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W poszukiwaniu nowych dróg ku jedności chrześcijan
In Search of New Ways Towards Christian Unity
Leśniewski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
jedność chrześcijan
kryzys chrześcijaństwa
wspólne świadectwo o Chrystusie
Trójca Święta
uzgodnienia dialogów teologicznych
przemiana umysłu (gr. metanoia)
the unity of Christians
the crisis of Christianity
the common witness about Christ
the Holy Trinity
the truth
agreements of theological dialogues
the change of the intellect (Gr. metanoia)
The first part of the article describes signs of a crisis of Christianity in the contemporary world. One can distinguished both the deepening of a crisis of faith and various threats, which have been very dangerous for Christians. Among many causes of the modern crisis of faith it should be pointed out the tolerance for pathologies, the triumph of atheistic philosophies, the anthropological reductionism, and the relativisation of personal evil. Apart from that in some countries in the world Christians have been persecuted and even put to death. It is necessary to take into account this general context if one would like to take into consideration the problem of the necessity of common witness on Christ and the cause of the lack of Christian Unity. Today, as the Author ascertain in the second part of his text, it is impossible to deal with ecumenical matters without relating them to various factors influencing on the situation of Christianity in the world. As it is evident, so far the full Eucharistic Fellowship has not been reached by the ecumenical dialogue. Practically, a greater part of agreements of theological dialogues have not got reception on the parish level. There is no common Christian language, which could be commonly used, what it points out to a deep disagreement about the Truth. From the Orthodox point of view unity is to be understood not as a mere administrative arrangement and a human achievement, but as a manifestation of grace and as the fullness of the new life which renews the earth-born and the whole of their world. In order to understand why the Christian unity is so difficult to acquire it is necessary to look at the Church of Christ as a personal community in resemblance of the Holy Trinity as the community of the Divine Persons. The Author in the third part of the article underlines that the Trinitarian relations between God the Father, the Son of God and the Holy Spirit consist the most perfect pattern for relations between human persons in the fellowship of the Church. From such a point of view the Church is not an occasional ‘happening’, where the Word of God is preached and listened to and the sacraments are performed, but as the reality of sonship in the Spirit, that is, as a constant movement of filial grace from the Father, giving his Son to us in the Spirit, and as a return of this by us, ‘giving grace’ to him by offering back to him his Son in his incarnate, sacrificial and risen state as the head of a body comprising all of us and all that exists. The fourth part of the article refers to a question of the unity of the Church and understanding of truth. The problem of understanding of truth in the Church may be expressed in the following question: How can we hold at the same time to the historical nature of truth and the presence of ultimate truth here and now? For an answer to this question it can be very helpful to look at the Greek Fathers, both their failures and their success, in arriving at an understanding of truth which might have meaning for a person of Greek mentality, without betraying or distorting the message of the Bible. Their spiritual and intellectual contribution has been essential for a reflection on the relation between truth and salvation. They underlined that human person as the whole (not only his reason, but all functions of his intellect in connection to soul and body) was committed into the process of learning truth. Therefore bodily ascetism in the Church is one of essential conditions of approach to truth, the supreme road to theological knowledge. It is not possible for human being to come to know the truth of life, the truth of God and the truth of his own existence purely through intellectual categories, relative analogies and conventional expressions, because they give only a relative and conventional knowledge. Knowing God is possible only in Christ, who as the personal Truth has been the source of all truths. In order to know Christ as Truth it requires opening for His presence not only on the level of reason, but approaching Him in ones intellect, soul and body. Particularly, the change of the intellect (Gr. μετάνοια) is very important on the way toward the uniting Truth. There are some important conclusions, indicated in the final part of the article, resulting from the Christian understanding of the uniting Truth for ecumenical endeavors. Particularly important is not to treat the doctrinal ecumenism solely as an intellectual convergence process in separation from all that, what constitute the life of the Church of Christ. One has to remember that notions taken from kataphatic theology should be supplemented by notions from apophatic theology, because the knowledge of God is knowing the Unknowable. Striving for the unity of Christians, similarly to striving for the unity of a human person in relation to God, requires the change of intellect, by the attention (Gr. προσοχή), watchfulness (Gr. νῆψις), prayer, the Liturgy and ascetism.
Roczniki Teologii Ekumenicznej; 2010, 2; 35-56
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Teologii Ekumenicznej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O „logiczności” katolickiej wiary w ujęciu J. Ratzingera/Benedykta XVI. Wybrane aspekty na kanwie dyskusji na temat relacji Kościoła wobec teorii ewolucji
On the “Logicality” of the Catholic Faith from J. Ratzinger’s/Benedict XVI’s Point of View. Selected Aspects on the Basis of the Discussion on the Relation of the Church to the Theory of Evolution
Kiejkowski, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI
the truth of Christianity
the theory of evolution
Christian theology
Joseph Ratzinger/Benedykt XVI
prawdziwość chrześcijaństwa
teoria ewolucji
teologia chrześcijańska
In September 2006, a symposium on the subject of creation–evolution was held in Castel Gandolfo. It was an opportunity to present the views of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI on the theory of evolution. At the same time, the Pope pointed to the fundamental “truth” of Christianity. It is rooted in the creative Divine Logos made manifest in Jesus Christ. In many of his texts, Joseph Ratzinger patiently recalls the “rationality”, “logicality” of all creation, especially of man and human cognition. He pays special attention to the uniqueness of Catholic faith and theology, which is expressed in its rationality. The thought of the German theologian captivates with its accuracy, logic and precision. Hence the suggestion of this paper. It presents three important texts, published at different times, on the subject of the “logic” of the Catholic faith.
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne; 2022, 41; 131-153
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Odgadywanie” historii biblijnej w Mistrzu i Małgorzacie
“Guessing” the Biblical History in The Master and Margarita
Przebinda, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Karpacka Państwowa Uczelnia w Krośnie
Biblical and apocryphal sources in the “novel about Pilate” in The Master and Margarita
the essence of the “truth” of this “novel in the novel” about Pilate
Bulgakov’s personalistic understanding of Christianity
Bulgakov’s rejection of “medieval Christianity”, using sword and violence
Źródła biblijne i apokryficzne „powieści o Piłacie” w Mistrzu i Małgorzacie
istota „prawdziwości” owej „powieści w powieści” o Piłacie
personalistyczne rozumienie chrześcijaństwa przez Bułhakowa
odrzucenie przez Bułhakowa „chrześcijaństwa średniowiecznego”, posługującego się mieczem i przemocą
Głównym celem powyższego artykułu było udowodnienie, że Bułhakow w swym Mistrzu i Małgorzacie – poprzez obrazy Jeszui Ha-Nocri, Piłata, Mateusza Lewiego i Kaify – bronił chrześcijaństwa personalistycznego i pełnego miłosierdzia, odrzucał zaś odżywające niestety i w naszych czasach, w latach 20. XXI wieku, „chrześcijaństwo średniowieczne”, posługujące się w swych argumentacjach i praktyce przemocą oraz mieczem. Taki był właśnie, zdaniem autora powyższego artykułu, ideowy cel Bułhakowa, a środki artystyczne mające temu służyć czerpał autor Mistrza i Małgorzaty z literatury religioznawczej i biblijnej. Wbrew szeroko rozpowszechnionym opiniom Bułhakow – inaczej aniżeli powieściowy Mistrz – korzystał podczas tworzenia wątku biblijnego głównie nie ze źródłowych prac w językach obcych, lecz z przetłumaczonych na rosyjski książek na ogół popularnonaukowych, często o zabarwieniu ideologicznym, autorstwa Ernesta Renana czy Frederica Farrara. Jednak to wcale nie dogłębna znajomość historii biblijnej, lecz przede wszystkim geniusz pisarski samego Bułhakowa – wzmocniony jeszcze jego lekturami w języku przede wszystkim ojczystym, ale także przecież tłumaczeń książek obcych – pozwoliły mu „odgadnąć”, tak jak to on sam dogłębnie pojmował, historię Jeszui Ha-Nocri, Piłata, Mateusza Lewiego czy arcykapłana Kaify. W ustaleniu albo przynajmniej zarysowaniu tego wszystkiego pomogła autorowi powyższego artykułu trzydziestopięcioletnia już praca badawcza nad Mistrzem i Małgorzatą, rozpoczęła jeszcze w połowie lat 80. we współpracy z Andrzejem Drawiczem i kontynuowana potem poszukiwaniami w archiwum Bułhakowa w Moskwie, a teraz zwieńczona – jak na razie – rodzinnym tłumaczeniem na polski Mistrza i Małgorzaty, które ukazało się wraz z nowym korpusem komentarzy w 2016 roku w krakowskim wydawnictwie Znak.
The main purpose of the above article is to show how Bulgakov shapes the characters of Yeshua, Pilate, Matthew Levi and the high priest Kaifa in The Master and Margarita to defend the personalistic and merciful vision of Christianity and thus rejects the model of “medieval Christianity,” which uses violence and the sword in its arguments and practice – regretfully, a model being revived in our times. This was, according to the author of the article, the ideological goal of Bulgakov, and the artistic means intended to serve this purpose were drawn by the author of The Master and Margarita from religious and biblical literature. Contrary to widely held opinions, to create the biblical plot, Bulgakov – unlike the Master of his novel – did not use sources in foreign or archaic languages, but popular science books translated into Russian, often with an ideological colouring like those by Ernest Renan or Frederic Farrar. However, it was not Bulgakov’s in-depth knowledge of biblical history, but, above all, his literary genius – reinforced by readings mostly in his native language – that allowed him to “guess” the history of Yeshua Ha-Nozri, Pilate, Matthew Levi or the high priest Kaifa in a unique way. Findings presented in this article are a result of its author’s thirty-five-year-long research work on The Master and Margarita, which began in cooperation with Andrzej Drawicz in the mid-1980s, continued for many years in the Bulgakov Archive in Moscow, and was concluded – at least for now – with a family translation into Polish of The Master and Margarita published with a new corpus of notes and comments by the Znak Publishing House in Kraków in 2016.
Studia Pigoniana; 2022, 5, 5; 9-30
Pojawia się w:
Studia Pigoniana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-3 z 3

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