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„Wohl ist das Herz wach, doch mir zürnt, mich / Hemmt die erstaunende Nacht nun immer“. Die Darstellung von Schmerz und Verzweiflung in Hölderlins Ode "Chiron"
“Indeed, the heart is awake, but I rage and always astonishing Night constricts me”1. Representing Pain and Despair in Hölderlin’ Ode "Chiron"
De Felip, Eleonore
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Gdański. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
Friedrich Hölderlin
‚tragische Ode‘
Poetik der Intensität
‘tragic Ode’
Poetics of Intensity
In Hölderlins ‚tragischer Ode‘ Chiron drückt sich im Schmerz des unheilbar verwundeten Kentauren ein persönliches wie auch ein allgemeines Leiden aus. Vers für Vers ergründet der Aufsatz Chirons ‚Innenwelt‘ und analysiert dabei Hölderlins intensitätsbasierte poetische Verfahrensweise. Der Fokus liegt auf dem Spannungs- und Entwicklungsbogen, der Hölderlins Konzept des ‚Tragischen‘ widerspiegelt. Seine Poetik kreist um Trennung und Vereinigung, um die progressive Integration von Gegensätzlichem und um die Notwendigkeit von semantischen Leerstellen.
In Holderlin’s ‘tragic ode’ Chiron, the pain of the incurably wounded centaur serves to express both personal and general suffering. The article explores Chiron’s ‘inner world’ line by line, thereby analysing Holderlin’s poetic method. It focuses on the arc of suspense and development, reflecting the author’s concept of ‘the tragic’. His poetics is rooted in separation and reunification, the progressive integration of the opposites, and the essential role of semantic openness.
Studia Germanica Gedanensia; 2021, 44; 99-115
Pojawia się w:
Studia Germanica Gedanensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Albanian migration during the post communist transition and the European integration in global era - An intercultural reflection
Leka, Agim
Data publikacji:
Academicus. International Scientific Journal publishing house
the modern migration (tragic exodus)
the integration as Europeanization
modern man and the intercultural education
Migration is a human experience, which has arisen and developed in relation to the human society itself. In our era, immigration is associated with the integration and the globalization. Immigration is a modern intercommunications between cultures in a world increasingly with more multicultural, or in a world with a hybrid culture. Western multiculturalism as a space wherein the Albanian cultural integration moves. After the collapse of the communist system and coincidental that occurred the great things happening in the xxi century, the immigration can be a field study by the Transitology At the time when the crisis of philosophical thought is present, this phenomenon can be studied by a reflective philosophical thought (philosophy reflective) In this paper I am focused on Albanian emigration. Even and in the case of Albanians immigration is a similarity to the historical processes of Jewish people. Albanians have realized two tragic exodus mythical proportions: on xvi century to the Italy and on 90th years of xx century to the Greece The causes of this exodus were political reasons: In the first case (xvi cent.), was the Ottoman occupation of Albania. In the case of the 90th years of xx century, was the Albanian idolatry, atheist, and socialist totalitarian regime. Nowadays Albanian emigration continues, and the main cause is the economic and social. Integration as a cultural movement of the identity: Albanian integrating movement. Identity is a process, a movement where function three vectors: identity, being time and space. Integration is analyzed as a category which functions in relationship with identity Europe was more than an old house for Albanian emigrants. It was a new relationship. It was the new unknown culture. This road passes between assimilation and isolation. The most useful and the most effective vehicle of integration is the adaptation of immigrants. The integration and returning in home in time of globalization are not divided. On our days the key “returning in home” has a new dimension. In the global era between the individual and the fatherland (motherland) has a spiritual cultural relations. This relationship is there an ideal content. It is an eternal bond and is not as dependent on material factors. Integration of migrants passing through colliding positives and negative; progressives and regressive. The religion identity of Albanian is not any essential structural component of their identity. The religion of Albanians as a part of their culture. This tendency of European society is an integrating space for Albanians. So unlike all Muslims of other countries, Albanian Muslims are integrated quickly and easily to the European secularist environment.
Academicus International Scientific Journal; 2013, 08; 201-220
Pojawia się w:
Academicus International Scientific Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Call for Papers: Captive Minds. Norms, Normativities and the Forms of Tragic Protest in Literature and Cultural Practice
Editors, RIAS
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
call for papers
Institute of English Cultures and Literatures
Captive Minds
tragic protest
forms of protest
Call for papers for the 23rd International Conference of the Institute of English Cultures and Literatures University of Silesia in Katowice, September 20–23rd, 2018, Szczyrk, Poland
Review of International American Studies; 2017, 10, 2
Pojawia się w:
Review of International American Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czym jest pedagogika integralna?
What is The Integral Pedagogy?
Dziaczkowska, Lucyna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
pedagogika integralna
humanizm integralny
humanizm tragiczny
integral pedagogy
integral humanism
tragic humanism
Prezentowane rozważania stanowią próbę syntetycznej odpowiedzi na pytanie: Czym jest pedagogika integralna? Czym jest w swojej istocie i czym jest jako dziedzina realnie kreowana przez pedagogów? Z przeprowadzonej analizy wynika, że – w sferze założeń – pokrywa się ona z pedagogiką w ogóle. Przyjęte przez nią niezwykle trudne zadanie badania wychowania w całej jego złożoności oraz jego uczestników w pełni ich jestestwa, generuje potrzebę nieustannego uwrażliwiania pedagogów na unikanie pułapek redukcjonizmu, na przyjęcie humanizmu jako fundamentu prowadzonych poszukiwań. Autorów takich uwrażliwień, którzy jednocześnie zabiegają o ich urzeczywistnienie, można nazwać reprezentantami pedagogiki integralnej. Jest ona kreowana na różne sposoby, niemniej jednak wymaga swoistego postępowania metodologicznego, otwartego na bogactwo stosowanych metod, ciągłe poszerzanie ich katalogu w celu głębokiego poznania procesów wychowawczych i uczestniczących w niej podmiotów.
The considerations hereby presented are an attempt to synthetically answer the question: What is the integral pedagogy? What is it in its essence and what is it as a field actually created by pedagogues? From the conducted analysis results that, in the sphere of assumptions, it coincides with pedagogy in general. The extremely difficult task of researching education in its complexity as well as its participants fully embracing their being in its integrity, assumed in this field, generates the need to constantly sensitize pedagogues to avoid traps of reductionism, to accept humanism as the foundation of their search. The authors of such sensibilizations, who at the same time strive for their realization, can be called representatives of integral pedagogy. It is created in various ways, but nevertheless requires a specific methodological behavior, open to the richness of the methods used, constantly expanding their range in order to get to know the educational processes and participating entities in to depth.
Roczniki Pedagogiczne; 2019, 11(47), 1; 9-20
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Pedagogiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Die Abwesenheit des Protagonisten und sein Schattenbild in "Wallensteins Lager" von Friedrich Schiller
Aoki, Atsuko
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
tragiczny los
utrata kontroli
Immanuel Kant
tragic fate
loss of control
tragisches Schicksal
Wallensteins Lager zeichnet die Konturen des Protagonisten durch dessen Abwesenheit. Nicht in der Gestalt des wirklichen Wallenstein, sondern als Schattenbild im Lager erscheint das tragische Schicksal, das er erleiden muss: den Verrat, den Verlust der Kontrolle über seine Armee und sein gewaltsamer Tod. Das Schattenbild des Protagonisten verwandelt die Gerüchte im Lageralltag in Wahrheit und die Wahrheit in Geschichte. Der Aufsatz untersucht die Bedeutung des Schattenbildes und klärt den Subjektbegriff Schillers nach seinem Kant-Erlebnis.
Dramat Schillera Obóz Wallensteina kreśli sylwetkę protagonisty przez jego nieobecność. Tragiczny los Wallensteina: zdrada, utrata panowania nad armią oraz jego gwałtowna śmierć ukazane zostały w utworze nie poprzez rzeczywistą postać wodza, lecz przez jego cień w obozie. Cień głównego bohatera zmienia krążące w życiu codziennym obozu pogłoski w prawdę, a prawdę w historię. Artykuł zajmuje się badaniem roli cienia realnego bohatera i wyjaśnia Schillerowskie pojęcie subiektywizmu oparte na koncepcjach moralnych zaczerpniętych z filozofii Kanta.
Schiller’s drama Wallensteins Lager („Wallenstein’s Camp“) delineates the profile of the protagonist by means of his absence. The tragic fate of Wallenstein: treason, loss of control over the army and his sudden death have been presented in the play not through a real character of the general but through his shadow in the camp. The shadow of the main hero changes the rumours circulating in everyday life of the camp into the truth, and the truth into history. The article studies the role of the shadow of the real protagonist and explains Schiller’s notion of subjectivism based on moral concepts borrowed from Kant’s philosophy.
Convivium. Germanistisches Jahrbuch Polen; 2010; 197-211
Pojawia się w:
Convivium. Germanistisches Jahrbuch Polen
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Filozoficzne spojrzenie na logoterapię Viktora E. Frankla. Wstęp do badań
A Philosophical consideration of logotherapy developed by Viktor E. Frankl. An introduction to research
Skorupka, Alfred
Data publikacji:
Collegium Witelona Uczelnia Państwowa
Viktor E. Frankl
Max Scheler
Martin Buber
tragiczny optymizm
tragic optimism
Artykuł ten stanowi omówienie głównych tez logoterapii – metody psychoterapii, którą sformułował austriacki psychiatra Viktor E. Frankl (1905 –1997) oraz jej ocenę z punktu widzenia filozofii. Autor stwierdza, że najcenniejszym przesłaniem logoterapii jest uczenie człowieka walki z cierpieniem.
This article discusses the main theses of the method of psychotherapy called logotherapy, which was developed by the Austrian psychiatrist Viktor E. Frankl (1905-1997), and its assessment from the point of view of philosophy. The author states that the most valuable aspect of logotherapy is the fact that it teaches people how to fight suffering.
Zeszyty Naukowe Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej im. Witelona w Legnicy; 2020, 3, 36; 85-94
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej im. Witelona w Legnicy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Główne problemy w stosunkach polsko-rosyjskich
Main Problems in Polish-Russian Relations
Zięba, Ryszard
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Studiów Międzynarodowych
tragiczna historia
zbrodnie wojenne
cesje terytorialne
ograniczanie suwerenności
bezpieczeństwo europejskie
bezpieczeństwo energetyczne
tragic history
war crimes
territorial cessions
limitation of sovereignty
European security
energy security
Współczesne stosunki między Rzeczpospolitą Polską a Federacją Rosyjską kształtują się pod przemożnym wpływem doświadczeń historycznych. Polska wykorzystuje przede wszystkim złe doświadczenia, pamięć o krwawych wojnach, prześladowaniach Polaków w czasie zaborów, wojnie polsko-bolszewickiej 1920 r., napaści zbrojnej ZSRR we wrześniu 1939 r. i represjach wobec ludności na zajętych Kresach Wschodnich, w tym głównie zbrodnię katyńską, ograniczenie suwerenności w latach 1945–1989. Jest to wybieranie ze zbiorowej pamięci tylko męczeńskiej i bohaterskiej historii narodu polskiego. Spory o historię zdominowały stosunki polsko-rosyjskie w okresie po 1989 r. Drugim zasadniczym problemem spornym między Polską a Rosją są odmienne wizje bezpieczeństwa europejskiego; Polska po dołączeniu do Zachodu opowiada się za oparciem bezpieczeństwa międzynarodowego w Europie na uczestnictwie USA, poszerzaniu NATO i Unii Europejskiej na wschód, ale nie o Rosję. Natomiast Rosja domaga się zawarcia układu o bezpieczeństwie zbiorowym w Europie, a w sytuacji gdy Zachód to odrzuca, preferuje mocarstwową politykę równowagi. Trzecim ważnym problemem spornym między Polską a Rosją jest kwestia bezpieczeństwa energetycznego, które Polska chce zapewnić poprzez likwidację monopolu Rosji jako dostawcy surowców energetycznych. Autor wyciąga pesymistyczne wnioski z analizy starych i nowych problemów w stosunkach polsko-rosyjskich, wskazując na brak jednoznacznej perspektywy polepszenia tych stosunków w przyszłości. Wskazuje, że te problemy niekorzystnie wpływają na zdolność realizacji interesów Polski w stosunkach z innymi państwami, w tym z sojusznikami i partnerami z Unii Europejskiej.
Contemporary relations between the Republic of Poland and the Russian Federation have been shaped under the overwhelming influence of historical experiences. Poland utilizes primarily its negative experiences, memory of bloody wars, persecution of Poles during the partitions, Polish-Bolshevik war of 1920, armed attack of the USSR in September 1939 and repressions against the population of the occupied Eastern Borderlands, particularly the Katyń massacre, limitation of sovereignty in years 1945–1989. The above constitutes choosing from the collective memory only the martyrdom and heroic history of the Polish nation. Polish-Russian relations after 1989 were dominated by the disputes over history. The other fundamental disputable issue between Poland and Russia are different visions of European security; Poland, after joining the West, advocates basing the international security in Europe on US participation, enlargement of NATO and the European Union to the East, however, excluding Russia. On the other hand, Russia is demanding conclusion of a collective security agreement in Europe and, in the situation when the West rejects it, it prefers a superpower’s balance policy. The third major dispute between Poland and Russia is the issue of energy security, which Poland wants to ensure by liquidating the Russian monopoly as a supplier of energy resources. The author draws pessimistic conclusions from the analysis of the old and new problems in Polish-Russian relations, pointing to the lack of an unambiguous perspective for improving these relations in the future. He argues that these problems adversely affect the ability to pursue Polish interests in relations with other countries, including its allies and partners from the European Union.
Stosunki Międzynarodowe - International Relations; 2018, 54, 3; 9-34
Pojawia się w:
Stosunki Międzynarodowe - International Relations
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Imprimer les émotions: stratégies du narrateur dans la quatrième Histoire tragique de Bénigne Poissenot
To imprint emotions: narrator’s strategy in the fourth Histoire tragique by Bénigne Poissenot
Marczuk, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Renaissance tragic tales
rhetoric strategy
emotions in litterature
Bénigne Poissenot was the first author to introduce the theory of tragic tales reception, which was a vastly popular genre by the end of 16th and the beginning of 17th century in France. In the prologue of Nouvelles Histories Tragiques (1586) he emphasizes that the reason of his tales is to move the readers deeply and make them choose to go through a moral transformation and to live virtuous lives. This article’s objective is to investigate what methods and strategies the narrator uses to influence a reader’s emotions and to what extent those emotions help (or not) deliver the moral message, which can be found in his first-person declarations (the introduction and the conclusion of the tale). It is done by examining the fourth novel.
Studia Romanica Posnaniensia; 2018, 45, 1; 85-97
Pojawia się w:
Studia Romanica Posnaniensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
In the Circle of the Tragic: The Book of Job. A Fragment of a Greater Fragment
Tyszczyk, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
The Book of Job, The Book of Isaiah, tragic quality
The Polish version of the article was published in “Roczniki Humanistyczne,” vol. 57 (2009), issue 1. Job’s drama that is equally a drama of existence and a drama of faith reveals the dimension that is in fact rarely seen in Greek tragedy, namely the transcendental tragic dimension. The identity tensions between the image of God whom Job accuses of cruelty and the image of the “defender in high” (go’el) mentioned by Job, one who would take the side of his suffering, at the same time testifying to the fact that Job was not guilty, opens the possibility of transformations blending the different images into a figure of transcendental tragic quality—based on a figure similar to the Greek figure of a tragic transfer—in which God, as the ultimate source of everything, including unjust misery, not only takes the side of human suffering but also experiences the suffering himself, revealing the analogy and then the interpretative identity of levels of human and divine experience of the tragic. The Book of Job is only the necessary starting point for the possible transformation of the image of God introducing a split of the image of God (the motif of go’el) in the book protagonist's complaint and deconstructing the category of “just retaliation.” The conditions that make transformation possible can be found in The Book of Isaiah, especially in the image of “The Lord’s Servant” and in Messianic interpretations of this picture closely connected with the phrase: “It was the Lord’s will to crush him with pain” (Is 53:10).
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2018, 66, 1 Selected Papers in English; 151-187
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jerzy Stempowski i Lew Szestow – egzystencjalizm spowity wschodnią melancholią. Krótka historia przyjaźni
Zimnowoda, Adriana
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie. Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii
Russian existentialism
French existentialism
Mihajlo Mihajlov
Albert Camus
Fiodor Dostoevsky
the tragic
Jerzy Stempowski and Lev Shestov - existentialism imbued with eastern melancholy. A short history of a friendship: The main objective of this article is to present the friendship between Jerzy Stempowski - Polish writer, essayist and Lev Shestov - Russian writer and philosopher. The article consist of three parts an and short conclusion. In the first part I focus on Stempowski’s predilections for Eastern Europe, and I also explore Stempowski’s complicated, though clearly evident, relation with existentialism. It is in this context that I show both Stempowski’s close affinity with Shestov philosophy, and his evident antipathy to French existentialism. In the second part I attempt to answer the following question: why did Stempowski have such a strong aversion to Albert Camus’ work. In this part of my essay I briefly refer to a Serbian writer and dissident - Mihajlo Mihajlov. In the third part I explore Stempowski’s friendship with Shestov and I also sketch the ideological horizon they both shared. Moreover, I mention Shestov’s presentations at the philosophical conferences in Kraków and Berlin as well as his meeting with Edmund Husserl in Amsterdam. In the short conclusion to my article I suggest that Stempowski’s existentialism is an individual, original project even if his existentialism draws upon most of the major themes in philosophical treatises and literature of existentialism. His “existential project” is based on: 1. reason which rationally orders reality, 2. sympathy towards antirational and prophetic philosophy of Russian thinkers which he analyses from the positions of a professed atheist and 3. deeply-rooted humanistic values.
ARGUMENT: Biannual Philosophical Journal; 2018, 8, 2
Pojawia się w:
ARGUMENT: Biannual Philosophical Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jeux et enjeux dans Le Cocu magnifique de Crommelynck
Games and Stakes in Crommelynck’s The Magnificent Cuckoo
Bombard, Françoise
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Wydawnictwo Werset
Fernand Crommelynck
Le personnage principal, Bruno, sans raison ni indice, se pense cocu au point de vouloir l’être vraiment pour échapper au doute. Son égarement produit des paroles et des actes qui mettent en jeu sa raison et sa relation aux autres. Mais dans Le Cocu magnifique, le statut du jeu est plurivoque. S’il est attesté dans la diégèse, il a aussi partie liée avec la dramaturgie. Nous verrons comment Crommelynck se joue de la mimèsis, en ce qui concerne la notion même de personnage, par les jeux de doubles et de masques. Par ailleurs, sur le plan esthétique, les jeux sur le langage rencontrent les recherches de la poésie moderne ; les jeux intertextuels avec les références poétiques et théâtrales les subvertissent par le pastiche et le dramaturge, jouant des registres, bouscule les catégories esthétiques.
Without any reason or clue, the main character, Bruno, is convinced that he is cuckolded to the point where he actually wants it to be true, to remove any doubts. This delusion results in words and deeds which come to involve his reason and his relationship to others. But in Le Cocu magnifique, the status of the game is multivocal. It is present in diegesis, but it also related to dramaturgy. We will see how Crommelynck plays with mimesis, with regard to the very notion of the character, through games of masks and double-dealing. Moreover, at the aesthetic level, language games meet with the research into modern poetry. Intertextual games with poetic and theatrical references subvert them through pastiche, and the playwright, playing with registers, upsets aesthetic categories.
Quêtes littéraires; 2023, 13; 107-119
Pojawia się w:
Quêtes littéraires
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Joseph Conrad and Alexander Fredro. Inspirations and parallels in the light of the subject matter of Fredro’s Trzy po trzy
Samsel, Karol
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Joseph Conrad, Alexander Fredro, feat of memory, feat of testimony, the comic, the tragic, existentialism, narration, symbolizations of narration, Trzy po trzy, Youth, Heart of Darkness
The similarities between the works of Alexander Fredro and Joseph Conrad beg the question of the extent to which a comparative interpretation can be made. However, before this question can be answered, we must first redefine the concept of the comic for the purpose of making such a comparison. The aim of this article is to show both authors in a new light as (unwitting?) deconstructors of the traditional concept of the comic (which for Fredro was still associated with that of Molière) and as creators of a new, existential concept of the comic that is tied up with human existence and that can be understood as being heightened by the tragic. An excellent example of this is provided by Fredro’s memoirs of the Napoleonic campaign entitled Trzy po trzy (Tittle-Tattle), which – thanks to the testimony of Aniela Zagórska – we know Conrad read in 1922. The manner of Fredro’s narration – which he himself likens to playing with a shuttlecock – in time proves to be that of a particular literary commemoration, i.e. bearing witness. Identified thus as a component of human existence, the comic serves to provide an escape from the “trauma of death”. A similar evolution can be traced in the style of Marlow’s narration in Conrad’s Youth and Heart of Darkness. Like the narrator of Fredro’s memoirs, Marlow makes the transition from “feat” to “testimony”.
Yearbook of Conrad Studies; 2014, 9
Pojawia się w:
Yearbook of Conrad Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
L’hypotypose dans les Nouvelles Histoires tragiques de Bénigne Poissenot
Hypotyposis in Nouvelles Histoires tragiques of Bénigne Poissenot
Ben Zaïed, Inès
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
histoire tragique
tragic story
In Nouvelles Histoires tragiques by Bénigne Poissenot, the frequency of hypotyposis helps to arouse different emotions in the reader’s heart. Indeed, quality of observation, painstaking precision, and the wealth of details drawn from “reality” impart to the narrative its full value. The author makes use of hypotyposis to create a “reality effect” which makes images more concrete and the scene more lively. His staging of human cruelty and the vicissitudes of fortune partakes of the dynamics of the text and has an impact on the reader’s imagination. Finally, the main interest of this figure of style seems particularly linked to the author’s both didactic and aesthetic project.
Dans les Nouvelles Histoires tragiques de Bénigne Poissenot, la fréquence des hypotyposes vise à susciter, chez le lecteur, différentes émotions. En effet, la qualité de l’observation, le souci de précision et l’abondance des détails puisés dans la « réalité » confèrent au récit toute sa valeur. L’auteur exploite l’hypotypose afin de produire « un effet de réel » qui rend les images plus concrètes et la scène plus vivante. La mise en scène qu’il fait de la cruauté humaine et des vicissitudes de la Fortune participe de la dynamique du texte et agit sur l’imagination du lecteur. Enfin, l’intérêt principal de cette figure de style, nous semble particulièrement lié au projet didactique et esthétique de l’auteur.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Romanica; 2016, 11; 89-102
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Romanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
La nuit : fabrique et mise en scène des fantasmes dans “Le Cocu magnifique” de Fernand Crommelynck
The night: making and staging fantasies in Fernand Crommelynck’s "Le Cocu magnifique"
Bombard, Françoise
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Dans "Le Cocu magnifique" de Crommelynck, la nuit n’est pas seulement une donnée extérieure comme pour nombre de pièces dont les actions les plus importantes ont pour cadre un décor nocturne. Paradoxalement, cette œuvre qui se déroule pour l’essentiel dans des décors diurnes accorde à la nuit une importance inattendue. Il faut donc s’interroger sur les enjeux dramatiques et esthétiques de cette omniprésence. La fête carnavalesque nocturne de la Saint Géraud et l’étrange sérénade donnée par Bruno déguisé à son épouse Stella suscitent à la fois le rire et l’inquiétude. Mais surtout la nuit investit le discours des personnages et inspire leurs actes. En outre, sommeil, rêves, désir, fantasmes, tout se rapporte à la nuit. De surcroît, sommeil et rêves sont l’objet d’interprétations divergentes par les personnages. La question du manque et du désir, nourrissant leurs fantasmes, est au cœur des relations entre les personnages. Quant à Bruno, il nourrit sa jalousie par son exaltation du corps de Stella, par la poésie et par l’imaginaire dans lequel il se complaît au point de sombrer dans la folie : la nuit assombrit le rapport amoureux au point de faire passer les deux protagonistes du paradis à l’enfer dans un cauchemar bouffon.
In Crommelynck's Le Cocu magnifique, the night is not merely an external detail as for many pieces whose most important actions are set in a nocturnal setting. Paradoxically, this work, which takes place mainly in daytime settings, gives the night an unexpected importance. We must therefore question the dramatic and aesthetic stakes of this omnipresence. The carnival festival of Saint-Géraud and the strange serenade given by Bruno in disguise to his wife Stella arouse both laughter and concern. But above all, the night invests the speech of the characters and inspires their actions. In addition, sleep, dreams, desire, fantasies, everything relates to the night. In addition, sleep and dreams are the subject of divergent interpretations by the characters. The question of absence and desire, feeding their fantasies, is at the heart of the relationships between the characters. As for Bruno, he feeds his jealousy by his exaltation of Stella's body, by poetry and by the imagination in which he delights to the point of sinking into madness: the night darkens the love relationship to the point of making the two protagonists pass from heaven to hell into a buffoon nightmare.
e-Scripta Romanica; 2023, 11; 51-60
Pojawia się w:
e-Scripta Romanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Le Tramway de Claude Simon : une vanité postmoderne ?
Claude Simons Tramway: a postmodern vanity?
Belarbi, Mokhtar
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Wydawnictwo Werset
vanity postmodern tragic
memento mori
ars moriendi
vanité postmoderne tragique
The theme of vanity occupies a prime place in Claude Simon ’s Tramw ay. In this text, he has adopted a new conception of vanity. Certainly, the author has always evoked themes intimately associated with vanity, such as the theme of death, the theme of melancholy, the theme of war, etc., but the “finitude” has always been for him a crucial phase for the return to the primordial and the origin for the beginning of a new cycle of life. In Tramw ay, the vanity of the world is presented in a tragic way. No reference to the primordiality or the cyclical return of things. The author insists on updating in the memory of the time of death. A large number of metaphors and symbols highlight this theme of death; it is as if the author throws to the reader a me-mento mori from someone on the point of experiencing this fatal experience which is irremediable and definitive. This gives the text a tragic and undeniable human dimension.
Le thème de la vanité occupe une place de choix dans L e Tramw ay de Claude Simon. Dans ce texte, il a adopté une nouvelle conception de la vanité. Certes, l ’au-teur a toujours évoqué des thèmes intimement associés à la vanité, tels que le thème de la mort, le thème de la mélancolie, le thème de la guerre, etc., mais la finitude a toujours été pour lui une phase cruciale pour le retour au primordial et à l ’origine, pour le commencement d ’un nouveau cycle de la vie. Dans L e Tramw ay, la vanité du monde est présentée d ’une manière tragique. Il n ’y a aucune référence à la pri-mordialité ni au retour cyclique des choses. L ’auteur insiste sur l ’actualisation, dans la mémoire, du temps de la mort. Un nombre important de métaphores et de sym-boles mettent en exergue ce thème de la mort ; c ’est comme si l ’auteur lançait au lec-teur un memento mori de la part de quelqu ’un sur le point de vivre cette expérience funeste qui est irrémédiable et définitive. C ’est ce qui confère au texte une dimension tragique et humaine indéniable.
Quêtes littéraires; 2018, 8; 180-193
Pojawia się w:
Quêtes littéraires
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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