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„Intermedijalna osjetljivost” poezije Antuna Gustava Matoša, perspektiva lirskog subjekta
„Intermedial Sensitivity” of Antun Gustav Matoš’s Poetry, the Perspective of the Lyrical Subject
Jukić, Sanja
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
intermedial sensitivity
poetic subject
cultural construction of the subject
The paper aims to show that the lyrical subject of Matošʼs poetry is indeed a media hybrid structure. This subject usually identifies with the signifiers of other artistic media, such as the theater, dance, music, painting, fashion and architecture. Therefor, Matoš’s lyrical subject reveals itself as a media hybrid being, which is defined by both time and culture.
Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne; 2014, 7
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stylistyczne aspekty dyskursu feministycznego ( Wokół znaczenia terminu dyskurs w tekstologii lingwistycznej)
Stylistic Aspects of Feminist Discourse (On the Meaning of the Issue of Discourse in Linguistic Textology)
Witosz, Bożena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski
feminist discourse
women's discourse
viewpoints of the subject
the vision of the world
attitudes and strategies of the subject
profdes of a woman andfemininity
values: difference
The author presents the analysis of a feminist discourse from the perspective of contemporary stylistics. The discourse is treated, according to the M. Foucault’s concept, as a type of communicative practice, institutionally and culturally conditioned. The writer emphasizes that in the description of style, the cultural context and the place of feminist discourse in relation to other varieties of communication have to be considered. A feminist discourse is an open category that is dispersed and expansive, with numerous sub varieties, which decide about its dynamics and multiplicity of styles. The author differentiates between a women’s discourse and a feminist discourse. The indicator of that difference is the attitude of the subject. In a feminist discourse the subject is deeply involved ideologically. The presented description of the style includes: the selection of the expression genres, viewpoints of the subject, the vision of the world, various profiles of a woman and femininity, characteristic range of values (difference, openness, body, maternity, care...), their contextual valorization and the complex of metaphors. In conclusion the author states that the characteristics of a feminine discourse are not linguistic features but the sphere of values, ideology, attitudes and strategies of the subject.
Stylistyka; 2008, 17; 17-40
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Anarchie Gombrowicza. Gombrowicz na niewiele się przydał…
Gombrowicz’s Anarchies: Gombrowicz Was Not of Much Use, After All
Olejniczak, Józef
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
the subject
Esej jest impresją krążącą wokół problematyki buntu i anarchii obecnej w dziele Witolda Gombrowicza od debiutu po ostatnie utwory. Problematyka związana jest z centralnymi w tej twórczości opozycjami dojrzałość – niedojrzałość i wyższość – niższość. W wywodzie autor nie pretenduje do rozstrzygania i stawiania arbitralnych tez, przyjmuje raczej pozycję związaną z gatunkiem eseju literackiego – wątpliwości i próby. To pozwala także na podjęcie próby odczytywania fragmentów utworów autora Ferdydurke przez pryzmat współczesności i hipotezę, iż „nauki” Gombrowicza nie zostały w Polsce społecznie przepracowane, co zawdzięczać należy także politycznym i ideologicznym manipulacjom.
This essay considers the subjects of rebellion and anarchy in the work of Witold Gombrowicz from his debut to his last pieces. Both issues are related to two of the central oppositions in his work, maturity versus immaturity and superiority versus inferiority. In his considerations, Jerzy Olejniczak does not attempt to settle any issues or to advance arbitrary claims. Rather, he assumes the authorial position characteristic of the genre of the literary essay, asking questions and suggesting routes of exploration. This position allows him to essay to read passages from Gombrowicz through the prism of the present day and to submit that Gombrowicz’s “lessons” have not been thoroughly learned in Poland, owing largely but not exclusively to political and ideological machinations.
Rana. Literatura, Doświadczenie, Tożsamość; 2021, 1 (3); 1-19
Pojawia się w:
Rana. Literatura, Doświadczenie, Tożsamość
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Многоаспектная интерпретация фраземы в монографии Н. Алефиренко "Теоретичні питання фразеології": к юбилею ученого
Multi-Aspect Interpretation of the Phraseme in Nikolaĭ Alefirenko’s Monograph Teoretychni pytannia frazeolohiï: On the Occasion of His Jubilee
Wieloaspektowe rozumienie frazemu w monografii Nikołaja Alefirenki Теоретичні питання фразеології. Z okazji jubileuszu badacza
Космеда, Татьяна
Ковтун, Оксана
Осипова, Татьяна
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
Nikolaĭ Alefirenko
philosophy of language
the subject of science
the concept of the phraseme
This article is dedicated to the renowned Russian and Ukrainian linguist Nikolaĭ Alefirenko on the occasion of his 75th birthday. The paper considers his approach to the study of the phraseme presented in his monograph Teoretychni pytannia frazeolohiï [Theoretical Issues of Phraseology] (1987), which includes a multi-dimensional and comprehensive description of this concept through the prism of his philosophy of language, and which is based on the material of the Ukrainian language from the early Soviet period of his scholarly activity. The article draws attention to the intertextual dimension of Alefirenko’s monograph, noting his knowledge of tradition and heritage of classical linguistics on the one hand, and novel approaches in the modern study of language on the other, coupled with a careful selection of illustrative material from a large body of phraseological dictionaries as well as literary works and journalistic texts. The phraseme is approached as a multifaceted phenomenon, and it is captured using a system of definitions clarifying its features and types. It is analysed in the context of the philosophy of language – through the prism of semantics, syntactics and pragmatics. The author’s scientific thinking is characterised by the ability to see this issue in all linguistic dimensions. As interpreted by Afirenko, the phraseme is (1) “a symbol of the life of a language”, (2) a structural unit of the language system, (3) a component of the linguistic (phraseological) picture of the world (4) with peculiar epistemological roots, (5) an active component of the communication process, (6) reflecting the philosophy and logic of the language and (7) demonstrating a kind of connection with units of all its levels; (8) “a unit of the highest language level”; (9) “one of the means of human self-expression”. In Afirenko’s model, the phraseme is a complex unit which is unique in nature, and his understanding fully corresponds to the modern linguistic paradigm. Although his study was written 35 years ago, it is certainly still novel today.
Artykuł jest dedykowany wybitnemu rosyjskiemu i ukraińskiemu językoznawcy Nikołajowi Alefirence z okazji jego 75. urodzin. Dotyczy rozważań nad pojęciem frazemu, przedstawionych przez badacza w monografii Теоретичні питання фразеології [Zagadnienia teoretyczne frazeologii] (1987). Praca ta zawiera kompleksową i wielostronną analizę frazemu w kontekście filozofii języka wyznawanej przez autora, opartą na materiale języka ukraińskiego z wczesnego radzieckiego okresu działalności naukowej lingwisty. W artykule zwrócono uwagę na intertekstualne ujęcie zagadnienia. Odnotowano erudycyjność autora zarówno w kontekście tradycji, spuścizny językoznawstwa klasycznego, jak też nowatorskich poglądów we współczesnej lingwistyce, podpartych analizą dużej liczby słowników frazeologicznych, utworów literatury pięknej i publicystyki. Frazem jest traktowany jako zjawisko wieloaspektowe, definiowane za pomocą  systemu określeń doprecyzowujących jego cechy i typy. Analizowany jest przez pryzmat semantyki, syntaktyki i pragmatyki. Rozumienie frazemu cechuje językoznawcza wieloaspektowość. Alefirenko uznaje go za (1) „symbol życia języka”, (2) strukturalną jednostkę systemu języka, (3) komponent językowego (frazeologicznego) obrazu świata, (4) element mający swoiste korzenie epistemologiczne, (5) aktywny składnik procesu komunikacyjnego, (6) komponent odzwierciedlający filozofię i logikę języka, (7) element związany z innymi jednostkami języka, na wszystkich jego poziomach, (8) „jednostkę najwyższego poziomu języka”, (9) „jeden ze sposobów wyrażania siebie przez człowieka”. Jest jednostką kompleksową i niepowtarzalną, której rozumienie odpowiada współczesnemu lingwistycznemu paradygmatowi naukowemu. Monografia powstała 35 lat temu, ale do dziś niewątpliwie pozostaje pracą nowatorską.
Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej; 2022, 57
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Podmiot groteskowy w dramatach Olega Bogajewa
Juchniewicz, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
the grotesque subject
the grotesque
contemporary drama
The article analyses three dramas written by Oleg Bogayev (The Russian National Postal Service. A Room of Laughter for a Lonely Pensioner; Bashmachkin and Sansara). The purpose of the work was primarily to expose various forms, due to which we can talk about the grotesqueness of the subject, i.e. the relationship I – Others, the violation of the boundary between the categories of significant and signified, subject-object relations, the subject of the act of behaviour and the act of speech as well as the occurrence of the Voice as a separate unit from the subject. The author emphasises the fact that the contemporary figure of the subject has been reduced to the language level and experiences a crisis of self-identification, which in turn leads to the crisis of the drama itself. Comic characters balance between the real and the fantastic world. Their statements are often pictures-simulations, heavily saturated with irony, the grotesque and absurdity.
Studia Rossica Posnaniensia; 2020, 45, 2; 127-136
Pojawia się w:
Studia Rossica Posnaniensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dziecko z chorobą przewlekłą w systemie oświaty
A child with the chronic illness in the education system
Serafin, Teresa
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
child chronically ill
individual teaching
hospitalization – special school in the subject medicinal diagnosis
Article with the chronic illness in the school system shows a sectioned regulations rela- ting to the provision of medical and psycho-educational school environment. Draws attention system chronically ill children can attend any school perimeter and get in the psycho-pedagogical assistance and identifies principles for implementing this aid, and for those children and yang people with the panel public psychological and pedagogical issued judgment about the need for individual teaching – they can purse teaching in the place of residence or in the separate room in the school – if it is clear the recommendations of the judgment. However, for children who need to be hospitalized organized learning activities and special care in schools operating in this therapeutic entities.
Interdyscyplinarne Konteksty Pedagogiki Specjalnej; 2013, 3; 45-67
Pojawia się w:
Interdyscyplinarne Konteksty Pedagogiki Specjalnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Numeral Subjects in Polish: Surface Morphology vs. Abstract Syntax
Witkoś, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Wrocławski. Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT – Wrocławskie Wydawnictwo Oświatowe
the numeral subject
default agreement
subjecthood properties
case theory
Numeral subjects in Polish show a non-uniform agreement pattern with the verb depending on the cardinality of the numeral (paucal vs. high) and the gender of the NP. Full agreement shows with paucal numerals (<5) on non-virile NPs, while high numerals (≥5,) require default agreement (3 person, neuter, singular) on the verb. Paucal numerals combined with virile NPs may show either full agreement or default agreement, while high numerals with virile NPs show default agreement. Furthermore, high numerals combined with virile NPs show a surface morphological form of accusative/genitive, whereas high numerals combined with non-virile NPs show a surface morphological form of accusative/nominative. At the same time all the subtypes of the numeral subject share crucial syntactic properties with the standard nominative subject (e.g. coordination, anaphoric binding, control). This contribution reports on a plausible account of the morphological aspect of the overt (dis-)agreement between the numeral subject and the verb and proposes an account of an abstract syntactic relation between the numeral subject and Tense which resembles the standard procedure of nominative case marking.
Beiträge zur allgemeinen und vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft; 2020, 9; 173-204
Pojawia się w:
Beiträge zur allgemeinen und vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Lipman i Kołakowski: wychowawcze przesłanie ich koncepcji etycznych
Aldona, Pobojewska,
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
moral norms
competences of the moral subject
moral education
Already at the preliminary stage of the analysis the convergence of the ethical positions of the M. Lipman’s “Philosophy for Children” educational program and the views presented by Leszek Kołakowski in the essay “Ethics without Codex” is visible. The common, dominant feature of both of them is the rejection in the moral conduct of an attitude characterised by the desire to have a moral code, whereas they justify their anti-code stance in mostly the same way. The author briefly sketches these arguments and present the requirements that a moral subject who does not follow the code must fulfil. Finally, the author of the article indicates the character of moral education postulated by both authors considered here.
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny; 2017, 62(2 (244)); 9-24
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zasoby niematerialne jako przedmiot badań w naukach ekonomicznych
Intangible resources as an object of research in economics
Grzybek, Olga
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
Nauki ekonomiczne
Przedmiot badań
Zasoby niematerialne
Economic sciences
The subject of research
Resources assets
The article depicts scope of intangible resources in enterprise management, tax law and balance law. Intangible assets recognising in accountancy were presented in detail. Numerous legal limitations regarding identifiablity and recognition of intangible assets in accounting are the reason, why the entities do not present most of these resources in their financial statements. This situation is perceived negatively by specialists in finance and management.
Studia Ekonomiczne; 2014, 190; 71-78
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sprawa administracyjna materialna w ujęciu abstrakcyjnym a sprawa administracyjna materialna w ujęciu konkretnym
A substantive administrative matter in an abstract perspective versus a substantive administrative matter in a concrete sense
Szremski, Jakub
Data publikacji:
Collegium Witelona Uczelnia Państwowa
sprawa administracyjna
postępowanie administracyjne
przedmiot postępowania administracyjnego.
administrative case
administrative proceedings
the subject of administrative
Możliwość uruchomienia drogi postępowania administracyjnego związana jest z zaistnieniem indywidualnej sprawy administracyjnej. Jest ona przedmiotem toczącego się procesu administracyjnego. Jej granice wyznaczają „obszar” działalności jurysdykcyjnej organu orzekającego. Tym samym określenie zakresu indywidualnej sprawy administracyjnej stanowić będzie granice prowadzonego procesu. Ustawodawca nie definiuje pojęcia „sprawa administracyjna”. Do zakresu tego pojęcia można zaliczyć sprawę administracyjną materialną w ujęciu abstrakcyjnym (istniejącą przed formalnym wszczęciem postępowania) oraz sprawę administracyjną materialną w ujęciu konkretnym (istniejącą w ramach toczącej się procedury administracyjnej).
The admissibility of the administrative procedure in question is related to the necessity of an individual administrative case. It is the subject of an ongoing administrative process. Its boundaries define the “area” of jurisdictional activity of the adjudicating body. Thus, the determination of the scope of an individual administrative case will constitute the limits of the conducted process. The legislator does not define the term “administrative matter”. The scope of this concept includes an abstract substantive administrative case (existing before the formal initiation of proceedings) and a specific substantive administrative case (existing as part of an ongoing administrative procedure).
Zeszyty Naukowe Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej im. Witelona w Legnicy; 2021, 2, 39; 65-75
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej im. Witelona w Legnicy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The functional dimension of the theories of economics
Meredyk, Kazimierz S.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
the subject of economic research
the method of economic research
economic paradigm
the functionality of economics theories
the structure of economic function parameters
Description of the research – The following paper analyses the methodology of economic sciences and hence has a meta scientific character. From the point of view of the general methodology of sciences, it is simultaneously descriptive and nomothetic and, in the light of the universal methods of inference, the deduction prevails in it. The inspiration to undertake meta scientific analysis was the controversy over the efficiency of the modern economy, strategy and economic policy as well as methodological incoherence and insufficient implementation effectiveness of economic sciences. Professional analysis of the research method of a specific area (field) cannot be limited to the creative invention itself, omitting both the subject and functionality of the theories created. And this is the nature of the attempts to undermine the efficiency paradigm of economic sciences. The problem is the methodological coherence (incoherence) of the economic sciences and, in a wider context, of the entire field of social sciences, consisting in the inability to conduct workshop research and leading to the multiplication of erroneous statements about the social process. In order to make the analysis more in-depth, two specific problems were identified: 1) the problem of the subject of economic research; and 2) the problem of coherence of the workshop economy, which often comes down to the unconscious crossing of the limits of economics.
Optimum. Economic Studies; 2020, 2(100); 105-120
Pojawia się w:
Optimum. Economic Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Podmiotowość jako kategoria prawna
Subject as a legal category
Benio, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie, Małopolska Szkoła Administracji Publicznej
podmiot prawa
prawo cywilne
korporacje globalne
the subject of law
civil law
global corporations
Trudno sobie wyobrazić dyskusję akademicką o podmiotach i podmiotowości pomijającą prawne znaczenie tych pojęć. Podmiotowość jest centralnym pojęciem prawa cywilnego. Inne gałęzie prawa posługują się nim w swoich kontekstach: prawa karnego, prawa administracyjnego czy prawa międzynarodowego. Kiedy i w jaki sposób byt staje się podmiotem prawa? Poprzez nabycie prawa czy może odwrotnie: prawo nie istnieje bez podmiotu, któremu przysługuje? Te pytania teoretyczne mają bardzo praktyczne implikacje, np. w prawie spadkowym. Ale nabierają wagi wraz z pojawieniem się faktycznej możliwości klonowania człowieka i rozwoju sztucznej inteligencji. To, co niegdyś było futurystyczną wizją autorów fikcji, staje się rzeczywistością, która wymaga regulacji prawnej. Innym ważnym wątkiem przedstawionym w artykule jest sposób nabywania podmiotowości prawnej przez globalne podmioty (korporacje, organizacje) o zasięgu ponadnarodowym, wykraczającym poza ramy prawne państw narodowych. Czy ze względu na globalny zasięg tych podmiotów tworzy się także swoista globalna podmiotowość prawna i powstają globalne prawa? Tradycyjna koncepcja suwerenności zostaje podważona.
It is hard to imagine an academic debate on subjects and subjectivity in which there was no question of the legal meaning of these concepts. Subjectivity is a central notion in the civil law, but it is also important for other branches of law: criminal, administrative, and international. When and how does a being become a subject of law? Does he or she do it by acquiring rights, or perhaps the other way round: there is no right on its own, without its subject. These theoretical questions have very practical implications, e.g. in rights of succession. But they will become more and more important when it comes to subjectivity of human clones and the development of artificial intelligence. Once futurist illusions of fiction writers have become a reality that calls for regulation. Another important thread of thought presented in the paper is how and on what ground global entities (corporations, organizations) become legal subjects with “global” rights.
Zarządzanie Publiczne / Public Governance; 2014, 3(29); 153-162
Pojawia się w:
Zarządzanie Publiczne / Public Governance
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Formuły egzorcystyczne w potrydenckiej liturgii błogosławieństw
The exorcistical formulae in the blessing liturgy after the council of trent
Towarek, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe Franciszka Salezego
the subject and object of exorcisms
people’s exorcism
objects’ exorcisms
roman ritual
blessing liturgy after the Council of Trent
Latin pontifical and agendas of the Middle Ages confirm a plurality of the blessing texts, a creativity of this liturgical form and, at the same time, people’s hope, which they connected with a sacrifice of people and objects. However, not always have these formulas been connected with the baptismal exorcism liturgy or the exorcisms of demented people. It turns out that they may also be found in the texts of blessing people and objects, which confirm the medieval belief of division the world into a saint and a sinful one. The sinful one needed the purification, and its absolution from sins was often related to an anti-demoniacal thinking. This way of thinking has penetrated into the liturgical books published after the Council of Trent. This article presents the genesis of the convictions mentioned above, which a famous liturgist A. M. Triacca defines as a phenomenon of “enlargement and extension” (di ingrandimento et di estensione) “subject-object” (soggetto-oggetto) of the exorcism. In ancient Christian times, this process is based on passing from exorcising people, who are catechumen and demented by evil spirit, to exorcising objects, for example: water, oil, salt (Tertulian, Orygenes, St. Hipolit, St. Augustine). This process penetrates through the medieval liturgy documents to the modern times and reaches its top in the period of realization the reform of Trent, which results in certain texts confirming the match between the blessing of objects and exorcism formulas. In that period not only are the catechumenate oil, holy anointing oil, holy water, Gregorian water or water used to bless cattle being exorcised, but also incense, bread, Easter palms, oat, radish, rue, ash, medallions and animals such as bees. The last part of the presented article also reminds about exorcisms which, in the period after the Council of Trent, accompanied the blessing of the sick and which, as well as the exorcisms of objects, penetrated to the liturgy books after the second Vatican Council.
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe; 2010, 27; 29-39
Pojawia się w:
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Karol Wojtyła on the metaphysics of the person
Hołub, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Karol Wojtyła
W. Norris Clarke
the personal subject
The article undertakes the issue of metaphysical subjectivity in the philosophy of the human person developed by Karol Wojtyła. He drew extensively upon the notion of suppositum but there is no systematic exposition of the concept in his work. The article undertakes the task of investigating the issue. First, Wojtyła’s approach to metaphysics is presented. Second, the paper sets out the philosopher’s understanding of suppositum. Finally, some further clarifications are developed, including those helping to better understand the association of the metaphysical subjectivity with the personal. Wojtyła’s concept of suppositum requires a stronger reference to a pro-personalistic notion of substance. The latter seems to be offered by an original project of Thomistic metaphysics presented by W. Norris Clarke. The last part of the paper is an attempt at demonstration of the complementarity of metaphysical ideas of these two philosophers.
Logos i Ethos; 2015, 2(39); 97-115
Pojawia się w:
Logos i Ethos
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sovereignty and Autonomy of the Moral Subject
Baran, ks. dr Marcin
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
sovereignty of the moral subject
practical reason
moral principles
moral realism
Research objective: The following article aims at clarifying the relation between the notion of autonomy of the moral subject and its sovereignty. The research problem and methodology: The notions of sovereignty and autonomy attributed to the moral subject seem to be used as synonyms. Yet in the political theory the two terms seem to have slightly different meaning. Is it justified to use these notions related to the moral subject as synonyms or should they rather be distinguished? Using the descriptive-analytic and comparative method the author examines the chosen sources considered as most important reference points for the matter. The process of argumentation: The article begins with the presentation of the conception of autonomy formulated by I. Kant as the most influential for the whole modernity. This conception can have a “moral realist” and “creative anti-realist” interpretation. Afterwards it presents the contemporary interpretation of autonomy by Kristine M. Korsgaard representing the “creative anti-realist” view. This creative anti-realist interpretation is confronted with its two critiques by John E. Hare and Charles Larmore. Research results: The result of the discussion in the article is the proposition to name the modern radical creative anti-realist interpretation of autonomy the sovereignty of the moral subject and thus distinguish between the notion of sovereignty and autonomy. Conclusions, innovations and recommendations: This view of autonomy is connected with the naturalistic world view which by many modern philosophers is accepted without further questioning, whereas it is not the only possible position. We should keep questioning the so called “metaphysics of the modern world” and formulate an alternative which gives a more adequate place to the moral reasons in the world.
Horyzonty Polityki; 2018, 10, 30; 99-111
Pojawia się w:
Horyzonty Polityki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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