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Із метою „підшукування нових динамічних форм вислову”. „Дванадцятка” як авангардне явище в українській літературі
‟In Search of New Dynamic Forms of Speech” “The Twelve” as an Avant-garde Phenomenon of 1930s Ukrainian Literature
Horniatko-Szumiłowicz, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
literary group “The Twelve”
style and avant-garde works
Ukrainian literature
“The Twelve” was the name of a group of Ukrainian littérateurs, active during the period of 1934 to 1939 in Lviv. The phenomenon of “Lviv’s youngest literary bohemians of the 1930s” (W. Gabor) was discovered relatively recently, which explains why despite a growing interest of researchers it remains obscure and undervalued in Ukrainian literary studies. Worthy of mention is the innovativeness of “The Twelve”, always avant-garde in their search for new forms of speech, both when it comes to urban prose (Anatol Kurdydyk, Zenon Tarnavsky, Bohdan Nyzhankivsky) and the prose about the villages (Vasil Tkachuk) as well as to the bohemianist style that the group exhibited. This paper is therefore an attempt to determine the extent of innovativeness (the avant- -garde solutions in both the functioning and literary legacy) of “The Twelve”.
Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne; 2020, 18; 125-144
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Шляхі фарміравання нацыянальнай ідэі ў беларускай літаратуры ХІХ стагоддзя
Drogi tworzenia idei narodowej w literaturze białoruskiej XIX wieku
The ways of forming national idea in Belarusian literature of the 20th century
Васілюк, Іаанна
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
national idea
national consciousness
literary tradition
Belarusian literature in 20th century
national rebirth
Belarusian cultural canon
the Belarusian language
idea narodowa
świadomość narodowa
tradycja literacka
literatura białoruska xix wieku
odrodzenie narodowe
białoruski kanon kulturowy
język białoruski
Artykuł jest poświęcony kształtowaniu się idei narodowej w okresie formowania nowej literatury białoruskiej (XIX w.). Konsolidacja etniczno-kulturalna ludu białoruskiego, kształtowanie się zrębów nacji białoruskiej, charakteryzujące się powrotem do historycznych korzeni narodowych, kultury i języka ojczystego przebiegało w trudnych warunkach społecznych i politycznych. Przywrócenie pamięci historycznej i duchowej spuścizny narodu białoruskiego było wyraźnym impulsem dla pisarzy, a ich twórczość z kolei kształtowała ideę narodową, świadome dążenie do „stania się narodem”. Poszerzone o dotychczas jakby „niczyje” teksty badania literaturoznawcze otwierały nowe możliwości wyznaczania kierunku kształtowania się idei narodowej.
The article is devoted to the forming process of national idea in Belarusian literature (20th century). Ethnic-cultural consolidation of Belarusian people, shaping of Belarusian nation proceeded in rough conditions. The restoration of historical memory and spiritual heritage of the Belarusian nation was a clear impulse to writers whose literary works shaped national idea, conscious striving for becoming a nation. Literary studies extended by so called nobody’s texts opened new possibilities to set new directions in the field of national idea.
Białorutenistyka Białostocka; 2014, 6
Pojawia się w:
Białorutenistyka Białostocka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zhigalova, Maria
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
literary communication, interpretation and the analysis, social communicative functions, authorreader relationship
komunikacja literacka, interpretacja i analiza wierszy, funkcje społeczno-komunikacyjne, relacja autor – czytelnik.
The article reveals the different social communicative functions of artwork through the analysis and interpretation of two Russian and two Belarusian poems written in Russian (A. Voznesensky’s Why two great poets…, M.Tsvetaeva’s If your soul was born with wings… and V. Polikanina’s Lubilia Country and V. F. Grishkovets’s Voices cherished in the heart respectively).
Artykuł przedstawia różne społeczno-komunikacyjne funkcje dzieła literackiego na podstawie analizy i interpretacji dwóch rosyjskich (A. Wozniesienskiego Dlaczego dwoje wielkich poetów i M. Cwietajewej Jeśli by dusza rodziła się skrzydlata…) i dwóch rosyjskojęzycznych białoruskich poematów (W. Polikaniny Kraina Lubilia i W. Griszkoweca Drogie sercu głosy).
Zeszyty Cyrylo-Metodiańskie; 2016, 5
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Cyrylo-Metodiańskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
ФІЛОСОФСЬКО-МИСТЕЦЬКИЙ ПОРТРЕТ ЮРІЯ ВИННИЧУКА (на основі проведеного уЛьвові інтерв’ю з письменником від 13 серпня 2018 р.)
Lis-Markiewicz, Przemysław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
philosophical and artistic portrait
internal autonomy
origin of the literary style
portret filozoficzno-artystyczny
autonomia wewnętrzna
geneza stylu literackiego
Przedmiotem publikacji jest portret filozoficzno-artystyczny ukraińskiego pisarza Jurija Wynnuczuka stworzony na podstawie przeprowadzonego z nim wywiadu. Celem opracowania jest przedstawienie na podstawie rozmowy z artystą genezy jego stylu literackiego oraz początków twórczości. Analiza treści wywiadu prowadzi do wniosku, że styl literacki pisarza ukształtował się pod wpływem ukraińskich przekładów literatury obcej, głównie zachodnioeuropejskiej. Pisarz deklaruje, że istotna jest dla niego możliwość zachowania autonomii wewnętrznej podczas tworzenia utworu. Pragnie on zatem tworzyć bez ulegania naciskom ze strony swoich wyobrażeń o gustach i oczekiwaniach czytelników.
Th earticle aims to depict a philosophical and artistic portrait of the Ukrainian writer Yuriy Vynnychuk. The portrait is based on his interview. The objective of the study is to present the origin of his literary style and the beginning of his work. The analysis of the content of the interview leads to the conclusion that the writer’s literary style was influenced by Ukrainian translations of foreign literature, mainly from Western Europe; the writer declares that he intends to preserve his internal autonomy during the creation of the work, he wants to be free from the pressure connected with his would-be readers’ tastes and expectations.
Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia; 2020, 8, 1; 267-279
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Фонетико-фонологічна й графіко-правописна системи української мови ІІ половини XVI століття (на матеріалі викладу о церкви теодосія софоновича)
System fonetyczno-fonologiczny i graficzno-ortograficzny języka ukraińskiego drugiej połowy XVI wieku (na materiale Traktatu o kościele Teodosija Sofonowycza)
The phonetic-phonological and graphic-orthographic system of the Ukrainian language of the 2nd part of the 17th century (from material in the Treatise about the Church by Teodosii Sofonovych)
Наєнко, Галина
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
historia pisanego języka ukraińskiego
prosta mowa
ukraiński wariant języka cerkiewnosłowiańskiego
Teodosij Sofonowycz
history of the Ukrainian literary (written) language
prostaja mova
Ukrainian recension of the Church Slavonic language
Teodosii Sofonovych
Na podstawie Traktatu o Kościele Teodosija Sofonowycza autorka artykułu przeprowadza szczegółową analizę cech graficznych i ortograficznych zabytku, które odzwierciedlają system fonetyczny i fonologiczny języka ukraińskiego drugiej połowy XVII wieku. Autorka zwraca szczególną uwagę na wzajemne relacje zachodzące pomiędzy ukraińskim wariantem języka cerkiewnosłowiańskiego tego czasu a prostą mową. Dochodzi przy tym do wniosku, że prace drukowane w Kijowie miały własną ortografię, która różniła się od ortografii stosowanej w poleskiej odmianie języka pisanego.
Based on Teodosii Sofonovych’s Treatise about the Church, the author offers a detailed analysis of its graphic and orthographic features which reflect the phonetic and phonological system of the Ukrainian language of the 2nd part of the 17th century. An emphasis is placed on the interrelations between the Ukrainian recension of Church Slavonic of that time with the prostaja mova. The author concludes that the Kyivan works had their own orthography which was different from that used in the Polissian variety of the written language.
Rozprawy Komisji Językowej ŁTN; 2018, 66; 333-350
Pojawia się w:
Rozprawy Komisji Językowej ŁTN
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Феномен Гузели Яхиной (к восприятию романа „Зулейха открывает глаза”)
The Phenomenon of Guzel Yakhina: on the Reception of the Novel „Zuleikha Opens her Eyes”
Ситникова, Вера
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
вечные темы
трансформация сюжета
национальный контекст
человек естественный
литературная генеалогия
the eternal themes
transformation of the plot
national context
the natural man
literary genealogy
The article analyzes salient aspects of Guzel Yakhina’s novel Zuleikha (Zuleikha opens her eyes) and its critical reception. First of all, the author discusses the connections of the artistic world of the novel with the Russian literary tradition with respect to the image of “the natural man”. Particular attention is paid to the treatment of the “eternal themes” of love, motherhood, faith, the formation of personality as well as to the originality with which the author approaches the topic of the mass repression of the 1930s. The predominating opinions of critics and reviewers are interpreted, and an attempt is made to indicate the reasons for the novel’s popularity with the readers.
В статье анализируются значимые аспекты романа Г. Яхиной Зулейха открывает глаза и его восприятие критикой. В частности, рассматриваются связи художественного мира романа с традициями русской литературы в изображении «естественного человека», особенности звучания вечных тем любви, материнства, веры, становления личности, своеобразие раскрытия темы репрессий 1930-х годов. Осмыслены основные тенденции суждений критиков и рецензентов, сделана попытка объяснить причины успеха романа у читателей. 
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Rossica; 2019, 12; 227-240
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Rossica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Фантазмите за България в някои полски репортажи от втората половина на ХХ век
Kovacheva, Adriana
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
reportage, censorship, literature of socialism, the image of the Other, Polish-Bulgarian literary contacts, orientalism
reportaż, cenzura, literatura drugiej połowy XX wieku, polsko-bułgarskie kontakty literackie, orientalizm
The reportages analyzed in the article are interpreted as texts that illustrate the ways in which knowledge about socialist countries in the era of increasing censorship is shaped. The main purpose of the article is to present how the authors of the reportages reproduce colonial discourse, replacing the ideological fiction of a colonizer with fiction, created for the sake of the totalitarian state.
Fantazmaty o Bułgarii w niektórych polskich reportażach z drugiej połowy XX wiekuAnalizowane w artykule reportaże są rozpatrywane jako teksty, które ilustrują sposoby kształtowania wiedzy o państwach socjalistycznych w dobie nasilającej się cenzury. Ukazano w nim w jaki sposób autorzy reportaży reprodukują dyskurs kolonialny, zastępując ideologiczną fikcję kolonizatora fikcją, stworzoną na użytek państwa totalitarnego.
Zeszyty Cyrylo-Metodiańskie; 2018, 7
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Cyrylo-Metodiańskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Тыпалагічныя прыкметы беларускай і польскай літаратурных моў: спецыфіка канцэптуалізацыі
Cechy typologiczne białoruskiego i polskiego języków literackich: specyfika konceptualizacji
Typological Features of Belarusian and Polish Literary Languages: The Specifics of Conceptualization
Liashuk, Viktoria
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
the theory of literary language
linguistic Slavic studies
typological parameters
stylistic system of the national language
functional style system
teoria języka literackiego
slawistyka językowa
parametry typologiczne
system stylistyczny języka narodowego
system stylów funkcjonalnych
тэорыя літаратурнай мовы
лінгвістычная славістыка
тыпалагічныя параметры
стылістычная сістэма нацыянальнай мовы
сістэма функцыянальных стылей
Artykuł wykorzystując parametry typologiczne analizuje fenomen narodowego języka literackiego na podstawie jego terminologicznej i teoretycznej prezentacji w białoruskim i polskim paradygmacie naukowo-edukacyjnym. Jako materiał analityczny wykorzystano źródła teoretyczne, dydaktyczne i leksykograficzne, odzwierciedlające wspólne, charakterystyczne cechy w konceptualizacji narodowego języka literackiego Białorusinów i Polaków. Występuje asymetria terminologiczna i klasyfikacyjna w interpretacji słowiańskiego języka literackiego w ramach językoznawstwa narodowego i slawistyki. Konceptualizacja białoruskiego i polskiego języka literackiego jest pośrednio związana z ich parametrami typologicznymi i może być wykorzystana jako model typologiczny.
The typological parameters to analyse the phenomenon of the national literary language on the basis of its terminological and theoretical presentation in the Belarusian and Polish scientific and educational paradigm are used in the article. Theoretical, educational methodological and lexicographic sources reflecting common and distinctive features in the conceptualization of the national literary language of Belarusians and Poles are used as analytical material. A terminological and classificatory asymmetry is traced in the interpretation of the national literary Slavic language within the boundaries of national linguistic and Slavic studies. The conceptualization of the Belarusian and Polish literary languages is indirectly related to their typological parameters and can be used as a typological model.
У артыкуле па тыпалагічных параметрах аналізуецца феномен нацыянальнай літаратурнай мовы на аснове яго тэрміналагічнага і тэарэтычнага прэзентавання ў беларускай і польскай навукова-адукацыйнай парадыгме. Аналітычным матэрыялам паслужылі тэарэтычныя, навучальна-метадычныя і лексікаграфічныя крыніцы, якія адлюстроўваюць агульныя і адрозныя асаблівасці ў канцэптуалізацыі нацыянальнай літаратурнай мовы беларусаў і палякаў. Прасочваюцца тэрміналагічная і класіфікацыйная асіметрыя ў інтэрпрэтацыі нацыянальнай славянскай літаратурнай мовы ў межах прыватнай лінгвістыкі і славістыкі. Канцэптуалізацыя беларускай і польскай літаратурных моў ускосным чынам звязана з іх тыпалагічнымі параметрамі і можа быць выкарыстана ў якасці тыпалагічнай мадэлі. 
Studia Białorutenistyczne; 2022, 16; 261-276
Pojawia się w:
Studia Białorutenistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Теологічні тексти у становленні українського наукового дискурсу ІІ половини XVII століття (на прикладі „Науки о тайнѣ с(т): покаѧнїѧ” 1671 р.)
Nayenko, Halyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
the history of the Ukrainian literary language
‘prosta mova’
scientific discourse
popular scientific text
semantic structure of the scientific text
історія української літературної мови
‘проста мова’
науковий дискурс
науково-популярний текст
смислова структура наукового тексту
The author analyzes the cognitive-discourse aspect of the semantic structur e of the treaty Nauka o tajně s(t): pokaęnїę (a translation from the Polish original) printed in 1671 by the imprimery of the Kyivan Cave Monastery. Found on the boundary line between theological literature and the secular genres, the Ukrainian scientifi c discourse was rather vague at that time; the text under consideration can be viewed therefore as a popular scientifi c one. The text is connected with the academic discourse through a complicated structure, typical of scholastic treaties, heterogeneous markers of the intertextuality, the use of indirect performative markers as well as markers of the prospection and retrospection. Its connection with the popular discourse is maintained through the elimination of authorship, the prevailing glossing rather than defi nitions of the respective terms. The dialogue model of addressing with the help of singular ‘you,’ which is common for preaching, is found in this treaty side by side with the inclusive ‘we.’ The treaty’s heterogeneous syntactic organization is marked by the combination of diff erent genres, namely, literature of practical purpose and sermons.
Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia; 2020, 8; 173-184
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Стихотворение А. Ладинского "Аргонавты": рецепция мифа и художественная символика
Чевтаев, Аркадий
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
А. П. Ладинский
«аргонавтический» миф
лирический нарратив
художественная символика
Antonin Ladinsky
myth of the Argonauts
narrative poetry
literary symbols
В статье рассматривается поэтика еще не исследованного стихотворения Антонина Ладинского Аргонавты (1926), представляющего собой авторскую интерпретацию античного мифа. Анализ данного поэтического текста показывает, что акцентированное в его структуре совмещение реалий античности и русской действительности превращает изображаемое «аргонавтическое» плавание в символическое восхождение к духовным вершинам универсума. Художественная символика, определяющая логику нарративного развертывания стихотворения, эксплицирует оппозицию «жизнь – смерть» в их ценностном единстве и продуцирует идеологему преображения бытия. Формулируется вывод, что «аргонавтический» миф в стихотворении сопряжен с онтологическими и историософскими исканиями поэта и утверждает необходимость не только достижения идеала («золотого руна»), но и осознания его ценностной сущности.
The article deals with the poetics of Antonin Ladinsky’s under-researched poem “Argonavty” (“The Argonauts”, 1926), which represents the author’s interpretation of the ancient myth. The analysis of this poetic text shows that the emphatic combination of elements of ancient reality and Russian reality turns the depicted “Argonautic voyage” into a symbolic ascent to the spiritual heights of the universe. The artistic symbolism, which determines the logic of the narrative development in the poem, explicates the opposition between life and death in their axiological unity and produces the ideologeme of the transfiguration of being. The conclusion is that the “Argonautic” myth in the poem is associated with the poet’s enquiry in the sphere of ontology and philosophy of history; it postulates the need to achieve not only the ideal (the “golden fleece”), but also the awareness of its axiological essence.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Rossica; 2020, 13; 29-41
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Rossica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Стилістичні студії мовознавців харківської філологічної школи 20–30 рр. ХХ ст.
Stylistic studies of the linguists of Kharkiv philological school in the 1920s and 1930s
Черемська, Ольга
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski
Kharkiv linguistic school
stylistics of the Ukrainian language
culturre of language
fonctional styles
individual language
literary language
The article focuses on the concept of historical memory on the basis of the Ukrainian linguistics ofthe 1920s and 1930s. The aspects of the scientific work of linguists of the Kharkiv Philological School (O. Vetukhov, M. Yogansen, O. Kurylo, M. Nakonechnyi, K. Nymchynov, V. Simovych, O. Synyavskyi, S. Smerechynskyi, M. Sulyma, B. Tkachenko, О. Finkel), who were in creative interaction with the Slavic and European scientific circles, are characterised; the influence of the ideas of the Prague linguistic circle, in particular its structural-semantic paradigm, on the directions of scientific research of Ukrainian linguists during the mentioned period is noted. Attention is focused on the main achievements of Ukrainian linguistics in the field of stylistics. The work of O. Kurylo Attention on the modern Ukrainian literary language (1920) is analysed in view of the terminology apparatus of stylistics, including theoretical and methodological principles of Ukrainian and Slavic linguistics in general. The stylistic advisers of M. Gladkyi, which highlight the cultural aspects of journalism and literature, and peculiarities of word-formation in the language of the press and fiction, are discussed. The work Ukrainian phrase. Short Sketches (1928) by M. Sulyma, devoted to issues of stylistic morphology and stylistic syntax is investigated as well as the terminology of stylistics used in the work of S. Smerechynskyi Essays on the Ukrainian syntax (in connection with phraseology and stylistics) (1932); M. Yogansen’s scientific discoveries Elementary laws of versification (1922) and How the narrative is constructed. Analysis of Prose Samples (1927) as well as O. Finkel’s: A Brief Introduction to Theoretical Stylistics (1927), L. Bulakhovsky’s The Basics of Linguistics (1931–1932) are scrutinised. The course of B. Tkachenko’s Essay of Ukrainian Stylistics (Kharkiv, 1929–1930?), created under the influence of French stylistics by S. Bally is noted, in which for the first time in Ukrainian linguistics, the necessity of studying stylistics as a separate educational discipline was proved, its purpose and task were articulated, and conceptual apparatus outlined; the essence and nature of the interrelations of the literary language with individual and folk-colloquial language are investigated.
Stylistyka; 2019, 28; 373-392
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Сказки типа «Спор о верности жены» и древнерусские редакции “Повести о купце” Беняша Будного (эпизоды первой части)
Folktales of ‘The Wager on the Wife’s Chastity’ Type and the Old Russian Versions of Bieniasz Budny’s “A Tale of a Merchant” (episodes from the first part)
Rzepnikowska, Iwona
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Bieniasz Budny’s "Таle of a Merchant"
tales of the faithful wife
oppressed innocence
literary inspirations in folklore
повесть о купце беняша будного
о верной жене
о невинно оклеветанных красавицах
взаимодействие литературы и фольклора
Russian folktales which belong to ‘The wager on the wife’s chastity’ type (882 in The Aarne–Thompson tale type index) owe their origin to the tale of Zinevra from “The Decameron” (II, 9) by Giovanni Boccaccio. Adapted by the Old Russian literature, it gradually became part of the oral tradition and underwent the process of folklorization. It should be stressed, however, that the tale wasnot translated directly from Italian but from Polish, and that it was “Historia o kupcu” [“A tale of a merchant”] by Bieniasz Budny that played the role of the mediating text. The reception of the Old Russian translation of the tale was quite favourable, as evidenced by the existence of five versions and the fact that their authors did not limit themselves to passively reproducing the original. Analysis of episodes from the first part of the tales of the faithful wife shows that folk creators were mainly inspired by two Old Russian versions of “Tale of a merchant: A facetious tale” and “A strange tale”. In addition, traces of inspiration drawn from the byliny about Stavr Godinovich can be found there as well as from tales of other unfairly slandered beauties, for instance those about a merchant’s daughter.
Сказки типа «Спор о верности жены» (СУС 882A) в русской народной традиции появились в результате фольклоризации древнерусских редакций “Повести утешной о купце” Беняша Будного, восходящей к “Декамерону” Джованни Боккаччо (9 новелла второго дня). В статье предпринимается попытка выявить формы соотношения эпизодов первой части сказок о верной жене с двумя из пяти литературными редакциями новеллы, т.е. с текстами Первоначальной и Сказочно-былинной редакциий. Проведенный анализ показывает, что, естественно, все они формировались еще и под влиянием фольклорного материала, в том числе сказочного и былинного (сказки о невинно оклеветанной купеческой дочери, былины о Ставре Годиновиче).
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Rossica; 2015, Zeszyt specjalny 2015; 53-66
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Rossica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Преводилачки рад Павла Соларића и Јована Дошеновића
Translation Work by Pavle Solarić and Jovan Došenović
Савковић, Нада
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Enlightenment in Serbia
Europeanization tendencies
Dositej’s concept about the development of Serbian literature and culture
development new Serbian literary language
Pavle Solarić
Jovan Došenović
the imitatio procedure
During the times of Dositej Obradović (1739–1811), i.e. the period of Enlightenment in Serbia, advanced ideas were best spread through literature and the translation of contemporary authors was very common in Serbian literature. Obradović was the first to point out the importance of translation to the Serbs. He advocated the development of literature and culture modelled after more advanced cultures and based on the translation of useful works; he also believed that translation must adapt to the nature of target language. His views particularly influenced same writers from the region of Croatia, namely Pavle Solarić and Jovan Došenović, who were friends also. Solarić translated philosophical, geographical, historical and other documents, while Došenović, under the influence of others, compiled an arithmetic book, as well as the first collection of lyric poetry in recent Serbian literature, with the use of the imitatio procedure too. Translation influenced the genre, subject, style, and especially the linguistic development of Serbian literature.
Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne; 2018, 15
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Правопис у настави српског језика (на примеру скраћеница)
Orthography in Serbian Language Teaching
Весић, Љубица
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
the Serbian language teaching
literary language norm
настава српског језка
књижевнојезичка норма
Будући да су скраћенице у комуникацији веома фреквентне, циљ рада и истраживања био је да се утврди колико свршени средњошколци познају правописна правила у вези са скраћивањем речи. Испитивање се вршило на основу анкете. У истраживању је учествовало 160 испитаника. Анализиране су скраћенице и у наставним програ- мима за основну и средњу школу и правописна правила у вези са њиховим писањем у Правопису српскога језика Матице српске. Покушали смо да утврдимо које се грешке јављају, зашто до њих долази и понудимо могућа решења која би утицала на то да оваквих грешака буде све мање.
Since using abbreviations in communication is a common phenomenon, the objective of the paper and research was to determine how well high school leavers know the spelling rules concerning word abbreviating. The research was conducted on the basis of a survey. The survey involved 160 respondents. Abbreviations in primary and secondary school curricula were also analyzed as well as the spelling rules related to their writing in the Serbian Language Orthography by Matica Srpska. We tried to find out what mistakes appeared, what brought them about and we offered possible solutions to making them fewer. The results of the research show that the abbreviations are a very perplexed part of orthographic system. Although there are very strict rules in literary language norm, it seems that the great number of native speakers don’t comply with those rules, mostly because they are not familiar with them. The great percent of correct answers was found in those abbreviations that are the most frequent in everyday communication. Results of the research also show that the orthography teaching on academic level has great impact on knowledge of literary language norm. Therefore, Orthography should be one of the compulsory courses. On the other side, the fact that results of this research are almost the same as the results of the previous similar researches are discouraging. That shows that the problem of writing abbreviations is common. This problem could be solved if we obey literary language norm in Serbian language teaching and in media literacy. In spite of the fact that it’s almost paradoxically, we can say that, nonetheless literary language norm is being taught through whole schooling, it is never completely learned. Therefore it is important for students to learn basics of literary language norm and how to use orthographic textbooks by doing different writing exercises, surveys projects etc. It’s important that they learn how to use that knowledge properly.
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia ad Didacticam Litterarum Polonarum et Linguae Polonae Pertinentia; 2020, 11, 315; 52-60
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia ad Didacticam Litterarum Polonarum et Linguae Polonae Pertinentia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Праблема рэпрэзентацыі жанчыны ў мужчынскай прозе ў асэнсаванні беларускіх даследчыкаў 1960–1980-х гг.
Problem reprezentacji kobiety w prozie męskiej w ocenie białoruskich badaczy w latach 1960–1980
The problem of women representation in men’s prose reflected by Belarusian literary critics between 1960s and 1980s
Чарнавокая, Аляксандра
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Lingwistyki Stosowanej. Katedra Białorutenistyki
гісторыя беларускага літаратуразнаўства
беларуская проза першай паловы хх ст.
жаночы вобраз
гендарныя стэрэатыпы
historia literaturoznawstwa białoruskiego
proza białoruska pierwszej połowy xx wieku
obraz kobiety
stereotypy genderowe
history of belarusian literary criticism
belarusian prose of the first half of the xxth century
female image
gender stereotypes
У артыкуле разглядаюцца працы А. Матрунёнка, А. Адамовіча, А. Яскевіча і іншых даследчыкаў, дзе закранаецца праблема рэпрэзентацыі жанчыны ў мужчынскай прозе. Для беларускага літаратуразнаўства 1960–1980-х гг. гэта праблема не мела цэнтральнага значэння, аднак уздымалася пры аналізе твораў Я. Коласа, М. Зарэцкага, К. Чорнага, І. Шамякіна. Над¬звычай важным для тагачасных даследчыкаў было пытанне асабістага досведу творцаў, рэалістычнасці і псіхалагічнай дакладнасці персанажаў. Рознасць гендарнага досведу разглядалася як перашкода для глыбокай псіха¬лагічнай распрацоўкі жаночых вобразаў у мастацкай прозе. У артыкуле акрэс-ліваюцца розныя падыходы пісьменнікаў-мужчын да стварэння жаночых персанажаў.
W artykule przedstawiono analizę prac A. Matrunionka, A. Adamowicza, A. Jaskiewicza i innych badaczy, które dotyczą kwestii reprezentacji kobiet w prozie mężczyzn. W białoruskim literaturoznawstwie z lat 1960–1980 zagad-nienie to nie miało centralnego znaczenia, ale było omawiane w analizie utworów J. Kołasa, M. Zareckiego, K. Czornego i I. Szamiakina. Szczególnie ważny dla ówczesnych badaczy był aspekt własnego doświadczenia twórców, realizmu i wiernego odwzorowania psychologicznego bohaterów. Różnorodność genderowego doświadczenia była postrzegana jako przeszkoda dla stworzenia pogłębionej psychologicznie postaci kobiety w utworach literatury pięknej. Artykuł przedstawia różne podejścia pisarzy-mężczyzn do tworzenia postaci kobiecych.
The works of A. Matrunenak, A. Adamovich, A. Yaskevich and other resear¬chers who addressed the problem of representation of women in men's prose are examined in the article. For Belarusian literary criticism of the 1960s – 1980s period, this problem was not of central importance but was raised in the analysis of the works written by J. Kolas, M. Zaretsky, K. Chorny and I. Shemyakin. The authors' personal experience, as well as the realism and psychological accuracy of the characters were immensely important for the researchers. The difference in gender experience was one of the reasons for creative failures in the development of female images. The article outlines different approaches to the creation of female characters.
Acta Albaruthenica; 2020, 20; 95-109
Pojawia się w:
Acta Albaruthenica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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