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Dwadzieścia lat ochrony zabytków w Polsce Ludowej
Dutkiewicz, Józef E.
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
wojenne zniszczenia zabytków
odbudowa zniszczonych zabytków
ochrona zabytków w dwudziestoleciu powojennym
Naczelna Dyrekcja Muzeów i Ochrony Zabytków
rewindykacja zabytkowych zbiorów
ustawa o opiece nad zabytkami
Pracownie Konserwacji Zabytków
weryfikacja zabytków
szkolnictwo na rzecz ochrony zabytków
teorie konserwacji
autentyzm zabytku
Cet article a pour but de présenter les pertes et les dommages des monuments historiques polonais et les résu ltats de protection et de restauration atteints au cours des vingt années écoulées depuis la fin de la d ern iè re guerre. Les moyens qui ont amené à ces r é sultats sont décrits, notamment 1’ organisation de l ’administration, l’exécution des reconstructions et r é novations, la législation, la propagande, l’éducation et la formation professionnelle, ainsi que l’emploi actuel des édifices monumentaux et la protection sociale. Il est difficile d’établir exactement le montant des pertes, car avant la guerre les monuments historiques ont été inventoriés seulement sur une partie du te rrito ire de la Pologne. En tout 7,500 bâtiments historiques o n t été complètement détruits, et le total des bâtiments détruits et endommagés peut être évalué à 37,8%. Au cours des vingt dernières années le nombre des bâtiments conservés v aria it entre 300 a 600 par an. Au tota l environ 4,600 monuments architecturaux ont été conservés. Outre le problème de préserver les monuments historiques, après la guerre nous avons d û faire face au problème de leur reconstruction bien fondé par la volonté de récupérer les pertes. L’immense tâche de préserver les monuments historiques et les nombreux trav au x de conservation des édifices monumentaux les plus importants ont été exécutés selon les principes scientifiques et la documentation de conservation. En plus 1350 objets ont été conservés, dont 473 peintures et 206 sculptures. Ces chilffres comprennent seulement les trav au x payés par le bu d get central. Au cours de ces travaux quatre polichromies romanes fu ren t découvertes à Tum, Czerwińsk, Dziekanowice et Wiślica. Et dans le département de Cracovie 42 polichromies anciennes ont été mises à jour et conservées. La Direction Générale des Musées e t de la P rotection des Monuments Historiques fut la première institution qui é tait chargée de la protection des monuments historiques. Un réseau de conservateurs d ép a rtemen tau x fut organisé. L’exécution des t r a vaux fu t confiée au début aux ateliers de la Direction Générale. En 1951 une entreprise d ’Etat fut organisée. Cette entreprise, nommée „Les Ateliers de Conservation des Monuments Historiques” réalise la plup a rt des trav au x de conservation des monuments arch itec tu rau x e t des objets d ’art. Elle a ses ateliers et ses succursales à Varsovie, Cracovie, Gdańsk, Wrocław e t Szczecin, Elle réalise ses trav au x en se servant de la documentation historique, de mesurement, photographique et analytique. Les plans sont établis par une direction collégiale. La valeur de la production de ces ateliers a monté de 3.000.000 zl en 1951 à 238.900.000 en 1962. Le nombre des ouvriers s’est accru de 183 en 1955 à 2243 en 1962, et des employés de 38 à 368 relativement. Parmi ces derniers au cours de la dernière année il y avait 135 artistes-conservateurs. Certains trav au x de construction ont été réalisés aussi p a r d’autres entreprises d ’état et p a r des coopératives et ceux de restau ratio n des objets d’a rt par des a te liers privés. L ’acte législatif le plus impa rtant en cette matière fu t la loi du 15 février 1962 concernant „La protection des biens culturels et des musées”. Cette nouvelle loi a précisé certaines notions concernant les monuments historiques dans un é ta t socialiste, l’idée de leur p ropagation, et aussi l’application des règlements de p ro tection. La vérification de tous les monuments historiques en Pologne a été effectuée; leur nombre total d ’environ 36.000 fu t divisé en cinq groupes: 51 fu ren t classés dans le groupe d it „О”, 1,697 dans le groupe I, et le reste dans les trois groupes suivants. Trois facultés, dont deux Académies des Beaux Arts à Varsovie et à Cracovie e t une à Université Nicolas Copernic à Toruń, forment des artistes-conserv ateurs des objets d ’a rt; la faculté de Toruń prépare aussi ses étudiants a la fonction des conservateurs départementaux. Cependant il n ’y a encore aucune école de conservation des monuments architecturaux. L ’Ecole Polytechnique de Varsovie a en projet l’organisation d’une section de conservation. Au cours des dernières dix années le mouvement scientifique en conservation est très animé, dont té moignent les nombreuses publications et articles publiés en Pologne et à l’étranger, ainsi que de nombreux perfectionnements de traitements et des inventions. Le Centre de Documentation des Monuments Historiques organise des conférences de spécialistes ayant pour thème la conservation des objets en pierre, en bois, en métal et des tissus. La fréquentation des musées et l’appréciation des valeurs didactiques et émotives des monuments historiques se sont immensément accrues pendant les vingt dernières années, p. ex. le Château de Wawel a eu plus d’un million de visiteurs. Malgré cet accroissement immense d ’intérêt et de fréquentation il nous a été impossible encore de faire servir et de protéger complètement tous les monuments historiques dispersés dans les villages et dans les quartiers anciens des différentes villes. Deux attitudes théorétiques se sont accentuées dans les méthodes de conservation en Pologne. La p re mière c’est le principe d ’intégration qui demande la reconstruction des monuments détruits vu la nécessité de compenser les immenses pertes. La seconde soutient le principe de l’authenticité complétée par la théorie soumise p a r l’au teu r de cet article, dite la théorie de l’automatisme qui reconnaît la nécessité de préserver l’é ta t de conservation actuel en tenant compte du procès n a tu re l de détérioration de la matière et de ce qui ensuit l’échange graduel des biens culturels. Vu l’immensité des destructions il fau t apprécier hautement les résultats atteints p a r les conservateurs polonais. Considèrent cette période historique comme close il nous semble qu ’à l’avenir il faudra approfond ir les principes selon lesquels l’information scientifique sera organisée et les méthodes de conservation devront suivre les nouvelles découvertes techniques en te n an t compte en même temps des indices économiques. Le mouvement touristique croissant devra participer au maintien et à l’utilisation des monuments historiques.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1964, 2; 6-14
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przyczyny przestępczości. Nowe aspekty międzynarodowej dyskusji o teoriach kryminologicznych
Causes of Crime – Recent Developments in the International Criminological Theory-Discusion
Schneider, Hans J.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
teorie kryminologiczne
choroba psychiczna
criminological theory
mental illness
This survey intends to critically inform the reader about new and further developments of criminological theories on causality and about how successful these theories have proved in empirical and practical terms during the last three decades. From the point of view of mainstream criminology the criminalbiological, criminalpsychological, criminalsociological, socialpsychological, victimological, critical-radical, feminist, postmodernist and integrated theories are being considered. Preceding this is a discussion of the theory of national choise, according to which criminality is based on a costprofit-analysis and which, empirically speaking, has not exactly held good. Among the criminalbiological approaches the theory of constitutional predisposition is being discussed which assumes an interaction between genes and environment to produce criminality. Since the studies on family, twins and adoption, while attempting to prove this interaction, show both theoretical and methodological shortcomings, this theory is being rejected. Under the headline of "criminalbiological theories" a discussion of mental illness and crime can be found. A psychiatrisation of crime is not held advisable: Only between 0.2 % and 2 % of all schizophrenic persons are arrested for violent crimes per year, which amounts 1.1 % to 2.3 % of the total arrests for violent crime. Among the criminalpsychological theories the following three approaches are being discussed: the psychopathological theory, the theory of criminal personality according to Hans Jürgen Eysenck and the biosocial theory of inherited criminal tendencies according to Sarnoff A. Mednick. It is proposed to give up the term "psychopathy'' altogether since it contradicts modern findings of dark field research that personality traits not socially desirable are restricted to and concentrated in only a small section of the human race. The theories of Eysneck and Mednick, according to which criminal behaviour is tfre result of interaction between certain social environmental factors and inherited predispositions of the central nervous system, have empirically not been sufficiently proven. The survey's emphasis lies on criminalsociological, socialpsychological and victimological theories. In the context o criminalsociological approaches the theories of social disorganization and of anomie are being discussed. A society is socially disorganized when social bonds dissolve, when social control breaks down and when interpersonal disorientation spreads among its members. The theory of social disorganization has been further developed inasmuch as the social structuring of delinquency areas has been described as a dynamic process and as the spiral-like social downfall and dereliction of a neighbourhood ("community crime career"). In empirical studies making use of data from accounts showing how people have become perpetrator or victim ("British Crime Surveys"), this theory of social disorganization has been widely confirmed. The theory of anomie has undergone further development by the adaptation of two new approaches: the theory of institutional anomie according to Steven F. Messner and Richard Rosenfeld and the theory of general strain according to Robert Agnew. The theory of institutional anomie underlines the extreme importance western societies ascribe to monetary success while at the same time not stressing the component of achieving this success by legal means. One institution – economy – assumes priority over all non-economic institutions such as family, education or politics, which on their part are only insufficiently capable of restricting the criminogenic pressure phenomenon, i.e. the overestimation of monetary success. According to the theory of general strain the incapability of reaching positively marked aims results in overstraining (pressure). This pressure can be measured by ascertaining the gap between aspirations (ideal aims) and expectations on the one hand and actual achievements and successes on the other. The socialpsychological theories, which are theories of social processes can be subdivided into theories of cognitive-social learning, control, interaction and life-course. According to the theory of cognitive-social learning a person acquires his/her behaviour by way of reinforcement and modeling. In self-reinforcement processes people both reward and punish themselves. Finally, this theory regards human learning as an active, cognitively controlled psychical process of assimilating experience. Criminal behaviour is learned by reaffirming (rewarding) it more than socially conforming behaviour. Delinquents acquire it in criminal subcultures, in which criminal behaviour is justified by means of neutralisation techniques as being "not really'' criminal. The theory of cognitive-social learning of criminal behaviour (the theory of differential reinforcement and imitation) has held good empirically and practically and has been complemented by the theory of crime seduction according to Jack Katz stating that the euphoria of criminal success is relevant factor. The robber f.i. is not only rewarded by his material profit but also by experiencing domination during the criminal act. Among the theories of control the theory of social bonds according to Travis Hirschi is widely appreciated in practical terms. Empirically speaking, however, it has not quite achieved what it promised. It has been further developed by the theory of self-control, according to which delinquents are persons with a low level of self-control as a result from ineffective and inadequate socialization. Another new development is the theory of control balance according to Charles R. Tittle. The central statement of this theory is that the amount of control a person is subjected to, as compared to the control this person exercises, influences both the probability of committing delinquencies and the possibility to commit certain types of crime. The theory of interaction, which is a theory of social process, has been converted in the seventies and eighties to a radical socialstructural labeling approach. Control institutions (f.i police, law-courts) are assumed to produce delinquency and criminality by selectively sanctioning the lower class in the order to preserve the power of the ruling class. In the nineties, however, the interaction theory is distancing itself from this radical power conflict approach and reverting to its original focus: its connection to the cognitive-social learning theory. The interaction theory has been supplemented by the Australian criminologist John Braithwaite. He regards shame as an essential means of informal social control and distinguishes between reintegrative and disintegrative shaming. The life-course-theories are new developments stemming from the late eighties and early nineties. According to these theories, delinquency and criminality develop in interactive processes spanning the whole cycle of life. Developmental crirninology focusses on the questions why people become delinquent (onset, activation), why their delinquencies continue (maintenance), why delinquencies often increase both in frequency and in seriousness (acceleration, escalation, aggravation) and, lastly, why people stop being delinquent (deceleration, desistance, termination). It is concept of casuality is dynamic and interactive. Personal and social damages cause delinquency and criminality which in their turn again result in personal and social damages. Basically, three life-course-theories have recently been developed: the interaction theory by Terence P. Thornberry, the theory of social turning-points by Robert J. Sampson and John H. Laub and the theory of criminal tendencies by David P. Farrington. Victimological theories open a range of completely new criminal-aetiological perspectives. For victimogenesis (enquiring into the causes for becoming a victim) the model of lifestyle-exposure and opportunity deals with the probability of individuals being in certain places at certain times and under certiatin circumstances and thereby meeting certain categories of people. The routine-activity-theory according to Lawrence E. Cohen and Marcus Felson distinguishes between three elements: a motivated offender, a suitable target and the absence of capable protectors (guardians) of this object against a violation. The routine-activity-approach accordingly predicts the highest risk of delinquency when the victim's suitability is highest: best social visibility, easiest access, strongest attraction and when the level of object observation is low. The routine-activity-theory has been further developed into a structural-choise model of victimization. Within this reconsidered and verified model the nearness and protection of a potential victim represent components of choise. The critical-radical school in modern criminology intends to develop an alternative to mainstream criminology and in the long run to replace mainstream criminology. While having achieved their first aim, thus far they have failed in thier second. The critical-radical school of thought can be divided into three theories: According to marxist theory the basis of crime can be found in the contradictions of capitalism oppresing and exploiting the working class. Crime originates in the basic conflict between the bourgeoisie and the working class, which is a conflict of power and interests. The anarchistic theory aims at showing that that kind of justice by which our modern1egal system defines itself is in reality a facade for an intrinsic system of institutionalized injustice. Left-wing realism holds a „theory” consisting of four variables: victim, offender, state agencies and the public. Without disregarding the victims of so-called street-crimes, radical realism is based not-only on comprehending the victimization of the offender by the state, but also on the understanding of victimizition of the working class by the working class. Feminist theories in criminology focus on the four following issues: the problem of generalization: It is questionable whether the criminological theories developed so far are readily applicable to women and girls; the problem of gender relations: an explanation is required on why women and girls; commit fewer and less serious crimes and delinquencies than man and boys and how significant a factor masculinity is for the genesis of crime; the victimalization problem: Both the manifestations and the causes of male physical and sexual violence towards woman have to be describeds much more accurately; the problem of equal treatment of man and woman in the criminal justice system: It is questionable whether the principles of masculinity or feminity, should define the climate of the criminal justice system. Constutive criminology is a postmodernist school. It questions the attempt of institutions and individuals to claim priority of ''expert'' knowledge. Truth to them is a form of domination. Linked with constitutive criminology is the peacemaking criminology, which tries to soothe human sufferings and reduce criminality in this way. Solutions of the criminal justice system are rejected as violent. Individual violence cannot be overcome through state violence. Integrated theories attempt to take the best of every ''middle-range" theory and combine this into a more comprehensive new theory. Finally, as an example of an integrated theory, John Hagan's theory of power control is put forward which aims at explaining the lower frequency and seriousness of woman's criminality and girls' delinquency by looking at patriarchy and class structures.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1998, XXIII-XXIV; 13-44
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Definition and Research Areas in the Geographical Study of Hotel Services
Definicja i przedmiot badań geografii hotelarstwa
Kowalczyk, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
usługi hotelarskie
geografia hotelarstwa
teorie rozwoju i lokalizacji usług hotelarskich
hotel services
the geography of hotel services
theories of the development and location of hotel services
Academics representing many different fields, including geography, have becom e interested in hotel services as a result of their recent dynamic development. Hotels are the object of analysis in both the geography of tourism, the geography of services and urban geography. The complex character of the phenomenon raises the question of whether the geography of hotel services should becom e an independent study area.
Dynamiczny rozwój usług hotelarskich sprawia, że stają się one przedmiotem zainteresowania wielu dyscyplin naukowych, w tym również geografii. Hotele są przedmiotem analizy zarówno geografii turyzmu, jak i geografii usług i geografii miast. Złożoność zjawiska skłania do zastanowienia się nad celow ością wyróżnienia geografii hotelarstwa.
Turyzm; 2001, 11, 2; 5-22
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
ADAM KRAJEWSKI, PIOTR WITOMSKI, „OCHRONA DREWNA” Wyd. SGGW, Warszawa 2003, s. 271, rys. 31, fot. 89, tab. 4, schematów 8
ADAM KRAJEWSKI, PIOTR WITOMSKI, “THE PROTECTION OF TIMBER” Wyd. SGGW, Warszawa 2003, 271 pp., 31 fig., 89 photos, 4 tables, 8 schemes
Mączyński, Dominik
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Adam Krajewski
Piotr Witomski
„Ochrona drewna”
ochrona drewna w lesie
czynniki degradacji drewna
teorie rozkładu drewna
zniszczenia drewna przez termity
An introduction to topics associated with the correct recognition of damage incurred to timber – a material universally applied in construction. The authors proposed methods of countering the biological corrosion of timber, produced by fungi and insects. The publication contains, i. a. the proper names of organisms attacking timber and information about the use of impregnants, with considerable attention paid to affected historical monuments.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2004, 3-4; 253-254
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Teorie zachowań firm - część 1: teorie klasyczne A. Smitha, D. Ricarda i J. S. Milla
Theories of Firms’ Behavior - Part 1: Classical Theories of A. Smith, D. Ricardo and J. S. Mill
Milo, Władysław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
teorie zachowań firm
modele firm
prognozowalność zachowań firm
Theories of firms describe formation of firms, their development, and decline, firms behavior in business cycles, and means and goals at firm’s level. In each theory it is included a touch of history, culture and author’s self-interest. The presented outlines of classical theories of firms are our reinterpretation of A. Smith, D. Ricardo, J. S. Mill comments on producers and traders behavior.
Teorie zachowań firm opisują przyczyny powstawania, rozwoju i upadku firm, formy zachowań firm w zależności od fazy cykli gospodarczych (krajowych i zagranicznych gospodarek), środki i cele funkcjonowania firm. Ponieważ każda z teorii powstaje w określonych historycznie warunkach rozwoju gospodarki, toteż przy ich omawianiu należy uwzględnić ówczesny stan wiedzy, kultury oraz światopogląd i interesy osobiste autora teorii. W artykule zarysy teorii zachowań firm wynikają z mniej lub bardziej spójnych i wyraźnych uwag A. Smitha, D. Ricarda, J. S. Milla o zachowaniu producentów i handlowców. Wskażemy problemy weryfikowalności empirycznej i prognozowalności według tych teorii.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica; 2005, 193
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Teorie zachowań firm: część 2: teorie J. B. Saya, H. Gossena, J. H. von Thünena i A. Cournota
Theories of Firms’ Behavior - Part 2: Theories of J. B. Say, H. Gossen, J. H. Von Thünen and A. Cournot
Milo, Władysław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
teorie zachowań firm
modele firm
bariery prognozowalności
The paper presents a reconstruction of theories of firm behavior on the grounds of J. B. Say, H. Gossen, J. H. von Thünen, A. Cournot celebrated works. It helps to recognize elements of formal econometric models that should be a basis for empirical verification and forecasting with these theories. We show potential forms of modeling elements, conditions and barriers for predictability according to these theories.
W artykule prezentujemy rekonstrukcję teorii zachowań firm. Elementy tych teorii można znaleźć w pracach J. B. Saya, H. Gossena, J. H. von Thünena i A. Cournota. Dokonana rekonstrukcja pozwala na formułowanie modeli ekonometrycznych, które powinny stać się podstawą weryfikacji empirycznej niniejszych teorii oraz prognozowania. W artykule próbujemy przybliżyć czytelnikowi prawdopodobne formy elementów tych modeli oraz warunki i bariery prognozowalności według wspomnianych teorii.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica; 2005, 193
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Teorie zachowań firm: część 3: teorie W. S. Jevonsa, L. Walrasa, A. Marshalla i C. Mengera
Theories of Firms’ Behavior - Part 3: Theories of W. Jevons, L. Walras, A. Marshall and C. Menger
Milo, Władysław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
zachowanie firm
neoklasyczne teorie zachowań firm
modele firm
The paper contains a brief presentation of neoclassic theories of firm’s behavior. We present theories of W. S. Jevons, L. Walras, A. Marshall and C. Menger. The discussion is given from the perspective of forecasting calculus and mathematical economy. We show barriers of a modeling process and possibility of theories falsification.
Celem artykułu jest zwięzłe omówienie neoklasyczych teorii zachowań firm, według W. S. Jevonsa, L. Walrasa, A. Marshalla i C. Mengera, z perspektywy rachunku prognoz i ekonomii matematycznej. W prezentowanym tekście wskazujemy na bariery procesu modelowania zachowań firm oraz możliwości falsyfikacji omawianych teorii.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica; 2005, 193
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zachowania konsumentów – przegląd wybranych badań i teorii
Consumers’ Behavior. The Review of Chosen Researches and Theories
Wolanin Jarosz, Elżbieta
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
zachowanie konsumentów
consumer behavior
In the following article an attempt has been made to review important research and theories concerning the consumer behavior from the 19 th century until the present days. A number of particular theoretical concepts have frequently been characterized by various assumptions regarding the nature of the consumer, the specifications of their decisions as well as the range of their behavior factors. Special attention has been paid to microeconomic theories and concepts influenced by psychology. General speaking, on the basis of the analysis one could come to the conclusion that the consumer behaviors cannot be forseen and explained only by investigating the laws of economy without considering any of the psychological variables such as attitudes, motives or perception. The sources are mainly the data from extensive and interesting bibliography on the subject.
Roczniki Wydziału Nauk Prawnych i Ekonomicznych KUL; 2006, 2, 2; 83-99
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Wydziału Nauk Prawnych i Ekonomicznych KUL
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Currents physical components theory and p-q power theory in the control of the three-phase shunt active power filter
Teoria składowych fizycznych prądu oraz teoria mocy p-q w zastosowaniu do sterowania równoległym energetycznym filtrem aktywnym
Firlit, A.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Mechaników Polskich
energetyczny filtr aktywny
teorie mocy
jakość energii elektrycznej
active power filter
power theories
electric power quality
This paper presents the comparison of the control algorithms for a three phase, three wire shunt active power filter. The control algorithms are based on: the current's physical components theory and the p-q power theory. The active power filter operation under the distorted supply voltage at the point of common coupling condition is considered. The comparison concerns the aspects of: filtering current harmonics, reactive power compensation (defined in the fundamental harmonic domain), supply current balancing and dynamic performance. The results of the laboratory investigation, using the fast prototyping system dSPACE, are given in the paper.
W artykule przedstawiono porównanie algorytmów sterowania trójfazowym, trójprzewodowym równoległym energetycznym filtrem aktywnym. Algorytmy sterowania opracowano na podstawie dwóch teorii mocy: teorii składowych fizycznych prądu oraz teorii mocy p-q. Badaniom podlegała praca energetycznego filtru aktywnego w warunkach odkształconego napięcia zasilającego w punkcie wspólnego przyłączenia. Za kryterium porównania przyjęto: filtrację wyższych harmonicznych prądu odbiornika, kompensację mocy biernej (zdefiniowanej w dziedzinie podstawowej harmonicznej), symetryzację asymetrycznych prądów linii zasilającej odbiornik oraz dynamikę energetycznego filtru aktywnego. W artykule zamieszczono wyniki pomiarów i badań otrzymane na zbudowanym stanowisku laboratoryjnym trójfazowego, trójprzewodowego równoległego energetycznego filtru aktywnego z wykorzystaniem systemu szybkiego prototypowania dSPACE.
Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola; 2007, R. 53, nr 3, 3; 110-115
Pojawia się w:
Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Chronologia, struktura i analiza kwestii Jan Dunsa Szkota o jednostkowieniu z Quaestiones super libros Metaphysicorum Aristotelis VII, qu. 13
The Chronology, Structure and Analysis of John Duns Scotus’s Question On Individuation from the Quaestiones super libros Metaphysicorum Aristotelis VII, qu. 13
Salamon, Witold G.
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Duns Szkot
problem jednostkowienia
zasada jednostkowienia
teorie jednostkowienia
Komisja Szkotystyczna
Duns Scotus
the problem of individuation
the principle of individuation
theories of individuation
the Scotistic Commission
The paper is devoted to the question of the principle of individuation in Bl. John Duns Scotus. This question is found in his commentary to Aristotle’s Metaphysics, namely the Quaestiones super libros Metaphysicorum Aristotelis VII, qu. 13. The first part of the paper discusses problems connected with the chronology and structure of the text, whereas the second one is presented as Scotus’s teaching on individuation. S. Dumont and T. Noone argue today on the traditional thesis about the origin of this question and the remaining philosophical writings from the juvenile stage of Scotus’s philosophical work. They claim that some questions from the In Metaph., including also qu. 13 from the book, were written later or in the same time as the commentaries to Peter Lombard’s Sentences. The authors support their views by indicating the following: 1) the text the In Metaph. is better organised, 2) the vocabulary used with reference to the principle of individuation, especially the term haecceitas, is employed twice in the text In Metaph., 3) the quotations from the later works of Scotus and the works of authors who wrote somewhat later than that date of the In Metaph. hitherto presumed, 4) some stylistic terms indicate that the author of the text was a mature person. The traditional thesis is defended by I. Modrić on behalf of the Scotistic Commission. Having made a detailed analysis, Modrić rejected all the arguments from the introduction to the critical edition of the In Metaph. The author of this paper agrees with Modrić’s view. Therefore as long as we do not have a thesis to the contrary we shall hold the traditional opinion about the earlier origin of the In Metaph. in comparison to Peter Lombard’s commentaries on the Sentences. Scotus opens his lecture on individuation with a discussion of various standpoints on this issue. He divides them into positive and negative theories of individuation. This ordering ensures a clear exposition of various views without unnecessary repetitions and vagueness. Eventually, Doctor Subtilis rejects all hitherto views and provides his own solution. The principle of individuation is for him an individuating entity, the ultimate reality of the individual being. In combination with common nature it determines the most individual of possible characterisation of the individuum. This positive individuating entity is called an individual form (forma individualis) in the In Metaph., a degree of entity (gradus entis) and haecceitas. The latter became a technical term to define the Scotist principle of individuation.
Roczniki Filozoficzne; 2008, 56, 2; 255-271
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Filozoficzne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Koncepcje rozwoju turystyki
Concepts of Tourism Development
Kozak, Marek W.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Instytut Ameryk i Europy. Centrum Europejskich Studiów Regionalnych i Lokalnych (EUROREG)
Dynamiczny rozwój turystyki przyczynił się do równie szybkiego rozwoju gospodarki turystycznej, stającej się jednym z kluczowych źródeł dochodu. Strategie rozwoju turystyki odwołują się do różnych koncepcji rozwoju ekonomicznego, które pozwalają wyjaśniać wiele zjawisk i procesów, jednak nie wszystkie. Do takich należy kwestia czynników sukcesu: co powoduje, że w zbliżonych warunkach w jednych miejscach obserwujemy szybki rozwój turystyki, w innych nie. Wiele wskazuje na to, że wbrew pokutującym jeszcze tezom o znaczeniu walorów przyrodniczych, większe i rosnące znaczenie mają walory kulturowe i zwłaszcza zagospodarowanie turystyczne (infrastruktura). Wobec takiej zmiany o sukcesie przesądzają dziś przede wszystkim czynniki związane z jakością zasobów ludzkich, elit i przywództwa.
Dynamic tourism development has resulted in equally dynamic growth of tourism industry, being the major source of income. Tourism development strategies are based on different concepts of economic growth which do not answer all questions. Among them is the issue of success factors: what makes certain localities enjoy fast tourism development while other similar places have problems? Against many beliefs on the significance of natural resources, more important are cultural assets and in particular development of tourist infrastructure and products. Having this in mind one should look for success factors in quality of human resources, elites and leadership.
Studia Regionalne i Lokalne; 2008, 1(31); 38-59
Pojawia się w:
Studia Regionalne i Lokalne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Poznawanie prawdy i zdolność przewidywania w naukach przyrodniczych
Getting to know the truth and ability to predict in natural sciences
Grochowska, Irena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
nauki przyrodnicze
hipotezy naukowe
teorie naukowe
scientific hypothesis
scientific theories
Representatives of natural sciences (biologists, physicists, chemists) are scientists who deal with the part of knowledge regarding aspects of natural reality. If we regard natural reality to cosmos we can say that the possibilities of direct research are possible only in a small area. In spite of the limitations of access researchers do not get lost in the chaos of already studied separate images, but the gained experience, together with evolution of human thought create more and more uniform image, despite of numerous missing pieces. Natural reality is complex, complicated and difficult to familiarize. One of the main problems of studying the natural reality is its complexity and variety of dynamic processes which create this reality. Another difficulty is the systematized and uniform terminology and concepts used. In the days of fast developing new disciplines and atomization of science it is almost impossible. Natural reality exists independent of our knowledge of it. However the awareness of the difficulties and limitations in studying it should help in being responsible for the process of acquiring knowledge. Acquiring knowledge should therefore mirror the mechanisms existing in nature, that is why it was necessary to discuss the dynamics of getting to know nature with indication to some definitions of truth and its kinds, as well as various research mistakes. Next to getting to know the things themselves it is important in science to detect and eliminate the mistakes. It is necessary to know the criteria of acknowledging or denying the genuine and false nature of research results, hypothesis or new theories in order to properly acquire knowledge about the natural world and properly communicate the results of studying.
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae; 2008, 6, 1; 471-484
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przestępczość kobiet i dziewcząt – wybrane teorie kryminologiczne
Women and Girls Crime: Selected Criminological Theories
Woźniakowska-Fajst, Dagmara
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
przestępczość kobiet
przestępczość dziewcząt
teorie kryminologiczne
teorie antropologiczne
teorie biochemiczne
teoria napięcia strukturalnego
teorie zróżnicowania kulturowego
teoria naznaczenia społecznego
teorie uczenia się zachowań przestępczych
teorie kontroli
teorie zintegrowane
women crime
girls crime
criminological theories
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2008, XXIX-XXX; 239-252
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Abramowicz, Bartosz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
teorie globalizacji
teoria socjologiczna
teoria systemu światowego
teoria imperium
Artykuł dotyczy teorii imperium, a także teorii systemu światowego, uznawanej przez teoretyków myśli społecznej za dogodną „bazę” intelektualną do formułowanych współcześnie różnorodnych teorii globalizacji. Autor artykułu rozpoczynając swój wywód od wymienienia najistotniejszych zjawisk i procesów składających się na szeroko rozumianą globalizację, swoją uwagę koncentruje na - nazywanej niekiedy „Manifestem komunistycznym XXI wieku” - książce „Imperium” autorstwa Michaela Hardt’a i Antonio Negri’ego. Jej par excellence „antysystemowy” charakter pozwala, zdaniem autora, uznać teorię imperium za przykład „teorii antyglobalizacji”.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica; 2008, 33
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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