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Радянська стратегія та практика політичної мобілізації населення Західної України в умовах військово-політичного протистояння на завершальному етапі Другої світової війни
Radziecka strategia i praktyka politycznej mobilizacji ludności zachodniej Ukrainy w warunkach wojskowo-politycznego konfliktu w końcowym okresie drugiej wojny światowej
Докаш, Оксана
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe w Żytomierzu
The Second World War,
Western Ukraine,
Stalin’s totalitarian regime,
military-political confrontation,
political mobilization,
the party nomenclature,
manipulating-raising tools of influence
The political regime, which was rebuilt in the Western Ukraine at the final stage of world war II and can be defined as a kind of Soviet subtype of totalitarianism – Stalinism, has been characterized. It has been revealed the essential characteristics of the political activity of the population of the Western regions of the USSR in conditions of liberation from Nazi occupation, and stands of Stalin totalitarian regime, which was aimed at prevention of any manifestations of negative political mobilization. In the article it has been analyzed the political, legal, institutional and procedural mechanisms of the formation of structures of the Stalinist totalitarian regime in Western Ukraine, in the period after the liberation of the region from the fascist occupation, that were in the restoration and consolidation of the dominant role of the party committees and the formation of a controlled their range workers Soviet, Komsomol, economic organizations, organs of the NKVD and KGB, as an organized force to control political mobility of the local population. The violent nature of the political mobilization of the population in the Western regions of the Ukrainian SSR in support of the new political regime in countering departments of the UPA and OUN underground has been shown. It has been revealed the communicative manipulating-raising mechanisms of the formation among the population of the Western region of positive political mobilization against the new government. The negative consequences of the spread and dominance among the population liberated from the Nazi occupation of Western Ukraine controversial type of political mobilization of the contemporary socio-political conditions and present are under the analysis.
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona; 2014, 4; 224-234
Pojawia się w:
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Początki parafii Matki Bożej Królowej Korony Polskiej na Kijowskim Przedmieściu w Brześciu nad Bugiem
The origins of the Parish of Our Lady Queen of the Polish Crown in the Kiev Suburb in Brześć on the Bug
Żurek, Waldemar Witold
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Brześć nad Bugiem
parafia Matki Bożej Królowej Korony Polskiej
diecezja pińska
II wojna światowa
ks. Wacław Piątkowski
Brest on the Bug
the Parish of Our Lady Queen of the Polish Crown
the Diocese of Pińsk
the Second World War
Rev. Wacław Piątkowski
Grassroots initiatives of the faithful of the city of Brześć, supported by the clergy, have been approved by the Ordinary of the Diocese of Pińsk - Bishop Zygmunt Łoziński, who on 16 October 1938 erected the parish in the Kiev Suburb in Brześć. For a growing number of the inhabitants of Brześć in the interwar period of the Second Polish Republic, the above- mentioned parish was established to meet the religious needs of the local Catholics. In August 1937, Rev. Wacław Piątkowski was mandated, by the Bishop of Pińsk, to create a parish with an indication of the Kiev Suburb, where he soon began celebrating daily liturgy in a temporary chapel. Organized in November 1937, the Church Social Construction Committee undertook the care of raising funds for the implementation of a costly venture. A temporary chapel was consecrated on 14 August 1938 by Rev. Wacław Piątkowski, a parish priest. On 30 July 1939 the Bishop of Pińsk consecrated the foundation stone of the church, and next day the construction of the foundations began. Until the outbreak of World War II, a concrete footing under the foundation of the church was made along with the necessary excavations. War and occupation: the Soviet and German prevented the implementation of the initiated project. During those years, priests performed pastoral service, not only in their own parishes but often helped other parishes which were deprived of priests because of the arrests of clergy and their deportation to concentration camps, as well as due to the moving of many priests to the west of the created in 1945 Polish-Soviet frontier on the Bug. Thanks to the clergymen who, despite everything, stayed after the war in the Diocese of Pińsk within the borders of Byelorussian SSR, the continuity of the hierarchical authority of the Church was preserved. That authority was exercised by the vicars general until the church administration had been organized within the borders of the Republic of Belarus.
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 2014, 101; 329-363
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sprawa rosyjska w literaturze polskiej w Izraelu. Rekonesans
The Russian problem in Polish literature in Israel. Review
Русский вопрос в польской литературе в израиле. Обзор
Żurek, Sławomir Jacek
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Польская литература в Израиле
вторая мировая война
Literatura polska w Izraelu
druga wojna światowa
Polish literature in Israel
the second world war
The Russian problem in Polish literature in Israel is first of all concerned with experiences of the writers. The Soviet Russia was on the one hand a place of torment and torture, but on the other it was a chance for may Polish Jews (significant Polish-Israeli writers) to survive. According to the author the writers were either ideological communists, camp prisoners or refugees. The time they spent in the Soviet Union was an inspiration for their literary works, and Russia — paradoxically — was a source of great fascination.
Русский вопрос в польской литературе в Израиле это, прежде всего, контекст биографических переживаний ее создателей. Советская Россия это место казни, но одновременно место спасения многих польских евреев — важных польско-израильских писателей и поэтов. Автор статьи подразделяет их на идейных коммунистов, узников лагерей и выходцев. Опыт пребывания в СССР стал для них важной литературной темой, а сама Россия — парадоксально — часто объектом их увлечения.
Rusycystyczne Studia Literaturoznawcze; 2017, 27; 140-150
Pojawia się w:
Rusycystyczne Studia Literaturoznawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Planowany Anschluss Szwajcarii w czasie drugiej wojny światowej
Plans for the Anschluss of Switzerland during the Second World War
Żejmo, Marek
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Nazi Germany
gold transactions during the Second World War
hitlerowskie Niemcy
transakcje złotem w czasie II wojny światowej
Since 1933, when Adolf Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany, to the end of World War II, the independence of Switzerland was constantly threatened. From the beginning, Nazi propaganda sounded off about the unifi cation of the German peoples under the banners of the Third Reich. However, Swiss neutrality gave the Germans such great material benefi ts that they ultimately abandoned their plans to annex Switzerland. Prior to the outbreak of World War II and throughout the War, the Swiss authorities collaborated with the Germans and imposed restrictions on the admission of European Jews. Nevertheless, owing to its status of a ‘perpetually’ neutral state and informal actions of a number of state offi cials, many human lives were saved. For many years after the war, the Swiss found themselves in a kind of political isolation from the countries fi ghting against the Nazi Third Reich, owing to Switzerland’s trade cooperation and trade in goods with all participants of the war.
Historia Slavorum Occidentis; 2015, 2(9); 185-209
Pojawia się w:
Historia Slavorum Occidentis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przymierze w kryzysie – polityka Wielkiej Brytanii wobec Turcji po ataku niemieckim na Związek Sowiecki
The Alliance in crisis: the policy of Great Britain towards Turkey after the German attack on the Soviet Union
Zdulski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Wielka Brytania
Związek Sowiecki
Trzecia Rzesza
druga wojna światowa
Great Britain
Soviet Union
the Second World War
Third Reich
18 czerwca 1941 roku Turcja podpisała z III Rzeszą układ o nieagresji. Wydarzenie to spotkało się z krytycznym przyjęciem ze strony Wielkiej Brytanii. W Londynie pojawiły się obawy o zmianę polityki tureckiej, której kurs do tej pory nastawiony był na bliską współpracę z aliantami. Cztery dni później III Rzesza zaatakowała Związek Radziecki. Reakcja rządu brytyjskiego była błyskawiczna. Winston Churchill podjął decyzję o udzieleniu pomocy napadniętemu, puszczając w niepamięć prawie dwa lata ścisłej współpracy niemiecko-radzieckiej. Ten krok z kolei wywołał niepokój w Ankarze, która uważała, że polityka jej północnego sąsiada zagraża suwerenności i integralności terytorialnej Turcji. Obawiano się, że rodząca się współpraca brytyjsko-radziecka może odbyć się kosztem państwa tureckiego. Z końcem czerwca 1941 r. brytyjska polityka zagraniczna stanęła zatem przed dwoma ważnymi wyzwaniami. Dążąc do utrzymania przyjaznych relacji z Turcją, Brytyjczycy z jednej strony musieli przeciwdziałać zbliżeniu niemiecko- tureckiemu, a z drugiej przekonać władze tureckie, że brytyjska współpraca ze Związkiem Sowieckim nie będzie stanowić zagrożenia dla interesów tureckich. Powyższe cele wyznaczyły główne kierunki działań dyplomacji brytyjskiej wobec Turcji na następne półtora roku. W pierwszym przypadku odniesiono połowiczny sukces. Co prawda Turcja nie została objęta niemiecką strefą wpływów, ale dyplomatom brytyjskim nie udało się storpedować turecko-niemieckiej umowy gospodarczej, a zwłaszcza jej najważniejszego punktu, czyli przywrócenia eksportu chromu do III Rzeszy. Brytyjczycy jedynie opóźnili dostawy dzięki wyegzekwowaniu od rządu tureckiego przestrzegania zawartego na początku 1940 roku porozumienia, którego postanowienia obowiązywały do końca 1942 roku. W drugim przypadku Brytyjczycy uczynili wszystko co było w ich mocy, aby rozwiać obawy tureckie. Najpierw w sierpniu 1941 roku przekonali władze Związku Sowieckiego do wydania oświadczenia, w którym deklarowano przestrzeganie integralności terytorialnej Turcji. Następnie wiosną 1942 roku, kiedy negocjowany był układ brytyjsko-radziecki, Moskwa i Londyn potwierdziły wcześniejsze zobowiązania. Należy jednak zauważyć, że dyplomacja brytyjska nie ustrzegła się przed popełnieniem kilku błędów, które mogły zwiększyć podejrzenia ze strony rządu tureckiego. Najpoważniejszym z nich było niepoinformowanie Turków o przygotowaniach do brytyjsko-radzieckiej interwencji w Iranie, do której doszło pod koniec sierpnia 1941 roku.
On June 18th, 1941, Turkey signed a nonaggression pact with the Third Reich. This event was critically received by Great Britain. Fears were awoken in London of changes in the Turkish politics which had so far been oriented at close cooperation with the Allies. Four days later the Third Reich attacked the Soviet Union. The British government reacted immediately. Winston Churchill decided to offer aid to the attacked party, forgetting instantly about nearly two years of close German-Soviet cooperation. This move left Ankara anxious due to the conviction that the policy of its Northern neighbor threatened the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Turkey. It was feared that the uprising alliance might occur at the expense of Turkey. At the end of June 1941, the British foreign policy faced two critical challenges. Aiming at maintaining amicable relations with Turkey, the British had to, on one hand, prevent Germany and Turkey from entering close cooperation, and on the other, convince the Turkish authorities that the British cooperation with the Soviet Union would not pose a threat to the Turkish interest. The above aims determined the main direction of policy of the British diplomacy towards Turkey over the next year and a half. In the first case the success was achieved partially. Turkey was not included in the German scope of influence but the British diplomats failed to undermine the Turkish-German economic contract, especially its most important point, i.e., reinstating the export of chrome to the Third Reich. The British only managed to delay the delivery by having the Turkish government observe the agreement concluded at the beginning of 1940, whose provisions were valid until the end of 1942. In the second case the British did whatever they could to put the Turkish concerns at ease. First, in August 1941, they convinced the Soviet Union authorities to issue a statement in which they declared that they would respect Turkey’s territorial integrity. Next, in the spring of 1942, when the British-Soviet alliance was subject to negotiation, Moscow and London confirmed their previous commitments. It must be, however, observed that the British diplomacy did not manage to avoid a few mistakes that may have strengthened the suspicions of the Turkish government. The most important one was not having informed the Turkish of the preparations for the British-Soviet intervention in Iran which was led in late August 1941.
Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne; 2017, 55; 181-205
Pojawia się w:
Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Turcja w polityce brytyjskiej wobec Syrii i Libanu w latach 1940–1941
Turkey in British policy towards Syria and Lebanon in 1940 – 1941
Zdulski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
the United Kingdom
Second World War
the Levant
After collapse of metropolitan France in June 1940, the French in the Syria and Lebanon swore allegiance to the Vichy Government. This situation was hard to accept by the British. According to the Chiefs of Staff Committee, the occupation of these territories by enemy forces could have had most serious strategic consequences since it would cut of land communications with Turkey and would immediately threaten the whole of British interests in the Middle East. Due to that threat, London was forced to rethink its policy towards French Levant. One of the discussed measures was a proposition to involve Turkey in solving this problem. Turkey was bound with Britain with reciprocal security pact since October 1939. Moreover, the situation in Syria and Lebanon was also a threat for Turkish security. It was thought that these arguments would act in favor of Turkish involvement. Although in London everyone counted on active attitude of Turkey, there was no agreement as to its nature. While Churchill, Eden and the Chiefs of Staff were willing to agree on Turkish occupation of Syria and Lebanon, the Foreign Office was definitely against this solution. The first option eventually won. The first serious talks about Turkish involvement in Levant question took place in Ankara in January 1941, during the Anglo-Turkish military conversations. It was agreed then that if Turkey had entered the war, Turkish and British armies would have occupied Syria and Lebanon. The deteriorating military situation on the Eastern Mediterranean forced the United Kingdom to intervene in the French Levant in June 1941. Th e British government encouraged Turks to take part in that operation (“Exporter”). However, Turkish government rejected that offer. Turkey was still out of war and did not want to worsen her relations with the Third Reich.
Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne; 2015, 46; 35-49
Pojawia się w:
Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Punkty za inteligenckość. Agaty Zysiak rekonstrukcja historii Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego a rola PRL w umocnieniu inteligenckiej hegemonii
Points for Belonging to the Intelligentsia: Agata Zysiak’s Reconstruction of the History of the University of Łódź and the Role of the PPR in Strengthening the Hegemony of the Intelligentsia
Zarycki, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
social structure
social change
history of Poland after the Second World War
struktura społeczna
zmiana społeczna
historia Polski po drugiej wojnie światowej
The departure point for the author’s reflections is Agata Zysiak’s book entitled Punkty za pochodzenie. Powojenna modernizacja i uniwersytet w robotniczym mieście [Points for Class Origin: Post-War Modernization and the University in a Working-Class City] (2016). He develops his earlier ideas on the role of the intelligentsia in Poland’s social hierarchy, particularly in connection with the world elite, which, after Bourdieu, he calls the “field of power.” Zysiak’s analyses provide him with arguments for the statement that the period of the Polish People’s Republic can be treated, in multiple dimensions, as having strengthened the position of the intelligentsia and especially of selected milieus within it. Zysiak’s proposed description of the “university in a workers’ city” produces a picture of the triumph of the intelligentsia-elite, whom the new institution of higher learning effectively forms into a successive tool for the strengthening of its privileged status. It also, in the author’s opinion, a factor in the failure of the “new bourgeoisie,” that is, the parts of the middle class that after the periods of modernization reforms had large hopes of maintaining both their status and financial privileges. At the same time, in opposition to the traditional intelligentsia, the new bourgeoisie overlooked the classic distinction games of the elite and believed in the compensatory strength of the manifestation their — usually recently — acquired material resources. The author also reflects on the current picture of Polish scholarship.
Kultura i Społeczeństwo; 2018, 62, 1; 231-250
Pojawia się w:
Kultura i Społeczeństwo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Powojenne paniki wojenne: Polska 1945–1980
Post-war War Panics: Poland 1945–1980
Zaremba, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Second World War
war panic
history of the Polish People’s Republic
druga wojna światowa
panika wojenna
historia Polski Ludowej
The author defines “war panic” and analyzes specific manifestations of the phenomenon: the war panics that Poland experienced repeatedly after the Second World War. The author demonstrates that for Polish society the Second World War was the most traumatic event of the twentieth century, and that it left behind not only the human losses and a sea of ruins, but enormous deposits of fear. These ap- peared above all in flight behavior, the hoarding of shop goods, and the withdrawal of money from banks in order, for instance, to buy jewelry – every time the pattern was the same. The first war panic occurred already in 1945. Until the end of the 1960s, Poles were convinced that a third world war was just around the corner. The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan also induced a panic. Poles were afraid of war, but war was also used to threaten them. During the Stalinist period, the threat was of American imperialism, and in the 1970s, of German “militarists” and “revanchists.” The Second World War did not entirely end in 1945. The author claims that we can speak of its long-term, post-war continuation.
Kultura i Społeczeństwo; 2019, 63, 2; 61-97
Pojawia się w:
Kultura i Społeczeństwo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czy byliśmy w wojnie z Sowietami?!
Were we at the state of war with the Soviets?
Wysocki, Wiesław Jan
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
September 1939
Soviet aggression on Poland
Diplomacy of the Second Polish Republic
The Second World War
President Ignacy Mościcki
Marshal Edward Śmigły-Rydz
Minister Józef Beck
At the time of the agreement with the German Third Reich on Soviet aggression on Poland on September 17, 1939, the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland in Moscow was given a diplomatic note declaring that in the face of the "break-up of the Polish state" the USSR "is defending the Belarusian and Ukrainian population" in eastern Poland. This deceptive version was "bought" by the Allies of Poland in the West who pretended that Moscow was not a co-hostile against allied Poland. They explained that they didn’t want to deepen but to overthrow the German-Soviet alliance. The highest authorities of the Republic of Poland were charged that they were not consistent and did not declare a state of war between Poland and the USSR from September 17, 1939. This was a game of slander and the author documented the will of the parties to bring such charges. In the period of the Polish People's Republic, the myth of the so-justified Soviet intervention in 1939 was promulgated. Also, today, this issue for many politicians, historians and journalists remains not entirely clear. This text is an analysis of the formation of the basis of this myth, showing its political ground for various propaganda and proclamation of Western states, and ambiguous attitudes of Polish politicians, especially focused on the very naive and politically dependent General Sikorski, the chief of war and prime minister, with greater responsibility - than the ruling party of the Second Polish Republic - for establishing false opinions about Polish-Soviet relations in September 1939.
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne; 2017, 24; 247-255
Pojawia się w:
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Chrześcijanka i obywatelka świata
The Female Christian and Citizen of the World
Wrzeszcz, Maria
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Frassati-Gawrońska Luciana
II wojna światowa
Pamiętniki włoskie 1939-1945
Polska − pamiętniki 1939-1945
Warszawa 1939-1945
Gawrońscy – rodzina
bł.Piotr Jerzy Frassati
Frassati-Grawońska Luciana
the Second World War
the Italian Memoirs of 1939-1945
Poland – memoirs of 1939-1945
Warsaw 1939-1945
the Gawroński family
bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati
The paper is an essay written on the basis of the book Przeznaczenie nie omija Warszawy [Destiny does not Pass by Warsaw]. Its author, Luciana Frassati-Gawrońska, born in 1902, the sister of bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati (1901-25), the wife of the Polish diplomat Jan Gawroński (1892-1983), gave her abilities, courage and dedication to the Polish case during the Second World War. Although nobody commanded it, from September 1939 to December 1942, she visited the occupied Poland seven times. She contacted the representatives of the underground organisations and made many efforts to bring risky actions to a successful end. Among her actions we have to list: the release of a hundred people from the Gestapo, the transport of Gen. Władysław Sikorski's wife and daughter to the West, secret films, messages, notes, and the Warsaw telephone directory. She reported on those visits to Pope Pius XI as a spokeswoman of the Polish Church, and also during her six meetings with Benito Mussolini, as it was in the name of the Polish nation.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2006, 54, 2; 99-108
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Książka dla dzieci w ofercie wydawniczej środowiska polskich uchodźców na Węgrzech okresu II wojny światowej
Children literature in the publishing offer of Polish refugees in Hungary during the Second World War
Woźniakowski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
American Commission for Polish Relief
the Polish Library
Second World War
children literature
Polish refugees
Maria Grażyna Ławrukianiec
According to the estimated data, among the group of Polish war refugees in Hungary in 1939–1945 there were about 450 children at the age of primary education. After reorganizing and bringing to life the refugee structures, there was a special publishing action organized especially for these children, this action resulted in publishing ten books for the youngest reader in Budapest in 1940–1943. All of them – as almost all books published by the Hungarian Dispersion – were created using the “small print” technology. These editions were handled by the American Committee for Polish Relief (2 books in 1940), and – most of all – by the Polish Library (Biblioteka Polska – 8 books throughout 1941–1943). Apart from the renewals of positions for children and adolescents from before 1939, which were limited by the availability of the originals, there is one author that deserves special credit – the young teacher Maria Grażyna Ławrukianiec, who was the only author in the Hungarian refugee world to devote her work completely to the youngest reader. She published three books with the Polish Library, all of which comprised of poematic or prosaic short stories for children (Księżycowa bajka 1941, Opowiadania 1942, Tytuł da serce 1943), as well as a new translation of a popular novel by Alan Alexander Milne about Winnie the Pooh called Miś Puh- Niedźwiedzki – 1943. The characteristic feature of the publishing program of the Polish Library was a completely free-of-charge distribution of all children books within the premises of the Kingdom of Hungary. This distribution was conducted based on the demand lists created by individual facilities and camps all over the kingdom. The books were also – when possible – tried to be distributed free-of-charge outside the boundaries of Hungary to other Polish refugee groups.
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia; 2014, 12; 69-85
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mieszkańcy Siedlec w obliczu sowietyzacji miasta w 1944 roku
Residents of Siedlce in the face of Sovietization of the town in 1944
Wołosz, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach
the Second World War
The last day of Nazi German occupation of Siedlce started a new chapter in the life of the local community. Being destroyed in 75 percent, the town was far from its former status of an important regional centre of administration and education. As a result of military actions many buildings and schools were burned or destroyed. The local power plant and waterworks were damaged. The scale of damages and nonfunctioning of , numerous, basic town facilities made the living situation of local citizens very complicated and hard to resolve. By describing the extent of damages, the tries to show the conditions in which the local community had to live and how difficult it was to recover after the military actions during the Second World War, including the battle of 1944. The violent political changes, which occurred after the Red Army’s appearance, formed the background to rebuilding of the town and social recovery. Despite the propaganda and brutal political struggle, the imposed local government was considered „foreign” by the majority of citizens. Having sketched the grim post-war situation of Siedlce’s residents, the author analyzes the causes of anxieties and later hostile attitude of the local society towards the new administration built on the principles set by Polish Committee of National Liberation, whose operations changed the social landscape for the worse.
Historia i Świat; 2014, 3; 211-230
Pojawia się w:
Historia i Świat
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wojna o wojnę. Spór o wystawę Muzeum II Wojny Światowej
Wnuk, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Museum of the Second World War, national identity, politics of memory
Muzeum II Wojny Światowej, polityka pamięci, tożsamość narodowa
The article elaborates on the debate that took place between 2008 and 2017 about, firstly,  the original assumptions of the Museum of the Second World War and, secondly, about its permanent exhibition. The author’s view is that the conflict results from different perceptions of Polish identity and patriotism. This is a conflict between the perception of the nation as an ethno-emotional community and the definition of the nation as a civil society. At the same time the debate takes place between those who support an affirmative attitude towards history, which makes them feel proud about their nation, and those who claim that the essence of history is to be critical about the past.
W artykule omówiono dyskusję z lat 2008–2017 wywołaną początkowo przez wstępne założenia Muzeum II Wojny Światowej, a następnie przez samą ekspozycję. Autor stawia tezę, że spór ten wynika z różnicy postrzegania polskiej tożsamości i polskiego patriotyzmu, konfliktu między polskością rozumianą jako etniczno-emocjonalna wspólnota narodowa a państwową polskością obywatelską. Jest to też jednocześnie spór między zwolennikami historii afirmatywnej, wywołującej poczucie narodowej dumy, a tymi, którzy uważają, że istotą historii jest krytyczna refleksja nad przeszłością. 
Res Historica; 2018, 46
Pojawia się w:
Res Historica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Generał Bolesław Michał Nieczuja-Ostrowski – Polsce wierny, zapomniany, niezłomny
General Bolesław Michał Nieczuja-Ostrowski: Faithful to Poland, Forgotten and Stalwart
Wnuk, Jan
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
II wojna światowa
więzień polityczny
walka podziemna
Armia Krajowa
gen. Bolesław Michał
Nieczuja-Ostrowski ps. Tysiąc
the second world war
political prisoner
national army
general Bolesław Michał Nieczuja-
Ostrowski pseudonym Thousand
underground fight
Bolesław Michał Nieczuja-Ostrowski (1907–2008) był ofiarnym obrońcą ojczyzny, przez całe swoje żołnierskie życie wiernym rycerskiemu hasłu: „Bóg – Honor – Ojczyzna”. Generał brygady, dowódca 106 Dywizji Piechoty Armii Krajowej, był przedwojennym oficerem Wojska Polskiego, nauczycielem oraz wychowawcą przyszłych obrońców kraju. Bronił ojczyzny w 1939 r. oraz pozostał jej wierny do momentu, kiedy czerwoni „wyzwoliciele” narzucili Polsce nowy ład totalitarny, który odpłacił bohaterowi kilkoma wyrokami śmierci. Po doświadczeniu widzeń w celach śmierci, które przyczyniły się do umocnienia i jeszcze większego zgłębienia wiary, po wyjściu na wolność poświęcił się działalności mającej na celu upamiętnienie czynów zbrojnych oraz głoszeniu kazań, w których przytaczał swoje widzenia, jak również cudowne liczne ocalenia za wstawiennictwem Niepokalanej. Jest autorem wielu publikacji. Do końca swoich dni cieszył się wielkim autorytetem, bezgranicznym zaufaniem i sympatią wśród swoich byłych żołnierzy. Był bez wątpienia jedną z postaci, którym Polska zawdzięcza upragnioną niepodległość i wolność, był też świadkiem historii i męczeństwa narodu polskiego w XX w.
Bolesław Michał Nieczuja-Ostrowski (1907–2008) was a self-sacrificing defender of his country who remained faithful to his knightly slogan, “God, Honor, Fatherland” throughout his soldierly toil. He was a Brigadier General, commander of the 106th Infantry Division of the Home Army, and a pre-war Polish Army officer, as well as a teacher to future defenders of the homeland. He defended his country in 1939 and remained loyal to it until the Red Army “liberators” imposed a new totalitarian regime on Poland, after which the hero was repaid with multiple death sentences. After experiencing visions on death row, which strengthened and deepened his faith, he regained his freedom and devoted himself to commemorating his military exploits and preaching sermons, in which he recalled his visions from death row as well as his many miraculous salvations through the intercession of Mary Immaculate. Until the end of his days, he enjoyed his authority and the boundless trust and popularity among his former soldiers. He authored numerous publications. Without doubt, he was a figure to whom Poland owes the longed-for Independence and Freedom it enjoys again today. He bore witness to the history and martyrdom of the Polish nation in the 20th century.
Perspektywy Kultury; 2022, 36, 1; 265-290
Pojawia się w:
Perspektywy Kultury
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Topos sprawcy i ofiary w utworze Christy Wolf Wzorce dzieciństwa i Tadeusza Borowskiego Muzyka w Herzenburgu. Wokół rozliczeń z II wojną światową w literaturze niemieckiej i polskiej
Wieczerniak, Wioleta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
The Second World War
“offenders – victims” topos
II wojna światowa
topos „sprawca – ofiara”
The paper presents a comparative study of Polish and German literature concerning the Second Word War. Christa Wolf’s Patterns of Childhood and Tadeusz Borowski’s Music in Herzenburg were analysed. The author chose the typological model of comparative literature. The article highlights the differences in war experiences present in Polish and German memories. A lot of attention is given to the topoi of the offenders and victims, which have changed over the last few decades. The plots of both texts are briefly outlined. The issue in question was discussed by Wolf and Borowski in difficult political conditions. Both writers attempted at confronting themselves and their generations with the Nazi era and raising the issue of Polish and German collective memory. In some way, Borowski and Wolf were precursors of the discussion of the attitudes towards the responsibility for the War crimes. Christa Wolf does not lie about the times of National Socialism and does not remain silent about the responsibility of the so-called Mitläufer. She also aims at fighting the myth of “good” East Germans and “bad” West Germans. Borowski, in turn, tries to improve German-Polish relations undermined by the difficult experiences of the 20th century.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest próba komparatystycznego przedstawienia rozliczeń z II wojną światową w literaturze niemieckiej i polskiej. Autorka wybrała w tym celu dwa teksty: Wzorce dzieciństwa Christy Wolf i Muzyka w Herzenburgu Tadeusza Borowskiego. W badaniach wykorzystano typologiczny model komparatystyki literackiej. W opracowaniu został nakreślony problem asymetrii doświadczeń związanych z wydarzeniami II wojny światowej, które obecne są w świadomości zarówno Polaków, jak i Niemców. Szeroko został również omówiony status ofiary i sprawcy, który zmieniał się na przestrzeni lat. Następnie autorka dokonała analizy utworów literackich. Przedstawiając problematykę tekstów, skupiono się na ukazaniu toposu ofiar i sprawców w tych dziełach. O ważności powieści Christy Wolf i opowiadania Tadeusza Borowskiego decyduje fakt, że podejmowały tematykę wojenną w niesprzyjających warunkach politycznych. Uwzględniono również, w jaki sposób omawiane utwory wpisują się w szerszy nurt dotyczący dyskursu pamięci o II wojnie światowej oraz rozliczenia z nią. Refleksje mogą być bodźcem do kolejnych ciekawych rozważań na temat innowacyjności w podejściu zarówno polskich, jak i niemieckich pisarzy próbujących na nowo zmierzyć się z trudną historią czasów wojennych.
Acta Humana; 2015, 6
Pojawia się w:
Acta Humana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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