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O niektórych właściwościach przekładu Księgi Koheleta Marcina Bielskiego
On some features of the translation of the Book of Kohelet by Marcin Bielski
Jakiel, Edward
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum
The Bible
Polish translations of the Bible
The Book of Ecclesiastes
Marcin Bielski
The translation of the Book of Ecclesiastes by Marcin Bielski was published in 1554 as the second Polish translation of this Old Testament book published in print. It is undoubtedly an independent work, and its author reached beyond any doubt for the Hebrew text. It cannot be ruled out, however, that Bielski confronted his translation with the Vulgate. In his work he introduced minor modifications and reduced the content of some verses. He probably did it in order to adapt his translation to the Polish reader. Bielski limited the rhetoric of his translation, which was reflected in the reductions and elimination of even a characteristic hebel. At the same time, he tried to give his translation the most careful form, taking care of its stylistic correctness and aesthetics. Further research on this document will surely make it possible to read its translation and literary value more thoroughly, which will allow for a more complete understanding of the sixteenth-century translations of biblical books in Poland.
Studia Ełckie; 2022, 24, 1; 23-36
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ełckie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Koheletowa "marność" według Marcina Bielskiego na tle wybranych XVI-wiecznych przekładów biblijnych
Kozaryn, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Bielsko-Bialski
diachronic linguistics
Marcin Bielski’s idiolect
16th-century translations of the Book of Ecclesiastes
"Vanity" in the Ecclesiastes according to Marcin Bielski against the background of selected 16th‑century biblical translations The article concerns a selected aspect of the translation of the Book of Ecclesiastes by Marcin Bielski and included in the Kronika wszytkiego świata (1554) and the Kronika, to jest historyja świata (1564). The meanings were compared with the ways of speaking about vanity in other 16th-century translations of the Book of Ecclesiastes (Hieronim z Wielunia, Biblia Leopolity, Biblia brzeska, Biblia nieświeska, Biblia Jakuba Wujka) and the Vulgate. The conducted analysis showed the lack of a confessional justification for the choice of the lexeme vanity in Bielski’s translation.
Świat i Słowo; 2022, 39, 2; 105-116
Pojawia się w:
Świat i Słowo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problem ubóstwa w biblijnej koncepcji człowieka
The Problem of Poverty in Biblical Concept of Man
Jelonek, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Księga Hioba
Księga Koheleta
Księga Tobiasza
hierarchia wartości
the Book of Job
the Book of Ecclesiastes
the Book of Tobit
hierarchy of values
Wszystkie przypadki braków, jakie są udziałem ludzi, określamy terminem „ubóstwa”, mówiąc bardziej szczegółowo o ubóstwie materialnym, fizycznym lub duchowym. Jednak termin „ubóstwo” ma także szersze zastosowanie i w sensie moralnym może oznaczać postawę wewnętrznej wolności względem posiadanych lub nieposiadanych dóbr materialnych, a w sensie religijnym oznacza wewnętrzne uzależnienie od Boga w odniesieniu do wszystkich potrzeb życiowych. W myśli biblijnej obserwujemy bardzo charakterystyczną zmianę poglądów na przyczynę ubóstwa i jego znaczenie. W początkowych etapach dziejów zbawienia bogactwo człowieka uważano za przejaw szczególnego błogosławieństwa Bożego, a zatem ubóstwo było oznaką braku tego błogosławieństwa, co wiązało się z karą Bożą za grzechy. Zatem człowiek ubogi to człowiek grzeszny, zasługujący na gniew Boży. Myśl ta bardzo dobitnie została wyakcentowana w niezwykłej medytacji na temat ludzkiego cierpienia i nędzy, jaką jest biblijna Księga Hioba. Księga ta jest ważnym etapem rozwoju myśli biblijnej na ten temat. Ubóstwo nie musi być wyrazem kary Bożej, a człowiek ubogi nie musi być grzesznikiem. Materialne bogactwo, a także materialne ubóstwo nie stanowią istotnej sprawy w życiu człowieka. Jego prawdziwą wartością, która liczy się wobec Boga i decyduje o osiągnięciu ostatecznego celu, jest ubóstwo duchowe, które ustanawia poprawną hierarchię wszystkich wartości. Naczelną jest Bóg, któremu należy całkowicie zaufać, a to zaufanie zawsze będzie busolą, która może tak poprowadzić człowieka wobec bogactwa lub ubóstwa, aby jedno i drugie mogło mu służyć w odpowiadaniu na skierowany ku niemu Boży plan zbawienia.
All the cases of deprivation which people suffer from are called poverty. To be more specific, there is material poverty, physical poverty and spiritual poverty. However, the term poverty has also a broader use, and in a moral sense can mean the attitude of internal freedom towards material possessions. In a religious sense it is internal dependence on God when it comes to all necessities of life. In Biblical thought one can observe a very characteristic change of views on the reason of poverty and its meaning. At the beginning stages of history of salvation wealth of a man was considered as a sign of God’s special blessing, whereas poverty was the indication of lack of such a blessing, which was connected with God’s punishment for sins. A poor man therefore, is a sinful man deserving God’s wrath. This thought was very clearly accentuated in the biblical Book of Job, which is an extraordinary meditation on human suffering and poverty. This book is a very important stage in the development of the biblical thought concerning this matter. Poverty does not necessarily have to be an indication of God’s punishment and a poor man does not have to be a sinner. Material wealth as well as material poverty do not have significant meaning in man’s life. Its true value is spiritual poverty, which counts for God and which determines the right hierarchy of all the values. The ultimate value in this hierarchy is God who is to be totally trusted in. This trust is a kind of lodestar which can lead man through life in such a way that both wealth and poverty will serve him to follow God’s salvation plan.
Polonia Sacra; 2016, 20, 1(42); 111-124
Pojawia się w:
Polonia Sacra
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Features of the Biblical Translations Made on the Territory of the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 16th Century
Osobliwości tłumaczeń biblijnych z terenów Królestwa Polskiego i Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego w XVI wieku
Kozhynava, Ala
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
biblical translations
the 16th century
the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland
the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
the Book of Ecclesiastes
tłumaczenia biblijne
XVI wiek
Wielkie Księstwo Litewskie
Księga Koheleta
бiблейскiя пераклады
XVI стагодзе
Рэч Паспалiтая
Вялiкае княства Лiтоўскае
Кніга Еклесіяста
The article provides an overview of biblical translations created in the 16th century on the territory of the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. On the example of verses 1.5–7 from the Book of Ecclesiastes a specific translation technique and the reasons for the differences between the original and translated text are considered. The study uses the method of textological analysis. The author comes to the following conclusions. Firstly, it can be a clash of different language systems, since the original language and the language of biblical translation refer not only to different language groups, but also to different language families. Secondly, a strong opposition to the accuracy of the translation is a different understanding of the text, due to differences in religion. By the time of the creation of most Slavic translations, Christian exegetics was fundamentally different both from the ancient understanding of sacred texts and from the interpretation adopted in the rabbinical tradition. Thirdly, intertextual differences may be due to differences in culture that have nothing to do with the religious system. Fourthly, the difference between the original and the translation is due to the fact that not all translators were equally gifted linguists; they didn’t know the original language and the subject in question equally well. Therefore, in the textual structure of the translation, we can meet with various kinds of deviations from the essence and form of the original, up to language and substantial mistakes.
Niniejszy artykuł ma charakter przeglądowy, jest poświęcony tłumaczeniom biblijnym, które powstały w XVI w. na terenie Rzeczpospolitej i Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego. W tekście na przykładzie wierszy 1.5–7 z Księgi Koheleta rozpatruje się konkretną technikę translatorską oraz przyczyny różnic między tekstem oryginalnym i przetłumaczonym na inny język. W badaniu zastosowano metodę analizy tekstologicznej. Autor dochodzi do następujących wniosków. Po pierwsze, może to być konflikt różnych systemów językowych, ponieważ język oryginalny i język tłumaczenia biblijnego odnoszą się nie tylko do różnych grup, ale także do różnych rodzin językowych. Po drugie, dokładności tłumaczenia może przeszkadzać odmienne rozumienie tekstu z powodu różnic religijnych. W czasie stworzenia większości słowiańskich tłumaczeń biblijnych chrześcijańska egzegetyka zasadniczo różniła się zarówno od starożytnego rozumienia świętych tekstów, jak i od interpretacji przyjętej w tradycji rabinicznej. Po trzecie, różnice intertekstualne mogą wynikać z różnic kulturowych, które nie mają nic wspólnego z systemem religijnym. Po czwarte, różnica między oryginałem a tłumaczeniem wynika z faktu, że nie wszyscy tłumacze byli równie utalentowanymi lingwistami, znali dobrze język oryginalny. Dlatego w strukturze tekstowej tłumaczenia możemy się spotkać z różnego rodzaju odchyleniami od treści i formy oryginału, aż po błędy językowe i merytoryczne.
У артыкуле даецца агульнае ўяўленне пра біблейскія пераклады, створаныя ў XVI ст. на тэрыторыі Рэчы Паспалітай і Вялікага княства Лiтоўскага, а таксама на прыкладзе вершаў 1.5–7 з Кнігі Еклесіяста разглядаецца канкрэтная тэхніка перакладу і прычыны адрозненняў паміж арыгінальным і перакладным тэкстам. Для даследавання выкарыстоўваецца метад тэксталагічнага аналізу. Аўтар прыходзіць да наступных высноў. Па-першае, гэта можа быць сутыкненне розных моўных сістэм, паколькі мова арыгінала і мова біблейскага перакладу належаць не толькі да розных моўных групаў, але і да розных моўных сем’яў. Па-другое, моцным процідзеяннем на шляху да дакладнасці перакладу аказваецца рознае разуменне тэксту, абумоўленае адрозненнем у веравызнанні. У час стварэння большасці славянскіх перакладаў хрысціянская экзегетика каардынальна адрознівалася як ад старажытнага разумення святых тэкстаў, так і ад тлумачэння, прынятага ў раввнистической традыцыі. Па-трэцяе, міжтэкставые адрозненні могуць быць абумоўленыя адрозненнямі ў культуры, якія не маюць ніякага дачынення да сістэмы веравызнання. Па-чацвёртае, адрозненне арыгінала ад перакладу абумоўліваецца тым, што не ўсе перакладчыкі былі аднолькава адоранымі лінгвістамі, аднолькава добра ведалі мову арыгінала і прадмет, пра які ідзе гаворка. Таму ў тэкставай структуры перакладу мы можам сустрэцца з рознага роду адхіленнямі ад сутнасці і формы арыгінала, якiя прыводзяць да моўных і змястоўных памылак.
Studia Białorutenistyczne; 2020, 14; 235-247
Pojawia się w:
Studia Białorutenistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Marność ludzkiego życia w Księdze Koheleta?
The Vanity of Human Life in the Book of Ecclesiastes?
Piwowar, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Księga Koheleta
życie ludzkie
Koh 3
Koh 6
Koh 7
Koh 9
Koh 11
The Book of Ecclesiastes
human life
Eccl 3
Eccl 6
Eccl 7
Eccl 9
Eccl 11
The noun heḇel is the most characteristic term in the whole Book of Ecclesiastes. Because of this word, many people perceive the book as the one which deals primarily with vanity and which posits that everything is futile (cf. 1:2 and 12:8). The present article aims to answer the question posed in its title: Does Qoheleth really claim human life to be futile? The first part of the article comprises the analysis of the noun heḇel in the Old Testament. Subsequently, the word’s usage and meaning in the Book of Ecclesiastes are explored. The final part of the article analyzes the texts that make use of the word heḇel to speak about human life (namely, 3:19; 6:4-12; 7:15; 9:9; 11:8-10). The interpretation of these texts and the supporting arguments resulting from the analyses conducted by other scholars (e.g. C.L. Seow, L. Mazzinghi, K. Bardski, G. Ravasi, A. Bonora, T. Krüger i L . Schwienhorst-Schönberger) lead to the conclusion that Qoheleth does not judge human life as futile. What he claims instead is that human life is brief, transient and passes quickly.
Verbum Vitae; 2013, 24; 39-72
Pojawia się w:
Verbum Vitae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-5 z 5

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