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Human / societys right to information on the environment. Reception of selected issues of the Aarhus Convention into the EU and Polish law
Sitek, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie
natural environment
right to information on the environment
Aarhus Convention
environmental protection
state of the environment
Objectives: The subject of the study is the right to information on the environment. It is a human right, but also a collective right, aimed not only at satisfying curiosity about activities, but also allowing for taking actions aimed at protecting the environment. Material and methods: The purpose of the study is to analyze the provisions of international, EU and Polish law in terms of similarities and differences in legal solutions adopted in the field of access to information on the environment. Results: The purpose of the study is to analyze the provisions of international, EU and Polish law in terms of similarities and differences in legal solutions adopted in the field of access to information on the environment. The research hypothesis is the statement that it is impossible to effectively protect the natural environment against its degradation by human activities without the right to information about that environment. Conclusions: The final conclusions indicated that the social activation is necessary to increase the level of using the right to information on the environment. It is necessary to change the mentality of citizens, but also of public authorities.
Journal of Modern Science; 2019, 42, 3; 181-194
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Modern Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kompleksowa ocena stanu środowiska na terenach wiejskich powiatów województwa mazowieckiego
Complex evaluation of the state of the environment in rural areas of Mazovian counties
Cetner, Jan
Data publikacji:
Mazowieckie Biuro Planowania Regionalnego w Warszawie
stan środowiska
ocena środowiska
obszary wiejskie
condition of the environment, evaluation of the state of the environment, rural areas
Celem artykułu jest dokonanie oceny stanu środowiska na terenach wiejskich powiatów województwa mazowieckiego, ponieważ wynik tej oceny jest bardzo pomocny przy wyznaczania kierunków rozwoju i zagospodarowania przestrzennego poszczególnych powiatów i gmin, a także dla inwestorów indywidualnych, szczególnie tych, którzy są zainteresowani turystyką, rekreacją i mieszkalnictwem. Do wykonania takiej oceny wykorzystano 7 wskaźników: ogólne obciążenie środowiska przez stałych mieszkańców, zachowanie szaty roślinnej w formie zbliżonej do naturalnej, zróżnicowanie form użytkowania gruntów, powierzchnię i charakter obszarów chronionych, obciążenie odpadami komunalnymi, obciążenie ściekami bytowymi, stan powietrza atmosferycznego. Obliczenie poszczególnych wskaźników jest dokonywane na podstawie danych liczbowych, pochodzących z Banku Danych Lokalnych GUS lub z programu EMEP. Wartości wskaźników są poddane standaryzacji w skali od 0 do 10, a następnie uśredniane dla poszczególnych powiatów. Wyniki przeprowadzonej analizy pokazują, że stan środowiska w powiatach województwa mazowieckiego jest bardzo zróżnicowany, z wyjątkiem stanu powietrza atmosferycznego. W zakresie każdej z pozostałych 6 cech występują powiaty zarówno o bardzo dobrej, jak i złej ocenie. Uśrednione oceny dla poszczególnych powiatów pokazały, że ogólny stan środowiska w żadnym z powiatów województwa mazowieckiego nie był korzystny na tle sytuacji w Polsce w 2006 roku.
The goal of the paper is to provide an assessment of the state of the environment in the rural areas of the counties in the Mazovia region. The results of such an evaluation are a valuable source of information for local authorities when determining the directions of development, including spatial development, of individual counties and municipalities, as well as for individual investors, especially those interested in tourism, recreation and housing. The state of the environment was evaluated according to 7 indicators: general impact of permanent residents on the environment, preservation of vegetation in its natural or near-natural form, land-use diversification, area and character of protected areas, municipal waste load, domestic sewage load, air quality. The indicators were calculated according to numerical data from the GUS (Polish Central Statistical Office) Local Data Bank and the EMEP program. The values were then standardized on a scale of 0 to 10 and averaged in individual counties. The results of the analysis indicate that the state of the environment differs significantly among Mazovian counties, with the exception of air quality. As for the remaining 6 indicators, counties with both very good and very bad results can be found. The average results of individual counties indicate that the general state of the environment in all of the Mazovian counties can be considered as unfavorable in comparison to the situation in Poland in 2006.
MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne; 2018, 27; 43-63
Pojawia się w:
MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uczenie się w środowisku i dla środowiska jako wymóg współczesności
Learning in and for the environment as a contemporary prerequisite
Kruk, Jolanta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Gdański. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
learning for the environment
learning environment
cultural change
The article discusses the methods of defining and describing the processes of learning in what is generally acknowledged as the learning environment. In the contemporary pedagogical discourse the category of the “learning environment” (formerly associated with the surroundings of school and the classroom) is always expanding and acquiring new meanings, in the wake of ecological changes and the virtualisation of contemporary culture. The “learning environment” becomes a part of the ongoing descholarisation, which manifests itself, for example, in the “open space” movement, outdoor education or “Gesamtschule”, the trends related to the transfer of education outside of school. In the last part of the text, a postulate is formed to include a “learning for the environment” category to the pedagogical theory and practice. This stems from the need to deepen the social sensitivity of the threat of degradation of the entire ecosystem in which we live today.
Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji; 2020, 50, 3; 7-17
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Environmental protection and technical tests of military off-road trucks
Kowalski, M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
military vehicles
systems responsible
polluting the environment
This paper presents the most vital parts of technical tests of military vehicles in relation to environmental protection. The presented method is based on the most popular military off-road truck of the Star 1466 type. It includes a diagram showing the parts of the test of this vehicle from the perspective of environmental protection whose sequence is not imposed. What is solely required is that all these parts are executed - in accordance with the applicable provisions. For this purpose, the paper presents the methodology (whose major parts are described) of testing the vehicle complying with the requirements of environmental protection. Furthermore, it outlines the process of checking leakages of exploitation fluids, smoke opacity, measurement of external noise of this vehicle and the measurement of the level of an acoustic signal. The description of particular checks is based on the applicable provisions and regulations, as well as on typical and commonly available measuring instruments. It is stressed how important it is to maintain and follow the technical parameters - concerning the systems (units) responsible for polluting the environment - which are required by particular provisions and regulations. In the conclusions, the most crucial documents governing the organization of stations used for testing military vehicles, as well as methods and necessary equipment, have been presented.
Journal of KONES; 2014, 21, 4; 263-272
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Współpraca przedszkola ze środowiskiem lokalnym
Kurowicka, Ewelina
Data publikacji:
Instytut Studiów Międzynarodowych i Edukacji Humanum
the local environment
Kindergarten should lead structured cooperation with the local community in order to properly perform its function. Kindergarten as an educational establishment is an integral part of the environment in which it operates. A very important element of the proper functioning of the nursery is the mutual cooperation of parents, teachers and the local environment. To cooperate with the local community to increase the quality of work of kindergartens and deepens the experience and knowledge of children. The purpose of this article is to show the forms and purposes of cooperation with the local nursery and family.
Społeczeństwo i Edukacja. Międzynarodowe Studia Humanistyczne; 2016, 3(22); 123-130
Pojawia się w:
Społeczeństwo i Edukacja. Międzynarodowe Studia Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Działania podejmowane w województwie śląskim w dziedzinie rewitalizacji terenów poprzemysłowych
Actions Undertaken in the Silesian Voivodship in the Field of Redevelopment of Post-industrial Areas
Zagórska, Elżbieta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
Degradacja środowiska
Degradation of the environment
Over the last few years the local self-government of the Silesian Voivodship has undertaken a number of actions aimed at creation of systemic solutions to enable effective redevelopment of post-industrial areas so that they can start to perform new economic, public and natural functions. A failure to do so would definitely have negative impact on the local community and natural environment.
Studia Ekonomiczne; 2014, 177; 67-76
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Żywność ekologiczna w prawie USA i Unii Europejskiej
Organic food in the EU and USA legislation
Korzycka-Iwanow, Małgorzata
Wojciechowski, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Temida 2
organic food
improvement of the environment
competitiveness of EU
The demand for, characterized by the special quality, organic products causes ongoing development the organic food market in highly developed countries. Both in the EU and the USA has been issued legal acts on the production and distribution of organic products. On the basis of an agreement between the USA and EU systems for organic production are recognized as equivalent to each other, which means that organic food manufactured and labeled in the US and the EU can be distributed as organic, without any additional requirements respectively in the EU and the USA. In the article authors compared the EU and US regulations concerning organic food, including proposed a definition of organic food that has not been explicitly defined in EU nor USA legislation. Comparison of the two legal systems leads to the conclusion that the concept of organic food is similar in the EU and the USA, however the American regulation is more flexible and much stronger is focused on protecting the interests of entrepreneurs and farmers (and not solely to protection the interests of consumers, as is in the regulation of the EU). In both systems public aid is applied, however in the EU legislation the main aim of support is the improvement of the environment. The authors conclude that the aim of the public support should be primarily to increase the competitiveness of EU production of organic food.
Studia Iuridica Agraria; 2015, 13; 19-38
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica Agraria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ustanowienie ram środków na rzecz wzmocnienia europejskiego ekosystemu produkcji produktów technologii neutralnych emisyjnie – akt w sprawie przemysłu neutralnego emisyjnie
Establishment of a framework to strengthen the European ecosystem for the manufacture of net zero energy products – the Net-Zero Industry Act
Sobolewski, Mirosław
Łacny, Justyna
Data publikacji:
Kancelaria Sejmu. Biuro Ekspertyz i Oceny Skutków Regulacji
protection of the environment
European Union
The authors analyze the draft regulation of the European Parliament and the Council contained in COM(2023) 161 final. This proposal is intended to serve the development of a zero-carbon industry in the EU by creating an appropriate regulatory framework and to provide the EU with secure access to the supply of carbon-neutral technologies necessary to strengthen the resilience of the EU energy system. In the opinion of the authors, the proposed regulation could have an important economic dimension and contribute to the attainment of objectives of the European Green Deal. Indeed, the EU’s position in the global technology race is influenced both by additional EU funding targeted at investments in new industries and by reduction of regulatory burdens in the investment processes in this area.
Zeszyty Prawnicze BAS; 2023, 4(80); 91-103
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Prawnicze BAS
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sozologia systemowa - dyscyplina naukowa XXI wieku
Systematic sozology - the science discipline of the 21st century
Dołęga, J.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Człowiek i Środowisko PAN
ochrona środowiska
protection of the environment
Artykuł zawiera istotną problematykę sozologii systemowej skupioną wokół następujących zagadnień: koncepcji sozologii systemowej - gdzie ukazuje się podstawowe założenia tego ujęcia, wyjaśnienie podstawowych terminów, syntetyczne ujęcie koncepcji sozologii empirycznej, humanistycznej, filozoficznej oraz charakterystykę systemowej koncepcji sozologii; epistemologii sozologii systemowej, w której analizuje się pojęcie sozologii, podejmuje próbę zdefiniowania tej nauki, określenia przedmiotu jej badań; metodologii sozologii systemowej; głównej problematyki sozologii systemowej i specyfiki badań z zakresu tej nauki. Tekst tego artykułu jest ulepszoną wersją wcześniej drukowanych moich prac w Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae, w książce Koncepcja sozologii systemowej oraz w innych publikacjach.
The article includes the significant issue of systematic sozology which focuses on following problems: - the conception of the systematic sozology - this part shows the basic assumptions of it, explains the basic terms, synthetically describes the conception of empirical sozology, humanistic sozology and philosophical sozology and characterize the systematic conception of sozology; - the episthemology of systematic sozology - this part analysis the term 'sozology', tries to define this science and precise the subject of its research; - the methodology of systematic sozology; - the main issue of systematic sozology and characteristics of research in the area of this science. The solution of many sozological problems still depends on the research of different science branches. This is a sign of interdisciplinarity of sozology and many relations with medical, biological, geological, technical, economical, law, social, humanistic, philosophical and teological sciences. The achievements of these sciences determine questions and answers of sozology. The directions of improvement of sozology might oscillate around following issues: - the recording of interferences of the balance states between anthroposphere and biosphere; - recovering of the balance states between anthroposphere and environment; - controlling of the technical equipment and technological processes which focuses on the security of the exits from industrial plants which are dangerous for biological environment (protectional issue); - introducing of the new technologies of producing which will be safe for natural environment (perspectivical issue); The main problems of metaobjective systematic sozology are : - the elaboration of the notion - environment; - the determining of the contents of the expression: social-natural environment; - the elaboration of the definition of systematic sozology; - the definition of the object of research of this branch of science; - the presentation of the structure and, especially, the underlining the importance of: interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity, systemic and globalism in the methodology of systematic sozology. The main problems of objective systematic sozology are : - the state of the social-natural environment; - the sources of endangerment and pollution of environment, the influence of changing environment on life on the Earth; - the ways and means of protecting the environment; - environmental education; - the idea of balanced development. Sozology might be described as the science about systematic environmental protection (atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, cosmosphere, biosphere, anthroposphere) which is needed because of destructive influence of anthroposphere.
Problemy Ekorozwoju; 2006, 1, 2; 11-24
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Ekorozwoju
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Aksjologiczne dylematy w epoce człowieka
Janikowska, Agata
Data publikacji:
Poznańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk
human impact
the environment
environmental crisis
The article is a critical outline of Ewa Bińczyk’s book “The Human Epoch. The rhetoric and stagnation of the Anthropocene”. Bińczyk’s book, the first such extensive study of the Anthropocene discourse in Poland, is analysed by the author of the text in terms of the axiological problems of the new era, especially of the change in the value system which determines the global environmental crisis. The article focuses on issues related to the search for a new methodology adapted to the time of an environmental crisis, on the potential of an interdisciplinary post-humanist discourse and on narratives contributing to the transformation of environmental awareness, not only on the part of representatives of scholarly circles but entire societies.
Our Europe. Ethnography – Ethnology – Anthropology of Culture; 2020, 9; 125-131
Pojawia się w:
Our Europe. Ethnography – Ethnology – Anthropology of Culture
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Metoda ogólnej oceny stanu środowiska obszarów wiejskich na podstawie informacji z banku danych regionalnych GUS i oszacowań programu EMEP
Method of general assessment of the rural environment using data of regional statistic offices and EMEP estimation
Cetner, J.
Dyguś, K.
Ogonowska, M.
Wojtatowicz, J.
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Ekonomistów Środowiska i Zasobów Naturalnych
stan środowiska
obszary wiejskie
condition of the environment
rural areas
W niniejszym opracowaniu podsumowano wieloletnie prace, prowadzone przez interdyscyplinarny zespół autorów z trzech wydziałów Wyższej Szkoły Ekologii i Zarządzania - specjalistów z zakresu nauk o zarządzaniu, biologii, ochrony środowiska i architektury krajobrazu. Celem tych prac było stworzenie metody oceny stanu środowiska, bazującej na obiektywnych, liczbowych informacjach. Przede wszystkim myślano o stosowaniu tej metody w dość wąskim zakresie oceny potencjału rozwoju turystyki, w szczególności ekologicznej czy zrównoważonej, a następnie do oceny możliwości rozwoju rekreacji. W tym zakresie istnieje szereg metod bonitacyjnych, opartych na mniej lub bardziej arbitralnych ocenach poszczególnych cech środowiska w skali porządkowej, następnie interwalizacji tej skali i możliwej dzięki temu matematycznej ocenie uzyskanych wyników. Tak opracowane wyniki robią wrażenie obiektywnych, ale trzeba pamiętać, że podstawą do ich wyliczenia była subiektywna ocena autora.
The aim of this paper is to the presentation of methods in assessment of the overall condition of the rural environment in each subdivision, which took into account the following components: • overall on the environment by permanent residents, measured as population density in rural areas, • preservation of vegetation in the form similar to the natural, measured as the percentage of forest cover, • diversity of land use, expressed as a ratio, the calculation of which take into account the share of arable land, meadows, pastures, orchards, forests and other (including water reservoirs), • surface of subsequent types of protected areas, • burden of soil, groundwater and landscape waste, calculated as the difference between potentially household waste generated and collected in an organized manner, per unit area, • environmental burden from municipal wastewater, expressed as the number of inhabitants, not supported by a canalisation per unit area, • state of atmospheric air, measured as the concentration (immision) of sulfur dioxide according to estimates of the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme. In order to evaluate the overall assessment, the individual components are standardized on a scale from 0.00 to 10.00, and then averaged. Environmental assessment of several selected rural communities in Poland in the years 1996-2011 is presented to illustrate the method’s.
Ekonomia i Środowisko; 2014, 2; 210-220
Pojawia się w:
Ekonomia i Środowisko
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Merely a threat? Worldwide transformation as a chance of development – psychological reflection
Ledzińska, Maria
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
effects of worldwide transformations
heterogeneity of the environment
The author considers the psychological aspects of globalisation, drawing attention to the possible effects of worldwide transformations. She presents definition problems and characterises the main currents and mechanisms of globalisation at the turn of the 20th and 21st century. Several standpoints of contemporaneity researchers concerning the evaluation of the effects of undergoing transformations have also been recalled. Noticing the diverse effects for development and the functioning of individuals and groups, she concentrates on a selected aspect of the living environment, namely, on diversity. She formulates the thesis that the heterogeneity of the environment, which constitutes a characteristic of globalisation, stimulates development in its various phases and fields, optimising particularly the functioning of reflective persons who enter into dialogue with contemporaneity.
Polish Psychological Bulletin; 2011, 42, 4; 235-246
Pojawia się w:
Polish Psychological Bulletin
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Male infertility and human environmental pollution
Kołłątaj, Witold
Kołłątaj, Barbara
Karwat, Dorota Irena
Klatka, Maria
Kozyra, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Wydział Nauk o Ziemi i Gospodarki Przestrzennej. Katedra Kultury Fizycznej
male reproductive organs
male infertility
the environment
the pollution of the
Introduction. Man is the only being that has created an artificial environment, or civilization. The development of civilization entails changes in the environment. The rapid growth of the impact of human economic activity has led to such changes that are able to threaten not only other living creatures but also themselves. Increasing environmental pollution are well-known factors negative influencing on human environment. Is now a global problem. Anthropogenic pollution contribute to the unfavorable demographic changes and grooving number of health problems of the population. Unfavourable demographic changes manifest themselves as not only increment in the number of deaths and malformations (defects in the reproductive organs), but also as decrement in the fertility rates being the consequence of increasing the growing problem of couples infertility. There is observed the increasing role of male factor in the couple infertility problem. In some developed countries its participation rate reaches 50%.Objective. The aim of the study is to assess the impact of environmental pollution on human development and reproductive function of male gonads.Material and methods. The study was carried out using the method of data analysis published in the works and scientific reports.Current state of knowledge. The paper presents information on identified environmental pollution with proven adverse effects on the development of the gonads and the their reproductive function. There are also known possible negative impacts of environmental pollution on carcinogenesis in male gonads.Wider awareness of the negative impact of environmental pollution and attempts put emphasis on primary prevention can give better long-term effects than increasing spending on the therapies of developmental disorders as well as gonadal dysfunctions symptoms including fertility problems.Conclusions.Among the environmental pollutants there are many chemicals adversely affecting the organogenesis as well as reproductive function of testicles.Many of these contaminants are pesticides or chemicals currently approved for use in agriculture and industry, including the food and cosmetics industry.Those chemicals, adversely affecting organogenesis and testicular generative function, are present in air, water and foods, packaged foods and everyday objects - including clothes (ingredients sponges), perfumes, creams and detergents.The increase in environmental pollution coincides with the deterioration of sperm quality and reduction in male infertility in highly civilized countries.Striving for continuous reduction of the environmental seems to be necessary to stop the growing problem of couples infertility.
Journal of Education, Health and Sport; 2017, 7, 4
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Education, Health and Sport
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Consumers behaviours related to packaging and their attitudes towards environment
Zachowania konsumentów związane z opakowaniami a ich postawy względem środowiska
Jeżewska-Zychowicz, M.
Jeznach, M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
postawy względem środowiska
attitude towards the environment
multi-use packaging
The aim of the research was to establish the relationship between the attitude of consumers towards the environment and their behaviours when choosing food products taking into consideration their packaging. This relationship was established according to gender, age and the educational level of the consumers. Questionnaire study was carried out in 2010 within 548 adults from Warsaw. Participants were asked questions on attitudes towards environment and behaviours related to reduction of packaging waste. Frequency, factor and cluster analysis were used. Signifi cantly more women than men agreed that buying pro ducts in larger packages and beverages in glass bottles can reduce the amount of garbage. Over twice more people with positive attitude claimed not buying food in disposable plastic or paper packaging. Negative attitude fostered doing nothing to minimize waste packaging. Attitudes towards the environment have had signifi cant impact on the choice of food packaging. More positive attitudes favoured the reduction of the amount of packaging waste. Thus, environmental campaigns focused on attitudes and environmentally relevant use of food packing are required.
Celem prezentowanego badania było określenie związku między postawami reprezentowanymi względem środowiska oraz zachowaniami konsumentów uwzględniającymi wybór opakowań, w których znajdują się kupowane przez nich produkty. Określono również zależności między płcią, wiekiem i wykształceniem badanych a postawami względem środowiska i zachowaniami nabywczymi uwzględniającymi wybór opakowania. Materiał i metody badawcze. Wywiady z użyciem autorskiego kwestionariusza przeprowadzono w 2010 roku w grupie 548 mieszkańców Warszawy. Pytania dotyczyły postaw wobec środowiska oraz zachowań związanych z ograniczaniem ilości odpadów opakowaniowych. W analizie statystycznej wykorzystano analizę częstości, czynnikową oraz skupień. Wyniki. Istotnie więcej kobiet niż mężczyzn uważało, że kupowanie produktów w większych opakowaniach oraz napojów w szklanych butelkach pozwala zmniejszyć ilość śmieci. Ponad dwukrotnie więcej osób z pozytywną postawą nie kupowało żywności w jednorazowych opakowaniach. Negatywna postawa sprzyjała niepodejmowaniu działań zmniejszających ilość odpadów opakowaniowych. Wnioski. Postawy względem środowiska istotnie determinowały wybór opakowań, przy czym bardziej pozytywne postawy sprzyjały ograniczeniu ilości odpadów opakowaniowych. Kampanie edukacyjne powinny w większym stopniu uwzględniać postawy względem środowiska oraz korzystanie z opakowań jako istotne elementy ochrony środowiska.
Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development; 2015, 37, 3
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Crimes Against the Environment in Theory and Practice
Guzik-Makaruk, Ewa M.
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Policji w Szczytnie
environmental protection
crimes against the environment
“dark” figure of crimes
The purpose of the article is to familiarise the readers with the issues related to the theoretical grounds involving penal responsibility for violating the provisions of the Penal Code concerning environmental protection, and to show the statistics connected with this type of crimes. The article is of dogmatic-empirical nature. The dogmatic part includes provisions of the 1997 Penal Code and the acts not covered by the code. The empirical part is based on the statistical data provided by the Ministry of Justice and the National Police Headquarters. The data shows a discrepancy between the statistics and the real situation, as well as the importance of the so-called dark figure of crimes against the natural environment. It should be note, that the environmental protection system in Poland is very imperfect and contains numerous gaps that are taken advantage of by perpetrators who cause numerous violations and hazards to the natural environment. The public awareness in the area of animate and inanimate nature remains on an extremely low level. It is necessary to conduct broad educational activities involving citizens regularly, with the aim to improve the ecological security. Since the end of the 20th century, the term “ecological ethics” has been used to identify one of the instruments of ecological security. Such approach appears to be right in all aspects because ethical behavior towards oneself, others, and the surrounding nature makes it possible to prevent dangers.
Internal Security; 2019, 11(2); 65-74
Pojawia się w:
Internal Security
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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