences of the union for the state of crime in Germany as a whole. One of the basic problems posed by analysis of extent, intensity and dynamics of reported crime, that is crime recorded in oflicial statistics in countries of Central and Eastern Europe, is reliability of statistical data from the period of “Realsozialismus” which serve as the point of departure of all comparisons. The growth in reported crime in the territory of former GDR has indeed been dramatic after 1990; yet the point of departure for comparisons involved here are GDR police statistics which showed the extent of reported crime as 10% of that in “old” FRG. Today, German criminologists agree that GDR crime statistics were regularly “improved” for ideological and political reasons, the real extent of crime being much higher there.             Similar problems can be found in Poland where a rapid growth in reported crime took place only once in principle, that is in 1990. Later on, the extent of reported crime became stabilized at the new level “established” in 1990. It is highly improbable that the impact of social and economic reform on crime in Poland was limited to a “big bang” in 1990 and then ceased. Also here, we dealt rather with a specific statistical artifact and not with a single rapid growth in the extent of crime. What also speaks for this thesis is the fact that crime used to be “under-recorded” in police statistics in Poland as well through a policy of extremely selective reception by the police of information about offenses. Abandonment of this practice after 1989 resulted in a serious growth of recorded crime. Appraising the dynamics of reported crime in Central and Eastern Europe, one should also bear it in mind that the growth in crime there not necessarily followed the breakdown of “Realsozialismus”. In many countries, former USSR in particular, the growth in crime actually preceded change. Also in recent years, Central and East-European statistics have by no means been showing a constant and rapid growth in reported crime. There were rather fluctuations (if quite rapid at times), followed by a recent downward trend in some of the countries involved. Still another important problem is comparison of the extent of reported crime in post-Communist and in developed Western societies. Discussing the “flood” of crime in Central and Eastern Europe, one tends to forget that in most cases, the actual extent of crime in the region is still much lower than in most countries of Western Europe. Comparison of the situation in Germany and Poland may serve as an example here. I ulated. As far as possible, the state of crime in post-Communist societies should also be appraised on the basis of sources other than the official statistics. Helpful here can be first of all data from victimization surveys, alas still a rarity in Central and Eastern Europe. Yet basing on available data for Germany and Poland (chiefly from the International Crime Survey of 1992) it can be stated that victimization surveys show an extent of real crime much higher than the one that follows from official statistical data. This means a very high dark number of crime in Poland and elsewhere in the region, caused probably by the people’s very low tendency to report facts of victimization to the police. At any rate, from data on victimization it follows that the extent of real crime in Poland is higher as compared to Germany. This is not to say, though, that crime in Poland “breaks all the records”. With some exceptions concerning chiefly offenses against property such as theft and pickpocketing, Poland has an average extent of crime judging by European “standards'” in this respect. Basing on data from victimization surveys, also the territorial differentiation of the extent of crime in Germany and Poland can be analyzed. The basic problem in Germany is the noticeable difference between southern and northern lands, the latter having a much higher extent of crime, and also the process of the new lands “catching up” with or even “outstripping” the old ones in this respect during the last five years. Quite distinct regularities can also be found in Poland; some of them are known from earlier literature. Thus first of all, there is a noticeably higher extent of crime in Western and Northern Territories of Poland and a low extent in Wielkopolska region. It is interesting to correlate those regularities with selected demographic and socio-economic data on individual regions of the two countries. In Germany, unfavorable values of those indices found in the north of “old” FRG and in former GDR are rather explicitly correlated with a higher extent of crime. In Poland where territorial differentiation of the indices is less distinct, some regularities in this respect can nevertheless be found, too. At the samo time it seems, though, that the extent of crime in Poland is the highest in regions where, due to specific local features, the social costs of reform are the greatest and most painful.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1996, XXII; 7-41
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Praktyczne aspekty przekształcenia przedsiębiorcy w spółkę kapitałową w najnowszym orzecznictwie i doktrynie
Practical aspects of entrepreneur’s transformation into a capital company in the most recent judicature and doctrine
Przybył, Michał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
przekształcenie przedsiębiorcy
zasada kontynuacji
zasada sukcesji
tytuł egzekucyjny
transformation of entrepreneur
principle of continuity
principle of succession
period of limitation
enforcement title
Przedmiotem artykułu jest ocena funkcjonowania przekształcenia przedsiębiorcy w spółkę kapitałową. Instytucja ta, wprowadzona w 2011 r., do dziś generuje pewne trudności natury systemowej. Sporne pozostaje podstawowe zagadnienie zasady przejścia praw i obowiązków związanych z prowadzoną działalnością gospodarczą. Artykuł przedstawia wyrażone w doktrynie i judykaturze stanowiska, próbując je ocenić i wybrać możliwie najbardziej trafne. W dalszej kolejności prezentowane są konsekwencje przyjęcia jednej z zasad kontynuacji czy to sukcesji ,w szczególności zaś problemy pojawiające się przy okazji dochodzenia należności przez wierzycieli przedsiębiorcy. W tym zakresie artykuł porusza dwie kwestie: zmiany podmiotowej w postępowaniu cywilnym oraz relacje między terminami przedawnienia roszczeń i terminem zawitym dotyczącym trwania odpowiedzialności przedsiębiorcy przekształconego.
The subject matter of the article is the assessment of the functioning of transformation of an entrepreneur into a capital company. This institution, introduced in 2011, still generates difficulties of systemic nature. The fundamental issue concerning the principle of the transfer of rights and obligations related to the conducted business activity remains disputable. The article collects current opinions in judicature and legal scholarship and tries to evaluate them and choose the most accurate solutions. Subsequently, author presents the consequences of adopting either the principle of continuity or the principle of succession, as well as points out difficulties arising when a creditor of an entrepreneur pursues claims. The article deals with two issues: subject modification in civil proceedings as well as periods of limitation of claims and expiration time concerning the period of responsibility of a transformed entrepreneur.
Zeszyt Studencki Kół Naukowych Wydziału Prawa i Administracji UAM; 2018, 8; 183-196
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyt Studencki Kół Naukowych Wydziału Prawa i Administracji UAM
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Siły specjalne w Polsce (na przykładzie policji)
Socha, Robert
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Wiedzy Obronnej
siły specjalne
okres powojenny
transformacja ustrojowa
special forces
post-war period
political transformation
Wiedza Obronna; 2011, 1; 121-134
Pojawia się w:
Wiedza Obronna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
System gospodarczy Polski w latach 1918-2018
Poland’s economic system in the years 1918-2018
Swadźba, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
system gospodarczy Polski
analiza porównawcza systemów gospodarczych
okres międzywojenny
gospodarka centralnie planowana
transformacja systemowa
Poland’s economic system
comparative economic studies
interwar period
centrally planned economy
systemic transformation
Cel – Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie ewolucji systemu gospodarczego Polski na przestrzeni ostatnich stu lat, od odzyskania niepodległości w 1918 r. do dnia dzisiejszego, a także próba uchwycenia jego specyficznych cech oraz pokazanie różnic systemowych między Polską a innymi krajami. Metody – Wykorzystano różne metody badawcze, w tym: krytyczną analizę literatury przedmiotu, analizę historyczną, analizę porównawczą funkcjonujących systemów gospodarczych w Polsce w ostatnich stu latach, a także systemu gospodarczego Polski i innych krajów w tym okresie. Opis badań – Przedmiotem rozważań jest system gospodarczy w skali makro (krajowy system gospodarczy). Ponadto system gospodarczy w wąskim znaczeniu, a więc sfera regulacyjna gospodarki. Ma on bezpośredni wpływ na wyniki gospodarcze kraju, a więc na sferę realną. W opracowaniu skupiono się na własności oraz mechanizmie koordynacji decyzji gospodarczych (ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem roli rynku i państwa), jako dwóch głównych wyznacznikach systemu gospodarczego. Wyniki – Ostatnie sto lat Polski było również burzliwe pod względem zmian w systemie gospodarczym. Polska przeszła przez dwa megasystemy: kapitalizm i socjalizm. Od kapitalizmu do socjalizmu i z powrotem do kapitalizmu. W trakcie tych radykalnych zmian mieliśmy do czynienia z ewolucją systemu gospodarczego, zarówno w ramach systemu gospodarki rynkowej, jak i systemu gospodarki centralnie planowanej. Ponadto system gospodarczy Polski w poszczególnych podokresach posiadał specyficzne cechy i różnił się od systemu gospodarczego innych krajów funkcjonujących w tych dwóch megasystemach. Wynikało to ze specyficznych czynników społeczno-kulturowych Polski, a także określonej sytuacji historycznej, w jakiej znajdował się nasz kraj.
Purpose – The aim of this article is to present the evolution of Poland's economic system over the last hundred years, from regaining the independency in 1918 to the present day, and to try to capture its specific features and show the systemic differences between Poland and other countries. Research methods – Various research methods were used, including: critical analysis of the literature, historical analysis, comparative analysis of the economic systems in Poland in the last one hundred years, as well as the economic system of Poland and other countries during this period. Description of research – The subject of consideration is the economic system in the macro scale (national economic system). In addition, we are interested in the economic system in the narrow sense – the regulatory sphere of the economy. It has a direct impact on the country's economic performance, and thus, on the real sphere. The study focuses on the ownership and the mechanism for coordinating economic decisions (with particular emphasis on the role of the market and the state) as the two main determinants of the economic system. Finding – The last hundred years of Poland were also turbulent in terms of changes in the economic system. Poland has gone through two megasystems: capitalism and socialism. From capitalism to socialism and back to capitalism. During these radical changes we were dealing with the evolution of the economic system, both within the framework of the market economy system and the centrally planned economy system. In addition, the economic system of Poland in particular subperiods had specific features and differed from the economic system of other countries functioning in these two megasystems. This was due to the specific socio-cultural factors in Poland, as well as to the specific historical situation in which our country existed.
Optimum. Economic Studies; 2019, 1(95); 19-31
Pojawia się w:
Optimum. Economic Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Terms of reforming the Polish educational system in political transformation period
Szczesna, J.
Rodzos, J.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Geografii i Studiów Regionalnych
educational strategy
political transformation
transformation period
The turn of the 80. and 90. of the XX century was a period of great political, economic and social changes in Poland. Introduction of democratic principles and Poland joining in the processes of European integration required a quick adaptation of the educational model to the changing social and economic conditions. In the new reality of the state's functioning the educational model based on central management became inadequate because it was applying uniform patterns of education characteristic for the communist era. The range of student's competence in the course of education was considered insufficient. In the era of market economy and general access to information the educational model based on encyclopedic knowledge also became inadequate. The required features which needed to be developed in a future citizen were: openness, creativity, initiative, the ability to function in conditions of competitiveness (Rodzoś, Charzyński 2005). It was particularly significant to prepare the young generation essentially for the proper reception and interpretation of the social and economic processes and changes occurring in the surrounding world. All of the above mentioned reasons lead to passing a bill on a new educational system by the Seym of Poland in 1990 and beginning the process of reforms. However, carrying out the reforms in conditions of the state's difficult financial situation as well as in the context of social habits formed during the 45 years of functioning in the totalitarian system causes numerous problems and inconsistency. The basic ones are: lack of cohesion of educational policy and frequent changes of the concept of reform resulting not from aspiration to increase the effectiveness of education, but from political and economic rationale; discrepancy between the theory of reform and its practical realization; appearance of activities and too hasty introduction of some changes, and lack of mental preparation of the society. These problems defer the process of reform and aggravate gaining positive results in the form of society's education which is better and well adapted to the needs of the contemporary world; they led as well to a decrease in prestige of the profession of a teacher. Despite the difficulties, many positive changes have also been obtained in the polish educational system, i.e. making education non-political, increase of the society's general level of education, implementation of the concept of life-long learning as well as introduction of many educational patterns copied from countries with well developed democratic systems, especially in the European Union.
Prace i Studia Geograficzne; 2011, 48; 15-26
Pojawia się w:
Prace i Studia Geograficzne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Desired Public Policy Model for Poland during the Transformation Period
Skawińska, Mirosława
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
public policy
policy model
transformation period
While entering the transformation period, Poland started changes in economics, which was run by the state and was characterized by the lack of market equilibrium and low degree of satisfying the nation’s needs. The change of the state’s role in the economic system became the major challenge for Poland, which started transformations of the system in 1989. The ending of this major phase of transformation can be gauged not only by the degree of state’s withdrawal from the role of the owner and a manager, and replacing this role by a stable set of systemic rules, but also by introducing new market organizing institutions and the degree of financial independence of economic entities from the domination of politics.
Polish Political Science Yearbook; 2006, 35; 120-130
Pojawia się w:
Polish Political Science Yearbook
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Transformation of the conditions of socio-economic development of Azerbaijan in the post-pandemic period (by September 2020)
Chingiz, Ismayilov
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Gdański. Instytut Geografii
transformation conditions
economic development
post-pandemic period
oil industry
The global economic crisis and the spread of the pandemic virus in a short period have radically changed the world around people. The curtailment of production, the closure of different kinds of services, self-isolation, and the distribution of virtual contacts has become characteristic in the state of almost every country. Depending on the level of socio-economic development, not all countries are equally experiencing this difficult period of crisis in modern civilization. The spread of COVID-19 and the global economic crisis, accompanied by a sharp drop in oil prices, have had a significant impact on the socio-economic condition of the oil exporting countries. Azerbaijan, such a country facing these emerging problems, has taken steps to prevent the spread of the pandemic beyond the metropolitan region. Thanks to a balanced fiscal and monetary policy of the government, as well as the availability of sufficient foreign exchange reserves, the negative impact of the above factors has been minimized. The implementation of the oil strategy of the republic has created favorable conditions for the development of the non-oil sector of the economy. Participation in international transport and logistics projects contributed to the development of inter-district and intra-district transport infrastructures. An extensive network of transport and communication systems has favored the economic development of the regions of the republic. Despite the changing conditions of social economic development of the country, the process of creating infrastructure facilities continued. Of course, the new conditions have adjusted the implementation of state programs for the construction of new economic and socially significant facilities. Large financial deductions from the sovereign Oil Fund of the republic allowed for the shortest possible time to put into operation mobile hospitals, enterprises for the production of medical masks, as well as subsidies to support small and medium enterprises. The new picture more actualizes the development of the non-oil sector of the economy, especially the agricultural sectors. With this in mind, when developing a new strategy for the future development of the republic, one should take into account the lessons of the occurrence of previously unforeseen risks. This will mitigate the blow of new possible cataclysms and get out of the crisis situations with the least social and economic losses.
Journal of Geography, Politics and Society; 2020, 10, 4; 1-7
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Geography, Politics and Society
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Transport in Poland during the period of accession to the European Union
Połom, Marcin
Goliszek, Sławomir
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Gdański. Instytut Geografii
European Union
transformation period
changes of transport modes
Transportation is an important area of the economy. The transport fills a series of tasks daily functioning of the state. The period of the accession of Central and Eastern Europe countries to the European Union, including Poland is the time of intensive investments financed by structural funds. The countries of the region have gained significant resources to improve the infrastructure and operation of most types of transport modes. This article is a review and ordering information on the functioning and development of major modes of transport. It retains the traditional distinction between road, rail, inland waterways and air transport. Quoted statistics for the period 2005-2015 in order to compare changes in transport infrastructure development.  
Journal of Geography, Politics and Society; 2017, 7, 3; 41-49
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Geography, Politics and Society
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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