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Wpływ czynników gospodarczych na działanie systemu politycznego współczesnej Hiszpanii
Myśliwiec, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Oficyna Wydawnicza
kryzys gospodarczy
system polityczny
the economic crisis
the political system
Pomimo znaczących doświadczeń z autonomią terytorialną województwa śląskiego w okresie II Rzeczpospolitej, w obecnym systemie politycznym Polski zakres decentralizacji państwa jest ograniczony. Liczące się elity polityczne nie przewidują zmian w tej dziedzinie. Tym niemniej warto poznawać doświadczenia Hiszpanii, które mogą być pozytywnym albo negatywnym odniesieniem dla ewentualnej projekcji politycznej zmiany w Polsce. Hiszpania była drugim państwem europej-skim, które dokonało w latach 1979-1983 gruntownej reformy ustroju terytorialnego. W rezultacie powstało 17 wspólnot autonomicznych z własnymi ustrojami polityczno-prawnymi. Prawo do au-tonomii miały również regiony, nawet o wielkości jednej prowincji, które nie posiadały własnej tradycyjnej odrębności etnicznej. Rozwiązanie to po ponad 30 latach utrwaliło się i niezależnie od po-litycznych planów separacji niektórych regionów jest ważnym doświadczeniem demokratycznego i pokojowego procesu rozwiązywania problemów społeczności regionalnych i lokalnych. Stanowi także, wespół z doświadczeniami Włoch i Wielkiej Brytanii, ważną badawczo i politycznie inspi-rację dla nowych demokracji europejskich. W kontekście integracji europejskiej i globalizacji, regionalizacja nabiera szczególnego znaczenia, a rozwój partii regionalnych i lokalnych, które dzięki takiemu ustrojowi są pobudzone do działania, determinuje nowe oblicze współczesnej demokracji. Decentralizacja stała się cechą konstytutywną pojęcia demokracji empirycznej.
Despite the significant experiences of territorial autonomy of the province of Silesia in the Second Republic, in the current political system of Poland the extent of decentralization of the state is lim-ited. The mainstream of political elites do not provide for changes in this area. Nevertheless, it is worth getting to know the experiences of Spain, which can be a positive or negative reference for a possible projection of a political change in Poland. Spain was the second country in Europe, which implemented a thorough reform of the system of government in 1979-1983. As the result 17 auton-omous communities with their own political and legal regimes were created. ^e right to autonomy also had regions, even of the size of one province that did not have their own traditional ethnic separateness. ^is solution a`er more than 30 years perpetuated and regardless of the political plans of the separation of certain regions, is an important experience of a democratic and peaceful process of solving the problems of regional and local authorities. It is also, together with the experiences of Italy and the UK, a major research and political inspiration for the new European democracies. In the context of European integration and globalization, regionalization is of particular importance, and the development of regional and local parties, which, thanks to such a system are stimulated to action, determines the new face of modern democracy. Decentralization has become a constitutive feature of the concept of empirical democracy.
Przegląd Narodowościowy – Review of Nationalities; 2016, 5; 43-62
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Narodowościowy – Review of Nationalities
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kondycja finansowa górnośląskich brackich kas pensyjnych w latach wielkiego kryzysu ekonomicznego
The financial situation of bracka funding years of the great depression
Danowska-Prokop, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
Kryzys ekonomiczny
Ubezpieczenia brackie
Insurance brackie
The economic crisis
In the period, the miners from the Upper Silesia who employed in the Brackie companies could genesis from additional retirement insurance. However the amount of a benefit which waft paid the Brackie founding depended mainly an econom¬ics situation which was confirmed by the data from years of the Great Depression.
Studia Ekonomiczne; 2015, 211; 151-161
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O detonatorach kolejnego kryzysu w polskiej gospodarce – na tle poglądów słuchaczy Programu Executive MBA
Zelek, Aneta
Data publikacji:
Zachodniopomorska Szkoła Biznesu w Szczecinie
kryzys gospodarczy
detonatory kryzysu gospodarczego
zapalniki kryzysu
antycypacja kryzysu
zagrożenia kryzysowe dla polskiej
economic crisis
detonators of the economic crisis
crisis initiators
anticipation of the crisis
crisis threats for the Polish economy
Prezentowany artykuł jest kolejnym, trzecim już tekstem opracowanym w cyklu debat z przedstawicielami młodej generacji kadry menedżerskiej. Konwencja tego artykułu bazuje na eksperymencie i polega na demonstracji poglądów i wypowiedzi słuchaczy menedżerskich studiów Executive Master of Business Administration, wyrażonych w postaci esejów z zakresu współczesnych problemów makroekonomicznych. W tegorocznej edycji (początek 2019 roku), za kluczową kwestię dotyczącą kondycji gospodarki światowej, w tym i polskiej uznano realne zagrożenie recesją, a nawet kryzysem. Artykuł obejmuje wyniki sondażu dotyczącego antycypacji kryzysu oraz raport ustrukturyzowany wokół kluczowych kwestii uznanych przez cytowanych autorów za główne zapalniki kryzysu gospodarczego. Są to: błędy polityki ekonomicznej i socjalnej państwa, spowolnione inwestycje, deficyty na rynku pracy oraz niekorzystne regulacje prawne.
This article is already the third text, which has been elaborated in a series of debates with representatives of a young generation of managerial staff. The convention of this article is based on an experiment and it reports the demonstration of views and statements of the Executive Master of Business Administration participants, expressed in the form of essays in the field of contemporary macroeconomic problems. In the presented edition (beginning of 2019), the real threat of recession and even the crisis was recognized as the key issue regarding the condition of Polish economy. The article includes the results of a crisis anticipation survey and a report structured around key issues recognized by the cited authors as the main initiators of the economic crisis. These are: errors in the domestic economic and social policy, reduction of investments, deficits in the labor market and unfavorable legal regulations.
Zeszyty Naukowe ZPSB Firma i Rynek; 2019, 1(55); 5-15
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe ZPSB Firma i Rynek
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wyzwania dla wspólnego rynku UE w obliczu Brexitu i kryzysu wywołanego COVID-19
Challenges for the European Unions Common Market in the Face of Brexit and the COVID-19 Crisis
Wrońska-Pułkownik, Magdalena
Pełnikowska, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Państwowa Akademia Nauk Stosowanych we Włocławku
wspólny rynek UE
pandemia COVID-19
kryzys ekonomiczny
the EU common market
the COVID-19 pandemic
the economic crisis
Celem poniższego artykułu jest przybliżenie sytuacji wspólnego rynku UE w okolicznościach dość szczególnych - wystąpienia jednego z państw członkowskich ze struktur Unii oraz wybuchu pandemii COVID-19. Chociaż Traktat z Lizbony przewiduje możliwość dobrowolnego wystąpienia ze struktur Unii Europejskiej do tej pory Wielka Brytania jest jedynym państwem, które zdecydowało się na taki krok. Z uwagi na bezprecedensowy charakter takiej decyzji trudno przewidzieć jakie dokładnie będzie niosła ze sobą skutki zarówno społeczne jak i ekonomiczne. Kolejnym poważnym wyzwaniem dla wspólnego rynku Unii Europejskiej stała się walka ze skutkami pandemii COVID-19. Szybkie rozprzestrzenianie się wirusa SARS-CoV-2 przyczyniło się do znacznego zmniejszenia aktywności gospodarczej nie tylko w Unii Europejskiej, ale i na całym świecie. W tej sytuacji priorytetem dla UE stała się ochrona obywateli oraz wsparcie krajów członkowskich w zwalczaniu pandemii. Przy opracowywaniu artykułu opierano się głównie na dostępnych prognozach ekonomicznych oraz informacjach dostępnych na stronie Komisji Europejskiej.
The purpose of the article below is to present the situation of the EU common market in quite specific circumstances - the withdrawal of one of the Member States from the structures of the Union and the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Although the Treaty of Lisbon provides for the possibility of voluntary withdrawal from the structures of the European Union, so far Great Britain is the only country that has decided to take such a step. Due to the unprecedented nature of such a decision, it is difficult to predict exactly what its social and economic consequences will be. Another serious challenge for the common market of the European Union has been the fight against the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The rapid spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus contributed to a significant reduction in economic activity not only in the European Union but also around the world. In this situation, the priority for the EU has become the protection of citizens and support of the Member States in struggle with pandemic. When preparing the article, the main basis was the available economic forecasts and information available on the website of the European Commission.
Zeszyty Naukowe Zbliżenia Cywilizacyjne; 2020, 16, 3; 84-105
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Zbliżenia Cywilizacyjne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analiza informacji prasowych – podmioty, które otrzymały wsparcie w kryzysie
Analysis of the press information- subjects supported during the crisis
Kilijańska, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica
kryzys gospodarczy
efekt zarażania
wsparcie finansowe
Lehman Brothers
the economic crisis
contagion eff ect
W niniejszym artykule udowodniono tezę, że podmioty o największym wpływie na gospodarkę traktowane są przez rządy państw oraz organizacje międzynarodowe zgodnie z zasadami „Zbyt duży, żeby upaść” (TBTF To Big to Fail) oraz „Zbyt ważny, żeby upaść” (TITF To Important to Fail). Zaprezentowano organizacje, które od 2008 r. otrzymały fi nansową pomoc od rządów swoich państw lub od Unii Europejskiej. Analizie poddano sytuacje wybranych korporacji o międzynarodowym zasięgu oraz zaprezentowano przypadek Grecji jako państwa o niestabilnej sytuacji fi nansowej.
The purpose of this paper is to prove that during the economic crisis many companies receive financial support from government so there is a presentation of two rules: Too Important To Fail and Too Big To Fail. The present article is concerned with organizations that since 2008 have received financial support from the governments of their countries or from the European Union. The author focuses on an analysis of the situation of chosen corporations which present an international reach and shows Greece as example of an organization with an unstable financial situation.
Ogrody Nauk i Sztuk; 2014, 4; 497-505
Pojawia się w:
Ogrody Nauk i Sztuk
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Finansowanie akcji charytatywnej w diecezji katowickiej w czasie wielkiego kryzysu
Financing charity’s actions in the Diocese of Katowice during the great economic crisis
Hadrych, Zbigniew
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
działalność charytatywna
wielki kryzys gospodarczy
diecezja katowicka
II Rzeczpospolita
charity events
the great economic crisis
the Diocese of Katowice
the Church finances
The great economic crisis caused disastrous social consequences, which resulted in significant deterioration of the financial situation of the inhabitants in the Diocese of Katowice. The most important negative consequences of the economic crisis included unemployment rate at about 40%, vast areas of poverty and the threat of demoralization (alcoholism, vagrancy, prostitution, street children). The Catholic Church took some measures to reduce the negative effects of the crisis. It took care of financing some activities, obtaining the support from the faithful (offerings, special donations, contributions from the members of charitable organizations), local government and central institutions, and organizing various charity events (evenings, dances, stage plays). Particular emphasis should be given to dedication of the clergy and the faithful involved in the work of charities. Their contribution greatly surpassed the donations of other inhabitants of the Province of Silesia. Those of the faithful who were the most aware of the situation- the clergy and parishioners- rose to the challenge and assisted people who were in need. Thanks to their work and generosity, the Church could successfully organize large-scale charity events.
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 2017, 107; 131-144
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sytuacja ludzi młodych na rynku pracy w Polsce i innych krajach Unii Europejskiej w latach 2008-2013
Situation of young people in the labour market in Poland and other countries of the EU in the years 2008-2013
Rękas, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
Kryzys gospodarczy
Ludzie młodzi 15-24
Segmentacja rynku pracy
Współczesne teorie rynku pracy
Contemporary theories of the labor market
Labor market segmentation
The economic crisis
Young people 15-24
W Polsce oraz wielu innych krajach UE sytuacja ludzi młodych na rynku pracy znacznie się pogorszyła po kryzysie w 2008 roku. Dotychczas uważano, że szczególnie dobrą pozycję na rynku pracy mają osoby młode z wyższym wykształceniem. Po 2008 roku sytuacja ta zmieniła się diametralnie, a w Polsce odnotowano szczególnie silny spadek stopy zatrudnienia i wzrost stopy bezrobocia osób młodych z wyższym wykształceniem. Celem artykułu jest diagnoza i próba oceny sytuacji osób młodych w wieku 15-24 lata na rynku pracy w Polsce po 2008 roku i wybranych krajach UE. Dla zrealizowania celu dokonano także przeglądu wybranych współczesnych teorii rynku pracy. W podsumowaniu zawarto syntetyczne wnioski z przeprowadzonej analizy oraz podjęto próbę wyjaśnienia tego stanu na gruncie omówionych współczesnych teorii rynku pracy. W artykule wykorzystano dane Eurostatu, GUS, Ministerstwa Pracy.
In Poland and many other EU countries, the situation of young people in the labor market deteriorated significantly after the crisis in 2008. Until now it was thought that a particularly good position on the labor market in May young people with higher education. After 2008. Situation has changed dramatically, and in Poland recorded a particularly strong decline in the employment rate and an increase in the unemployment rate of young people with higher education. The aim of this article is to diagnose and attempt to assess the situation of young people aged 15-24 in the labor market in Poland after 2008 and selected EU countries. To the attainment also reviewed some contemporary theories of the labor market. In summary contains synthetic conclusions from the analysis, and an attempt to clarify this situation on the ground discussed contemporary theories of the labor market. The article uses Eurostat data, GUS, Ministry of Labour
Studia Ekonomiczne; 2015, 214; 103-114
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Macroeconomic factors of economic growth in the European Union in 2000-2016: A multidimensional analysis
Batóg, Jacek
Batóg, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
economic growth
discriminant analysis
the European Union
economic crisis
The creation of an effective growth policy requires the identification of its key determinants. The study used one of the methods of multidimensional analysis – discriminant analysis. It is widely used on a microeconomic scale, especially in the area of forecasting bankruptcy of enterprises, but in the area of economic growth, it has not been used in practice so far. In addition to the main objective of identifying the most important economic growth factors of the European Union countries in 2000- 2016, the impact of the crisis and accession to the EU was examined. The statistical data sources were the databases of Eurostat and the Conference Board (Total Economy Database). The results obtained allowed us to conclude that the rate of Gross Domestic Product growth in the EU countries was determined by consumption, investment, export and labour productivity, and in periods of economic slowdown also public debt. The enlargement of the EU resulted in an increase in the importance of export.
Econometrics. Ekonometria. Advances in Applied Data Analytics; 2019, 23, 3; 1-14
Pojawia się w:
Econometrics. Ekonometria. Advances in Applied Data Analytics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bez zmian na „zielonej wyspie”? Kryzys ekonomiczny w polskich badaniach socjologicznych
Whither „Green Island”? The Global Economic crisis in Polish sociological research
Mrozowicki, Adam
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN
economic crisis
the myth of the market
The article presents selected aspects of the discussion about the conditions and consequences of global economic crisis in Polish sociology. The author argues that the relatively limited debate on the nature of the current crisis can be explained by two factors. Firstly, it is the consequence of the dominance of modernisation paradigm in the analysis of the Polish social transformation as well as the marginalisation of two sociologies: critical labour sociology and economic sociology. Secondly, drawing on research carried out by the author on working-class life strategies in the 2000s, the limited debate is the outcome of social “normalisation” and “adaptation” to crisis experiences in the Polish society. Despite the symptoms of collective “demobilisation” in the face of successive crises, adaptation to crises has its social limits. The discourse of global economic crisis contributes to new forms of collective mobilisation in the sphere of work and politics regardless of the dominance of individualistic coping strategies inherited from the first decades of transformation. The “counter-movement” taking place in Poland is expressed in trade union radicalisation and mobilisation of radical-nationalist movements. Both processes are interpreted by the author with the reference to Karl Polanyi’s work as the manifestations of self-defence of the society against the expansion of socially uncontrolled market mechanisms.
Prakseologia; 2014, 155; 105-124
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analiza sytuacji gospodarczej Słowacji po wejściu do unii walutowej
Analysis of Economic Situation in Slovakia after Joining the Monetary Union
Kupczyk, Radosław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Centrum Europejskie
European Monetary Union
Competitiveness of the Economy
Economic Crisis
The Slovak economy has experienced strong but relatively short period of recession in 2009. Subsequent economic recovery was stimulated by growing exports and investment spending. Although subsequent GDP growth was among the highest in the OECD countries, the employment rate has not yet reached pre-crisis level and the unemployment rate remains at a high level. According to research presented in the paper, Slovakia joined the euro area after a period of unprecedented appreciation of the korona, which created a threat to the competitiveness of the Slovak economy, which relies heavily on export-oriented production. This led ultimately to an internal devaluation and increase the productivity of factors of production, including price reductions of capital and reducing the number of workers in the low productivity sectors. Although this strategy has successfully restored the external balance, its consequences for domestic demand and employment were less positive.
Studia Europejskie - Studies in European Affairs; 2018, 2; 151-168
Pojawia się w:
Studia Europejskie - Studies in European Affairs
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nezamestnanost v Slovenskej Republike ako dosledok hospodarskej krizy
Bugri, Štefan
Pribišová, E.
Žák, S.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Studiów Międzynarodowych i Edukacji Humanum
Economic crisis
The rate of unemployment
Types of unemployment
In 2009, the economic crisis fully manifested in virtually all areas of the real economy. The economy in each country, including Slovakia, lost on its dynamics, which resulted in the reduction of production and this had a major impact on reducing the number of jobs and subsequent dismissals. This development has resulted in a worldwide recession in many countries has caused a number of serious macroeconomic imbalances. These imbalances include high unemployment. Core: One of the phenomena accompanying the market mechanism is the unemployment rate, which at the present time we accompanied at every step. With this concept we encounter in everyday life, whether in media or touches us directly. Healthy development of each economy, in addition, economic growth should entail an acceptable rate of unemployment, respectively. natural rate of unemployment. With increased unemployment, the economy loses the goods and services, which could produce in a given period, unemployed people, and this loss is at an average labor productivity can be easily quantified. Part of what the economy during the period of increased unemployment comes as funding unemployment benefits. Those on one side to create the conditions to the man who lost his job, he continues to live a dignified life, but on the other hand, these benefits are considerable burden on the Treasury, which may result in a widening budget deficit. These economic losses from the period of increased unemployment are accompanied by examples of waste of resources in a modern economy. Economic crisis is a very difficult problem not only in economic but also social aspects. For there is no recipe that standard should apply to all countries equally. Therefore, the role of each government in the country irrespective of its political orientation to ensure the citizens of his country reduce risks and impacts of the global economic crisis. Not every country has the same economic potential, therefore, address these issues in each country individually and the time difference.
Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne; 2011, 2(7); 265-274
Pojawia się w:
Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polska, Unia Europejska i kryzys. Czy Polacy winią Europę?
Poland, European Union and the crisis. Do Poles blame Europe?
Liszkowska, Julia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Śląski. Wydział Nauk Społecznych
economic crisis
EU membership
political preferences
impact of the crisis
poll results
The paper focuses both on results of own research (national poll conducted in Poland) and results of other polls concerning perception of the impact of the crisis in Poland. The results were analyzed in terms of correlation between political preferences (both partisan and ideological) and perceived severity of the crisis in Poland, as well as relationship between political preferences and seeing the EU as cause of the crisis in Poland, or at least reason behind growing seriousness of its signs in Poland. A vast array of other polls – both national and European (mainly eurobarometer, but not only), as well as global – were analyzed, to verify whethere opinions of the Poles changed over time, and how they place in comparison with views of other nations. Overall, the Poles seem less pessimistic regarding the crisis than other nations, mainly due to comparatively better economic outlook, and their opinion on Polish membership in the EU remains very strongly positive. A significant percentage of respondents blamed – at least in part – EU for the crisis, but it did not translate into negative view on EU accession overall.
Political Preferences; 2013, 5; 95-113
Pojawia się w:
Political Preferences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jak państwa Unii Europejskiej radzą sobie z kryzysem gospodarczym wywołanym pandemią COVID-19?
How are the European Union countries dealing with the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic?
Gorynia, Marian
Polowczyk, Jan
Data publikacji:
Kancelaria Sejmu. Biuro Analiz Sejmowych
COVID-19 pandemic
economic crisis
economic effects of the pandemic
prospects for the development of the economic situation of the European Union countries
The COVID-19 pandemic has sparked a global economic crisis. Different economies have been hit by the effects of this crisis to varying degrees. The aim of the article is to answer the question: what are the consequences of the pandemic in individual European Union countries in terms of three basic indicators describing the economic situation? These indicators are: the rate of increase/decrease of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the unemployment rate and the budget balance. The period of analysis included in the article is 2019 (pre-pandemic year), 2020 and 2021 (two pandemic years). The article proposes three approaches to building a ranking arranging European Union countries according to the criterion of the degree to which they coped with the effects of the pandemic crisis in the three mentioned areas. The results obtained in the individual rankings differ from each other, which can be interpreted as the lack of clear relative winners and losers of the pandemic. In addition, on the basis of the three specified approaches, a meta-ranking was prepared, including the findings of these rankings. The article ends with comments on the prospects for the development of the economic situation of the European Union countries in the post-pandemic future.
Studia BAS; 2022, 1(69); 69-84
Pojawia się w:
Studia BAS
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
New pragmatism by G.W. Kolodko: an alternative of or a supplement to pure economic theory?
Nowy paradygmat G.W. Kołodko: alternatywa czy uzupełnienie czystej teorii ekonomicznej?
Nekipelov, Aleksandr
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
crisis of the general economic theory
new pragmatism
kryzys ogólnej teorii ekonomicznej
nowy pragmatyzm
Artykuł poświęcony jest znalezieniu odpowiedzi na następujące pytanie: czy koncepcja nowego pragmatyzmu autorstwa prof. G.W. Kołodko jest alternatywą czy uzupełnieniem ogólnej teorii ekonomicznej? Autor uważa, że pozytywny potencjał nowego pragmatyzmu polega na jego praktycznej przydatności do analizy w oparciu o interdyscyplinarne podstawy konkretnych sytuacji, rozwijających się zarówno w różnych gospodarkach narodowych, jak i w gospodarce światowej. Koncepcja ta nie powinna być traktowana jako alternatywa dla ogólnej teorii ekonomicznej. Jest to raczej rodzaj mostu nad „obszarem niepewności”, który istnieje między abstrakcyjną teorią ekonomiczną a rzeczywistością ekonomiczną.
The article is devoted to finding the answer to the following question: is the concept of the new pragmatism developed by Professor G.W. Kołodko an alternative or a supplement to the general economic theory? The author’s position is that the positive potential of the new pragmatism consists in its practical usefulness for the analysis of specific situations developing both in various national economies, as well as in the global economy, based on the interdisciplinary grounds. This concept should not be considered as an alternative to the general economic theory. Rather, it is a kind of a bridge over the “area of uncertainty”, which necessarily exists between an abstract economic theory and the economic reality.
Kwartalnik Nauk o Przedsiębiorstwie; 2019, 50, 1; 18-30
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Nauk o Przedsiębiorstwie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Great Economic Crisis in Poland (1929–1935) in the Context of the Global Crisis
Klimiuk, Zbigniew
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Wydawnictwo UMK
Great Crisis
industrial and agricultural crisis
economic downturn
economic recovery
boosting the economic situation
public spending
foreign trade
state interventionism
The aim of the article was to analyze the causes and consequences of the great economic crisis in Poland in the context of the world economy and the global crisis. The first symptoms of the crisis became evident in June 1929, when production began to decline, and in August that year price drop began. After these events, the economic situation in Poland was systematically deteriorating. The year 1935 can be considered the end of the crisis in Poland, despite the fact that the industrial crisis began to break through gradually already in 1933. The great economic crisis was a global phenomenon, even though it did not start in all countries at the same time. It depended on the internal economic situation of each of them. It stood out against the background of previous economic crises due to the fact that only the introduction of state interventionism in the form of the “New Deal” program in the USA brought about an improvement in the situation, and therefore, in 1933, some economic recovery began in the world. However, in some parts of the world (including Poland), due to the specific features of their economies, the crisis lasted until 1935. The crisis of 1929–1935 was rightly called “the great crisis”, not only because of economic problems, but also due to political consequences, i.e., the strengthening of totalitarian systems in Western Europe and the growing importance of the communist movement around the world (the USSR was the only country not affected by its consequences). The great economic crisis was characterized by: longevity – in industrial countries it lasted until 1933, and in agricultural countries until 1935; depth of impact – it covered all areas of the economy: industry, agriculture, domestic and foreign trade, transport, monetary and credit system; wide geographic scope – it covered all countries of the world connected with the world capitalist system and capitalist economies; the scale of the decline in economic growth rates – in the history of economic crises to date, the world economy has not experienced such a deep collapse and stagnation.
Historia i Polityka; 2022, 40 (47); 25-42
Pojawia się w:
Historia i Polityka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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