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Geneza instytucji syndyka masy upadłości na tle rozwoju regulacji prawa upadłościowego
Podel, Waldemar
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe Płockie
prawo upadłościowe
historia prawa
bankruptcy law
the history of law
Początki prawa upadłościowego i instytucji syndyka sięgają czasów starożytnych, a zmiany w tej dziedzinie na przestrzeni dziejów zostały zaprezentowane w artykule.
This paper shows the beginning of bankruptsy and trustee institution, which goes back to ancient times and furthermore the changes in this area over the centuries.
Rocznik Towarzystwa Naukowego Płockiego; 2013, 5; s. 164-191
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Towarzystwa Naukowego Płockiego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kuźnik, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Humanitas
Cesarstwo Niemieckie,
stany nadzwyczajne,
historia prawa
the German Empire,
the states of emergency,
the history of law
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie podstaw porządku prawnego obowiązujących na terenach kolonialnych Cesarstwa Niemieckiego. W pierwszych dwóch częściach artykułu przedstawiono uwarunkowania międzynarodowe dla rozwoju niemieckich kolonii oraz podstawy prawne ich powstania. W trzeciej części omówiono status prawnoustrojowy, jaki posiadały one w niemieckim porządku prawnym. Szczegółowo przeanalizowano przede wszystkim rozwiązania prawne dotyczące problematyki stanów nadzwyczajnych. W czwartej części omówiono natomiast kwestie prawne związane z utratą kolonii. W artykule analizie poddano w pierwszej kolejności postanowienia Konstytucji Rzeszy z 1871 roku, które znalazły zastosowanie podczas tworzenia obszarów kolonialnych. Omówiono także inne akty prawne. Szczegółowo przeanalizowano również rozkazy cesarskie dotyczące problematyki stanów nadzwyczajnych. W opracowaniu wykorzystano także dorobek niemieckojęzycznej doktryny, która szczegółowo zajmowała się poszczególnymi zagadnieniami prawnymi.
The aim of this article is to present the basis of the legal order in force in the German Empire colonial areas. The first two parts of the article outline the international conditions for the development of German colonies, and the legal basis of their establishment. The third part discusses the legal status they had in the German legal order. Here the author thoroughly analyses the legal solutions employed for the states of emergency. The fourth part presents the legal issues concerning the loss of colonies. The article includes the analysis of the provisions of the German Empire Constitution of 1871, which were applied when the colonial areas were formed. The paper also discusses other legal acts. Furthermore, the emperor’s orders for declaring the states of emergency were part of the detailed analysis. The paper also explored the attainment of German doctrine, which studied the particular legal issues in depth.
Roczniki Administracji i Prawa; 2018, 1, XVIII; 171-183
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Administracji i Prawa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wyjaśnienie problematyki celebracji pogrzebu kościelnego wraz z ujęciem historycznym
Explanation of the Problem of the Celebration of the Church Funeral along with its Historical Approach
Chciałowska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum
burial law
Code of Canon Law
burial rites
the history of burial canon law.
The issue presented in this article aims to explain the concept of ecclesiastical burial and shows the richness of its forms included in liturgical and law provisions in Code of Canon Law of 1917, “Ordo Exequiarum”, Johanno-Pauline Code, „Burial Rites” adjusted to Polish diocese. The issue is shown in different sources and literature on the subject. It also shows the historical development of ecclesiastical burial law from the beginings of Church to promulgation of the new Code of Canon Law of 1983. This thesis allows to understand the position of Church and state on burial law. It points out the historical development of ecclesiastical burial law and the reform of burial law emerged during Third Vatican Council resulting in current Polish law rules and Code of Canon Law.
Studia Ełckie; 2020, 22, 1; 19-34
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ełckie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Trend abolicjonistyczny w polskim prawie karnym w XX w.
Mierzwa, Marek
Niewęgłowski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
history of the law
death penalty
criminal law
historia prawa
kara śmierci
prawo karne
The death penalty was present in the Polish Criminal Law starting with Makarewicz Code, through 1950’s decrets to the Criminal Code of 1969. During that period, crimes punishable with death penalties were constantly changing. From last execution in 1988, there was abolition de facto in Poland. It changed into abolition de iure in 1995. The Criminal Code of 1997 does not include death penalty as penalty. Poland signed two international treaties which provided total abolition even in a time of war or other public emergency threatening the life of the nation.
Począwszy od „kodeksu Makarewicza”, poprzez dekrety z lat 50. XX w., aż po kodeks karny z 1969 r., kara śmierci była obecna w ustawodawstwie polskim. W ciągu stulecia wielokrotnie zmieniano czyny zabronione, które były zagrożone tą karą. Od ostatniej egzekucji w 1988 r. obowiązywała w Polsce abolicja de facto, która w 1995 r. przekształciła się w abolicję de iure. W kodeksie karnym z 1997 r. kara śmierci nie jest przewidziana w katalogu kar. W 2013 r. Polska stała się stroną dwóch umów międzynarodowych przewidujących całkowitą abolicję kary śmierci, również w przypadku wojny lub innego niebezpieczeństwa publicznego zagrażającego życiu narodu.
Studenckie Zeszyty Naukowe; 2018, 21, 38
Pojawia się w:
Studenckie Zeszyty Naukowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Geneza uprawnienia do rozporządzania opróżnionym miejscem hipotecznym w prawie polskim
The origin of the right to dispose of the vacated mortgage place. Polish law – case study
Makowiec, Aneta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
mortgage empty space
the history of Polish property law
mortgage law amendment
the principle of primacy of entries
opróżnione miejsce hipoteczne
historia polskiego prawa rzeczowego
nowelizacja prawa hipotecznego
zasada pierwszeństwa wpisów
The paper is designed of deeply analyze the norms contained in the projects of property law of 1937 and 1939 as well as in the project of statute of 2000 on the amendments to the Polish Civil Code and the amendments to the following pieces of statutory law: on perpetual books and mortgage, on the code of civil procedure, on debentures and mortgage banks, on the law of notary’s offices and on presently functioning regulations detectable in the law on perpetual books and mortgage and referring to the instrument of disposing of the vacated mortgage place. The new institution which substantially transformed the previously known model of mortgage succession was introduced into the Polish system by the amendment to the law on perpetual books and mortgage and by amendments to some other statutory laws, the amendment coming into force on 20 February 2011 after the 18-month lasting vacatio legis. The authoress analyses the topic of her research by exploiting the historical method and that of comparative type. Among the most important observations that she makes is the one which points to the present-day regulation of the institution of disposing of the vacated mortgage place as anchored in the project of property law of 1939. While summing up her study, the authoress stresses that the Polish legislator tends toward emphasizing the positive aspects and eliminating the negative ones in the regulations detectable not only in foreign systems but also in the aforementioned projects of 1937, 1939 and 2000. The authoress points out that the legislator was not indifferent to polemics that were published in legal journals and referred to the respective projects. What testified to this was the introduction into the Polish legal system of the concept of disposition of the vacated mortgage place.
Krakowskie Studia z Historii Państwa i Prawa; 2012, 5, 3; 287-293
Pojawia się w:
Krakowskie Studia z Historii Państwa i Prawa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Do trzech razy sztuka czyli koniec zbójeckiego żywota Mikołaja Puchalskiego
Three times lucky — the end of Mikołaj Puchalskis rogue life
Mikołajczyk, Marian
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
crime history
history of the criminal litigation
urban law
Jesienią 1716 r. w Krakowie toczył się wielki proces herszta beskidzkich zbójników, szlachcica Antoniego Złotkowskiego i jego kompanów. Jednym z oskarżonych był zatrzymany wraz ze Złotkowskim Mikołaj Puchalski. W krakowskim procesie nie udowodniono mu udziału w rozbojach i nie udało się go skazać. Wiemy też, że nie była to jedyna próba postawienia go przed sądem. Prawdopodobnie już wcześniej został aresztowany i osadzony w więzieniu zamkowym w Nowym Wiśniczu, ale i wtedy zabrakło wystarczających dowodów przeciw niemu. Po raz trzeci Puchalski stanął przed sądem w kwietniu 1717 r. Był to znów sąd kryminalny miasta Nowego Wiśnicza. Tym razem udowodniono mu (głównie na podstawie jego własnych zeznań) udział w kilku napadach rabunkowych i skazano na ścięcie i ćwiartowanie zwłok. Zgromadzone w trakcie tego ostatniego procesu materiały pozwalają przypuszczać, że i wcześniejsze zatrzymania Puchalskiego nie były pozbawione podstaw. Jeśli nawet nie uczestniczył czynnie w rozbojach, to prawdopodobnie już wtedy był powiązany ze światem przestępczym. Okazuje się jednak, że decydujący o jego losach sędziowie nie wyciągali pochopnie wniosków i zdawali sobie sprawę z konieczności udowodnienia oskarżonemu winy.
In autumn 1716 Cracow witnessed the great trial of a chieftain of Beskid robbers, no- bleman Antoni Złotkowski and his companions. One of the accused was Mikołaj Puchalski, who had been arrested together with Złotkowski. In the Cracow trial his participation in robberies was not proved and he could not be sentenced. We also know that this was not the only attempt to bring him to justice. Probably, he had been arrested earlier and detained in the castle prison in Nowy Wiśnicz, but also then there was not enough evidence against him. For the third time Puchalski stood trial in April 1717. It was again the criminal court of the city of Nowy Wiśnicz. This time his participation in several robberies was proved (mainly on the basis of his own testi- mony) and he was sentenced to beheading and corpse quartering. The materials collected during this last trial allow us to assume that earlier detentions of Puchalski were not groundless. Even if he did not actively participate in robberies, it is likely that he had at that time connections with the criminal world. It turns out that judges who then decided about his fate did not draw hasty conclusions and were fully aware of the necessity to prove the defendant guilty.
Z Dziejów Prawa; 2020, 13; 111-125
Pojawia się w:
Z Dziejów Prawa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The right to property in Nigeria: a reflection on the legal and Biblical laws
Sibani, Cliford Meesua
Asia, Emmanuel
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
the right of property
The right to property in Nigeria is the exclusive privilege of a Nigerian citizen to acquire or own by hereditary important goods, lands, minerals, houses, companies etc for survival but these rights under consideration are in the spirit of the legal and biblical laws as the main focused areas. Historical perspective of property ownership, types of property, lost of property, right to property in Nigeria under law and capitalism, the right to property under biblical laws and recommendations are the core areas addressed by this paper. This research made used of historical method and recommends that the poor should be protected in Nigeria especially by not making them property of the rich ones.
IDEA. Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych; 2016, 28/2; 233-245
Pojawia się w:
IDEA. Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Komu i do czego potrzebne były w XVI w. sumariusze podatkowe? O narodzinach planowania budżetowego we wczesnonowożytnym Królestwie Polskim
Boroda, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
early modern history
taxation system
history of the State
history of law
The modern methods of calculating income and expenses using statistical data is sometimes attributed to the period of the Enlightenment. However, an analysis of the surviving sources (constitutions passed by the Sejm and registers of taxable income) suggests that the first attempts to create a balanced budget in the Kingdom of Poland can be dated between 1530–80. At that time action was taken to improve the functioning of the treasury, accompanied by the creation of new types of treasury documentation: tax returns and income tax registers. Both the form and content of the income tax registers indicate that they were used to calculate future years’ tax inflows and to seek the reasons for the periodical drops in revenue. Discontinuing the preparation of tax registers at the end of the 16th century was probably related to changes in the rules for preparing the state budget, which manifested itself in calculating lump-sum taxes or leasing out their collection. In place of planning the future budget, the treasury administration began to concentrate mainly on satisfying current state requirements and paying tax arrears.
Roczniki Dziejów Społecznych i Gospodarczych; 2013, 73
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Dziejów Społecznych i Gospodarczych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czesław Miłosz. Prawnik, który wiersze pisał. Kilka uwag między historią, literaturą i filozofią prawa
Czesław Miłosz. A lawyer who wrote poems. Some remarks concerning history, literature, and the philosophy of law
Snarski, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Czesław Miłosz
legal education
law and literature
history of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of the Stefan Batory University in Vilnius
edukacja prawnicza
prawo i literatura
historia Wydziału Prawa i Nauk Społecznych Uniwersytetu Stefana Batorego w Wilnie
Artykuł jest rezultatem interdyscyplinarnych badań nad prawniczymi aspektami biografii i twórczości Czesława Miłosza. Przybliża nieco zapomnianą w powszechnym odbiorze prawniczą tożsamość Czesława Miłosza, nawiązując do ukończenia przez niego uniwersyteckich studiów prawniczych, a także poszukując tropów prawnych w wybranych utworach noblisty. Praca opiera się na przeprowadzonych badaniach historycznych, literaturoznawczych i filozoficznoprawnych. Bada nie tylko biografię noblisty, ale również stawia pytania o możliwość interpretacji jego dzieł literackich przy zastosowaniu refleksji filozoficznoprawnej, wykorzystując podejście postanalitycznej filozofii prawa, w tym dorobek kierunku badań prawno-literackich. Stanowi także studium edukacji prawniczej na Uniwersytecie Stefana Batorego w Wilnie w okresie międzywojennym.
The article is the result of interdisciplinary research into the legal aspects of Czesław Miłosz's biography and work. It presents the legal identity of Czesław Miłosz, which is somewhat forgotten by the general public, by referring to his studies and graduation from law school as well as by searching for legal traces and clues in the selected works of the Nobel Prize winner. The present text is based on historical, literary as well as philosophical and legal research. It not only examines the biography of the Nobel Prize winner, but also asks questions concerning the possibility of interpreting his literary works by employing a philosophical and legal reflection as well as using the approach of post-analytic philosophy of law, including the achievements of the field of legal and literary studies. It also constitutes a study of legal education at the Stefan Batory University in Vilnius in the interwar period.
Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne; 2023, 75, 2; 265-283
Pojawia się w:
Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
‘Arrestez et pillez contre toute sorte de droit’: Trade and the War of the Quadruple Alliance (1718–1720)
Dhondt, Frederik
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
Law of nations
legal history
War of the Quadruple Alliance
The War of the Quadruple Alliance (1718–1720) was a conflict between Spain and the other major European powers over the balance of power in Italy. France and Britain jointly intervened on the side of the attacked party, Emperor Charles VI. In February 1720, the conflict was resolved when Philip V of Spain finally adhered to the Treaty of London (2 August 1718). The decision to go to war was contentious at the French court. For the benefit of public opinion, Philip, duke of Orléans and Regent of France, had to wage war against the Spanish Prime Minister, Cardinal Giulio Alberoni, rather than against the Sun King’s grandson, Philip V. Moreover, whereas French and British diplomats found consensus as regards maintaining the principles of the Peace of Utrecht (11 April 1713), they remained commercial rivals. This article lifts a tip of the veil covering the complex trade relations during the conflict. Spain tried to placate and reassure French merchants, and conversely to punish their British counterparts. The British fleet patrolled the Mediterranean, searching French vessels as well as those of neutral states. The Emperor, though allied to France and Britain, could not prevent Neapolitan corsairs from preying on their trade. Moreover, French ships illegally furnished the Spanish army. Finally, France and Britain hoped to quell the abuse of neutral powers in the conflict (Tuscany, Genoa, Venice) by imposing upon them a duty to chase Spanish privateers from their harbours. The complaints of French traders, as indicated by the consuls to the Conseil de la Marine and the Regent himself at the apex of the French government, reveal pleas borne out of frustration, as well as appeals to either the law of nations or consular protection to shield merchants from assaults and abuses. When war was declared, inimical, friendly or allied relations in high politics seemed almost irrelevant. The military conflict generated uncertainty and damaged the reputation of the French flag. Diplomatic pressure on the neutral powers was seen as being more effective than reliance on seemingly corrupt or biased local jurisdictions. The Regent’s management of the conflict – in close collaboration with Britain, despite all the difficulties on the ground – is all the more remarkable.
Legatio: The Journal for Renaissance and Early Modern Diplomatic Studies; 2017, 1
Pojawia się w:
Legatio: The Journal for Renaissance and Early Modern Diplomatic Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dzieje prawa w Kościele Łacińskim – synteza dla Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. Recenzja książki Vojtecha Vladára pt. Dejiny cirkevného práva, Praga: Wydawnictwo Leges 2017, ss. 608
History of law in the Latin Church – a synthesis for East-Central Europe. Book review of Vojtech Vladár, Dejiny cirkevného práva, Leges 2017, pp. 608
Różański, Mieczysław
Szymaniec, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
church law
history of the Church
prawo kościelne
historia Kościoła
Niniejszy artykuł stanowi recenzję publikacji autorstwa Vojtecha Vladára omawiającej dzieje prawa kościelnego. Książka ta ma charakter podręcznikowy i koncentruje się na powszechnej historii Kościoła zachodniego. Sporo miejsca poświęca również rozwojowi prawa kościelnego na ziemiach, które składają się na obecne terytorium Słowacji. Jej autor jest badaczem z zakresu prawa rzymskiego i prawa kościelnego, wykładającym na uniwersytecie Trnawie.
The present paper reviews the book by Vojtech Vladár devoted to the history of church law. The textbook focuses on the general history of the Western Church. It also thoroughly discusses the development of church law on the territory of contemporary Slovakia. The author conducts research on Roman law and church law and is a lecturer at the University of Trnava.
Studia z Prawa Wyznaniowego; 2018, 21; 423-432
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Prawa Wyznaniowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Shattering Myths: The Curious History of the Bulgarian Law of Obligations
Radosveta, Vassileva,
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Bulgarian Law of Obligations and Contracts
history of Bulgarian law
history of the Bulgarian law of obligations
influences of Bulgarian law
Italian Codice Civile
comparative legal history
patterns of legal change
myths in legal history
communist law of contract
Fascist law of contract
Bułgarskie prawo o zobowiązaniach i umowach
historia prawa bułgarskiego
historia bułgarskiego prawa zobowiązań
wpływy na prawo bułgarskie
włoski Codice Civile
porównawcza historia prawa
uwarunkowania zmian prawa
mity w historii prawa
komunistyczne prawo umów
faszystowskie prawo umów
While Bulgarian scholars concur that Bulgaria’s Law of Obligations and Contracts, which was enacted in 1950 and which is still in force today following cosmetic changes in the early 1990s, is an original Bulgarian legal text, archival and comparative research shows that it is heavily based on the Italian Codice Civile of 1942. Why would a communist country seek inspiration in a country with a Fascist ideology? Exploring the reasons behind this legislative choice as well as the reasons why this ‘dark’ secret was buried for so long challenges traditional taxonomies of comparative law, reveals the peculiar patterns of legal change, including the key role of the legal scholar in the process, and demonstrates the power of comparative law in shattering myths in legal history.
Studia Iuridica; 2019, 82; 309-327
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zarys dziejów nauczania historii Kościoła na Uniwersytecie Lwowskim w XIX wieku
An Outline of the Teaching of the History of the Church at Lvov University in the 19th Century
Puszka, Alicja
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Uniwersytet Lwowski
historia Kościoła
wydziały: Teologiczny
Filozoficzny i Prawniczy
Katedra Historii Kościoła
Lvov University
history of the Church
Faculty of Theology
Faculty of Philosophy
Faculty of Law
Department of the History of the Church
In the years of 1784-1871 the university in Lvov was re-opened as a German Josephine University with the following faculties: Philosophical, Theological, Legal, and Medical. In the initial period of the 19th century the then professors did not conduct a more reliable and systematic research on the history of the Church. The history of the Church, nevertheless, was regularly lectured within the schedule of the particular faculties. The following father professors worked then: J. B. Fisinger, A. Bielecki, F. K. Zachariasiewicz, O. Krynicki, J.Delkiewicz, and others. From the 1960s onwards the university was gradually polonised, and in 1871 it became a Polish university at which the Ukrainian language had the same rights. It was only then that historians started research mainly on the period of the Middle Ages, including the origins of the Church in the world and in Poland. Works were written that discussed the organisational and political relations between the Church and the state during the first centuries. It was then that biographies of the first Polish bishops, archbishops, lives of the saints, the first papers characterising some pontificates, history of the papacy and the relations between the Polish Republic and the Vatican, together with some more reliable works on the history of the Eastern Church. At the Philosophical Faculty in the period of positivism there were the following departments: of universal history, of Austria, of Poland and modern history. The department of universal history was conducted from 1863 on by H. Zeissberg, then K. Liske. In the years of 1891-1914 it was run by R. Dembiński, who specialised in the history of the Church, studied the history of papacy and its position towards Poland. The department of the history of Austria was run from 1871 on by I. Szaraniewicz; he studied mainly the history of Russia and the Eastern Church. The history of the Church, the legal aspect of its existence and activity, remained in the field of interest of the scholars working at the Faculty of Law: E. Rittner and J. Kasznica. Their heritage was taken over in 1888 by the canon law professor W. Abraham, one of the then most eminent experts on the history of the Church at Lvov University. A separate department of the history of the Church was established at the Faculty of Theology. In this department lectures were delivered by Rev. J. Delkiewicz and Rev. E. Skrochowski. From 1895 to 1912 Rev. J. Fijałek worked in this department, an eminent historian of the Church, the author of numerous publications on the history of the Catholic and Eastern Churches, on the law and church organisation, on the Scriptures, and on the devotion to the Mother of God, and many others. Professors of Lvov University in the 19th century initiated pioneer researches on the history of the Church in Poland; many of their publications are relevant still today.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2006, 54, 2; 37-53
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uwagi nad książką Marcina Starzyńskiego Krakowska rada miejska w średniowieczu (Societas Vistulana, Kraków 2010, ss. 402, summary)
Some remarks on the Marcin Starzyński’s book The Town Council of Cracow in the Middle Ages (edited by Societas Vistulana, Kraków 2010, 402 p.)
Mikuła, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
history of Cracow
history of constitution
municipal law
city council
Magdeburg law
the power elites
historia Krakowa
historia ustroju
prawo miejskie
rada miejska
prawo magdeburskie
elity władzy
The book by Marcin Starzyński recapitulates, rectifies and complements what we at present know about the medieval City Council of Cracow as an institution. The discussed monograph collected the most important issues devoted to the medieval Council of Cracow. The monograph pointed also to the directions along which further research should be continued. The volume therefore does not conclude the study of the aforementioned institution. Its task is rather to introduce further research whose subject-matter might include: the prosopographic studies, the law-creating accomplishments of the Council and the political role that it played in the medieval Kingdom of Poland. It is worthwhile to note that half the volume is covered by the appendices that inform of the city councilors, include the register of the Council-produced wilkurs and specify the debts incurred by the Council in order to achieve the measures needed for lending money to the Kings.
Krakowskie Studia z Historii Państwa i Prawa; 2012, 5, 3; 287-293
Pojawia się w:
Krakowskie Studia z Historii Państwa i Prawa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Convention on the Rights of the Child and some aspects of civil law and family law
Szeibert, Orlsoya
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
child’s capacity to act
child marriage
child’s right to be heard
legal history of family law
Hungarian civil law and family law
requirements of Convention on the Rights of the Child
The aim of this paper is to have a look at some institutions of civil law and family law in the light of the requirements of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of this Convention. The child’s incapacity or limited capacity to act, the child marriage and the child’s right to be heard shall be envisaged from a legal historical perspective with a special regard to the age-limits and the modifications of these age-limits on the field of civil law and family law. The subject of the historical overview is the concerned regulations of Hungary, namely the changes in the Hungarian legal rules and the regulations of the effective Hungarian Civil Code which entered into force in 2014. The paper would like to provide a guide for a travel from the end of the nineteenth century to today’s legal rules on the field of age-limits in connection with the above-mentioned institutions which designate the child’s legal position concerning some children’s rights. Some issues of the judiciary concerning the child’s right to be heard in family law proceedings will be mentioned as well to highlight a problem of the everyday legal life. The final aim of this historical travel is to discover whether the discussed legal rules being in force today meet the requirements of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and to compare the legal attitude behind the effective legal rules and the attitude of the child-focused thinking, which shall be also analysed.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2020, 19, 1; 187-207
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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