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Casus Casuriusa. W kwestii napływu środkowogalijskich naczyń na obszar Barbaricum w okresie wojen markomańskich
Casus of Casurius. In terms of the inflow of Central Gaulish pottery into the Barbaricum territory in the period of the Marcomannic Wars
Tyszler, Lubomira
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
terra sigillata
importy rzymskie
wojny markomańskie
przeworska kultura
szlak bursztynowy
Roman imports
Marcomanic wars
Przeworsk Culture
Amber Route
The study is devoted to Casarius, representing the Central Gaulish potters from the late period of Antonine reign, whose terra sigillata vessels were recorded to the north of the middle Danube. The period of his activity coincides with the Marcomannic Wars. The case of Casurius is used for considering the question of time and circumstances of penetration of his pottery in the Barbaricum territory in the conditions of the ongoing conflict between barbarians and Romans. Casarius’s activity is placed in the years 160–180 (Rogers 1999) or 160–195 (Stanfield, Simpson 1958) and falls on the reign of Marcus Aurelius, or even Clodius Albinus. Activity after year 180 can be discussed. Among researchers there is lack of full compliance with regard to the location of the workshop; Lezoux and Lubié are mentioned. It is to be supposed that Casarius worked mainly in Lezoux, from where did the majority of the known vessels come. At the same time the branch of his workshop in Lubié was confirmed (Bet Delage‘s researches). Casarius was producing the considerable set of relief (bowls typeDrag. 37) and plain pottery (type Drag. 33, Drag. 18/31, and other). Casarius’s goods were distributed in areas of the Danubian provinces, especially often recorded on limes (among others Aquincum, Albertfalva, Brigetio, Carnuntum, Vindobona, Regensburg-Kumpfmül), finding recipients among the civilian population living in civitates and vicii and among the Roman crews stationed in castra and castella. Especially important are the discoveries of Casurius’s pottery in castellum in Mušov in Moravia (171–180 or rather 172–180 years) forming part of the soldier dishware. Based on the collected materials, the trading and use of Casarius’s vessels can be proven in the Danubian area, for years 175, 180, before years 170/178, 175 and after 171/172. As the start date can be accepted the period about 160/170 (163/170), as the final date – about 180 (and longer).There are few and far known finds from areas of the south – west of Slovakia (1 specimen) and Moravia (2 specimens). In this situation the number 5–6 (?) of Casurius’s relief bowls type Drag. 37 in the Przeworsk Culture surprises. These vessels were distributed on the course of the Moravian – Kuyavian section of the Amber Route (Piwonice, Zapowiednia, Jacewo, Lachmirowice) and the southern section of the upper course of the Vistula (Opatów, Zagórzyce?). Particularly interesting is the burial of a woman (No. 12) from Lachmirowice, containing a bowl type E. 77, a small chest elements, belt elements and bronze fibula type A. 129, dating back to the phase B2/C1 (vel B2/C1–C1a) (Zielonka 1993; Godłowski 1994; Tyszler 1999; 2012). Fibulae A.129, constituting a leading form of the phase B2/C1 of the Przeworsk Culture, are found among others in Roman camps layers in Mušov and Iža (Godłowski 1981; 1994; Hüssen, Rajtar 1994; Tejral 1999; 2006). Aforementioned bowl of type E.77 along with several other specimens from this cemetery creates a large collection, having no analogy in the Przeworsk Culture (bronze vessels, see below). Casurus’s bowl from Lezoux, a chronologically sensitive piece of equipment, entitles us to circumscribe the absolute chronology of the burial (No. 12). Having regard to the production (160–180 years), especially the trade and use in the Danubian provinces (proved to 175 year, and before 170/178, 175) and in the occupied Moravia (Mušov, in years 171 or 172–180), the burial in question can be placed in the time interval from about 170 to about 180/190, or 180/200. Taking into account the period of use/ storage of vessel before submitting it to the grave is very important. The presence of Casurius’s vessels on the Amber Route (Moravia, Great Poland, Kuyavia) shows the activity in the thoroughfare during the reign of late Antonine dynasty, i.e. in the period of the Marcomannic Wars. At the same time Casarius’s vessels are also the evidence of direct or indirect links of the population using the graveyard in Šitbořice (about 20 km from the center of Suebi in Mušov, then in the period 171 or 172–180 Roman castellum) with the population using the graveyard in Lachmirowice in Kuyavia. Both cemeteries provide the full content of information on these relationships and chronology of contacts, covering the period of the Marcomannic Wars and time after their completion. Inventories of men (warriors) and women graves (phases B2/C1–C1a) from the graveyards in question are the evidence of high social and material status of mercantile elites (?) achieved by lucrative business contacts. The accumulation of imports (of bronze, ceramic) of southern provenance is characteristic especially for Lachmirowice. Cemeteries striking feature is the presence of a large number of bronze vessels from which especially types E. 27–28, E.40, E. 44–49, E. 77 and E. 160–161 belong to the characteristic range of equipment of the Germanic elite graves in the Central European Barbaricum areas form the middle Danube to Scandinavia (Tejral 1970; 2004; 2006). Their distribution began in the late phase of Antonine reign and the culmination moment occurred after the end of the wars. Casurius’s bowls uniqueness is associated with the period of their production, trade and use (about 160/170–180; wherein the period of use after 180 year should also be taken into account), attributable to the period of the Marcomannic Wars (166/167–180). The presence of Casarius’s terra sigilata bowls recorded on Moravian – Kuyavia section of the Amber Route shows the trade activity on this thoroughfare during aforementioned wars.At the same time, we can assume that the inflow of Casurius’s vessels took place in the late phase of the wars in question (about 171/172–180). It should be stressed that the region Kuyavia, remaining in the far northern hinterland of the direct Roman enemies, i.e. Marcomanni and Quadi, was not yet free from the changeable fate of the ongoing wars and the impact of Roman politics. 
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica; 2016, 31
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
"Mykeńskie" paciorki fajansowe z Kietrza na Górnym Śląsku
Mycenaean” faience beads from Kietrz in Upper Silesia
Rzeźnik, P.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Ceramiki i Materiałów Budowlanych
fajans starożytny
kultura mykeńska
kultura łużycka
szlak bursztynowy
epoka brązu
ancient faience
Mycenaean culture
Lusatian culture
amber route
Bronze Age
W artykule przedstawiono trzy paciorki, odkryte w jednym z grobów wczesnej kultury łużyckiej w Kietrzu na Górnym Śląsku i opublikowane przed trzydziestu laty jako szklane. Na podstawie cech technologicznych i stylistycznych oraz studiów porównawczych wyrobów szklarskich z Europy i Bliskiego Wschodu w epoce brązu wykazano, że są to wyroby z tzw. fajansu starożytnego. Były one ozdobami charakterystycznymi dla wschodniego Śródziemnomorza i szczególnie kultury mykeńskiej. W dorzecze Odry dotarły w ramach wymiany dalekosiężnej szlaku bursztynowego. Do grobu trafiły jako centralne ogniwa naszyjnika spełniającego funkcję osobistej ozdoby oraz przedmiotu o znaczeniu symboliczno-magicznym.
The article presents three beads, discovered in an early Lusatian culture grave in Kietrz in the Upper Silesia region and published 30 years ago as glass ones. Based on technological and stylistic features as well as comparative studies of Bronze Age beads made of vitreous materials originating from Europe and the Near East, it has been shown that these are actually artefacts made of ancient faience. They used to be adornments typical for the Eastern Mediterranean and in particular Mycenaean culture. They found their way to the Oder basin through the long distance trade on the amber route. The beads were put to the grave as the central links of a necklace which acted as a personal adornment as well as an item bearing symbolic and magical value.
Szkło i Ceramika; 2014, R. 65, nr 5, 5; 16-20
Pojawia się w:
Szkło i Ceramika
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dolina rzeki Prosny – turystyka krajobrazu chronionego w kotlinie grabowskiej (wieś Pzystajnia i okolice) wraz ze śladami historii
The Posna river valley – tourism and the protected landscape in grabów valley ( the village of Przystajnia and the area nearby)
Krajewska, A.
Małecki, Z. J.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badawczo-Rozwojowy Inżynierii Lądowej i Wodnej Euroexbud
ochrona przyrody
szlak bursztynowy
państwo Piastów
Powstanie Styczniowe 1863
morderstwa Polaków
nature protection
Amber Trail
Piast state
January Uprising of 1863
murders of the Polish
Kotlina Grabowska ukształtowana została przez rzeźbę zlodowacenia środkowopolskiego, poddaną następnie procesom denudacji i działalności wód rzecznych. Czynnikiem geologicznym i historycznym wspólnym dla opisywanego regionu jest rzeka Prosna, wzdłuż której pojawiło się najstarsze osadnictwo. Dominującymi formami powierzch-ni są tutaj terasy wymienionej rzeki. Na części obszaru zaplanowano budowę zbiornika retencyjnego Wielowieś Klasztorna, co spowoduje radykalne zmiany krajobrazowe tego atrakcyjnego pod względem przyrodniczym regionu. Dolina Prosny w epoce przedchrześcijańskiej była terenem intensywnego osadnictwa plemiennego, które wraz z umocnieniem się państwa Piastów uległo przekształceniu w osadnictwo grodowe. Rzeka Prosna po części swojej długości służyła jako drogowskaz „Szlaku Bursztynowego” dla kupców rzymskich, prowadzący do wybrzeży Bałtyku. W południowo – wschodniej Wielkopolsce istniały w miarę dogodne warunki dla prowadzenia przez dłuższy czas walk w trakcie trwania powsta-nia styczniowego. Tereny zaboru rosyjskiego od zachodu graniczyły z polskimi ziemiami pozostającymi pod zaborem pruskim. W 1939 r. w nocy z 3 na 4 września we wsi Mączniki żołnierze Wehrmachtu 24 niemieckiej dywizji zamordowali 17 niewinnych mieszkańców wsi Mączniki i Ostrowa Kaliskiego.
Grabów Valley was shaped by the Middle Polish Glaciation followed by the processes of denudation and river activities. The geological and historical factor common for the described region is the Prosna river, along the banks of which the oldest settlements appeared. The Prosna river terraces are the dominating forms of the landscape here. A retention reservoir ‘Wielowieś Klasztorna’ is to be built over a part of the area, which will cause radical land¬scape change of this environmentally interesting region. In the pre-Christian era the Prosna river valley was a site of intensive tribal settlement, which, after the strengthening of the Piast state, changed into town settlement. Along a part of its course the Prosna river served as a signpost of the Amber Trail for the Roman merchants leading them to the Baltic Sea coast. The south-eastern part of Greater Poland provided fairly suitable conditions to conduct and continue military activities during the January Uprising. The area which was under the Russian rule bordered in its western part the part of Poland which was under the Prussian rule. In 1939 in the night of the 3rd of September the Wermacht soldiers of the 24th German Division murdered in the village of Mączniki 17 innocent inhabitants of the villages of Mączniki and Ostrów Kaliski.
Zeszyty Naukowe. Inżynieria Lądowa i Wodna w Kształtowaniu Środowiska; 2014, 11; 53-82
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe. Inżynieria Lądowa i Wodna w Kształtowaniu Środowiska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-3 z 3

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