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Die Textsorte Glosse in diachronischer Auffassung
The text type ‘column’ in the diachronical depiction
Wylot, Marta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
the text type
the column
the text linguistic
The aim of the paper is to describe the column as a type of text. This text type has its roots back in the 19th century France. But at the beginning this text type had a totally different character, different form, aim and features. It was a part of newspaper, where novels, critiques and poems were posted. Nowadays there may occur a problem to define the term ‘column’. Generally it is the text type with a polemical and derisive character, which serves as the entertainment, but sometimes the term ‘column’ still refers to a part of the newspaper. This article defines the term and how this text type has developed through the time.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Germanica; 2015, 11; 61-69
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Germanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Major issues in normalization of the 17th century Polish language
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Polish language in the 17th century
language variants, linguistic awareness
text norm
normalization process
Research into the literary Polish language of the 17th century was undertaken relatively late. No significant relevant attempts had been made before the mid-20th century. The first detailed studies were made in the 1950s while the 1970s marked significantly advanced studies on the subject. The first monograph of the 17th century Polish language was published as late as in 2002. However, the monograph, presenting the entire grammar system together with the spelling rules and phonetics, does not conclude research into this period as it is rather general and fails to discuss many major issues related to the language’s evolution, for example the regional conditionings of the course of the normalization processes. This is a shortage plaguing many works on the 17th century Polish language. Therefore, it is very difficult to reconstruct the emergence and geographic distribution of linguistic innovations, over time transferring into a language norm. As for the 17th century, we can only refer to the text norm (or a practical norm/usus). In the century in question, a codified (theoretical) norm had not yet been developed although the grammar instructions from that time include some guidelines on linguistic correctness. As printing had already been well developed, we have enough sources to reconstruct text norms and to show its evolution. By referring to studies and text overviews one may conclude that the 17th century inherited from the 16th century a system largely normalized on various levels: the spelling, phonetics and morphology. On the other hand, it also either inherited or produced co-functional variants which only aspired to becoming a part of the norm. On the basis of selected issues from the realm of phonetics, declension and conjugation, the article shows examples of norms inherited from the previous century and, more importantly, processes of new linguistic norms emerging in the 17th century. These processes have been presented not only in reference to the averaged status in the general Polish language but also, whenever possible, their course is presented in the regional varieties of the language. By resorting to the methodology and terminology developed by Irena Bajerowa, the authors have touched upon the issue of the regionally diversified rate of the normalization processes. However, with reference to the 17th century, we are not able to present many linguistic facts in this specific way. What we need is detailed statistical research that shows the share of the specific variants in the regional variations of the Polish language, in several synchronic sectional views (vertical time segments). This research procedure will allow to show the source of new linguistic norms, the rate at which they disseminate and which regions are the most innovative ones.
Slavia Occidentalis; 2018, 75/1; 215-236
Pojawia się w:
Slavia Occidentalis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Пам’ять у лiнгвокультурнiй моделi художнього тексту
Memory in the linguistic-cultural model of artistic text
Ермоленко, Світлана
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski
OlesGonchar ’s prose
the word-concept memory
lexicographic description of the word memory
linguistic- cultural model of artistic text
The subject of analysis in the proposed article is a comparison of the lexicographic (etymological, interpretative, synonymic) description of the word-concept memory and the representation of its semantics in the linguistic-cultural model of artistic text. The semantics of this word is traceable in terms of lexicographic sources – etymological, interpretive, synonymous, philosophical dictionaries, as well as by the methods of textual realisation of these semantics in poetry and artistic prose. The psychology of artistic creativity updates the components of the semantic structure of memory tokens, such as imagination, sleep, time, glory, honour. Linguistic and stylistic analysis of OlesGonchar’s prose shows the role of memory in the psychology of the writer’s work. We propose the definition of linguistic-cultural model of artistic text, as well as distinguish the notion of event, cultural-historical, ethno-cultural, and photographic (cinematic) memory, associative memory of words, realities, etc.
Stylistyka; 2019, 28; 213-229
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ключове слово як національно- культурний мовний компонент: лінгвокогнітивний вимір
Keyword as a national-cultural linguistic component: the linguo-cognitive dimension
Havrylenko-Rusak, Vitaliia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
ключове слово
національно-культурний мовний компонент
мовна картина світу
national-cultural linguistic component
linguistic picture of the world
Стаття присвячена проблемі визначення функційно-семантичної кваліфікації ключового слова як національно-культурного мовного компонента. Визначено, що в художніх текстах реалізуються ознакові параметри національно-культурних компонентів через словесне оточення із включенням ключових слів. Підкреслено, що в системі Автор-Текст-Читач мовно-культурні, ментальні ознаки є визначальним чинником поетичної системи мовомислення. Доведено, що ключові слова, що містять у своєму смислі національно-культурний компонент, кристалізують у собі сенси, закладені авторськими інтенціями, узагальнюючи смислові й образотвірні категорії. Відзначено, що вивчення функційності ключових слів як національно-культурного мовного компоненту, спрямувань їхнього лінгвокогнітивного впливу на передтекст, післятекст, підтекст художнього твору входить до актуальних парадигм текстотворення, що потребує подальшого мовностилістичного аналізу та інтерпретації. Визначено закономірності використання ключових слів із національно-культурним мовним компонентом у художніх текстах сучасних українських письменників.
The article is devoted to the problem of determining the functional-semantic qualification of a key word as a national-cultural linguistic component. It was determined that the characteristic features of the national-cultural components are realized in the artistic texts through the verbal environment with the inclusion of key words. It is emphasized that in the Author-Text-Reader system, linguistic, cultural, and mental features are a determining factor of the poetic system of linguistic thinking. It has been proved that key words containing a national-cultural component in their meaning clarify the meanings laid down by the author's intentions, generalizing semantic and pictorial categories. It is observed that the study of the functionality of key words as national-cultural linguistic components, the directions of their linguistic-cognitive influence on the pretext, posttext, and subtext of an artistic work is part of the current paradigms of text creation, which requires further linguistic and stylistic analysis and interpretation. The regularities of the use of keywords with a national-cultural linguistic component in the artistic texts of contemporary Ukrainian writers have been determined.
Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia; 2023, 11; 11-21
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Эпоха деятельности профессора Анджея Ситарского – расцвет познанской украинистики (воспоминание-посвящение как эго-текст)
Kosmeda, Tetyana
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
the genre of memoirs-dedications
the category of memory
the activity of the Head of the Institute
the elite linguistic character of a scientist and lecturer of Russian language
The paper is devoted to a holistic analysis of the scientific-organisational and scientific-didactic activity of the Head of the Institute of Russian and Ukrainian philology, Professor Andrzej Sitarski (2008–2019). In the paper, the author presents her reflections on the status of ego-texts along with their categories. The authorʹs attention is primarily focused on the evaluation of Professor Sitarski’s role in the upbringing of talented linguists, as well as on his personal contribution to the development of Poznań Ukrainian studies. The in-depth analysis is conducted on the basis of the category of memory that is depicted in ego-text genres, including the genre of memoirs-dedications. Professor Sitarski has an outstanding linguistic personality of a bilingual that boils down to particular verbal and nonverbal properties represented through his psychotype – his abilities of the elite linguistic character of a scientist and lecturer of Russian language are distinctive for him.
Studia Rossica Posnaniensia; 2021, 46, 1; 23-38
Pojawia się w:
Studia Rossica Posnaniensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
“Aquarium in the Sea”: Awareness Evaluation of Authors the New York Group of Poets
“Акварій у морі”: мовотворчий доробок авторів Нью-Йоркської групи
Ivanova, Iryna
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie
occasional adverb
linguistic innovation
poetic text
the New York Group of Poets
оказіональний прислівник
мовна інновація
поетичний текст
The article deals with meaning, scope and structure of the occasional adverbs, describes two groups of occasionalisms used in contemporary modernist poetry by the New York Group of poets. The research has been conducted on the basis of occasional adverbs consideration. The adverbs have been considered as the ones created within the framework of modern poetic text aesthetics. Purpose is examination and analysis of the content, reasons for using specific verbal components, occasional adverbs, that represent certain stylistic nominees, experiments with the word, influence the language creation, function as significant elements of relevance to the poetic text modern aesthetics. Methods cоmbine general scientific apprоaches that are inductive and dеductive as wеll as the methоd of interdisciplinary study. Results. Ukrainian language involves a lot of linguistic innovations, among which prominent place is occupied by occasional adverbs. New poetic forms allow presenting a poetic image originally, emotionally, precisely, assisting to create necessary stylistic effects. For this purpose the word-building potential of the language is involved, semantic and stylistic accents are changed. Experiments with the word make the poetry of the New York Group of Poets authors a peculiar and notable phenomenon not only in the Ukrainian but also in all cultural world.
У статті розглянуто зміст, обсяг і структуру поняття “оказіональний прислівник”, описано дві групи оказіоналізмів, що використовуються в сучасній модерній поезії авторів Нью-Йоркської групи. Дослідження проведене із залученням оказіональних прислівників, створених в межах модерної естетики поетичного тексту. Мета дослідження. Метою дослідження є розгляд та аналіз змісту, причин використання специфічних вербальних компонентів, оказіональних прислівників, що репрезентують певні стилістичні номінанти, експерименти зі словом, впливають на мовотворчість, є знаковими елементами приналежності до сучасної модерної естетики. Методи дослідження. Дослідження ґрунтується на комплексному підході. У статті застосовано індуктивний та дедуктивний методи, метод міждисциплінарного дослідження, а також враховано можливості інтерпретативної методології. Висновки. У сучасній українській літературній традиції багато мовних інновацій, серед яких важливе місце займають оказіональні прислівники. Новотвори дозволяють представити поетичний образ оригінально, емоційно, точно, дозволяють створювати потрібні стилістичні ефекти. З цією метою залучається словотворчий потенціал мови, змінюються семантичні та стилістичні акценти. Експеримент зі словом робить поетику авторів Нью-Йоркської групи окремим та помітним явищем не тільки в українському, але й у світовому культурному просторі.
Intercultural Communication; 2019, 6, 1; 9-19
Pojawia się w:
Intercultural Communication
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kilka uwag o dwujęzyczności dziewiętnastowiecznych mieszkańców wsi nadbużańskich… w twórczości Leona Kunickiego (na przykładzie powieści Iwanko)
Some Remarks on the Bilingualism of Nineteenth-Century Inhabitants of the Bug River Villages in the Works by Leon Kunicki (As Exemplified by the Novel Iwanko)
Czyżewski, Feliks
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
kontakty językowe w przestrzeni słowiańskiej
język polski i ukraiński
na południowym Podlasiu w XIX wieku
tekst literacki w badaniach językoznawczych
i dialektologicznych
language contacts in the Slavic areas
Polish and Ukrainian in southern Podlasie
in the 19th c.
literary text in historical linguistic and dialectological studies
The article presents the phenomenon and mechanisms of the development of bilingualism among the nineteenth-century inhabitantsThe article presents the phenomenon and mechanisms of the development of bilingualism among the nineteenth-century inhabitants of villages situated on the Bug River. The issue is principally exemplified by the novel Iwanko [Ivanko] by Leon Kunicki (1828–1873), a writer associated with southern Podlasie (the Włodawa area). Referring to different situational contexts of the characters in the novel, the author of the study has shown the mechanisms of switching linguistic codes: Polish and Ukrainian. An illustration of these complex communication processes is the Greek Catholic (Uniate) community of Horodno village. The status and prestige in a bilingual community stem from non-linguistic causes, as shown by the cited examples from the novel. The acquisition of Polish by Podlasian Ruthenians is one of the basic conditions for job promotion and, sometimes, social advancement. According to the author of the study, the novel analysed is a good philological source for investigating language contacts on the Polish-Ukrainian borderland. of villages situated on the Bug River. The issue is principally exemplified by the novel Iwanko [Ivanko] by Leon Kunicki (1828–1873), a writer associated with southern Podlasie (the Włodawa area). Referring to different situational contexts of the characters in the novel, the author of the study has shown the mechanisms of switching linguistic codes: Polish and Ukrainian. An illustration of these complex communication processes is the Greek Catholic (Uniate) community of Horodno village. The status and prestige in a bilingual community stem from non-linguistic causes, as shown by the cited examples from the novel. The acquisition of Polish by Podlasian Ruthenians is one of the basic conditions for job promotion and, sometimes, social advancement. According to the author of the study, the novel analysed is a good philological source for investigating language contacts on the Polish-Ukrainian borderland.
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Linguistica; 2019, 14; 35-46
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Linguistica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Communication Component in the Training of Future Mother-tongue Teachers
Svobodová, Jana
Gejgušová, Ivana
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
professionalisation of teacher training
mother-tongue teachers
dialogic nature of communication in the modern world
dialogic nature of teaching communication
literary text as a specific contribution to communication
models for communication (speech)
communicative approach to mother-tongue teaching
cultivation of the linguistic code
influence of standard and non-standard language
principle of comprehensiveness
inseparability of language teaching and language education
applicability of texts and literary excerpts in communication
relations between subjects and within subjects
The paper deals with professionalisation of teacher training with a focus on future mother-tongue teachers, i.e. teachers of the Czech language and literature, with a view to the new National Curriculum and its sections, namely the subject group Language and Linguistic Communication. The authors also stress comprehensiveness and inseparability of language teaching and language education and point to the communicative approach based on the dialogic nature of effective teaching communication. The interconnection of teacher – content of education – pupil is seen through the naturalness of speech contact, respecting the aim of mother-tongue teaching defined as cultivation of the linguistic code in pupils with a teacher characterized as a model for speech.
The New Educational Review; 2006, 8; 151-162
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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