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Procedury ustalania zysku bilansowego i podatkowego
The procedures for determining the balance sheet and tax profit
Burchart, Renata
Data publikacji:
Ostrołęckie Towarzystwo Naukowe
zysk bilansowy
zysk podatkowy
procedury przekształcenie
wyniku finansowego w wynik podatkowy
balance sheet profit
the profit tax
the transformation process of
the financial result in taxable income
W ocenie autorki pogłębiające się różnice między zyskiem w ujęciu rachunkowym i podatkowym stanowią jeden z wielu paradygmatów nauki jaką jest rachunkowość. Na przykładzie firmy z sektora MŚP w artykule przedstawiono procedurę przekształcenia wyniku finansowego brutto w dochód do opodatkowania. Procedura ta potwierdza, że proces ten jest pracochłonny i wymaga szerokiej wiedzy pracowników działu księgowego firmy z zakresu prawa bilansowego i podatkowego, a różnice między zyskiem bilansowym a podatkowym mogą być istotne.
In the opinion of the author of widening differences between profits in the accounting and tax basis is one of the many learning paradigms which is accounting. In the paper presented for example of firm from the SME sector the procedure for conversion of gross profit in the income tax. This procedure confirms that the process is laborious and requires a broad knowledge of accounting law and tax accounting department of the company and the differences between the balance sheet and the profit tax may be essential.
Zeszyty Naukowe Ostrołęckiego Towarzystwa Naukowego; 2013, Zeszyt, XXVII; 195-209
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Ostrołęckiego Towarzystwa Naukowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Теоретико-методологічниі аспекти технологій легітимації політичної влади в Україні
Theoretical and Methodology Aspects of the Technologies’ Legitimation of Political Power in Ukraine
Чубаєвський, Віталій
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe w Żytomierzu
democratic transformation
political power
technologies of the legitimation
of political power
the electoral process
The analysis of theoretical and methodological aspects of the essence, content and specificity of the application of technologies’ legitimation of political power in Ukraine at the stage of democratic transformation has been shown in the article. These technologies are defined as a kind of social engineering, deliberate, purposeful action to influence a wide range of subjects of political relations, with the aim of creating a positive image of the government using evidence-based set of tools, methods and procedures. The attention has been focused on the unexplored side of the legitimation of power – its symbolic regulation and organizations, in particular the mythologizing and ideologizing. The legitimacy of power in Ukraine before the events of the Euromaidan was being achieved thanks to legitimate technology of simulation of democratic changes, which is a type of the virtualization technology. The analysis of the nature of the relationship between the state and society at the time of independence with the release of the respective stages, which in fact match the timing of presidential candidacies and is evidenced by the domination of certain legitimate technologies, has been implemented. At the present stage of socio-political development of Ukraine the populism in all the richness of its forms and manifestations and means of use acquires threatening volumes. The most dangerous consequences of destructive influence of populism are: the formation of an overly simplified picture of the socio-political reality; the delegitimization of the existing political and social order due to its constant criticism; the formation of two-dimensional («people» – «enemies») picture of the world with the simultaneous vulgarization of the complex problems’ solution, etc. The process of legitimation of political power during elections, and, respectively, the related electoral technologies, occurs at all stages of the electoral process – well before the official nomination of the applicants to obtain powers. For example, for the formation of public opinion in the period between elections the technology of the customized polls which referred to the defendants in the upcoming elections is used. The legitimation of power occurs during the nomination and registration of candidates, political parties and blocks of political parties – participants in the electoral competition, in the formation of their campaign offices and funds of the election commissions, election campaigning, the actual voting and also during appeals and judicial processes. Especially dangerous to society and to the development of democracy is manipulative constitutional and legal technology, when the electoral laws and even constitutional provisions «wing» as the political situation. The ruling circles with the manner of application of certain provisions of the electoral system, particularly the type of electoral system, size of entry barriers, permission or prohibition of participation in elections of blocs of political parties, the order of formation of election commissions, etc. form the preconditions for the victory of certain political forces. The modern period of social development is marked by a significant influence on the formation of people’s consciousness of communication and information technologies, as television and radio create the illusion of presence of the broad masses of the population, including the audience abroad. Psychological and image-based technologies are designed to influence the consciousness and sub consciousness of the person. The use of such technologies is quite different from the ordinary informing of man. They are aimed at disruption of its activities. The purpose of these operations – is the impact on the public consciousness in a certain direction, aiming at the subordination of the will of the people and their behavior in such a way as to force them to act, if not against their own interests, then with a significant «correction» in favor of the initiators of the use of such technologies. The technologies are used not only for political legitimation of the power, but its de-legitimization. A common practice of de-legitimization of candidates seeking to get to power is the technology of «black PR», «dirty» technologies, the publication of compromising materials on the Internet with their subsequent legalization in the Ukrainian mass media, etc. The special feature of the development of the political process in Ukraine is the use of «dirty» technologies associated with the artificial aggravation of inter-regional contradictions. Their use has become widespread since the early 2000s and lasted until the beginning of the dramatic events connected with the annexation of Crimea and the exclusion of the Eastern territories of the country by an external aggressor. The main direction technologies of the political power legitimation is their virtualization and symbolic regulation, the content of which depends on the characteristics legitimate periods of functioning of the political power in Ukraine. The current stage of the political power legitimation in Ukraine, which began with the overthrow of the regime of Yanukovych, certifies the playback of her previous technologies of democratic reforms’ imitation.
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona; 2016, 6; 179-191
Pojawia się w:
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ transformacji gospodarczej na proces formowania elit w państwach Kaukazu Południowego (wybrane aspekty)
The impact of the economic transformation on the process of forming the elites in the countries of the South Caucasus (selected aspects)
Sikora-Gaca, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Gdańska Wyższa Szkoła Humanistyczna
economic transformation
South Caucasus
process of forming the elites
business elites
Internally polarized counter-elites, that are often involved in corporate in-terests, do not have enough power to oppose the negative manifestations of economic transformation. In the countries of the South Caucasus, there are two types of business elites, the internal and the external ones, which „grew up” from the economic trans-formation. The external elites result from the privatization process, in which primarily Russians and Kazakhs are engaged. Concerning their interests in the region, they are lobbying the decision-making processes, while the local elites create the aforementioned mentioned „representative system”. The wealth fac-tor is therefore the way to exercise power. The research on business elites remains a discursive issue, which seems to be an endless subject to develop. Its analysis opens a broad discussion on the methodology of the study of elites, both in terms of their mechanisms and characteristics, as well as the theory itself.
Studia Gdańskie. Wizje i rzeczywistość; 2012, 9; 259-284
Pojawia się w:
Studia Gdańskie. Wizje i rzeczywistość
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Towarzystwo sporu – przypadek współuczestnictwa specjalnego w sprawie o uzgodnienie treści księgi wieczystej z rzeczywistym stanem prawnym
Jacek, Gudowski,
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
subjective transformation of the process
joint participation in civil procedure
reconciliation of the contents of the land and mortgage register with the actual legal status
podmiotowe przekształcenia procesu
współuczestnictwo procesowe
uzgodnienie treści księgi wieczystej z rzeczywistym stanem prawnym
The author presents in a synthetic form the development of institutions of procedural joint participation, starting from the Roman civil process, with particular reference to the regulations contained in the code of civil procedure of 1930 and 1964. He focuses on the contemporary model of joint participation, discussing its types and manifestations. He proves that in addition to the types of participation regulated in the Code of Civil Procedure, there is also a place in the Polish civil proceedings for its other manifestations, including joint special unnamed joint participation, resulting from the „nature of things” or from the essence of a procedural claim submitted for judgment. He points out that a special case of special procedural joint participation appears in the case for reconciliation of the contents of the land and mortgage register with the actual legal status.
Studia Iuridica; 2018, 75; 69-92
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Badania społeczne odpowiedzią na potrzeby informacyjne związane ze współczesnymi wyzwaniami dla Sił Zbrojnych RP
Social research as the response for information needs connected with current challenges to Polish Armed Forces
Predel, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Wojskowe Centrum Edukacji Obywatelskiej
badania społeczne
podejmowanie decyzji
transformacja sił zbrojnych
the social research
the process of decision-making
the transformation of armed forces
W XXI w. Siły Zbrojne RP uczestniczą w bardzo intensywnych i dynamicznych przemianach strukturalnych oraz są zaangażowane w nowe zadania. Ta sytuacja często uruchamia procesy dostosowania sił zbrojnych do nowych warunków ich funkcjonowania. Jednocześnie wywiera to silny wpływ na życie żołnierzy i ich rodzin. W związku z tym występuje potrzeba uzyskania informacji o procesach zachodzących w wojsku oraz towarzyszących im zjawiskach społecznych. Przez analogię do badań marketingowych ukazano, że dobrym narzędziem do zbierania tych informacji i wykorzystywania ich na potrzeby procesu podejmowania decyzji są badania społeczne. Zaprezentowano przykłady zastosowania badań społecznych do zebrania informacji na temat różnych aspektów współczesnego funkcjonowania sił zbrojnych: zmiany w przepisach prawnych, udział w misji zagranicznej i ocena kompetencji społecznych dowódców. Nawiązano do ukierunkowania badań na najnowsze potrzeby informacyjne związane z powstaniem Wojsk Obrony Terytorialnej, stacjonowaniem wojsk sojuszniczych w Polsce oraz wypracowywaniem nowej formuły ochotniczego przeszkolenia wojskowego dla studentów „Legia Akademicka”.
In the twenty-first century, the Polish Armed Forces participate in a very intense and dynamic structural changes and engage in new tasks. This situation often run the processes of the adaptation of armed forces to the new conditions of their functioning. At the same time it causes a strong impact on the lives of soldiers and their families. Therefore there is a need to get information about the processes taking place in the army and associated with them social phenomena. By analogy to the marketing research there was shown that a good method to gather this information and use them in the process of decision-making are social research. The paper presents examples of the use of social research to gather information on various aspects of the functioning of modern armed forces: changes in legislation, peacekeeping deployment, the assessment of social competences of commanders. The analyses focused on the latest information needs related to the establishment of the Territorial Defense Forces, the stationing of allied forces in Poland and the development of a new formula of voluntary military training for students „Academic Legion”
Bezpieczeństwo Obronność Socjologia; 2017, 7/8; 101-122
Pojawia się w:
Bezpieczeństwo Obronność Socjologia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Estimation of the hazard rate function with a reduction of bias and variance at the boundary
Janiszewska, Bożena
Różański, Roman
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Wydział Matematyki, Informatyki i Ekonometrii
hazard rate function
multiplicative intensity point process model
Ramlau-Hansen kernel estimator
reduction of the bias
In the article, we propose a new estimator of the hazard rate function in the framework of the multiplicative point process intensity model. The technique combines the reflection method and the method of transformation. The new method eliminates the boundary effect for suitably selected transformations reducing the bias at the boundary and keeping the asymptotics of the variance. The transformation depends on a pre-estimate of the logarithmic derivative of the hazard function at the boundary.
Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics; 2005, 25, 1; 5-37
Pojawia się w:
Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wielki zryw małego narodu: zapomniany ruch karabaski (1988–1990)
The Great Outbreak of the Small Nation: The Forgotten Karabakh Movement (1988‒1990)
Ordyan, Gor
Pomieciński, Adam
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
ruch karabaski
ruch społeczno-polityczny
rozpad ZSRR
procesy zmian społecznych
Karabakh Movement
socio-political movement
collapse of the USSR
process of social transformation
W 1989 r. w państwach Europy Wschodniej doszło do przełomowych wydarzeń, które zmieniły historię tego regionu. „Okrągły stół” w Polsce, upadek muru berlińskiego czy „aksamitna rewolucja” w Czechosłowacji zapoczątkowały procesy liberalizacji i usamodzielnienia się od ZSRR. Z czasem transformacje te nazwano „Rewolucjami Europy Wschodniej”. Przyczyniły się one do ostatecznego upadku reżimu sowieckiego i sprawiły, że w początkach lat 90. minionego wieku obszar postradziecki uległ znaczącym przeobrażaniom społecznym, politycznym i gospodarczym. Rok przed wspomnianymi wydarzeniami rozpoczął się wielki ruch demokratyczny w najmniejszej republice Związku Radzieckiego – Armenii, który podważył imperialną politykę władz sowieckich. Z czasem przyjął on nazwę ruchu karabaskiego. Zryw społeczeństwa armeńskiego, który wybuchł w 1988 r., wyraził potrzebę demokratyzacji społeczeństwa radzieckiego i odegrał znaczącą rolę w dążeniach wolnościowych narodu ormiańskiego. Pomimo tego niewiele wiadomo na temat tego ruchu, który powszechnie kojarzony bywa z antagonizmami etnicznymi między Armenią a Azerbejdżanem. Ruch karabaski pozostał „niezauważony” w czasach sowieckich, ponieważ media reżimowe blokowały informacje o masowych wystąpieniach Ormian i konfliktach na Kaukazie. Współcześnie kwestia ruchu karabaskiego jest niewygodna z powodów politycznych, zwłaszcza gdy mówimy o stosunkach armeńsko-rosyjskich. Zasadniczym celem artykułu jest rekonstrukcja działań ruchu karabaskiego w latach 1988–1990, a także próba zrozumienia jego wpływu na procesy, które przyczyniły się do upadku Związku Radzieckiego w kontekście przemian Europy Wschodniej.
In 1989, breakthrough events took place in Eastern European countries that changed the history of the region. The “round table” in Poland, the fall of the Berlin Wall or the “Velvet Revolution” in Czechoslovakia initiated the processes of liberalization and independence from the USSR. Over the time, these transformations were called “Eastern European Revolutions”. They contributed to the final collapse of the Soviet regime and caused the post-Soviet area to undergo significant social, political and economic transformations in the early 1990s. A year before these events, a great democratic movement began in the smallest Republic of the Soviet Union ‒ Armenia, which undermined the imperial policy of the Soviet authorities. Over the time, it adopted the name of the Karabakh Movement. The rebellion of the Armenian society that broke out in 1988 expressed the need for democratization of the Soviet society and played a significant role in the freedom aspirations of the Armenian people. Despite this, little is known about this movement, which is commonly associated with ethnic antagonisms between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The Karabakh movement remained “unnoticed” in the Soviet era, because the regime media blocked information about the mass occurrences of Armenians. Today, the issue of the Karabakh Movement is uncomfortable for political reasons, especially when we talk about Armenian-Russian relations, because Russia attaches great importance to glorifying USSR history. The main goal of the article is to reconstruct the activities of the Karabakh Movement in 1988–1990, as well as to attempt to understand its impact on the processes that contributed to the collapse of the Soviet Union in the context of transformations in Eastern Europe.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2021, 69, 2; 193-212
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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