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Środki komunikacji społecznej w nauczaniu kościoła i misji ewangelizacyjnej
The role of the mass media in the teachings of the church and the mission of evangelization
Domaszk, Arkadiusz
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe Franciszka Salezego
Mass media
Instruments of social communication
The Magisterium of the Church
The new evangelization
In undertaking the new evangelization, the Church takes advantage of sources of mass communication. The Church’s teachings reveal the good and the bad sides of the mass media, but at the same time encourage the priests and the faithful to actively include the mass media into the Church’s mission. In particular, the Catholic mass media serve in the evangelization of the world. One can say that they constitute a new modern pulpit. This study points to publications, radio and television. The usage of mass media demands courage and creativity on the part of the faithful. The ideas of the Church Magisterium demand dynamic use of these tools. This applies to mass media outlets specifically designated as “Catholic” as well as all sort of activities undertaken in programs in the public and private media. The Church’s teachings in the mass media are backed up with canonical regulations. In the last decades, the world of media has changed dynamically. The Church and all of the faithful should closely follow the changes taking place in order to adjust the mission of evangelization to them, that is, to consistently reveal, through the mass media, the face of Christ and His message of salvation.
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe; 2013, 34; 81-95
Pojawia się w:
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Arcybiskup Edward Ozorowski w dialogu teologii z Magisterium Kościoła
Archbishop Edward Ozorowski vs. The Dialogue Between Theology And The Magisterium of The Church
Rychlicki, Czesław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Magisterium Kościoła
badania naukowe
the magisterium of the church
the truth
In his multiannual research and didactic work Archbishop Edward Ozorowski refers to the Truth that has been conveyed to us in the Word of God, in the living Tradition of the Church and updated today by the authentic Magisterium of the Church. It shows that theology cannot be cultivated outside, or even contrary to the experience and the life of the Church. It has got its ecclesiastical dimension. The Archbishop’s service to the truth is strenghtened by his share in the episcopal office, which leaves its mark on the theology he cultivates and his attempts to show the true face of God.
Rocznik Teologii Katolickiej; 2014, 13, 1
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Teologii Katolickiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Alexander Men’s views on doctrinal, moral and ritual content of world religions in light of the teaching of the magisterium of the church
Poglądy Aleksandra Mienia dotyczące doktrynalnej, moralnej i rytualnej treści religii światowych w świetle nauczania magisterium kościoła
Lukaševičius, Arturas
Data publikacji:
Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Alexander Men
world religions
the Magisterium of the Church
the semina Verbi
inter-religious dialogue
Aleksander Mień
religie światowe
Magisterium Kościoła
semina Verbi
dialog międzyreligijny
This article presents the analysis of Alexander Men’s views on the doctrinal, moral and ritual content of world religions. His position is assessed in light of the teaching of the Magisterium of the Church on these issues. Working as a priest of the Russian Orthodox Church, Men devoted significant attention to world religions. His most important work in this area is a six-volume history of religions, entitled In Search of the Way, the Truth and the Life. While describing world religions, Men indicates the presence of the semina Verbi, mixed with various religious errors. According to Men, positive religious elements in world religions come from God and serve as a preparation for receiving the Gospel. For him, the semina Verbi in world religions are not complementary to God’s revelation in Christ as the fullness of the revealed truth. Men views the history of religions as humankind’s search for Christ. Therefore, this study demonstrated that Men developed an explicitly Christian approach to the content of world religions, which is in line with the guidelines of the Magisterium of the Church on these issues.
W artykule przeprowadzono analizę poglądów Aleksandra Mienia na temat doktrynalnej, moralnej i rytualnej treści religii światowych. Jego stanowisko zostało ocenione w świetle nauczania Magisterium Kościoła, odnoszącego się do tych kwestii. Pracując jako kapłan Rosyjskiej Cerkwi Prawosławnej, Mień poświęcał znaczącą uwagę religiom światowym. Jego najważniejszą pracą w tym obszarze jest sześciotomowa historia religii pt. W poszukiwaniu Drogi, Prawdy i Życia. Opisując światowe religie, Mień wskazuje na obecność w nich semina Verbi, które wymieszane są z rożnymi błędami religijnymi. W opinii Mienia, pozytywne elementy religijne w religiach światowych pochodzą od Boga, służąc jako przygotowanie do przyjęcia Ewangelii. Dla niego semina Verbi tkwiące w światowych religiach nie stanowią uzupełnienia do objawienia Bożego w Chrystusie, stanowiącego pełnię objawionej prawdy. Mień postrzega historię religii jako poszukiwanie Chrystusa przez ludzkość. Niniejsze studium dowiodło, że Mień rozwinął wyraźnie chrześcijańskie podejście do treści światowych religii, które idzie w parze z wytycznymi Magisterium Kościoła, odnoszącymi się do tych kwestii
Rocznik Lubuski; 2018, 44, 2; 195-213
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Lubuski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus est w oficjalnej nauce Kościoła katolickiego
Kokoszczyńska, Marta
Majewski, Józef
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Religioznawcze
the principle „no salvation outside the Church”
history of interpretation
the Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church, other religions
The Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) was the first ecumenical council in the history of the Catholic Church, which offered a positive way of looking at other religions as such, as reflected essentially in Nostra Aetate: Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions. The radicalness of this change is demonstrated by the fact that the declaration is the only document of Vatican II, in which there are no references to the earlier teaching of the Church. Previously, the Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church considered other religions as obstacles to salvation, which was related to a rigorist interpretation of the ancient axiom extra ecclesiam nulla salus est (no salvation outside the Church). In this regard, the post-conciliar Magisterium of the Church builds its teaching on the foundations of the doctrine of Vatican II. We can see a considerable evolution of the teaching: noticeably, it proceeds not just in one, but in many different – even very different – directions.
Przegląd Religioznawczy; 2020, 4/278; 117-128
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Religioznawczy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zarys biblijno-teologicznego rozwoju poznania tajemnicy trynitarnej
The outline of biblical and theological development of the trinitarian mystery cognition
Landwójtowicz, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego
Trójca Święta, Stary Testament o Trójcy Świętej, Nowy Testament o Trójcy Świętej, Magisterium Kościoła o Trójcy Świętej, Heribert Mühlen
The Trinity, The Old Testament about the Trinity, The New Testament about The Trinity, Magisterium of the Church about the Trinity, Heribert Mühlen
Rozpoznawanie tajemnicy Trójcy Osób Świętych dokonywało się przez wieki i przechodziło różne koleje dociekań ludzkiego rozumu. Na początku niniejszej refleksji zostały ukazane wysiłki ludzkiego rozumu i wiary, których ślady możemy odnaleźć już w księgach Starego, a potem Nowego Testamentu. Kontynuację tych starań podjęli Ojcowie Kościoła, następnie sobory i całe Magisterium, aż do czasów nam współczesnych ( H. Mühlen), kiedy to próbowano odnajdywać istotne wskazania dla wspólnoty małżeńskiej wynikające z prawd odkrywanych dzięki Trójjedynemu.
The central truth of Christian revelation is that absolutely prime are the Three Divine Persons including their mutual adherence and unity. Their communion constitutes the essence, archetype of all realities and it is something according to what everything should be shaped. The awareness of the Three Divine Persons mystery was consummated centuries ago and has gone through different courses of human intellect investigation. At the beginning the efforts of human intellect and faith are considered, traces of which can be found as early as in The Old Testament, and then in The New Testament. The continuation of these efforts was undertaken by the Fathers of the Church, then councils and all Magisterium until contemporary times (H. Mühlen), when there were attempts to discover essential directions for matrimonial union, resulting from truths discovered thanks to The Trinity.
Studia Teologiczno-Historyczne Śląska Opolskiego; 2015, 35; 99-117
Pojawia się w:
Studia Teologiczno-Historyczne Śląska Opolskiego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Katolicka telewizja internetowa w myśli teologicznej Kościoła
The Catholic internet television in thought theological of the Church
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
nauczanie Kościoła
narzędzia komunikacji
the Church-teaching
the television
tools of the communication
The article analyzed the Magisterium of the Catholic Church concerning means of communication, with a special focus on television. Subsequently, the Church teaching on the mass media in Poland was  discussed, with a special reference to television. The discussion  offered in this article constitutes the basis for the next part of the  study which will examine the canonical norms related to television. The review of history and teaching of the Magisterium shows the  particular transition: from initial aloofness towards new tools of communication, to positive acceptance. The Church was quite fast in  recognizing television and using it in evangelization practice. Consequently, the pastoral application of television leads to using the influence of public and private stations as well as own Catholic television. A significant change in the post-Conciliar Church practice was including means of communication in pastoral programmers. The teaching of the Church is accompanied with statements and documents of  particular Churches which are better adjusted to local ecclesiastic and  media contexts. To sum up the teaching of the Church, one should say that it is not so much about establishing binding and strict norms as it is showing the direction and accompanying people and environments. Although the teaching of the Church does not discuss the thread of internet television development directly, this should be also referred to new forms of creating television transmission, including Catholic Internet viewers.
Prawo Kanoniczne; 2017, 60, 3; 107-134
Pojawia się w:
Prawo Kanoniczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Integralne rozumienie osoby ludzkiej jako podstawa opieki paliatywnej
Huzarek, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Bernardinum
human being
palliative care
magisterium of the Church
The human being is a person from the moment of conception to the natural death and because of that he or she acquires the right to the affirmation of the human dignity at every stage of his or her life. Taking care of the terminally ill people who are in the last stage of their lives has been practised for centuries. This is due to the love of another human being and the desire to provide a widely understood support in the last moments of their life. However, the contact with a person who is about to end his or her life is undoubtedly a very difficult experience which requires extraordinary sensitivity, empathy and, above all, an integral understanding of what the human being is. Any kind of a simplified and reduced approach towards a person hinders or completely prevents the whole affirmation of the human dignity and, as a result, renders a proper care for a person who is totally dependent on other people much more difficult. The integral understanding of the human nature guarantees accurate approach to him or her at every stage of their life, especially during the terminal illness and it should perceive the human being as an entity of the body and the soul as well as an individual in a relationship with other people or the society. However, it seems that it is important, especially in palliative care, to affirm a person in his or her complexity of the natural and the supernatural dimension (mutual complementation of nature and grace) as well as the earthly and the eternal life (from the eschatological point of view). In this way the palliative care is not limited just to the somatic or psychological dimensions but it also deals with other dimensions that are extremely important from the angle of the borderline experience of life and death.
Studia Pelplińskie; 2013, 46; 83-100
Pojawia się w:
Studia Pelplińskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Personalistyczna tożsamość społeczności państwowej
The personalist identity of the political community
Szulist, Janusz
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
common good
political power
magisterium of the Church
The central position of the person in the community life determines the personalist character of the society. Therefore, one cannot account for the specificity of the life within a society ignoring the holistic understanding of the human being. Among all the human communities mentioned by the Catechism of the Catholic Church it is the political community which places the individual human person in the centre of it. The objective of this paper is to present the relationship between preserving the indelible integrity of the human dignity and the efficiency of the successful fulfilment of the tasks which the political community is up to. The article is divided into three chapters. The first one deals with scriptural references relevant to the topic of the political community which the authors of the Catechism quote. The second chapter outlines the key elements of the Catechism’s concept of the political community. The final chapter characterises the Christian democracy as such a political regime that provides the best protection of the dignity of the human person as well as the human rights. The teaching of the Catechism of the Catholic Church serves as a kind of a reminder that to prefer the care for the good of a person in the framework of the political community means to build the Kingdom of God. The man who remains faithful to the divine precepts transforms the world into a more humane one.
Studia Elbląskie; 2013, 14; 385-400
Pojawia się w:
Studia Elbląskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wolność teonomiczna i libertariańska. Porównanie metakrytyczne
Theonomic and Libertarian Freedom. A Metacritical Comparison
Menke, Karl-Heinz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Magisterium of the Church
Magisterium Kościoła
W tym artykule Karl-Heinz Menke podejmuje dyskusję z dwoma myślicielami katolickimi, a mianowicie z Magnusem Strietem, teologiem fundamentalnym z Fryburga i Saskią Wendel, profesorem-teologiem z Tybingi. Striet i Wendel przenoszą protestanckie formuły sola do najnowsza teologia katolicka, opierając się na libertariańskiej koncepcji wolności, która kontynuowana jest od Dunsa Szkota, przez W. Ockhama do I. Kanta. Libertariański zwrot, którego żądali od Kościoła Striet i Wendel, polegałby na traktowaniu treści objawienia – które dla nich jest jedynie interpretacją – nie jako niezależnych od podmiotu spostrzeżeń rozumu teoretycznego, ale jako twierdzeń rozumu praktycznego. Według nich objawienie i rozum, łaska i wolność są – jak twierdzi K.-H. notatki. Menke – przede wszystkim bardzo osobiste doświadczenie. Dlatego nauczanie Magisterium Kościoła jest nauczaniem dyskryminującym, które wpisuje się w całą historię ucisku człowieka. Te i inne tezy ostatecznie odrzuca prof. Menke, reprezentujący klasyczne stanowisko teologii katolickiej.
In this article, Karl-Heinz Menke takes up an argument with two Catholic thinkers, namely Magnus Striet, a fundamental theologian from Freiburg, and Saskia Wendel, a professor-theologian from Tübingen. Striet and Wendel transfer Protestant formulas of sola torecent Catholic theology, building on the libertarian conception of freedom that has continued from Duns Scotus through W.  Ockham to I. Kant. The libertarian turn demanded of the Church by Striet and Wendel would be to take the content of revelation ‒ which for them is merely an interpretation ‒ not as subject-independent insights of theoretical reason, but as claims of practical reason. According to them, revelation and reason, grace and freedom are ‒ as K.-H. notes. Menke ‒ first of all a very personal experience. Therefore, the Church’s magisterial teaching is a discriminatory one that fits into the whole history of human oppression. These and other theses are ultimately decisively rejected by Prof. Menke, who represents the classical position of Catholic theology.
Teologia w Polsce; 2023, 17, 2; 7-32
Pojawia się w:
Teologia w Polsce
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ekoteologia przed i po encyklice Laudato si’
Poznański, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Akademia Katolicka w Warszawie
Magisterium Kościoła
Encyklika Laudato si’
Magisterium of the Church
Encyclical letter Laudato si’
W artykule przedstawiamy, że encyklika Laudato si’ formułuje wizję katolickiej systematycznej ekoteologii i swego rodzaju „paradygmat” jej uprawiania. Encyklika jako dokument najwyższego autorytetu nauczycielskiego w Kościele wyznacza i określa kierunki, problematykę, obszar badań i sposób myślenia o problematyce ekologicznej w teologii katolickiej. W celu pełniejszego ukazania nowości dokumentu papieża Franciszka, najpierw dokonano krótkiego przeglądu stanu wcześniejszej ekoteologicznej refleksji Magisterium Kościoła. Następnie scharakteryzowano najważniejsze cechy Franciszkowej wizji ekoteologii i ekoteologicznego paradygmatu w teologii. Są to: integrująca teologię rola ekologicznej problematyki, sprzężenie z katolicką nauką społeczną, sapiencjalna natura ekoteologii, transdyscyplinarny charakter ekoteologicznej refleksji, ścisła więź poziomów globalnej i lokalnej refleksji teologicznej.
The article maintains that the encyclical letter Laudato si’ formulates a vision of the Catholic systematic ecotheology and a sort of ‘paradigm’ for practicing it. The encyclical as a document of the highest teaching authority in the Church sets and defines the directions, the issues, the research area and the way of thinking about ecological issues in the Catholic theology. In order to more fully show the novelty of the document of Pope Francis, first a brief review of the state of the previous ecotheological reflection of the Church’s Magisterium was made. Then, in the following sections, the most important features of Francis’s vision of ecotheology and the ecotheological paradigm in theology were characterised. These are: the role of ecological problems integrating theology, coupling with Catholic social science, the sapiential nature of ecotheology, the transdisciplinary nature of ecotheological reflection, the close bond between levels of global and local theological reflection.
Studia Bobolanum; 2019, 30, 3; 71-92
Pojawia się w:
Studia Bobolanum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Źródła i przedmiot nauczania katechetycznego w ujęciu prawa kanonicznego
The Sources and Subject of Religious Teaching in the Context of the Canon Law
Adamczyk, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
sacred Scripture
Magisterium of the Church
life of the Church
Pismo Święte
Nauczycielski Urząd Kościoła
życie Kościoła
The following article deals with the sources and subject of religious teaching from the canon point of view. Canon Law Code 760 specifies the Holy Bible as the first and primary source of religious education. The next fundamental source of cathesis is Tradition, then, the liturgy and the Magisterium and Church life. The subject of word ministry (religious education) should be the mystery of Christ presented entirely and faithfully, taking the law hierarchy into account.
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne; 2016, 30; 463-475
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Teologia jako nauka i jako mądrość
Theology as a science and wisdom
Królikowski, Janusz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Magisterium of the Catholic Church
Urząd Nauczycielski Kościoła
Tradycja teologiczna przekazuje nam bardzo jasne przekonanie o statusie naukowym teologii, nie wahając się jednak podkreślać także jej wymiaru mądrościowego. Do potrzeby rozwijania tego wymiaru powraca się we współczesnych poszukiwaniach dotyczących metody teologii, zachowując oczywiście jej status naukowy, odpowiednio przystosowany do potrzeb duchowych naszych czasów. W artykule zostaje zaproponowane, w jaki sposób można by dzisiaj kontynuować w sposób metodycznie uzasadniony takie ujęcie teologii. Zostaje podkreślone, że odniesienie do mądrości odpowiada temu, co dzisiaj nazywa się zaangażowaniem nauki w życie społeczne i kulturowe, a tym samym zostaje także pokazany aspekt praktyczny teologii, która pozostaje pierwszorzędnie nauką spekulatywną. W takim też znaczeniu jest ona nauką kościelną znakomicie pozostającą w służbie Kościoła i uczestniczącą na swój sposób w jego misji.
Theological tradition sends a clear message about the scientific status of theology and at the same time it emphasises its sapiential dimension. The need for the development of this dimension is recurrently taken up in the discussions over the method of theology, but of course, with the simultaneous maintenance of its scientific status appropriately adapted to spiritual needs of our times. This article proposes the way in which today such a perspective on theology could be pursued in a methodically justified way. It is highlighted that the reference to wisdom is relevant to what is today described as the involvement of science into social and cultural life, and coincidentally the practical aspect of theology which in the first place remains a speculative science is also demonstrated. In the same sense theology remains a church science which above all stays in the service of the Church and participates in its own way in the mission of the Church.
Teologia w Polsce; 2021, 15, 2; 7-32
Pojawia się w:
Teologia w Polsce
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
La contestazione del Magistero della Chiesa cattolica vietante l’ordinazione femminile
Challenging the Magisterium of the Catholic Church on the Issue of Forbidding the Ordination of Women
Sander, Mirosław
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
l’ordinazione femminile
il Magistero della Chiesa
i protestanti
Martin Lutero
ordination of women
Magisterium of the Church
Martin Luther
Questo articolo si occupa di come comprendere il problema dell'ordinazione nella dottrina protestante. Presenta inoltre la posizione del Magistero della Chiesa cattolica in risposta alla concezione protestante. In primo luogo, sono stati presentati l'atteggiamento e la pratica dei protestanti nei confronti dell'ordinazione delle donne, con particolare attenzione alle opinioni di Martin Lutero su questo tema. La seconda parte ha esaminato la situazione delle donne nella Chiesa cattolica sulla base dei documenti preparatori del Concilio Vaticano II e delle successive conversazioni e opere conciliari. La terza parte contiene le discussioni teologiche del periodo post-conciliare all'interno della Chiesa cattolica. Sono stati descritti i movimenti all'interno della Chiesa che sostengono l'ordinazione femminile. Questa parte si conclude con la presentazione degli atteggiamenti di alcuni teologi della Chiesa cattolica. Il dialogo ecumenico sottolinea la pratica secolare di non permettere alle donne di accedere al sacerdozio. Martin Lutero era d'accordo con questa pratica e questo approccio è utilizzato e mantenuto anche nell'insegnamento della Chiesa ortodossa.
This article raises the problem of the understanding of the ordination of women in the Protestant doctrine and the position of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church as a response to the Protestant concept. In the first part, the position and practice of Protestants towards the ordination of women are discussed, with a particular focus on the view of Martin Luther on this issue. The second part reveals the situation of women in the Catholic Church in the light of the preparatory documents as well as discussions and conciliar works of the Second Vatican Council. The third part presents conclusions of post-conciliar theological discussions regarding women’s ordination and analyzes the intra-ecclesial movements that advocate for it. Finally, it expounds the positions of some (prominent) theologians of the Catholic Church. The ecumenical dialogue emphasizes the centuries-old practice of not allowing women to be ordained. This practice was acquired by Martin Luther and is also present in the teaching of the Orthodox Church.
Studia Elbląskie; 2017, 18; 457-474
Pojawia się w:
Studia Elbląskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Le fonti patristiche e magisteriali della colletta per l’anniversario dell’Ordinazione sacerdotale
Dudek, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Liturgy and Magisterium
Fathers of the Church and liturgy
the anniversary of the Ordination
sources of the liturgy
the collect
Liturgia e magistero
Padri della Chiesa e liturgia
anniversario dell’Ordinazione
fonti della liturgia
This article presents the patristic and magisterial sources of the collect of the Mass for the anniversary of priestly ordination. Most of the prayer alludes to the two recent documents of great magisterial importance for the presentation of the theme of the priesthood in the Church. Both are part of the teaching of the Second Vatican Council, namely the Constitution Lumen Gentium and the Decree Presbyterorum Ordinis. Thanks to them we understand better the sense of obtaining the Ordination to the priesthood which is a vocation to the close communion with Christ and the commitment of service to the Church. Besides, one sees better what the two main commitments of each priest, i.e., the preaching and the administration consist of. Research has shown a certain continuity in the development of theological thought and liturgical practice. Moreover, it must be emphasized that the liturgy can also interpret the theological data in order to express better certain concepts, as happens for example in the original proposal for the term communion to the priesthood of Christ.
Quest’articolo presenta le fonti patristiche e magisteriali della colletta della messa per l’anniversario dell’Ordinazione sacerdotale. La maggior parte dell’orazione allude ai due documenti recenti di grande importanza magisteriale per la presentazione del tema di sacerdozio nella Chiesa. Tutti e due fanno parte dell’insegnamento del Concilio Vaticano II, perché si tratta della Costituzione Lumen Gentium e del Decreto Presbyterorum Ordinis. Grazie ad essi si capisce meglio il senso dell’ottenimento dell’Ordinazione al presbiterato che è una vocazione alla comunione stretta con Cristo e l’impegno del servizio alla Chiesa. Inoltre, si vede meglio in che cosa consiste la predicazione e l’amministrazione che sono due impegni principali di ogni sacerdote. La ricerca ha dimostrato una certa continuità nello svolgimento del pensiero teologico e della pratica liturgica. E bisogna sottolineare che la liturgia sa anche interpretare i dati teologici per esprimere meglio certi concetto, come accade per esempio nella proposta originale del termine comunione al sacerdozio di Cristo.
Tarnowskie Studia Teologiczne; 2018, 37, 1-2
Pojawia się w:
Tarnowskie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Normy komplementarne obligatoryjne konferencji episkopatów w zakresie munus docendi Kościoła
Mandatory Complementary Norms of Episcopal Conferences Regarding the Munus Docendi of the Church
Adamczyk, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu
Magisterium of the Church
Code of Canon Law
particular law
Apostolic See
episcopal conference
nauczycielskie zadanie Kościoła
Kodeks Prawa Kanonicznego
prawo partykularne
Stolica Apostolska
konferencja episkopatu
The purpose of the article is to present the issue of the use by the episcopal conferences of obligatory norms of the Code of Canon Law within the purview of the munus docendi of the Church. The Code obliges or enables episcopal conferences to issue norms complementary to the CCL, among others regarding the Magisterium of the Church. In three cases, the Code obliges episcopal conferences to make arrangements regarding the munus docendi of the Church (can. 772 § 2, 788 § 3, 831 § 2). The author presented and evaluated the provisions of selected episcopal conferences in the field of the teaching task of the Church.
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie zagadnienia wykorzystania przez konferencje episkopatów norm obligatoryjnych Kodeksu Prawa Kanonicznego w zakresie munus docendi Kościoła. Kodeks zobowiązuje albo umożliwia konferencjom biskupim wydanie norm komplementarnych do KPK w zakresie zadania nauczycielskiego Kościoła. W trzech przypadkach Kodeks zobowiązuje konferencje biskupie do wydania ustaleń w zakresie munus docendi Kościoła (kan. 772 § 2, 788 § 3, 831 § 2). Autor przedstawił i ocenił przepisy wybranych konferencji episkopatów w dziedzinie nauczycielskiego zadania Kościoła.
Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny; 2020, 28, 2; 157-175
Pojawia się w:
Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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