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Krezowie herbu Przeginia – genealogia rodu
The Krezas, Przeginia coat of arms – genealogy of the family
Anusik, Zbigniew
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Krezowie herbu Przeginia
szlachta polska
potomkowie króla Zygmunta I Starego
The Krezas Przeginia Coat of Arms
Polish nobility in 15th–17th centuries
descendants of King Sigismund I the Old
The subject of the research undertaken by the Author is the history of the Krezas family Przeginia coat of arms from the end of the 14th to the 17th century. It was the middle noble family of Minor Poland, which gained the greatest importance in the first half of the 16th century. The fate of the Krezas family attracted the attention of researchers mainly because one of its representatives – Mikołaj, married Anna Szafraniec of Pieskowa Skała, the natural granddaughter of King Sigismund I the Old. So in the veins of the descendants of this pair, royal blood flowed. Despite of this interest, little has been known about the history of this family. The Author focused his attention on the source search, which enabled him to elaborate the full genealogy of the studied family. In the text presented here, almost all issues that remained unknown until now have been resolved. The Author determined who were the wives of the two most active in the public forum of the great-grandchildren of Sigismund I the Old, i.e. Jan and Marcin Kreza. He proved that Urszula, who had been attributed to Jan as his own daughter so far, was in fact his niece. He found sources from which result that the other of the said brothers – Marcin, left five sons and five daughters. He finally corrected a number of his own mistakes, introduced to the scientific circuit in his text dedicated to the Polish descendants of Sigismund I the Old and Katarzyna Telniczanka.
Przedmiotem badań podjętych przez Autora są dzieje rodu Krezów herbu Przeginia od końca XIV do XVII w. Była to średnioszlachecka rodzina małopolska, która największe znaczenie osiągnęła w pierwszej połowie XVI w. Losy rodu Krezów przyciągały uwagę badaczy głównie z tego powodu, że jeden z jego przedstawicieli – Mikołaj ożenił się z Anną Szafrańcówną z Pieskowej Skały, naturalną wnuczką króla Zygmunta I Starego. W żyłach potomków tej pary płynęła więc królewska krew. Pomimo tego zainteresowania, o dziejach tego rodu wiedziano dotąd niewiele. Autor skupił swoją uwagę na poszukiwaniach źródłowych, które umożliwiły mu opracowanie pełnej genealogii badanego rodu. W prezentowanym tu tekście udało się rozstrzygnąć niemal wszystkie kwestie, które pozostawały dotychczas nieznane. Autor ustalił, kim były żony dwóch najbardziej czynnych na forum publicznym prawnuków Zygmunta Starego, czyli Jana i Marcina Krezów. Udowodnił, że przypisywana dotąd Janowi córka Urszula była w istocie jego bratanicą. Odnalazł źródła, z których wynika, że drugi ze wspomnianych braci – Marcin pozostawił po sobie pięciu synów i pięć córek. Sprostował wreszcie szereg własnych pomyłek, wprowadzonych do obiegu naukowego w jego tekście poświęconym polskim potomkom Zygmunta Starego i Katarzyny Telniczanki.
Przegląd Nauk Historycznych; 2019, 18, 1; 5-40
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Nauk Historycznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Krótkie życie i niespodziewana śmierć młodego magnata. Janusz Paweł ks. Ostrogski i jego testament z 6 sierpnia 1619 roku
Anusik, Zbigniew
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Książę Janusz Paweł Ostrogski
magnateria polska
dzieje Rzeczypospolitej w XVII wieku
testamenty staropolskie
edycja źródłowa
Prince Janusz Paweł Ostrogski
Polish magnates
the history of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 17th century
Old Polish last wills
source edition
Artykuł poświęcony jest postaci księcia Janusza Pawła Ostrogskiego (1597–1619). Był on potomkiem jednej z najpotężniejszych rodzin magnackich w Rzeczypospolitej. Po wczesnej śmierci ojca, wojewody wołyńskiego Aleksandra, wychowywany był wraz ze starszym bratem przez matkę. Doprowadziła ona do konwersji synów z prawosławia na katolicyzm. W latach 1611–1615 młodzi Ostrogscy odbyli podróż edukacyjną po Europie. Po powrocie do kraju przejęli z rąk matki ogromne latyfundium. Obaj bracia znani byli z hulaszczego trybu życia i rozwiązłości. Zarazili się kiłą, co było przyczyną ich przedwczesnej śmierci. Po zgonie starszego brata Janusz Paweł stał się jednym z największych właścicieli ziemskich w Rzeczypospolitej. Zamierzał się ożenić. Śmierć zaskoczyła go jednak w drodze do domu przyszłego teścia. Książę sporządził przed śmiercią ciekawy testament, którego krytyczna edycja została zamieszczona jako aneks do tego opracowania.
The article is devoted to prince Janusz Paweł Ostrogski (1597–1619). He was a descendant of one of the most powerful magnate families in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. After the early death of his father, the Volyn voivode Aleksander, he was brought up, together with older brother, by his mother. She led them to conversion from Orthodoxy to Catholicism. In the years 1611–1615 the young Ostrogski brothers took an educational journey around the Western Europe. After returning to the fatherland they took over a huge latifundium from their mother. Both brothers were known of their rude lifestyle and promiscuity. They were infected with syphilis, which was a cause of their premature death. After the death of his older brother, Janusz Paweł became one of the greatest landowners in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. He was going to get married. Death however, surprised him on his way to the home of his future father-in-law. The prince made an interesting last will before his death, the critical edition of which was included as an annex to this study.
Przegląd Nauk Historycznych; 2020, 19, 1; 215-239
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Nauk Historycznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czcij (…), abyś długo żył na ziemi. O czwartym przykazaniu z myślą o podręcznikach i lekcjach języka polskiego
Honour . . . that you may live long on earth. On the Fourth Commandment for Textbooks and Polish Language Lessons
Bakuła, Kordian
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
teaching Polish language
teaching Polish literature
teaching Polish culture
Old Testament
the fourth commandment
obedience to one’s parents
punishing children
outdated tradition
kształcenie literackie
kształcenie językowe
kształcenie kulturalne
Stary Testament
czwarte przykazanie
karanie dzieci
przebrzmiała tradycja
Artykuł ma na celu pokazanie napięcia między starotestamentowym nakazem motywowanym religijnie czcij ojca swego i matkę swoją…, a współczesnym nam, ziemskim, ludzkim szanuj ojca i matkę, szanuj rodziców. Sposobem na osiągnięcie tego celu będą czynności dydaktyczne poszerzające pole wiedzy: przeczytanie pełnych wersji przykazania czwartego; poznanie strasznych kar grożących za uchybianie czci rodzicom; przywołanie scen składania ofiar z dzieci; czytanie polskich interpretacji czwartego przykazania przez M. Reja i E. Glicznera. Wniosek: dla nas na nasze czasy najbardziej odpowiednim jest wymaganie naturalnego szacunku dzieci dla rodziców – bez pośrednictwa dawnych religijnych mniemań.
The article aims to show the tension between the Old Testament, which is religiously motivated honour thy father and thy mother, and the modern version, which isearthly, human, respect the father and mother, respect the parents. The way to achieve this will be through didactic activities that expand the field of knowledge: reading thefull versions of the fourth commandment; to know the terrible penalties that threaten to be imposed for the misconduct of honor of parents; recalling scenes of child sacrifice;reading Polish interpretations of the Fourth Commandment by M. Rej and E. Gliczner. Conclusion: for us in our time, it is most appropriate to require the natural respect of children for parents – without any mediation of old religious beliefs.
Polonistyka. Innowacje; 2021, 14; 51-64
Pojawia się w:
Polonistyka. Innowacje
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Skład armii Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego podczas wojny z Turcją (1675–1676) w świetle akt skarbowo-wojskowych
The Composition of the Army of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania during the War with Turkey (1675–1676) in the Light of the Financial and Military Files
Bobiatyński, Konrad
Hundert, Zbigniew
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
the Polish-Turkish war 1672–1676
the Lithuanian army
the Old Polish army
The aim of this source edition is to reconstruct thoroughly the composition of the Lithuanian army in the years 1675–1676 during the next stage of the war between the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth with Turkey (1672–1676), in which the Grand Duchy of Lithuania took an active part. The source basis used to reconstruct the composition of the army during three quarters of the service in the years 1675–1676 were the accounts of the Grand Sub-Treasurer of Lithuania Benedykt Paweł Sapieha, which were prepared for the Grodno Sejm of 1678–1679. They include the expenditure of the treasury on individual units of the Lithuanian army in the quarters from 15 August to 15 November 1675 and two quarters of 1676 – in total from 15 May to 15 November 1676. In order to present the composition of the army in the first half of 1675 the authors used the list of the Lithuanian military units found in the Sanguszko Archive in Cracow.
Zapiski Historyczne; 2018, 83, 1; 155-173
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Na styku języków – o kłopotach z nazywaniem pewnej grupy zjawisk. Wokół tekstów powstałych w XV w. na Śląsku
When languages meet – on the problems of naming a particular group of phenomena, with reference to texts written in the fifteenth-century Silesia
Borowiec, Karolina
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica
kontakt językowy
wielojęzyczność średniowiecza
średniowieczny Śląsk
czesko-polskie związki językowe
language contact
multilingualism in the Middle Ages
medieval Silesia
Old Polish, Czech-Polish language relationships
Artykuł dotyczy potrzeby nowych badań tekstów powstałych w XV w. na Śląsku, dotąd charakteryzowanych w opracowaniach jako „polskie”/„mieszane”; jednocześnie osadza problem w kontekście ogólnoeuropejskim. Autorka wskazuje na szereg problemów, jakich nastręcza badanie materiału tak starego i trudnego w interpretacji (specyfika językowa może wskazywać na dwukompetencyjność skryby lub język używany na tym terenie), takich jak wielowarstwowość tekstu średniowiecznego, bliskie pokrewieństwo systemów językowych polszczyzny i czeszczyzny, trudności w ustaleniu relacji między zapisem, a fonetyką etc.
The article postulates the need of new studies of texts (which had previously been characterized as "Polish" or "mixed") produced in the fifteenth century in Silesia region, at the same time placing the problem in a European context. The author points out a number of problems posed by such old and difficult to interpret material (their linguistic specificity may have be caused by a bilingual scribe or the language used in medieval Silesia), such as the multilayered structure of the medieval text, the close relationship between Czech and Polish language systems, and difficulties in establishing the relationship between writing and phonetics, etc.
Ogrody Nauk i Sztuk; 2015, 5; 442-448
Pojawia się w:
Ogrody Nauk i Sztuk
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Imiona wywodzące się od imienia Boga: Elohim
Names derived from the name of God Elohim
Breza, Edward
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Gdański. Wydział Filologiczny
the name of God Elohim
the origin
the theophorical names
the Old Testament
the postposition
the article entry
versions of the names
the Old Polish
distinguished people
imię Boga: Elohim
imiona teoforyczne
Stary Testament
sruktura artykułu
wersje imion
język staropolski
wybitne osoby
The author explains the origin of the name Elohim and subsequently the theophorical names of people that were derived from this name of God in the Old Testament in the postposition such as Daniel and in preposition such as Elżbieta and in preposition with postposition such as: Eliasz. The article entry is composed in the following way: names given in The Dictionary of Names Contemporarily Used in Poland, versions of the names in 29 languages, records of the names in the Old Polish and their origin, and finally, the names of distinguished people by the described name.
Język - Szkoła - Religia; 2013, 8, 1; 18-37
Pojawia się w:
Język - Szkoła - Religia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O senatorach koronnych za Władysława IV
Broniarczyk, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
Władysław IV
parlamentaryzm staropolski
rady senatu
senatorowie rezydenci
wota senatorskie
old-Polish parliamentarism
Senate sessions
senators residents
senators’ vota
the Vasas
Artykuł recenzyjny dotyczy monografii Andrzeja Korytki poświęconej senatowi koronnemu jako jednemu z trzech - obok króla i izby poselskiej - stanów sejmujących w okresie panowania Władysława IV Wazy (1632–1648). Senat był izbą wyższą staropolskiego parlamentu, którą tworzyli urzędnicy pochodzący z nominacji królewskiej, pełniący swoje funkcje dożywotnio. W jego skład wchodzili biskupi, wojewodowie, kasztelanowie oraz ministrowie. Książka jest wieloaspektową analizą funkcjonowania senatu koronnego na forum obrad parlamentu za rządów drugiego Wazy, a także poza nim, na sejmikach ziemskich. The present article reviews Andrzej Korytko’s monograph on the Crown Senate regarded as one of the three - besides the king and the Chamber of Envoys - parliamentary estates under King Władysław IV Vasa (1632–1648). The Senate was the upper chamber of the Polish Parliament, made up of officials appointed for life by the king. The Senate was composed of bishops, palatines, castellans, and ministers. Korytko’s book is a multi-aspect analysis of the functioning of the Crown Senate within the parliamentary forum under King Władysław IV Vasa, and also outside it, for example at dietines.
Kwartalnik Historyczny; 2018, 125, 1
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Historyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wyposażenie liturgiczne kościoła klasztornego w Kraśniku w świetle staropolskich akt krakowskich wizytacji biskupich
The liturgical equipment of the monastic church in Kraśnik, according to the Cracow episcopal visitation records of the Old Polish period
Bruździński, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
wizytacja biskupia
staropolskie wizytacje
paramenty liturgiczne
an episcopal visitation
visitations in the Old Polish periodvisitations in the Old Polish period
liturgical paraments
The church in Kraśnik, as presented in the visitation records, was well equipped with the necessary paraments to perform the liturgy. It is also noteworthy that all the church regulations were obeyed. From the description of the visitation, it can be concluded that some of the presented elements were more numerous than it was noted, and in other cases, it was only generally stated that there was a sufficient number of some paraments - this style of description was also typical of other visitation reports. The Canons Regular quite early equipped themselves with church's new books and paraments, as the Church's law required; it proves that Canons Regular met the Church's regulations. The vast majority of books and paraments were acquired by local parish priests, who were also superiors of the Canons community. Paraments and other equipment collected in the Kraśnik church and its sacristy in the Old Polish period were often excellent works of artistic craftsmanship, and therefore, in addition to their basic liturgical function, they had also cultural importance. Being most susceptible to destruction, they shared the fate of the church, the parish and the religious order, hence a small number of the old preserved church equipment.
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 2017, 108; 29-39
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Le noble, le serf et le révizor: Daniel Beauvois w Bibliotece „Kultury”
Brzezińska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
Daniel Beauvois
historiografia polska XX w.
Kresy Wschodnie Rzeczypospolitej
tożsamość narodowa
Biblioteka „Kultury”
Polish historiography in the twentieth century
Poland’s old eastern borderland
national identity
the Library of ‘Culture’
Przedmiotem rozważań jest obecność i recepcja prac Daniela Beauvois na łamach wydawnictw Instytutu Literackiego w Paryżu („Kultura”, „Zeszyty Historyczne”, Biblioteka „Kultury”), a także sformułowana na ich marginesie postkolonialna diagnoza napięć, jakie w polskiej tożsamości narodowej wywołała obecność na Kresach Wschodnich.
This article presents the person of Daniel Beavois – a distinguished student of the Polish-Russian-Ukrainian relations in the post-partitioned era – and his contacts with the editors of the Paris ‘Kultura’. The author’s concern is also with the question of how Beavois’ work on the Polish nobility in Ukraine in the years 1831–63 was received among Polish post-war exiles, and with Beavois’ postcolonial diagnosis that emerged on the margins of his research and concerned the tensions to which Polish national identity was subject in Poland’s old eastern borderland (the so-called Kresy).
Klio Polska. Studia i Materiały z Dziejów Historiografii Polskiej; 2020, 12; 165-177
Pojawia się w:
Klio Polska. Studia i Materiały z Dziejów Historiografii Polskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Some Remarks on the Methodological Compulsions in the Studies on Old-Polish Literature
Czechowicz, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
methodology, Old-Polish literature, reconstruction of the specific character of the time past, elementary repertoire of the rules of text study, researcher’s creative freedom
The Polish version of the article was published in “Roczniki Humanistyczne,” vol. 56 (2008), issue 1. The paper is a hidden polemic with the texts that have recently been published (not quoted by their names or indicated in the footnotes). These texts have brought forth a diagnosis that there is a delay in terms of methodology with regard to the studies on Old-Polish literature and have postulated their application to the studies on ancient literature. The author formulates her belief that traditional philology is indispensable in the studies on Old-Polish literature with an awareness that there should be a free choice in selecting the method of its interpretation. The text emerges from a protest against the rhetoric of methodological directives formulated under the influence of fashion, ideology, or fatigue with the object of research and from radical distrust to methodological directives as such, and the majority of directives in general.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2018, 66, 1 Selected Papers in English; 93-103
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uwagi o przymusach metodologicznych w badaniach nad literaturą staropolską
Some Remarks on the Methodological Compulsions in the Studies on Old-Polish Literature
Czechowicz, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
literatura staropolska
rekonstrukcja artystycznej specyfiki minionego czasu
elementarny repertuar reguł badania tekstu
twórcza wolność badacza
Old-Polish literature
reconstruction of the specific character of the time past
elementary repertoire of the rules of the text under study
researcher’s creative
The paper is a hidden polemic with the texts that have recently been published (not quoted by their names or indicated in the footnotes). These texts have brought forth a diagnosis that there is a delay in terms of methodology with regard to the studies on Old-Polish literature and have postulated their application to the studies on ancient literature. The author formulates her belief that traditional philology is indispensable in the studies on Old-Polish literature with an awareness that there should be a free choice in selecting the method of its interpretation. These text emerges from a protest against the rhetoric of methodological directives formulated under the influence of fashion, ideology, or fatigue with the object of research and from radical distrust to methodological directives as such, and the majority of directives in general.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2008, 56, 1; 7-16
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Lwowianie i torunianie z czasów dawnej Rzeczypospolitej uwzględnieni w 50 tomach „Polskiego słownika biograficznego”
Residents of Lviv and Torun in the old Rzeczpospolita considered throughout 50 volumes of the "Polish biographic dictionary"
Czeppe, Maria
Szklarska, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
the 16th–18th century
the Old Polish period
Old Polish society
The authors of the article deal with a list of biographical entries of people connected with Lviv and Torun from the beginning of the 16th century until 1772 (for Lviv) and 1773 (for Torun) included in the Polish biographic dictionary. The major criterion was not family background, but close ties with the city in question. The list includes people born and educated in Torun and Lviv, who maintained contacts with the cities having moved to another place; the list also embraces people who were born somewhere else, but were associated with the cities or held some important office there. As far as the residents of Torun are concerned, for every 100 there were 90 burghers. Almost 150 biographical entries refer to people connected with Lviv, most of whom were burghers and thirty-six of whom were clergymen of various denominations. The number of women representing both cities is scarce; they are exclusively nuns (only 2% of the biographical entries concern women). Both cities are represented by Murinius, a Dominican priest from Torun whose family town was Lviv. He abandoned the monastic life and became a Lutheran preacher famous for speaking beautiful Polish
Zapiski Historyczne; 2015, 80, 3; 85-103
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O twórczości literackiej Tatarów w dobie staropolskiej
On the Literary Works of the Tatars in the Old Polish Period
Drozd, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Orientalistyczne
Polish-Lithuanian Tatars
Islam and Christianity
Old Polish literature
Ottoman literature
Islamic manuscripts
translation of the Qur’an
Old Testament apocrypha
The Polish-Lithuanian Tatars began to form their own literature in the Polish and Old Byelorussian languages from the end of the 16th century. All Tatar texts were handwritten exclusively in Arabic script, irrespective of their own language. Tatar writings were characterized by the anonymity of the author but we know the author of the most important literary achievement of this community – the complete translation of the Qur’an dated 1686: the imam of Minsk, Urjasz b. Ism‚‘īl Szlamowicz. Most of the Tatar texts were translated from the Islamic popular religious literature spread in the land of the Golden Horde and Ottoman Empire. The appearance of this sort of Tatar oeuvre resulted from the fact that the Tatars had lost their native tongue sometime within the 16th and 17th c. This made the translation of the popular Islamic literature necessary to preserve the Tatars’ own religion. The Tatar manuscripts also contain an important component adopted from the Old Polish Christian literature including the Polish translation of the Bible by Szymon Budny (1572) created for the Arians – the most radical protestant movement in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The Tatars integrated a significant amount of motifs and ideas of their Christian social environment into their religious Islamic traditions. Therefore we can assume that another factor that contributed to the rise of the Tatar literature was the religious and cultural revival which encompassed the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 16th c. during the Renaissance and Reformation era. Apparently it played an important role in the cultural integration of this Turkic-Islamic community with local Christian society and culture.
Przegląd Orientalistyczny; 2017, 1-2; 19-44
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Orientalistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Semiotyczne ograniczenia zakresu modernizacji dawnych przekładów biblijnych
Semiotic limitations in the modernization of old translations of the Bible
Duda, Henryk
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
translations of the Bible into Polish
modernization of old translations of the Bible
Tartu-Moscow Semiotic School
secondary modeling systems
The most important translations of the Bible into Polish, i.e. the Catholic Jakub Wujek Bible (1599) and the Protestant Gdańsk Bible (1632) were written at the end of the reformation period and were renewed and used in catholic churches and protestant communities until the first half of the 20th century. The reprints were systematically updated. In the 20th century the need to translate again the Holy Scripture into Polish was recognized. There were a few attempts at that in the second half of the previous century. They were always accompanied by heated debates which referred to the need of new translations as well the ways translators adopted to render in Polish selected books, sentences or even words. A religious text functions in a specific system of a higher level, i.e. religion. Religion is understood here as a culture text according to the Tartu-Moscow Semiotic School. Owing to this interpretation, religion has its own language built onto natural language. Text in natural language constitutes only a fragment of a bigger sign entity. To put it most simply, since a natural text is a subcomponent of a semiotic religious text, any change introduced in the former disrupts the coherence of cultural meaning on a higher level. Because of “a secondary modeling system” (a term coined by Yuri M. Lotman) the language of religious texts is always a bit archaic. This very modeling system prevents the propellers of modernization from a more thorough linguistic update of old biblical translations in Poland and, more often than not, does not let translators depart too far from the translation tradition.    Translated by Agnieszka Bryła-Cruz
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Językoznawcza; 2018, 25, 2; 31-44
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Językoznawcza
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polska kolekcja w Oddziale Słowiańskim Biblioteki Rosyjskiej Akademii Nauk: historia i badania
The Polish collection in the Slavic Department of The Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences: history and research
Guseva, Olga
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Dziennikarstwa, Informacji i Bibliologii
Oddział Słowiański Biblioteki Rosyjskiej Akademii Nauk
zbiory polskie
katalogi kolekcji
stare druki polskie
książki dla dzieci
badania proweniencyjne
The Slavic Department of The Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The Polish collection
catalogues of the collection ,
old polish books
children’s books
Historia Oddziału Słowiańskiego Biblioteki Rosyjskiej Akademii Nauk zaczyna się w latach 80. XIX w. Obecnie zbiory druków słowiańskich (wydanych przed 1930 r.) liczą około 80 000 tytułów w trzystu tysiącach woluminów. Najbogatszym zbiorem Oddziału Słowiańskiego jest kolekcja polska. Liczy około 40 000 tytułów, czyli ponad 80 000 egzemplarzy, w tym około 2000 periodyków i 2700 starych druków. Badania nad kolekcją polską w Oddziale Słowiańskim zaczęły się dopiero w 1995 r. Niniejszy artykuł zawiera podsumowanie studiów przeprowadzonych w ciągu ostatnich 20. lat.
The Slavic Department of The Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences was created in 1883 as a Slavic non-Russian collection. At present, the Slavic department numbered about 80 000 items. The Polish collection consisted of more than 40 000 items, among them about 2700 books and magazines published in 17th-18th centuries. The main sources for the acquisition of Polish collection were the purchase of books, the gifts from organizations and scientists, and the war booty. In the 19th century, The Slavic Department received legal deposit copies of all Polish editions published in the Russian Empire. Research work on the Polish collection started in the late 1990s, since that time there were published several catalogues, studied the collection of old Polish books, and all the books published before 19th century were restored and transferred to conservation. The Slavic Department is in the process of developing an electronic catalogue of its collections.
Z Badań nad Książką i Księgozbiorami Historycznymi; 2017, Polonika w zbiorach obcych, tom specjalny; 277-286
Pojawia się w:
Z Badań nad Książką i Księgozbiorami Historycznymi
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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