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The Gebethner & Wolff company relations with Łódź at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries
Konieczna, Jadwiga
Kisilowska-Szurmińska, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Dziennikarstwa, Informacji i Bibliologii
Gebethner & Wolff bookshop and editing company
Gebethner & Wolff – publications – image of Łódź in the 19th–20th century
Łódź – bookshops of the 19th– 20th century
The purpose of the study is to describe relations connecting the Gebethner & Wolff editing bookshop with Łódź at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The company established in 1857 in Warsaw opened in Łódź, in 1890, the warehouse of grand pianos, pianos and harmoniums, as well as a storehouse of notes. In further years, agencies selling periodicals “Kurier Codzienny” (1893) and “Tygodnik Ilustrowany” (1896) published by Gebethner & Wolff also commenced their activities. Both the shop and the agencies played a significant role in the integration of the music and the journalistic environment in Łódź. In 1898 a bookshop was opened; however, it was sold to Rychliński & Wegner company in 1901. The next Gebethner & Wolff bookshop, established in 1912, conducted its activity until the beginning of the World War II. It offered mainly literature from a native publishing house, as well as quality foreignlanguage publications. During World War I, the bookshop organised special exhibits, the purpose of which was to promote Polish educational books. The Gebethner & Wolff company has also undertaken activities that contributed to the popularisation of Łódź. It was the special number of “Tygodnik Ilustrowany” devoted to Łódź (1911 no. 19), as well as the information diary for 1914 called “Rocznik Łódźki Gebethnera & Wolffa” [Łódź Yearbook of the Gebethner & Wolff]. However, it was W. Reymont's “Ziemia Obiecana” [The Promised Land], which had the greatest impact on shaping the image of the city upon the Łódka river. The initiative of appearance and publishing of the book was the effect of activity of Gebethner & Wolff. The achievement of the above-mentioned, as well as other activities, became possible thanks to the participation of numerous persons connected with Łódź. They were, among others, booksellers: Robert Schwartzchultz, Juliusz Goźlinski, Stanislaw Miszewski, journalists: Wladyslaw Rowiński and Zenon Pietkiewicz, as well as the son of the company's co-owner, Gustaw Wojciech Gebethner.
Z Badań nad Książką i Księgozbiorami Historycznymi; 2023, 17, 3; 409-443
Pojawia się w:
Z Badań nad Książką i Księgozbiorami Historycznymi
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Karaimskie tradycje i aspiracje oświatowe w XIX/XX wieku (zarys problemu)
Karaim traditions and educational aspirations in the 19th/20th century (outline of the problem)
Wróblewska, Urszula
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Wrocławski. Wydział Nauk Historycznych i Pedagogicznych. Instytut Pedagogiki. Zakład Historii Edukacji
XIX/XX wiek
wychowanie rodzinne
the 19th/20th Century
Cel: Celem artykułu jest ukazanie specyfiki wychowania karaimskiego, form i metod kształcenia religijnego oraz działań oświatowych, które były zdeterminowane przez sytuację społeczno-polityczną ziem polskich i strukturę zawodową Karaimów. Metody: Poprzez zastosowanie analizy źródeł, tj. dokumentów zdeponowanych w archiwach litewskich, uzupełnionych o analizę prasy karaimskiej i wywiady z najstarszymi Karaimami. Wyniki: Rodziny karaimskie kultywowały tradycje swoich przodków, a umiłowanie do nauki było przekazywane kolejnym pokoleniom. Źródłem kształtowania postaw karaimskich była rodzina, pierwotne i najbliższe środowisko wychowawcze, które wpajało dziecku wartości religijne i uczyło języka macierzystego. Pomimo znaczenia środowiska rodzinnego to jednak wychowanie w znacznym stopniu zależało od sytuacji finansowej i statusu społecznego rodziny. W gminach karaimskich w XIX/XX wieku przy kienesach funkcjonowały tradycyjne szkółki religijne zwane midraszami. W przekazywaniu wiedzy religijnej ważną rolę pełnili nauczyciele, którzy uczyli zasad i praktyk religii oraz języka karaimskiego. Wnioski: Ze względu na znaczenie autorytetów wychowawczych wychowanie w społeczności karaimskiej w XIX wieku oparte było na modelu kultury postfiguratywnej, w której wzorce kulturowe młodszemu pokoleniu przekazuje generacja starsza, posiadająca doświadczenia i wiedzę.
Aim: The aim of the article is to show the specificity of Karaite upbringing, forms and methods of religious education and educational activities that were determined by the socio-political situation of Polish lands and professional structure of Karaites. Methods: In this article the use of source analysis, for example: documents deposited in Lithuanian archives, analysis of Karaite press and interviews with the oldest Karaites. Results: Karaite families cultivated the traditions of their ancestors and the love of learning was passed onto subsequent generations. Family, as an original and closest educational environment that inculcated religious values into the children and taught them their mother tongue, was the source of shaping Karaim attitudes. Despite the importance of the family environment, upbringing depended mostly on the financial situation and social status of the family. In Karaite municipalities in the 19th/20th century there were traditional religious schools called midrash functioning next to kenesas (houses of prayer). Teachers who taught religious rules and practices, and the Karaite language, played an important role in passing on religious knowledge. Conclusions: Because of the relevance of educational authorities, upbringing in a Karaite community in the 19th century was based on the model of post-figurative culture, in which cultural patterns were handed down by the older generation, who possessed experience and knowledge, to the younger generation.
Wychowanie w Rodzinie; 2018, XVII, (1/2018); 17-32
Pojawia się w:
Wychowanie w Rodzinie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Martin Kimbel (1835–1921). Przyczynek do historii wnętrzarstwa śląskiego
Martin Kimbel (1835–1921). Contribution to the history of Silesian interior design
Grochowska, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
meblarstwo niemieckie XIX−XX wieku
meblarstwo na Śląsku
Martin Kimbel
German furniture in the 19th−20th century
furniture in Silesia
 Martin Kimbel należał do najwybitniejszych mistrzów meblarstwa artystycznego związanych z Wrocławiem. Przybył tu w 1866 roku, zakładając wkrótce fabrykę mebli. Przygotowywał projekty wystroju i wyposażenia wnętrz na indywidualne zamówienia. Autorskie meble wypełniały pomieszczenia zdobione bogato dekorowanymi stropami, drzwiami, boazeriami, kominkami etc. Był również teoretykiem sztuki rzemieślniczej. W 1893 roku wydał pracę Nothruf des Kunstgewerbes! Schulung und Niedergang desselben in Preussen, która doczekała się kilkudziesięciu recenzji środowiska artystycznego nie tylko Niemiec, wywołując burzliwe dyskusje. Brał udział w licznych wystawach rzemiosła i przemysłu. Kimbel urodził się w Moguncji. Pierwsze nauki pobierał u ojca, właściciela fabryki mebli. Kilka lat mieszkał w Filadelfii. Działał aktywnie na terenie Dolnego Śląska, a jego firma stworzyła wiele bogatych realizacji na początku wieku XX, gdy powstawały siedziby potentatów przemysłowych ( wnętrza pałacu w Brynku Hugona Henckel von Donersmarcka, pałacu w Reptach, fundacja Guida Henckel von Donersmarcka), a miasta wznosiły nowe ratusze (wnętrza ratusza w Kamiennej Górze, 1905). We Wrocławiu na uwagę zasługuje wystrój tzw. Salonu Muzycznego w wilii Georga Hassego, dziś Konsulat Niemiec. Syn Martina, Wilhelm, urodzony w 1868 roku, przez pewien czas pracował w USA, tworząc meble dla najbogatszej klienteli. Po powrocie osiadł w Berlinie, gdzie założył firmę Kimbel & Friederichsen, uchodzącą za jedną z najwybitniejszych na stołecznym rynku, która wykonała wiele prestiżowych realizacji, w tym wnętrza pałacu cesarskiego. Liczne jego realizacje znajdują się w Berlinie i okolicy, na zamku Wernigerode (Saksonia-Anhalt), na Śląsku, a także w Łodzi, gdzie kilku fabrykantów niemieckiego pochodzenia zamówiło u niego wykonanie wnętrz swoich pałaców.
Martin Kimbel was one of the most outstanding masters of artistic furniture related to Wrocław. He came to the city in 1866, soon establishing a furniture factory. He prepared interior design and furnishing designs for individual orders in which original furniture filled rooms decorated with richly decorated ceilings, doors, paneling, fireplaces, etc. He was also a theoretician of the craftsmanship. In 1893 he published Nothruf des Kunstgewerbes! Schulung und Niedergang desselben in Preussen, which received several dozen reviews of the artistic community not only in Germany, triggering heated discussions. He took part in numerous exhibitions of crafts and industry. Kimbel was born in Mainz. First he learned from his father, the owner of a furniture factory. He lived in Philadelphia for several years. He was active in Lower Silesia, and his company created many high-scale projects at the beginning of the 20th century, when the seats of industrial tycoons were established (including the interiors of the palace in Brynek for Hugon Henckel von Donersmarck, the palace in Repty for Guid Henckel von Donersmarck), and cities built new town halls (the interior of the town hall in Kamienna Góra, 1905). In Wrocław a notable realization is the so-called Music Salon at Georg Hasse’s villa, which today serves as the German Consulate. Martin’s son, Wilhelm, born in 1868, worked for a time in the USA, creating furniture for the richest clientele. After his return, he settled in Berlin, where he founded the Kimbel & Friederichsen company, considered one of the most outstanding in the capital market, which carried out many prestigious projects, including the interior of the imperial palace. Many of his projects are located in Berlin and its vicinity, at the Wernigerode castle (Saxony-Anhalt), in Silesia, and also in Łódź, where several manufacturers of German origin commissioned him to make the interiors of their palaces.
TECHNE. Seria Nowa; 2021, 8; 63-81
Pojawia się w:
TECHNE. Seria Nowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sejm prowincjonalny na Śląsku (1824–1848) na tle innych podobnych instytucji w Prusach
The provincial Landtag in Silesia (1824–1848) compared with other similar institutions in Prussia
Kruszewski, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski
provincial parliament
Prussia in the 19th and 20th century
local government
right to vote
The author presents the evolution of the authority established in Prussia in 1824, within the polity boundaries of the country, following the defeat suffered by Prussia in the war with Napoleon. The presentation of Landtag which was functioning in Silesia is the starting point to make a comparison between this institution and others which were established on the parallel basis in other Prussian provinces. Differences and similarities between them are shown.
Opolskie Studia Administracyjno-Prawne; 2016, 14, 3; 59-69
Pojawia się w:
Opolskie Studia Administracyjno-Prawne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czas zaciera ślady… ewangelicy w Lulkowie
Time effaces remnants… Evangelicals in Lulkowo
Nalaskowski, Radosław
Data publikacji:
Parafia Ewangelicko-Augsburska w Gdańsku z siedzibą w Sopocie
Evangelicals in the 19th and 20th century
pastor Johanes Hiltmann
Lulkowo – cemetery
Pomerania – German minority
Under the Prussian rule, to the twenties of the 20th century the countenance of Lulkowo commune was shaped by German settlers to whom the entire cultivated land, parceled out by the Royal Colonization Commission, belonged. The abovementioned commune was also inhabited by Poles, but their role was limited only to carry out ancillary tasks for rich landowners, and they did not have any real influence on relations existing in Lulkowo. The Evangelical-united parish in Lulkowo was established in 1895. On the 1st of April 1899 the parish obtained autonomy after being a district of the parish in Grębocin, but Evangelicals were not engaged in church life. The reports of the pastor indicate that fact, and the piety of parishioners left much to be desired. The pastor, holding the office in the parish of Lulkowo, also taught at the Evangelical School in Lulkowo, as well as in the mixed classes in Papowo Toruńskie, Ostaszewo and Świerczynki. In Łysomice and Pigża he taught in classes that were exclusively Catholic. The abovementioned information is not unambiguous as it is not known whether the pastor had taught other subjects apart from the religion lessons. The Evangelical German School existed until 1922, when it was closed due to a small number of children and it was replaced by a newly opened Polish primary school. After the year 1920 the number of the faithful in the Evangelical parish fell down to 400 souls and in 1927 it stopped at the level of 160 people. In 1939, before the outbreak of World War II the population of the Evangelical commune reached the level of 214 people. It is estimated that the cemetery was founded in 1897. Still, it is not possible to refer to any source that would provide reliable confirmation of this date. Since in the surroundings of Lulkowo there were no other ce-meteries than the Catholic churchyards in Świerczynki and Papowo Toruńskie and probably none of the Catholic priests would consent to a burial of an Evangelical or secular person or a suicide, it is possible to assume that the community of Lulkowo had to take care of establishing their own necropolis earlier than in 1897. The cemetery was founded by virtue of an administrative decision. The confirmation of this fact can be found in a post-inspection report of the 1904 in which the pastor responds to a question about the funeral without a priest „[…] the owner of the cemetery is the political commune of Lulkowo and for this reason the priest is not able to explain why he was not present at the burial”. The establishment of the cemetery cannot be either connected with a small number of Evangelical inhabitants of Lulkowo. The cemetery was a place of burial for people from other places belonging to the parish in Lulkowo and at this point it has to be remembered that in 1898 the parish was inhabited by 400 people.
Gdański Rocznik Ewangelicki; 2015, 9; 115-132
Pojawia się w:
Gdański Rocznik Ewangelicki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Józef Redo (1872–1941). Wybitny artysta polskiego teatru i filmu
Józef Redo (1872–1941). Noted artist of the Polish theatre and film
Uljasz, Adrian
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Redo Józef (1872–1941)
operetka w Polsce
historia XIX–XX w.
film polski
historia XX w.
Józef Redo (1872–1941)
operetta in Poland
history of the 19th–20th century
Polish film
history of the 20th century
The article concerns an operetta actor – singer Józef Redo. The artist was bound for most of his career till death with Warsaw. In 1897, he was employed as an actor in the Teatr Nowości. He had a leading position on this scene until after the First World War. Later he performed in other theaters, mainly operetta, in Warsaw, less often outside the capital. He has achieved successes in all operetta actor’s specialties: in the role of amant, vaudeville, comic and characteristic. His most important creations include the Emperor in The Forester’s Daughter of George Jarno, Boni in The Csárdás Princess of Imre Kalman, Daniło in The Merry Widow and grandfather in Where the Lark Sings of Franz Lehar. Józef Redo also played in Polish films.
Artykuł dotyczy aktora operetkowego – śpiewaka Józefa Redy. Przez większość kariery artysta był związany z Warszawą. W 1897 r. został zatrudniony jako aktor w tamtejszym Teatrze Nowości. Zajmował czołową pozycję na tej scenie do czasów po pierwszej wojnie światowej. Później występował w innych teatrach, głównie operetkowych, w Warszawie, rzadziej poza stolicą. Osiągnął sukcesy we wszystkich operetkowych specjalnościach aktorskich: w rolach amanckich, wodewilowych, komicznych i charakterystycznych. Do jego najważniejszych kreacji należą Cesarz w Krysi Leśniczance Georga Jarny, Boni w Księżniczce czardasza Imre Kalmana, Daniło w Wesołej wdówce i dziadek w Skowronku Franza Lehara. Józef Redo grał też w polskich filmach.
Przegląd Nauk Historycznych; 2019, 18, 1; 99-122
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Nauk Historycznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dawne kolejowe rozkłady jazdy i ich przydatność w badaniach historycznych
Opaliński, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
kolejowe rozkłady jazdy 19–20 w.
przewozy pasażerskie
organizacja transportu kolejowego w Polsce 19–20 w.
informacja na kolei
railroads schedule 19th/20th century
passenger transports
organization of transports by rail in Poland of the 19th/20th century
information on the railway
Zarys treści: Artykuł poświęcony jest kolejowym rozkładom jazdy wydanym na ziemiach polskich w okresie XIX i pierwszej połowie XX w. W pierwszej części tekstu ogólnie charakteryzuję źródło (stan jego zachowania, typy rozkładów, przemiany ich formy, częstotliwość wydań, nakład, wydawców, cenę). W dalszej części tekstu, wskazuję przydatność rozkładów jazdy w badaniach historycznych, kładąc nacisk na ich wykorzystanie w szeroko pojmowanych pracach z zakresu historii podróżowania, kolejnictwa, turystyki oraz historii społecznej i gospodarczej.Abstract: The article deals with railway timetables published in Polish lands during the nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth century. The first part of the text is a general characteristic of the source (the state of its preservation, types of schedules, transformations of their forms, editions, publisher, and price). A further part of the article indicates the expediency of railway timetables in historical research, with emphasis placed on their use in widely comprehended studies on the history of travelling and the rail industry, as well as social and economic history.
The article devoted to other transport timetables, issued in the form of independent prints which were published on Polish territory in the 19th, century and first half of the 20th, century (until 1939). These are rare prints in Poland, even the biggest national libraries, including the specialist ones have modest and incomplete collections (an exception is the National Library in Warsaw, where the considerable collection of timetables from interwar period is situated). Originally, the timetables were issued irregularly, additionally each railway company conducted a separate information policy. Joint publishing ventures were rare. The turn of the 19th, and the 20th century brought the significant change, mainly due to flag carriers who decided to more comprehensive and untypical printing initiatives. In addition to the items aimed at travellers, there were also timetables issued, envisaged for business use. The editions of timetables for particular stations or raliway nodes were rare until 1914. In the period of the Second Republic all known editorial solutions became more popular. New concepts of timetables also appeared. In general, after the World War I, quality and accessibility of the railway timetables on market improved. There were specially created institutions that took care of publishing timetables, some professional editors were also involved in it, for whom the production of timetables constituted the marginal of business and some casual publishers, who were performing other professions every day. Apart from the general characteristics of the source, which was done in the first part of the article, the determination of suitability of timetables in historical research was also done. It is certainly the valuable source material which should be taken by reserchers of different fields, involved not only in railway history.
Studia Źródłoznawcze. Commentationes; 2016, 54
Pojawia się w:
Studia Źródłoznawcze. Commentationes
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sejny a niepodległość
Sejny and Independence
Wysocki, Wisław Jan
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum
history of the 19th and 20th century
World War I
Russian partition
Sejny Uprising
regaining independence by Poland
The land in the north-eastern corner of Poland (the region of Suwałki, Sejny, Augustów) was in the Russian partition for 100 years. Everything that was connected with Poland was fought by repressions. This area was full of nationality, cultural and religious variety. After the World War II a chance for regaining independence by Poland and Lithuania has appeared. Lithuanian people did not want to agree to the border line according to the so called Foch line. Germans who had to withdraw, favored the formation of the structure of Lithuanian authorities. It leaded to the Sejny Uprising, as the result of which Suwalszczyzna became a part of Poland. It brought dipper division between Polish and Lithuanian people, who in the past created Commonwealth.
Studia Ełckie; 2019, 21, 1; 101-115
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ełckie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Между личным пространством и явностью жизни. Дворянки в Польском Королестве на рубеже XIX и XX веков
Between privacy and openness of life. Landladies of Polish Kingdom at the turn 19th and 20th century
Między prywatnością a jawnością życia. Ziemianki Królestwa Polskiego przełomu XIX i XX wieku
Kostrzewska, Ewelina Maria
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
historia prywatności
ziemiaństwo XIX/XX w.
historia kobiet
kultura materialna – wnętrze siedziby ziemiańskiej
history of the privacy
landownership in the 19th/20th century
material culture – the inside of the landowner’s property
Ziemianki Królestwa Polskiego z przełomu XIX i XX wieku należały, do wciąż jeszcze elitarnej grupy społecznej, o której chętnie dyskutowano na łamach prasy, wystawiano laurki lub potępiano. Jednocześnie pozostawiły po sobie bogatą bazę źródłową, pozwalającą przyjrzeć się ich prywatnemu, codziennemu życiu. Wyłaniający się ze zróżnicowanych źródeł obraz jest tym ciekawszy, że w omawianym czasie przewartościowaniu uległy granice prywatności i jawności życia, to co prywatne coraz częściej stawało się publiczne. Miłość i ciało plasowały się między tabu a afirmacją. A wszystko to znajdowało odzwierciedlenie w „tańczących ścianach dworu” i rewolucjach budowlanych przeprowadzanych przez panie domu podążające za modą, ale też pragnące zwiększenia komfortu życia i zachowania jego intymności. Przełom wieków XIX i XX z zamykaną epoką wiktoriańską i obecnym modernizmem był czasem chaosu społeczno-obyczajowego i przemian w kulturze, a spojrzenie na świat ziemianek może być jednym z punktów opisu tego procesu.
Polish Kingdom landladies from the late nineteenth and early twentieth century belonged continually to an elite social group, which was eagerly discussed over in press, written cards about or condemned. At the same time landladies left a lot of information sources behind themselves, allowing to look back at their private everyday life. Emerging from diverse sources, the picture is even more curious because at that time, the boundaries of privacy and publicity of private life, became redefined. Love and body and were placed between taboo and affirmation. All of this was reflected in the “dancing walls of the court” and the revolutions of building constructions carried out by housewives who followed the fashion, but also wished to enhance the quality of life at the same time wanted to preserve their intimacy. The turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, with fading Victorian era and current modernism was a time of chaos and both social and moral and changes in culture and a look at the landladies’ world may be one of the points that describe the very problem.
Studia z Historii Społeczno-Gospodarczej XIX i XX Wieku; 2016, 16; 59-78
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Historii Społeczno-Gospodarczej XIX i XX Wieku
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
On the Progress of Research on the History of Modern Criminal Law Science in Poland
Janicka, Danuta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
criminal law of the 19th–20th century
criminal law science in Poland
Polish academic literature
prawo karne XIX–XX w.
polska nauka prawa karnego
polskie piśmiennictwo naukowe
The article presents and evaluates the state of research concerning the history of modern criminal law science in Poland. The author indicates that these studies have been conducted by legal historians and criminal law experts. Over the last 30 years, there appeared a number of historical and legal contributions to the biographies and works of distinguished Polish lawyers of the 19th and early 20th centuries. In addition, criminal lawyers published a monograph on the most eminent Polish scholar – Juliusz Makarewicz. They also contributed to re-edition of many works by Makarewicz.
Niniejsze opracowanie przedstawia i ocenia stan badań nad historią nowoczesnej nauki prawa karnego w Polsce. Autorka wskazuje, że badania te prowadzą historycy prawa oraz specjaliści prawa karnego. W ciągu ostatnich 30 lat ukazał się szereg przyczynków historyczno-prawnych do biografii i twórczości wybitnych polskich prawników działających w XIX i na początku XX w. Ponadto karnicy wydali monografię o najwybitniejszym polskim uczonym – Juliuszu Makarewiczu, a także doprowadzili do reedycji jego wielu prac.
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia; 2016, 25, 3
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kilka uwag o trwałości legendy o krwi. Na marginesie „Kłamstwa krwi” Jolanty Żyndul
Tokarska-Bakir, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
blood legends
Jewish Poles and non-Jewish Poles in the 19th and 20th century
Roman Catholic Church
Narodowa Demokracja
A few remarks on the persistence of the legend of bloodThe article is an extended review of Jolanta Żyndul’s Kłamstwo krwi (‘The Lies of Blood’). Żyndul unearths numerous cases of accusing Jews of ritual murders, which happened in the 19th and the 20th century, and were then forgotten by the Poles. Żyndul puts the libel of the legend of blood inside a wider context of social, religious and political relations in the recent history. She revises the historical narration, which produced the oblivion by undermining the significance of those events. Kilka uwag o trwałości legendy o krwi. Na marginesie „Kłamstwa krwi” Jolanty ŻyndulTekst jest rozszerzoną recenzją monografii historycznej dotyczącej legend o krwi ery nowoczesnej pióra Jolanty Żyndul. Historyczka odkrywa niezwykle liczne dziewiętnasto- i dwudziestowieczne przypadki obwinień Żydów o mord rytualny, zupełnie wyparte z pamięci historycznej Polaków. Sytuuje oszczerstwo krwi w sieci powiązań społecznych, religijnych i politycznych historii najnowszej, poddając rewizji narrację historyczną, która, podważając znaczenie tych niezrozumiałych „epizodów”, wyprodukowała zapomnienie.
Studia Litteraria et Historica; 2013, 2
Pojawia się w:
Studia Litteraria et Historica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Образ В. Г. Белинского в общественном сознании конца XIX – начала XX века
The image of Belinsky in public consciousness at the turn of the 20th century
Крылов, Вячеслав
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
the myth
the Russian criticism of the end 19th – the beginnings of the 20th century of a 21th century
V. G. Belinsky
The article is devoted to chosen aspects of myth formation about Belinsky in the Russian culture at the turn of the 20th century. The analysis is done on the basis of journal and newspaper criticism and essays, fiction and theoretical discussions about Belinsky.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Rossica; 2011, 4; 82-93
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Rossica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Olkuska synagoga – wyniki wstępnych badań archeologicznych przeprowadzonych w 2017 roku
Olkusz synagogue – results of the 2017 preliminary archaeological excavations
Rozmus, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
medieval defensive walls
remains of a synagogue from the 19th and early 20th century
The article presents the results of preliminary archaeological excavations of the remains of the Olkusz Synagogue. The excavations revealed a fragment of the building constructed in the 19th and early 20th century.
Raport; 2019, 14; 111-120
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Skarby monet z Wielkopolski w świetle zasobu archiwalnego Gabinetu Numizmatycznego Muzeum Narodowego w Poznaniu dotyczącego lat 1894–1918
Hoards of Coins from Greater Poland in the Light of the Archival Resources of the Numismatic Cabinet of the National Museum in Poznań Concerning the Years 1894–1918
Murawska, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy
znaleziska monet
kolekcjonerstwo numizmatyczne XIX i XX wieku
dokumenty archiwalne
finds of coins
the numismatics of the 19th and 20th century
archival documents
A lot can be learned on Greater Poland’s coin hoards from archival resources stored in museums. The paper discusses the contents of 4 completely preserved sets of records containing documents related to the functioning of the department of coins and medals in the German museum in Poznań, which existed in the years 1894–1918. From 1903 it was called the Kaiser Friedrich Museum in Posen. Both heads of the German museum—first, Dr Franz Schwartz (1864–1901) and from 1903 Prof. Dr Ludwig Kaemmerer (1862–1938)—were interested in the acquisition of numismatic specimens, including finds. Thanks to these heads, an effective procedure was created, which included searching for information on finds in the press, with the help of the offices and agencies of the Prussian state and from among the population of the province. This was applied thanks to many years’ beneficial cooperation with activists of the German Numismatic Society, with special reference to Heinrich Grüder, Hans Balszus and Dr Hugo Moritz. The procedure included the verification of press reports, travels to find places of deposits, talks to the discoverers and the owners of land where discoveries were made, examinations of the contents of deposits, their identification and the publication of the hoards’ contents in the regional specialist press. The most abundant set of documents is devoted to the methodical, systematic and active search for hoards of coins discovered in the then Province of Poznań, carried out by the management of Poznań’s museum. Documents reveal the scope of numismatic interests of the persons who managed the museum and their methods of work. They allow for an insight into the acquisition policy and the quality of the collection; furthermore, they provide data on the sums spent on numismatic specimens. Based on these, it is possible to state that the managers of the museum were interested in creating an assemblage of coins and medals related to the Province of Poznań, that is, first of all Polish coins and coins related to Poland. Thanks to the pieces of information preserved in these documents, it is possible to restore the knowledge on presently scattered deposits to scholarship and to specify the knowledge on known finds.
Studia Lednickie; 2014, 13; 77-93
Pojawia się w:
Studia Lednickie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Публицистика Владимира Короленко
Journalism of Vladimir Korolenko
Bortnowski, Antoni
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Vladimir Korolenko
Russian journalism of the late 19th — early 20th century
October Revolution in journalism
nationalism and anti-Semitism in Russia of the early 20th century
Journalism takes a very important place in the works of Vladimir Korolenko. The writer witnessed historic changes in Russia of the late 19th — early 20th century and in his many works included a great number of valuable comments and insightful analysis of the processes taking place on the territory of the decaying Russian Empire. The last years of the writer's life coincided with a period of formation of the Soviet authority, which Korolenko did not accept. This fact was often overlooked or ignored  in the Soviet critical works on the writer and only after the collapse of the USSR it was possible to conduct an overall analysis of Korolenko’s rich heritage. Many of his articles containing insights into the Russian reality can be applied to modern times.
Kultury Wschodniosłowiańskie – Oblicza i Dialog; 2016, 6; 39-49
Pojawia się w:
Kultury Wschodniosłowiańskie – Oblicza i Dialog
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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